The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, May 04, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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ffittkli Corraflis tteta.
THIS PAPER S p. &co.:
newspaper Advcrtining Bureau (10 Sprnoe street),
where advertising contract, may be made sac it id
Sew York, al not lea than our regular ad. nam.
aW L. P. FISHER, Rooms 20 and SI Merchants'
Exchange Building, is our aathorisod agent in San
Francisco, and anv centracte far advertising made by
aim at enr regular prices, w!u be recruited by us.
Ihe Corvallis Gazam is kept on file at his agency.
Short annownceqient of deaths published free.
When accompanied bv an extended notice reso
lutions five cents per line will be charged. A poetry
published by request will be chargec for at the rate
f five cents per line.
TempertaM Kara Keeling-.
There will be a picnic iu King's valley
at the Watson grove on May 18, 1683.
Dr. J. W. Watts, 3. Hollenbough, mad
other good speakers TriH be present, and
discuss the line issue of the day, Tem
perance. Everybody is cordially invited
to coma, bring grab if convenient if not
coma along anyway and we will have a
reusing time in behalf of Temperance.
By order of the Committee
Quick Work.
Mr. J. B. Scrafford, oar marble cutter, on
last Friday concluded to pay tribute to
landlords no longer sad-io he gathered to
gether a few carpenters and some lumber
and on the morning of that d.y "beaa the
erection of a building on Manuel Knight's
vacant lot sonth of his blacksmith s'aop,
aad by the time night had cast its mantle
over the face of the earth had a building
with walls, roof, windows, fleer, nd every
thing completed, ready to move into. LsiS
Monday (onnd him an occupant of his own
EscltcmKit AtDut Wj-t 1
Mrs. Bettma recently brco-iiit a new
stock of millinery gocds and op-i id them
out fo." f le in the build'ng occupied by C.
H. Wbii ey &. Co. The elect of the new
stock on the mindt of seme w3 re.'ly as
tonishing. The priceE and quility of Mrs.
JBettman's stock was co attractive and so
unusually favorable to buvea that t'le ex
citement smong the older detlera w?s almost
as sudden n would be the shaking up and
resurection of the old bones from the tomb.
Te disinterested parties, however, it was
Candidate 5 for Election.
Friends ot the following named gentle
men have requested us to announce that
they will be candidates before the people for
the positions named at the coming city
For Mayor, T. E. Ceuthorn.
For Councilmen :
First Ward G. W. Kennedy.
Second Ward T. J. ""Blair.
Third Ward S. L. Shedd.
Thete gtutlonui are all old citizens of
our town and if elecisd will no d jabt 'per
form the duties of their rever-1 oilices with
fidelity to the peop e's iutsrtests.
Indian, Custom.
X. A. Swan, agent of the Sile.z Iad'-n
agency, arrived in town list night "rom
Tilamook county to wheie he h-d b;su for
th porpcte of making tha atfraTBrr.ry ar
rangements fo plte in custsdy of thj pro
per authorities two Iidiua which h.'.ve re
cently been brought from Vancouver who
committed the murder i 5 the luiivc doctor
some threo years ago ea the Siletj agsusy.
Ther ware at first pissed in the haads of
tka U. S. govsr jment aathoritica at Van
ceavertobs tried by tie United Statos
ooart;butit was siacs decided that the
lacal state courts were the proper tribunals
so attend to the matter, and the murder
having teen committed on thrt part f cfcletz
agency wb'ch liss ia Tillsmojk county it
the lesson for Mr. Swan piovug for th
miscreant-; to be takes, it tljj litier cjunty
,for tiisl. It seems in accordance with the In
dia custom that their Indiai doctor had
many times takes their money from them
to pay bim for curing some o tbeir tilicums
bat had failed as many t; mei in we tad
for such failure on h;s pirt tbey rapi'red
na night to bis place ot abode and ohohed
him to death.
A QjodMin atKt.
Tie popular postmaster of Dayton, Wm.
Katsger, died at Los Aageles, April 15tb,
while on his way home from the Ka-ii. His
remains are being brought to Dayton for
interme it. Mr. Metzjjer was born iu Prus
sia, August 11, 1S19. Hi emigrated to
America in 1839, to Oregon ia 1844, to
Walla Walla in 1863 and to Dayton iu 1871.
He was a tirst-class practical miller and
a clear headed, conservative business man.
In connection with S. M. Wait he built the
first flouring mill in Dayton and carried on
a mercantile establishment there. For
many years he baj occur, ied the position of
postmaster at Dayton, giving general satis
faction to the public and the department.
Last November he left for the Eastern
States to see to the disposal of the patent
right and the manufacture of the Gavitt
backle, in which he held a large interest.
It was Mr. Matzger's intention, as be told
the Writer before starting East, to visit his
native land before returning to Dayton, but
we understand that failing health caused
him to relinquish the plan sad start for
borne. A cood man. a first rate citizen, a
model office-holder, his circle of acquriu.
tances was large and varied, aud his death
will be generally lamented, particularly by
the community which knew him best.
