The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, June 29, 1883, Image 1

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    Published every Friday Morning
(Payable in Advance.)
Per Year 2 SO
Six Months 1 60
'three Months 1 00
Single Copies . 10c
Per Year (when not pJd in advonce) 3 00
' All notices and advertisements intended for puli
ation should be handed in by noon on Wednesdays.
Pat 23 of advertising made Imcwn on application .
, Miscellaneous Business Cards,
- Oregon.
U. ft. FARRA, M. D,
lliysioian & Surgeon.
Drug Store. Corvallis, Oregon 19:25yl
T. V 6, EMBREE, M. P.,
j?h.ysic:.fvri & Surgeon.
Office 2 doors south of H. E. Harris' Store,
' -Resittence on the southwest corner of block, north
kfd rest of the iluhodist church.
Blacksmith & Wagonmaker,
... Philomath. Oregon.
Mr. Rowland is prepared to do all kinds of wagon-
fnaking, repairing and blacksinithing to order. He
uses the best of material every time and warrants !
his work. l'J-32-lyr
W. C. Crawford,
NO. 27.
One Door South of Graham & Hamilton's,
.O. :
, assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc
All kinds of repairing done on short noticd, and all
ork warranted. iui.;-yi
Heal Estate Agency.
hare some very desirable property on the By for
ale in lota from 10 to 257 acres. Some of Ifiia is
ear the O P. R. R. terminus. Persons wishing to
Invest will do well to call en me when prices are rea
son&ble. Address with stamps to pre pay postage.
R. A. Bessell
Newport, lieuton County Or.,
F. J. Hendrichson,
Boot and Shoe Maker,
-, . Philomath, regonv
I always keep on hand supeiicr ma
terial ana warrant my work. 1 ass an examination
ol mv troods hefare purnhaiincr elsewhere.
19-32-lyr F. J. Hendrichson.
Cora His, June 24, 1882. 19-19yl
Manufacturers and Jobbers of
These Goods are Warrant
ed not to rip.
All Genuine hne the trade mark "IKON CLAD"
stamped thereon.
117 Battery Street, San Francisco, Cal.
Corvallis, Oregon
lOOO Men and Boys
To fit them out in the latest style of ready
made Clothing. Also the finest lot of
Panfs Patterns and Suitings
Ever brought to Corvallis.
Call and. Examine Goods.
No trouble to show goods.
. Two doors South of Post Office,
I aow. prepared to accommodate travelers
m nrst-class style at all hours.
Meals Only 25 Cents.
- Horse feed constantly on han9, at the lowes liv
ing rates. Situated on the Yaquina Koad, hal way
iom tjorva;iis to Newport.
2r.I2yl. P. BRYANT.
Attorneys - at - Law.
Col. Kelsay and myself have formed a copartner
ship in the practice of the law. The Col's ex
terience at the Bar and on the Bench and his studious
abits is a sure guarantee that all busines intrusted
to us in the Ime of suits or actions in Court will be
well attended to.
I wilt continue oher busine" and give prompt
wienwor. to me same as neretoiore. such as Ctllect-
inc BemiT a Notarv Public will iittnd tn ennvev.
anting in all its branches, Deeds, Mortgages, Real
ana uaanei. ceases, itei eases, 1'owcrs of attorney,
voncracta, c. wc. Buy seil ana lease Hot! Estate
ootn iartns ana town property, collect rents, ne
gotiate loans, search and examine titles, and a gen
eral agency business.
Am now in brick building and have fire proof safe
for the safe keeping of notes and other valuable
papers left for coffee tichi &c-k -
Office in Burnett's new brick, first door at head a
stairs. W
10:17tl ... !i E. nOLGATE.
To the goat -raisers of the State of Oregon:
x am perrocune; an arrangement to
handle all the Goat Wool in the
State and will say to all who
. have Goat Wool on hand
The oldest established Dentist and
the best outfit in Corvallis.
All worlc kept in repair free of charre and satisfac
on niruiHM. Teeta extracted without na n liv
he use of Nitrous Oxide Gas.
itjy rtoona up-stairs over Jacoos & Neuguss new
Bt-icK store, uorvalas, Oregon. 19:27yx
Boots (m) Shoes;
Protzman & DeFrance
Masonic Temple,. :
3rd and Alder Streets, P0&TLAH8, OL
Retail Boot and Shoe House
In Oregon.
