The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, November 16, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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    MttWv Corcallis feette
Corvallia Lodfje, No. 14, A. F. and A. M., meets on
Wednesday evening, on or preceding full moon.
R. A. M.
Ferguson Chapter, No. 5, R. A. M. , meets Thura
daj evM.'nc on or preceding fuJl moon.
Old newspapers for sale at this office for
25 cents per 100.
It is said that the wheat acreage of Walla
Walla county for the coming season will be
an increase of 30 per cent.
Go to the Occidental the best hotel in
Corvallis for your board and lodging.
Samples ef ore sent from the Prehastin,
W. T., mines to Boise City, for assay,
.yielded from 30 to $100 per ton.
Of the 800 creameries in Iowa, the butter
they make is eaten in nearly every civilized
country in the globe.
Your place to buy the cheapest and best
harness and saddles in the valley is at S. A
At Ellensburg, on Tuesday evening last,
C. C. James shot and attempted to kill M.
Bamett. Domestic trouble was the cause.
The W. C. T. U. will give a lecture every
Thursday evening during the winter in the
College Chapel.
It is reported that a company of Eastern
capitalists will open a chicken ranch in
Yamhill county and stock it with ten
thousand chickens.
The West Side is a neat six column folio
paper just started at Independence, Polk
county, by J. H. Stine. It announces its
policy to be independent but not neutral.
The public school in Junction has been
closed two weeks on account of scarlet
fever Edgar McClure, the priucipal, has
been spending the time at home in Eugene.
We have on hand at this office a new
stock containing latest designs in ladies
md gentleman's cards, business cards, &c,
which we print at very low figures. Call
and get some of them.
The-Seattle Post Intelligencer thinks that
18S4 will find at least 0000 men at work on
the Cascade branch of the Northern Pacific
xailroad in King and Yakima counties.
Legal blanks furnished at this office on
-short notice at less than San Francisco
d rices.
A young man by the name of Taylor sud
denly disappeared irom the Columbia house,
Olympia, Thursday, and his friends there
are very anxious to know oi his whereabouts
His age is a!iut 24 years.
The new quarters being erected at Fort
Walla Walla are two stories high and 135
feet long. The upstairs will be occupied
by the men as sleeping rooms, the lower
floor tor dining room, kitchen, library and
bath rooms.
Daniel Haggerty, who was recently mur
dered at Prescott, came from Washington,
D. C, where two of his brothers und three
sisters now reside. One of the heirs will go
tto Walla Walla to see about the settling of
the deceased estate.
The character of a paper is of vastly
more consequence to its advertising
patrons than its circulation, though a
paper to give value recievd must have
both charactor and circulation. Manches
ter Mirror.
"Aw can you sell me a blue necktie to
match my eyes ?" Said a dude to a sales
man in a gents furnishing store. "Don't
know as I can, exactly," replied the sales
man, "but 1 can tit ynu to a soft hat to
match that head." That dude left with a
-smashed sour apple hue of disgust pervad
ing his whole countenance.
Ben Butler expresses himself as
hopeful of future political success re
gardless of his recent snow under.
Seattle Chronicle Items.
Many for the west.
The St. Paul Pioneer Press, of the 23rd,
says : The emigration travel to Oregon
has become so popular that the Northern
Pacific has been compelled to enlarge its
equipment for that class of travel. Yes
terday ten day coaches were forwarded to
the Pullman works to be exchanged for
thirteen emigrant sleepers. This will give
the company a total of thirty of this class
of cars."
Indian School to be Removed.
We learn, says the Oregon Register of
Yamhill county, that thare are strong prob
abilities that the Indian school at Forest
Grove will be moved to Newberg, in this
county. The arrangements have been made
to that effect, and only await the arrange
ment of minor details. It the report be
true as we have reason to believe, it will be
quite a boom for that section.
Coal Discovery.
