The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, November 30, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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    Wttkb Corratlis . feftt
Corvallis Lodge, No. 14, A. F. and A. M. , meets on
Wednesday evening, on or preceding full moon.
R. A. M.
Ferguson Chapter, No. 5, R. A. If., meets Thurs
-day evei ;ng on or preceding full moon.
A match factory is in operation in Albany.
Old newspapers for sale at this office for
25 cents per 100.
Hon. R. P. Earharfc, Sec. of State has been
quite ill of late.
Buy your goods of rren whose ente; prising
business tact leads them to advertise.
Go to the Occidental the best hotel in
Corvallis for your board and lodging.
Tbe market indicates butter stronger,
cheese lively, and hops on fie jump.
Goats compete at the fa'rs in order to
gain the premium for the best butter.
The Roseburg Plaindealer proposes to
make some improvements soon.
Your place to buy the cheapest and best
harness and saddles in the valley is at S. A
A log rolled over Saml. Call nea- Millers
saw mill at G rants Pass one day this week
injuring him c,uite severely.
The girls at co'lege fancy the study of
Astronomy, because iiey are an: ious to see
the man in the mocn.
Legal blanks furnished at this office on
short notice at less than San Francisco
One of the greatest curiositie3 beard of is
the man who is so tr.H that he has to get
down on his kneea to get his hands in his
A great stretcher of imagination and
patience is found when the merchant en
deavors to tit a pair of pants for a five foot r
to a six ioot man.
A large number of lots have been sold at
the new town of Grant's Pass and much
building is going on. which shows that many
have faith in the future of that place.
Mr. Cnarles Van Vrankl'n. while work
ing in the wharehouse in Junction had his
little finger caught in the elevator, tearing
the flesh completely off. The finger was
We have on hand at this office a, new
stock containing latest designs in ladies
md gentleman's cards, business cards, &c,
which we print at very low figures. Call
and get some of them.
The bank of Mc Minville has filed art'c'es
of incorporation in the office of the secretary
of State, Jacob VVortman, D. J'. Thompson,
John Wortman, and H. C. Wortman as in.
corporators. Capital stock, 50,000.
In the Palouse city Directory published
in the Eoo.nerang we find Titos, Humphrey
advertising "money to loan and collections
promptly .made': He formerly lived in this
and Lane county.
"VV. H. Bernbard, a converted Jew, lec
tured at the Captist Charch Wednesday
and Thursday evenings of last week says
the Eutjt it Journal. His subject the first
evening was, "Reasons for leaving Judaism
and embracing Christianity; ' the second
evening, 'if s travels through Palestine;
life and costumes of Oreientle Jews." H's
hearers contributed quite liberaly, we are
informed." ED.-Converi.ed to the contribu
tion no doubt.
From S. L. Lolsen, locating engineer fo.
this division, we learn that construction
trains are expected to run through to G aot'i
Pass on the 2oth of this month and one
week liter the passenger trains will aUo
run to that place. The buildings to be
used for station and warehouse purposes are
looming up and will be ready for occupancy
by December 1st when the termiual sti' tion
will be changed to Grants Pass for the
A Yaliats item to the Dalle? Ilem'.-jer says,
Three men while out hunting last week,
were overtaken by uight in the mountains,
and trying to find camp in the dark, lost
the trail. One man, John Pattersop, fell
from a cliffy sixteen feet high, striking his
side on two sharp rocks. He received quite
severs internal injuries, but no broken
bones. He was carrying two guns at the
time, and they probably saved his life by
breaking the fall. The muzz'e of one ran
three feet into the ground.
The Astorian puts it in the following
very peculiar but true way. The columns
of a newspaper resemble in one sense a
bill of fare. No man would care to eat all
he finds named in the slip before hi,n when
he sits down to breakfast or di,e, yet it
would be strange indeed if he did not see
something that suited him. We all have
different tastes, fortunately for mankind,
and the item or paragraph that you turn
from and think uncalled for or unnecessary
may be joat what your neighbor at the next
table wanted to see.
Philomath Items.
. Philomath, Or., Nov. 22, 1883.
