The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, November 30, 1883, Image 1

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NO. 49.
Carrying of California Wheat.
New York, Nov. 24. C. P. Huntington,
in an argument liefore the New Orleans
common council a day or two since, saiil
that he proposed to compete with sailing
.vessels which go around Cape Horn, for
carrying 1,250,0C0 tons of California wheat
which goes to foreign countries; that in
competing with sailing ships for the trade
he had found that ships which go to San
Francisco for wheat carry there cargoes of
coal frorn England, Australia, and else
wheie. In order to compete with them at
this point, he had bought extensive coal
deposits on Fugot sound, and was building
A ship to freight this coal to Sau Francisco.
In this way he could supply a large amouut
of the demand for coal, and thereby render
it unprofitable for wheat ships to bring coal
there. He was already in with foreign ship
owners to put ou such a line of steamer?.
These ships will be of the largest class, and
fast sailers, leaving New Orleans and the
other side of the Atlantic at a regular given
-The Trade Dollar.
TSw York, Nov. 25. A Wall street
money broker said yesterday that since the
practical retirement of trade dollars in this
market he had shipped 250,003 of them to
China. He also stated that one rich brewer
of this city had about $100,000 in trade
dollars, and would not part with them for
less than par.
Ship Canal Incorporation.
Mansfield, O., Nov. 24. Harlem Com
mons, a syndicate which held its first meet
ing last August here, met again to-day.
The syndicate is an incorporation under
New York laws, the reputed object of
which is to make a ship canal from the
North to the East rivr. The property to
be used is claimed to be owned by the heirs
of the five original trustees. Matters con
sidered were the issuance of stock to the
heirs, and a proposition to excavate the
canal. The next meeting will be held iu
New Yqrfc. Murine the holidays.
A Crank Wants to Kill Ait":ur.
New Yof.k, Nov. 27. The World says:
A stranger made his appearance at the Fifth
Avenue hotel yesterday, when Detective
Prior accosted him, saying, '"What do you
want prow line about this hotel ':" "I h ive
a duty to p:-rforn.," answered the stranger.
Detective Prior turned the man about and
directed him to the stairs. He did not stop
until the stairs were reached, and then
straightening to his full height and throw
Sing back his hat, which covered hi3 fore
head, the man almost shouted, "I am a
colonel from Kentucky, and I have made
this trip for the express purpose of shooting
President Arthur." A law should be
.passed to hang such cranks. Such utter
ances against the chief magistrate of a na
tion should meet with the severest punish
ment. The Postal Notes r-v be Changed.
Chicago, Nov. 27. Before leaving Wash
ington for the west, Postmaster General
Gresham decided that the postol notes
furnished by the Homer Lee Company of
New York were not on a quality of p iper
up to the standard required by the contract.
The paper is too soft in texture ami too
light in weight. The color has also been
found objectionable. It was guaranteed by
the contractors that the ink of tl.e payer's
signature, and that of the stamp of the pay
ing officer, could not be removed without
changing the color of the note, anil thus in-
suiiug tlie detection oi attempted fraud.
The guarantee, it has been found, is un
founded, and new paper and a new tint are
therefore required, and the contractors are
Dow preparing for a change. The new tint
wrill probably be blue, and some change will
also probably be made in the form or the
design of the nc-te.
Washington, Nov. 20. The disdosure
of the fact that the project to divide Texas
in order to strengthen the democratic party
in the senate and electorial college is being
discussed in the private councils of the
party, has created considerable comment.
Opinion is divided upon the subject, even
among the inem'.ie;- of the present con
gressional delegatipn from Texas, as it is
urged against the scheme that the state can
be handled now with ease and certainty,
whereas, if division takes place there may
complications arise to jeopardize at least a
part of the control. A modification of the
scheme is t ilked of, and the argument is
put forward, that the vast extent of terri
tory renders legislation cumbersome, incon
venient and expensive. Although Sena
tors Maxcy and Coke disavow sympathy
with any movement to divides Texas into
four states, in accordance with the stipula
tion contained in the resolution of March 1,
1845, annexing the Texas republic, the
democratic managers are quietly working up
a sentiment through which, in event of
democratic success in 1884, it can be ac
complished. This matter will be secretly
considered by the democratic national com
mittee, upon it i assembly to fix the time
and place of the next nominating conven
tion, and form the most importaut topis to
be presented to that body.
