CO fS&M Cerbattis 6r,ctte. PRtOAY MORXING, JUNE 22, 1883. Ei.tere.l at the Psstoihce at Corvallis Oregon, as "ocolul-cla33 matter. IJHTED BV IvI. S. WOODCOCK, ATCOSmi AT LAW. OFFICIAL PAPER FOR BENTON COurJTY Tho public debt has been reduced only $125,000,000 during the current, as compared with $151,000,000 for the previous year. The diminution iu attributed to the falling off in the rpceipt of customs. It is also largely due to the enormous acms paid out to pensioner. It is not likely there will soon b occasion to complain that the public debt is being too rap idly red need. Tho new California wheat crop of 1833 has already entered the San Fr anciseo mask and bas been going on pfeipboard far a week tst. The S. F. Ccwu. New, 5ib m 4aJ that line Br. bail dawtaard ha ta cbartrd by G. -W. M;cXear at 55 wbcal l Cork, U. K. araS M lead ing ariti warn esrsp. Tb Br, fearik Tii anek-i belt I tiluo twxwi tiauto-cfl by tLe; tast an 'like tenus. In a'jjgand ttffl ttbse ttoiiii thW lOonitv-1 craticHi'aflei do mutt IbuBw wftows they staitd. tTHiey suite IWwiilBfirBd. Tlieey spue 'Hi3ittukinjE ttihe ihiiOTriiiWle foat toff ir.itfittg two ibamB S'KS B" pofih rfliiMoxruim, mail wilrttt ttjliair.j Smtic ip'railniiniii will lbenr wvilittt tdhair I j tttiin-.ial gflmffanuai vwill ilxe row -niic ii wise (nnmnjli Its ifoiuUidlj; lUat iit iw- salt to qtyayfiK iit wiiEl Uie m tmitastmre (rifi vvorite ulhrtt rang" Qic iiifcBip!tufl Bnfff a doEBan -.warn UF nlm IfttnuoneWip I paitty Untve (aeiT.viiouinifB nn nibs anriitT, wlti1,) iiucirydf 'thellenflurB mo Smilit hmve,'tihiy ihiivvt'iuKt tfilie amueage tto thtcfc itilinm infi. Hfililusy ilratte ftiiry miill j dffi)U)3piiroafpleBrni iMiginil tk staff li vinjrru'liiiJSLit itibt' :ve ttno nwnr3ky to jntodldiui tikem. "ITihey asn taKwirys trngsnsd ito iiwe ifi&i'oiig ihtnguagi- xviwm ibinibii!jling aiiliirjiuLj;, ilnitj thtiir jpdfioy uviitlli ntf&xuntte 'to Hllie liv.iiYg )pfK0itt iis Bto ffltrndftlB tfihe fence, unfl lib air crilijtfitlir.ur: jpriiitt lis vatuB ;to !hc sHicm'iifl (liimuuih JP3JH diu.. ICjfmii !tiliie'.(f.wnva' iforitl (file Ddimiovrttii: IkfafiensHntiUB UuHin Stmfl ing itlhiiir jpoopbiffor ?n cgufiittiruT ttt raj century., mil ithey awe inoX $nett rpw i p.iKathkjKtimikm :mm;u iiurriliilry (or(ciwfl il alibi (Halt. A ZBainucratie caiTyjausn, theKHraitt;, :iacnr UDailiilS ibxtt tthe spulU. ItiiBCQiikvniauwwTsry iio go .Invck few weaw in ttlie iliiVi it' m Nation tto dumanatiiraie Stho iiiicomjiettmioy mnfl cownnilicM! rttFuihe IDumouratic ipaitfey. ItunJlifiWl sfila-.wony 1hlle tiEhsB. iinfitttu- tiun ittatt a i nvr.i h iii ililu mi it., .anil it t was .PAWi'.wihdhimd. Hi (qpjnHcd tfilie iur libx "(En:oi, (li-jOftte cout octf ifilie I sindii, rand was idrngTOCflFiilhy .uuFuutefl. It qii0seil utrijnmibiuiatiion .nr.fl vwtbs dafoutcil. It iui;iftiiil mxff- frogs ranfl aats ivuiiulioil. El onpwel LoiDaary !in 'fl(;aling .wit'li Jilie SSatiLorile taM'uiuir, anil ;in siw afi uihat oipo- situm t'iiie SlaiiiQii'ls ucioiQit -.was jplaut- cd ma tfihe iliighrat QeariL jit 'flppftsud I a sounfl coumttincy,, nnil itiluj ii&uiit vw j theihisat 'iiiitiKiinuiy iin ttibc wni!iu. Anil j nawnvbeKe Jiac-Biit -Htapil iin -sgriv.d ttoj cur.Ktmt iiHue? 5tiiBitiiiiiig ran Ifbej fenue w aiting dm Man what vSaa JBe-j pnlilkTin ipatdy iwiill dq, itrilfcimr anean- i timsaiboitt JT.aulwnu an3 ,3dffrooii, I and i!tik'iig tiro imnke cuphnl (ant tf antiyiitto:. Mb imam ccan ;kill tko-tdiry : wlioxikinil iriF;a ip'latfniim ttihe IDemD-! ci:at;ic:jiai:UyTOiiihndq;ttiiu :nny (g"! iustauae. SBagas ttilre (Cinciiinaiii (ISa j zeeee: tflie llcaSui-s aiiumaur-te.i aanul ina. tfctill lUUtiil ttiiw lie jiiibliuun pma&', 6c litis iiti il;it!'uvm i.dS i(ii;indi(iltw abvoutl. 'ITbun 'iiw,isl'tubutt'be -nChor; .eiibs.nvukiay, ipudhaps,, Unit ili nriiUi be an lilie stfimr side. Bf ttihove m ax sorc sjioa ihi sndiehy tt'lnit mironiisi vote, iit Wfdl! iiigltt -upon ittatt mith aw mudh (uoiaaiiitj'uw.'adly would ffitnikei an liluuiratud j)ux cob tttaa aaias off ;an .iuduiidital. JPiiielEjyniViliiaiMpantw ;"w ttihe aiffii been ahme ttihe .day iff iitss oi!gariiza-1 tion. StUmii, watt utiKC (Esu(ntiiDn, ha 3 !Chcamtae otF iits aoa.vuitsoiMi. It aiUvmyi, .wiiib a-aire ejsae;piiiaa, wsns right, :snl, w3tt iraiaj -esoiiptitBi;, iit j Ita Attuoneilfiil ihocntHiC iit was irijjlrt and (Bcaraguoas. TTIsm iis Hikitnny. On tlhe.ot'htu 'hnufl., tflfe UdemajucKaic )Uily iias iliBsn :mEtify am tRfjjpBHUiian parljjt, -Httitking tto gjilt iiiito jnwrtl, thennih .