7 aOlcekln (f orthillis (ia)cttf. PHIOAY MORNING, NOV. 30, 1883. LOCAL NOTES. Albert Ray was in town yesterday spend ing thanksgiving. J. Senders was moving his stock of goods to Burnett's new brick on yesterday. T. . Blair and Zeph Job went out on a thanksgiving hunt yesterday. Mr. faun Avery, of Eastern Oregon, is in the city this week. Messrs. Win. M. Hoag and W. P. Keady went to Portland during the week on busi ness. Ed. C. Phelps, of Newport, has been mak iug a weeks s'ay in Corvallis. He intended to return home yesterday. The steamboats are making trips to Cor vallis since the recent rain which has raised the river. Rev. H. S. Mills congregational minister of Forest Grove will preach at the college chape this evening at 7:30 o'clock. The river made quite a rise the fiwt oi the week and boats can now run up as far as Harrisburg with safety. Wanted by a small family a girl to do light housework. Apply at the furniture store of J. A. Knight, Corvallis. Rev. J. H. Hershner will preach next Sunday, Dec. 2nd, at King's Valley at II A. M. and at Wells Station at 7 P. M. L. G. Kline AiCo's. sale will continue un til their eutire stock is. disposed of. Spec ial bargains in clothing tnia week. The cheapest and best hardware, stove's, tinware, plows, wagons and agricuUural impliinents at Woodcock & Baldwin's, Cor vallis, Oregon. A new crossing has been put in across Main ttreet leading from Max Fiiendly's store room east, making it a little easier to crpss the street this muddy time. For a general admixture of climates, last Saturday took the cake. Snow, rain, sun shine, and all combined went to make up the list, and on Saturday night the ground was coveted with enow. Mr. Wm. Groves, one of the pioneers, returned home last Saturday evening, from his visit to Ohio and other eastern states. He reports coli weather in most of the states, and was gjad to get back again, to the laud of mists. Snow and rain in E;istern Oregon, Stock doiug well. Tiie bear have about all goue into winter quarters, but the heavy snows in the mountains is driving the fountain lions, cougars and panthers down into the valleys. The Normal Teacher published monthly at Oregon City, Or., in the interests of ed ucation is upon our table, anil is a neat eight page production, containing much val val)! e information on the subject which it represents. Prof. Emery of the Corvallis Agricultural College, desires ns to announce that he will not lecture on the horse with illustrations as stated in the prouramme of the Woman's Christian-Temperance Union, bnt he will at the time stated lecture on the "Sphere ot Woman." The first quarterly meeting for the Cor vallis charge for the present Conference year will bo held at Corvallis on Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 8th and 9th. Rev. 1. D. Driver, the P. E-, will preach on Saturday at eleven o' clock and the quarterly confer euce will covene at the close of the Ser vice. 1 he official members are requested to be present. W. D. Nichols, Pastor. We advertised several months ago that we intended to publish the death notice of any one of our own accord and without charge, but when handed in by any one ac companied by resolutions or extended com ments of any kind a charge of five cents per line v ill be made. The same rule will be applied to marriages as well. What we propose in this matter is that after we have given the item as a matter of news pub lished on our own account we do not pro pose to publish every other persons or so ciety's announcement of the same news without pay for it. We run a paper for the purpose of publishing the news and not to publish what every individual or society might like to see in print. Froa. Other Piascs. Cars will be running to Grant's Pass by the 1st prox. Panthers at Coss bay do not hesitate to attack people when hungry. Last week James Clay, of Enrnt Hirer, killed an elk which weighed 1,300 pounds. The meadows opposite Foster, in Urns tilla county, raises the finest kind of wild and timothy hay. Mormons are coming