The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, June 22, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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    gSUcklg, Corrallis &mte.
ir.ay be found on file a
Geo. P. Kowell & Co.s.
Newspaper Adrtisiug Bureau (10 Spruce street),
where advcrtUiinir contracts may be made for it in
New York, at not less una our regular aa. rates.
Kg-L. P. FISHER, Rooms 20 and 21 Merchants'
Exchange BuiWing, Is our authorized agent in San
Francieeo, ad anv contracts for advertising made by
him at our regular prices, will be recornized by us.
The Corvallis Gazette is kept on file at his agency.
Short announcement of deaths published free.
When accompanied by an extended notice reso
lutions five centt per line will be charged. A poetry
published by request will be chargec for at the rate
of five cents per line.
New Material.
We received not long ago a new job press
and a large lot of new job type of the latest
styles and designs directly from the East
If you want printed iu the latest style
nice '
Letter heads.
Bill heads,
Visiting cards,
Business cards.
Ball tickets,
iiote books,
Order books,
Receipt books,
Druggists labels,
Gummed or
Legal blanks.
Or fine book or job printing of any bind,
you can get them at the Gazette office at
a trifle more than cost of labor and mater
ial. Call and examine them.
My success is owing to liberality in ad
verti sing Bonner.
The road to fortune is through printer's
ink P. T. Baruum.
Success depends on a liberal patronage of
the printing offices J. J. Astor.
Frequent and constant advertising brought
me all I own A. T. Stewart.
My son, deal with men who advertise
You will never lose by it Ben Franklin.
How can the world know a man has a
good thing unless he advertises the posses
sion of it ? Vanderbilt.
Dried apples wanted at Bay's.
W. R. Callaway of Soap creek was in
town during the week.
Cross the Willamette river at Corvallis
on the farmers ferry boat.
John Reckard returned last Wednesday
evening from San Francisco.
Fans, parasols and kid gloves at reduced
prices at L. G. Kline & Co's. 2wks.
Go to the Occidental the best hotel in
Corvallis for yourljo.inl and lodging.
An endless variety of pocket cutlery
-cheaper than ever at Woodcock & Baldwin's.
S. R. Hawley, Ransome Belknap, and
Ed Belknap of Monroe precinct were in
town last Friday.
Go to the Foundry for first class horse
shoeing and .1 1 tcksnrithing and see a man
that can use a hammer.
Your place to buy the cheapest and best
harness and saddles in the valley is at S. A.
Hemphill's well known stand.
Aug. Hodes last Tuesday morning was
quite sick with a large swelling on his neck
Which had swjlen to unusual proportions.
Scythes, snaths, hav, grain and stable
forks, spades aud shovels bought by Wood
cock St Baldwin in the Chicago marked and
for sale by them at bottom prices.
Judge K. S. Strahan and E. R. Skipworth
ol Albany were in our town yesterday at
tending the wedding ceremony of Hou. W.
R, Bilyeu to Miss Mary Goldson.
Our readers will please remember that at
the. beautiful grove one half mile west of
Philomath, a temperance celebration will
lie held on the coming fourth of July.
By request of friends Rev. J. C. Van
Patton, Presbyterian minister in charge at
Dayton, W. T., has consented to preach at
Philomath, on next Sabbath morning at 11
All persons indebted te us either for sub.
criptions to the Gazette, job work or ad
vertising will please pay. up. Remember
that by paying in ad vanee for the Gazette
you save 50 cents per year.
Merry Mason the fine Clidesdale Station
will stand the season of 1883 at Sol King's
stable in Corvallis, Benton county Oregon,
3 days oat of each week commencing April
fith 1883. D. Gbuson, Owner.
If you want saw or shingle mill machin
ery or anything else iu machinery, Wood
cock ft Baldwin can sell you the best in
market at bottom prices. Their motto is
large sales and small profits.
We have lately received a large lot and
variety of bill heads, letter heads, note
heads, envelopes, cards and other stock
fresh from San Francisco, upon which -we
can on short notice print them fur our bus
iness men at very low figures.
We have on hand for sale at this office a
certificate of scholarship to the Portland
business college. Any person desiring to
Attend that school for the purpose of gain
ing a good business education will do well
to call and procure our certificate.
The Reverend F. N. Blanchet, D. D
Archbishop of Oregon, died at St. Vincent's
hospital, aged almost 88 years. This vener
able Archbishop of the Catholic church was
62 years in the priesthood, of which he spent
forty-two years -toilsome labor on this
The programme of tle State Teachers'
Association to be held at Salem June 26, 27,
28 and 29th next, is before us. It promises
a good time and opportunities for acquiring
much valuable information in the art of
teaching and it is to be hoped that all
teachers will attend.