Mr. Jerry Borst and the superintendent
of the New Castle coal mines, and party,
last week located 16 claims on a newly dis
covered coal vein in the Teanaway county
west of the Kittitas valley. This new find
is said to be a five feet vein of superior coal.
If as reported, it is one of the most import
ant discoveries yet made iu the county. It
is only about five miles from the N. P.
Railroad survey. Yakima Record.
New Coal Mine.
The Kittitas Localizer has learned re
cently that a valuable coal mine has been
discovered on the east side of the Cascade
mountains, and not over a day's ride from
Ellensburg. The coal resembles the Cum
berland coal, and a company of six persons
are interested in the field. A cabin is be
ing built at the mine, and preparations are
making for its development. The seam is
some six feet in thickness. Sixteen loca
tions have been made in the districts,
which about covers the whole discovery.
Job Printing Office for Sale-
We have at this office in the job depart
ment sufficient good material to make up
two good job offices. To any one wanting
to purchase we will therefore sell a job office
complete, including one press, and every
thing else necessary. We have a new half
medium Gordon, and an eighth medium
Liberty press, as good as new. Of these
two presses the purchaser can take his
An unusual number of large vessels'
in the bay.
The railroad company are putting
up a building at the foot of South
Second street to be used as an en
gine house.
The Elder sailed for San Fran
cisco yesterday If. m., carrying
476 tons of freight, consisting chiefly
of coal, grain, salmon and hides.
There were 79 passengers.
The schooner Beebe ic discharging
her damaged freight at Yesler' s
-whaif The extent of the loss will
not be known until her hold is
Yesterday the work of lowering
the wharves to the common level
recently fixed by city ordinance
was begun, the force being first em
ployed on the approach leading
from Main street to the new ocean
The Bark Montana now lies at the
ocean dock. She is direct from Gua
ymes, Mexico, whither she had taken
a load of lumber from Port Blakely.
She will load with coal for San Francisco.
A sudden rise in the Snoqualmie
last Sunday night about 1,000,000 feet
of logs which had grounded on the
bars and riffles during the high water
of two weeks ago, part of them being in
round booms and part loose.
The ship Richard III, which anchored
opposite tiie barrel factory Tuesday night,
was yesteday towed to the ocean dock.
She was built at Portsmouth, N .H., in
the year 1859, and is ranked A 1 on the
records of the American ship masters' as
sociation. She .will load with coal for
San Francisco.
Attempted Highway Robbeiy.
The Eugene Guard of last week says :
On last Tuesday night near Cottage Grove
Posy Veatch, while on his way home from
church was ordered to throw up his hands
by some unknown person coming from the
brush close by, which he refused to do, at
the same time drawing his pistol and both
commenced shooting, the Iir3t shot of the
robber cutting out the buiton hole of Mr.
Veatch's overcoat. Veatch thought this a
pretty close callbut stood firm and fired a
shot at the robber, who responded by tiring
another, but missing his aim tried it again
and his pistol snapped, when Veatch turned
loose on him with two more shots making
him hunt his way into the brush. Should
the party be found he will likely be found
looking up a tree for breath.
Without a Paper.
An exchange publishes the following for
the truth : "Once upon a time a certain
man got mad at the editor and stopped his
paper. The next week he sold his corn at
four cents below market price. Then his
property was sold for taxes, because he
didn't read the Sheriff sale. He was ar
rested and fined eight dollars for going
bunting on Sunday, simply because he
didn't know it was Sunday; and he paid
three hundred dollars for a lot of forged
notes that had been advertised for two
weeks and the public cautioned not to ne
gotiate them. He then paid a big Irish man,
with a foot on him like a forge ham
mer, to kick him all the way to the Dews
paper office, where he paid four years sub
scription in advance and made the editor
sign an agreement to knock him down and
rub him if he ever ordered his paper stop
ped again." Such is life without a news
No Vacancy.
"My Dear," said a fond father to his
yungest daughter, "come hither and sit
by rne while I whisper a tew words in your
shell-like ear. List to my gentle voice as
it goeth out to you in firm but kindly tones.
