The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, November 02, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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Now is the time to buy your slab wood.
Dr. J. R. Bayley went to Portland last
There will be a social party at the hall
this evening. All are invited.
Mr. Aldrich, o! Summit, was in Corvallis
during the week.
Overcoats almost given away at the
bankrupt sale of M. Stock & Co.
Two car loads of eastern oysters for prop
agation were recently shipped via N. P.
road to Victoria.
Rev. J. W. Quimby will preach at Aux
jlary school house next Sunday at 11 o'clock
A. M. All invited.
Found A ladies' gold cuff pin. Owner
can have by calling at this office and paying
for this notice.
Mr. Bettman, of Portland, of the firm of
C. H. Whitney & Co., of this place, has
been in the city during the week.
One hundred sacks dairy salt 50 lbs., at
75 cts. per sack, for sale by T. W. Belt,
At Philomath. T. W. Belt is getting a
big run on his Sugar Loaf Drips, it is the
finest syrup in the market.
Will Bros, just received a nice assort
me t of accordeons, and sell them a tgreat
1 j reduced prices.
The president has appointed November
29th as a day of thanksgiving. See procla
mation elsewhere in this issue.
The blacksmith shop on Main street that
was damaged by the fire is being repaired
and having a new roof put on.
Parties from Monroe yesterday report
that scarlet fever patifnts there are im
proving. Mrs. Dr. Lee went to Portland on Thurs
day morning and will be absent for several
A Yamhill county farmer is said to have
mortgaged his farm for 2,300, and lost it
all on Martin, in his recent race.
Fitz Patrick was pardoned form the State
prison on tfeS 19th inst. by Gov. Moody for
Walla Walla was treated to a genuine
snow storm last Thursday, the snow falling
The rains recently have been so abundant
as to sufficiently wet the ground to permit
every farmer to plow to his hearts content.
B. G. Clark, of Albany, went to Eugene
City last Wednesday on business. Mr.
Clark talks some of engaging in business in
There will be a call meeting of the Ladies'
Cotfeo' Glub on next Monday at half-past
Jl Me 'o'clock P- M., at YouDg America's
hall. By order of the president.
The salaries of the station agents on the
Northern Pacific have been reduced fifteen
per cent, and several have handed their
resignation in consequence.
The Daily Sun, published at The Dalles,
is the latest newspaper venture. It is a
neat, well arranged and newsy sheet, and
reflects great credit on the proprietors.
f .Messrs. H. C. Perkins and Wm. Barn
art of Eugene City have returned from
east of the mountains viewing land for Men
One hundred 5 gallon cans coal O'l, 150
test, for sale at $1.75 per can by T. W.
Belt, Philomath. Remember coal oil has
advanced 25 cts. on the can in the last 10
The stock of goods formerly kept by M.
Stock 4 Co. is being rapidly sold, so per
sons desiring bargains should come to the
front at once.
Last week there were shipped from St.
Paul thirty-two cars of yearlings consigned
to the Crow Indian Agent at Gray Cliff.
The beeves averted eighteen to the car,
and the calves for the Crows thirty-two to
the car.
"The Union Temperance meeting" will
be held at the Episcopal church next Sun
day evening. No services will be he'd in
the other churches of this city on this eve
nine as all unite in this service. Public
cordially invited to attend.
Col. Elliot h.i3 completed his machine for
separating fine gold from the sands and
started yesterday for the mining regions of
Alsea to test the merits of his invention.
He was accompanied by Roy Raber and
one or two more gentlemen of this place.
When a person arrives upon Main Street
in Albany with its many brick busiue&3
buildings empty, closed up and labeled
"For rent," it appears more than anyth'n
else like entering upon the quietude of a
graveyard scene.
Mr. Sol. King requests us for him in this
manner to extend his heartfelt thanks to
all the firemen who so ably assisted at the
late fire in this place wherein his property
wa; destroyed, and in particular he desires
to thank those school boys who worked so
manfully endeavoring to save from the firey
During the removal of the insane from
Portland to Salem last week, a man by the
same of John Ryan escaped from the asy
lum officers and was at large until Friday.
Uow be eluded the officials is not known
but he must have shown more shrewdness
than many would credit to a wandering
Will Bros, have just received a large
shipment of the latest improved sewing
machines, including the Eldridge, acknowl
edged by sewing machine experts to be the
lightest running machine in the market.