The above sketch taken from the Walla
Walla Union gives the final of one known
to many Benton county people. It will be
remembered that Metzger in a very early
day built the grist mill on Mary's river
about a mile and a half west of Philomath
He owned and run the mill for nanny years
afterwards. He finally sold it to Thos.
Beader then a miller of Monroe and moved
to W. T.
v Valuable Investment.
80 acres of land, 1 j miles east from O. P.
K. R. Co's terminus on Yaquina Bay.
Small house, but good barn. 40 acres of
vary fine tidal land, producing the most
uzuriant pasturage. Would make a hno
dairy ranch; warm and sheltered location;
some good timber. J mile water front,
Price $1,200, 4 down, balance on time,
Agpiy aH. NSH, Oorvtvilis, Oregon.
Birthday cards at Sawtell's.
J. W. Bayburn went to Salem this week.
First class olocks jast ree.ived by P. P
Saat Portland basismea men wants tel
egraph office,
Dr. McAfee, of Salens has been caitd
sick recently.
Large assortment of stationary jot ar
rived at Sawtell's.
J. H. Aldrich, ef tho Samrait was is the
city on Wednesday.
Genuine pebble spectacles and eye glasses
for sale at P. P. Ureffoz.
A Good Concord Buggy new for sale cheap
at Woodcock & Baldwin's.
Now is the time for yoxng peoplo to cpoOn
the ice cream season is here.
Johnston Bros, of Reiner are extensively
engaged in building steamboats on the Col
umbia river.
Over 20,000 passengers have crossed into
the Columbia since January 1st, 1883, says
the Attv.ian.
Dr. Johnson moved his family to the bay
the fore par. of the Week where he will lo
cate permantly.
Job a W. Moore Jr., is snnounced as a
candidate for the office of city marshal, at
the coa.iug election.
Sheriff Humphrey and Thcs. Monteith of
Albany, were in town last Wednesday look
ing well aad kearty.
Ons armed Brown was in town last Sat
urday aad Sunday looking after the well
fare of some uisu.vants.
If you Tf .nt your'law suits and legal husi
ness of all kiads don: promptly and in good
order go to Kelsay t Uolgate.
The CdlToraia fish commissioners have
resolved to put 23.003,000 young salmon
in California river; this season.
Your place to buy the cheapest and best
harness and saddles in the valley is at S. A.
Hemphill's Well known stand.
Max friendly has a number of hands at
wc :'i rafting his logs from the mouth of
Marr's rive.- dowa to h:-s mill.
Mr;. H. W. Vincint has baen coufin ed to
br bod by stekneaS daring the past few.
days, but is now slowly recovering.
It sub Kiger bi added another 200 acre
ranch tVs week to bii already Krge posses
sions of Be Him couuty's real estate.
Ben C'bilderj of Wei's statioa was in town
during the week off.-riT; for sale Nasby's
treatise wiitteu by him while iu exile.
President Hogg. Colonel Smith and Wallis
Nash Eeq., stsried over to the bay ou Tues
day last ia the interest of t ie O. P. It. K.
Farmers lavs accut finished tbeir spriug
pi luting and are now a arking among t'.ie
minor necessities peculiar to farmer's vaca
tion. The Oregon Oity Enterprise comas out in
a new form this week. It h .s himloned
tbe 8 form and now appears in ths
fotm of a falio.
Messrs. Waggoner & Bis ford this week
sola - lots ia the extreme back part ef town
with s.all ha taei eon for $700 belong
ing tc M. L. Nofiisgsr.
J. E. Loraer, formerly of this place., has
taken the fx lira, . to build a hotel of huge
proportions at New Tjcoma, to be completed
wlliin a few c.o.iths.
A peddler Myer L. Livingston on April
20 th, was shot for hu money between
Willow creek and Teza i ferry. Be was so
badly wounded that he will certainly die.
Judge Pipjr's residence at Salerr. wsi
bcrg!rl-:ad recently. The their only got
awaywith lHtle silver and miss ad some
othsr mors valuable art'clej near at hand.
A Chinaman t the front on the Southern
extes:ioncf the O. 4 C. E. P.. was blown to
attorns by the ezplcsiou of a box of giant
pswder o i which he was at the t me
The bsttsr ci v;- of Cb:r.ese of Portland
hive crguhida humane eocioty and the
particu'sr purposes are to ti'.ie ca-e of the
ick bury the dead and suppress vice ef
all k;r.du.
Twu lots on the soatheajt corner of Third
and Piee st ejti Portland, Oregon, were
ectatly purchased by Ho.1- H. W. Corbett
for ?ji,000. Twenty -five years ago the
proprrty raid for $1200.
We keep constantly on hand at this office
a large lot and variety ef stationery letter
heads, bill heads, envelopes, and papers of
different kinds which we furnish at the
lowest po. ffibte prices.
