The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, April 20, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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    jjggktg orbuliiFS Qrr vdi
Entered at the I'ostoi!i.e at Corvallis
Oregon, as second -class matter.
Eatt;rney at law.
Tbc whisky men of. Portland and
the Oreyonian are having: a big old
fight over ihe high lioen?u question.
Estimates of Vaoderbilt'a wealth
rapge all the way Iroru $300,000,000
France ia threatened with a war
with China. It is suggested that the
Chinese troops will probably be com
manded by European leaders.
The pension payments for nine
months have amounted to $13,000,
000 to which it is expected that near
ly $30,000,000 will be added ia the
next three months.
The rain fall ot California warrants
the impression that crops will be over
average. The increase in the wheat
acreage of the state is estimated at
from 500,000 to 700,000 acies.
Three colonies from Colorado con
eist'ng of 265 persons principally far
mers and mechanics have armed in
California to settle in Shasta, Ilum
bolt, Los Angelos, and San Louis,
Obispo counties.
The Irish dynamite conspirators
are carrying their explosive mea
sures to endangering the lives of in
nocent rneu, women and children to
each an extent that the Irish cause
is loosing all sympathy among the
eensible and thinking people ot the
civihzed world.
It is stated upon seeming good
authority that the Central Pacific
Railroad work on the Oregon divis
ion Is being rapidly pushed forward.
A large stretch of masonry has been
completed, and three thousand men
have recently been put to work ta
"The question of high license w hich
has been under consideration and
acted upon favorably in many Ore
gon towns, seems to be only in keep,
ing with the same sintiment which
is now being and has been agitated
as never heard of before in England
and many other parts of the civilized
While the high license question is
going through the country it is
thought by a great many people that
most of the more respectable class of
saloon keepers who favor abiding by"
the law will favor the high license
in order to squelch out these places
where the law is violated in supply
ing liquor to minors, common drunk
ards &c. A little more time will
give opportunity to tell.
The statement recently issued by
the IT. S. Treasury departmeuthows
that in the first nine monlhs of the
current, fiscal year the reduction of
the public debt has amounted to al -most
41 12,000,000. The cash in the
treasury has risen since March 1st
from $300,000,000 to $315,000,000,
and the available cash balance from
$131,000,000 to $140,000,000. The
treasury is therefore prepared for
the. approaching redemption.
It appears some-what like as new
as can be ascertained that the main
issue in the coming city election will
be license or r.o license. At the late I
meeting of the city council thtf icense !
on saloons and tippling houses hav
ing been raised to -5400, just double
what it had been before, caused the
saloon men to prick up their ears and
begin to look "a leedle out," and it
is suggested by some that they will
maintain the question of no license
on their sidf, while the other ele
ment of society will no doubt stand
firm for tho on the other
STKEET woex, j raatljtY n Wou!d seem like a man
Ther.e is an ordinance of this city j wilj, 8UCU a fiendish disposition as
if it has not been repealed to require J tbe above tentillH.nt indiedtes had
parties lodged m the
cooler serv
ing their lime there for offenses
against the city laws, by which they
may becompellcd to work on the
streets. This ordinance is seldom
if ever enforced. Time after time
and week alter week dead beats are
confine ! in the city jail from time to
time and kept there at city expense,
and yet they are not compelled to
work on the streets anff city drains
as they should be. If work of this
kind was ul.li7cd for the benefit of
the city much of the fiith and nn
eleanliness cou'tl be removed flud the
city thereby kept pure and fit for
people to live in. The surface drains
could also be kept cleaned out and
onen by this means and the impuri ties
and seeds of disease allowed to
pass off which under the present sys
tern is permitted to
Salem after going through an epi
demic a few yeare ago caused by
such impurities as are allowed lo ac
cumulate here found it necessary to
keep her streets, alleys and surface
drains pure. Corvallis no doubt will
also have to learn by sad experience
ongfit to be hung to the first scaffold;
find this we do not say because we
think England has always treated
Ireland properly, on the other hand
the English government as a rule is
overbearing to powers whom she
knows is inferior to he in strength,
and it is no doubt in our mind that
the friah people havo suffered much
in being wronged at the hands of the
English government. Bui the action
which seems to have been planned
by the dynamite fiend alluded to
contemplates the wholesale destruc
tion of the innocent women and chil
dren who may as readily supposed
to be friend as foe. Persons who
contemplate and encourage such
wholesale destruction and itvnry
should be taken care of and their
arear slopped before the damage is
so that the remembrance of
sins may be constantly made vivid
to the mind by the toooab stones and
monuments erected by the last rest
ing places of her former citizens fee
foreher government will conform to
the ruies ot health.
