II mi fg&Mi Corraltts aac. FRIDAY MORNING, APB. (i, 1S83 Tffls papee aii i. "Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spn-.ce street), where advertising contracts may ho made for it Bt Hew York, at not less than our regular ad. rates. Short announcement of deaths published free. When accompanied by an extended notice , reso lntions five cents per line will be charged. A poetry published by request will be chargee for at the rate of five cents per Hue. LOCAL NOTES. First claw clocks just received by P. P. Greffoz. For the best pocket knives go to Will Bros. Ex-Senator Grover arrived in Salem this week. B. A. Belknap from Monroe precinct wa3 in Corvallis this week. The Gem for April is out, and is equally Tip to its former efforts. Our citizens will indulge in a social dance at the city hall this evening. Hon. R. A. Bensell of Newport was out attending court here last week. More potatoes and cabbage wanted on subscription its another boy. Claude Warren, of the Summit, was in the city the fore part of the week. Town property and farm land for sale or trade. Inquire at the Gazette office . Supt. Yates of the O. P. R. R. wag in town during last week and first of this. The McCalla took on 1500 sacks of wheat at Blair's wharf the fore pirt of the" week. Legal blanks furnished at this office on short notice at less than San Francisco prices. Mr. E. A. Swan, of Siletz Agency, was in the city on Wednesday and favored us with a call. Go to August Knight's One of the best workmen in the State and buy your fnniture fcnd bedding. Ihe stock holders in the vacuam motor machine held a meeting in this" city last Monday evening. ma w . juoore jr., 13 announced as a candidate for the office of city marshal, at the coming election. Mr. Chas. Thompson has had his new patent saw machine ia town during the Is,3t two weeks on exhibition. Ihe Jintfrprtse of the 29 th says: Yester day-morning nineteen imigrjnts arrived in Oregon City from Missouri. The recent grand jury of this county have been very industrious judging from the number of indictments found. Your place to buy the cheapest and best Jiarness and saddles in the valley ia at S. A. Hemphill's well known stand. The people np and down Yoquina bay have nearly all been out in attendance on Court here during the present term. E. C. Vaughan has a nicely assorted stock of groceries, crockery, end glassware for sale on the best and most reasonable terms. S. R. H&wley, Wm. Tilly and W. C. Woodcock, from the Belknap settlement, were ia town during the week looking after business. The rains of the last fifteen days have made glad all the people of Oregon. The previons apprehension by soma of drouth is exploded. Frank Irvine went up to Portland on Thursday to consult with an oculist, as one of his eyes is causing him much trouble and alarm. A petition has been circulated on the Bay asking for a daily instead of an every - now-and-then mail, and of coarse every body signed it. Mr. Neugass, whom we made mention of last week as being quite sick, is yet in c critical condition and consultation had to be called from Portland. Our farmers who have caftle for sale will find a ready market these Atys as the country is being scoured with purchasers offering fair prices. The reason why boots and shoes sold by S. H. Look give satisfaction is because hia oiock is made to order and from material selected by himself. James W. Brassfield of Newport, this county, returned from Portland on kst Sat urday's train and on the following day with others started for the bay. Reports of an outbreak of Umatilla and Warm Spring Indians were in circulation darinsthe first part of the week, but proved groundless and sensational. For the great Oregon B'ood .Purifier ht3 cured me of my so much Quinine habit and general debility, I have suffered so long. Yours truly, Ws. Arlington: An anonymous communication dated March 23th, informs U3 that Mr. Huffmr.n has lieeji quite sick for several days with Neuralgia of the brain the truth of which we can 'not vouch for. We keep constantly on band at this office a large lot and variety of stationery lefter heads, bill heads, envelopes, and papers of different kind? which we furnish at the lowest possible prices. Merry Mason the fine CMdesdale Stalion will stand the season of 1SS3 at Se4 King's stable in Corvallis, Benton connty Oregon, 3 days out of each week commencing April 5th 18S3. D. Ghus-is, Owner. The fine stallion, Young Benton, owned By W. W. Starr, took the first premium at the stata fair of '82 as a horse for all work This is a fine animal and our farmers would do well to examine his many good qualities. The Am Aorthwcxt says that aborct 00 per cent of the