Ted aud Wil Parker stared to the bay oa
Wednesday sf tar spending a few days in our
city. While here Ted orlered a suitj of
clothes to bs cut out of a fabric a little too
fine to be used in a saw mill.
Many of the youns men vht have been
attending tho Agricultural College at this
place during the past winter are leaving for
their various homes to otherwise engage
themselves during the summer months.
Merry Mason the fine Clidesdale Stalion
will stand the season of 18S3 at Sol King's
stable in Corvallis, Benton comity Oregon,
3 days oat of each week commencing Apri
Sib 1833. D. Gecsou, Owner.
?rvice at the College Chapel next Sun
day, preaching at 11 o'c'ock A. M. subject,
The reason of revivals in the Christain
church, Lecture to Sunday school at 4 P. M
and union services in the evenine; subject,
Gospel Temperamcs. Every brly invited-
Ten thousand dollar stock of goods to be
closed out regirdless of cojt. Call and ex
amine the stock and convince yourselves as
totheqnality. Place of sale. Carter build
ing opposite the Vincent House.
R. D. Cooper, Manager.
L. G. Kline k Co., announce that although
their stock of general merchandise is com
plete and offered at reduced prices, tbey
will sell their entire stock of boots snd shoes
regardless of profit. Call and examine for
Why are we sick ? Because wo- allow the
Liver, the Bowels, and the Kidneys, these
great organs, to become clogged or torpid,
and poisonous humors are forced into the
blood. Expel them by using Wm. Pfunder's
Oregon Blood Purifier. - "
Sold and recommended by all dealers la
The youths of Corvallis have organized
a second nine in base ball and expect to
contest with nine of Albany's boys of a
similar age in a few days.
The many friends of Mr. Nengass, who
started for California a few weeks age in
pursuit ef health, will be pleased to learn
that he i recovering from his late severe at
Joseph Graham of Toledo came out to
Corvallis last Tuesday with Mr. Wright of
Newport tbe proprietor of the steamer Ben
ton. Some breakage about the boat's ma
chinery brought Mr. Wright out to havo it
1 bo team of Dr. T. W. Harris' of Albany
last week ran away bitched to m buggy
containing his wife himself and babe. Ail
three were thrown from the bnggy break
ing Mrs. Harris' arm but doing but little
other deOc -t.
Tbere will h a grand excursion to start
from Blair's since, near the McCulla land
ing on Monday evenine; next after the city
votes are canvassed. Quite a cumber have
already procured passage, as the trip will
be up "salt river."
We foond upca oar table yesterday morn
ing some nice wedding cske of Mr. John
Vineyard and his new wifs, formerly Misa
Jans Hurlburt. The GAzarnc wishes tbe
newly made couple a long and prosperous
journey through life.
One of the largest, if not the very largest
mail ever received at one time in these parts
reached here on Tuesday nijht. The eve
ning previous the steamer Oregon having
landed in Portland with at least one hun
dred sacks more than usual. a
The Corvallis base bill clnb played the
2nd match game with tbe Monmouth club
last Saturday ou the Monmouth boy's ground
near Mor-mouth. The reault of the con
test was tbe same as Vii one before. The
Corvallis boyr got glsriously scooped.
Last weak we were confined to our room
part of the time with an attack of billious
fever in eonsequencs thereof W. P. Keady
presided over tbe editorial pen and manip
ulated tbe traditional scissors which ac
counts for the improvement in last weeks
On May 1st the Portland Standard was
enlargid to an eht column sheet and ccn
uerjuently is moi ? newsy than ever, la ad
dition to its usual supply of spicy newj it
now conl-iins the associated prtss dia;ttch
es, making it second to none of Portland's
Deputy U. 8. Marshall Brown and Al
Tygali have been spauding ths greater part
ot ta:s week over at the SilsU rejervation
in parjuit of a couple of Indians and hunt
ing evidence to assist m the conviction of
ppriiea forgiving ccra juice to soma ot tfie
red skins.
Last year the bop crop throughout this
stats and Washington Ter., was a very
profitable bisinejs aad the oal-k ihi year
promifc3 no 1j;j lucrative. We know of one
hep yard for which the proprietor has al
ready besn o2ered CI cents psr pcucd fcr
Li z'.owin? crop.
It is ths intention of the vacuum motor
company to b-vve a new model machine
made to farilier test the merits of the won
der. idea is to construct a ton liorsi
power machine with fly wheel and every-
th'ng complete and give tiiiogs a thorough
toss. The model i-. to be complated by July
'By a card receired at this offics from Ohio
i7e iearn that a family of six brothers con.
templates locating ;n oar midst, twe of
whom are professional men while the others
ara farmers. Coroboratio the statements
made it. the Gazttts that the Willamette
valley will receive a boom in imiuigiatiou
this u -rimer.