-a :neguiire ipoiiiM?, ;pnjinmng j mttuuag :tol, an ittpaMiug tf j th ine 't'i::?', urns prontsjuil U5V ttil 3Re ; j.ubiicaii ifirsrtj., irail itov ns !liig!ui-j reason ttUtaa itoihciku ttllie ayjeMtinaJ On ,iilk uiiSljjattt a (escduaiige taryi fijpKCipjiji'jtji sny: It waiilfl lire almost impossible to point, within the last twenty-five years, to any measure proposed by the Democratic party that was not repudiated by the people; that did not prove to be bad, and that is not now buried witli the dead past. Sometimes the Re publican party was in advance of the times, and suffered through the mancuverings of its policy-seeking opponents, but, being right, public sentiment overtook it and it triumph ed. And this is the only basis upon which a party can succeed in a gov ernment of the people, and whore the people reason, read and vote. WHY HOT LET IT OUT IS A FAIR WAT 1 Our city council has been besieged by parties who deire to revise and print the city law, and as these partiea want th jeb and must have the job the cHy council in their erod naiured way give way to their feel ings of humanity and feel inclined to jrive these parties the job br aply asking for it and lecaae they want it whether the wswmmm and law of the ciwy are ready to be jte4 or not. Th a whole wiattet ot fact is that t&e wble ae&ieraLe Haas fc.&em to rua the -pri uti tig to be dome into ceituta place -witivtiut givitii; any bad y eke a.n o-ppoiln n.i :j to bid 011(1011 Am wnaik wraib anuy asetttTamoe oof g.ett titg iit, Wte ilo molt itan tto say rtihat the council its intaniUanaUy a party tm airy -snch eherue, 'but an attempt iis being anade tt jptiil ttilffi w.ixoil (rvter itIheiia-ngiesttBuoh an 3ffeert M ttihe connui! llraw.e any swtork itstf ttlliis Band !to (do -swlhist iis tUre iisnwon ttihey ane vatn 'iiibleiand miiliing '.toway to ttihe snsoul .'luji;e we iliaa-ie icnittain vwotik trtf mewiis ing aud ipritittiixg ttihe (cbaitor and or t&ntmu&naff itihe uiicy anil -me aviiiil ir,e auM"elbiflsffiaani jpai'tiiee wvIko 'iLeeiite to do -the -work and at a certain itiime te mull (open ttbe tUiibi iiu ttlie jjjites tattaeatf ttihs ttuflfinw aiWl there anil 'then !let 'the work ttottilie Ifcmrastt flnid BBt. lThtswtoulQlhuaifair and ihan iOKt sway "iF Hutting statin "oilk and itihate mtoulfl ;nato iiiktiJy Ibe a jjrib ;put 'uj iin ttihe imatttor. (.rttilrey iniiglltt Hot ttilio wwnik of mewiieiiig tsqpwate iVmom Uihe miiirttirfg aiiliulh wwaiiitt Hie j lihe imoatwensilile wray ttD.fto and my iriarnjje ffiaru&e ipiiiutiing nttsm tuhey are satiified ttliaittilie!lawaite ixea&V flGoa .piiintiiig. iSunie oErf ttilns tonundilmen IhBMB ibenn t&QOBXKffii lby itleaigriiug i pi.rtief teiitug them that ttiltk oBice had iaSd -that iit woitid mot do ttihe .wuilk as (dbeqp as ipaittiies llmfl onTuiiefl tto.floiitifov. Sutih assostimi w.ub a u iilhil He and dune .no doubt ;to once- tvmut ttiiiw affine ifi'iim igonttng an y- .pnittuiiiry :to ibifl apian iit. 'tl'H-K .T1TT7 litUtHKIEL PUBLIC BUILDINGS. In another column we chronicle one of those horrible calamities which too frequently happens. We abide to the trampling to death of the 186 children while passing from the hall at an entertainment held on the lot 1 at Sunderland, England. Although a long way off yet sueh an inexcusa bly earless wholesale murder of in nocent children is heart rending to contemplate. And it all happened because the keeper of the hall had virtually closed the door except lor tho exit ofone at a tim The un welcome dispatch conveying the sad news of the tragedy thus comments upon the exit from the hall: "The stairway from the gallery at tho top of the landing, on which oc curred the pressure which led to the accident, is from five to six feet wide, and the gallery door through which the children wre allowed to pat, one at a time, which circum stance is regarded as tin direct cause of the calamity, was fitted with kok, which lodged in a bole in the floor, tii us narrowing the passage way, fur the purpose ffl" facilitating tiekel talking w lien the audi cues svas enter ing like haSV la a civi.tzed woi Id like thif if, the la w suakuig power oz t to make iit a crime 'with the ttcgroc of muivba- 1 : ere any peron should 3 wiieila'tie ttlkne amies (If satayiiktty as1 to -set a t-rr. p like live ane which led to this terrible .n3' We so tut. v bear of calamities of like .nature oc jcicning iin sattBin Ibiilidbitgs cfcrini ltBtry !haw ioaiiIw ineKaitsal aays asTwaoagteJ iniHjlhagiisltttii viB pan Dff teacib and every -state and! .r!all (WtStRT -countries should make lit a highly penal ofiVns tfiar fiautiiee iin -co u sir tie: ing ywrtttlej buiicl Mgs to fail iin ti'.iktns Muffhcieut ltnrjpn tirf frnrnjir an fllhr.iiuitriinn (wif aihei liniililiis tUmm ttatfli and lewiory t.ry.. A ud (till nil -public 'bn'idings parties building or keeping them should ibe compelled (to hung ttihe (dual's so that they -.w-ill .wiii.r open on 'lire out-side iin (ondcr tto jputwout jjaming aguhist the doors anil huidiug them stint an it'lieteweirt (Off a -stniitpede h oui Uilie; room -.w'hen iit iis crowded. H&MMtote Attornsy -and tbaa IBxy 10 traUs -toe 'Wari Dai .of Ws tEantrai. It iis -underatood Uihat -John Wl. IBivj'SHn iis tciitgr aKtonney under ttihe new icily icouucil mf " donvallis. HF no iit iis Uiie (dutv tko OEenuBC Uilie ihiwMs lf ttllie (ditty rand iit iis lhi migiltt tto tido itibe vwwilk and tthe diry aounol llusue moi niiglit sear authority tto take uihe twoiik I i'rom ilitm. 