All forma of associations- which
band, together and conspire to inter
fere with the business of others or
The remains ot John Howard
Payne, tfio author of "llome, Sweet
Hume," after having lain tor thirty
years in Aliican soil, have reached
Washington, and will now rest be
neath the monument near that city,
which Mr. Corcoran, the venerable
philanthropist, has caused to be
erected. I?e died in Tunis soon after
having been given a Consulship
which took him to that port. Few
men of note bave known so little ot
tiie joys of home, says the Cincinnati
Gazette. Of clever manners and ap
parent promise. he received attention
from literary nun, but his vagrant
wus prevented his making a success
of anything. Tie made some English
versions of French plays, but his lit
erary fame rests solely upon the
undying song which so accurately
expresses the feeling of the English
speaking people for home. Becom
ing an actor, he wandered from
America to Europe, finding himself
at last, owing to an mtforlunate ven
ture as a manager, in the debtors'
prison in London; Accepting the
Consulship at Tunis, he died as he
had lived an exile from home. The
air to which ''Home, Sweet. Home"
is sung is said to hear a close resem
blance to a tune which the portu-
i guee Jews sang as long ago as when
! Columbus discovered America. It
! at i hat time commemorated the es-
cape from Egypt. In the opera of
Th.' Oreyon City Enterprise docs
the above subject in the following
pertinent remarks:
iNow trial tin- salmon season lias i
commenced again, we deem it oppor- j
tune to call the attention ot the
canherjmen on the Columbia river I
to the fact that if they wish their
business to continue long in tin1
fiitiiiv,$tliey must take some means
to orevent the Chinook salmon from
becoming extinct. A hatchery still
exists oq the Clackamas river and
t he buildings are still in good con
dition. It can be put in ivorking
order and run for about 5,000 a
a year. The oil superintendent,
Mr. Hubbard, lives close by and his
services, we believe, eau he.procnred
again, ile gave E&tishvBtlon before
and tho cannerymea are even now
reaping benefit froth his work. The
Clackamas is the natural spawning
bed of the chinook. The. reports of
salinou exported during the 7 2
months ending July 31, 1882, accord
ing to ihi Portland Board of Trade,
report vas'50,32o cases, valued at
$2,434. T'G I, being within a few thous
and dollars as much as the value of
ll the flour exported from Oregon
in-the same twelve months. Thus it
will be seetijthat the canning of sal
mon is one of the most important
industries of Oregon.,. The cannery
menjshould remember that thv not
only owe the preservation of ibis fish
to themselves, but to the people oi
Oregon generally, and we hope they
will take such steps as will insure
success. Let all the cannerym-ci
agree to pay into a common fund for
the purpose, the insignificant sum of
one cent per case and the end would
be accomplished. If tiie catch were
only half of that cf last year they
could well afford to impede upon
themselves a tax of two cents per
O'l Tuesday night Jack Trembath
lo prevent others from working
should be subjected to severe pen
alties. Each aud every man or per
son should quit woik whenever he
desires. But when they go so far as
lo band-together for the puipose of
inducing or forcing others to quit
the' should be stamped as outlaws
ana aesperaaoeft sno treated accord- j "Anna Bolena,'" fey Donizetti, there
ingly. Tbe following telegram j is a variation of 1?hJ raeh'.dy, and in
shows the result of such organiaa- j the "opera of "Clari" Payne's song
tions: The anion men at the lar,'e wa8 incorporated. The opera was a
rooling mills at Springfield, 0t, went I a failure, but of the song, one huu
out on a strike some weeks ago, and te& thousand copies were sold with-
tiie mills; recently started with new
nana-:, gainerea irora various pan
of the country'. For seveial days the
old L'nion men have manifested an
unruly deposition, ami to-day the
in a year.