Mr. C. S. Huelin last week bought the
stock of irroceries, glass wars, erockerr, &c,
end place of bnsiness of Mr. E. C. Vaughn
of this place, where Mr. Huelin will con
tinue in the crime line of business. Mr.
Huelia.ha? many friends and a large ac
quaintance in the county and will no dcrbt
do a flourishing busman-,.
T. F. Moore, who his been hunting up a
location throughout Oregon and Washing
ton Territory for a colony from the east, has
been in cur c-ity the fore part of the week
and csprsasss himself better satisfied with
ths appearance of the Willamette valley
than any other section he has visited, and
that tbe c -m y will probably settle in this
seclion ot "Webfoot."
A large number of pioneers who settled in
Linn County prior to Dec. let, 1852 have
called a meeting to be held on Thursday
May 24th 1833 at the hour of 1 o'olock P. M
in t'is Court House at Albany fcr the pur
pose of organising a pioneers Association.
The call published in the Albany papers has
a long listo names subscribed to it. Why
can not Beaton County do likewise!
Orders havo bsen received from Wash
ington discontinuing all telegraphic weather
reports between the different signal service
stations located on the Paeilic coast, on and
after May 1st. No "Probabilities" will be
received from Washington after that date.
The reason assigned for this action is the
failure of Congress to provide sufficient
appropriation to defray the expenses of
the service.
Our merchants have been taking inveu
toriec this week of tbeir stock of tobaceos
ajd cigars ou hand Mav 1st. An act passed
Congress March 3, 1883, reducing the taxes
on tobacco, snuff, cigars, etc, provides "that
on all original and nnbroken factory pack
ages of tobaco, etc., held by manufacturers
or dealers, on May 1st, 1883, upon which the'
tax has been paid, there shall be allowed a
rebate of the full amount of tbe reduction."
Seldom, If ever have the yoang people of
Corvallis gathered together and had a tet
ter time than on lzst Wednesday evening
at the residence of Df Carlile, the occasion
being a surprise party given in celebration
of Miss Katie's birthday. After gathering
at the residence of Mr. Sanders' the crowd
proceeded to the quiet domic-He of jnstice
Carlils and bombarded and captured the
place, much to the surprise of Miss Katie.
The evening was spent in various nigh
hilarious ways until nearly midnight when
the guests departed wishing Mis Katie
Mrs. L. Be tt man is now offering to' the
public one of the finest and cheapest assort
ment of Millinery, Dolmans, wraps, etc.,
ever brought to Corvallis. Ladies should
net neglect this opportunity to obtain spring
and summer styles cheaper than was aver
offered ia this city sjeferev With C H.
Whitney & Co. ,
Miss Olive Skipton who has been for a
long time very ill in this place at the res
idence ef her uncle T. J. Blair, en yester
day had so far recovered that she was re
moved in carriage to her home about
seven miles socthwest of this place. She
hae had a long severe spell of sickness.
At one time it was thought she could not
recover but fortunately a change for the
bettor came. I
Be c ills 4 SplrtsnaUstle Tricks ExposeO.
Mr. Chas. H. Read who performed at the
City Hail oa the nights of the 1st and 2nd
of this month, exhibited many of the slight
of hand tricks which are usually performed
by traveling spiritual mediums, after which
be exhibited in plain view of the aadience
the simple manner in which they were done.
While sitting with feet, hands, ody, arras
aud neck tied fast toe chair with Lis hands
tied apparently cecar and fast together,
he took of bis coat from, rnder these re pea
aad over hie bauds which were tied to
gether, making it appear almost marvelous
to the uninitiated. But when he did it slow
ly in plain light where all ould sea it ap
peared eo simple that everybody after ence
seeing it ought to bs able to peiform it.
He aleo unveiled how a person tied in the
manner above indicated could play upon
the guitar, french harp snd other instru
ments all at the same time. He showed
plainly how ths so called e.urits of departed
ones Were reflected in a cabinet and alo
the reading of sealed letters, writing rn b.e
elate, and many other tricks. He plainly
showed to all present the deception that is
practiced iu performing these tricks by the
medium. He openly declared that the usu
al seance snd performance of med inuia was
a swindle una irvisa spaa the cotrmuiiitie
whero they rp; ea
In Memory.
Mrs. Kebeccs. Carter died April 2S, 1883
at her son'i residence Dr. Carter in Phil
omath Oregon. The subject of this notice
was in her ninety-second yea:-, vraa born in
Sulivan Co. Tennessee Jun. 30th, 1792
Wis married to Win. Carter 1S13, she with
her husb-nd movod Ircm Tenne. see to 111.,
from thence to Missouii, rnd. in !i!52 she
with her family emigrated to Oregon and
settled in Lane county, from thence to Bea
ton county, where in 1SG7 her husband died
and le't her to jcarney alone. She vu the
mother of eleven children, ciht cf Thich
remain to mourn her loss.
uhe was an acceptable member of the .