Ed. Gazette: At the time of writing
everytfr ng seems to be gliding along quietly
and in perfect harmony. Spr ng, summer,
autumn and winter follow each other iu
their appointed cycles without witnessing
many departures from the common quietude
of our little citv, which is yet in its infancy.
The first Monday in December being the
day for our city election is causing an unu
sual amount of electionerinj; as this is un
doubtedly another chance for several of our
citizens to be promoted.
The firm formerly kDown as Gleason and
McLain ha been dissolved by mutual con
sent. Mr. Gleason having removed his
part of the merchandise to the grange hall
on Muddy where he has opened a store.
Mr. McLain is still occupying the old stand.
T. W. Belt has opened a neat store and is
selling a good article at a low figure and
we bespeak for him a liberal patronage.
Prof. Jones, well known as one of the
leading musicians of the valley, has organ
ized a class in sim."'ng and vocal culture at
this place. The public school house is
crowded every Monday even-ng by the
citizens both young and old who go there
to enjoy a good sociable time. The first
part of the evening being devoted to the
pract:ce of spelling the afte.- pj,rt to Rhetor
ical work interspeioed with music.
Mr. J. Baiker our barber is se-iously ill
with the a.Tec.ion of the lungs.
Last night near 12 o'clock amid the rain
and intense darkness of the night, our cit
izens we, e sta.-tled from their quiet slum
bers by such hideous yells, beating of pans
rattling of be'ls and roaring of Runs, that
our minus were quie'ely called DacK irom
dreamy lands: and for awhile it seemed as
if we had been snddeuly transported to the
infernal regions. It aH being caused by a
gang of boys who, perhaps without many
dimes in the;r pockets, were hungry for a
treat, had gone to charivari a newly mar
ried coup!e just on the outside of the cor
poration. Mr. S. Gilmoie, our city marshal, re
turned from court yesterday. He has not
been hanged yet; but wuh a cheerful coun
tenance he st;ll acts as a conservator of
peace and order.
Rev. GaUahorn, an eastern evangelist, is
holding a series of meetings at this place
upon ihe line of Bible holiness. He is an
able minister and the majority of the people
are accepting the doctrine of sanctification
as an experience subsequent to conversion
and received by ."aith. They are having one
of the most powerful meetings that has
been held iu this plac-3 for a number of
years. A School Boy.
..In 1881 London had 3,815,571 inhabitants
of which 1,794,106 'were males and 2,020,
495 females or 16 females to 14 males.
The females had a majority over the males
of 226,359, a larger number than the com
bined armies of Napoleon and Wellington
at Waterloo. Without including suburbs
it covers 78,0S0 acres or 122 square miles.
The people of London are packed in at the
rate of 32,356 to the sq. mile or a little over
fifty to the acre. In 1881 there were 4S6,
286 inhab ited houses in London or about 7$
persons to a house. If London continues
to increase in population at the same rate
as it did between 1871 and 1881, by 1891
it will have 4,451,499 inhabitants, by 1901,
5, 193,415 and by 1951 it will contain, the
enormous number, of 11,224,991 inhabi
tants. If the same propotion of females to
males should continue in 1951 there will be
about 750,000, more females than males, so
that London 70 years hence will probably
be a poor place for females to come to in
pursuit of a husband. Counting one ton of
steam vessels as equaling three of sailing
vessels the total tonnage of the world is set
down by Kiaer a great Norwegian statisti
cian at 27 420, 133 tons of which 2,330,6SS
is accredited to London. Theie is always
more than a thousand vessels -in the port of
London. London consumes over 4,000,000,
tons of coal per annum. The public houses
(saloons) of London if placed in a straight
line would form a continuous row of houses
I over forty miles in length. St. Paul's Ca
! thedral is tbe largest Protestant place of
I worship in the world. It has sitting capac
ity for 20,000 people and standing room for
35,000. Half a million people travel up to
the City proper every morning by rail, bus,
train and cab from the outlying districs and
suberbs returning to the. homes again in
the evening. 25,000 business men etc ar
rive at the Broad Street Railroad terminus
every morning betwen the hours of 7 to 10,
a. m. The clearing houses of London do
business to the amount of on the average
600.000.000 dollars weekly. The stores of
London would form a continuous street
from London to Redinburgh a distance of
400 miles. Correspondent.
