The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, November 16, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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A larce assortment of sheet music
Vw-inks. instruments, Slc, arrived at Will
Bros. This assures you pood prices
Don't fail to stop and examine goods and
prices of the bankrupt stock of M. Stock &
We have been informed that Mr. Thomas
Bead with his wife have returned from their
pioneer excursion East.
Mr. J. A. Gibbert started on Mod day for
his former home in Minnesota, to visit
friends. He will return in about tWG
The rush at the brankruDt sale of M.
Stock & Co's goods still increases and at the
rate they are sacrificing them they will
goon be sold out.
Judge Stott, Judge of the "4th judicial
district, has sent his resignation to the
governor to take effect on the first of next
The cheapest and best hardware, stoves,
tinware, plows, wagons and agricultural
impliments at Woodcock & Baldwin's, Cor
vallis, Oregon.
Miss Stroud, daughter of conductor
Stroud, came up from Portland on Satur
day and remained over Sunday the guest of
Mrs. Dr. Lee.
Samuel Case, of Newport, passed through
town .luring the week to Salem, where
he w:it on business. He says everything is
quiet on the bay and no one excited.
Mr. Win. Grant came in town from Ya
quina bay recently. Mr. Grant is intending
to start his boarding camps when work
on the Yaquina railroad commences.
Do not be deceived and pay $60 for a
Siuger sewing machine, when you can get
it for $40. Genuine from Will Bros, at
Corvallis or Albany. 3w
Bev. G. W. Bennett will preach at
the Methodist Episcoal next Sunday
eavning at seven o'clock. Public cordially
Sheriff King returned from an official
trip bayward last Wednesday evening.
He was surprised on his trip to see rasp
berries and blackberries growing.
Myer Harris came up from Portland on
Friday last, and on Monday accompanied
by his sister Miss Carrie, left for San Fran
cisco, where they will spend the winter.
Last Saturday afternoon smoke was dis
tinctly seen to rise from th6 south side of
Mount Hood, says the Portland Standard.
The smoke did not rise in a continuous col
umn, but came in puffs.
The City Council met last Monday Eev-
ning and transacted some matters of busi
n S3 but owing to the absence of the Mayor
the recorder had to preside over the meeting
and hence no minutes were kept such as Jire
could get to publish.
Mr. L. N. Price, of Philomath, presented
his pleasant countenance into our sanctum
yesterday, and as an offering to satisfy the
cravings of human nature he left some nice
chickens. He certainly understands well
the weakness of a newspaper office.
Mr. C. H. Matoon, of this place, re
turned during the week from his trip cast
with the Oregon pioneers over the Northern
Pocific. Mrs. Matoon accompanied him on
his return trip. How many more pion
eers will bring new wives home with them
we shall wait for further reports.
Mr. Arthur Lange, formerly of this place
now of Southern Oregon, was married last
Tuesday to Miss Margaret Knotts of this
place. We acknowledge the receipt of
some nice cake prepared especially for the
occasion with the compliments of the newly
made twain.
Geo. Waggoner retimed from a trip
over toward Yaquina Bay toj pull some
carts belonging to the O. P. R, R. Co.,
which mischievous boys had rolled in the
bay. On the trip he came near getting his
leg broken. He got it very severely bruised.
Services in College Chapel next Sunday
morning and eveniDg. Morning subject
"What made Martin Luther a protcstant."
Evening, "The conclusion of the whole
matter." All cordially invited.
J. B. N. Bell, Pastor.
O. P. Tompkins, a prominent citizen f
Harrisburg, who was discharged from the
insane asylum a shore time since, was takeu
in charge by the police" Saturday, his in
sanity having returned. He was very vio
lent when first taken to the jail, but soon
became calmer. He will be returned to the
Asylum at once.
The late3t reports from Bishop Paddock
indicate that be is meeting with entire suc
cess in raising the $25,000 required for the
boys' institute in Tacoma. He thinks that
before spring he will call upon Mr. Wright
tor the $50,000 endowment.
