The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, June 29, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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    hkto Corballis fecttf.
Entered at the Postofficc at Corvallis
Oregon, as second-class matter.
It 5s said that President Arthur
will soon lake a trip west.
Three thousand chests of opium
form the stock in San Francisco.
The construction trains of the
North Pacific at rived in Missoula at
3 o'clock P. M. on the 24th of June.
The prominent feature ofa "picnic
now davs is a tool race or some oth
er snort, dnrinsr which time one side
by wagering on their favorite man
picks" the "nick " els out of the
pockets of the other side.
Recent news claim that prospec
tors have discovered several rich gold
and t-ilver mines on both the Moses
and Colville rororves. Some of the
Quartz found assavs 02 per cent of
. -i - -
silver, and prospectors are still find
ing rich mines.
A union of the two district schools
in Corvallis and by making the one
a graded school supplied with the
public school fund which now goes
to both schools, it could be made
equal to any publie school in the
Slate, those ofPortland not except
ed. Why then is it that our people
do not move in this matter? Or is i
possible tbey don't want to improve
their schools?
If the City of Corvallis has a duly
and regularly elected and qualified
City attorney why does the. City
Council encourasre the protect of
depriving him of the work which
legitimately and properly belongs to
his office by listening to the propo
sitions from third parties to revise
the City laws ?
The Tribune, on Ohio Demociacy,
says: In selecting Hbadfey as a
leader, a man who is best known as
a defender of unrestricted whisky,
the Democrats have placed them
selves squarely on the side of anti-
temperance, notwithstanding then
attempts to hedire later, when it
came to a formal declaration of prin
ciples. A gold spike has already been
prepared to be driven about the last
part of August as the last spike in
the Northern Pacific Rajjroad. A
solid silver sledgo m being made
with an ebony handle to drive it
with. The place selected for the oc
casion is about ten miles from Helena
in the direction of Porlland. About
400 invited guests will bo present.
i he Ohio .Mate Kspublican con
vention has recently nominated
strong state ticket with able and pure
men from governor dowD. The con
veution adopted a platform declaring
positively in favor of high license and
also in favor of a tariff for revenut
and to protect the laboring class
cs of the country. As the democrats
are in favor of free whiskey and in
favor of ''tariff for revenue only"
the two parties will certainly join
issue on these important questions
It was said a few da3'B ago by the
Oregonian that the market was well
supplied with shad which had been
planted in the Sacramento river sev
eral years ago and had worked a
round to Portland so that the market
was plentifully supplied with them.
This is probably a great mistake be
cause some five or six years ago par
ties at Eugene planted a bountiful
supply of shad in and along the
waters of the Willamette river and
the supply at Portland now no doubt
is the result.
A majority of the bench composing
the Supreme Court of Texas hold
the act of the legislature unconstitu
tional which punish the giving away
of whisky where local option has
been adopted. Their decision is
based upon the constitutional pro
vision which refuses to permit the
legislature to pass a law to prohibit
the sale of intoxicating liquors.
Why does the City Council of
Corvallis entertain bids from parties
for both revising and printing the
city laws under one bid, without
giving other parties an opportunity
to enter b:ds for the work ? Why
do they not let the revising and
. printing under separate bids? Or is
it because it is feared that some one
might bid so low as to prevent the
ring from controlling the printing ?
ii is claimed uy Eastern journals
that the health of President Arthur
is quite poor. His system being fall
of the malaria common to Washino-
ton. If Washington is so extremely
mihealty why not move the national
capital out west some where, to Cor
vains tor instance, where human
kind can have some little assurance
of living a reasonably healthful life
without being poisoned to death a
oome democratic faithfuls as well
as the newspapers have been endeav
oring to create such a feeling in favor
of Samuel J. Tilden as grill result in
his nomination again for president
They have not forgotten tinder the
democratic ideas of civil service re
form and purity in elections how the
old man sent his money out to Ore
gon hoping to buy an electorial vote
The government works at New
port under the supervision of Engin
eer Polhemus has progressed finely.