Couldn't Ship the Farm.
There arrived at Salem, yesterday, one of
the largest car loads of household goods,
horses, farming implements, etc., that was
ever unloaded at this place says the Tal.'c.
A man, Stodard by name, of Tower Ciyt
Dak., chartered a car from that point for
300 and as they sent him aii extra large
one he tried to load her down. . His wagons
he took apart, and together with a mower
and binder, he placed on top of the car.
The wagon bed he used as a chicken coop,
and filled it with turkies, chickens and oth
er fowls, and put that on top. In one end
of the car he put five horses, but unfortu
nately for him two of them took a severe
cold while in the mountains and died. In
the other end he put all bis household
plunder, everything from a needle case to
the organ was packed away. Near the
homes he had a bin in which he kept his
oats with which to feed the teams. The
center of the car he converted into a house,
and in it he and his family of three or more
persons lived while en route. Thinking
that times might be hard here he brought
his seed wheat, and some twenty bushels of
potatoes. Quite a number of plows, har
rows, sets of harness, hatchets, nails, etc..
were stored away somewhere in the car.
When we saw the pile it all made when un
loaded, we began to look about for the farm
itself. He might just as well have bought
two or three feet of Dacota's soil along as
A Dual Tragedy.
It will be remembered (that the Yakima
Signal some time since, says that paper, con
tained an allusion to the mysterious disap
pearance of a man named Frasier, who wao
a member of what is known as the Cali
fornia colony hr-the Big Bend country, a
vast aBfl pattially settled region lying
northeast of White Bluffs, on the Colum
bia. Frasier had been out on iflie range
looking for lost houses Jnd whan last .seen
Was .fought to be on 'his way to the
settlement which is lecajtel in the vicinity
ofthe Grand Coulee. A search was insti
tuted for the m:ss;ig man and continued
throughout the entire month of September.
One of his pack hors . Wis found and this
and other traces indicated foul play. The
investigation was followed up with such
vigor and determination that a certain In
dian living up iu that country who kuew of
the fate of the lost man, concluded that it
might be safer to divulge the secret. He.
accordingly went to the stockme-i and oth
ers who had been making inquiry into the
mystery and told that the missing man had
been murdered and robbed and thrown into
Moses lake. To confirm the report he took
the party to the lake and showed them the
body of the unfortunate man who was
found to have been shot and robbed as re
ported. The Indian volunteered to go and
point out the Indian who performed the
ghastly deed. The murderer was readily
i reached and on being pointed out was
j found to be riding one of the murdered
I I vaa Ti... M .fir i,A J- --- -1
Il.ltll o i Hi w.. L.y .1.1... UldllUaCU
the guide and hung the murderer on the
Job Printing Office for Sale.
We have at this office in the job depart
ment sullicieut good material to make up
two good lob omees. lo any one wanting
to purchase we will therefore sell a job office
complete, including one press, and every
thing else necessary. We have a new half
medium Gordon, and an eighth medium
Liberty press, as good as new. Of these
two presses the purchaser can take his
The cases in the U. S. Circuit court
of Wells Fargo & Co. vs Oregon Rail
way and Na v. Co., and Wells, Fargo
fc Co. vs. Ogn. fc Cal. Railway Co.,
were decided recently by justice Field
decreeing that Wells, Fargo & Co. be
furnished with express facilities as
Any farmer who desires to have a
pleasant, prosperous home, clear of
mortgage, must take care of his farm
machinery. The ordinary life of a
reaper, mower, thresher, and in fact of
most farm implements, is, with good
care, about ten years, while, with poor
care, from three to five years is the
WILES HOLMAN On Sunday Novem
ber 18th 1883, in the Evan -elical church
at Wells Station, Benton county, Oregon,
Mr. Walter T. VViles. and Miss Lucy C.
Holman. Rev. J. L. Hershner offici
ating. No formal announcement of this happy
event was made, yet a very large concourse
of people assembled together, and immedi
ately after the close of the regular morn
ing'3 services the contracting parties en
tered the church, slowly advanced up the
aisle, were received at the altar, and the
words were spoken that made "twain one,"
after which they received the sincere con
gratulations and well wishes of their many
friends, and a large circle of acquaintances.