E. sliuvci for eighty-five years. Mother
Carter waa one of those stern resolute per
sons that was not carried about by every
wind ot doctrine and had an unswerving
principle to do what she believed was right.
Hor end was peaceful, sh remarked at ihe
beginning of h or i'laes that she was glad
she war. bom to die, and thai she saw her
husband and children that had -una cn he
's and she scoa wouM meet thstn where
pait;u2 is nnsnown.
The funeral service were conducted ty
the writer lo a large and intelligent audience
from tbe tezt - Blessed are the dead that die
the Lord Rev. 14, 13.
Rxv. N. W. An. xx.
Hew Goods.
Lunch Tongue.
Cookea Corned Beef.
Vh:te ?ish.
Sastern IV.nelees Cedttah ia (safer.
Deep sea mackerel.
Finnan Haddiea.
xiew York sngar.
Choica brands of coffee.
Czl . , pealed peaches.
Best Brands of tobacco.
Just received and for sale at low rates at
or POotsri.
We hav 9 receat.y received at this office,
new Cut to represent the Pcrcheron ana
Clydesdale stock of horses. bscidaS having'
let other cuts on hand. Ail person raniiLg
stock or horse posers we can print them
with a cut to snit most any style Of horxo.
VINYAttD-niTLBURT At the residence
of the brides pa -enta, on Wednesday..
May 2, 1833, by Rev A. Krecker, Mr.
John W. Vinyard and Miss Jane Hulbert,
all of Corvallis centcn county, Uregoi:.
BROWN Infant child of J. Brown on yes
terday morning in this city.
Enena Tlata Items.
Rev. J. S. McCain cf the Itemizer
preached here Sunday last, at 11 A. M.,
and at 7 P. M. A large congregation was
The weather for the last week has been
rainy and disagreeable; but it is just what
the loggers want for they are shaking their
heads dubiously. E ;'
Send the Gazette down this way ! I say
you, by the way ! the people want smother
paper besides the Itxmiztr. Send it down.
The people of this place are afraid that
the Standard is going to get away with the
Oregoniait and Neva. It must bo true for
everybody ia making preparations to send
for the Standard.
I am compelled to chronicle the account
of a slugging match which occured here last
Sunday between two young gentlemen.
One young gentleman received (which was
reported) a severe cut on the hand. Our
city marshal seems to be asleep in his own
little chamber.
What has become of the hog law ? The
pestfercus brutes are tunning at large in
our town and look like old times. Soon we
will be singing the battle cry of fleadom
Buena Vista is to have a large hennery.
Mr. D. M. Calbreath ia building extensively
and will soon have it finished.' Go ahead,
Dan. you will come out all right yet.
Legal blauks famished at this office on
short noMcs) a less than ban Frsutessce
A Supposed Dragon which Inhabits the Up
per Lake in Surprise Valley.
A correspondent in the Lake City, Ore
gon, Examiner, under date of April 9th,
writes: For the prat two months there
has been a. very mysterious) disappearance
of loose stook from points of the valley be
tween "Port Crook hill" and the lower end
of Upper lake opposite Lake City, and
among stock men there baa been much spec
ulation as to tbe cause thereof. Last fall,
in the month of October, three hunters from
L:,ke Ciy made a pilgrimage to Cook's
lake, northeast of this place, in quest of
deer. They succeeded in capturing four
fine ones, and one of the party succeeded
in wouncunT. a Crth, whicn made lor the
lake, swimming boldly out on the water.
When the pursuing hunter arrived at the
shore the wounded deer was about fifty
yards from the brink, and while .Vim rod
wm ia ths set of aiming at the Aeeiag buck,
he was suddenly seised from below by a
bo.( monster.
This incident occurred in the twinkling
of an eye, and the glimpse of this aaaason
epicure was hut momentary, and the whole
matter so surprised snd astonished the
baffled hunter that the description given by
him to his two companions was necessarily
cenfased, and it wai mutually agreed that
nothing should be said about the occurrence
on their return to Lake City. The incident
referred to had nearly passed from the
minds af the three hunters until one of the
three was returning from Camp Bidwell
on Tuesday last, arriving at Goose creek
his attention was called to the lake by a
fearful roaring, hissing noise. Looking
across in the direction of Ccok'a lake he
saw a fca:ful monster cutting the placid
besom of Upper lake, and wending its way
like an arrow- towards the west shore, its
dragon-shaped front ten or twelve feet out
of water, dragging its ponderous body at a
fearful rate. When within about one hun
dred yards ci land this strange monster
turned eadd-cly and rwara rapidly down
thel'keforr. quarter of a nil? and sud
denly sank from view.