By a rtcctit dispatch to the
situation became desperate. A gang
ot the union men followed three ot
tiie non-union workmen strangers
into the country, and assaulted,
severely beat and throw them off a
gonianmx the above named snl ject
much in-
ciuzens who
we find ihe foilowfpg oJ
terest to :i! American
kvor extendi';'.
American shipping :
j The first lull-rigged ship ever buTIt
bridge. Two of the
number have
of iron hi the United Slates was
launched yesterday suternooii at the
yard of John Roach,
. ... l-
not returned, and are said to be i ' . ' '
sylvanta, in ihe presence ot a large
; number of people. She is to be
called the Tidie E. Slarbuek, of this
ci:y, who is the sole owner. Koacfa
seriously injured. 1 nvsu-ians start
ed for the scene, but returned, being
afraid of their livs. Last evening
as the workmen were leaving the
mill, after getting outside a high in
losuie, a gang of strikers openedVfire
upon ihein with rdles, shotguns and
revolvers. It is said that fifty shots
were fired. John Wailrun, a young
workman recently from Pittsburg,
was instantly killed, 3-1 buckshot en
tering hia side. Biomard Mulkurn
was severely wounded in the chest
and aims, it is thought seriously. ?fo
arrests have been made. The mi.r-
i i ... i i. i - . " rl""")
aerers are unknown, iem; m aaioumi. ; -
,,,, , . iii ra material, is it comes
bo woriiingmen are 3rou.-t.-u, and '
varus: and in no other-! m
i evTvresH :i i!:tertninatlon lo run the f .
! can be melted, or hammered a
said of this ship yesterday: "She is
an experiment. It she succeeds,
then we shall probably have- plenty
more-of them to build. I wonder
what is behind the New York press,
thut liiey take such mistaken views
as io American ship-budding? Here
in this yard can be done work which
can only be equalled in one Other
yard in the world only in the Bar
row ship- y'ml ami in this yard can
built from
from the
he face
ire shoos in which ore
All the elements of danger lo the
R. public in France seems evolving.
The political perils which continu
ally threaten are Qpw aggravated by
dullness of trade, which the tradaig
class is prone to charge to the in
security of ihe liepubiic, and hy the
discontent of workmen out of em
ployment, alleged in their, harangues i
to be as many as 0,000 in I'aris
alone, swelled by the bile, vicious
and criminal ciasscs, who desire vio- j
I forged, and a ship -built, furnished
! and rigged, and we are doing it. all
: the time, right before everybody's
. eyes, and yet they say Wc can't build
j iron ships. Last year wo launched
! from this yard a ship for every
month. This year this is the fourth
j one-launched, and another is near!-.
i ready to come here.
caught one chinook salmon. Ten
years .-.go before the lower 0
demonstrations encouraged by the.
)lura- i Imperialists, who beheVe, as the
put was ji network of seines lions- j editor of the Gnulois lately said,
ands were caught "here. As it is we that if at the right lime a strong man
expect to catch forty or fifty more I shall mount his horse, and draw his
sword, the Republics will be over
thrown The Paris correspondent
of the London Time estimates the
The latest and mot remarkabh
proposition in the way of nider
groimd railways is that of the Rro'sd
lence and anarchy, and their public j WY underground Railroad Com-
t J ' " iw.fV, V,ll lit t.
the Legislature to grant them a char
ter. The company scoffs at the idea
their tracks.