I observe with deep feeling of regret that
John Henry continues his visits here four
nights in each week, and I observe with
still deeper feelings of regret that you en
courage these visits. Nay, do not shake
your head. Mary Jane, for you meet him
with smiles, and it is not a woman's nature
to smile and smile and be unwillin' still.
Give the sombrehued past one searching
glance, Mary Jane. A few brief years ago
your eldest sister, Ann Elizabeth, brought
home on the eve of a sunlit day a blushing
young husbind and they still occupy the
parlor chamber. Then Catherine Maria
became a happy bride and when the joyous
couple returned from their wedding tour
they took my room, while I and your
mother moved to the attic. Next, Frances
Eugenia brought home a clinging, fragile
youth of dyspeptic mould and humorous
cast of countenance, and I had to plaster
the room over the summer kitchen . And
only a few short months ago, when the last
set of twins came, I was obliged to build
an addition to the south end. I feel now,
my beloved daughter, that I must protest
against a futher increase of family, except
by the hand of Providence. As much as I
would like to see you happily wedded 1
cannot consent to take John Henry in out
of the cold. There is no room to build
another addition, and your fond parents are
growing too aged and infirm to sleep in ,the
wood-shed loft. John Henry is doubtless
an attractive youth, but there is no vacancy
for him in the domicile."
Butter Color.
There exists a degree of prejudice against
coloring butter. Persons not informed in
reference to this matter entertain the idea
that the coloring preparations are chemical
extracts of vegetable colors, and are per
fectly harmless. No one is afraid to eat
the red or yellow beet, on account of their
color. The extracts used for coloring but
ter or cheese are equally harmless.
Some say, why use color ! Why not
leave it as it is by nature ? In answer, we
say such is not the principle that we follow
ordinarily. We rather aim to remedy nat
ural defects. For this reason we trim the
trees in our lawns and the hedges that sur.
round thom, into fanciful shapes. We paint
our houses with colors pleasing to the eye,
although other colors might be more dura
ble, and preserve the building for a longer
time. We array ourselves in clothing of
varied hues, although scientists claim we
should wear pure white in summer and
black in winter . And they must be cut the
latest style or we are not happy. We all
have an eye to beauty. The taste demands
yellow butter. June butter by nature is
yellow. This is the standard natural color.
It pleases the eye. It looks better on the
table, if it tastes no better. Therefore,
those who purchase butter prefer yellow
butter, and will pay more for it. There is
no deception in the color, as it does not in
the least effect the quality. It does not
affect the taste, but it does improve the
looks, and iu that way adds to its value.
A tasty house-keeper wishes her table to
look well. She knows that a plate of nice
yellow butter looks much better than a
plate of white, lard -colored, and this is a
taste which is commendable, and which
butter-makers must not overlook.
Turned End lor End.
Many fancy stories have been told first
and last about Chinese cooks, and people
who have had dealings with this class are
generally firm believers in the old saying,
that "the lord sends victuals, but the devil
sends cooks." A case in point occurred in
this city a day or two since. A lady en
gaged a cook who had been represented to
her as an artist in his line. Her husband
who had tired of ill-cooked food, on hearing
of the new acquisition, determined to have
something a little extra in the grub line.
so carried home that evening a lot of brains
and some ox-tails. He delivered them to
John, telling him to fry the brains for
breakfast and make soup for dinner of the
ox-tails. Next morning he came down to
breakfast, his mouth watering in anticipa
tion; but what was his disgust when, on
removing the cover from the dish set before
him, he saw the ox tails fried brown. The
Chinese (cooks) must go, is now that man's
motto. It is, however, not so vary singu
lar that one of a nation who have no al
phabet in their language, who wear their
shirts outside their pantaloons and whose
compass points to the south, should expect
to rind the brains at the wrong end of an
ox. Oregonian.
Sixty Years in Oregon.