'Cbo narrator sayo that when the inciter
tr rued he had fair i lew of it, aud pronounces
is tc be at least fifty feet in length the en
tire body, which Boomed to be covered with
large glistening scales, each particular o::c
of which v.?.s as large as the "dollar of our
dadv' He thinks that from the front
twenty feet back would average six feet in
diameter; about six feet from its horse
chaped head, it was armed with two legs
about eight feet ia length. Altogether it
looked like a monster capablo of great de
struction to man sou beast. It is now gen
erally believed here that this fearful mon
ster l:as been making frequent nocturnal
visits to this valley in pursuit of lira stock,
ana is proving mora deotrucuvr to yjunr
cattle than the d.-.idad "black foot" cr.ttle
In addition to the great loss of iiomrd
tstcck there ha .'e been gref.t losses of sheep
and goats in the "Ark&sss&w" settlement
above Lake City. A few cigb'a since Mr.
Spike, whis has a hne herd of Angora voata
at the .out of the lake, was aroused about
midnight by tbe incessant bleating e bis
herd, wherecpoa uosa immediately
and can to ..aid: the corral, aad was ae
tonibbed to see thrcugh the dr.rknsss a huge
nim&i making eff with a fuii grown Ango-.a
in its couth. On rasiinatlon of ths trail
of this wonderful animal hitherto unknown
to hiia, hj true -d i . -c the hvke hy a wide
swath of craiuod s-,g j brueh i3k& j"tia
wood. It is needless -iw say that tlis pres
ence of this fsightf al -oster Laa created
widespread consternation in this vmvwrUy
quiet valley.
Wc;.: Items.
Mr. James Gingles has gone to the Soda
Springs for his health. He is under the
impression tb t t ihe waters are very benefi
cial to hir...
Mr. L. K. Dodelo has sole Lis fire horse
to 6 ,1Cn iu Albany. Co ration
$1000. This will prove a valuable acquisi
tion totfc hci ssmen of '-'Old Jian."
cscbool will open here on the 7th, of this
month ander ths supervision ' Mr. Childers
the boys and girla are getting real rjxious o
cee each other.
The Vanderpool boys f.avc -ine over on
the head waters of tt Yaquina er-peciing
to make a large catch of dog aalmoc.
The Good Templars tt their last regnlsi
meeting but one, elected nine delegates to
I tho county temperance Alliance to be held
in CorvalUs tne J6tL proxun.
Mr. Joseph Herschberg passed through
town last week; Joe.s health is very delicate
in fact be has dyspepsia and he says & re
quires constant exercise and plenty of Cra
ham to keep bim in fighting trim.
Johnny Carter met with an accident las -week
which resnltsd in the drowning cf cue
of his horses in which hisswife and babes
came near losiug che'r lives. In crossing
Soap Creek, where it spread over the sur
rounding country tor about half a mile be
missed a pole bridge which spans the deep
est part and the hack capsized precipitating
all of them into the water. Mr. Carter
succeeded in rescuing his wiio and icast
child and going to look for tbe oilier little
fellow, a boy of three years found hm hatt
ing to the hack seat and crying papa, papa,
with the water up to his chin.
Taulna Bay Items.
High tides has prevented beach mining
for a while.
Captain Lutzens took 20,000 feet of clear
flooring lumber from the wreck Phoebe Fay.
The steamer Mary Hall will be enlarged
both in width and length and supplied with
new machinery.
Sam lrvin of Newport was in Corvallis
this week proving np on his place.
Captain Wynant to now on hie way to
Newport in command of a new boet.
James W. Brcsfield is building a bulk
head at Newport and connected wit-i it a
substantial wharf.
William Grant and Lafe Wilson have sus
pended gold mining.
Engineer McMillan formerly superinten
dent of the tunnels this side of tbe bay ia
now in tbe employ of tbe O.
Newport Items.
The weaiher last week was beautiful.
Steamer Ona sailed for Tillamook on
The steamer Kate and Anna sailed for
Nestache on Tuesday.
The steamer Benton had the misfortune
to break her piston rod and knock out her
cylinder head. Tbe accident was the re
sult of a flaw in the piston rod. The acci
dent will cause her to lay by for 10 days
A little child of C. R. Smalbone s of this
place raa between two dogs and was badly
bitten. It is doing well. Mrs. S. is also
seriously sick from having taken an over
dose of poisonous medicine.
A man by the name of Softis tried to ab
scond leaving the good aatured landlord.
P. M. Abbey, in the larch for bis hoard
kill. But Mr. A. was not than to be out
done; he sent the deputy sheriff after the
fellow who followed him nntil alter ni;bt,
foond him ia bed and made him shell ont
the amount of the bill and costs. r- -.
April 29. 18S3.
LEJS&fi'lfl sVeLUNQ.
Bine the iatrodactitm of iefl.itff matchea, xn&ny
worJs bare come prominently into notice ford
that were previously,- eoruparatrtcly unknown. For
iutancs, we find Antiseptic, meaning: proventiug ukI
stopping all fermeatatleB and decomposition, tnd
Aoleuant: painkiller. Then there Antipyretic:
cooling down ianamatiaa ad fere: heat. Treat
three words, eo often mls-pelled, &r tlirtv? .if h -
carJirtl virtue of eomtQiing r-'Jl euro mr--,
had srarrii stTid that, 1 Sai icjiica, pixnouucert Eal-ic;l-i-c.