A number of invited guests then repaired
to the residence of the bride-groom's father,
Mr. John Wiles, where a sumptous dinner
waj given to the happy couple, and their
near friends. The evening was spent in
enlivening conversation and in discoursing
appropriate music, with Miss Anna Will
iams presiding at the organ.
On Monday morning Mr. and Mrs. Wiles
took the train for an extended wedding
tour, during which, they will visit the
bridegroom's sister, Mrs. Kirkpatrick, at
Port Townsend and Mrs. Wells at Mc
Minnville; they will also stop at Portland
a few days, where Miss Lou Wiles is at
tending school.
Walter is one of the most industrious
devoted christian young men of Benton
county, and he may well feel himself proud
in securing a life partner so amiable, affec
tionate and religiously inclined, as is his
bride. May joy, peace and prosperity in
rich abundance attend them throughout
life's voyage. Correspondent.
Lost Ring.
The ladies finger ring lost on the streets
of Corvallis last week. It was made so
that it could be separated in three parts.
and could be wore as two separate rings or
as only one. When put together as one
ring the emblems on it were clasped hands.
The finder will be rewarded bv leaving it at
his office.
Land Office at Koseburjj, Oregon.
Octobe' 18. 1883, .
Notice is hereby given that the following- named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before the judge or clerk of Benton county
Oreg-on, at Corvallis, on
viz : Leonard ,F. Cunimings Homestead No. 3424
for the S. E. qr of N. E. qr, Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Sec.
10, Town 15, S. of Range 12 West of Wil. Mer.
He names the following witnesses te prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said
land, viz: Austin Howell, Frank Seaman, of Wald
pcrt, Oregon A. R. Buttolph and VVm. Palmer of
45-wS WM. F. BENJAMIN, Register.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned A. G
Mulkey has been duly appointed administrator of
the estate of John Mulkev deceased by the County
Court of the State of Oregon for Beaten County
sitting for the transaction of Probate business. All
persons having claims against . aid estate are re
quested to present the same properly verified to me
at my residence about two miles northwest of the
town of Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, or at the
office of Kelsay & Holgate in Corvallis, Oregon,
within six months from the date of this notice.
This 15th day of November 1883.
47-wS . G. MULKEY, Administrator.
Read, Read Bentn County.
The series of articles which we published
during the first of the year in the Gazette
from week to week describing Benton
county by voting precints containing a list
of the tax payers of the county with the
amount of tax paid by each, we now have
for sale at this office bound in pamphlet
form. This contains a complete description
of the county and is a valuable book to
send to friends at a distance, and the tax
list therein contained is particularly valu
able to the business men of the county and
all over the coast.
Business Education
desiring a thorough
will save money by
calling a
this office and purchasing a certificate of
scholarship to the Portland Business Collenc
of Portland Ogn., with A. P. Armstrong as
Harper s Magazine
Harper's Magazine begins its sixty-e'rht volume
with the December Number. It is Ihe most popular
illustrated periodical in America snd England, always
fully abreast of the limes ;v its u etment of subjects
of current rocial and indus rial interest, and always
advancing its standard of lii,enry, artistic, p,nd me
chanical excellence. Anion": its attractions for 1S84
are: a new serial novel by W' liam B i,ck. illustrated
by Abbey: a new novel by . P. lloe, illustrated by
Gibon and IMelmm: deserpi,;ve illustiaued papers
by George H. Bou ;hto Frank D. M'llet, CM.
Farnh. m and Others: iTportant histoiic, I and bio
fjTitphical papers: short stories by W. D. Howells,
Chuiles Keade, kc,
J.rf-I Fl BEST
THOS. J. BLAIR, President.
M. S. WOODCOCK, Attorney.
Per Year:
HAR?EB'S WiilLCY 4 00
One fetv'yiV Nirnbeis) 10 00
Po toge Free to a. I subscribers iu the Uni.ed
Siaicc or Co.iada.
The volwxes o: tbe tin 'z.s be;, 'tis the
Nunioeis for Ju:.e p.nd Leceobe; f epch ye. v.