Go to L. G. Kline & Co. for fruit jara and
jelly glasses. 4wks.
The picnic fights at Monroe last Friday
resulted in black eyes, broken nnses, demor
alized heads and a general disfiguration all
around. Nat Gird was afterwards laid up
with his infirmities in consequence of a too
free enjoyment of the day's doiags. Sever
al others, we understand, experienced the
result of misplaced expectations.
Two small fires occurred in Albany last
At Dallas, Polk county, her citizens are
to celebrate the glorious fourth.
Tlios. Eglin has just had finished a new
light stage coach to run in winter and to use
in his livery in summer.
Tom Eglin started last Tuesday morning
to Sodaville to lay in a stock of soda water
for several of our town folks who use it for
Rev. E. R. Geary pastor of the Presby
terian church at Eugene City was recently
taken quite sick and remained so for several
days. At last accounts he was improving.
Judge Chas. E. Moore of this county, who
has been in Salem for some months in charge
of the mute school there, has returned for a
short time and was in town during the week.
Norm Lilly hitched his large bays to Sol.
King's stage coach last Saturday evening
and drove a large load to Monroe for the
purpose of assisting the Masonic lodge there
in some of its work.
O. V. Motley just returned to CorvaUis
from a trip East of the mountains where he
has been exploring for a new location. He
finally determined to locate in Grant county
and will remove there in two or three weeks,
N. R. Barber, the worthy and efficient
Nasby of Corvallis, is contemplating the
project of another annual trip to the moun
tain streams where, by chance, he may be
able to catch another one hundred dollar
Samuel H. Look aud wife returned to our
town last Monday evening from Los Angeles
and other parts of California where they
had been on a visit with relatives and
friends. Sam siy3 he enjoyed the trip
very much.
Nathan Whealdon, of Salem, has been i-i
the county during the week on business
and returned to Albany on his wav hom
ward on last Tuesday morning. He reports
much life and prosperity in and about Salem.
He is yet interested in the milling business
Mr. Win. Cook who arrived in Salem,
Or. , about two months ago from Churchill
county, Kansas, committed suicide in his
newly adopted home by cutting his throat
with a coopers ''heading knife." He was
SO years of age and had bsen an invalid for
some time.
Prof. Emery of the Agricultural College
delivered the bachelaureate sermon at Phil
omath collee last Sabliath. Although we
were not permitted to be present yet we
learned from good authority that it was
abundantly eloquent and aptly suited for
the occasion.
Prof. J. B. Horner closed a very success
ful school year at the graded school in
Brownsville, Or., last Friday. Ho and his
wife have been teaching this school during
the last year. He arrived in this county
last Saturday and called at our office on
Monday last looking hale and hearty.
Mr. Misner, a gentleman from Michigan,
arrived in Corvallis a few weeks ago intend
ing to make Oregon his future home. After
looking over the Willametie Valley some
what he concluded to take a glance at
Eastern Oregon, whereupon he made a trip
east of the mountains and after taking quite
a thorough observation of Eastern Oregon
he returned to Corvallis and bought a farm
only three miles from this place.
Rev. H. W. Eagan, of Walla Walla, Rev,
J. C. Van Patton, of Dayton, W. T., aud
Rev. H. Caldwell, of Goldendale. all min
isters of the Cumberland Presbyterian
church, arrived in Corvallis during the
present week aud opened a series of meet
ings at the College chapel in this place.
where they will continue services for sever
al days. All persons are invited to attend.
The Rev. Mr. Caldwell will go to Scio to
morrow where his services has been requested.
Some parties from Portland during the
last few days have been over to the coast
looking after the preliminaries preparatory
to starting a new enterprise which when
in operatiou will be of vast benefit and im
portauce to the trade of this coast. We
are not at liberty at present to unveil their
plans but hope to be able to do so soon.
On their way they sounded Alsea bay and
found it favorable for their purpose. They
also discovered a valuable coal deposit.
The Mount Hood & Barlow wagon road
which will be remembered as the oldest
route across the mountains has been put in
excellent condition. Streams are bridged
and the hills graded. The company owning
the road have a force at work and during
the summer intend to avoid Laurel hill
altogether by grading around it. There
are stations at short intervals with supplies
for the accommodations of travelers. This
rad affords the tourist some of the finest
views on the coast. The road runs in
about thre? miles of the saow Hue on Mount
Hood. Fish and game plentiful.