from Idaho into Southeastern Oregon, and settling there in considerable numbers. John Hinkle, of Elliott Prairie, has a radish that measures forty-two inches in length, and weighs about thirty-five pounds. One of the children pf Ed. Piening, of Black well, palled a vessel of boiling water over itself, one day last week, and was se verely burns 1. The Willow ("reek country is being set tied very rapidly. It is presumed that the people will soon want a county seat at Pet tysvilie or thereabouts. Fifty-six experienced track-layers arrived at the front on the 21st, says the Oregon Statesman, and the track will be completed to Ashland at an early date. A petition has been circulated, and large ly signed, in Baker City, asking the Board of Trustees o enact ait ordinance c'osing all business houses on Sunday, except those which were necessary for charitable purposes. found. A dark fur cape on the streets of Corval lis about two weeks ago. The owner cap get it by applying at H. E. Harrii' store and paying ten cents per line for each in sertion of this notice. River Ripples. The McCully passed up on Monday night on her way to Harrisburg to load wheat. The Occident cams up on Tuesday and took 2000 sacks of wheat from Cauthoru's warehouse for Salem. First Boat. Last Friday night about nine o'clock the sound of the steamboat whistle was again heard and soon the McCully was at her dock. She took 75 ton of flour from Fischei's mil', and finished loading at Blair's warehouse on Saturday morning, and then left for Portland. City Assessment for 1833. The tax roll for the city of Corvallis for the year 1883, shows the following footings: Valuation of all town lots379,829; valuation of all personal property S333.056; total val uation of all property 712,885; total in debtedness 218,346; total amount of tax able property 494,539; total amount of tax 2.472.69 5; tax on 20 dogs 20. A Card. The undersigned feels gratef ull tcwar Is Mr. R. G. Simmons and family, the Cor vallis firemen, and kind friends who so kindly cared for my husband in his late illness, and also in paying the last sad rites to the deceased. L. F. Powers. Carp. Our former townsman Mr. A. J. Lang worthy, now of Yaquina Bay, returned this week from Portland where he has been ,for a couple of months. He was on his way home and had with him fifty nice carp which lie was intending to put in a pond near his home. They are from the lot of carp sent from the east over the Northern Pacific only a few da3-s ago. More Scarlet Fevsr. It wa3 ascertained yesterday morning that a genuine ca3e of scarlet fever had devel oped at David Lord's place in town. Une of his children being sick with it. The daughter of Geo. Emerick about 16 years old also has taken it who lives on river street. Thus it gradually spreads. Pou Jay Lis Tic. Messrs. W. H. H. Grant and Mose Neu gass had an argument on the street yester day morning, which finally resulted in a thanksgiving fiht. When they departed from the scene of controversy they were both more or less convinced. They both got away with some of the ornaments of de bate such as eyes draped in mourning, peeled noses and skinned faces. No doubt after the argument both were wiser than before. Gold separator. Roy Rabcr and Win. Wright returned last Sunday from the mining regions on the lower Alsea where they had been to test the practicability of a machine for separating the fine gold from black sand. The ma chine was intended to blow the black sand over quicksilver with the intention that the fine void would be held fast in the quick silver which the sand would pass by. The difficulty however was found to be that the wind when strong enough to operate the machine blew much of the san.l away which never came in contact with the quicksilver. They had a long walk aud were tired when they arrived home. Married. The jjotics of the marriage of 8. H. Mecklin, Esq., ai)d Mus Sillie Lewis of this city di 1 not reach us last week. Never theless, on the 15th inst., at the residence of the bri Is fathjr in this