The Eldridge is a new machine and has
many good qualities over all others which
must be seen to be appreciated. It is no
trouble to show the good qualities of our
machines to parties who contemplate pur
chasing. Old machines taken in exchange.
At Actual Cost.
If you want your winter supply of goods
cheap now is the time to get them as the
stock of M. Stock 4 Co. is being sold at
actual cost.
The bark Whistler went ashore last Sat
urday morning about 3 o'clock near Loonies
place about ten miles above the mouth of
the Columbia. She was bound for Knap
ton for lumber. She belonged to Simpson
Bros. Her value was about S00O.
Large fire at Independence.
A laree light illuminating the northern
horizon was plainly visible at Corvallis last
Saturday night. It was subsequently as
certained to be caused by a large fire which
occurred at Independence at that time,
wherein the Western Hotel, a two story
building, and two other houses were burned.
The loss is said to be about 6000.
Eusiness Education
Parties desiring a thorough Busines
Education will save money by calling a
this office and purchasing a certificate of
i scholarship to the Portland Business College
' of Portland Ogu., with A. P. Armstrong as
Job Printing Office for Sale.
I We have at this office in the job depart
! ment sufficient good material to make up
two good job offices. To any one wanting
to purchase we will therefore sell a job office
complete, including one press, and every
I thing else necessary. We have a new half
' medium Gordon, and an eighth medium
j Liberty pres3, as good as new. Of these
I two presses the purchaser can take his
New Uvery Bam.
Messrs. Brink & Wright have purchased
the stock of buggies and horses of Sol Kiug
and have opened a livery barn in the build
ing on Third street, formerly used by them
as a staoe barn. They have men at work
fixing up the building, and will soon be in
readiness to accomodate anyone wishing
anything in the livery line.
On last Satuday evening the 27th of Oct.
last at the family residence of Mrs. J. C.
Avery in this place in the presence of a few
invited friends, by the Rev. J. R. N. Bell,
Miss Gertrude Avery to Mr. Frank Irvin.
On the following Tuesday evening a recep
tion was given to the newly made and
happy .couple by the members of Valley
Lodge, Knights of Pythias, at the city hall
in this place, where a great many invited
guests gathered, and after extending con
gratulations a few hours was spent pleasant
ly dancing. We wish them a happy future.
Corvallis, Oregon, Oct. 26, 1SS3.
The co-partnership heretofore existing
between T. J. BuSibrd and W. H. H.
Grant, is this day dissolved by mutual con
sent. The said T. J. Bufford to assume
and pay the firms indebtedness to C. C.
Morse & Co. Horace Duesbuy, Joseph
Thuaits, and one half of the firms indebt
edness to M. S. Woodcock and one halt of
Sol King's bill against said firm.
T. J. Bufoed,
W. H. H. Grant.
A Harvest of Death.
Last spring Martha Walker, eldest girl
ot W. T. Walker, one of Lane county's
earliest and best citizens, died of scarlet
fever at the residence of Prof. Johnson in
Eugene, says the Jonrnal. The remains
were buried m tbe Odd Fellows cemetery,
and the clothing was taken to the family
residence near Goshen. Recently the
clothing was taken out of the trunk, and
the fever started. Frank, the eldest son,
was the first to take it. He died on Mon
day, Oct, 15th, and was buried the follow
ing day. The father, W. Thomas Walker,
died last Monday, Oct. 22d, aged about 55
years. Two graud children, who were at
his house, died the same day, one a girl,
aged about 3h years and the other a boy,
? ed about 2J years. The name of the
children is Bailey. The remains of Mr.
Walker and his two grand children were
buried last Tuesday in the Odd Fellows
cemetery near Eugene, being five of the
family who have been laid to rest there
within a few months four within one week
all victims of scarlet fever. There were
five other members of the family down
with tbe fever. All are getting better.
robably a Fatal Accident.
Mr. Coll. Garrett a young man about 28
years of age accompanied by Mr. James
Cane of this county, last Tuesday evenini?
about five o'clock attempted to cross the
Willamette river at Peoria. Mr. Garrett
was managing the boat but had never had
any experience of much consequence in
running the ferry. When they got into
the middle of the stream the current was
very swift and Mr. Grrrett had hold of the
wheel and was holding the boat sideways
to the current so that nearly the full weight
of the water came directly against the boat.