At Walla Walla preparations have been
made to winter 1000 head of cattle. For
this purpose there is now on hand the
produce of 350 acres of corn, 600 tons of
hay and all the barley straw in the country
with many tons of brand, with which to
feed them.
Mr. H. Ward, of Denver, Colorado, an
experienced newspaper man, called yester
day. He is now visiting the diaerent In
dian agents throughout the United States
as United States inspector. He left for
Siletz this morning, and after going there
he will return and visit Grand Bounde, and
from thence to Eastern Oregon and Wash
ington Territory.
Will Bros, have just received a large
hipment of the latest improved sewing
machines, including the Eldridge, acknowl
edged by sewing machine experts to be the
lightest running machine in the market.
The Eldridge is a new machine and has
many good qualities over all others which
must be seen to be appreciated. It is no
trouble to show the gocd qualities of otir
machines to parties who contemplate pur
chasing. Old machines taken in exchange.
The Corvallis Band of Hope No. 41, will
meet next Sunday at 4 o'clock P. M. , at the
Presbyterian church. A full attendance
especially requested.
A. W. Herbert, Supt.
HaiaaHM "H 'H -aopoo
jaqjuj jiun iw oqi v pjoo aad 09" 1$
Geo. Kennedy, cur fellow-townsman, re
turned last Saturday from a trip to San
Francisco and Arizona. He also has a bet
ter opinion of webfoot than when he left.
He was in portions of country where the
heat was oppressive enough to almost roast
him while those residing there were wear
ing their overcoats.
Retiring From Business,
As we have decided to retire from busi
ness we offer our entire stock of clothing,
dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery,
boots and shoes, regardless of cost. As our
goods are all new of choice qualities intend
ing purchasers will find it to their advan
tage to call and secure bargains.
L. G. Kline & Co,
La'oan Returned.
Laban Saunders, a long resilient of this
county, was yesterday in this place ap
parency on his way to bis home near
Monroe. He was sent from this county a
few months ago to visit the public buildings
near Salem under the superintendency of
Jul. Stratton. The people in and about
Monroe will no doubt rejoice at his return
and receive him and his modest madam to
their hospitable homes.
Wno Will Pay First
Only a short time ago from this office
statements were sent out to many cus
tomers so that they might know the
amounts due us. We willsend out soon to
other parties owing the office if not paid
before we get the time to attend to it. But
we hope everyone will call and settle soon
as they can, as it is getting the time of year
that all differences in the way of a few
dollars should be adjusted by payment.
Don't all pay at once, but then we would
like to have what is due the office, no more,
no less.
Large Immigration to the Northwest
Colonel Dawson who returned recently to
San Francisco from an extended tour
through Europe, says he was "surprised
daring his visit to find so many preparing
to move to the United States next year.
The country was filled with pamphlets and
circulars of government lands and contain
ing iufurmatiou about California, Oregon
and Washington Territory. The north
west generally was liberally advertised.
A fair percentage is expected to go to Ore
gon. Some government aid is inlircctly
given to German settlers in Mexico. In
tending immigrants complain much of let
ters received from friends in this country,
giving troubles which annoy immigrants
when they arrive at Castle Garden, and
from thence to their destination."
Murder and Robbery.
Caldwell, Idaho was thrown into a fever
ish state of excitement early Sunday morn
ing by the discovery of the dead bodies of
Brassfield and Bryan in an unfinished hotel,
says the Standard. There were evidences
of a life and death struggle about them.
The men had sold a large stock of hides
and pelts on Saturday and were supposed
to have had money on their persons, but
had deposited all except $300, which, to
gether with personal property, Was taken.
The murder was committed by two noto
rious characters, "Sagebrush Jack" and
"Whistling Kid," with car coupling pins.
The murdered men were asleep, in their
blankets, all the lodging houses being ful'.
Both of the murderers were captured late
Sunday, evening, and lynching was expected,
but later advices say the law will take its
Pioneers Return.
Wm. Kayals of this county returned last
week from his trip East with the pioneers.