Send for Catalogue and
Price List.
L J?"l.0J tarmers' mm HOST!
Crossing the
be done with the same. 1 diii't expect this year
to be ablefco-only make a start and the price
will be nominal, bat will increase the
price and- grade from year to year.
State How Much You Have.
Newport, Of; ta ! BrasSeld,
T ' I6tl AGENT.
Directors :
I. P. THOMPSON, , . P T. SMITH, ' '
Office, corner First and Washington Stst
, . Portland, Oregon.
Capita! Stock - - $375,000
: Parties desiritw a safe and profitable investment
Bhoyjd call or write for information at once.
Messrs. Buford & Waggnor are agents for the.
Company in Corvallis and. can give information on
value to persons seeking first-class investments.
20-llm2 ,
on the road aboye the grist
mill U now in perfect order and will cross
Teams, Vehicles, Passengers
H..J-' fl fli II
. . ; w
-co feq
s S
4-3 O
o O
za ?
m o
Cor. Second and Monroe Sts. ,
Keeps constantly on hand all kinds of
Coffins and Caskets.
Work done to order on short notice and at
reasonable rates.
Corvallis Jaly 1, 1S81. 10:27yl.
"You look sleepy," said the gro
reryman to the bad boy, as. he came
in the store yawning, and stretched
himself out on the counter on a pile
of brown wrapping paper, iti rach of
a box of rasins, "what's -tlte matter?
Been siting up with j-our girl all
night?" .
"Naw! I wish I had. Wakefulness
with my girl is sweeter and more
restful than . sleep. No, this is the
result of being a dutiful sun, and I am
tired. You see pa and ma have sep
arated. That is, not for., keeps, but
pa has got frightened about burglars,
and he goes up into the atiio to sleep.
He says it is to aret fresh air, but he
knows better. Ma has got so accus
tomed to pa's snormg that she can't
go to sleep without it, and the first
niglit pa left her she didn't sleep a
wink, and yesterday I was playing on
an old accordean that I had traded a
dog collar for after our dog was pois.
oned, and whn I touched the low
notes I noticed ma dosed off to sleep
it sounded so much like pa's snore
and last night ma made me sit up and
play for her to sleep. She reste
splendid, but I am all broke, up, and
I sold the accordean this morning to
the man who watches our block. It
is queer what a different effect music
wiil have on different people. While
ma was sleeping the sleep of innocence
under the influnce of ray counterfeit
ol pa's snore, the night watch was
broke of his rest by it, arid he bought
t of me to give it to the son ot an
enemy ot ins. Well, 1 have quit
jerking soda.
"No, you don't tell me," said the
grocery man, as he moved the box
of raisins out of reach. "You never
will amount to anything unless you
stick to one trade or profession. A
rolling hen never catches the early
I), but I am all .right now. In
the eoda business there . is no chance
for genius to rise unless the soa
fountain explodes. It is all wind and
. . : l . r . f xt
uutr jicto uicu oi con si an i nzz. ne
feels that he is a fraud, and when he
puts a little syrup in a tumbler, and
fires a little eweetened wind, and
water in it, until the soap suds fill the
tumbler, and charges ten cents for
thai which only costs, a cent, a sensi
tive soda jerker who has reformed,
feels that it is worse than tbee card
monte. I couldn't stand the wear on
tn' conscience so I have got a perma
nent job as a super, and shall open
the first of September.
Say, what's a super? It isn't one
of these free lunch places, that the
mayor close's at. midnight; is it?" and
the groceiyrnan looked sorry.
"O, thunder, you tvaot salt on you.
A 6uper is an adjunct to the stage. A
super is a fellow that assists the stars
and things, carrying chairs and tak
ing up carpets, and sweeping the sand
off the stas;e after a dancer has -danc
ed a jig, aud he brings beer for the
actors, and helps lace up corsets, and
anything that he can do to add to
the effect of the play. Privately,
now, 1 have been acting as. a super
for.a long time, on the sly, and my
folks did not know,, anything about
it, but since I reformed and decided
to be good, I felt it my duty; lo tell
pa .and ma about it. The; liews broke
ma all up at first, but pa said some
of the besi actors in the country were
supes once, and some ot them were
noy7 ind he thought euping
would be . -the making cf me.