The pressure was so heavy that the spokes
in the wheel either broke or else pulled
loose from Mr. Garretts grasp which let
Mr. Garrett pitch forward toward the
wheel, one of the spokes struck his head
just above the left temple and another one
a little above and back of the left ear, both
places the skull was crushed through to the
brain. On Wednesday morning the young
man was yet alive but not expected to live.
An Oregon Pioneer.
Clayton, Adams Co, III. )
October 23, 1883. )
Editor Gazette : I have been as far
east as I purposed going when I left home,
that was Springfield. 1 went there for the
purpose of seeing Oak Ridge cemetery
and Lincoln monument, and also to go
through the State capitol, said to be the
finest building in the United States; and so
far as my own observation and inspection
has been it certainly is ahead, as the es
timate of cost now reaches the enormous
sum of six million dollars, and will take
two million more to complete the structure.
As for the Lincoln monument and the tomb
of the martyred president, it is simply a
representation of the man and his deeds,
that is to say sublime, grand, and beautiful,
and think that definition is the best possi
ble description myself or any tourist can
give of it. As I walked around the vast
pile of granite blocks, furnished by each
State, if course it was natural for me to
look for the block furnished by our own be
loved Oregon, and at last the block was
pointed out by the guide, with the letters
"On" cut upon it, and I told him that
them letters at home would in no case
meau Oregon, and expressed the wish that
Or. be substituted in its place.
As to this country, (111. ) its agricultural
resources are itnmeuse, both in soil and pro
duction, yet in many essential features I
am disappointed, as I supposed that after
an absence of 40 years that on my return
each homestead would be beautifully decor
ated with tine buildings and orchards and
flower gardens and shade trees, and all
necessary improvements far beyond my own
rude conception of such thiugs, but alas to
my astonishment and disappointment, every
State through which I have passed is be
hind the Willamette valley in all these im
provements; and in the matter of churches
aud schools in the rural districts we are
fully up if not ahead. As au instance,
where I am now stopping, 16" miles from
Quincy, in an old rich district, not a church
in a radius of six miles, and not a Sabbath
school in any neighborhood I visited outside
of the towns and cities. Strange as this
may seem it is neverthe'ess true. How
proud I am to say that even Soap Creek can
discount such a state of morals as this.
But I find I am scribling this letter much to
long for your paper, and may be to long for
any one to drag through, so I close by say
ing to all who have homes in the Willam
ette that think of changing localities, my.
advice is to "look before you jump,"
Yours, rather homesick,
T. Carter.
A large whale was killed by Indians off
Cape Fattery a few days ago. They sur
rounded the animal with seven large canoes
and literally filled him with spears, to each
one of which was attached a bladder to
keep him afloat. The whale lashed the
water with his tail to a foam, but the blad
ders proved too much for him, and he soon
succumbed and was towed off.
Resolutions of Respect.
The following resolutions of respect to
the memory of S. Neugass deu'd were ad
opted by Bamum Lodge No. 7, I. O. O. F.
Oct. 30, 18S3:
Whereas, It has pleased the grand
master of the sovereign grand lodge of the
universe to remove from our midst our
worthy Brother S. Neugass, and
Whereas, in view of the loss we have
sustained by the decease of our friend and
brother and of the still heavier loss sus
tained by those who were nearest aud
deirest to him; theretore be it
Resolved, that it is but a just tribute to
the memory of the departed to say that in
regretting his removal from our midst we
mourn for one who was in every way
worthy of our respect and regard.
Renohed, that in his death the Lodge
laments the loss of a brother who was ever
ready to proffer the hand of aid and the
voice of sympathy to the needy and dis
tressed of the fraternity, a friend and com
panion who was dear to all, and to his
family a kind husband and an indulgent
Resolved, that the heartfelt sympathy
of this Lodge be extended to his family in
their affliction.
Resolved, that these resolutions be spread
upon the records of the Lodge and a copy
thereof transmitted to the family of our
deceased brother and to each of the city
newspapers of Corvallis for publication.
Fraternally submitted,
Geo. W. Ejiery, 1
D. Carole, Com.
Joseph Emery. )
Attest, J. H. Simpson, R. Scc'y.
Yaquina Post Items.
Three hundred bushels of oysters were
shipped on Tuesday. Among the rest, Ed.
Parker shipped sixty-six bushels.
The st sch Kate and Anna came in from
Portland on Sunday, with a full cargo of
flour, groceries, etc. She will sail for Port
land at an early day.