They have extended the work out
fifteen hundred feet to the edge of
the middle channel and it is calcu
lated that the present appropriation
will complete the work out this dis
tance which we are informed is as
far out as the work can be put.
When it is completed it is expected
that it will make quite an improve
ment in the depth of water on the
bar 60 as to permit quite large ves
sels to enter. This fall will tell what
good the improvement will be.
The vast railroad interests and
like corporations which appear to be
swallowing np and concentrating the
principal wealth of the country looks
truly alarming that they should
amase such an immense amount of
riches in so short a time. The peo
ple, however, in their soverign power
have the right beyond any possibility
of a doubt to so regulate the freights,
tares and other workings of these
artificial personages as will keep them
within the bounds of gaining a fair
an! reasonable compensation only
on the actual value of the outlay.
The people sooner or later will be
compelled to take these matters in
hand in order to protect themselves
and their posterity from the grasp
ing and overeaching workings of
these monopolies. A postal tele
graph would be iu order in the Uni
ted States.
ing with it to purchase an electorial
vot in order io secure the count in
his favor? Tf Mr. Tilden was so
pure why was part of his barrel rolled
down into the southern states in or -der
to secure and elector there? It
eeras natural br democracy to claim
lo bo all pure. But they were never
known to denounce or even mention
corruption in their leaders. They pre
fer to applaud them in their bribery
and raise a hue and cry because they
are not successful in ways that are
dark. But it is said that when the
thief is making his escape, in order
to prevent detection he raises a hue
and cry louder and morn noisy than
all else crying "slop thieP' "stop
Land Office at Roseburg Oregon,
June S, 1883.
Notice Is hereby given that the following named
settler has filed notice of bis intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before the clerk of Benton county at Cor vat
lis, Oregon, on
SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1883,
viz: Victor Hurt, pre-emption D. S. No. 3959, for
the lot , sec. 27, and lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, sec. 34, T. 14.
S. R 12, W. He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and (cultivation
of said land, viz: Geo. M. Starr, E. N. Starr, of Wald
Port, A. H. Guynn, W. P. Ready, of Corvallis.
25 w5 W. P. BENJAMIN, Register.
did a lika thing
with it and how 1
in the bouihern States. The old
man evidently has the qualifications
necessary for a democratic candidate
and they know it and remember him
lor it.
The democratic party never ack
nowledge that they ever were wrong.
The party has steadily opposed
o"'v juch ur principle mat the re
publican party ever advanced and
the country has as steadily rebuked
them for such" opposition for over
twenty years, and still they proceed
with opposition and in order to di
rect public attention away from them
selves they cry "slop thief! and each
succeeding convention from Conutv
to National whitewash the individu
al candidates who turn out the
"barl" to buy electorial votes or
participate in other corrupt prastices. I
There are some rumblings in th
air that there are persons in this
county who are endeavoring to
straddle both republican and demo
cratic horses in order to ride into
prominent official position. It is said
they are so eager for office that they
smite tneir former party friends in
order to carry favor with the demo
,...r, I- 1 T. - i ,
iani; imrse. ju, is saci but never
theless true that in becoming so anx
ious as to attempt to ride two horses
at once the rider almost universally
gets thrown oft of both horses and
generally before the race is scarcely
commenced. Straight-forward, hon
est and upright men who are true to
their friends are finally the success
ful ones, while the two face, doe face
.a.i.i'i iu ,i,a menus ig leit wnere
he finds his just reward.