3ttv. Ury-son iis a OHimjre ttuitt .pot-scu tto do fRiidb work tfor ttihe city, 1111 d if entrusted to him, lie would mo doubt iflo tlibein 'ooii waitk. Wihvy dues .the-couutiil .cletit 31 v. HSnyvan tto nffitsB anil alt ttihe inext niee t ing or tfcwo ilktun '.toitilielbtdsaF ratihuifs .in (order tto ttijkc lliis wuiik awwny Ifrom iliim-? IPeuiihnps iit miay Ibe tllli uivejltt, ithat -simjpKy ttihe ihaniira -nttciubuit ntpun being cif.v attorney iis antple ibr tone unan to aayj wvinjhout ipuiifonniing uihe -Wtut'ikjgitowiiiig atUtdt' iit. (Sir tit nnnry be-.tliut-tiif council ihave :nut -s.uiii-uteutiy ree..Vi.'red from -the -excitement attending t h eir elect ion so as to iiiliy inoiikze -w'nuther tftaggr aye ton lloot ior iwtluauilmr Jiheij aitc lbciiig lurgud am' Ibw waQunm motor. jQttiissaffiiiiniit tto-sag, llm.wtHUB, tlilrat iF Jit. Irryson Should nmwtSTt uihe tnt (diuunues iiu Uilm iregiilurtarilur af his (fluty,, wvilunudone ttilwy -.wuulfl tlie iiu; uiiudition to print and by that time t!heruitV'dulbi wodld jpitubaitily Bnwtr Mifilicicuti v red wered so -us to take ttihe gpaajparaUBBS tto ilat Uiiu; ccaubiaut (olFjpiiinfiing Uihuin wiulbawt Ibuiiig ttihe j wiiittiius(df hmving Job mut uy an j ttihuin so as to prevent ali parties from ; biding -on them .iu a tfiiir ilegitinittte way. It would fiee.ra tto imuttt -any one that -such a .-course '.would ibe a fair and prop e.r wny -qF .jiroceeuiug uirilsBs iit aibjltt Ibe fiiaKuB ton ttihe jpnitt at -soiucbud-y that -aumcipuraon -shun Id :he mo 'I'uinoikil'y .-careless -ae to '-bid too ttmr fmfa jjiib. tottihoteauaut Iho-w- tcvuir iit would Ibe avail (for iit tto Ihe I ananngiiuiiuauBh accaKHi'uil w;aw ttihatt itiluj iib (can 'be awarded Jihroiifh .... , ., .. ., ' " JiJlmaiuiapuwingttUatsnitaff tEheearm. Utiis riniirtf tewwatHinniwto.sJj fl-, mttmm tuum mmo ibeoiKBflltgilU'torputiEt,. A jjub iis a ijamw'.lraauartia tViyttefenwrsihitfcatarouii bb airy iritv, no 'inattor :it it iis a .put 1 try tbiria tUe jjraaant.aaoiQit, -rtt.-cu.-aviac nui TW wftilte ttihe atasil was Ihuiim aa--aaua. iptillufl (O.wur somebodies tcwee. Wie ; J&inatlhur itenrilile (Ciihtniitvr iinwiolw ling the death F loC children, ocour ied iiu iSunilcrhui'.l (Counlw; D.urbam. ffihlgrhtui (OM ilattt Saturday swelling. -i'U entertainment wvas i-ven in a ifiiibbc ihail '.winch vwas .almost exe'tu-.-siutiiy attended ;by children -s.vial t i 10 iisusid "being :preent. Jaitttlie ttop; ol'.tlie -stairwtry was ai door w hi c ii ibud Iboun fixed to only open about, t wen ty ineiu's, -so that only one ohiid at a time -could .pass in or out, iin tandor '.to! ttihe '-better facilitate taking tickets asj Uihe (Crowd assembled, and -sueh was the condition of the door when ttihe crowd uF children started tto go from ttilielhall. As UjIm .were jpaseiitg tout. one-child who kaU tntit woadlied ttihei door tbill (dovia and Mmg to -the iim- uiense cro wd -pressing iqion it, it eo 11 id not rise again, which tcausufl tatihurs to -stumble and Full ttihe alreadv Fallen ibodies -until Uihe g.'eut numbei above ataved wure tiaiupied to (deutlh and many were -bad Ky -ci ipplt d. iSh effort could -stop the -mad rush of the alFt ighteti (Oliiliken. HllieiboiiiesNwuKei e.uon and toiiittt deep. A ivucuitt (fiis-; ipafch says: A tgvoot crowd nuwhud to itibe -scene, luutil ."20,000 -.were MWH rounding Uihe Ibaill. 'ITlie feeling iisj intense. 'The authorities have or i fduioifl (OUt UihefibKUyuibJlaiiidimtiiw to ipresoiwe mAac Uilie woilk tdFigitttnng: tout the bod ics l-cirun .iinnietliate! v. They wei-o laid out in uilie hull, and the 'parents !' those 'killed wt011e all-! mitted tto ifleutii'y their (Chiltlron. Heitrtren d ing sounes transpired -while ttihe identification was on IIUULIIUHI I mothers of the dead children BBH stinitl-y uttering piercing shrieks. Many fainted (nil Uihe diseovcrinir lf tiie bodies ot 1 heir little ones. Some rtl'ttilaj .families wihoso homes AUteKe: tibns suddenly darkened hist ithree tihildren. (Que .mini and wvrle gpnshed; Uiher way to Uilie hail iiu -.which lay the 'hodi.-s uF the v'ictinw, and wiHh'l (out tbulnaiiig ai emotion -began itoj scan t lie Face uF the dead. ILeeoir- 1 1 is! ing ttihe Face ;of one af I us .el iii dr e 11 , the iather, jpoiuthig, exciaimed, '"ITInttlstMue.'" 'iPajinc.n ; a" it in. !he! roeogifir.-.'d another, anil theu the. third. Staggerins :iu a -:fit ot agony lie cried, '.God'? all of .nry -Jamily jniie !!" anil .overwhelmed iwiitih sgiiiifF j he -sank tto Uilie (floor. In some 'homes fane ane live -childitcn dead. NEWS OF THE NORTHWEST. The Dayton Woolen mills have commenc ed oirations. A newspaper is talked of at Davenport, in Spokane county. Crops are looking well at Ritzville, a good portion of the rye will be converted into hay. The Salem wollen mill project is well under way, and the building will probably be erected tbis season. A Chinese smuggler was captured with his canoe load of tea and silk on the Puget Sound. The Tacoma mills are running steadily, and are turning out large quantities of lum ber. The steamer Zephyr yesterday took up to Tacoma from down Sound a large lot of feed, potatoes and merchandise. Tim Tacnma Ledger savs: Four cars loaded with bridge timbers were sent fron the railroad wharf to the Cascade division. Medical Lake Presa says: Land that could hare been bout'ht for $2.50 one year ago is selling rapidly at $5 to $7. Tii e acreage derated to hop growing in tie