Warranted to efford ir?aediat relief, and
guarrantced to cure Pahe'iniitiwn, Gout or Neuralsg.
Zrocal Nota.
Andrew Km nek is anaouscsd candi
date for the ofLco of City Mftraiukl at the
conuAg election.
Jor-. 7. II. jL.-men eaccinces b!-nse!! a jorull
for the "fflce of.CUy Recorder r.t the cominj
c!?ti"i or. thi first Monday In Slay cist. S0:17
A Common-Sense Remedy
No more Rheumatisms Cout
or Neuralgia.
Immediate Eelisf Warranted,
hmmi Sirs tharaniaeti.
Five years established and aever known to
fail in a single case, acnte or chronic. Refer
to all prominent pbsicians and druggist
for tbe standing of Salicylica.
9AT.IC7XICA is know, ae s common-sense
remedy, because it strikes directly at the caose of
RheuDiatlem, Gout and Jfouralgia, while se many
so cal'ed specifics and supposed panaceas only tree
locally the effects.
It has been conceded by eminent ecicBtlsts that
outward 'u"-t:-j')( such as rubbing with oils,
cinlmcuts, liniments and soothing lotions willgnoi
eradicate these diseases which are the result of ttaa
poisoning oi the blood vith Uric Acid.
SAZ.XCYT.ICA works with marvelous effects oa
ifcs acid, and so remove the disorder. It is now ex
clusively used by all celebrated physicians of Amer
ica r.nd Europe Highest medical academy of Pari
sports 95 per cent cires in three days
t'jai SAT.XvxiJCA is a certain cure for RHEU
tense pains are subdued almost instantly.
Give it a trial Belief guaranteed or money re
Thousands of testimonials sent on application,
SI a cc. Six Bczea for $5.
oent by mail on receipt of money.
But do not be deluded into taking imita
tions or substitutes, or something recom
mended as "just as good!" Insist on the
genuine withjthe name of .WtshlinTfia k Co.
on each box, which is guaranteed chemically
I pure under our signature, an indispensibla
requisite to insure success in tne treatment.
TaUa no other, or send to us.
SASHETJEU ft CO., Proprietors,
287 Briiuw. cor. Boato St.. (20-l0yl) KEWTOSZ.
ri e voters st tUa City of Corvalll: I hvrokr
tanounc myself a. a candidate lor tha eSca ef Ctr
ilecarder, at :"ne election t bs taVen the first Mon
day in next Ma;. I'M
JCflW H. LEW13.
Te ft voieis of the City of CorvalliB: f hereby
j-inouncs myself as a candidate for tbe oiEce af City
'-rcasuror at tba election te 9 held eo the first Kon-
ia.- in May iext.
18 tt 8. E. BELKNAP.
Y.'Vtl per day at home. Samples worth Co free
MV Address Stinson & (Jo.. Purtland.Xa.
Wheat in Portland firm at 196 per cental. It may
now bs fairly quoted her. clear:
Wheat 1.00
Oats 65
Wool per lb U to 23
Flour per barrel BbO
Bacon, sides 12 to 14
Hams 16 to lti
Shoulders 10 to 12
Lard, 10 lb tins 16 to 16
Kegs 13 to 15
Butter, fresh roils 20 to 26
F-sjr, per dcz 20
Ori-i apples, rinmmer, 8 to ft
c Sun dried' 0 to 7
Plums, pltless 10 to 12
Chickens, per dos SOOtoSbO
hides, dry Hint 10 t. 13
" arreeu t. 7
Potatoes 1 00
Geegg, tame S 00
Ducks, " 3;W to 4 00
Ouiics, per lb 8 to 4
New This "Week.
I here'.y ..laaiouuco myself a candidate for city mar
wV.rtt e th r eeaata cly letio"
Ir;pcc:Br.-'"'-l''.ididatefor dty recorder.
Koti-.e is hereby given that there are funds In the
Treaaorv to pry al. enton county orders endorsed
prior to December i, 18S2. Interest on the same
will cease from this Sale.
Conuty Treasurer.
Corvallis, Oregon Mar 2nd, 1883. lw.
Stats or Oaseos : 1
Oft cs Sbcrbta.t of Stats, V
Salem, Oiejea, April 20, 1833. )
'.rhefo'i!owiis act of Congress is published Jfor tbe
iefoina'ionof all f .rsons in this state InUrested
thsieii: :.