Ullillel fi
In another place in this issue will
be seen the views of Mr. Pock of the
Oregon City YMterprisa on the sub
ject of preserving the Chinook sal
mon. It is most certainly decreed
that it some active and effective steps
are not soon taken to propagate and
save the Chinook salmon that this
species must in a very few years be
come entirely extinct. This most
favored fish is recognized the world
over to be the best and most delicious
salmon in existence. So valuable
a fisn as this is most certainly
worthy of a better effort to save it
than has ever before been made
manifest. When it is entirely gone
and can be bad no more then the
people of Otegon when it is too late
will appreciate what they might have
had if their efforts had beep put forth
in th proper time.
fiere betore the season- is over. As
the fish-ladder has not bt-en made
our friends on the upper Willamette
must now deplore the loss ot the fish
that Jack caught."
of a mere
They have a mm
in mind the buil
A dynamite and nihilist leader
who lately arrived in New York de
clared that his party would blow up
every English. Man of War and all
Merchant Marine flying the British
flag and plying between British ports
on the seas. That they meant to de
stroy London by chemicals, fire and
dynamite which they could do ?'n
one night. Every harbor in Ensland
could be fired, and then they would
blow up every bank in England and
take possession of the gold say ninety
five million a year, that England, be
said, had forcibly plundered from
i grander schi me
'ing o! a well-ven
tilated, welWighfed arcade, which,
by being coo! in .summer and warm
unemployed at sixty thousand. Un ,!l ter, will furnish a delightful
der such circumstances it is to be I promenade ground, .'ami at the same
expected that there will be demon- '. tlm-1 ample room for ail the sewer
strationsof a threatening character, j ""'S. gas pipes, water pipes, steam
Tiie dissatisfaction turns against the j I'M" ' telegraph and telephone
government for the reason That, a
Colfax pays taxes on 325,810.
Beef ia .retailing at 35 cents in Seattle.
01ym;ia3 preparing for a grand oele
bratiea the coming 4th.
There ars now 120 patients in the Steila
cooni insane asyjjm.
Olympia Odd Fellows will attend the New
Tacoma celebration' on the 2'ith inst.
Over 18,000 b'.itt'alo have been killed in
Mont-ma this aeasen.
A six foot vein of coal has been discovered
a few ini!e3 north of Catbiaiuet.
W iibur an I Oakland are overrun with
J. E. McLaughlin of Portland has leased
the Cement minus near Oakland.
Track laying has cainnejnctd on tho ' Cot
fax road.
Yakima city is 1600 and Eiienburg 1500
feet above the sea level.
'The Odd Fellows at Spragne are taking
nocivo measures to organize a lodge.
Itoekfurd ia now enjoying a boom. The
sorronndiBg country is rapidly being settled.
The togging camp of W.n. Hettdercoa, on
CatnpXrreok, was visited by tire, and ail
tools, provisions, eU;. .burned.
A saw mill atCjurby", Claekvmaa county,
is working on a contract for 80,000 railroad
tics. ' r
The new mil! of "the Yamhill Lumbering
Co. hs oiKoe3ced work and. turns out 25,
000 par day.
The mill r.t South Bend, Pacific county,
W. T., ia turning out, 50,000 feet per .day
and cannot iiil ordetB.
Mr. A. Stutton, of Vvasco, has sold his
raneh fer the snm of $13,000, and expect to
remove from that country.
The citizens of TIa'sey are earnestly sgi
tat.vtt:2 the bnflding of a aeW 54,560 selo!
house in that enterprising village.
The citizens of Waila Yai!a distributed
:?i 15 toward the Mayor Trevett's monument
A small new steamer is to be built for the
accommodation of the ArtreincWe and Hen
derson bay tr.ide tr-tde on the r'uet Sound.
The Anjvx says that bouses to rent a'e
very scarce in Port Townsead. Anything
with a roof on it rents at high figures.
A new saw mill with a daily capacity of
15,000 Teot w-iil soon be completed at Sum
mer, Pierce county, W. T.
Vi'hent :t. Portlatrl firm at 195 per cental,
now be iuirly quoted here clear: .
Wheat .
Wool per lb 2
Flour per barrel
Hat:n, sidta
Bam .
Sh oul'J era i
Lard, 10 lb tins "...