Our city is very exacting regard
ing high license and questions of this
nature. "Hoodlums" who happen
in the city and become too over-
joyful are taken up and calaboosed;
but the drink shops who run their
dives all day on Sunday wilh a full
crowd on the inside are mrmiitP,
to sail along in defiance of the laws
or more properly putting it they are
permitted to sail along as happy as
clams because ofa failure to enforce
the laws. Some of those houses
which fail to take out license on the
insid 3 on Sundays sound like a busv
hum of bees; and still parties whose
duty it is to execute the laws can not
begin to hear anything of the. kind
ana it they should- hear it they
would not hegm to think of investi
gating the matter to ascertain if. the
laws were being violated.
Dispatches from New York of
June 25th in regard to pauper im
migrants state that "the emigration
commissioners held a special meeting
to consider measures to nrevent
auper immigration from Great
Britain. This action is called for in
view of the large arrivals of pauper
immigrants. Commissioner Steven
son said he had procured affidavits
from several immigrants, showing
them to have been inmates of sev
eral poor houses in Ireland, and in
duced to come to this country by the
work house masters, from whom they
had received passage tickets and
II m. .
sman suniB or money. ne commis
sioner considers the landing of pau
pers largely due to the management
of Castle garden, and recommends
inspection. After further discussion
t was resolved to instruct the secre
tary of the board to detain all emi
grants proved to be sent hero by
funds furnished by the British gov
ernment, and to appoint a committee
of the board to wait on the collector
and present affidavits taken in re
gard to such cases, and ask the
steamship companies which brought
such imigrants there to be compelled
to return them to the port from
whence they came at their own ex
pense. While the meeting was in
progress the commissioners were in
formed that the steamer Anchorie
had just arrived wilh immigrants
whose passage was paid by the Brit-
sh government and who were pau
pers, it was resolved not to allow
the Anchorie's passengers to land
until the inspector made a thorough
investigation. The commissioners
express themselves determined to
put a slop to the landing of pauper
emigrants from foreign countries.
Another cargo of pauper immi
grants and 300 of the 570 immi
grants who arrived on the steamship
Furnessia yesterday were found to
be of the assisted class from Ireland,
and the commissioners of immigra
tion will take steps to send them
back under the law which forbids
the landing of paupers. The com
missioners investigated the case of
several emigrants and found that
they had been inmates of the work
bouse in county Kerry for longer or
shorter periods.
ni ...
ne commission laid the matter
before Collector Robertson, who
promised to take decisive action at
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned David
L. Keyes has been duly appointed administrator of
the estate of Alexander D. Keyes deceased by the
County Court of the state of Oregon for Benton
County. All persons having claims .against said
estate will present the same properly verified to me
at my residence about three miles south-west of Cor
vallis in Benton County, Oregon, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Administrator of the estate of Alexander D. Keyes
This 25th day of May, 1883. 20:22-w5
Nf.tioe is hereby given to all persons having
claims against the estate of A. B. Moore deceased
that the undersigned was on the 26th day of May
1883 duly appointed Administratrix of said estate by
the County Court of Benton County in the State of
Oregon; and all claims agaimt said estate must be
presented to me, with the proper vouchers, for allow
ance, at my residence in Benton County, Oregon
within six monthslrom the date hereof.
Dated June 8th 1883. MARTHA MOORE,
Administratrix of the estate of A B. Moore de
ceased. 20:24w5
To all whom it may concern notice is hereby given
that on Monday the 16th day of July A. D. 1833,
corporate meeting of the Benton County Bell Tele
phone Company will be held at the hour of ten
o'clock A M. of said day at the office of M. S. Wood
cock in Corvallis, Oregon, for the purpose of electing
a board of directors for said Company and to do all
other things necessary and proper to complete the
organization of said corporation.
This the 8th day of June 1883.
20:25-w5 M. & WOODCOCK.
The democratic orators and edi
tors talk about Samuel J. Tilden
having been fraudulently counted
out ot the presidency in 1876. If
such is the case and Mr. Tilden was
so honest why did he throneh his
friends send $5000 to Oregon expect-
A party oj yonng men will leave Salem
in a few days to ascend Mount Hood.