A Salem co rrespondent to the Oregonian
gives the following : "There has been con
siderable controversy recently as to who is
the pioneer resident of Oregon. I think
that Marion county has the honor of hav
ing the oldest settler in the state, if not on
the Pacific coast, in the person of Mr. John
B. Gobar, who resides near Brooks station,
about six miles north of Salem. Mr. Gobar
was born in Montreal, Cauada, in 1805,
and at the age of 18 enlisted iu the service
of the Hudson Bay Company, arriving in
Oregon in the fall of 1823. He was sta
tioned at Astoria (then called Fort George,)
engaged in the various duties of a frontier
trading post. Afterwards for a short time
he was in the company's employ at "Spo
kane House," a post near Spokane Falls,
W. T. With that exception he has re
sided in Oregon over sixty years. He has
been a resident of Marion county almost
half a century. Hon. B. F. Harding in
forms me that he saw the old gentleman a
few days ago at his farm and says that he
is hale and hearty for one of his age and
bids fair to continue for some time to be
the pioneer of this coast ."
Every fall finds the poultry -houses over
crowded, and even way up into the win
ter is this the case, until the flocks get
thinned down by gradually selling them off
or until the bulk of them are hurried away
by the annual slaughter just before the
holidays. When you commenced in the
spring with a few choice pullets and a cock,
the house was large enough to comfortably
accommodate them, but when the youug
birds are forced to shelter by the approach
of cold weather, having entirely out-grown
their mother's care, the house proves to be
far too small, though but few breeders
make any extra accommodations for them.
a3 they undoubtedly should do, to secure
them comfort and insure their health. If
sickness once gets a hold in such an over
crowded house, scarcely anything will stay
its ravages until there are few if any birds
left Even if they do not die under such
careless treatment, they cannot possibly
keep their hea th, and will become sickly
or droopy, and lose much of the weight put
upon them when they were not in such
close quarters, breathing the fetid atmos
phere of the overcrowded house.
Temperance Department.
This word so hated and reviled in the
past, such a terror to evil doers and to a
large class of people who never want to
have present conditions disturbed has
grown very rapidly into general favor the
past few years. The two ponderous argu
ments used against it, "you have no right
to prohibit" and "you cannot enforce that
law," have been demolished as much by
their manifest absurdities, as by the testi
mony of experience and facts.
While men have been trying by weak
sophistries and false witnesses to continue
the reignjof ruin, the iaily news has been
every year more and more loaded with
murder, suicide, robbery and crime of
every awful type, caused entirely by the
1 dramshop. And the public cannot fail to
see it. This beautiful country where
every man and woman would live in com
fort and competence, but for the licensed
crime-schools is more cursed with tramps,
paupers, criminals and human wrecks of
, every type, than any country in the world
i that is not equally drunken.
I It is patent to everybody, that prohibi
: tion would do away with all but an insig
j nificaut fraction of this vice, crime and
misery. Where the crime-schools have
been driven out or never existed there is
virtue, comfort and uninterrupted peace
and prosperity. And honest upright peo
ple are becoming convinced everywhere,
that it is a crime for them and us to per
mit a foreign enemy to spread debauchery
ruin, misery broadcast over our land. They
know too that it is as easy to enforce a law
against a dramshop, gaming den and pest
house as against any other nuisance or
Wherever religious or other conventions
touch upon this question, they now call
for prohibition as a remedy for the evil.
As the world moves along, its thinkers
pick up and adopt every doctrine and
policy that the leaders of the temperance
reform have put forth in their platform
after it has been at tirst ridiculed and op
posed. Section by section the world of common
sense has accepted everything and rejected
nothing that has been declared a policy of
our reform. Therefore as prohibition, by a
party elected to enact and enforce it, has
for many years been the settled policy of
all the thinking men who have pioneered
and piloted the temperance program thus
far, we may be sure of the speedy general
Read, Read Senta County.