city, the couple above mentioned plighted their destinies, aud mutually agreed Uiy should be oue and set sail with every prospect of a suc cessful voyage. The officiating clergyman, Rev. Mr. Bell, made the usual felicitous in quiries, and both answering in the affirma tive, he said " 'tis well," go forth, and may the blessings of heaven attend you. A happy time was enjoyed by all, cake &e. in abundance, enjoyed by all present. list oe L3xr3j Remaining unclaimed in the PostoSSce at Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, Friday, Nov. 30 1883. Persons calling for same will please say "advertised," giving date of list. Hardison, Mrs. R. Booton, E. Dubler, Aaron, 2" Daniels, John. Daniels, J. W. Uriffin, J. H. Crane, Geo. W. Long, John W. Morrison, Taylor & Co. Mengor, A. Patterson, J. M. N. B. Barber, P. M. Rssoiutlons.or Respect. Passed by the Corvallis Fire Department, on Thursday, Nov. 22, 1883. Whereas, In view of the loss we have sustained by the decease of our friend and brother fireman, Cyrus Powers, and of the still heavier loss sustained by those who were nearest and dearest to him; therefore be it Resolved, That it is bnt a just tribute to the memory of the departed, to say that in regretting his removal from our midst, we mourn for one who was in every way worthy of our respect and regard. Renolved, That we sincerely condole with the family of the deceased, on the dispen sation wilh which it has pleased Divine Providence to affict them; an 1 commend them for consolation to Him who orders all things for the best, and whose chastise ments are meaut in mercy. Resolved, That this heartfelt testimonial of our sympathy and sorrow be published in the city papers and that the same he spread upon the records of our company. Robt. Johnson, 1 S. E. Belknap. Committee. Ikb Harris, ) ' Attempted Jail Break. The Telegram of Saturday had the fol lowing in regard to an attempt to break jail at Portland. At the time the jail con tained 65 prisoners: "For several nights noises have been heard in the jail that led to the belief that some one was trying to saw his way out, but the place of the work could not be located. A little after 8 o'clock this morning Charles Soli ram, who is making up the city assessment roll, walked into the assessor's office to begin work, and was astonished to feel part of the floor give way under him, one foot and leji breaking through into the space just ovei cell 2, of the inside corridor. It was in stantly apparent to him that sune one had been working from underneath the floor, anil an alarm was given. An examination of cell 2 showed that the prisoners had cut through the ceiling in exactly the same place that Bill Baker got through about a year ago. The morter hail not got thor oughly hard, and after digging one or two bricks the others could be easily pulled out. Between the top of the cell and the floor of the assessor's office there is an opeu space of two and a half feet. Into this place a man had climbed, and with a knife had patiently cut into die flooring, removing over a font each from three boards, making a hole hardly large enongh for the passage of a man, and requiring for that purpose the removal of one more board width. The cut ting was done on a slant, so that the top side of the boards fitted exactly in their places, Morning had probably come when the third board was cut through, and the fourth was reserved for tonight, when the escape would be made. An underpinning was fixed under the cut boards, to prevent their coming down when stepped on, but Schram happened to step on one side of the support, throwing the boards off their bal ance, anil betraying the secret. Under the hole were found a piece of can. He, two bro ken case knives aud a whet ston3. Most of the cutting must have been done with an other knife, however, aud it has been hiden by the prisouers. Corvallis 0)t Councii. Nov. 12, 18S3. Claims against the city to the amount of 414, were presented and ordered paid. The committee on finance presented res olutions to the effect 1st. That the city Marshal be and he is hereby instructed to enforce the law with reference to sidewalks forthwith. 