The Benton, anchored off Elk, sunk in
the front of the week. Capt. Walling went
up Tuesday to look after her.
Messrs. Grant and Parker commenced
viewing out the wagon road across the
hills east of the docks on Tuesday.
Pheasants and quail are plentiful, and the
festive bear can be easily found in the hills
back ot the bay, with uow and then a
Bro. Elias Wiser has been suffering from
a felon on one of his fingers for some days.
It is a very painful pet, and has occupied
Mr. W. s closest attention for several days.
The other day, concluding that a poultice
would help matters, he carefully proceeded
to apply one, and found great relief from it.
When his wife took off the bandage to ap
ply a fresh one, she found that Mr. W. had
poulticed the wrong finger. Imagination .is
a big thing.
aaaHA Tf -aoiiou
joqjnj rpiun rrnn otp ye pjoo xad 0S'I$
We have on hand at this office a new
stock containing latest designs in ladies
Mid gen tie, nail's cards, business cards, &c,
which we print at very low figures. Call
and get of them.
Second Report of the Utah Commission.
Washington, Oct. 30. The board of
Utah commissioners have submitted their
second annual report to the secretary of
the interior. After making a statement of
the former legislation of congress relative to
bigamy or polygamy they say the duties
of the commission appertain to matters of
registration and election, and eligibility to
office, while the punishment for the crime
of polygamy is left as under the former
law, to counts of justice. Under the anti
polygamy act the commission had good
success, at the general election in August,
1883, in excluding polygamists from the
polls, aud so far as it was advised very
few if any illegal votes had been cast in
Utah since the commission took charge of
registration and elections, in August, 1883.
The enforcement ot the present law against
12,000 polygamists, who have been exclu
ded from the polls, shows that the act has
beeu fully and successfully executed.
It is thought that discrimination be
tween those Mormons who practice polyg
amy aud those who do not, while not likely
to have much effect upon elderly men who
have already a plurality of wives, must
havo great weight with the .young men of
the territory, many of whom are ambitious
and aspiring and would not like to volun
tarily embrace political ostracism. The
very existence of a law disfranchising polyg
amists tend to destroy their influence,
whenever it is understood that discrimina
tion is to be permanent. The fact also that
it will be necessary to the preservation of
the political influence of the people's party
fas the Mormons style themselves) to have
a large body of their members who are not
polygamists, must tend to weaken the
practice of polygamy, for every Mormon
who takes but one plural wife loses three
votes for bis party his own and those of
his two wives, woman suffrage being es
tablished by law in Utah.
Coucerniug plurality of wives, the report
says that a doctrine and practice so odious
throughout Christendom should have been
upheld so many years against the laws of
congress and the sentiment of the civilized
world is one of the marvels of the nine
teenth century, and can be scarcely appre
ciated even by those familiar with the
world's history.
In relation to the diffiulties of govern
ment control or suppression of religious
fanaticism, tbe report says that certainly
no government can permit a violation of
its laws under the guise of religious free
dom; and while congress may not legislate
to a mere mattei of opinion, yet it may de
nounce and punish as crimes those actions
which are in violation of social duties or
subversive of good order. The right of
congress to suppress this great evil is un
doubted. It is equally plain that the
dignity and good name of this great nation
among the nations of the earth demands
such congressional action as shall effectively
eliminate this national disgrace.
The commission renew the recommendr
tiou contained in the report of November
17, 1882, notably the one regarding the
enactment of marriage laws by congress,
declaring all future marriages in the terri
tory null and void, unless contracted and
evidenced in the manner provided by the
act. If the next legislature shall fail to
adopt measures in conformity with the pro
visions of the act of 1SS2 for the suppres
sion of polygamy, the commission will be
prepared to recommend and congress cer
tainly will not be disposed to delay, the
adoption of such stringent measures, com
patible with the limitations of Lhe consti
tution, as may be considered necessary for
the suppression of this great evil.
The report refers to various muni.-ipal
elections, aud says the most important elec
tion was that of August 6, 1883. The total
number of votes cast in this contest was
11,969, against 29,923 at the last Novem
ber election. The priucipal falling off was
on the part of the gentiles, or "liberal
party." In November the total vote of the
people's or Mormon party was 23.0S9; lib j
ral, 4S84. In August, 18S3, the vote of
the people's party, 20,508; liberal 1453.