The series of articles which we published
during the first of the year in the Gazette
from week to week describing Benton
comity by voting precints containing a list
of the tax payers of the county with the
amount of tax paid by each, we now have
for sale at this office bound in pamphlet
form. This contains a complete description
of the county and is a valuable book to
send to friends at a distance, and the tax
list therein contained is particularly valu
able to the business men of the county and
all over the coast.
To my patrons and friends I wish to say I am now
prepared to
Enlarge Portraits, Tin Tvpes
To any size desired in Oil or Crayon, by addressing
me and sending color of eyes, color of hair and com
plexion with picture. Satisfaction guaranteed in
every particular. Address,
1G3 First Street, Care C. C. Morse,
(Successor to Buford & Campbell,)
Candy, Nuts,
Cigars, and Tobacco,
And all goods kept in a Variety Store. Agent to
Universal Fashion. Co.
Of New York. Also agent for the
Albany Soda Works,
By fair and honorable dealing I hope'to merit a share
of patronage. Don't ask for credit at resent, as I
will do a cash business. 20-311 J
The Buyers' Guide is is
sued March and Sept., each
year: 216 pages, 8JxllJ
inches, with over 3,S0O
illustrations a whole pic
ture jjallery. Gives whole
sale prices direct to consumers on all goods
for personal or family use. Tells how
to order, and gives exact cost of every
thing you use, cat, drink, wear, or have
fun with. These invaluable books con
tain information gleaned from the map
kets of the world. AVe will mail a copy
Free to any address upon receipt of the
postage 7 cents. Let us bear from you.
127 A 228 U'abuk Avenue, Chicago. III.
i edition now icaily, ttie mont
,-I-Jdue.d. Mipcrfc I'lioto. Ai
nu ,a cidufcii e deisms, directly Imponea for
Mrown tratie, and standard publicr.t-.oiis: Hill's
V"'i i-J Historic, etc. We offer unrivalled in
ducements, with exclusive territory. Write to ua.
Publisliere.M annfaorurers and ImrjorteiBjjutesWa
Bnildins. 18 and 230 a. OUrk St., Chicago, Iio-
Though shaken in eTer joint and filer with ferer
and ague, or biUus remittent. ?Jae system may yet
be freed from the malignant virus with Hostetttri
Ston ach Bitters. Protect the system against it
with this beneficent anti-spasmodic, which is
furthermore a supreme remedy fcr liver complaint
constipation, dyspepsia, debility, rheumatism, kid
ey troubles and other ailments.
For sale by all Druggist and Dealers genera' ry.
Direct from the East !
Eastern and St. Louis
The Gazette,
Largest Family Paper
Published in Oregon, containing all important dis
patches, news from all parts of Oregon and the Pa
cific coast, all local news of importance, besides a full
supply of general and fireside family reading matter.
Tli-e Gf-azette,
As in past, will continue to be a faithful exponent of
The Interests of Benton County &n the
State at Large.
It will faithfully and fearlessly warn the people of
wrong, imposition, or approaching: danger where the
public is interested, never fearing to publish the
truth ot all times, but will endeavor to always ignore
ail unpleasant personalities which are of no public
interest or concern.
will saw all kinds of fire wood.
at one fourth what lumber will cost.
In a few weeks he will start out with his
Threshing Machine J
and will thrash all the flrrain that cornea In
his way en the
Most Reasonable Terms.
Sawed) Threshed)
eitSand make a targain with
John Wm. Moore.
THOS. J. BLAIR, President.
M. S. WOODCOCK, Attorney.
Classes of Real Estate on reasonable terms and
will thoroughly advertise by describing each piece of
property entrusted to it for sale.
Mr. T. J. Blair will always be in readiness, and will
take great pains to show property.
Offices near T. J. Blair's warehouse, or at the
Gazettb office.
The following pieces of property will be sold on
extraordinarily reasonable terms:
TOWN LOTS Six vacant lots in the northwest part
of Corvallis; Nicelv situated for residence, fenced and
set out with good variety of fruit trees. Price $1,000.