Fi.ya31op Valley, Washington Territory. this season, is double that of last year. Tine Dayton, W, T-. wwlea bbbssi arffl jxnxAaae 539,1009 pounds fflf wsl tibe com ing seawma ami employ a tarns of tweaaty ii'. e mutt. A logger momed J).. MssHsassa, foreman i MeGeady ls esmtp, meair diuiaii CSSjft wa kiHea on WaclittfiBshg! a liasik ifij-iug mart aaiu stiM-kia iuta Firom alE jiarta -of Taifchna (Oottwty JHihe OMSW .ure irejuirtei itw lie toatiSiar w ufifore inowji liej-e. Uihe nrnjis ne ir.epoea iiti goiril slrape mn She atillagnainiah, anfl tflattt sieebiun genai Billy iproajwi'mis. Krtfeasnr TTiennan aya inhere iis iiram (Ore in 'large irantifcias Awitihm t-y ranportaliion distance of -KiioUane Falls . Inieim STiata hnp man irciport tfiheir !ho(p- yai(fl .in -splendid eon8iiiioa, aiiuea Ifiluii&y anil iinttiitftauns ood Jtir Ihena-y aaaipa. Furmarfc .ott he Willapa, -are fountiing 011 at ileisrt ithree ,wi4 a ibalh 4o .fuur Itoas S liny tto tbeavere this g-ear, stll (through tfihe woiltey. Tle:roaa tfihroiuih (the Uiig aanryTon, iin SantftbsBO itkeaon, iis .-8ayy .out (of Btejpair. Smeuftlb:hin;lgos.are.fta'ii3Broia tto (OcooB. Ufllr. (Oliodes SBdsaaon srild il'urty axores T tanil iin the sriioinity ttit 'i'rfkima 'Oifcy, Saat week, o 3ttr. Wiikaa, late af Tacuaat, Snr iSlOBiananre. IKye, iwihertt nnfl ibnrlwy ibatwaen Wraits iburg:ana tKsisa W-alla, is iheatiing mut, .WJiitihiis uiraaiiiuler Jiliat ihar.vest will jtoon :.he at tl. ifjpragne, W. 1E ifatra 35iH) muflea, 284 3e- aniles, 4BiCliinaineu;nnd oire (Chinawnman, ansBnn t(Uail oaf S5D. piikune IFdlk 31 totiil uf U.,149. inhomiA:Coinrby!is;pidking -cup a Hasge ninrrlrei- of ssetflersithisaummei;, anid ,-ahnoat all uf thim aieanuu at" lanuly -who aueaa ihuainess. WrhdlKssedtioustif vaoartt ,-nntl ,-n.vailabhs (Guvssument iloud xnitSliin smSios of tfcwailwe ;niilo9iuTiCulfi5X, asninot'ibe Sraumt :nnH fewen quartern Tire tbeenminK caroe, . -so Tpiilly iis the .land being .tukan an) .by ifhe juconiiug immuirati.ui. All kinds nf fruit and -vegetables rare !fibanrMbing!tina'l.y iiu ttbe Puyulhtp WTttlley Hqp8:affeiloiikingajlBiittii.Uy -and aire 'higher rthan ttthey maualby ,avo iin .Uune. lEuiiiuers are juliilnnt and aniiuinate an immense 5yiielU -of ;cill iiiiutls inf jpromiHE. TEhere iis'p'lertty iff gsssl uvenrment 'land iyet about -ilRraj -Harbnr !ior men -.wish if am ! iiies who'-waut to settle and nuike .homes ifor tthamsoives. TEan mr ttwfllB3 -families cnnld find good places at-tkc.kwul .of .Soasn 'JJay and on H1L JUvor. TEhe .JfiLatoiian 'flo.ya : iExiporfe) ft rem ifhegniiu jnrailuoiijg 3aadtions tii lEasttern (Qragna, Washinjrtmi -nuil Silabo are :to the etreut thai grtiin ine-var slodked IhnttBr tlhau ;at tthis ctime Ax 1 1 o -point is there iinilicatinns of a thail vyiiehl. mriBvan-n'liglit.ariip. Httihe -weatlrer eoiit-iimes lavoi'.iiik- until harvest, ihe yiiilrl will !be :at lleast SB iper .ueitt greater tthnn tttsl largest (previous .year, J8S1. Athnraaliiutttki nathis year's 8in'ii!ai' -export is UO.OOil ttous. tOnefntir abowar Ibaawaan ttliia .audi tiie j2(li'n. and :ripeuing -AVEailior d!lier.aiter, .willfSBQure.-n'heuvy "nrnp ; beyond ,-all ipEnrd- iiiillllli). Jbiiut ttans will Ibe aiseil, iinttlffi wimiuityio'f 'Musbuw, anib.of lEulemann aiuBwttnwn, Buu4h (and ai llitite west rof; C(iIfx. '!heshipi3(;iB.vdh, ffrnm ffiitteey, gnesttep- ifciy iiinliittdsa.aboittaOjHttOffiiatrot .Jfliaatralian blue ;gum mn&ihrmi wootl thark iiuto tthe ibark ashhigWnvE. jThiswonU;is.-so ihar'd tdhat. tnufe espfioiallyimailear tthrtt jpurpose ;nre usfiUiin-wDikiagiit '.iy). Tit fin iilhnsiijj tthat! ittahitoiiu ithe twater dike h-on. JLedgor. 'ffihemew 'iWlittmnn (Ciilktge Ibuilding at TOa'llntWalhi-.willtUeftifibridk, .'fiib.y-!8Hc ffaet: ttBop, (Bighby,eih fwat tfrmtt, ttwn sstosies high;anU ,wJll.isnst:Bt2ia0o. ILrttaritlre iiilan as tto rconstrintt-.two(uther'ihuililnT"s.a'f dlmost -the same ,dharaater, (the tthrse ttn lire eaonneB- ited !Uy (navered (posaage 'Wnyfs. itlus-hingtou -Independent says Ulinnjl '.wilnmt fftalds .-are tbaatiaft tmtt amH iiu iful): -.bloom rail over this .-county. Tire .liar treat : is eurlier this year ihau usiad. 3fez!SsrBe .Kows-saya ijtihe anieft mine-re- ceuftl' discovered an tthe iPof latch country hits a sjileudid :botty of the mine-al uncover - eU, saaniles -a twliidh can be :saau a thi aaSssa cion't -liieauitiie eyes of airy af ttihe (OUtinaBthufiu because t iieir jieeper-s ar eer.taiaiy as tilear as Uihe msatsbtue afTaadhiBfly nujiA. Westoa is to have a telegraph line, which will connect them with the rest of the world. A nine-year-old Bon of D. B. Bloomer, of Jackson county, was thrown from a horse and bad his leg broken. Some one tried to burn up the town of Milton, in Eastern Oregon, but the fire was discovered in time to be squelched. Arthur Brock met with a very serious accident at Astsria by being caught in some machinery while in motion. His arm was badly mangled. Governor Moody has appointed C. S. Dustin, of Grant county, and Hugh M. Caldwell, of Douglas county, notaries pub lic, to serve for the ensuing two years. L. T. Thompson, of Cole's valley, met with a