immigrants constantly ar riving are permanent settlers, and are well supplied with hinds. The average amount of money brought by the: is $1000 per fsm- fly- The Commercial Herald of Portland Eay3: Seventy-two skilled iron workers from Pennsylvania have arrived dnring the week past and commenced work for the Oregon Iron & Steel Company at the Oswego mine. 3iey bare had cottages built near the works tod will form the nucleus of a thriving set (tooMBS ia that neighborhood. J. H. Lewis is announced as a candidate for the office of city recorder at the coming city election. JakieAyles, who has made his home on Rock creek for the past few years, is in the r city, preparatory to starting east of the 1 mountains whre be will make his future home. Mr. Goodman, who has been employed by Wells, Fargo & Co. -to run between here and Portland as their messenger, has been removed to a like position up on the North ern PaciPc. Our citizens are promised another drama by the 1. J. S. Literary Society on the 27th inst., entitled "Not so big a fool as he looks," and. is under the management of Prof. Milner. Ben Johnson who has been in the city jail for the past eight or nine months, after being tried twice for murder and once for larceny and acquitted, was discharged yes terday morning; Since our late warm rains things are pre senting a different color. The trees are nearly all leaved out and the grass through out the valley has matured enough to afford ycry good picking for cattle. The herring spawn on the pile3 at the dock is wonderful to behold, says the Ya quina Post. The piles for the space of ten feet are covered, from a single layer of eirgs to a thickness of two and a half inches. Owing to the inclemency ofthe weather the base ball match between the Monmouth club and the college nne of this place did not come off last Saturlay, butif the weath er will permit the contest will take place on the 7th in3t. A benevolent gentlem&n at Portland wautcu to pray for the prisoners in the county jail last Sunday. Several assented and joined with him; bat one ot tkecj stole the missionary's spectacles and exhibited them the next day on the way to the peni tentiary. A petition signed by a number of our cit izens Las been forwarded to the authorities, asking that the passenger train, lately put on between Portland and McMinnville, be run clear through to Corvallis, but jn3t whether or no' it will avail anything is har 1 to determine. Now that spring is here every one should see to it that their yards are cleaned np and all decaying vegetable matter removed from the premises. There is filth enough scat tered about the city to cause a great deal of sickness and it should 1 attended to in time. A word, to the wise is sufficient. An ex change says that Goose Lake is about 8 miles wide at I ho upper end, ami every 8 inches of this distance for a n:ile wide is occupied by a white goose. The spaces lietween are filled in with honkers, brants and ducks of eveay description, while the shore of the lake ia lined all around with swans. The like i3 rarely wit nessed, aa?l the grass crop is likely to be a failure. L. O. K'.me & Co. of this place offer their large and well selected slock of general merchandise for less prices and on more favorable terms than such goods have ever been offered before. They invite everybody to call and examine their stock and prices before purchasing. They mean businpss and don't you forget their place of business. T. W. B. Smith has recently rented the warehouse at Boonville in this county who assisted by warehouseman T. J. . Biair will take in store and khip all grain entrusted to their care by the farmers. Mr. Smith i3 a weil known and lrr.3tworr.hy man and if permitted will no doubt handle the grain with fairness to customers. The intention is to enlarge the warahoaoe and put in a lot of improved m?chinery. C. B. Whitney ami Co. hav the largest finest and best selected stock of goods ever brought to CVii va'iis. Their motto is large sales small profits and quick returns. If ou want to m-Jce yonr money easy call at their store and buy your goods from 5 to 20 per cent less than they can be had at anv ember money other store in Oregon. Rem saved is money made. Genuine pebble spectacles and eyeglasses for sale at P. P. Greffoz. r tsemoas Association of Oregon. The proceeding of the first annual meet ing of the Firemens mm i itSni of Oregon hel l at Astoria July 5th I8S2 is received. Itcont:dns the constitution and bylaws ot the association. The next ' annual meeting will be hold at Salem on the 15 and 10th .lays of next June. AH department and companies are invited to "attend and parti cipate in the contests there given. Schooner