The mountains east of Brownsville, on
Bush creek, Linn county, are on fire, and
tne are is doing considerable damage, burn
ing up rails, shingles and lumber.
Mr. Onstot has discovered gold upon the
Grande Ronde. Judging from specimens it
is possible that the mines may be very rich.
Coal has been discovered near the same
It seems that the range is getting so valu
able that the farmers have commenced pass,
ing resolutions asking sheep men of large
flocks in Grant county not to drive and herd
on their immediate ranges.
The Albany Herald says: It is said that
wheat thatwas thoroughly rolled this spring
snows no signs of suffering for want of rain,
while fields adjacent that were not -rolled
show unmistakable signs of drouth. This
fact is worth remembering.
Track laying has begun on the switch
leading to the penitentiary. About 150 men
are at work, and it is expected that the
switch will be completed in three weeks.
Quite a lot of spikes has arrived, and the
road bed will be gravelled as soon as possi
The furniture of the insane asylum is
being moved in, and everything made ready
for ocenpancy. Messrs. Edes & Adams have
provided over 300 beds, and their contract
is not yet finished. A contract has been
made with the railroad company to brim? up
me insane irom Portland on the 25th of
August, when-the asylum will be ready to
receive therm
J: L. Hallet, of the N. P.R, Rh w build
ing a large barn on his farm near Hillsboro
It will be the largest bam in- Washington
A party of six shearers; consistW of Tf
Bennett, Ed. Cox, Jas. Farrer, Carl Crow,
Marion Knox, and Henry Seherzincer. on
day last week sheared 750 sheep at the
ranch of Silas French, on Dry Rock creek.
This is an average of 125 each, and if the bud-
ply of sheep had not given oat, they might
u. v.. uu . .r. .
s" mo aiimoer np no 160 each.
Cox led the list with 152.
In the matter of the estate
Geo. P. Wrenn, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order
of sale, duly made by the County Court, of the State
of Oregon, for Benton county, on Saturdav. April
7th, 1883, at the regular April term of said coftrt, and
duly entered in the journal of said .court, directing
and commanding me, F. A. Chenoweth, administrator
of said estate, to sell at public action, all the right,
title, interest and estate that the said Geo. P. Wren
had at the time of his death, in and to the following
described premises, to-wit: The donation land claim
of Geo. P. Wren and May E. F. Wren his wife, notifi
cation 6258, claim No. 54, T. 11, S. R. 6, west Will.
Mer., in Bentou county, Oregon, and more particu
larly described as follows, to-wit: The undivided 3-5
of 263 acres of the east half of said claim, being 160.8
acres. Also the whole of the following, in west half
of said claim, beginning at the quarter section corner
on the line between sections 16 and 21. in T. II, S. R.
6, west Will. Mer. , thence south 89 degrees, 27 min. ,
east 4.65 chains, south 5850 chains, to the middle
of the channe 1 of Mary's river, thence following
up the river to the middle of the county road leading
from Corvallis to King's Valliy, north 16 degrees
east along the middle of said road 16.00 chains
north 6 degrees west IS cha ns, north 26 degrees
west 23 chains, north 39 degrees west 5 chains to the
north line of the claim, south 89 degrees 31 minutes,
east 13.20 chains to place of beginning containing
39.08 acres. Therefore in accordance with and in
pursuance of said order of sale, I, F. A. Chenoweth,
administrator of said estate of Geo. P. Wren, deceased
will on
at the hour of one o'clock P. M. of said day, in front
of the court house door in the city of Corvallis, in
Benton county, Oregon, seU at public auction to the
highest bidder, all the right, title, interest and estate
which the said Geo. P. Wren, deceased, had at the
time of his death in and to the above described prem
ses, together with the appurtenances thereunto
belonging. Terms of sale, cash down at time of sale.