severe accident by the falling of a bent in a new building. One piece struck Thompson in the face, tracturing his skull and mashing his nose. Union Freeman says: Some elegant samples of ore have come to town in the last few days from the Tobacco Root Range, which was taken from a new discovery in the Tidal Wave district. Washington Independent says: There seems to be an epidemic of a disease in this vicinity resembling cholera in many of its symptoms. The cases are not severe, but some member or members of almost every family has been attacked in one form or another. Vomiting seems to be one of the weU-defined symptoms of the disease. Fred Bttroehairg, off Eden precinct, Jack- sen county, a snort time since sheared 26 head trfjgrotled Mrio Sheep sad got 391 i lbs. f -wool , ,or sun average of wer 35 Ro iter toeafl. One tfewio-year-tM MmaMi Merino yielded "S5bs. Mark "Censer, ttf the same iplaee., sibeanefl a .Spanish Merino Ibudk, gt tiixg fiJJ -.poands uf wool. Hhe Hotter ttihittks he Miade -a good in.vosttneirt -M-tben ihe iittiiro Auoetl these lieep in tfiltis aaffijr mot long staoe, as tliis immense yield of Wuol wii.1 go to jatwwu A"Gonfl (Conccfrd Baggy anew aar safe (tiheaj) a 'SPuoauiick j& IBalftwiii's. ITlie did tnelialWe IBoin wagon ttbe !best in -the market, -with either iirou or steel skeiu, at & -Daldwiuii. Uihe :Iigltes tmtnning, tmost .aimiilE, Anca Ibte sand .obeapeat, le 'Clrampiou ano-wer, iis "foand at -Woodcock &. tBn.ld'.mtn"e. STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING. To all whom it may concern notice 13 hereby given that on Monday the 16th day of July A. D. 1SS3, a corporate meetincr of the Benton Cout,ty Bell Tele phone Company will be held at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day at the office of M. S. Wood cock in Corvallis, Ocegoa, for the purpose of electing a board of directors for said Company and to do all other thinga necessary and proper to complete the organization of said corporation. This the 8th day of June 18S3. W. P. KEADY, CHARLES HERBERT NASH, 2D:23-w5 1L S. WOODCOCK Incorporators. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CRED ITORS. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of M. A. Dixon deceased that the undersigned Thomas Eg-lin haa been duly appointed administrator of said estate by the County Court of Benton County in the State of Oregon; and all claims against said estate must be presented to me, with proper vouchers, for allowance, at my office in Cor vallis, Benton County, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. June 15th 1833. THOMAS EG LIN, Administrator of the estate of If. A. Dixon de ceased. 20:25-w5 lixnofiauatut Qngon iCiiy, T)rogn. 25ay H, !8SS. SfoSieBiisttnraBjjr (given (that itta Jtdllowing-iimuea o5cioc ir.i;- iil'jd notiiTT oT hts.iiitoiitien tu jntike itimtl (ironf iii Hutnjort (;f hi claim, uail -.tlnvt -edid jmnf will Ire niud'j bomre -the -County Clatii; (Oi IBatUou i!!litf 'tlHfpon, "on ifjeedot;, aiKitE!,3tss3. iz5aihan Ht'uson.tHomattBail .lintry 5d. :3MB, lor tttntE. oTiK. 5W. g iff JR. at. g oil.Hac. M, IT. 03,3$. U (C,tW. -emanres-tlifi liolhjwinff rwitnsssea (to rvo Uiw .emntiliUDUSiresilltmQC'Upou.itintl .ctlhicvtttmn of, sr.:! IJond'Viz: Ha &llen, 3Iarshall SQswt, .etepheTiBantp sioii,(BiiaiiaonarB!llemm,iall nf tf'UUoiiiath, "Beutan -'Count'.-, tlregnn. msitvi IL.X Ba.BTK, iEechrtor. itSTiSE KiS PaSLrEM 1061. ILauU -UtleEC at ltoiiiiiur Orc--':i. , H, ilSS3 3f(1tioe:ra Ihsaifly (given that "the JollBwingrniamod scttIerihas:Qh(tl-itoitiue of ihisiiilteu&hni-te-malce -Bnal iprorifiin-supHurt )fihiaGlaim,'an-dTtlrat raid ?proaf -will I be nmttei Wfnro iie xlark lit 11 a: ami raunt- at .TJorvul "Us, Qr-jgon, .on saaniEBajx, .west at, nasa, viz: "Victor iHurt, tproempSion tl). S. TRo. .UB5Q, Inr ttheitdt ii, .ssc37,.-onllilnssa,'i!,3.-aiia tt.see. St. IT. Ii, (B. Hi IK.'W. IHe :nam9i the Sdllawing: -.witnesses -to iprovEilitsiContmuouB (TesiUence aipDn-ana'tcuHivntron dfrsdia-tona. -viz: (Oso. M. Stan, E.H. 'Starr, of 'iWalfl ifioEt, Hl ill. iHisynn, W; IP. IfEiiUli.uftl Corvallis. j2jwS tW.jF.iHJJfiaa'3nJi,lEei'iscr. RBMJMlSTRftTGRS HSTIEE, tNnticeiislhiiib.ytgiVBntthatithe'.untfo-rsifnieU ltavi.1 X. IBeeyosfhastUseniUly ;oppdmted administrator -of tiiL ostati.' o: Atcxumtur "J). Keyes 'douaasa "by ttbe CountyijGourt-of -the state otff (Qrotfou tfor tBenton Coun:.y. .All (persons ihavinff .dkiinw ra$ahiat -saal estate wtllrproientttiie merprmwily-.verifieJtto ms, at ny?reaiU3ne3lbouttthree:njiBSs uth-weat.o'f(Car Killis.m IBsDxonl eouitt.,'Oregon,-.Klihm iskst nnmtths I from ,t lie date of -.this u u tiec. !DiS.VJl)iL.iKIiiiRB. .'AttnitnLtrnttorofiiie estate otSSlexoiuior 1). :Koyec tstsssassU. tPHisSSth, ISSS. (20iB-w5 ASMil-'LEIR&IRiK'S NOTICE IB L-liED-HHB. tiioe ia'hjaTjtiby ivjEm tto dll :pwoiw Ihaving; Claims raaaiiKtt ttlic'ssbtfee -otff .A. IB. ,5faretdeceased; rthafcthe untleriigned was ontthe rZnth dtay off "May,' !laS3ctlUly qpp0"11 Administmtrix'TiftaaidvOStstte ;by; tihjc'Iiounty 'Gnuitt jof jBeiitun-.GaunAviin Sitae fltate of 'Onniiiiralljfiiustaguinrtt uul :ostate he ;pmi8nteslctDmie .