Ma thought going on the
stage would be .mj ruination.
She said the .theater was the hot-bed
of sin, and brought more ruin than
the chnrch could head off. But when:
I told. her that they always gave-a
supe two or three extra tickets for
his family, she said the theater had
some redeeming features, and when
I said my entrance upon the . stage
would give me .a splendid opportunity
to. get ihe recipe for face powder
from the actresses, for ma, and I
could find out how the actresses
managed to get .number, four . teet
into number one shoes, ma said she
wished I would .commence euping
right off. Ma says there are some
things about the. theater that are not
so all-rfired bad, and she wants me to
get seats for the first comic opera
that comes along. Pa wants it un
derstood with the manager that, a
supe' father has a right to go be
hind the scenes toisee that no harm
befalls him, but I know what pa
wants. . lie may seem pious, ard all
that, but be likea to look &V ballet
girls bftter than any m?ek and lowly
follows r 1 ever see, and some dav
you will hear music .i a the ,air. Pa
thinks theaters ire very bad when he
has to pay a dollar for a reserved
seat, but when he can get iu for noth
ing as a relative of one of the
'perfeshy"Jtlie theater bask many re
deeming qualities. Fa and. ma think
I am going into . the business fresh
anu green, nut i Know all about it.
When I played with McCulloush,
here-once "
"Ohj what you giving us, said the
gi-ocery man in disgust, 'when you
played with McCuliough 1 What "did
yon do ?"
"What did I do? Why, you old
seed cucumber, the whole play cen
tered round me. Do you remem
ber the scenes iu the Roman forum,
where McCuliough addressed the
populace of Rome. I was the pop
ulace. Don't you remember a small
feller standing in front of the Roman
orator Vakhig it in; with a night shirt
on, with bare legs aud arms? That
was me, and everything depended
on me. Suppose I had gone off the
stage in .. that . critical moment, or
Ifed when t should have looked
fierce at the inspired words of the
Roman senator, it would have been
a.diad give away on McCuliough.
As the populace of itome I consider
myself a glittering success, and Mc
took me by the hand when they
carried Caesar's dead body out, and
he said, 'us tfcree did ourselves proud.'
Such praise from McCullouo-h is sel
dom accorded to a supe. But I don'
consider the populace of the irunerial
. - t . . - r. . -
city ot: Rome iriy RjaSttNvpieee.
W here I excel is in coming out be
fore the curtain between the acts
and .unhooking the carpet. Some
supes go out and turn their backs to
the audience, showing the patches on
their pants, and rip up ..the carpet
with no style about them, and the
dust &'fsx and the boys yell 'supe
and the mtpe gels nervous and for
gets his. cue and goes .off tumbling
over the carpet, a-id tha ru-cheatr
leader is afraid the supe will fall on
um. But I co out with a auint
dignity, that is,only gaiiied by
peneuce, and I take hold of the car
pet the way Hamlet takes up the
iuire,ira me auaiencf is
paralysed- I kneel down on the
carpet, to, in a devotional
sort of way that makes the audience
bow their heads as though they were
lb church, and before they realize
that I am,, only assnpe I have the car
pet unhooked and march out the way
i ..i.'pui lum imci uoes wneu ne
goes, out jbet weerithe acts at church
v.uauri ins sinri. iney never
gay' me, cause I act well my part.
. Bul j kick on holding dogs, frc act
resses, somes- supes think they are
made if they can hold a dog, but I
have ah ambition that a pug: dog will
not fill. I held Mary : Andersen's cud
9$ gun Snce, while she went on the
stage, and when she ;icome off aud
took her gum her . -fingers touched
mine and I had . to run. my fingers in
njy hair to. warm them,-., like a fellow
does when ha has been snow-balling.
osh, but she would freeze ice cream
without salt. I shall be glad when the
theatrical Reason opens, cause we act-
Lors get .tired: laying off.
'-'Well, I'd like to go behind the
scenes with you some night," said the
groceryman, offering the had boy an
orange to get solid with him, in view
stf future complimentary tickets. "No
danger .is there?" ,. . . ; ,
"No. danger if. you keep off the grass.
But you'd a did to see my Sunday
school teacher one Saturday night last
su.mmer. He keeps books in . a store,
and is pretty soon week days, but he
can tell you more about Daniel in the
lion's den on Sunday than anybody.