Wlion no Hire Issnecifiec', it win be undeis.oocUhat
the subsc i')er wishes to b'.j,'n wu-i the cur; en. num
ber. The lss Eihi VoiTes of F 5 'Er's Mcaz :!. in
n?. i clovb V k-'t be sen bv mr " ', posi oaki) on
rei.e?pi, oT 3 0o p " vo'uTJft. C-Ot'i C es, Tcir biiia
50 eej . ; by nv poj-iad.
jodex o Ha -pus's 'a 7'st. A'pb' beiical, Abaly
'e ...ndO'rev '?. "o. Volu .'e 1 to 60, inclusive,
jrom inn-. K..U io Juae 1SC3-one vol., 3vo, Cloih
'.emi. , new srqj'ld be ms dc by Tost-Office Money
Older or Or.-.v o po:d cbr ree oi loss.
NewKVapern are Mi o copy ih-'s adver'i--nzeni
tvliiioui ub s jress order of Harper &
New York
Direct from the East!
Eastern and St. Louis
T my patrans and friends I wish to say I am now
prepared to
Enlarge Portraits, Tin Types
hair and com
guaranteed ii
To any size desired in Oil or Crayon, by addressing
me ana senaing color oi eyes, coBr or
plexion with picture. Satisfaction
every particular. Address,
103 First Street, Care C. C. Morse,
(Successor to Buford & Campbell,)
Candy, Nuts,
Cigars, and Tobacco,
And all goods kept in a Variety Store. Agent fo
Universal Fashion (Jo.
Of New York. Also agent for the
Albany Soda Works,
By fair and honorable dealing I hope to merit a share
of patronage. Don't ask for credit at present, as I
will do a cash business. 20-311y
The Buyers' Guide is is
sued March and Sept., each
year: 216 pages, 8-xll
inches, with over 3,300
illustrations a whole pic
ture gallery. Gives whole
sale prices direct to consumers on all goods
for personal or family use. Tells how
to order, and gives exact cost of every
thing you use, eat, drink, wear, or have
fun with. These invaluahle books con
tain information gleaned from the mai
kets of the world. We will mail a copy
Free to any address upon receipt of the
postage 7 cents. Let us hear from you.
X7 A SSO Wabusli Avenue, Ch oSo, 111.
.-.i i edition nrw ready, t.'ie niot
t t i- i i.u. d. Superb Photo. AU
lit--, ::i eKciu.oeiiosii.'n,d.r(;ctiy iti:ioned for
.iroftii tIe. (iiid Maudard publications: Hill's
iVL-mual, Henries, etc. We offer unrivailed in
o ; .cement with exclusive territory-. Write to us.
Pub!ieherfl,ManufacrarerB and Importers .Lakeside
Building, sis and 220 & Clark tit., Chicago, Ilu
f)oRVALusJ - QregonJ
Cfasses of Keal Ktate -m reasonable terms and
will thoroughly advertise by desciibiw? each piece of
property entrusted to it for sale.
Mr. T. J. Blair will always be in readiness, and will
take great pains to show property.
Offices near T. J. Blair's warehouse, or at the
Gazbtte otue.
The following1 pieces of property will be sold on
extraordinarily reasonable torms:
TOWN LOTS Six vacant lots in the northwest part
of Corvallis; Nicely situated, for residence, fenced and
set out with good variety of fruit trees. Price $1,000.
TOWN LOTS Two vacant lots in the southwest
part of Corvallis; Very nice for a residence, fenced
and set out with fruit trees. Price $M.
corner of 0th and Jefferson streets in Corvallis, Or.,
with comfortable I story dwelling with 6 good rooms
a good stable, woodshed &c. Half cash, balance
on reasonable terms. Price 81100.
SAW MILL Undivided J interest in a mill run by
water, a good planer and seven acres of land use?
in connection with the mill. Power sufficient to run
all of the year, situated handy to market and within
about 7 miles of Corvallis with an excellent good
road to and from it. Terms easy.
FARM Farm all under fence only 2J miles from
Corvallis of 150 acres, 80 acres now in cultivation, the
balance of it can be cultivated; about 20 of it now in
wheat with a fair house good barn and granery..
will be sold at a bargain. Terms easy.