2nd. Tnat the. committee on streets and public improvements are hereby requested to present a written report to the council at its next regular meeting giving the coudi tion of sidewalks and crossings and specify ing the location of ar,y that uee 1 repairing. The petition of the Board of Fire Dele gates was presented asking the council to repair and thoroughly put in order Monu mental iiru engine and to house said engine in some convenient place and tp provide the fire department with five hundred feet of new rubber hose, whic upon motion was laid upon the (able without discussion. An ordinance passed under the emergency clause to vacate a certain alley in the city of Corvallis in Benton county state of Ore gon. An ordinance passed under the emergency clause to construct a new side walk along the north side of block No. 7, in the couuty addition to the city. Petition of Blumberg to put 16 cords of wood in Washington street passed. Nov. 27, 1SS3. Special meeting called to take action 011 the resignation of Wm. Hogati a" city Marshal. Resignation accepted to take effect Nov. 28th at 6 o'clock in the evening. Al Pygall elected Marshal oy aclamation. Resolution passed requesting Messrs. Brink & Wright to, fumigate their hearse after conveying the corpse of any person which died of contagious disease and Ijefore entering the city. Yaquina Post It2xns. There is no flour for sale on the Bay, and provisions generally are getting scarce. If the many flying rumor3 prove tru3, business will be relhot hero before many moons have waxed and waned. The Kate and Anna is looked for during the week, with a big load of goods for our merchants. Capt. Treat, we are in formed, is an office- on the little steamer. Samuel Case returned from his trip to tho valley on Monday. At this season of the year a trip to the valley, as a pleasure excursion, doesn't command a premium, Mr. Wm. Grant came in from Corvallis on Tuesday. He brought in a quantity of German carp, which he will "plant" n, the nice little stream that meanders through his place over on south beach. MABRiED. McDAVID BUNNELLE At the resi deuce of the brides parents, near Philo math, Oregon, Nov. 21, 1883, by Rev. N. W. llen, of Philomath, Mr. Troy C. McDavid, of California, to Miss Lulu E. Bunuelle, of Philomath. The happy couple after receiving the congratulations ui friend and relatives present led the way to the dinning room where all the goodies of the la id were set, to which the guests did ample justice. After the feast the dining room was cleared and dancing indulged in by some of the young folks. , Mr. aud Mrs. McDavid will remain for a fortnight or more among friends in Oregon before leaving for San Francisco, where they intend to remain for several weeks, spending the holidays among Mr. Dc David's relatives before returning to their home in the east. We have on hand at this office a new stock containing latest designs in ladies ind gentleman's cards, business cards, 4tc, which we print at very low figures. Call aud get some of them. Buy your oods of men whose enterprising business tact leads them to advertise. Circuit Court, Soy. Term. CONTINUED FROM OUR LAST ISSUE. Nov. 20, 1883. I A. W. Wright vs Win. C. Clark, judg ment for 394 50 and ten per cent per uinum. H. W. Vincent vs E. Marple, judgment for 122 and 20 attorneys fee aud order to sell attached real property. James Hayes vs. A. J. Zumwaltz el al. judgment for 231 50 and 25 attorneys fees aud order to sell a tached real property. Lee and Farra vs. A. J. Zum waltz tt (J judgment for 264 63 and 27 50 attorneys. ices and 57 50 and order to sell attached real pr. perty. State of Oregon vs, Thos. Kyniston, charged with assault 011 Edith Rader tried by jury aud acquitted. Thos. Bryan vs. Olive A. Bryan for di vorce, J. J. Whitney appointed referee to take testimony aud report law and facts ic the case. Klosterman & Co. vs. A. Hodes "& Co., and