-.withttire ;proiicTvoiiirHiBW, .far alhw- anep,:at;myrrffliidcnae iin lBentmi (County, (Oregon, - w i t i; i n six anoittlii from ttlic; date 'hereof . iltatcil June-Sth iISS3. !BsUUEBA WBSSBXi, AiJminixtTOlxkx oQf ftltt kSStsxfee of .A. .li. .Ziow. -ila Intthte:nEttt3r-af tthe .estate mf "2d i Hers art nrow -ri ff er i rrg -seventy -cents -per buahel-Sor -.wteat at '.Walla "Walla, .-and .are eajgeribttyrosta tlrat .figure. 2t is ttliaaght ttuKtithflte aa SSiiUM iiu -tire ihauds .af -tne iSSMMCk 3Br. "Dnfltett HasliaBo.vered ,!grildtnpontHie Graude limtnde. .Suaging tfcom apaninTBne' litiisiossiiHletthat "the rniines tnmy tte -.very! rich. C.j(tl -hits been discovered near the -attme jiltt-ee. U). IP. innsmjraoiiiw'dn-yiingipipe "to (Sipjiiy: .Astoria tpBQjih; -.w.ith watci;, rand rabaat tshrae 'WlhilfiiS8h:.iana3liIr8. 2vro9a vore rgrimg ;imUe.ilf mpeihiB .been ihtid ttoswarna ttawm st'iim l.e.wi,j river tD TTaneftuver on Xaaaday ' ifrom aar uMBfllt.. .A:rosor.vuir rtiasr.-wiil hd'al IssTfc sssS - wagon ilurdhafl iiu B treei tttt stnU Alr3.3iiewj8 j.was tHmxwa tko tthe ground. In rfce tfollbeitjaa 'tbafrh Ibmtes olf "darr aajjtit 3 giUlnaRlhiihaan ibaihi,.'antl tdantt ametftlioagaiifl fastast gigBS are (daily hud SthiiUIb'(!AUtiSbin iin osstSi-, "thy Sajateaibar kic jp)y tabs - water . dJeo.a?. 'Wrenn, deveotl. 3Jalioe.iihor4b.y givntiiat!h-.iiittue otff mn orllsr tlf(jsi!e,.ltu.l3'iniatteiiiy:the (Cuunty Xlourt, oirtte atate; df'.Otegmi, "tor lBeirtmi '.county, "on JSttturtiav. .Aprili 7Itb,aaS,nt-.tirerree-iHar.ApTll:trni oftmul eouTtniU iuiy.-enteredim-.tln: ;jQurnal rof miid .eourt.'dhrectine; aTUl.voiunKindi'.y; me, S. .'A.iChmmweth.orimintitrator oi' snid (att(;,;tiill at public action, -all tne iright, title, ;interast;aial tate (thatitheiaaitl fflsOitP.Whnn! ;iiai):at(tio;:timc'of;his,iieBlh, m.-oral (totlhctfollowius! Usserlb.etl;.pronliaesrto,wtt: JChe dionottxm iland ctaim! dfdiao.'.I?. WtenianiI:Jtay3i.IF. Wreiuhis-ip,:nniai-i eattaE2K.j(ilatmJfo.(iy, IT. at, ffi. Ht B.-weat VWUJ.j Jler,, iniBentnn tcountj:, (Dregon.raial mmrcTpotUsu-1 :ter(aasmllKU.w:n)ltoKS,tU)vit: Ites umlWUted ;SS af Jt-er of Site eatt hah nf soiil aUsoo, '-iwinj; 160. aeroi. -MiaDttiic atnmsotn ttneuoansnaa;, im wosttnaa otsd:akim,;besinnhie:;flitttto..nisttsr!S .ou&e.tiiie between aactions i'l and JU. in T. II, S. :K. B, .weat-willl. -iter. , rliieio.-e :utli.8B .ttfiroKfi,:27 -mto,,' cBoatd.i6D shah!, rjoousli (565D Jlhain, ttudhe insianas t jdf ttire oJhonneilolf ."nattfis WBr,ttheuae.taioing; :liptftnen;iYHr(ilu-io; ju.,MiiiwM(uiMii.,ww.iw i ffrnm (Entvallis tto IKing MUk, morlb 3D5 dfesraes: euat'ttfoag the mitiiUe caff said wooU Jj;.S0'citniiis, traxtb. ai atagreea WBjtt Iffi jmain, morlh 2B iOegteas; .waatScebainii.inntthan) tasgaias '.woatSaBiainsttotthe: inoh:linecottllffiolsita,u4hcastaesiai rminutes,; jaoasao sitainstto ijllasc aSf ibeguuiing (Ojutatmngi SS0JS :ttcre. EDherfltore iin tteeorUuitec .with M& iin iimrauoiuxtnf.-SBiarorttarrotailte, '4, A tOttennwath,' aflmirtcrtiiBto' toj jataijsaoteoif (flao. .WBsqBBsaasall : nsDUsa SATruDAX, Jm- nit, isss, iiUihB'lteiBrcSfcoliato5rP.5M.rdf tftl cttts;, iinftmnt off Uhcjmutt -Itausc (OHOTiin ate otityrat (Corvalls, iin: iBmttoii icoimtv, (Oreaon, 3!tl iat iuubiiecanatiun Aosltie lhefhsXltUhlei;,-allaltairi(jht, aatfi.linteiBatanalresnilei .wiiicii site witd.Qeo. K. Wiren.iaeKeaaBq, moil a: t..-c aiuKiiifc'eaihiinatiUlaotteUn'KecaBHiiaiprjm .-scs. -tesu.tiu.-r twisb tine nBputtauatotos itlratatmto rtelmsaas- JBodm atfjstiB,.ih-.Uawii at.tiuis.fltsale. JF. J4.. OREN'OWilSJ, AnnrtirtsUetfee (Sao. I. -Wrsn, (te.tKfl. y HI. JtohaaSb Uus stttumiJS" tatxs SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that bv virtue of an execu tion issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Benton, on tho 31st day of March, A. D. 1333, for the sum of three hundred (300) dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the above date until paid, together with the costs and accruing costs, in a suit wherein W. W. Yantis as administrator of the estate of James A. Yantis, deceased, was plaintiff, aud S. H. Oliver was defend ant, commanding me to make sale of the real proper ty herein described to satisfy , said sums of money before mentioned, and in pursuance of the command of said writ I have levied upon the following describ ed property, to -wit: All of that certain donation land claim situated in section 9 and 10, T. 14, S. R. 3 W. of the Willamctto meridian, and which is known and designated on the maps and plats ol the govern ment survey as tho donation land claim of Samuel HaptojLstall, containing 320 and 3G-100 acres, saving aud ceptins'tharoiroai ten acre3 cut cf the N. W. uuruor,, :U3STited a lo'lows: Commencing at the JT. W. cornur of -raid claim, ruu theucc South 30 rods, thence East jar -eziough to make 10 acres, thence Northtto-the SRfUtfib line of aaii clai.n, thence West to-the.p'.&seiD? beginning. Also, that certain other uVu.LioiUiU)u ciiiisuKiUuittd iu Scctif r.s 0, 10. 