Washington, Nov. 27. The cabinet
meeting is protracted, and it is understood
that the Franco-Chinese troubles are uulj.-discussion.
Burners ef Psase Smrian. Fraassanl CUina
Paris. Njv. 23. The Governusent is dis
cussing the advisability of dispatching 7
000 moie troops to Tonquin, iu view of the
possibility of war wit'i China. It i3 stated,
however, that an active exchange of com
munications U aping on between Miraiis
Tseng, and Prime Minister Ferry, for the
purpose of finding a fiesh basil for negoti
ations. It is asserted that China has made
the proposition that she shall retain the
north bank of the lied river, leaving to
France the south bank.
Preparations of China for war.
Chicago, Nov 25. A. Crossinau a mer
chant well known here and a man of dis
cernment, has jnst returned from China,
and speaks as follows of bar clnnoes in a
war with France: "China is far better
equipped to go to wir than Europeans or
Americans generally think. I don't know
the number of troops iu the Chinese regu
lar army, but I have no doubt that at a ne
cessity she could, on very short notice,
raise from 500,000 to 1, (.00,000 well-drilled
and finely equipped men. The standing
army of China is di'ille I on the European
plan by European instructors. There
are eighteen viceroys' in China, and each
viceroy has an army of his own, which
would be at the command of the general
SorerBlMBt 5n casa of war. These vice
roys' trop3 are more than militia they
are regulars. China has for years been
supplying herself with improved arms. She
has purchased through German merchants
doing business in her towns, all the needle
guns which Prussia use 1 when she went to
war with Austria in ISC 1. She has fully
2,000,000 of them, besides Schneider rifles
and also some llemingtoii rifles. I have iio
doubt that China could easily arm 500,000
:nen with these improved arms. China has
purchased, through European houses, a num
ber of aa I Armstrong canton. Tlie
Chinese navy is of formidable strength. It
includes about a dozen men-of-war of the
latest armament and power, a dozen cor-'
vetts and another dozen revenue cruisers.
Each of the latter carry three heavy guns.
Some of the vessels were constructed in
England an 1 some in Germ my. All the
war vessels have English engineers and
some of them are oiiicered by Englishmen,
The Chinese are mikiug mo Ur.i cannon
themselves now. l'hey have foundries
near Shanghai, wherj they arj c isting 3teel
vaunt -n. Thj3e are m ide exactly as Euro
peans make them. Apperently there ara
large arsenals in different parts of China
where arms anil vast quantities of ammuni
tion ami other materi il of war is stored.
Certain it is that the bulk of artillery be
longing to ihe government is in tiue condi
tion. Emjiror Will fljit.
S:faghai, Nov. 25. The Jfarth China
lie.rald says: The emperor has privately in
structed the viceroy at Nanking to begin
hostilities against tha French, iu the event
of an attact on Bacninh, and has strictly
enjoined him to maintain order at treaty
SbANCHAi, Nov. 25. The emperor of
China iu his instructions to the viceroy at
Nankin to begin hostilities against the
French in the event of an attact on Bacui
nh, says: ..The fact that Aunam is a vassa
of China is widely known, yet the French
have dared to nuade. Moreover Baciiiuh
constitutes the gate to the celestial realm,
yet France has r.-pea:edly sought to en
croach there. We therefore command the
prince ami ministers to inform tha French
uvoy that it France dares to encroach fur
ther on Bacuinh, China will forthwith! dis
patch a large army to tight the French.
Paralyzed at Hong Kong.