Re knew that I was solid at the thea-.
ter, and wanted me to get him behind
the. scenes one night, and another supe
wanted tj go to the sparing match,
and I thought it wouldn't be any harm,
to work my teacher in, so I got bim a;
job . that night to hold the dogs for the
Uncle Toms Cabin, show. He was
in one of the wings holding the chains,
and the dogs were just anxious to eo
on, and it was all my teacher could do na OLeei company it about 1500
to hold them. I told him to wind the conla of wood by fir.
chains around his wrists,, and he did
so, and just then Eliza began to skip
across the ice, and we sicked the blood
hounds on before my teacher jcould
unwind the chainsiipom his wrists, and
the dogs pulled him right out on the
stage, on his stomach, and drawed him
across, and he ieried one dog and
kicked him in the stomach, and took
mouthfull of his coat tail and shook it
and I guess the dog got some meat.
anyway the teacher climbed up a step
ladder, and the. dogs, treed him, and
the step ladder fell down, and we
grabbed the dogs and put some court
plaster on the teacher's aose, . where
the fire extinguisher peeled it,, and he
Said he Would go home, cause the
theater was demoralizing in its ten
dency. I spose it was not right, but
when the teacher stood up to hear our
Sunday School lesson the next day
cause he was tired where the dog bit
him, J said 'sick-em,' irf a whisper,
when his back was turned, and hie
jumped clear to the Bible class, and
put his hand around to his coat .tails as
tho' he thought the Uncle Tom's Cabin
party were giving a matinee in the
church. The Sunday ..schocl lessen
was about the dogs licking the sores of
Lazarus, and the teacher .said we juust
not confound the good degs of Bible
time with the- savage beasts of the
present day, that would shake the
daylights out of Lazarus and make him
climb the cedars of Lebanon quicker
than you could say Jack Robinson
and go off chewing the cud of bitter
reflection on Lazarus' coat tail I
dont tjiirik a Sunday school teacher
ought to bring up personal reminiscen
ces before a class of children, do you ?
Well, some time next fall you put on
! :. j- a
ciean snirt ana a pair ot sheet iron
pants, with .stove legs on. -the. inside,
and I will take, you behind the scenes
to see some good moral show. In the
meantime, if you have- occasion to
talk with pa tell him that Booth, and
Barrett and Keene commenced on the
stage as supes, and Salvini roasted
peanuts in the lobby of some theater.
I want our folks to feel that I am tak
ing the ngnt course .to become a star.
I pry the au reservoir, I go hens,
1 - . A . . . ..
DLm tu rsiura. Avaunu Ana tne
bad boy walked out on his toes a la
T? : l. . l t- i .
jc.15j111.eei1 01 onsnamg' wioows
live here still. Ann Eliza (No. 19)
the apostate, who took the lecture
field', is said to be married end living
in Chicago, but I could not learn the
husband's name. Some of the wid
ows live with their families in the
"Lion House," so-called from the
carved stones that cap the pillars ol
the entrances where they lived dur
ing Brigham's lifetime, and the main
building in which he lived., is new the
headquarters of the church. None ol
the widows have remarried, reports
to the contrary notwithstanding.
Amelia, it ipH be remembered, was
the most attractive of BrighamV
plurality, and was the recipient of the
most conspicuous favors. She was
too good to liye. iu the prophet's
r t 1 1 n 1
narem, anu ne omit ior ner, across
the street from- the Lion house, au
elegant maBsion of stone, similar to
some of the residences that adorn
Prairie avenue, in Chicago.' It was
furnished by him with-costly luxuri
ance, and here he abode, during the
last years of his life, in the bosom ot
his favorite, while across the way - in
the old adobe structure, which was
erected soon after the exodus from
Nauvoo, the .other seventeen re
mained wilhouta murmur. ....
Courtiers came to woo her, and it
was reported at one time that she had
been "sealed" to-one ot the apostles,
a business man who lives at Ogden,
but she rejected his addresses, and
still wears a widow's Weeds. . The
Gentiles know little about her, but
the Mormons say she is true to
Brigham, and believes that she will
sit with him in' glory. She was the
wife of his old age, and never had
any children. Salt Lake' Letter.