He visited part of Missouri, Iowa and oth
er localities. lie is better than ever
satisfied with Oregon. Ho is disappointed
with the condition of the States where he
visited, because instead of being on the
progressive the country there seems to be
on the decline. Instead of the improve
ments being better than when he left there
they are not in good repair and are going to
rack. Much of the laud where large corn
formerly grew will not raise corn at all.
The element in the land which formerly
produced corn being entirely exhausted,
and the people thus circumstanced are en
deavoring to make a living bv raising a
little grass and a few calves. This is the
inevitable result of glowing one kind of
crop on the same land continuously for too
great length of time. If farmers of Oregon
do not change crops more than heretofore
they will soon find that the element in the
land which produces wheat will be exhaust
ed and they will also have to turn their
land out to colt pasture.
Finlayson Arrested In Eastern Oregon,
Tells Bis Story.
Charles B. Finlayson, the 15 year old boy
who was suspected of murdering a few days
ago, near Albany, Linn county, Oregon, his
step-grandmother, was arrested last Tues
day morning while in bed at about 3 A. M.
in the morning by sheriff Humphrey, of
Linn county.
"A man who has known the" boy since
childhood, said that the boy always had an
ungovernable temper. At school when en
raged, he would not hesitate to attack a
playmate with any weapon at hand. Mrs.
Finlayson was no blood relative of the boy,
she being his grandfather's second wife.
His theory of the crime is that in a
fit of uncontrollable passion, he dealt the
woman a murderous blow, and being crazed
by the sight of blood, finished the butchery.
Ransacking the house was an alter thought.
He discredits the theory that the boy was
surprised by his grandmother while rob
bing the house, and killed her to prevent
detection. Finlayson had no money about
him when arrested."
"He states that shortly after his grand
father went away his grandmother told him
he had better go out to plough. He did
no: feel well, and did not wish to go, and
some words ensued, when she hit him with
a small stick of stove wood she had in her
hand. The blow did not hurt him much,
but angered him, and as she stooped to put
the slick in the stove he struck her on the
back of the head with an ax. She was
dazed by the blow, but staggered into her
bed room. He followed her and took a
knife lying on a table, and stabbed her a
number of times. When lie had done, she
told him to say good-by for her to all her
Mends. She then asked for a drink of
water, which he brought, and after taking
some she ceased to breathe. He then cov
ered her with the bed clothes, and after
taking a few dollars in money, left."
Ed. Gazette. If young Finlayson was lay
ing around the house because he did not
feel well and therefore did not go to plow,
it is curious that he should have an ax at
hand with which to strike the murdered
woman just at the moment she hit him
with the stove wood. An ax is not usually
kept about the habitable rooms of a dwell
ing. This part of his statement is certainly
too short to go around very far. If the old
lady did strike him with the stick as !;e re
lates it is most likely that he took the
time to go from the house to the woodpile
to get the .ax and return.
Considering that many people are making
daily all manner of inquiries relative to the
German carp, a car-loa I of which has been
forwarded to this city by the Fish Commis
sioners at Washington, they are preparing
a pamphlet, which will contain, among
other things, the following discriptiou of
the carp, say3 the Portland N.:ws.
"l'he carp is a pound lioh, and is es
pecially adapted to small bodies of still
and muddy water. They are not, properly
speaking, a game fish. They can be wintered
in a cellar with proper care. They are
quite hardy and can be kept alive out of
water, if in mass, twenty-four hours. There
are three species of the carp the scale,
leather and mirror. As food they are equal
or superior to catfish, suckera perch aud all
the common native varieties. They are fit
for table from October to May. Carp will
thrive in ditches or cranberry bogs if free
from turtles or snakes. They grow rapidly
in warm water and very slowly in cold.
They will live in water so shallow that their
backs sometimes protrude. They are a slug
ish fish, and eare nothing for running wa
ter. They should be cared for much as
chickens and pis are on a farm, aud will
soon become accustomed to coming to cer
tain spots on the edge of the pond every
day and eating from your hand. Kitchen
refuse is good food for them, and they will
rapidly fatten aud grow on such diet. Salt
meats and alkili are injurious. Fish thus fed
5 00
5 00
5 CO
5 (JO
5 00
5 00
County Court Benton County.