All persons desiring to deliver ns wood
to piy subscriptions to the Gazette will
please bring the wood along soon, because
we desire to get onr wood all in before har
vest as it is rarely the case that a person
can lay in wooa alter Harvest. Even
though parties may only desire to pay a
single subscription we would prefer them to
bring ns a full cord and cord it up nicely
and we will pay the difference in cash.
When finally delivered the party willjplease
call at the office so that we can make the
proper settlement ami the boooks properly
credited. Above all things we would like
wood delivered to us to be piled np nicely
and not scattered all around.
B aware of Tneza.
The following from an exchange applies
as well to people of this locality, and should
be observed more closely than it is: "Peo
ple living in the country are to some extent
excusable for buyiuz of peddlers as they
come around with their packs, but residents
in and around the city ought not to do it.
Everything offered by peddlers for sale, if a
good article, can be got at our stores and
of people who help to build up the country
and worthy in every respect of your pat
ronage; and if the articles is poor, no matter
how cheap, or how much lip seryics the he
or she peddler bestows upon it, you don't
want it.
Teachers' State Association.
This association convenes at Salem next
Tuesday and will continue in session the
remainder of the week. The services of
many of the leading instructors of Oregon
and other states has been secured and the
outlook for the coming session appears to
be very flattering. Teachers who consider
that they have any equals or superiors will
find this an excelleut opportunity to re
plenish their stores of practical information.
While others who may oonsider the re
mainder of the craft subordinates will find
this a golden opportunity to impart their
useful information to the needy. Espec
ially should the younger teachers attend.
Their future is before them aud it is well
worth their while that they improve every
opportunity that allows them to take one
important step forward. Remember that
your return fare will be reduced.
Railroad Work.
The contract work on the Kalama branch
of the N. P. R. R. , is being pushed as rap
idly as men and means can accomplish, says
the Commercial Reporter. The work, thus
far, is of the most substantial and permanent
kind, and, when completed with steel rails,
will be one of the finest pieces of road
"west of the Rockies." A lot of 100,000
ties have been bought by the company at
Tide creek near Kalama, which were cut
by Jack Powers, now in the Penitentiary.
They ware disposed of to a Kalama man by
Sheriff's sale, and from him transferred.
The steamer E. N. Cooke brought up the
first loal recently consisting of 2000 ties,
which are being discharged at Springville.
Another steamer will be employed, in order
to supply as rapidly a3 demanded. This
lot will complete this branch, as 2240 are
required to the mile, and leave sufficient for
repairing purposes for some time to come.
Philomath Picnic.
The closing exercises of Philomath college
ended with the usual exsreisss and a picnic
at the grove about a halt mile from that
place, Mr. Reader and Miss Gregg received
diplomas in the commercial course. Rev.
J. A. Hauna delivered an address on the
subject of Character. The exercises on the
part of the pupils consisted of essays, dec
lamations and orations. An oration was
delivered by young Mr. Edwards which
wis a fine effort. ' A large crowd was pres
ent and enjoyed a general good time. A
Hue basket dinner bad been prepared for
the occasion which was well taken by all.
The usual picnic fights occured which seems
almost essential to complete the exercises
of the average Oregon picnic; and some mis
creant stole the basket full of dinner belong
ing to a widow lady.
Fire caught in the timber near by the O.
P. R. R. mill about four miles from Philo
math, known asVhs Henkle mill, and be
fore it could be put out the blaze communi
cated to the light ghed which was over the
mill machinery and burned the same but
the roof was so light that it done little or
no damage to the machinery, and only a
small amount of lumber was burned, not
exceeding four or five thousand feet. The
company had sawed at this mill a large lot
of bridge lumber but its olficer3 had taken
the precaution to move the timbers away
far enough to prevent any accident from
burning it.
Graduates of 1333.
Twenty-five student3 graduated at the
State University thi3 year five classical,
eleven scientific, and nine normal. Follow,
ing are the names of the graduates says the
Eugene Journal: Classical V. T. Slater
son of Senator Slater, of Union county;
Messrs. T, C. Judkins, J. N. Goltra and S.
E. McClure, and Miss De Etta Cogswell,
all of Lane county. Scientific Wallace
Mount, A. C, Woodcock, Emma Cornelius,
Mary Dorris, Alwilda Dunn, Elma E. Lock
wood, Ansa F. Pengra, Minnie E. Porter,
Eliza L. Spencer, Jennie L. Spencer, Carrie
L. Walker, Normal H, H. Hendricks, A.
J. Hacket, C. S. Calief. O. P. McFall, L.
Taylor, Sarah Chrisman, Nettie Denny,
Alice Parish. Anna Bushnell.
Round House a Fixed Fact at Ros9burg.