From this it appears that a large number of
liberals refrained from voting, a fact much
to be regretted, for the reason that it is be
lieved that by proper efforts and good man
agement one or more non-Mormons might
have been elected to the legislature, who
could have had an opportunity of putting
a majority on record.
In conclusion the commission say that re
cently some ten suits were instituted in 'the
third district court of Utah by Mormons
against numbers of this commission, com
plaining that they had been unjustly de
prived of the right to register and vote.
These are understood to be test cases, de
signed to contest the constitutionality of
the Edmunds act, as well as the legal con
struction which should be put upon its pro
visions. The suits are still undecided, and
are likely to be appealed to the supreme
court of the United States.
It has been asserted that polygamous
marriages have increased since the passage
of the Edmunds act. On the contrary we
have the opinion of many Mormons and
non-Mormons that they have comparatively
decreased since the passage of the act.
After diligent inquiry we believe the latter
conclusion is correct, but the Utah legisla
ture will have an opportunity of satisfying
the country on this particular point, or
passing such public marriage acts as that
which we have suggested to congress. By
this, and such other legislation as we have
indicated, they will give the government
assurance of their loyalty and patriotism,
and avert a contest that cannot but result
in their discomfiture.
. We consider it proper to commend the
zeal of the governor of Utah in his efforts
to enforce the laws."
To the Hon. H. M. Teller, secretary of
the interior. . J
Jury Venire.
The following panel of jurors for the
November term of court, which commences
on the 26th, wa3 drawn last Wednesday:
Zenas Davis, Yaquina, Boatman.
L. S. Zumwalt, Kings Valley, Farmer.
Wm. Mackay, Toledo, Farmer.
G. Barnard, Monroe, Farmer.
Alfred Flickinger, Turn -Turn, Farmer.
D. R. Tom, Alsea, Farmer.
J. D. Slagel, Monroe, Farmer.
E. D. Skaggs, Willamette, Farmer.
W. S. Locke, Corvallis, Farmer.
J. H. Aldrich, Summit, Farmer.
Wm. Henkle, Corvallis, Capitalist.
Andrew llickard, Monroe, Farmer.
George Houek, Monroe, Fanner.
W. H. Starr, Willamette, Farmer.
C. E. Tyler, Corvallis, Farmer.
M. L. Barnett, Monroe, Farmer.
C. B. Wells, Philomath, Farmer.
P. R. Williamson, Soap Creek, Farmer.
L. H. Stai r, Monroe, Farmer.
Hugh flerron, Monroe, Farmer.
Charles Smith, Corvallis, Farmer.
Cyrus Dixon, Elk City, Farmer.
Simon Kline, Corvallis, Merchant.
Ernest Warren, Summit, Stockman.
Ezra Dixon, Philomath, Farmer,
A. M. Witham, Corvallis, Farmer.
Daniel Howry, Elk City, Farmer.
Charles Frantz, Kings Valley, Farmer.
James Stewart, Corvallis, Farmer.
Wm. M. Haskin, Monroe, Farmer.
Nels H. Wheeler, Corvallis, Farmer.
BEOKWITH-R1DER At the residence
of N. H. Wheeler, Oct. 28, 1S83, by the
Rev. G. W. Bennett, Mr. Ormond W.
Beekwith to Miss Nellie J. Ryder. All
01 Corvallis, Benton county, Oregon.
The Gazette extends congratulations to
thcnewly wedded pair and wishes their
journey through life a long and happy one.
BRIEN KING At the residence of Geo.
Simmons in this place, on the 30th of
Oct. last, by Justice Carlile, Mr. W. E.
Urien to Mrs. Permeiia King, all of this
NEUGASS In this city on Monday,
October, 29th after a short illness, Simon
Neugass, in the o'Oth year of his age.
Deceased was born Feb. 26th, 1SS3, in
Frankfort on the Main, Germany, and for
the past 26 years hail been a resident of
Corvallis. He was a man of many excel
lent qualities, a genial companion, a kind
neighbor and a beloved father. He leaves
a wife, son and daughter to mourn their
A short time since and the subject of
this notice was the ornament of his family.
He stood at the head of his dear ones as
husband and father, and from that high
position he has fallen suddenly and forever.
His intercourse with the living world is
uow ended, and closed forever are those
lips on whose friendly words we have so
often and so lately hung with trausport.