"An ACT ts atenu i'a$ time far fling claims for
basses tnd equipmt.. ts lent ly cmcers and enlisted
men ij the . srvic ef tbs Unitai S.tca, and for
oher pnrruisez:
Tie it ea.etel sy the Sir.ats and House of Repre.
sen stives of the United States of America in Con
:im assembled, That the time for flUng claims .'or
LcrMsand equij-meatslost by o2iee.-s and enlisted
ti?n in the miliiary service of thi United States,
which aspired by limitation o- the thirty-first day
ut December, eightsM hundred aad Mventy-flva, be,
aad ike sam Is hereby, extended to one year ."rom
and arter the passage ot ,his act; aiid all such claims
filed in the proper duptrtuent before the passage ot
tbis act shall be deemed to hare been filed in due
t!m-. aadsWaB ts considered irjd i.ecid:i without
Sac. t. East all ci-.ii.ja arisii i undor the act ap
pceted March third, eigbtt,.. iiundrei auil forty
five, entitle; 'An act to provide t .-- tho pi;Taeir. of
hot ss and cthei-property lost or iatroyi4 ia ihe
uiiiittry ajmce oi the United Stilt.,' and all acts
i joondatoiy .hereof, which sha.1 rot br filed in the
the proper department within one year fiim ind
alter ths passage of this act, shall be ;o..ver barred
am. s'lall not be received, cansidered, -r adi .ed by
any department of the government."
Approved, Ja.iuarr it... 1SSS.
It ia knnwn that mauy persons resident in this
state, who served te the various Indian wars, as
eel) as in the war of 1S1-'6S, lost their private
horses and equipment. In such service. Th. act
abovo quoted gives all auch persons one year wiihin
whicn to file t'usir claims fr rach louses. Attention
is called ts vh Ikliowin; provisions of this law:
1st. Leans in any of tbt Indian wars in this or
any other siaies or territoriM will bs paid, as watl
as ioaaej in ths vac cf 1SJ1 to 18Si.
2nd, Losses by efficrs, .nliatau me-j, scoot
guides J all other psraans actually engaged in til
military service are within the provisions of tl
3d- This law ezteiMis to all losses in a-y manner,
not the result of the seldier". own fault or negli
gence, and includes loss s in battle, by capture, lor
want of forage, by overheating, hard asage. acci
dents of all sorts, oisease, thelt by deserters, from
forced marches, or from any other eaaae arista; in
the line of military duty.
4th. The time for filing these claims expires en
January 8th, 1884, and all auch claim, not presented
to the proper department of the United Bute by
that date, will be barred; but if the application if
filed prior to January 8, 1884, tb. proof necessary to
complete tbe claim may be filed at any dat3 there
after, r
I have received from Washington supply of the
necessary blanks to be used in making applications,
which will be furnished without charge to anyoue
desiring them.
; s-arwasryefStsta
g. B
s r-a a
ef OQ
S 2
1-5 tJ
O &
2 S
g &
t- CD
co Hrj
lire ea.
TTT A -sav T- F w W W V 1, ,11 rimaa
WAN T ): erotic men "to" sell
Tunison's celebrated maps and cuarU. 100 ptr
mnnth .rniarantpjl to aorents followinir our instruc
tions. For reirticulara, address John Dixon, Sacra
mento, uai.
20-18 wS.
(Old " NATIONAL," EstabUshed 18.
123 Front St.,
Between W&shtagten and Alder,
An institution designed "for the practical
business education of both sexes.
Admitted on any -week-day of the year. No
vacation at any time, and no exam
ination on entering.
Scholarsalp, fr FuI1 Bnslness Course, $o
O kinds executed to order at reasonable
rates. Satisfaction guaranteed.
The College Journal, containing lnforma
rion of the course of study, when o enter,
time required, cost of board, etc., and euta
of ornamental penmanship, from tha pea
of Prof. Wasco, sent free.
Address A. P. ARMSTRONG,
Lock Box 104, Portland, Oregon.
19-31 m9
"It is not wealth, or fame, or state,
But get np and git" t hat makes me great,'"
is still titting on the smoothe side of poverty
drawing out the cords of affliction in
behalf of his old customers, where
M keeps constantly on hand
. full supply of
Ho, 1 Harness, Saddles, Bridles,
Robes, Spurrs, Sponges. Harness Oil, Blan
kets, Hobbles, Nose Bags, Cinches, Harness
Soap and everything that ia kept in a hist
class harness store.
Carrli-pe Trimmings I Kermlrlnr Done om,
a Specialty. ! fenert Notice.
Call and see for yourself before buying else
vbere, at the old stand, opposite
the express office..
Corvalifs, -0-6tf Oregon,
. Prica-
,rina and Bumsaet
- . no L.. mafia
jnce-Aji8 J" "J
its appearanca miTojca
"Za KHZL Over 200k
trations. Centaquota-
ssawav. i -neral
nee, free
-Q..11 .A HU.
Kve to Daraw . :
It costs us 25 cents tor ever
Ti i. tsjn AO smt caaurn.
dons, descriptions .j?T?"
esjly all articles in g"81.,"
Adai and Eve to Bitting Bull and
ihould have th. eoat of Pd
book ia foU of brains. 6nd