A. N. Hallock paid for repairing
bridge 17 00
A. L Bancroft & Co. paid for record
books .135 05
George Williams pd. for bridge lum
ber......... 11 00
Jacobs & Neugass paid for sundries 3 61
H. E. Harris pd for pauper Dyer. . , 10 00
City Transfer Co. pd for drayag. , . 6 25
John Williamson pd for supervisor
4 days extra 8 00
Andrew Emerick paid for pauper
Shepard 1 mo. tc Nov. 7 '83 30 00
S. H, Mecklen pd for building fence
around court house 35 00
G. R. Farra for examining Newton
Pool insane
Wm. Graham for examing N. Pool
insane ,
E. Holgate for examining N. Pool in
sane T. V. B. Embree for examing N.
Pool insane
G. R. Farra for examining J. Harron
E. Holgate for examining J. Harron
Sol King for bringing N. Pool from
Newport 36 00
Linn county bill in State case against
J' Y. Eccleston on charge of venue
from Benton county 301 00
F. Kittredge for bridge lumber 16 34
City Dray Co. Collins & Lewis 2 50
VVilkins & Ferguson painting court
house fence 70 CO
Joseph Black building bridge aoross
slough near Wooleys farm 200 00
In case of state of Oregon vs N.
Pool, Wm. B. Stout paid as Jus
tice fees 4 75
James Ball deputy sheriff 2 90
Allen Parker witness 2 50
John King witness 2 50
W. S. Hufford attorney fee 5 00
B. W. Wilson services as clerk 774 80
In case of State of Oregon vs Laban
Sauuders the cost bill upon the
mandate from the supreme court it
was ordered that T. B. Odneal be
paid as clerks fees 11 50
E. G. Hureh district attorney 20 00
James Edwards as commissioner.... 9 00
Caleb Davis commissioner 6 80
Sheriff Sol King ordered to give $20,000
additional bond before entering upon the
duties of tax collecting upon the tax roll of
Resignation of J. W. Williams as super
visor of road distiict 41 accepted.
H. H. Starr presented his withdrawal as
surety on official undertaking of Judscn
Seely as Justice of the Peace which was not
Dec. 8th 1S93 at 10 o'clock a. m. was
fixed as the time for setting the final ac
counts of the administrator.
Newton Pool examined and adjudged
Mr. Grant appointed guardian of Newton
Pool insane.
Complaint filed in the estate of John
Me. P. Bnen asking that J. A. Hughes be
removed as administrator. The court ap
pointed Jan. th 1884 for said Hughes to
show cause why he should not be removed
Julia It. Jvearly liie'l accounts showing
55 IS in money and notes on hand belong
ing to her ward Frank T. Crump.
Sale of real estate belonging to estate of
John W. Wilkinson confirmed.
Astorian Items.
Large quantities of geese and ducks
from Shoalwater bay.
Considerable wheat is being transferred
across the Columbia to the Sound.
Portland is importing eggs from St.
Paul, butter from Elgin, and ham from
The oyster business at Shoalwater bay
is picKing up; me preseut season is a
prosperous one.
Work cn the new O. R. & N. dock
Knnififcimas mnw tn wfiirht. nf frv. rift-. t Progresses; there are over 100 men em-
seventy-five pounds each. If properly
cared for, a five-year-old carp will spawn
50,000 eggs annually. The carp will not de
stroy other fish. Their worst enemies are
frogs, minks, mud cats, turtles, snakes, cat
fish, trout and other fish. The value of
carp is shown by the fact that they are
sold by private fish culturists at $5 per pair,
or $85 per 100. A one-acre pond will pro
duce 1,500 pounds the first year, and 2,
500 pounds each year thereafter. In
liurope tnev are sold in the markets at
rather high prices. "
Union Thanksgiving Services.
Thanksgiving services will be held in the
Methodist Episcopal church in this city,
on Thursday, the 29th instant, at eleven
o'clock. The programme is as follows :
1, Singing.
2, Invocation, by Rev. G. W. Bennett.