From the darkness which rests upon his
tomb there proceeds a light in which it is
closely seen that those gaudy objects which
men pursue are only phantoms, the bubble
which seemed to have so much solidity has
burst and we again see that all below the
sun is vanity.
His remains were taken to Albany on
Thursday for interment in the Jewish ceme
tery near that place and were followed by a
large number of sorrowing friends. R
StCLAIU In Monroe, Oct. 19, 1SS3,
Ethel lone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Waymen StClair, aged three years and
five months. She was only sick a few
days, the disease being scarlet fever.
Calm on the bosom of thy God,
Sweet Ethel, rest thee now;
E'kii while with us thy footsteps trod
His s?-i.l was on thy brow.
Fresh roses i.i thy hand,
buds on thy pillow laid;
Haste from thj.s blighting land.
Where Ilowers so quickly fade.
Before thy heart could learn
In waywardness to stray;
Before thy feet cou.d turn
The dark and downward way.
Lonely are the days, and sad the hours,
Since thy sweet smile is gone;
But Kthelj a brighter home than ours
In Heaven Is now thine own.
H. A. A.
Wheat in Portlar d fii-ni at. CO per cental sacked.
U may now be lairiy quotea Here
Wheat 78
(lata .... 45
Wool per lb 17 ro 18
Flour per barrel 5 50
liacon sides
Hams IS to 16
Shoulders 1" to 12
Lard. 10 lb tins 15 to 18
" Ke2s 18 to 15
Butter, treah rolls 30 to 3.
E338, per doz to 30
Diied armies. Plumnier 12 to 14
" Sun dried- t to 7
Plums, r.itless 12 to T4
Chickens, per doz 3 00 to 3 50
Hides, dry tlmt i i "
" erreen 6 to 7
Geese, tame 6 00
Ducks. " 3 50 to 4 00
Onions, per lb 3 to
The Gazette,
Largest Family Paper
Published In Oregon, containing all important dis
patches, news from all parte of Oregon and the Pa
cific coast, all local news of importance, besides a full
supply of general and fireside family reading matter.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the
County of Benton.
Elizabeth H. Mercer, her husband
Ueonre Mercer and William Hood. J
Plaintiffs. f
William C. Jasper, Mary Borman I
and her husband Bormar,, I
Defendants. '
To William C. Jasper, one of the above named de
fendants: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby
summoned and required to appear and answer to the
complaint of said plaintiffs in the above entitled suit
now on file in the office of the Clerk of said Court by
the first day of tbe next regular term of said Court,
that is to say 011 the l!)th day of November, 1883, or
judgment for want of an answer will be taken against
And you are hereby notified that if you fail to ap
pear aud answer the complaint of the plaintiffs herein
as above required, the plaintiff will applv to the
Court for the relief prayed for in the complaint in
this suit, to-wit: A certain deed to certain lands sit
uated in said county of Benton, in the State of Ore
gon, on the 20th day of April, A. D. 1858, by the
said defendant William C. Jasper and his then wife
Mary Jasper, was made, executed and delivered to
one William Owenby, the said William C. Jasper and
Mary Jasper, his wiie, having sold or. that day last
aforesaid the lands as hereinafter correctly described,
to said William Owenby. The said Mary Jasper hav
imS since said time beeu divorced from said William
C. Jasper and she being now said defendant Mary
Borman having since said divorce Intel married with
said defendant Borman. That said deed in
tending to convey said premises by mutual mistake
between said William Owenby and said William C.
Jasper and his said wife were erroneously described
in said deed in this that said deed did not contain
any description of said lauds whatever.
That the object of this suit and the complaint
therein prays the Court to or er and d jjree that said
deed be so corrected and reformed so as to contain a
proper and correct description of said lands as in
tended between tiie parties to said deed. That a
proper and correct description of said land as des
cribed in said complaint and as was intended to have
been conveyed by and between the parties to said
deed are as follows, to-wit: Being the donation land
claim of James S. Doggctt, and his wife Elizabeth R.