" Keg
Butter, fresh rolls
Es. yvT iloz
JJried ujlu, Pluri.nior,
auu tsneu ' o to
Pluitis. pitlcw 10 to 12
Chickens, per doz S 00 to 3 60
Hided, dry ttiut 10 t 13
' greetr. , C to 7
Potatoes i 1 00, tame 6 00
IU',ks, 3 30 to 4 00
Onions, per lb 3 to 4
It may i To the goift raisers of the State of Oregon!
) I am. pei lectins; &n arrangement to
Si.CKH EiiniUe ait tho Goat Wool iu the
lo Si j State anil will ?ay to all who
5 50! nve iroai wotu on nana
12 to u :
.?, to - - from tv6rl fleeces, ( average) and 1 will oa what can
lo tO l- , itnap wit.h tht tnnr' 1 t, n't Hnani Yia
to be able to only naki a atart and ihe brie
will be iioniioa!, but will increase tiie
pricjs Lnd gtmia from year to year.
State How Much You Have,
is s please mm m samples
ie I
8 t.5
"Iti.m-.t woaJlh,
But get op and ;
t farne, or fetato.
is atil! sitting on the sraoothe eiile of poverty
drswrnff out ths cords of affiictiou iu
behalf of his "id enstoiners, where
he kecos constantly ou hand
a full supply of
ile, Harness, MlteJries,
i!'d:-s. Spnris, Sponges, H.-.iiiesa Oil, Blan- !
TSiJ!2 Sit., Coa-YzaiJZs, Oregon.
KulH, uoptnesi A".ie
Soap and ev;rythinu
oi.i."0 harness store.
BapsCiuehea, flamess
dint is kept in a first
Carrla'r' Tfmxntngr I llraiy;j-;r ll-.'ie on
a SjietinUy. Sh',r; Jt'otiv..-.
Call p.nd see f-ir yOnraelf before buying else
where, at-tue oM sfcind, opposite
the express oiiiee.
Corvailis, -20-6tf Oregon.
During March 37 steamers, ships
wires. Tlui arcudt" will rtlu-ve the
ircet of milch it lluir present traf
iic, Mirnish rapid transit to the sub
urbs, ami will cost the city not'iinj;.
large amount ot public work lias been
stopped. Serious disturbances have
OOly been averted by a strong arm,
wh-ch brought the services ot the j The Odd Fellows of New Tacoma will
soiliery as well as ofttie police into ! eelebrate the 36th of April, the anniversary
requisition. Tiie success of the Gov- j of the organization of the order in America.
tfftrnm'Avvt in tlmu rvnAtlaniv I Ail: I
" " 'I For three or fi.ur days jmst the' ste&merB
j turbanoe hascemed to strengthen it, j boU(lll froB1 Tacoma b. Olvmpia, have been
! but M. Paul de Cassagnac in his i eompolled. on account of the low tides,, to
speech in the Chumbfr of Deputies, ; stop abont a.mile and a half this side of
said that while a riot had given tiie M8 Fasstnjers have been transferred to
Government power, bv a riot it I a "l ttom tow" U1 Pen b"at8 Vbile th
, .-. freight could not well lie thus unloadea and
would fall. lo i1 renchmen with. , , , , ., t .
VV as J(JUili. littiSh. UU Lilt: WLJ.
During a conversation with li. H. Mor
rison, says tiie Walla Walla Union, that
getttieman informed us that the Columbia
Valiey Elevat.'r company, with which hejs
connected, intend to erect at the earliest
Ireland. Thr-n ilu.u -nni,i i,..:
destruction of private property atTer 4 K the
which .nniA aii wit.t Erects his words were full of niean-
- "-j ..v.. .m ini iiiiisu rivers
and harbors with torpedoes. Har
bors in Ireland they would protect
with torpedoes and fight English
boIJie-ra with explosives. Ho said
they had England completely at their
mercy aud had given her warning to
tbat effect. If she did not take the
warning her doom would be on her
own head.