Benton county is situated in the
heart of the Willamette valley; describ
ed by old voyagers as one bf the most
fertile and charming valleys of the
world, the scenery not excelled by any
the growth of grass luxeriant, in which
the wild deer gamboled; the margins of
all the streams skirted with evergreen
trees, often reaching to the hight of
throe hundred feet; the air balmy and
delightful , to .the .senses;, in .the back
ground rises imposing mountains, cloth
ed with living, green, until their sum
mits are lest in perpetual snow. Such
was the land descrided which brough
so many early pioneers thousands of
miles away from their native state.
to tix their habitation and. build up
homes lor themselves and their poster
ity in this lovely dime and laud, then
far away from civilization, arid on the
most western verge of he. Continent of
America. The rail, roads whirh Qr
being builtall overthis fair-land; and the
many thousand busy hands we find en
gaged in the active industries of life,
prove that their effort in coming to
this favored garden spot of the world,
was', not a failure, but, 4 grand, success.
Benton County contains 1,110 square, a-.. population of about 8,000 a
valuation of taxable property exclusive
of indebtedness according t3 the assess
ment roll of i882.of $2,357,692, and
1 . j . . .
is located in tne neart ot the Willam
ette valley. It is bounded on the west
by the Pacific ocean; on the east by the
Willamette river and Linn county; on
the south by Lane counry, and on the
north by Polk county. This county is
celebrated for its richness of soil, min
erals, timber, and healthful temperate
Benton county was organized under
the provisional government, on Decem
ber 23d, 1847, and extended from
Polk county to the Callifornia State
line. The present sooth; line of the
county was established Janusrv 15 th,
1 85 1. The county seat was established
at Marysville on January 23d,"r8s 1,
and the name changed tc Corvallis De
cember 2oth, r85?. - ' - :
The State Capital was located at
Corvallis, January 16th, 1855, and re
located atSalem, Decmber 12th, 1855.
During that time the Oregon Statesman
was published at Corvallis by Ashael
Bush, State Printer. . ' . '
There were four or five claims taken
in the county in the fall of i845, but
not mcved upon until 1846. During
the latter year the following named
persons made bona fide settlements:
C. Avery: Wni. r Whipple; H. C.
Lewis, Arnold Fuller, Thos. M. Read,
James L. Mulkey, Alfred Pvhinehart,
J ohn Stewart, William F. Dixon, I.
C. Alexander, : ' Hdvius;
Real Estate
Real Estate Agents, will Uy; Wl, or
lease ranns or farm property on
Having made 'arrangement? tor oe-or-e
turn with agents m I' ort land, and being fu
ly acquainted with real propeiy,j&&nt4t
eonnty; we fuel' snan'red of giving ebt:: aai.'
ipatronage.all who may favor ui: with tfceir
G. A. Wacqokeh.
20-fi.vl T. J. Bctom;,
The Gazette JoUtf
rapidly, but has maintained a, steady,
healthy and permanent growth.
Monroe is a pleasant villageseven-
teen miles south of Corvallis, on th
west bank of. the Long Torn and sux
rounded by Wealthy settlements, in th
heart of a rich agricultural district. :. '
Philomath was incorporated tiy th
last legislature of the State and u
thriving village seven; miles west f
CorvalKs, cm the Yaquuuui road itur
ted in a beautiful and healthy location;
and surrounded by intelligent, wealthj
farmers, who fe 1 proud of: Philo-na&
College, an institution of learning which
is in their midst and under the auspices
of the United brethren in Christ. '
Newport was also incorporated, by
the last legislature; and is quite a thri
ving village situated near" the sea-coast
in the mst Westerly portion of Beti
ton ;Coointy on the Yaquinna Bay,
whichilies in longitude 124 deg- 3 min.
west, . and lat 41 deg. 30 min. and 30'
sec. north. :TJie Bay affords a harbor
with a good entrance, and is tre nea -est
and mot practicable point on the
Pacific ocean jvhich .can be - connected
by railroad of only 45 miles in length
with the Willamette valley at Corvallis
being the centre of the great grainpro
duciirg section of Oregon. This raiU
road is in process of construction and
when it is completed next year as ex
pected, it will save nearly four hundred
miles of river and ocean transportat ion-
to the people of the great Willamette
valley. : A lighthouse- was constructed
at the entrance Of the Bay in 1872' by
Government; and a much larger one
with a first order light was also com
pleted at Cape Foulweather five- miles
farther north in 1873. The United
States Goverment is now carrying or
an improvement to the entrance to the
harbor, which is calculated will much
mprove the bar and when completed
when completed will make it a first
class harbor for the entrance- of large"
Sea going, vessels. Asa resort for
health and pleasure,- Vaquinna Bay
cannot be beat on the coast. - .