Dogjtett, and designated as claim Number forty-four,
being parts of Sections two, three, ten and eleven, in
Township thirteen, south of Range six West, aud
being bounded and described as follows to-wit: Begin
ning at a point one chain and ten links east and nine
chains and twenty -eight links south of the quarter
section post between said sections three and ten, and
running thence east seventy-three chains and eighty
links, thence north forty-three chains and fifty links,
thence west seventy -three chains and forty-seven
links, aud thence south forty-three chains and fifty
links to the place of beginning, in the district of
lands subject to sale at Oregon City, Oregon, and in
Benton county, containing three hundred and
twenty acres and thirty-three hundredths of an acre"
The said plaintiffs in said suit are the 1 wners of all
said lands through successive conveyances under and
through said William Ovenby, aud. each of said plain,
tiffs own said lands in separate parcels and are in
possession of the same, having pid their immediate
vendors therefor.
This summons is published by order of the Hon. R.
S. Bean, Jude oi said Court, which order bears date
September 22nd, 1S3, allien order also requires that
the same be published for a period of six weeks.
41w7 Attorney for PlaintiffE.
Notice is hereby given that by vi.tie of a decree
and order of sale or execution, issued out of the Cir
cuit Court of the State of Oregon for Benton County,
under the seal of said Court and bearing date the '20th
day of September, A. 1). 1883, in a suit wherein
Thomas Russell was plaintiff and Jacob Holgate,
Alvenia F. Holgate, Max Friendly, J..R. Bayley and
J. E. Henkle and Jacob Henkle as administrators of
the partnership estate of John L. Shipley, deceased;
and J. E. Henkle and A. J. Williams were defendants
wherein the said plaintiff recovered judgment against
said defendants Jacob Holgate and Alvenia F. Hol
gate for the sani of 1727.00 United States gold coin,
with interest thereon at the rate of one per cent,
per month from April 6th, 1SS3, and for the further
sum of 150. 00 as attorneys fees, besides the bum or
$50 costs and disbursmcnts, and a decrettal order
against all of said defendants for the sale of the real
property hereinafter described in the order herein
after set forth, to satisfy the said amount; and also
the further sum of a judgment fr.r $372.00. United
States gold coin, with interest at one per cent, per
month from April 6th, ISS3, and which order is '.o
me directed and commands me to sell First, all that
portion north of the AJsta river of land claim No.
42, Not. No. 7878, in Sections (i and 7, in Township
14, S K 7 W., being a part of the land claim donated
by the United States Government to John A, Wil
liams aud Mary his wife, situated in Benton county,
Oregon, and if the said real property does not sell ft r
sufficient to satisfy the amount due op said decree
and jaid judgment, including attorneys fees, costs
and expenses, then and in thateyent 1 am command
ed to sell next all that portion south of the Alsea.
river of land claim No. 42, Not. No. 7H78, in Sec
tions 6 and'7, in Township 14, S R 7 W, it being pait
of the donation land claim of John A. Williams and
Mary his wife, from the U. L. Govt, in Benton
county, Oregon, and if said tract does not sell for
sufficient to pay and satisfv the remaining amount
dueoiiisaid decree jind order including attorneys
fee, cosi s and accruing costs and sard judgment of
&372 and interest then and in that event I am com
manded to sell the following descrild premises
to wit: Claim No. .'.'I) being parts of sections 31 and
32 in T. 13, S R 7 W, and claim No. 43 being parts
of sections 5, f, & 7 in T. 14, S R 7 W, and bounded
and described as follows, to wit beginning at a
point 12 70-10C chains West and 18.30 chains North
of the S E come of said section 31 and running
thence south 120 chains, thence east 12.50 chains,
thence north 65.00 chains, thence east 31.00 chains,
thence north 54.00 chains, and thence west 43.43
chains to the place of beginning, containing 319 50
100 acres, in Benton county, Oregon, to satisfy the
amount remaining due on said decree, attorneys
fees, costs and expenses and accruing costs and said
judgment of 372.0C and interest thereon.
Now therefore in obedience to said order of sale
and decree, I, Sol King, sheriff of Benton county,
Oregon, have levied upon and will sell the above de
scribed parcels of real property, and all of the inter
est of said defendants therein, in the orer above
set forth, or eo n.uch thereof as may be necessary to
satisfy the amount due on said decree and order
sale, including attorneys fees, costs, expenses and ac
cruing costs and interest, and the said judgment
372.00 and interest, on
at one o'clock, p. m. of that day, at the front door of
the Court House, in the city of Corvallis, in Benton
county, Oregon, at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash. United States gold coin in hand
paid at time of sale, to satisfy said decree and ordot
of sale.
Corvallis, Oregon, Sept. 26th, 1883.
40w5 Sheriff Benton county, Oi .