John Klosterman vs. A. Hodes & Co.. both cases dismissed for want of prosecution. Chas. Hodes vs. Win. Holder, dismissed for want of prosecution. Elizabeth H. Mercer, her husband Geo. Mercer, and Wm. Hood, vs. Wm. C. Jasper, Mary Bortnan and her husband E. T Bor inan decree reforming deed and correcting description of laud therein so as fo conform to the intention of the parties. M. Sternberg assignee vs. James David- sou, demurer withdraw u with leave to de fendant to answer, and continued until next term. A. M- Witham excused from further act ing as juror at this term. State of Oregon vs. Frauk Valai da, plea of not guilty withdrawn and plea ot guilty to simple assault made and the. following morning Valarda was sentenced to pay a tine of 20 and costs. The Grand jury was reformed by excus ;ng Earnest Warren not a citizen of the United States aud (i. Birnar.l drawn to take his place. W. P. Keady was excused as baliff and Perry Ed !y appointed Instead. L. G. Kline & Co. vs. A. J. Zumwaltz et al, judgment for 123.63 and 5 attorneys fee and order for sale of attached real es tate. B. T. Taylor vs. S. Raybnrn et at, de murer to complaint withdrawn and leave granted to answer. Ben Hayden vs. B. Dove and Rachael Dove refered to Geo. W. Belt to take tes timony and cause continued to next regular term. A. J. Apperson vs. Wm. Blodat H al, default entered agdnst defendants J. B. Lee and Charles Logsdon and order to serve summons by publication on Aseuath Blod- tettof Idaho, L T. Nov. 21st. State pf Oregon v. Thos. Kyniston, in dictment against defendant dismissed. Green B. Smith vs. J. X. Smith order upon sheriff of Linn county, Or., to mak conveyance of laud ill said county to said G B Smith. Rosetta Sherlock vs Wayman St. Clair, judgment for S658.S6. John Collins vs Mary Collins, on stipula tion of parties decree of divorce heretofore made is modified so as to give to said John Collius the care and custody of minors Charles Collins and Alfred Collins. Venire for 10 jurors issued to serve for balance of the term. Grand jury returned into court two indict meats each endorse 1 "not a true lull' against Silas Oilman and Louis MeVay. J C Polly vs Nancy Polly appointed H W Keesee as referee. Lucius Norton vs, Olive Norton, decree of divorce granted. John W McGrew vs Gen P Walling jind Dora Walling settled and dismissed. J W McGrew vs Geo P Wailing settled and dismissed. Henry Chambers and Louisa Chambers vs Morris Alleu and Wilson Bamotri.il by jury aud verdict giving the cost to Chamb ers the value thereof being 40. W A McCuilough vs Ogn Pacific R R Co by consent of parties continued until next term. H Polly V3 Nancy Polly decree of divorce granted to If lolly. Wm Burnett vs. Wm H Alexander it al foreclosure of Mortgage for 3392 and 350 attorneys fee. Nov.22nd. R G Simmons vs B V Hylan 1 trial by jury and verdict for Simmons for 100. Hamilton, Job & Co. vs Eugene Weide mann et al decree of foreclosure in favor of Hamilton, Job &Co. for 727 and 70 attor ney fee in 1 in favor of A ina Hodes for $67S and 60 attorney fee. Thos. Bryan vs Olive Bryan divorce granted to Thos. Bryan and to have the care and controlo of minor chil I Willie Wayne Bryin. Sarah A Terwilliger vs Paul Terwilliger order made to serve tunimona by publica tion thereof. Joana Springer vs The Willamette Valley and Coast Rail Road J Co. and Win T Web, ber judgment for S2G2.58. Clharles Logsdon vs Wm. Blodgettet al foreclosure in favor of Charles Logsdon for 9950.24 and 192 and 75 attorneys fees and 1262. !9 and interest to Jacobs and Neuiass and sale of land. John Harris vs Robert Logan et al fore closure in favor of John Harris 1021.94 and 1 18 attorneys fep in favor of deft. Geo W Houck and son for $318 and 26 as at torneys fees and sale of mortgaged land. Nov. 23rd. John Huffman vs John Moore during progress of trial by jury on motion of de fendant Moore, Huffman was nonsuited for lack of proof. Hamilton, Job Sc ,Co. vs Chas H Nash judgment for 454.32 and 18 costs. M L Barnctt was excused to serve longer as