TOWN LOTS Two vacant lots in the southwest
part of Corvallis; Very nice for a residence, fenced
and set out with fruit trees. Price S450.
DWELLING AND TOWN LOTS lit lots on the
corner of (1th and Jefferson streets in Corvallis, Or.,
wnn comtortable 1J story dwelling with 6 good rooms
a (rood stable, woodshed, iic. Half cash, balance
on reasonable terms. Price $1100.
SAW MILL Undivided J interest in a mill run by
water, a good planer and seven acres of land used
in connection with the mill. Power unfficient. tji ran
all of the year, situated handy to market and within
aDoui i mnes ot uorvauis with an excellent good
road to and from it. Terms easy.
FARM Farm all under fence only 2i miles from
Corvallis of 150 acres, 80 acres now in cultivation, the
balance of it can be cultivated; about 20 of it now in
wheat with a fair house good barn and granery,
will be sold at a bargain. Terms easy.
FARM Farm of 478 acres for lcaa than 1 nar
acre, being one of the cheapest and best farms in
Rantii i a . . . . . ,
wuiivj , Diuuabcu nun west, oi juouroe, J OI
a mile from a good school, in one of the best neigh
borhoods in the state with chnrpli
About 130 acres in cultivation, and over 400 can be
cultivtaed. All under fence, with good two story
frame house, large barn and orchard; has running
- muuuu, aim i wen suiLeu ior siock
and dairy purposes. This is one of the cheapest farms
in the Willamette Valley Terms easy.
LOTS Two unimproved lots ir. Corvallia One of
tne choicest building plates in the city for sale reas
onable. ALSO Four unimproved lots except fenc
ed in Corvallis, Or. The choicest building place in
the city for sale reasonable.
STOCK FARM 320 acres, about 50 in cultivation,
150 acres can be cultivated, 60 acres of good fir and
oak timber, the balance good grass land. Small com
fortable house and barn, jt lies adjoining an inex
haustible ou rangi, making one of the best stock
ranges in Benton county. Situated about 10 miles
Southwest of Corvallis. Price $1000.
FARM A farm of 136 acres of land Bituated I
mile from Corvallis, in Linn County, Or. All under
fence; 80 acres of rich bottom land in cultivation,
56 acres of good fir, ash and maple timber"; 2 good
houses, 2 good orchards and two good wells witi
pumps. Terms: $30 per acre, half cash dowi. t-jd .
Lalance payable in one and two years, secured by
mortgage upon the farm.
ifl8, Pistols, '
Amunition, Cutlery, .
Spy Glasses, Fishing Tackle,
Sewing Machinss,
Work made to order and warranted.
20 33tf c. HODES, Corvallis.
Cor. Second and Monroe Sts. ,
Keeps constantly on hand all kinds of
Coffins and. Caskets.
Work done to order on short notice and at
reasonable rates.
Corvallis July I, 1881. 19:27yl.
N. E. Cor. Second and Yamhill Sts.,
A. P. Ahmstroho,
J. A. WicscO,
Penman and Secretary
Designed for the Easiness Education of Both Sexes.
Admitted on any week day or the 'year.
Of all kinds executed to order at reasonable rates.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
The College "Journal," containing information
of the course of study, rates of tuition, time to
enter, etc., and cuts of plain and ornamental pen
manship, tree.
"It is not wealth, or fame, or state,
But get up and git that makes me groat. "
is still sitting on the smoothe side of poverty
drawing out the cords of affliction in
behalf of his old customers, where
he keeps constantly on hand
a full supply of
No, 1 Harness, Saddles, Bridles,
Robes, Spuria, Sponges, Harness Oil, Blan
kets, Hobbles, Nose Bags, Cinches, Harness
Soap and everything that is kept in a tirst
class harness store.
Carriage Trimmings
a Specialty.
Repairing; Dona OK
Short Notice.
Call and see for yourself before buying else
where, at the old stand, opposite
the express office.
Corvallis, - Oregon.