15 and iC, a fiuiu lovMuai.if wcj. mnc, ri vLich a known taud ftassiJibfi 02 tjas Udlj a-.c-cotdcil cd plats at givcriuiiji!t urvers as hc donation laud claim of Wanted filuCay, mid uuntaining S21 arcs, ijaving;anU excqptiiirom'the two described donation Janti ulaimw the iuIuxKiug -dosurZbet3 preru isos: iBeginnhyr at-a.poiHi .30 irotbiiEast aija ;23 rois JvorCht of tfihe.). oi aid-isamuflllHajiionsiaTl's uunution Imnl iclaim ana trunning ttieiice Wt:: :. 3d it-ode :to 'She West bouiitiary liuD'Ul hmU claim, !thenee fisottti J2.0 rmds -toithe B. W.. cocner tof mtifl 'Claiui, tOhence Wfeftt fiii xodrto'lihe SL W. amamr of Haic" 3amea "HiiGoy (tlonation htnti ulaim, -theuee imh 4r)Todu,LtheusfHuTrt imnflSme i-uds, tthence Wokt Bl.JJorth to the jplereu of beginnins, eontarriing uUlil-teaatroa.mior-Cturiieab. Akorfihe JN'orth .of Xhut certain. donation:land claim isituatod in ed'iou Dfiiin fluid ttawnsiiipittiidiirange, anduvhiuh iis iknown .ftnd deflcrioed ou flu!Miap.5:aiul plufcj ;uf thE govoru- inent aiuvc.v asi;he,douatLu:i'lttnd iiluimif Uiartiu L. SHERIFF'S SALE. To all persons notice is hereby given, that by virtues of a decree and execution issued out of the Circuit court of the State of Oregon fur the County of Beit ton, on tho 2nd day of May 1S83, to me directed and delivered, which decree was rendered and entered and docketed in said Circuit Court on the 31st day of JIarch 1833, wherein the plaintiffs therein K. B.. Knapp and M. S. Burrell as partners, doing business under the firm, name and style Knapp, Eurrell A Co., recovered the sum of six hundrea and forty -six dol lars in United StatesGold coin, bearing interest from and after the entree ot s&id decree to-wit: said 31s day of March 1S83, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum.andthe further sum of sixty-one dollars as attorneys fee and their costs and disbursements ot the suit against Wra. Basey one of the defendants named in said decree and n-herein said decree M. S. Woodcock andWallace Brldwin as partners doing business under the firm name and style of Woodcock & Bald win defendants named in said decree, recovered against certain other defendants named in said de cree, to-wit: against Wjt. Bagley, S. Morlett and Henry Burns the sun. of two hundred and forty three dollars and twenty-five cents in United States gold coin, bearing interest in IDte coin at the rate ot ten per cent per annum from and after said 31st day of March 18S3 and the further sum of twenty-five dollars attorney's fee and their costs and disburse ments in the suit, ana wherein said decree Stephen Belknap, F.d. Belknap and Goorge Kennedy certain other defendants named in said aecree recovered of and from said defendant Wm. Batrley the sum of three hundred and one dollars, bearing interest at ths rate of ten per cent per annum from and after said 31st day of March 18S3 and their costs and disburse, ments, and wherein said aecree A. Cauthorn ana T. E. Cauthorn certain other defendants named in said decree, recovered against said defendants Wm. Bg--ley, Stephen Marlett and Henry Burns named in said decree, the sum of two hundred and thirty-two dol lars United States gold coin bearing interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from and after said 31st day of March 183 and their costs and disburse ments, and wherein said decree F. Born a certain other defendant named therein recovered from ths said defendants Wm. Bagley, S. Marlett and Henry Burns the sum of three hundred and seven dollars and fifty cents in United States gold coin bearing interest in tike coin at the rate of ten per cent per annum from and after tr.e said 31st day of March 18S3 and the further sum of thirty dollars attorney's fees and hia costs and disbursements therein, which decree and execution commanded me to sell certain mortgaged real property described in said decree and also certain mortgaged property hereinafter described and also described in said decree, to satisfy said several sums of money hereinbefore named in favor of said plaintiffs and said defendants and their coats and disbursements and accruing costs and er penscsofsaid sale. Now therefore in pursuance sa:d decree and execution I have levied upon all of the personal property hereinafter described to satisfy said several demands above go si and on SATURDAY THE Sth DAY OF MAY. 1SSX etween toe boars of nine o'clock urarruijg and four o'oocfc in tne said ddy to-wit: at the hour of in the I crane-on of said day at p-ioEc hisbest bkl3er Icr cash in band, I w5B s dl to satirfy aid Heveral demands bejv.inL-fore named in xarnr s! Build iplaiiltilfs and in savor of said defendants, She following: 7tronal property in sail conctr and mortgaged as aforesaid to-wit ssss Sx 1 Trade Lngiue and 'boiler on skicht, one double nesivy ipontnUe saw mill ,-and -apurtonaiice shcty-tfrre Seat f rulfcer ibelting; une .Buffalo fore Ira, t; one out off sow aartf jnandreil, ana at the -time -and plane af aresaid ml a In lUl BUtne timcand lilacerrf-HttHin" etd iAnii!,n,JI n- Clrarlcs wd;mu-rietCim jj -a " - -'"". 4 ! jiurprac sfl -satisfying the nam Heversa Knms i iineA. iw .i tunj. . 3 w.wBBsg. . di buusiuu 2$, iin E. 31. .5 '-W,. coutairiiug 2D .acree -uf tUaii- vvjrrtit.v land, ih) lire.couul' ui "Usui an Laud Stte of Oregon, ana 011 BatwcimihelhourB'oIiO o'dlodkiiu tthe .morning amfl four'O'elautintfhe nvcniiigito wit: JVt Xhe hourof one iCrldlodk 3. 