Hoso Kong, Nov. 25. The possibility of
war has caused a great drain of specie at
Ca it ML We dtiiy Ciiineie have with
drawn $5,000,000 iu the last three months
from a Chinese bink iu Kwanj Tung prov
ince. Chinese mercantile interest at Hon.
Kong and Shanghai are paralyzed.
OsaionslraUon ia Irelanj.
Newkv, Nov. 27. At a meet in-' f
Orangemen an arrangement was ma le to
hold a demonstration to counteract the dem
onstration of nationalists held Sunday after
noon. Two thousand live bundled Orange
men promised to attend. Railway officials
have made arrangements to run a special
train from Belfast. The magistrates have
applied for a large force oi police and
dragoons to preserve oruer The Orange
men have arranged to place 100 J men on
the principal roads to prevent nationalists
entering the town.
France on American Pork.
Paris, Nov. 27. The cabinet council
to-day decided to rescind the decree iorbid
ding the importation of American pork into
France, provided the municipal authorities
or chambers of commerce in localities in
terested will agree to organize a system of
pork inspection as advocated by the mer
chants aud authorities of Paris and Marseilles.
General Rosecrane is the reputed author
of a new scheme for the organization of the
democratic party for the next presidential
campaign. He proposes to divide the dem
ocratic voters into sections of tens, fifteens,
hundreds, thousands, ten thousand and
twenty thousand. Each section shall have
a chief, whose duty it shall be to see that
the voters under him shall be in line for
party service, at the polls or elsewhere, in
obedience to orders received by him from
the head center. The chiefs are also to be
intrusted with the duty of collecting cam
paign funds, and of distributing campaign
documents, as well as the m magemeut of
campaign work within their jurisdiction.
The national committee, under this system,
would issue its order to the state committ ee.
and they would in turn instruct the chiefs
of twenty thousand, and so on, down to the
chiefs o" tens. It is understood that Gen
eral Roiecraus also proposes to raise cam
paign fuutls by voluntary contributions of
rive cents each fron every enrolled demo
crat in tb : or ' in iz it ion. 11 j estun ite.t
that the returns from such a subscription
would amouut to Sl.50J.000 per year, upon
the basis of the Hancock vote of 1S3J. It
is proposed that a proportion of one-half of
this million ami a half dollars be reserved
annually among tin: states for use in local
and c. mgi essional campaigns, while the oth
er 750,000 h ill lie stored in the vaults of
the democratic national committee, for use
in close contests, etc.
There have been assertions and denials
without number made in regird to Presi
dent Arthur's supposed desire to succeed
hi uself in the presidential cli air. This is
n longer lecet, aud his mist intimate
f .-lends admit that, while lie is in in sense
an applicant for the honor, he will not de
cliue the nomination. So far no very lar 'e
r.-oiii 11 n lota fipjoi ivtliitort.n stim in Hi..
, i t, i- -a , I extended contract. Every month from
ring and contest the nomination with nun,
D, . . . , .. - 25,0J0 to 30,000 letters are shipped from
Blaine has been away from the eitv for 1 e
" thn S ,1, Frniii iscri rwofn !iia r liolpi!i-i
some time, but has been telegraphed for an 1 .... .
will be here next week, when his friends j
will talk the matter over with him. He,
too, has stated that he was not a candidate,
Violated Law.
San Francisco, Nov. 23. A Call edi
torial on the wh des 1'e lauding of the so-
called Chinese traders, says: The record of
this country furnish no parallel for the vio
lations to which the Chinese Restriction
Act has been subjected. The work com
menced in the Cabinet ami has been contin
ued in the courts, until under the present
ruling the law only puts our offiors to
some trouble aud the Chinese companies
to some expense.
Bljnnon Press Iailgaaat
Salt Lake, Nov. 25. The Mormon press
is very indignant over a dispatch to an
eastern paper, saying that secret clubs, sim
ilar to that of Cleveland, were being or
ganized all over the west. It calls them
'dark seances" and warns them to go slow.
It does not believe ttiat such is the case.