In i,he interest of common hn-
ing. The contract which has since
been en'.ered into for the erection of
dwellings will have the double effect
of reducing riots and giving work to I practical moment, elevators and ware
a portion of those out of employ
ment. It is much more likely to
afford the Government permanent
strength" than any display of soldiery;
If yon wish to remove avarice you
mast reinore ijs mother luxury.
houses at ait tho principal grain-shipping
points in the interior, except Walla Walia,
which is to be supplied by another corpo
ration. These elevators will bo supplied
with the most improved machinery for the
I proper cleaning of graiB, and bjalt lot the
! secure storage and shipment of wheat and
I ether grains.
harks and 5b' schooners paawd Cope Fiat
tary. Dan Winlield, a sheepheador new Wr-iis-burg,
had a leg broken by being thrown
from a horse.
The oases by the recsat Walla Walla tire
have boeu adjusted. Total loss by tire, $1, -insurance
The name of the young man aoeideutly
killed by a pistol shot at Mcnteaano was
Seaaunons, .aud his age was IS years.
The new court h.-use at Cheney is nearly
completed, Vaatrict cour'j being now held in
the large room.
Wollj' Fargn & Cos', express etnes at Ya
hima l.'ity, is open rr;r business aud the El
lenburge office 31 soon be open. .
A J. 'splawn, of Yakima, is receiving '200
cattle for sldp'.nent to Portland. lie paid
5-10 for cows and 0o0 for steers.
A. p. tPbncs for many years a leaiiing at--torney
iu Jacksonville, ha3 taken up his res
idenoe at K oscburg.
A fishing boat has drifted on the beach
bottom up at the entrance to Shoahvater
A minister is on the vr?.y out from New
York to take charg-j ' of ths Presbyterian
"clonch at Boise City.
Charles Anderson, recently shot by
Sheriff purdom of Douglas cr.nnty while
trying to ts-.-ape, has been placed in the
insane asylum.
Arfciibihrip Se;;hers had a cliiss of thirty
ior conliirnation at Cervais last Sunday. In
the afternoon he dedicated tho .Sisters
The Shoahvater bay oyster beds aro giv
ing evidence of reenperation, and it is
tbteight tho damage by hist vciattfa Kevere
ity has been overestimated.
Tha Atoreof Matt Crosby at Oentervillc,
Lewis eoanty vras entered last wek and
175 in l.'ioL-ey tr-'icn. Thr8 men havo
been arrested charged SfitSl ths rnbbery.
A public meeting wi'l soon be hold at
Carfic-liijto de-. ise inVans of raising the bal
anc; of money nccdeil to erect a high
One thousand men are at work on the
railroad along the Puyallup, Stuck and
White li'.-ers. Thobridire across the Pnyal-
. 15 f
lop ia nearly finished.
tun ora pack of thieves who nndertook to
rob hirn, ;-.nd when they failefl, fe-.ring pros
ecution theniseirea had him arrested in or
der to insure their own safety.
The Guard says that the people of Lane
county are in a more prosperous condition
that for years pi3t, notwithstanding the
freezing out of the Fall ;0'.m grain.
There is a'scareity- of bouses in Eugene.
Elgin '.W.u of the Dalles had an artary of
his wrist severed by a pane of glass falling
on 4i3 arm.
During the past season tho twenty-six
logging camps at Whatcom county, W. T. ,
em played il5 hands, and cut 50,000,000 feet
of logs, valued at $300,000.
A mill with a daily capacity of 15,000 feet,
will be built on Elk river. Curry county, in
the spring. Port Orford is' the shipping
A cedar tree was recently cut on Johns
river, W. T., measuring ninety feet in cir
cumference anil containing 16,000 feet of
The N. P. R. P. shops at Tacomaare turn
ing out an outfit of fifty switches and other
railroad material, to be taken to Horse
Plaius and the Missouladivision of the road.
Ex -Senator Mitchell is att-cn-ney for
claimants in the Dalles towii site case I
against the Methodist church, now pending 1
before the U. S. Supreme court.
(OKI ' NATIONAL," Established 13C0.
V2S Front St.,
Between Washington and Alder,
An institution designed for the practical
business education of both sexes.
i f 0 , I
Admitted on any week-day of the year. ?
vacation at anv time, aud no exam
ination on entering.