3, Singing.
4, Reading scriptures, by Bev. J. R. N.
5, Prayer by Rev. A. Krecker.
6, Singing.
7, Reading Proclamations of the Presi
dent and Governor by Prof. Emery.
8, Sermon, by Rev. H. P. Dunning.
9, Prayer by Rev. C. Crawford.
10, Singing.
11, Doxology.
12, Benediction, by Bey. H. P. Dunning.
Strika Threatened.
The effect of prison convict labor is be
ginning to be felt in this city and may re
sult in a rupture between the proprietors
and' employes of the Willamette Stov
Works on Frcnt street, says the Portland
Standard. It is understood that the pro
prietors have been compelled to admit that
since stove works were started iu the pen
itentiary, competition has been great, and
it was necessary to make a cut of twenty
per cent, in the wages of fitters and finish
ers, and have give notice to the moulders of
a similar reduction in their wages. The
time for the latter cut to take effect is
nearly up, and it is reported that the
moulders will not agree to it. As it is not
an easy matter to pick up skilled workmen
in this line of business, it can be seen that
the Willamette Stove Works will suffer
inconvenience and loss. This is one of the
baneful effects of the system of prison labor
utilized in branches of business upon which
honest people depend for a livelihood.
At Actual Cost
If you want your winter supply of goods
cheap now is the time to get them as the
stock of M. Stock & Co. is being sold at
actual cost.
The best buggies and teams can bo found
at Thomas Eglin's livery stable in Corvallis.
Where you will always find Mr. Eglin
obliging to all his customers.
ployed; the framing will all be in place
next week; the roofing is being put on,
and a row of , fenders five feet apart aie
being driven along the front.
The question "How long is it neces
sary to keep children away from school after
an infectious disease?" was answered .some
time since by the Academy of Medicine,
Paris. With scarlet fever, diptheria,
measles, and smillpjx, isolation i3 to be
tnaintained for forty days. Chickenpox
and mumps loose thier contagious power
after twenty-five days.
Business Education
Parties desiring a thorough Busines
Education will save money by calling a
this office and purchasing a certificate of
scholarship tc the Portland Business College
of Portland Ogu., with A. P. Armstrong as
Lost Ring.
The ladies finger ring lost on the streets
of Corvallis last week. It was made so
that it could be separated in three part.-,
and could be wore as two separate rings or
as only one. When put together as one
ring the emblems on it were clasped hands.
The finder will be rewarded bv leaving it at
his office.
Dispatch Received.
Santa Claus Headquarters, )
Via the Northern Pacific B. B, J
To E. Rosenthal: Make room. I am
coming soon with the largest and finest
stock of holiday goods ever brought to the
coast. 1 2w
Chairman N. A. Plympton, of the
executive Democratic State committee
of Massachusetts, has announced that
the reorganization of forces will begin
immediately in behalf of Ben Butler
as their standard bearer for next year.
R G. Miers and George Ryeraft, of Alsea
Valley were in town during the week, with
cattle to sell our butchers.
Hampshire, Oct. 1st, 1883, at the resi
dence of the bride's mother, by the Bev.
Chas. A. G. Thurston, Rev. Charles H.
Mattoon, of Corvallis. Oregon, to Miss
Ellen E. Folson. of Laconia, N. H.
POBTEB Mrs. Mary Porter died at her
residence in this place last Tuesday morn
ing, the 13th inst., after a short illness,
at the ripe old age of 83 years.
Her maiden name was Mary McKaig,
and was born ill Harrison county. Ken
tucky, in November, 1800. Her father
moved to Ohio in 1811 aud she remained
there until 1864, when she came to Oregon.
She was married to Ebenezer Porter in 1S24.
She was the mother of six children three
sons and three daughters. One sou died in
Ohio, and another, John Portor, died in
this town. The remaining sou a resident
near Forest Grone Oregon, who survives
her and was present in her last moments.
She was remarkably industrious for one of
her age. She was sick only one week and
did her washing the day she took sick.