Disabled. On the 20th inst. tire schooner Coquille met withan accident in attempting to go to sea from Bandon, says the Coast Ma!!. From some cause or other the tog tailed to handle the schooner succesifu'ly and she weut ashore on the north spit, after which the tide raised and she Irirted off into the river and agiitisc 3 rock, which carried away her stern pout and about 20 feet of her keel. 1'he Coquille was taken back to Bandon, un loaded, repaired, and reloaded, and is no doubt well on bar way to San Francisco by this time. LIST Or LSTTER3 Remaining unclaimed in tho Postoffice at Corvallis, Benton Connty, . Oregon, Friday April 6, 1833. Persons calling for the same will please say "advertised," giving date of the list. LADIE3' LIST. Hclbert, Julia Ann. gzxts' Taylor, Kate M., LIST. Alexander, R, Eades, K.K., Sellers, John E. 2. Morgen, Frank. Rockwood, L. O., Wilson, R. W., N. R. Barber, P. M Hew Water Dltsa. The citizens are -taking steps at Harris burg. Linn connty, to have a water ditch dug this summer at that place. They con -template bringing water down from the Mo Kenzie river from near Cobsrsr. Diphtheria. The adopted son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Bensell at 10:30 on Thursday evening of last week died of diphtheria. An Sdidbr In Chief. Owing to the fact that for a long time we have been much over worked we have thought seriously of taking in t partner in the newspaper business in order to get inter ested help. But in the course of natural events relief came; Dr. J. B. Lee visited oar premises yesterday morning and shook the bedclothes a few times and out tumbled a young editor, weight about ton, pounds. He was lungs like a lion and we will wager he can make a first-clas3 oditorial on short notice. $3000 Cost to Benton County. Ben Johnson, an Indian, w.is tried List fall term of Circuit Court, for the murder of Dr. Hutchinson near Toledo, in this county, and was acquitted. During the March term of Court he was tried for larceny in a dwell ing house and also for the murder of Melvin McKee, adopted Soli of the former, and murdered at the same time with .the Dr. In all three cases he was acquitted. The costs to Benton County is perhaps from three to four thousand dollars. Aad still no one has been convicted for the double murder and it is well established that the murder was committed: The all absorbing question is who was the perpetrator. On the last trial it was testified that the track of Ben Johnson was bat a few foot behind the body of the boy where he was fonud murdered and that the track was made there after the boy was murdered, because the track of the Indian was an top of the track of the boy. It is getting so that circum stantial evidence will not answer any longer with which to convince a jury. They must have the act of murder testified to by sn eye -itue-s and then they would probably roach the conclusion that the act was done in self defense. The public are interested in learning the person who committed the foul deed because any of ihe rest of our best citizens are likely to be found dead by the wayside a3 long ai such crimes go un punished. A Telephone iyaiita s'jr Banton Connty. Mr. Editoti Gazette: Tho Corvallis and Philomath Telephone system h3 now been ia operation f r about 3 years and has become a well established and useful insti tution. As a business venture it h3 proved an entire success, paying clear of all ex panses a high rate of interest on the in vestment. I think the time has now ar rived when aa extension of the telephone to other points in the country is urgently re quired. A line from Piii'.oni-.th into Kings Va'dey would be of great benefit to people there in giving thn direct communication with the county seat and it would also be advantageous to the people of Corvallis by drawing closer the business ties existing between them and this outlying portion of the connty. A line from Corvallis to Monroe with a halfway station would be a like reciprocal advantage. It is, also, a business necessity of the immediate future to make a con nection between the terminus of the O. P. R. Go's telephone line at Yaquina and the city of Newport I am satisfied that all "of these lines will pny amply for the investment, besides- be ing of business importance ia other way.?. Not being prepared to alone undertake the construction of thsse and other much needed lines, 1 have concluded in concert with some friends to place the concern in the form of a Countv Joint Stock Co., and thas all thoso who are most affected by the de velopment of the Telephone system C3n ob tain a voice and interest in Tt. It may, also, not be amiss to state that I had in contem plation tim spring an extension to Albany and tlio establishment of e system there and later on a further extension to Salem, but on application to the pacific Bell Tele phone Co. of San Francisco for a license I was iufor.ned th?.t they themselves had under consideration a general telephone eyetam for the principal Willamette Valley towns and pendir.