Although only $47? of the S500 asked
' for was raised by subscription, last Saturday
Aaron Rose accepted the amount subscribed
and made out the deed to the O. & C. R. R.
Co., comprising a strip of about six acres of
land near the depot, says the Plaindeater.
This insures the construction of a round
house, at least, and the other improvements
will follow in their season We undei
stand work will soon De commenced on the
round house.
A New Wholesale Grocery Firm.
Hj'man Abraham formerly of Oakland
Douglas couety, but now a resident of the
metropolis of Oregon has formed a copart
nership with N. A. and Charlie Hirstel of
Portland under the firm name of Abraham,
Hirstel & Co., for the purpose of carrying
on the wholesale grocery and commission
business. Their grand opening will take
place at No. 2 and 4 North Front street of
that city about the 1st of July.
School Superintendent's Visits.
Monday June 25, Miss Allen's school;
afternoon. Miss Wright's. Tuesday morn ing,
Mr. Ball's, B'odgett valley; afternoon,
Maxey district. Wednesday morning,
Hunt district; afternoon, Cherry Grove.
Thursday morning. Summit. Friday,
Wrenn district. E. A. Milnek.
Wneat than Stood the Winter.
Mr. L N. Alford informs us that he has a
patch of wheat on his father's place that
stood the winter and came out all right,
says the fii&eminator. It is called the
Landreth wheat, and cam from the Agri
cultural Department. It had no extra care
or shelter and came out all right.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to express our thanks to the
many kind friends nnd neighbors who so
sincerely sympathized and assisted us dur
ing our late bereavement in the death of
our infant child.
Mr. & Mrs. Mat Irvin.
Steel wedges, sledges, pumps, pips, farm
tools, and everything else in the hardware
line at remarkably low prices at Woodcock
& Baldwin's,
Under the Auspices of the Women's Chris
tlan Temperance Union of Corvallis.
On last Tuesday evening the people of our
town and of the surrounding country crowd
ed our city hall so full that there was hardly
room for one more to get in, iu order that
they might hero what Miss Willard, the
great temperance lecturer, had to say in
behalf of her favorite theme. In the audi
ence were a lare number of persons who
came many miles from the country. Famil
iar faces from Albany and other parts of
Linn county were noticed among the large
audience. The meeting was opened by an
appropriate prayer by Rev. G. W; Bennett.
The choir then ohimed in with a beautiful
song- A few appropriate remarks of wel
come to Miss Willard in behalf of the Chris
tian churches of this community, was offer
ed by Rev. J. R. N. Bell, whereupon
another song selected for the occasion was
executed by the choir. Prof. B. L Arnold,
of the Agricultural college, in behalf of that
institution also offered appropriate remarks
of welcome to the distinguished visitor.
Upon the subject of temperance President
Arnold took t'se broad view that people
should be temperate in all things else as
well as to be temperate in intoxicating bev
erages. He said that there were many
things of which an intemperate use was
made of which in their effects were as bad
as the intemperance in intoxicating fluids;
also that people and parents by setting a
good example should stay at home at nights
and also see that their children aud those
under their care were also at home during
such time. He characterized the darkness
as the time selected for doing evil things
and hence the time when intemperance and
drunkenness was carried to excess. Rev.
Dr. Embree welcombed Miss Willard in
behalf , of the Good Templars, after
which Mr3. S. E. Belknap read a short
address of welcome in behalf of the Women's
Christian Temperance Union of this place.
Miss Willard was then introduced aud
spoke fully an hour to the large audience in
a Very instructive aud pleasant way. Dur
ing the time, with but little exception, a
pin could be heard to drop almost any place
in the large audience. She beautifully drew
a word picture of the workings and doings
of the temperance movement in Iowa dur
ing the last campaign in that State, where
the temperance question formed the main
issue in that hard, fought battle of words
and ideas. She showed how much could be
done in this great cause in winning persons
over to the side of right and duty by the
use of kind words and gentle means. Her
policy and the policy of her organization
was to appeal to the reason and to the bet -ter
element in man's composition iu order
to win them from drink and the business of
death ai)d destruction, bhe contended that
instead of following the business of selling
liquors, man being benefited by and having
and enjoying all of the blessings and con
venieucies of society should tollow some
business which would give back to society
something in return for the maqy blessings
derived from it. The speakers remarks
were very becoming, gentle, kind instruct
ive and beyond all quite interesting She
impressed all in her hearing the most favoi
ably, aud ono could not help feeling that
they would like to hear more Irom her.
She said that their work was fast gaining
ground ;n the Southern States and although
the north and south had been for a long
time virtually s-parated over the slavery
question and other issues growing out jf it,
yet, she hoped that in this great move
Mason and Dixon's line could be entirely
blotted out by the uuitiug of tils' churches
and temperance people in tho great and
good cause.