3H. idf said dayoathc.Ii'Oiil dorof dllie court houacin ihe c'orCimralHti, teuton 'Conniiy, 'Oie pr.i, 1 '-will fiui 11. ' punliij -cin:;, to iit; ihighetit h'.d dor.'fur osadb iin !hanflrftll!t!ie -right, :title mud ;iniurct and. odtaie.of "thc-deiandant herein :iiumad ;in or tto ttliE-iaUlTeal;pTnpei&y -the Ttonements, iit:;-(jiMt'.un-'it! i-iiti Kjt.iitrficiiu. tluiraiintii 'bjtung iing,',toatiflfv said execution and accruhig ci3l. :llatiid ilic J3Qtii jfay rif aioy:, vdm. :fiL aBEHSSMS Sheriff of .Eoitton Co,, Oragon. OOEVALLLS ..Peed, AIsI-' S&LE STABLE. if af.M. TXssiss. 4Slar2Bn&H, Si'.tsii. mix. m flfWJKIO iBOTCE iBSKJJS.l irKHPlMinrD toffe (S'jtior'.ttcociEiaualisiis .n thcU.i.vci.y Always ea4yitr . Jittc, ' Hytataiilas are fBsiMta iintawiy trasntst, ano3 amd ..obliging hostlers oiwava . :rsa;.yttDSBT.veitte;puDltc,, Pt'Licular sxtloiifian Tftid o 'LciLS-diu Wiiinnn. EUEGtssor inEiJSE,(CiaitaAeiE axd miaK IFOR lirUNISRAES. herein bcfarc.Tmmed in fuvor nf said raverul :ants, J will .alHe sell in same jnuiiner jilarcnaid -and bt- sssssb m ahe'saneihoars of ssMsrsssflsS the Ifanur Uiten o eUKK ,of said ay,, the icillwving mortaged ersoiuI pi-opoitty, nomad in said r tiiercin directed torbe nastbssrsssB sjBssssnBB sssssssStL f. .'.,(: One and oiu: imli yutp of cittllq, uhsias and logging-outfit, ji.i.i.:-U . one hundred timusimd ffttdt ol lumfinrthD hidhule.all tin-lumber un fihe mill j-ard morc.orless (if defendants Win. 3taglay nnfi Unerky SlarlcttA IBuius. "Clue BwuqpHtrike ailanoi;, biiu k--siitithrtimls, roiie-najmr saw SBaH BSMMSSSK Kvll ifiK,;d iporsmioil uwqperty uesaribea afuKBsaid U1 'be sold at (the time n:ore -u:d ;it ,iie sawmill 1-nov. n .as t lie (Wm daogley sawmillsituatud-on I'enot ion-i, in tiuid eoun y of licirtmrin the ritute att 'toegon. . In nccordanee wiith aire trummmuts aS -sniia decroo wia-cxsoutmn iin order -to w.i.H?;.- said riran-ue and ,efc eaution.andthe several sSBBSSSst money hereiiiliclorfl iiumed in -tavor of Baid ljiaintiffs rand dafendants I ihiwcilnvied upon .and vwdll sell -Ior (cash iin hand .at . e n-t 1 mo.s.- d nor m aire iut,y of Carvallifa- in.licin.ou county , 'Oregon -on (BJoeTD-RBAYimE 238 BAS-iOTF JIEBJE, 0BB3 between .the ihnurs, nf -nineirt'dlodk iin the -morning and four o'dook in theuitammun cf saidiUi.y.cto .wrtuatilhB "lrour uf jone olotodk tot -saia -aoy, .all dhe liujht, -title ana intermit : ' suid defeiidimts'-Wmlialuy ranfl Ann K Lxiluy aml'i.11 other defciiduiitu inamsU iin saill.ttearee.m 'Qr(tu(the:fnllonuurtniDttagad -real rpro--party aesctiheil in said -decree .-and -BSttcuiron ami therein (iireeted to iiu sold and .HilllllfllllHt .as MIoavs . to-wit: Tin; i-iiw'. haif ot tin- South quosteraud eNortli 'Woat-nuurtor of South JivUitiuarter of -Section :i: in To-,v;i :ii;n ten t-. 11. .ten West rand tthe Mntb :East nuarter.uf.the rRotsh West fuiarter of Beet ion nuniUcr.-six in Township mnntbsr -jalovon Ifinush off Itaugc number ten V,' est eu; i tuiniitg 1 (10 acres oaf ilana situated in Iteiiton eonnty, (Oregon. e20-S0B flherfff-of Benton 'Cuuittjy, Oregon. Since the intrudualion df 'SpeUin nroichos, -niany woida htivc mm pTomhieutiy into not. ire swords thai were; previously, ' con i pa rat vie ly - ui Ji nxiwn . SSur instance, .wo find Antbseptic, meaiiing: preveiUing anil 1 stoppiug-jtll ffermeittutiun nutl tiet-'onipositior,, rand. Aualgesiantiipdiiiliin-jr. fBanvtUaxe iis Antipyretic:, coidingdown inf I animation and .favor hoot. Winao 'iir.'i! vor ii, ii.i'j.i i!iirsp?!it'ti, are three off the cardinal virtues of onxclhiig ihttt mill cure 'many.a s.tjl! a:uitiia. fiii icy uc;i, pronuimeed tSai-ioyl-i-ca. '.WaTTunteU to tofford immeiliatc rtjltdf, and. -luirnuit jtd tt. uurt; liiieuiiititbim, C out -or Neuraisga Corvatijc, O.reg&n. !FoTffotrrad'.rnrs:portltQUsa(ia -Sifeet ?mig-Qf' llie:best qitaiitv.willjj&sunpliea by "Oiurtlea :Bmith li imilss .ii.ll itTillnimnriirristili mlhH' liouso in tinss vouiity. 2 fifUt inuule .on .order. 'Ootl occonmioUations Ifor staying nvcriiieht furjpattiesifioni twdistance. t' .-e SBBsasHiaa -Snos5h. (Gemiint) .'Slahilla HJiadiiig tT-wine at VBhafl- anck ft tBtilifwins. -fllBQE :DtrriliDJ53OTiaiL iis a rnw'&uil8ing, imwly iuniKiiiuti, anil i iirst oihsss fn :8iU Sm qrjiuuitmeitts. Stqgss iieovettitc ihnlfll .for uSlbany ami vftKuiinft IBs: Monday i , V. " ennesdays-anil 'JruOsja. ;t,arrc SamUle JSoom ran If? teat iioniroci cial aiB. 1935 Jy Lcgttl biauliS'iuriiiahucl at tikis rdffine ou -ahort motine tit iloas fiShan San lBamriiam pnaes Crity Stfc,W Pa Stage line (CiMlPIlETEP SET .now nmil ((ommudious UAIC'X , i am (busttrtiaan over ;prj pored tto J tojpttne Enitnil StatowiMa M nut risenmsuinc-ton-'veasBTW IsssweiXtellisoBstBi I ' . . ..... - ... HIOMnhMttnl iT-i-., iill ! e irenorea-wtth nustl tsoasnsBnlossr- hull arivflrsaiinliniBeotnnniaHhiTni -fi&iTPjUE SOK-SES TO HJ3E32. At ilieasmjahte JEtates. aBTffiartiBtlrorimatdmnjiwantJB Tharrtlrnyilluwss 'ffrmw fsayfpB ssssasar ". kim .T3Ft, aut .Ciix. easy m&msi hartthMsiaBammiitaxtmn aff ttto J