Adm'r estate Geo. P. Wren, deceased,
Bv F. M. Johnson, his attorney. 24w5
Notice la hereby given to ail persons having claims
against the estate of M A. Dixon deceased that the
undersigned Thomas Eglin has been dulv aonointed
administrator of said estate by the County Court of
Benton uounty In the State of Oregon; and all claims
against said estate must be presented to me. with
proper vouchers, for allowance, at my office in Cor
vallis, Benton Couuty, Oregon, within six months
irom tne date hereof.
June 15th 1883. THOMAS EGLIN,
-uuuuustniuir oi tne estate of M. A. Dixon de
unoiviuea interest in a saw mill run by water
power, agooa planer and seven acres of land usef
XrT&Tt'Z? Per sufficient to r
about ?mf'ft?atdantoniarket an'1 "ithin
of Corvallis with an excellent good
road to and from it. Terms easy. Inquire of l S.
Woodcock at Gazettb office.
livo en
m,..:. - - mwr . aicow men 10 sel
VVr . rj maP3 and charts. 8100 ner
month cruaranteed tn nrant. it.ii .
lion Fm,M.,,,.n':jr.'",''"'u8..our mstruc-
- , auuiess jonn Dixon, Sacra-
mento, Cal
F"OT? S A T,TT A FARMof 478 acres
- V -J-iJCj. for less than 818 per
acre being one of the cheapest and best farms in
Bentoi county, situated 4 miles west of Monroe lof
a mile from a good school, in one of the best n'eigh
itrh0.Od,snInthe?tatewilh chrch privileges hand"
About 130 acres in cultivation, and over 400 can be
llt -t1Iunder ,ence- good two storT
frame house, large barn and orchard; has running
water the vear around, and is well suited tor stock
rnfhd.aJ5yirrp?.SeSi,?ls isone of the cheapest farms
B rc!fc,.?S5 Te9 easy- Enquire of
M. S. oodcock at the Gazette office.
Sidce the introduction of spelling matches, many
words have come prominently into notice word
that were previously, comparatively unknown. For
instance, weficd Antiseptic, meaning: preventing and
stopping all fermentation and decomposition, and
Analgesiant: painkiller. Then there is AntiDvretic-
cooling down inflammation and fever heat. These
three words, so often mis-pelled, are three of the
cardinal virtues of something that will cure many a
bad spell and that is Silicylioa, pronounced Sal-i-cyl-i-ca.
Warranted to afford immediate relief, and
guarranteed to cure Rheumatism, Gout or Neuralsga
fianos. 1 unmg and repairing of Pianos
and Organs a specialty.
131 Fourth S'reet, T)--,i.l 3 r
SEAE ALDER, (20-23m6) J. VI tltlliU., KJL ,
W. H. LE8H.
Notary Public.
Real Estate Agents, Corvallis, Of,
Good Farms, Stock Ranches
and City Property for sale on easy terms.
Collections Made.
Office ovar Jacobs & Neugass' Store
Contractor and Bridge Builder,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Will attend promptly to all work nnder
1) i s charge.
No Minerals Purely Vegetable,
I&n ills F'nIcBSiil
Malaria, Biliousness. DvsDensia. Head
ache, Pains in the Back, Neuralgia, and all
those Diseases arising from the functions of
the Stomach being deranged from weakness
or excesses.
"It is not wealth, or fame, or s'ate,
But get up fjid git that makes me great."
is still sitting on the smoothe side of poverty
ui awing out me corns ot affliction in
behalf of his old customers, where
he keeps constantly on hand
a full supply of
Mo, 1 Harness, Saddles, Bridles,
Robes, Spuria, Sponges, Harness Oil, Blan
kets, Hobbles, Nose Bags, Cinches, Harness
Soap and everything that is keDt in a first
class harness store.