juror. Nancy Polly vs J C Polly dismissed at plaintiffs cost. Wm M Hoag vs Sol King and J. W. Ray I urn demurer sustained with consent of plaintiff to am ml complaint and plaintiff have until Jan. 1st next to tile the same, Nov. 24th. White Goldsmith & Co. vs J D Graham el al, continued to next regular term. Geo. Lauderking vs Henry Lauderking, continued to next regular term. Jurors J S Gray, Wm Mackay, W W Starr, H Myers, Simon Kline, W C Riggs, W S Locke, Nets H Wheler, E C Taylor. Hugh Herrou, Geo Houck and D. Ruble discharged from further attending on this term. Beu Simpson vs J W Raybnrn, leave granted by county court to J W Rayburu to issue execution reversed and held for I naught. Henry Chambers and Louisa Chambers vs Morris Allen aud Wilson Bunip, motion fur new trial denied- John Hulfuian vs Frank Moora, suit in equity continued until next term. Maria Armingtoii vs Sol King, continued until n-xt term. Fleischner, Mayer & (Ho. .vs L Norton, judgment against Norton for 400.36 and order to sell attached property. Napoleon B Avery vs Pundcrson Avery et al report of sale of real property by referees confirmed in part arid remainder not confirmed. G B Smith vs C B Linville Administrator and Sol King sheriif, injunction against is suing execution made perpetual. Oregon California Railro.al Company vs Harriett Bowen et al, the court appointed Wm S Kelly Guardian ad litem for Charles Rowen, Hugh Bowen, Henry BoWen, Etfie Bowen and Edith Bowen. B. T. Taylor vs S. Raybnrn et al, demur er withdrawn and answer filed and plaintiff have leave to rep'y it) teq days. Nov. 26th. H P Harris vs Ogn. Pacific Railroad Co. settled and dismiss)!. Willamette Valley & C R R Co vs M L Trapp dismissed without prejudice. Same R R Co vs W Wyatt, submitted and taken under advisement. Oregon Cal. Railroad Co vs Harriett Bowen etal, land appropriated for line of railroad the company paying 32:1) therefor. A J Young vs M E Young divorce granted. Opt. 27. Ogn Cal Railroad Co vs Wm Glass, trial by jury which began Saturday and now rendered verdict for 1378.06 damage to be paid fpr "and aril improvements to be an preprinted for iine of railroad. Henry Humphrey vs Beaton county dis missed. E A Abhy vs Geo Gnnde'.l et al, judg ment for S6.75 and to be a lien on steam boat Benton . Ladd & Bpsh vs Ezk Marple et al, for- closure for 3Sj2 and 350 attorneys fees and order to sell mortgaged land. Charles Albreoht and Joseph Pirnni applied with their witnesses and were awprn and admitted to citizenship. Ocn Cal Railroad Co vs Rosa McBeeetal, appropriation of land for railroad, PO pay iueutnfi00. John W. Ballard vs Lydia C. Ballard continued for service. Eliza Saunders vs G W Houck, motion for judgment overruled and leave to de fendant to answer in 30 days thereafter. Liurilla J Ramsdell vs Thos Ramsdell decree kit divorce. Adam Willhelm vs W C Woodcock and Sol King case argued and submitted and taken under advisement. W W Yantis vs S H Oliver confirmation of sale. Staver anil Walker vs Graham and Mofe head judgment for 103.50 and 12 attor neys fees. James Hayes V3 Abraham Wood et al order to serve summons by publication. W E Elliott vs M. R- Elliott et al suit to partition real property J R Bryson ap pointed gua-dian at liter" or minors and by common consent partition was made. c City Taxes. Al Pygall who has been recently elected by the council as city in irs'ial re j icjIs us to announce that the tax roll has been placed in his hands for the collection of taxes. His office will be found at the store of H. E. Harris, and Isaac Harris is also au thorized to receive and receipt for taxes. On all taxes not paid before the 1st of Jan uary 1SS4 yill be charged twenty per cent, addition for collecting the same. PBODUCE PRICE CURRENT. Wheat In Portltr.d Srm at 1.80 per cental sacked. It may new he fairly qdoied Here clear Wheat 58 Oats .. 4& Wool per Yb. .' 17 to 18 Flour per barrel 6 60 Macon ides ... 14 Hum. , . . . , , 16 to M Siiouldera. ; 10 to 12 Lard, 10 lb tins 1 1-i Ketfi 11 Butter, fresh rolls . . . , 35 to T tK, per doz 85 to 40 lined apples, Plummer 10 to 12 Sun dried-....,. 