-g the development of their plana they ' were unwilling to grant new licenses. Thu3 at an early date Corvallis will have telephone communication with the Willamette Va!l.?y town generally. At the present time there arc 13 sub scribers to the telephone in Corvallis and Philomath, (a larger number than at any previous time), and applications have bean made for several more instruments. Yours truly, Chas. Herbert Nash; Corvallis, April 4, 18?3. - . Protect Your Stores Asalnst Thieves. The Jewelers of this place have received Ihe following circular issued by the Jewe lers' Protective Union of New York City: In view of numerous robberies that have recently occurred in tho South and West, The Jewelers' Protective Union deem it ad visable to call the attention of the trade to the necessity of exercising especial, care and wartehfiftness in guarding their stores from the depreciations of the criminal classes. It is a fact known to the Association that a gang of experienced "cracksmen" have left New York (where business placei are pro tected by th best appliances, such as night and day watchmen, burglar alarms, district telegraph wires"iind most thorough detect ive agencies) and are preceding on a tour of depredation throughout the South and West, where few of the above named facili ties for protection exist. The subject is one tfeit vitally concerns, us nil, 'and demands prompt attention. We would suggest that you h ive in your place of business a burglar proof aife; also an aided bodied trustworthy man occupying your premises at niht and that ho 'should be armed. As sdditional se curity a private watchman guarding your store from the outside, who can .siew your safe as'he passes, would be desirable; At the best safes -are really more of a guard against ".'neak thieves" than the professional cracksmen, who, given timeml opportunity will force his way into the strongest enclos ure made, hence the great necessity of hav ing a living guard besides your iron and steel surroundings. Tho Executive Com mitttee of the Union deem it important that you should give prompt attention to this warning, an 1 take such' precautions as will ensure the safety of your property. t ss Hotioe to all Concernsd. Those boot3 and shoes just received at boot and shoe store are the best and cheap est that we have seen in town. Cake. Some of the very finest of cake appeared in our sanctum last Tuesday and upon inqai rv we found that it was the weddine cake of Charles Moor who on the morning previ ons had been wedded to Miss Alice Vine. yard, both of this county. The Gazett and al! her attendants wish them a long and useful life andthat thev may be blessed with a 11 that heart could wish. m0M Ci Inhuman Treatment. Tho Chinese hospital under the joss house in Portland is about the hardest place next to a hog pea in ths city for a human being, says the Statiiard. The Chinese are sup posed to take care of their sick and decrepit and tho way they discharge the duty'convej's an impression thit makes them tired. There are at present four sick men in that place, one in a room. They havo no couches, but lie on the hard floor with a blanket or two" around them and a greasy bundle for a pil low. Two of the man sick wore blown up in a gimt powder divertissra-ent and the others had lisease. They tried hard to ra.iice their condition known to white men who went to look at the pltce, but could not be understood Close by is tho dead house, where they who enter leave hope behind. One r;om that contained a sick rava. was kept locked. Probably it was feared that he wsuld gat up and runoff. The Chinese have their own physician: and tbeir peculi.tr medical treatment, and it is reasonable to suppose that they are, la a majority of cases successful in restoring their siok to health but a white man who would treat his hogs as the Chinese treat their sick, would be proaecuted. It shows tbo character of the heathen. Cincinnati Uein3. Cincinnati, Ohio, March 15, 1SS3. Ed. Gazktxe. I scarcely know what to write about knowing that more local events that happen here would be ot little inter est to your readers. Cincinnati is one of the gayest and most wicked of cities, and those who have leasure aad means Imve the greatist possible va riety of ways for the employment of their time and money. Tho times are prospefous. the people light-hearted many