School Visits. -
During the past three weeks, I have vis
ited twenty-one schools, The object of the
Superintendent's visits 13 to ''give such in
formation and make such suggestions, as he
may deem essential to the welfare aud pro
gress of the school."
My plan is to assume control of the reci
tations. My method of conducting recita
tions is brought out to both teacher aud
pupils teachers improve their methods by
seeing each other teach. While it is not
my intention to belittle the work of teach
erSj I will call their attention to some prac
tical work, that I deem very essential to
successful teaching.
I have observed the following mothod of
conducting a recitation in written arithme
tic. A class is called. "How many questions
have you solved, class?" The Answer pro
bably is "all but two or three." These two
or three are assigned to pupils, and by the
teacher's assistance aVe solved on the board.
The next day's lesson is assigned. This
ends the day's work for the class. How
much better it would be for the pupils to
bring to the recitation all the questions
solved on their slates, f taud in a line, each in
turn read a question nd give a solution of
it. The whys and wherefores are brought
out; tha pupil is taught to depend upon
tnmselt a very necessary lact tor mm or
her to learn. If any one has received aid it
is quickly detected. A question may be
solved in two or more ways; these different
solutions are given, which greatly encour
ages pupils to be ingenious. The "two or
three" questions not solved, are analyzed by
the teacher and the pupil required to solve
them. By this method the teacher knows
exactly the questions solved, and how well
the task has been performed, Bv the meth
od prevailing in a large majority of th
schools at present, he knows nothing about
it; this method is the cause of so much su
perficial training in arithmetic Six to ten
questions are enough for any recitation.
Pv.pils should be taught to read as they
talk. This work should begin with the
Primary Reader. I have noticed many Irfctle
boys and girls in the first book pronounce
words, and droll them out in a singing tone.
I asked them, is that the way yon talk !
The answer was "No, sir !" I would read
for them, and have them read after me.
In a quarter of an hour'8 time, the little
folk would bo reading as they talk upon
the play ground. This method, if pursued,
will break up unnatural reading in the en
tire school.
But four schools, thus far, give any at
tention to drill in Oral Elements. This is
very wrong. m " run.'... " . use
-if rnnorminto stir f'nnli- AAmViin allAniL I
phonetic drill should be most carefully
taught in every school. Correct pronunci
ation is indispensable to good reading. It
is as impossible to teach reading properly
without a knowledge of the Oral Elements,
as it would be to teach arithmetic without
slates and blackboards. These suggestions
are the result of my school visits. A few
schools are well conducted thev would
equal ,any country schools in the state.
My efforts have been ably seconded by
patrons and sohool officers. I am glad to
note this zeal in the cause of popular edu
cation. E. A. Milker,
Supt. of Schools.
The Picnic.
The picnic at Monroe last Friday was a
loud one. The picnic was probably all right
but near at hand in the little town of
Monroe the proceedings became boisterous.
Beer, whisky and the like is said to have
run in streams. The overjoyous web feet
a number of them became so happy that at
last they concluded to shoot to pieces the
respective liquor signs of Adam Willhelm
and Gib Powers. When they had finished
these ever significant finger boards they
turned their attention to shooting the heads
out of the beer kegs lying around loose.
We did not hear of anyone falling down
and getting hurt. The flow of spirits seemed
to be free and rapid. The justices of the
peace in unincorporated towns have juris
diction to punish parties becoming boister
ous, but such officials and their constables
are generally quite timid in such matters.
Oak Ridge Picnic.
Editor Gazette: The picnic given by
the Mite Society on Tuesday June 12th,
was favored with one of the most beautiful
days of tho season. All nature seemed to
smile; of course, every one was cheerful.
In clue time the swelling numbers thronged
in with their happy faces. The assembly
was called to order at about 10 o'clock A.
M., and opened with music by the choir
accompanied by the organ played by Mrs.
F. M. Johnson of Corvallis. Invocation by
the Rev. Father Bennett of Corvallis. After
listening to some well delivered declama
tions and music, we were favored with an
eloquent address by Mr. F. M. Johnson.
The relation between mind and matter were
duely respected. After such an intellectual
feast came the feast for the physical beiug.
All the delicacies that the neighborhood
could well afford were there. Father Ben
nett closed the exercises with an able ad
dress. During the entire exercises, all
seemed (to realize their highest anticipations,
and went home happy. The Mite Society
expect soon to beautify their church house
with paint, curtaius, etc.
Items From Alpine.
Grain is suffering very much for want of
rain. Farmers of this vicinity are fearing a
shorter crop than la3t season.