Young Philip Lonsbury, an em
ploye of Mr Ben Linn at the Aber
uethy saw mills, had the first fineer
of his right hand badly smashed last
Tuesday- .
On Sunday last the-, 0wesro Iron
Stemerman, Joseph Hugait, Wayman
St. Clair, John Lloyd, William Miller,
Nicholas Own by, A. L. Humphrey,
H. C Buckingham, Nimrod O'Kelly,
Thos. Reeves, Col. J. S. Kendall,
Alexander Smith, D. D. Stroud, Nee-
am King, Roland Chambers, Aaron
Richardson, Green Berry Smith and
Lazarus Vanbebber. .".
The Qregon State Agricultural Col
lege was temporarily located at Corval
lis October 27 th, 1868,- and perma
nently located October 21st, 1870;
since which time, this institEtkm of
learnings has been rapidly growing in
popularity and usefulness to the educa
tional interests of the State.
The Officers of Benton County are:
J. R Bryson, Judge; B. W.. Wilson,
Clerk; Sol. King,' Sheriff; T.- J. Bu
ford, Treasurer; E. A. Millner, School
Superintendent; Perry .Eddy, Assessor;
Jauies Edwards and Caleb Davis,
Commissioners. - -.. ; . ... ; :
Corvallis is aiv incorporated city and
county seat of Benton county, located
on the west bank of the Willamette riv
er, on a beautiful plateau one and a
half miles wide, entirely above high
water. For beautiful location, health
fulness, temperature . of climate and
pure water it is not equaled in the State.
The county seat was established at
Corvallis (then marysville) in: r 851, and
now has a population of about fifteen
hundred. For many, years it was con
sidered the head of navigation, and be-,
came the en t rep ort for all goods and
merchandise intended for the mines in
Southern Oregon and Northern Cali
fornia,'and was conveyed thither on
pack animals. It was then the liveli
est plaqe in the State. Since the fail
ure of the mines it has not grown 50
The Chronicle ofi Spokane Falls, is
he latest new daily, u, ' .... ;i
There has been a' million pound
of wool received at Alkali.
Smallpox has broker! out in Mont-
pelier, Bear Iake'connty, L'T. . : ; 1
The Colfax 'Vidette calls for the
purchase of a steam fire engine. . -,
Over 250,000 lbs of wool wilj be
shipped from Prineville, Cook county,
this season ;s,. ; ;. .! . l - -, . -
There are ?26 school children in
Columbia county' and per capita
school money is $1.64-. : '
A millitary company has been
formed at Waitsburg, to. be known
as the Waitsbtirg Guards. , . ,-,H )
It is supposed that a man named,
Charles Ross, who -lived- at Amity
has drowned himself in Harrison's,
lake, '.-. . .j-.- -. s .;.,:
Snohomish conirty has .f 10.132 lir
the treasury! Machinery1, for .the
flouring mill at Alpowai is being par.
chased. ; - '
Five Indians voted at the last elo
t ion in Idaho Territory 'on June 4tb.
The v had previously been natural
ized and had abandoned their tribal
relations. . . ' .
Drunken Indians at Colfax contin
ue to annoy the citizens and strong'
efforts are being made to discover
who. supplies the whiskey.
A correspondent of the Spokatje1
Chronicle desires that Hangman'
creek shall be called by its proper
name, which ho says is Latah. .
The coal dock at Seattle caught
fire and there wculd have been an
other great conflagration if not di'
covered in time, and the coolness at.
the person who misde(,,the discovery,
OnevofthB twins ot J. M. Brown.1
of Silver-lap, -ho. is only six yesrss
old, by some means got hold of;
jrun, and white playing -the piece
was discharged and mortally wound
ed the other. , , ,
Information received from parties-
who arrived at Baker City state v
that five bands of Indians at Harney.
valley have put on the, war paint and ,
commenced depredations. Stockmen:
are uoeasy, and are either secreting
themselves. or making for the settle;
men is. :Scnd for Gen Crookj Uft wiW
settle them.