9 to 10 I'lcms, pitless 12 to 14 Cliiclfetix, per doz SOOtoSiO Hides, dry Hint , , gf t 13 ' (rrcen S to 7 Potatoe.-i , .' 75 Ojese, Uuie 6 00 Ducks, " , 3 50 to 4 00 Onioua, per lb 3 to ISTew This Week, BAL MASQUE, -GIVEN BY- Corvallis H.&L Co. No. 1, New Year's Eve., I883. Cpmmittee of Arrangements. O. C. McLAGAJf, IKE UAKK1S, J. O. WILSON, Committee on Invitation. KOIiT. JJii.NSO.V, ZLl'HIN JOB, W. H. LESH, Albany. JOS. W12BU1SR, Sr. SIMON SEITENBACH. Vnu!re)i(fHce. H. HIKSIIBEKO, CEO. BELT, Salem. A)tTHUB HOLGATE, EUGENE W1LL(S. McMinnville. JACK SrENC'i.K, C. A. COOK. Reception Committee. E. M. BELKNAP, JilSSE SPENSEU, B. K. JOB, Floor Managers. W. II. MANSFIELD, E. J. JOHNSOM, I. HARRIS, B. F. IRVINE, N. L. KABEB, O. C. McLAGAN. Inspection Committee. WALLACE BALDWIN, MRS, F. A. Ht-LM, Ladies, Ucutleuieu, Prizes Will he Given to tie Best Sustained, aay asd Gentiem&a Character. Tickets, $1.50. Spectators 50 Spectators dancing after uu masking-, $1. 00. Ladies free. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. All persons are hereby warned iinst and forbid trespassing on the lands of the undersigned in H nton county, Oregon. J. S. KlM:oll. Important. All persons knowing themselvps iudebted to th$ undersigned either by Note or Cook account will ulease call and settle immediately as 1 must have money to do business with. Those havii g claims against the same will please present them aud get your coij. lin S. A. HEMPHILL. NCJ1CE TO CwEDITCRS. In the matter of tie tstatt of Rjbtrt Shlyly deceased. Notice is hereby given that on Nov. 8th, J.SS3, the undersigned wad duly -appoiutcJ by the, CQUnty Court of tientoa County, Of j'on, administrator of the estate of iiobert Shiply deceased, with jpill an nexed. All persons having ciuinis against baid estate, will present the same to me duly verified within six month at piy residence uear Monroe, Oregon. CHARLiiti G. SUIPLY, Administrator of Robert Shtply deceased 20:4 7- w5. NOTICE FUR PUBLICATION. Land Ortke at Oregon City, Oregon. Nov. 1, 1SS3. Notice id hereby given that the followin ;muned settler hag filed notice pt hid intention to muke na 1 root in sonuort oi hU claim, sui that said proof will bj madj before t'ao Couuty Clerk o Denton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on SATURDAY, DEC. 15, 1SS3. viz: Morgan Lilian, Homestead Entry No. 3033, for the S. K. qr. of N. W. qr., K. E. qr. of S. W. qr. tt N. J of S. E. qr. pf Sec. S, T. VI, S. R. 8, W. lie nanvjs the following witnesses to prove hia jontinu ,us residence Ufnn, and cultivation ot, sa'.d land, vis: Jackson chambers of Summit, B. F. Grant of Little tjk, and L. W. Mulvaney and Wm. F. Hemaqa o. P.iilomath, ail of licuton County, Oiegon. 4G-5 L. T. LARI.V, Register. To ha:ifl!e ran t l.LX'S. KA.U11.Y BIBLES. Yw r-.mNt'iiiii emtlon now reai'y, the most elc rut KttJf indued. Nunvrb 1'Uuto. Al bums, si exclusive doHimd.d.rcctly iniponed Iter c:r own tn.de, and standard vublicataons: Hill's ftt.r.ual. Hi toriea, etc We offer unrivalled in CcaiiiziU, with exclusive territory. Write to u. QAIRD & DILLON Pub! ichers.Manuf actnren and Importere.Lakesida Buildiiu. 218 and 230 S. Clark Bt. Chicago. 1m. LEGAL L A NK FOB SALR AT THIS OFFICE. NEW TO-DA Y. BOOM! OOM! We have bought the stock of goods formerly owned by Max Friendly and will now Offer Them fa Sale Regardless of Cost ! Below is a few prices that goods will be sold at as Ion Calico 20 Yards for W as they last; si.oo si.oo si.oo si.oo S1.50 50 25 25 Cabot W" 13 YaHs lor Cabot .A" 12 Yards for Trousdale 11 Yards for La4;es Gossamers, Rubbers, Si?? Spools X bread, Five Spools of Silk, And all other goods, consisting of a well selected stock of general merchandise in the same proportion. Come Early and get Your Choice of Coods! BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and FURNISHING GOODS at prices That will astonish you. A large stock of Men's, Youth's and Boy3 Clothing at Bankrupt Prices, A. CAUTHORN & SON.