Scholarship, for Fci: Bosiness coarse, $;
o:Ut superior accomtnodsttom ia tbe Livery
Always ready for & drive, -
At Low Hates.
KjStatilefl are: in every remect, and
pctent and obliging- hostlers alv.-ays
rea y to serve tiie puolic,
Prtienlar Attention Ta!d to Boarslin
FOB FUNF.RA.ES. lfl:27y
kinds executed to order at reasonable
rates. Satisfaction guai-autceJ.
The College Journal, containing mforma
rion of the course of study, when to enter,
lime required, cost of board, etc., and cuts
of ornamental penmanship, from the peo
nf Prof. Vv'a3co, sent free.
Address A. P. ARMSTRONG,
Cock Boat 10-1, ' Portland, Oregon.
' JJ-51 ntf
.. j 1
fsb she ecco susinsss.
Und'nitlod A int:r;st in a -an ruill ran by watt
in coimecri wi:.h cii inili. Power soflMeat c; rxv
ail if tbtti .- ear, situi-rcl handy to tnaret- m;I wtlhi
lihout 7 miWs of C'Tvaili-i with an exci-fl.-nt guitft
T0$4 W ari rom it. Ttnns eaay. In nuru oi M. S
Wotxlco-jk a' i4.Zr:TTB oiCiCt.
L'uinarririu mus go its cheap to use steam
and cut cues. Your wood will burn
better and last longer if you get
a hnid of jcur v.ood. Try it and you won't
have any other, as U tiwmv ready.
i vvoi.M atctxi in th tartnera of Benton and
Liiiis c6utrties that I havo a small port
able stoam saw mill an-1 am ready
to make contracts to saw
filil t whm 1- If li rftlUIAu
They make a very Ia't.v iottno. Commcnco mvf
a:.d (Hit your Jiir pole and pile thoia in
liie3 or rick taesh and come an t
ac me. 1 rat al) basineba.
I sni no1' bn'ddinra
to lie used on the WHUtmetfe river an. I wi
-i a f'j days K; ready to drive piles an
he e along the Wiihimette river. Ware
use men and saw mill men will do well to
mwi &m m gbs
i also have aland driver nw will take con
racta to drive wOa anywhere in llk, Ben
con, Linn and Lane counties. I use steam
lfl, John Win, Moom
Sty Stasias LiJaiij bage Line
TLTEIOS. EGMjKST, - - Proprietor.
On the Corner 'West of the Engine Honse 'Raving secured the contract to carrying tfc
new. an J 'u.' BA'-i.., -V..; "T -v,,-- n
i air. bettectban uver preptavti t. tatz irzz
32ST OF TEAMS, B'Jr.G!ZS, thKTx.k:
ANTV 1 .
At K-a..ti;iMe Tates.
Vaiteil Stales At i
to'; four year? w
leave CcrvalliB -ftc'i
Smwnutflt S ociocK, amvin;r tn Albany out iu
otU nd trill trt frc-m Albany 1 o'clock in tb.
;: :;, riirning to CorvaUla about 3 o'clock
1n lini t c reputed with ocd tt i tu and car
iCul drivers aaJ nice'coirifortabttf atul
?r Pri''iiltir atVUion giT&h to TSo.iniin; Horse.
ELr'evl5ou?it an:! t!ti or Lxrhnncfl.
pleas;: oivk 4e-a call.
JTr tho aov- iranioilaiion of tha
Is A.
A hill line of B ok:, Staiione-y and Wall Puiir. prr drugs are fresb anV
wei: Beled, IJ;i's rijL!ons coinpi muled at nil hours. 19-27yl
Wheat and other Grain Stored on the best of Terms !y
3T 3 'JE3, jl-js jfk. Z JErvL 9
Fanners will do well to call on roe before making arrantrements elsewheie
' TAlKiOR.
1.2 HE! 2.
Front Street,
Two doors north of U,p Vinrpnt Eonso,
Repairing and Cleaning at moderate Prioos, 1926yl