Such, however, is the case, as thy are now
established all over Utah, Idaho and Mon
tana, and meet regularly iu this city. The
Mormons have more fear of this new move
ment tlu.ii any other yet made.
Australian Mail Caatrait RsnswsS.
San Francisco, Nov. 25. The mail con
tract between the Pacific Mail Steamship
Company aud the New Zealand and New
South Wales colonies has been renewed.
The contract was continued from the time
of the expiration of the present agreement
iu next November, to extend for a period of
not to exceed two years. The steainehip
company is to receive a subsidy not to ex
ceed 50,000 annually, of which the portion
to fail on the colonies sh.ill not exceed ,11 I S, -"50
for carrying wail matter between San
Francisco and Australian colonies. Iu the
contract is a proviso that unless the con
tribution iu aid of the line is received from
the United States or some other 3ouree, the
renewed service shall only continue for
j twelve months. It is desired that the Uni
ted States government shall contribute at
least one-third of the annual subsidy of the
Published every Friday Morning
uid that his two efforts to get the nomina
tion were ail that be w in te I in that direc
tion. Ilia friends now are confident that
he will not all w the use of his nine as
against Arthur, under the circumstances.
Several republicans, who were prominent as
candidates, seem to give up a'l hope. El-
munds was the first to draw out, and Wiu
dom followed when he found he was beaten
for the senate. The booms for Logan and
Harrison died out on their own account,
and the Gresham boom was never weighty
enough for a respectable consideration.
That clea-ed up the list, and only Arthur
and Blaine are left, and there are many
well up in the political affairs of the country
who regard the r ,cc f ir the uomiu itlOns as
between them. The President's New Yor'.t ! S-000 for the capture of each of the cow
friends are losing no opportunity now to boys who robbed the train near Gage station
not including several thousand more sent to
the various South Sea islands, where many
oi our business men have large mercantile
interests. By the present mail line letters
go direct to Australia and all the South Sea
is amis, and should this line be withdrawn
all correspondence would hare to mike a
circumference of the globe.
ArdTjl 3t 01.338 5 Lepiri.
Notwithstanding the precautions which
the city authorities a-e supposed to take,
Chinese lepers manage to find their way
here. Dr. Foye, of the Twenty -sixth
street hospital, reports that two more lep
ers have just been admitted, ami two others
will be brought in to-day. AH of thtm
have arrived here within the last month.
SoalheraPauao Rogers.
San r'RANcwco, Nov. 26. Railroad offi
cials have teleg-aphed from here, offering
impress others with the belief that he will
accept the nomination if tendered him.
The portion of Comptroller Knox's report
relating to contraction of the national uaak
circulation is the most interesting aud im
portant part of the document, and has not
been published. The comptroller refers to
the probability that all of the 3s are to be
called f or redemption within the next three
years, and says this will reduce bonds held
by banks from $255,000,000 to 151,000.000,
and cause a contraction of the nation d
bank, circulation of ab ut $S),O00,OOO per
annum. It is evident that unless there is
additional legislation the bonds held as se
curity for circulation will rapidly diminish.
New legislation may, however, postpone
payment of the public debt, or ca-ise the
profit ou the circulation to increase suffi
ciently to induce national banks to invest in
long 4s, which are not to mature for twenty
four years. Contraction of hank circulation
may be avoided by a reduction of revenue,
and no doubt this is the true policy. Con
traction of bank circulation may also be
avoi led by conversion of long bonds into 3
per cents , and by offering an inducement to
holders of bonds to exchange them for 3 per
cents., to mature in 1907, the government
paying the holders thereof a reasonable
amount for the difference in value.
Satur !ay last, and 10,000 for the capture
of the whole party, the amount to be di
vided between tae r.iitrj.i 1 and express
Counterfeit Dollarr.
Detective Finnegass, ot the United States
secret service, reports that a lare;e quantity
of spurious standard dollars are in circula
tion. The counterfeit is of white metal. It
is diped iu silver wash, and the die and
milling are nearly perfect, but they lack the
ring. Iu a lot of 812,000 taken to the sub-
treasury by Wells, E irgo & Co., twenty of
these counterfeits were found. The coun-
erreiters are suppose I tJ be Itiliaus, oper
atiutf principally on r.iiiroad lines.