FARM Farm of 478 acres for less than 818 per
acre, being one of the cheapest and best farms iu
Bentoi. county, situated 4 miles west of Monroe, i of
a mile from a good school, in one of the best neigh
borhoods in the state with church privileges handy.
About 130 acres in cultivation, and over 400 can be
cultivtaed. All under fence, with good two story
frame house, large barn and orchard; has running
water the vear around, and is well suited tor stock
and dairy purposes. This is one of the cheapest farms
in the Willamette "Valley Terms easy.
LOTS Two unimproved Jots in Corvallis. One of
tne choicest building places in tbe city for sale reas
onable. AXM Four unimproved lots except fenc
ed in Corvallis, Or. The choicest building place iiu
the city for sale reasonable-
STOCK FARM 320 acres, about 50 in cultivation,
150 acres can be cultivated, 00 acres of good fir and
oak timber, the balance good grass land. Small com
fortable house and barn, ft lies adjoining an inex
haustible ou range, making one of the best stock
ranges in Benton county. Kitnated about 10 miles
Southwest of Corvallis. Price 1000.
FARM A farm of 136 acres of land situated
mile from Corvallis, in Linn County, Or. AU under
fence; 80 acres of rich bottom land in cultivation,
50 acres of good fir, ash and maple timber; 2 good
houses, 2 good orchards and two good wells with
pumps. Terms: $30 per acre, half cash down and
balance payable in one and two years, secured by
mortgage upott the farm.
Rifles, Pistols,
Amunition, Cutlery.
Spy Glasses, Fisliiiig Tackle,
Sewing Machinss,
Work made to order and warranted.
20 -33tf c. HODES, Corvallis.
Though shaken in ever joint and fifeer with fever
and ague, or bilaus remittent, the system may yet
be freed from the malignant virus with Hostetter'a
Stouach Bitters. Protect the system against it
with this beneficent an ti -spasmodic, which is
"furthermore a supreme remed3" for liver tomplaint
eonstipation, dyspepsia, debility, rheumatism, kid-
ey troubles and other ailments.
For pale by all Druggists and Dealers general! ,
The Gazette,
Largest Family Papers
Published in Oregon, containing all important dis
patches, news from all parts of Oregon and the Pa
cific coast, all local news of importance, besides a full
supply of general and fireside family reading matter.
The Gazette
As in past, will continue to be a faithful exponent of
The Interests of Benton County an! the
State at Large.
It will faithfully and fearlessly warn the people of
wrong, imposition, or aoproaclmiz danger where the
public is interested, never fearing to publish tha
truth at all times, but will endeavor to always ignore
all unpleasant personalities which are of no public
interest or concern.
will saw all kinds of fire wood.
at one fourth what lumber will cost.
In a few weeks he will start out with his
Threshing Machine
and Hill thrash all the trrain that comes in
his way on the
Most Seasonable Terms.
call and make a bargain with
John Wm. Moore.
Cor. Second and Monroe Sts. ,
Keeps constantly on hand all kinds of
Coffins and. Caskets.
Work done to order on short notice and at
reasonable rates.
Corvallis July 1, 1881. 19:27yl.
N. E. Cor. Second and Yamhill Sts.,
A. P. Armstrong,
J. A. Wesco,
Penman and Secretary '
Designed for the Easiness Education of Both Sexes.
Admitted on any week day of the year.
Of nil kinds executed toprder nt reasonable rates.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
The College "Journal," containing information
of the course of study, rates of tuition, time to
enter,. etc., and cuts of plain and ornamental pen
manship, free.
"It is not wealth, or fame, or state,
.But get up and git that makes me great '
is still sitting on the smooth e side of pover
drawing out tne cords ot affliction In
behalf of his old customers, where
he keeps constantly on hand
a lull supply of
No. 1 Harness, Saddles, Bridles,
Kobes, Spuns, Sponges, Harness Oil, Blan
kets, Hobbles, Nose Bags, Cinches, Harness
Soap and everything that is kept in a first
class harness store.
Carriage Trimmings
a Specialty.
Repairing Done on
Short Notice.
Call and see for yourself before buying else
where, at the old stand, opposite
the express office.
Corvallis, -soetf Oregon.