Messrs. Ed. Belknap and Willis Howley
are just home from Bchool. They have
passed a full year at Willamette University
ve-y creditable to themselves. One of the
Profs, has said that Belknap settlement
always has sent students who have stood at
the head of the school,
As Fult Woodcock was coming from In
man's saw mill recently he met in the road
not thirty feet in front of him a large black
bear. After curiously viewing one anoth
er for a brief term each concluded the other L
was not congenial company aud so separa
ted without pressing further acquaintance.
,The company that went to the Siuslaw
returned disappointed in the country. They
say there is a superior harbor at th.3 mouth
of the river and that there is much rich
land along its course that would be proper
enough for Yankees or Germans to settle
upon but that the brush makes it most un
fit for them.
Two dogs were killed several weeks ago
for killing sheep, and still S. R. Hawley has
to keep his Winchester in readiness for oth
er marauders which a few days since killed
two of his goats.
Mr. and Mrs- Walts are expected in the
neighborhood next Tuesday on a visiting
tour. They will stay a few days and then
proceed on to California in, quest of health
aud to see relatives there.
Alpine June 16th.
Annual Re-Union of the
Pioneer's Association.
Salem, Or., June 15th, 1883.
From the Standard of the 16th we take
the following account of the Pioneers reun
ion of Oregon: The morning opened bright
and beautiful; a fresh sea breeze was bjow
ing from, the west, tempering the warm
sunshine and ladening the air with a per
fume of pure roses, bringing a pleasant and
invigorating feeling to the many actors in
that lively scene. The roads were lined
with conveyances of every description
bringing in tha vigorous residents of the
country from every direction to swell the
throng. The grayhaired veterans and mat
ronly women, who together conquered the
once wilderness of this northwest country,
and have made it blossom like the roses;
men and women who have founded an
empire of civilization and enlightenment,
for the benefit of the generations to follow
after them; a monument more glorious and
enduring than those of marble or brass.
To perpetuate the names and deeds of these
heroes and heroines is the purpose of the
Pioneer's Association of Oregon. May they
be eminently successful. These reunions
do much towards keeping alive the memo
ries of early days and perpetuating the
many thrilling reminiscences incident to
the settlements of this country. Many of
the actors iu the drama have passed off the
stage. But the survivors and their chil
dren will keep alive their memory. The
clcds of the valley still lie baro and brown
on the graves of some, while upon others
spring and summer with their magic fingers
have woven their garlands over the broken
earth above them. The flowers of affection
and the evergreens of resurrectional hope
mingle above their chilly precincts, while
an invisible choir seems to breathe a solemn
melody of encouragement and hope to their
living successors; that this life is not all of
existance, but tha"; in the unknown beyond,
another re-union more glorious and lasting
will take place for us and those who have
gone before.
I'he 10:20 train brought a large delegation
from the north to. help swell the rapidly
increasing throng, and immediately after
which the fraternal ceremonies of the day
were inaugurated. The secretary's office
A Father-in-law and Son-in-law Instantly
Killed Over a Business Dispute.
A fatal shooting affray between Z. Baker
and hi" son-in-law, B. H- Thomas, occurred
in T. B. Handley's law office at Hjllsboro
about 1 o'clock, on last Monday. The two
were having some trouble oyer a business
settlement and had called in arbitrators to
settle the dispute. There were present at
the time of the shooting Mr3. Baker, wife
of Z. Baker, and their daughter, wile of B
H. Thomas, and two or three others. There
had been trouble between them for some
time and on that day they both came pre
pared to settle it. They both became very
much excited and angry, and during the
testimony Mr. Baker drew his revolver aud
started for Thomas, but a couple of by
standers grabbed him and tried to stop him,
but could not. In the meantime Mrs.
Thomas threw her arms around her husband
and forced him back at the same time. The
poor woman was shrieking with terror.
Baker reached around his daughter and
placed the muzzle of his revolver against
Thomas left breast and fired, and an instant
later Thomas fired over his wife's shoulder,
the ball striking Baker in the region of the
left nipple and killing him almost instantly
. nomas men saiin down upon tne noor in
his wife's arms dead. An inque3t was held
by Coroner Brown that afternoon, and a
verdict rendered in accordance with the
above facts, Mr. Baker was an industrious
farmer, well liked by all who knew him,
and his sudden taking off is mourned by
large circle of friends. His poor wife and
family have the sympathy of all. Mr.
Thomas, who was a young man, was also
well respected. He leaves a wife and i
small child. His wife is in delicate health
and it is doubtful whether she will stand
the terrible ordeal through which she has
passed. Ihe two muraerea men were
buried Tuesday.