Washington, No', 27. Secretary Fer
l-nghnysen has recicved a telegram from the
United States minister at Paris stating that
the Official Journal to-morrow will publish
a decree cancelling the prohibition of the
importation of American pork into France. I gated to-morrow.
Washington, Nov. 27. The commission
appointed by the state department to in
vestigate the causes of trichina, has closed
its labors at Chicago and other western
points. It will report in favor of creating a
separate board to study the matter at great
length, for which a liberal appropriation will
be required. The action of the French and
German governments is not believed to
have been warranted by facts obtainable.
The masons have stopped work on the
Washington Monument, leaving the shaft
for the wiuter at the hight of 410 feet. At
this elevation it is the loftiest structure on
the contineut, aud, with very few excep
tions, iu the world. When completed is
will be 550 feet hijh.
It is stated tue decree reciiuling the edict
prohibiting the importation of pork f oin
America has already be eu signed by Pi-esi-1
deut Urevy, and wul be oaiciauy proinul-
Cnmplaint Asainsi Turk37.
Constantinople, Nov. 25. General Wa
lace, Uuited States minister, has again
complained of the inaction of the author!
ties of Bitlis iu not furnishing the authors
of the recent assaults on American mission
aries. Iu a fresh note to the porte he in
sists that' unless the goveuor of Bitlis is
dismissed, the trial of the assailants shad
be held at Constantinople, as no confidence
will I. e placed iu the resent governor for
the proper execution cf a sentence a.aicst
the malefactors.
German Her-
Bsp.LiN, Nov. 21. It ii tliought probable
that the decree forbidding the importation
of American pork will soon be withdrawn
In confirm the report of the hygenie com
mute Dr. B.oiiondell states that the cases
of trichinosis iu Saxony were produced by
German meat.
(Payable in Advance.)
PerYeir $2 SO
Six Months, 1 50
Three Mouths . 1 00
Single Copies 10c
Per Year (when not paid in advonce) 3 00
All notices and advertisements intended for pub
a'.l j.i saoold be handad iu by uoou ou Wednesdays.
Rates of advertising made known on application.
Attornev " at - Law,
Corvallis, - - Oregon. '
Attorney at Law,
O.ficc vrit'i F M.Johnston. 20-44H
J. a Lee, il. D. G. It. Farra, 11. 1.
Physicians, Surgeons
And Accouchers.
Coijvalus, - - Oregon.
l.V B. EMBREE, Ml. D.,
Physio .:m & Surgeon.
Ola 2 doors south of II. E. Harris' Store,
Corvalli , - - Oregon.
Residence on the southwest corner of block, north
ud vast of the Methodist church.
Great care taken WitH Children.
43U" J. W. McCOXXULL, Artist, Goldion's stand.
W. C. Crawford,
4 3 W 3 L-E R ,
assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc.
I1 kinds of repairing done on short noticd, and all
work warranted. f&SS-yi
Real Estate Agency.
hive so iu vjry i j ii.ib j property on the Bay for
ale in lots from 10 to 237 acres. Some of this is
r tha O P. it. R. tjr.ninus. Persons wishing to
invest will do wall to call on mi when prices are rea
spnable. A, Ureas with stampj to pre pay postage.
R. A. Bkksell
ewport Benton County Or.,
FF3 F. J. Hendrichson.
Boot and Shoe Maker,
Philomath, Oregon.
I always keep on hand superier ma
terial and warrant my work. I ask an examination
of my pjods before purchasing elsewhere
iy-3z-lyr t . J. Hendrichson.
Corvallis, Oregon.
THE OCCIDENTAL is a new buikUae.
newly furnished, and is lirst class in all its
Stages leave the hotel for Albany and Yaquina Bay
Moudai's, Wednesdays aud Fridays.