For years and up to the day of her last
sickness she milked her cow and done all
of her house work, sometimes keeping sev
eral boarders, doing her own chores and
sometimes splitting her own stove-wood.
She had long been a consistent member of
the Presoyterjan ehurch and died in that
ELLISON In Eugene Citv, Nov. 11th, of
scarlet fever, John Ellison, son of J. W.
and L. A. Williams, ap;ed five years,
nine inontns, and eleven days.
ELLISON On the following day of the
same disease, Fiancis Willard, their in
fant daughter aged four months.
Wheat in Portland firm at 1. 70 per cental sacked.
It mixy now be fairly quoted here clear
Wheat 8 8.'f
Oats 45
Wool per lb..... 17 ro is
Flour per barrel . 5 50
Bacon sides 14
Hams 15 to lo
Shoulders 10 to 12
Lard, 10 lb tins , 15 to 16
" Kegs 13 to 15
Butter, fresh rolls , 30 to 35
Etrs, per Uoz to 35
Dried apples, Plumniur, 10 to 12
" .Sun dried' 9 to 10
Plums, pitless 12 to i4
Chickens, per doz 3 00 to 3 50
Hides, dry flint . 10 t 13
" green C to 7
Potatoes 75
Geese, taine 6 00
Ducks, " 3 50 to 4 00
Onions, per Jb 3 to
New This Week.
In t 'he matter of the eatate of Robert Shipfy
Notice is hereby given that on Nov. 8th. 1S53, the
midersignei was duly appointed by the County
Court of Dsn ton Coanty. Oregon, administrator of
the estate of itobrt Shiply deceased, with will an
nexed. AH persons having claims against said
estate, will present the same to me duly veriiied
within six months at my residence near Yonroe,
Administrator of Robert Shiply deceased
Notice is hereby gi en that the undersigned A. G
Mulkey has been duly appointed administrator of
the estate of John Mulkev deceased by the County
Court of the State of Oregon for Benton County
sitting for the transaction of Probate business. All
persons having claims against said estate are re
quested to present the same properly verified to me
at my residence about two miles northwest of the
town of Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, or at the
office of Kelsay & Holgate iu Corvallis, Oregon,
within six months from the date of this notice.
This 15th day of November 1833.
47-w5 . G. MULKEY, Administrator.
Great care taken "With Children.
46tf J. W. McCONNELL, Artist, GnMsou's stand-
Land Olfice at Oregon City, Oregon.
Nov. 1, 1883.
Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that said proof
will he made before the County Clerk of Benton
County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on
SATURDAY, DEO. 15, 1883.
viz: Morgan Litiard, Homestead Entry No. 3033, for
the S. E. qr. of N. W. qr., N. E. qr. of S. W. qr. &
N. i of S. E. qr. of Sec. 8, T. 12, S. R. 8, W.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
jontinuous residence upon, and cultivation ot, said
land, viz: Jackson Chambers of Summit. R F.
Grant of Little Elk, and L. V. Mulvaney and Wm. F.
Herudon of Philomath, all of Beuton County, Oregon.
&;46-w5 L. T. BAKiX, Register.
Land Onice at Roseburg, Oregon.
October 18. 1883.
Notice is hereby given that the following named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before the judge or clerk of Benton county
Oregon, at Corvallis, on
viz : Leonard jF. Cummings Homestead No. 3424
for the S. E. qr of N. E. qr, Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Sec.
10, Town 15, S. of Range 12 West of Wfl. Mer.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said
land, viz: Austin Howell, Frank Seaman, of Wald
pcrt, Oregon A. R. Buttolph and Wm. Palmer of
45-w5 WM. F. BENJAMIN, Register.
Laud Office at Oregon City, Oregon )
Oct. 6, 1SS3. )
Notice is hereby given at the following named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before the County Clerk of Beuton
County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on
viz: David Wood, Homestead Entry No. 3235 for N.
E. qr of S. W. qr, anc K. W. qr of S. E. qr and Addi
tional Homestead entry Xo. 43SX, forS. VV. qr of S.
11. qr and S. E. qr of S. W. qr, all in Sec. li, T. 12, S.
R 6, V.