Land plaster suitable to sow among the
crops found at Woodcock St Baldwin s.
was opened in the old pavilion, and from
the throng around him it would seem that
the association is receiving a larger access
ion to its membership than ever before.
The grand procession was formed in front
of the pavilion by L. S. Scott, grand mar
shal, assisted by J. J. BriggandW. T. Bell,
as aids. The procession, headed by the
marshals and the Salem brass baud, marched
through the grounds to the grand stand,
the Pioneers carrying banners appropriately
inscribed, and it was by far the largest
procession we have ever before witnessed
on like occasions.
On arriving at the stand the assemblage
was called to order by the president of the
association, J. VV. Nesmith. Prayer was
ottered by Rev. J. L. Parrish, invoking the
divine blessing upon the survivors of the
Pioneers of Oregcn.
The president then delivered a brief in
troductory aildress. alluding to the day
being celebrated as one to always be remem
bered, it being the anniversary of the day
when Oregon was formally aud finally ceded
to the possessions of the government of the
United States; alluded to the long lime ta
ken up in transmitting the news to the few
settlers then living in this far-off country;
alluded feelingly to fhe only true friends
of Oregon in the senate, Linn- and Benton;
briefly described the rapid increase in im
migration which occurred from that date
forward to the present day, and our present
advancement in all the enjoyments of a
civilized and enlightened community, to
gether with our brightening prospects of the
After an inspiring piece by the band,
Hon. W. Lair Hill was introduced and de
livered the annual address, which was
listened to with marked attention through
out, and the speaker was frequently applau-
led during its delivery. At its close a vote
of thaitks was tendered to Mr. Hill for Iub
able effort.
The president announced the following
changes in the programme: Ex-Gov. Whit
taker, who was to have delivered the occa
sional addres being absent, Judge Caples,
of Portland, would act as substitute; the
election of officers to occur at 3 P. M. iu
stead of 9 A. M. to-morrow. Also that the
camp fire would be lighted at 8 P. M- on
Marion square, iu the city, instead of on the
fair grounds.
Mr. Joseph Watt, who had been pre
viously appointed to confer with the N. P.
R. K. Co., concerning rates for an excursion
of pioneers to the Atlantic side, read a let
ter from Mr. Muir, superintendent of traffic
stating that the company would give such
excursionists passage from Portland to St.
Paul and return f'r $75 each, tor males,
and S100 each for their female relations who
might chance to accompany the excursion
At the close of the forenoon ceremonies
the president announced a recess until
P. M., when the crowd dispersed around the
grounds and engaged in a picnic dinner and
social reunion. Many were the greetings
between old friends and acquaintances,
making it one of the most enjoyable fea
tures of the day. These social features do
much toward keeping alive and fostering
the objects of the association, the preserva
tion of historical incidents pertaiuing to the
settlement of this country, as well as the
renewal of old friendship between the par
ticipants. All seemed to enjoy the occa
sion with a zest, sharpened by the flow of
good feeling and lively conversation exhib
ited on every hand.
Judge Caples' address was earnest, elo
quent and impressive, and was listened to
with unbroken interest to the close, and
aroused the enthusiasm of the audience,
and cheers were given for the memory of
Senator Benton and for the pioneer ladies.
The ladies returned the compliment by giv
ing three cheers for the pioneer men. The
speaker then presented a boquet from Mrs.
J. M. Bacon, of Oregon City, to the oldest
pioneer lady cn the ground, Mrs. Hall, aged
78 years, who crossed the plains in 1815.
This called oat load cheering. Miss Chase
then presented a handsome boquet to the
president of the association. Jos, Wat
again, presented the matter of the. ntanose
pioneer excursion east, and on m ot ion fc
was. continued a committee to fiuher aeg-v
The camp fire at Marion Square, attract-,
ad large crowds of people. Numerous
speeches were made, recounting incident
and accidents on the plains, and interest
was kept np until late. Tha Ball at K.-ed'a
Opera House was cro.wded, and s most en-,
joy able affair. (At an early Lour tha
Standard reporter was surrounded and cap",
tared by three of the handsomest an,d Uve-.
liest young ladies of Salem, and carried off)
bodily to the opera house,, and when last
beard from he was wearing hioself oat;
with the hy--u he-he.)
The reunion was a grand success, and
much better than any heretofore held.
To tie Puolict"
It is to every oners immediate interest t
have the ever welcome county paper contain
ing announcements of the gqrtoj luck and
misfortunes of tqqse around yon, tha pro
gress and developement of the county, tha,
births, marriages and deaths of your friends,
and acquaintances coming regularly to th-
fire side of the happy homes of its patrons.