Large Sample Koom ou First Floor for
Commercial Men. 10-35 y
tl. E. HARRIS,
One Door South of Graham & Hamilton's.
Pianos. Tuning aud repairing of Pianos
and Urirans a sueiualtv.
Fourth S'reet, TJJ-1 J rt
NKAR ALUKR, f!0-23m6) UI LiClliU., Jl t
Real Estate AgencyJ
Ileal listate Agents, will buy, sell, or
lease farms or farm property on
Con -His, June 21, 1SS2. 19-19yl
Salary Public
Candi l.-ttes for tha speakership have
passed a quiet Sabbath. Randall remained
at home all day, Carlisle visited his head
quarters. Cox is iu Sew York, and Spring
er, with his solitary henchman, Rigs of
Illinois, remained undisturbed at his par.
lors in the National hotel. M. F. Elliot,
representative at large from Pennsylvania,
Forney of Alabama and Buckner of Missouri
arrived here to-day. The first named rep
resentatives will vote for Randall, and
Bickner will probably support Carlisle.
Mr. Forney s:iys that live members of the
Alabama delegation will vote for Rand ill.
arlisle counts upon four vote-i from Ala
bama Tlie djliiia'iou is cojaaosei of eijht
I representatives.
Raal Estate Agents, Codlis, Or,
Good Farms, Stock Esnches
and City Property for sale on easy terms.
Collections Made.
Office over Jacobs & Neugus' Store
Corvallis, Oregon.
Spring Bed Bottom in the Market
for oulv S7. Also agent for the Medical
20:29tf Lake Salt.
Hfng made arrangements for co-opera
tion with agents in Portland, ami beiut; ful
ly acquainted with real property in Benton
county, we feel assured of giving entire sat-
lpatronage.all who may lavor us with their
G. A. Waggoner,
20-fiyl T. J. Bcford,
--JL 1 I 1 i
The oldest established Dentist and
the best outfit in Corvallis.
Qr liriT'.Oil Tmftfl nvtnmr.,1 nrUl.A.i- -- - - V.
ho use of Nitrous Oxide, Gas.
101&MVTrt im.dt.t ire lUMs Unnna .!- n
Rriek Store, Corvallis, Orejron. 19:27yi
lOOO Men andBoys
To fit. them out in the latest style of ready
made Clothing. Also the finest lot of
Panis Patterns and Suitings
Ever brought to Corvallis.
Call arid. Examine Goods.
No trouble to show goods.
Two doors South of Post Office,
IU) rjjgjgjjg)
Attorneys at - Law.
Col. Kelsay and myself have formed a copartner
ship in ilic practice of the law. The Col'it ex
perience at the liar and on the Bench and his etudious
habit.i is a sure iruaraut-'e that all busine- r intrusted
to us in the line of suit or actions In Court will be
well attended to.
I will continue other business and give prompt
attention to the same as heretofore. Such as Collect
infj. Bern? a Xotary Public will attend to convey -ancin?
in all its branches, Deeds, Mortgages, Heal
andCnattel, Leases, Releases. Powers of attorney.
Contracts, &- &j. Buy sell ani lease Ual Estate
ioth farms and town property, collect rents, ne
ot'ate loan s, search and exauiine titles, and a gen
eral ar( uuv business.
Are now in brick building and have fire proof safe
for the safo keeping oi not.s and othtr valuable
pipers left for collection &c.
O Be? in Burnett s new brick, first doer at head of
Type and all Printing Material
In the latest styles and at pi lets but little mors
than cost of labor and material, on short notice. We
av.nnn.tnnKliF fiirnin'..ui1 ot. nni.01 u'hifh (i.Wv i-f iti.
petition, the nicest designs of
Letter heads,
Bill heads,
Visiting curds, t
Business cards,
Ball tickets.
Mote books.
Order books,
Receipt books,
Druggists labels,
Gummed or
Legal blanks,
Send lor Samples and.
Prices to the Gazette Of
fice it yon want the Best
work at Lowest Pric e.