Notice is hereby given that bv virtue of an execu
tion issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of
Benton, on the Slst day of March, A. D. 1883, for
the sum of three hundred (300) dollars, with interest
thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from
the above date until paid, together with the costs
and accruing costs, im suit wherein W. W. Tantis
as administrator of the estate of James A. Yantis,
deceased, was plaintiff, and S. H. Oliver was defend
ant, commanding me to make sale of the real proper
ty herein described to satisfy said sums of money
before mentioned, and in pursuance of the command
of said writ I have levied upon the following- describ
ed property, to-wit: All of that certain donation
land claim situated in section 9 and 10, T. 14, S. R.
6 W. of the Willamette meridian, and which is known
and designated on the maps and plats of the govern
ment survey as the donation land claim of Samuel
Haptonstali, containing 320 and 36-100 acres, saving
aim excepting inereirom ten acres cut of the N. W.
corner, described as follows: Commencing at the
N. W. corner of said claim, run thence South 30
rods, thence East far enough to make 10 acres, thence
North to the North line of said claim, thence West
to the place of beginning. Also, that certain other
donation land claim situated in Sections 9, 10. 15 and
16, a said township and range, and which known
and described on tn 8 duly recorded reaps nd plats
of the government surveys as the donation land
claim of James McCoy, and containing 321 acres,
saving and excepting from the two above described
donation land claim the following described prem
ises: Beginning at a point SO rods East and 20 rods
North of the S. W. corner of said Samuel HaDtonstall's
donation land claim ana running thence West 80
rods to the West boundary line of said claim, thence
xvus to tne o. w. corner of said claim
thence West 55 rods to the N. W. corner of sale
James McCoy donation land claim, thence South
45 rods, thence East ninety-live rods, thence wt.
of North to the place of beginning, containing 29
and 11-16 acres, more or less. Also the North 1 of
that certain donation land claim situated in
15 in said township and ransre. and which i t
and described on the maps and plats of the govern
ment survey as the donation land claim of H..ITm r
Charles and Harriet Charles, his wife, and containing
160 and 87-100 acres, more or less. Also, the S. 1 of
theN. WUf the-S. W. J of the W. J of Section
24in T. 14, 8. R. 5W.. containing 20 acres of Cni
versitvland, in - the oondtv of Benton o,...
Oregon, and on
Between toe bonis of 9 o'clock tn th. m i .j
fouro'cloekin tbelevenjDgtowit: Atth.hf .
oclock P.M. of said dayat the front door of the court
house in the city of CorvaMls, Benton County Ore
gon, I win sell at public auction, to he highest bid
der for cash in hand all the
and estate of the defendant herein named in or to
the said real property, together with the tenements
hereditaments and appurtenaacer thereunto belong
ing, to satisfy said execution and accruing costs
" own aay or May, 1883.
523p SOL KINS;
20:235 Sheriff et Benton Co: , Ortgon.
Carriage Trimmings
a Specialty.
Repairing Done on
Short Notice.
Call and see for yourself before buying else
where, at the old stand, opposite
the expressjoffiee.
Corvallis, -20 6tf Oregon.
(Old ' NATIONAL," Established 1866.
128 Front St.,
Between Washington and Alder,
An institution designed ' for the practical
business education of both sexes.
"Legal blanks furnished at this office o
short notice at leu than San Francisco
The old reliable Bain wagon the best in
the market, with either iron or steel skein,
at Woodcock & Baldwin's.
The lightest running, most simple, dura
ble and cheapest, the Champion mower, is
found at Woodcock & Baldwin's.
A great many horses have this spring been
driven ont of the country tributary to WU
ow creek, and several more bands are to
Steel wedges, sledges, pumps, pipe, farm
tools, and everything else in tha hardware
line at remarkably low prices at Woodcock
& Baldwin's.
All persons indebted to us either for sub
scriptions to the Gazettj, job work or ad
vert ising will please pay up. Remember
that by paying in advance for the Gazxtt
you save 50 cents per year.
Merry Mason the fine Clidesdale Stalion
will stand the season of 1883 at Sol King'
stable in Corvallis, Benton 'county Oregon,
3 days out of each week commencing April
5th 188a D. Gritson, Owner.