Without a county paper people would live in.
partial darkness qf what was transpiring
around them. To support a county paper,
well, it must be patronized and yet we find
business men in county towns who have s4
little enterprise that they linger along a lif
time to build up a business without advert
tisiug. While their more activa entet pris
ing neighbor by thorough advertising in the;
county papers thereby informs the people
what he intends to do and what his busi
ne--s is or that ha has something to sell, he
builds up a large and growing bnsinsss in a,
very short time. The thorough advertiser;
is able to sell cheaper because by advertising;
he gets a larger patronage. When yon coma
to town to do business never patronize a
mau who docs not advertise in your county
paper if you can help it, because you can,
always do better with the advertiser and
he helps to support the newspaper publiq
enterprise which' it is to your interest to'
Corvallis Coffao Club.
The regular business meeting of tha
Ladies' Coffee Club will be hele on Monday,
June 25th, at Y. A. Engine Co. 's hall, at
7 P, M. A full attendance is requested.
By order of Mrs. F. Helm,
R. Jacobs, Secy. Pres. pro tern.
Rubber and leather belting of all sizes
at Woodcock & Baldwin's at the lowest
Haines genuine Header the best in mar
ket and tho most durable for sale at Wood
cock St Baldwin's.
Remaining unclaimed in the Postoffica at
Corvallis Benton County, Oregon, Friday,
June 22, 1S83. Persons calling for same,
will please say "odvertissd," giving date oi
Curren, C. A , Rizgs, Pierce.
Tharp, Clinton. Minath, Carlo.
Pitman, V. A., bcaggs, (Jhas.,
Riley, JK.,
, N. R. Barber, P. M.
MASON-GRANT At the residence of-
the bride, June 14, 18S3, by Rey. St. W.
Allen, Mr. Simon Mason of Wascp county
and Mrs. Mary Grant of Philomath.
Horse shoes, horse shoe nails, shoeing
tools and everything else in the hardware
and machinery line, can be had at the old.
and reliable house of Woodcock & Bald
win's at bedrock prices.
Universal & Eureka clothes wringers bro't
direct from the east, for sale cheap at Wood:
cock & Baldwin's.
The screen wire at Woodcock & Baldwin's
for your doors and windows will exclude
the pesky gnats and flies and thereby says
much wear of mind, body and conscience.
Barbed fence wire of the best quality, sta
ples aud the improved wire strechers at tha
owest prices at Woodcock & Baldwin's.
LTSTew This Week.
people are always on the lookout
fur chancer to increase their
earnings, and in time becoma
wealthv; those who dp not im
prove their opportunities 'remain
in poverty. We offer ajrreat chance to make mpnev.
We want many men, women, boys and girls to work
for us right In their own localities. Any one can lo
tne WOTK DroDerrv iron irom tne nrst scan, ino
business will pay more than ten times ordinary war
es. Expensive outfit furnished free, ,one wnQ
engages falls to inuke money rapidly. You can de
vote our wwn nine w hw wur, ui umy jyui nj-wo
moments. Full information and all tnat is needed
sent free. Address Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine.
not, life is sweeping by, go and
dare before you die, something
mighty and sublime leave behind
to conquer time." S60 a week in
vour own town. 55 outfit free. Nq
risk. Everything new. Capital not required. We
will furnish you everything. Many are making for
tunes. Ladies make sn much as men, and boys ana
girls make great pay. Reader, if you want busim-ai
at which you can make great pay all the time, rite
ior particulars tc i: . u.aiieib & ul, roru&nu, oiuiiv.
A week made at homo by the industri
ous. Best business now before the
public. Capital not needed. We will
stirt you. Men, women, boys anq
irirls wanted everywhere to work for
us. Now is the tunc. You can work in spare time,
or give jour whole time to the business. No othep
business win pay you neany as weti. 10 one can ian
to make enxtruiou pay, by engaging at once. Costly
outfit end terms free. Money made fast, easil and
honorably. Address TKUti & Co., Augusta, Mainr.
At all times, live en
ergetlc men to eel
T unison's celebrated maps, and charts. 8100 wt
month guaranteed to agents following our instruc
tions. For particular J, address John Dixon, Sacra
mento, Cal ' 2Q-13w3.
Pianos. Tuning and repairing of Pianos
and Organs a specialty.
sr.ii tuts, (?J-2gj53) Portland, 0t
' Notary PuWjl-
Real Estate Agents, Corvallis, Or,
Good Farms, Stock Rsnchefc
and City Property for sale on easy term.
Collections Made.
Olceorcr Jacob; i Neugan' gen