Fie names the following witnesses to prove h
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said
land, viz: 13. F. Ziuk, JoLn Zink, J. F. Wood, and
Owen Wood, all o Philomath, Benton county, Ore
gon. 42-'.v5 L. T. BARIX, Register.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the
County of lienton.
Elizabeth II. Mercer, her husband
George Mercer and William Hood,
Plain this.
William C. Jasper, Mary Bonnan
and her husband liormau,
To William C. Jasper, one of the above named de
fendants; In the name oi the State of Oregon, you are hereby
summoned and required to appear and answer to the
complaint of said plaintiffs iu the ahove entitled suit
now on file in the olfiee of the Clerk of said Court by
the first day of the next regular term of said Court,
that is to say on the 19th day of November, li83, or
judgment for want oi an answer will be taken against
And you are hereby notified that if you fail to ap
pear and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs herein
as above required, the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for iu the complaint in
this suit, to-wit: A certain deed to certain lands sit
uated iu said county of Benton, in the State of Ore
gon, on tiie 20th day oi April, A. 1. lsfxi, by the
said defendant William C. Jasper and his then wife
Mary Jasper, was nude, executed and delivered to
one William Owenby, the said William C Jasper and
Mary Jasper, his wue, having sold on that day lat
aforesaid the lands as hereinafter correctly described,
to said WUUaia Owenby. The said Mary Jasper hav
ing since said time been divorced from said William
C. Jasper and she being now said defendant Mary
Borman having since said, divorce L.tei married with
said defendant Bonnan. That taid deed in
tending to convey &aiJ premises by mutual mistake
between said William Owenby and said William C.
Jasper and his said wife wore erroneou-Iy described
in said deed in this that said deed did not contain
any description oi said lauds whatever.
That the object of this suit and the complaint
therein prays the Court to or er and decree that said
deed be so corrected and reformed so as to contain a
proper and correct description oi ;said lands as in
tenued between tiie parties to said deed. That a
proper and correct description oi said lauds as des
cribed in said complaint and as was intended to have
been convoyed by and between the gKuriaei to said
deed are as fodowa, to-wit: Being the donation land
claim of James iS. Koggctt, vnd his wife liduubcth K.
Doggett, and designated as claim Number forty-four,
being parts oi Becwious two, three, ten and eleven, in
Township thirteen, south of Kan e six West and
being bounded and described as follows to-wit: Begin
ning at a point one chain aud ten links east and nine
chains and twenty -eight links south of the quarter
section post between said sect.ons three and ten, aud
running thence east seventy-three chains and eighty
links, thence north forty-three chains and fifty liuks,
thence west keventj -three chains and forty-seven
rinks, and thence south forty-three chains and fifty
links to the place uf beginning, iu the district of
lands subject to sale at Oregon City, Oregon, aud iu
Bunion county, containing three hundred and
twenty acres and thirty-three huudrudths of an acre
The said plaintiffs iu Baid suit are the t wners of all
said lands through successive conveyances under and
through said William Ov-cuhy, and each of said plain
tiffs own said lands in separate parcels nd are in
possession of thesauis, having paid taeir immediate
vendors therefor.
This summons is published by order of the Hon. K.
S. Bean, Judge of said Court, which order bears date
September -ud, 1883, vhich order also requires that
the same be published for a period of six weeks.
41w7 Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Ila nk C
We have bought the stock of goods formerly owned by Max
Friendly and will now
Offer Them for Sale Regardless of Cost !
Below is a few prices that goods will be sold at as long as they last:
Calico 20 Yards for Sl.OO
Cabot "W" 13 Yars for Sl.OO
Cabot 12 Yards for Sl.OO
Lonsdale 11 Yards for Sl.OO
Ladies Gossamers, - - Jjl,50
Rubbers, - - 50
Six Spools Thread, - 25
Five Spools of Silk, - 25
And all other goods, consisting of a well selected stock of' general
merchandise in the same proportion.
Come Early and get Your Choice of Goods!
That will astonish you. A large stock of Men's, Youth's
and Boys Clothing at Bankrupt Prices.