If you want saw or shingle mill machin
ery or anything else iu machinery, Wood
cock & Baldwin can sell you the best in
market at bottom prices. Their motto is
large sales and small profits.
W e have lately received a large lot and
variety of bill heads, letter heads, not
heads, envelopes, cards and other stock
resh from Sa n Francisco, upon which we
can on short notice print them for our bus
iness men at very low figures.
We have on hand for sale at this office s
certificate of scholarship to the Portland
business college. Any person desiring to
attend that school for the purpose of gain
ing a good business education will do well
to call and procure our certificate.
Admitted on any week-day of the year. No
vacation at any time, and no exam
ination on entering.
Scholarship, for Ful Business Course, $69
Of all kinds executed to order at reasonable
rates. Satisfaction guaranteed.
The College Journal, "containing informa
tion of the course of study, when to enter,
time required, cost of board, etc., and cuts
of ornamental penmanship, from the pen
"f Prof. Wasco, sent free.
Address A.. P. ARMSTRONG,
Lock Box 104, Portland, Oregon.
39-31 m9
will saw all kinds of fire wood.
at one fourth what lumber will cost.
In a few weeks he will start out with his
Threshing Machine J
and will thrash all the flfrain that comet in
hia way on the
Most Eeasonable Terms.
WOODCOCK & II 11.1111 1
Direct from the East !
Livery, Feed,
Swd) Threshed)
call and make a bargain with
John Wm. Moore.
Slain St., Corvallis, Oregon.
offe superior accommodations n the Livery
Always ready for a drlye,
At Low Rates,
My stables are first-cla in every rcsDect, crd
petent and obliging1 hostlers always
rea y to serve the public,
Prticular Attention raid to Boardin
Eastern and St. Louis
A Good Concord Buggy new iot saUoheaJ
OA W i 1 -n . . r 1
OorvallisJ - Oregon.
people are always on the lookout
for chances to increase their
earnings, and in time become
wealthv; those who do not im
prove their opportunities remain
in poverty. We offer agTeat chance to make raonev.
We want many men. women, bovs and irirls to work
for us right in their own localities. Any one can do
the work properly right from the first start. The
business will pay more than ten times ordinary wag
es. Expensive outfit furnished free. No one who
engages fails to make money rapidly. You can de
vote your whole time to the work, of only your spare
moments. Full information and all that is needed:
srsnt free. Address Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine.
Genuine Manilla Binding Twine at Wood
cock & Baldwins.
V J ft
Boards! Boards!
For four dollars per thousand 3 feet Tone of the beat
quality will be supplied by Charles Smith 1 miles
west of Beaver creek school house in this county.
2 foot made on order. God accommodations for
staying over night for parties from a distance.
20-213m Charles Smith
Corvallis, Oregon.-
THE OCCIDENTAL is a new building,,
newly furnished, and is first class in all its"
Stages lesTB the hotel for Albany and Yaquinn Bay
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Largo Samphl Room on FIrW Plow far
Commercial Hen.- 19-35 y
City Stables Daily Stage
THOS. EGLIN, - opriey
On the Corner West of the Engine House
new and- commodious
Dmmodious BARN.
I am- better than ever prepared to
keep the
At Reasonable Rates.
W Particular attention Hv.r tn Rn.Mtlno Hapcm
Horses Bong-lit and Sold or Exchanged.
Having secured the contract to carrying tii-
United States Ma K
CoTVallis to .lTbany
For the etisoine four vein vr leave Cnrvaillfl each
niorninsr at 8 o'clock, arriving, in Albanv about 10"
o'clock, and will start from Albany at 1 o'clock tn the
afternoon, returning to- Corvallis about S o'clock
This line will be prepared with good team and ear
cul drivers and nice comfortable and
For the accommodation of the
t 1927yJ