light headed and gay; extravigance and disipa tion reigns. The city has nearly recovered from the effects of the great flood which done a great deal of damage, to the mer chants and manufacturers whose places of business were situated on the low ground al"og the Ohio river. During the flood business wss almost entirely suspended. Tne water was so high that ths gas works had to suspend operation for over one week and the city was lefi in total darkness. Also the water works closed and left in the reservoirs only seven days supply of water. Economy wa3 practiced by alt-iu the use of water. The water reached as high up as Pearl street between third and fourth street on the south side of the city. Fire engines were placed on large flit boats and were anchored out in the sabmurged streets so aa to prevent fires in that district. About 300 armed so' liers were put on the police force to guard the city by night so as to prevent the many thieves and burglfrs of Cincinnati from taki-ig advantage of the darkness and doing their works of evil. Churches and school houses were thrown open for the sufferers of the flood. The hum of sewing machines 4c, in the churches made it mere like" a manufactory than a house of worship. Relief committees were formed and every possible kind of aid was furnished to the sufferers. Now the river has gone down and they are all back in their houses once more. But the relief com mittee is still at wurk furnishing them with clothing, fuel, etc. Cincinnati deserves great credit, for fhe has atteude 1 to the wants cf her own suffered and also given great tod to other towns along the river that were ca!!ic for help from tho outside. I had the pleasure of hearing the world's mo3t famous prima donnas, Patti, Albaui, Porch Madia, Soalchi and a ecore of other celebrated artists who took part in the Opera Festival last month. There has never been, in thi3 country, so many distinguished artists nnited in one company as at this Festival. Tho chorus, consisting of the most talented singers here in the city, num bered about two hundred. I caa only say that it was grand. Cincinnatiar.s are looking forward to an other great event, that is tho Dramatic Fes tival, which ivill come off on the week com mencing April 30th. All the most cele brated tragedians on the American stage will take part in it. Such as John Mc Collough, Murdock Barrett, also Mary Anderson, Madam Eeah and others. For several weeks a corps of scenic artists have been at work painting the scenery Jthat will be used in the different plays. A lingo drop curtain will be painted. The design is of very rich white satin curtain in heavy folds looped back, disclosing a magnificent picture of Regulas, splendidly caporisonod, leaving Rome for Carthage. Thi3 is being painted on a canvass Sixty-five by fifty feet. The managers are not sparing time or money to have the Dramatic Festival a snccoss. Some other observations I had intended to make on this subject but as my letter is already longer than I expected I will close. Yours truly, ' E. j". Glass. CHARLES HODGE. 81tel 3wetne3s. Tho f.Jlowing loving epistle was handed to a reporter the "other day. The names we withhold: Dearest B , my love 13 stronger than the smell of coffee, patent butter or the kick of a young cow. Sen sations of exquisite joy go through me like cohort3 of skippers through Limbuigor cheese and caper over my heart like 3'oung goats on a stable roof. I felt a3 if -I conid lift myself np by my boot straps to the height of a church steeple, or like an old stage horse in a green pasture. As the mean pup hankers after sweet milk, so do I hanker after your presence. And as the gosling swimmith in the mad puddle, so do 1 swim in a sea of delightfulnes3 when you are near me. My heart flops np aad down like a churn da3her, awl my eyes stand open like cellar doors in a country town; and if my love is not reciprocated, I will piao away and die like a poisoned bed-bug, and yon can come and catch a cold on my Chakixy, Death Of a Pioneer Merchant- and Good Ean Brief Sketch of ni3 Life. Shortly after eleven o'clock last Friday morning Charles Hodge died at his resi dence, corner Sixth and Montgomery streets, in Portland, aged rifty-fonr years, says the Oreijoman. He was born in Newburyport, Massachusetts, in October, 1828. He learned the business of retail drnggist in the store of his uncle, Charles M. Hodge, in that place, and in 13-i9 sailed for California via Cape Horn, arriving early in 1850. Soon after he established hiui3elt in business in San Fran cisco, whore he remained until 1800, when he came to Portland and opened a wholesale and retail drug store in connection with the late Charles E. Calef, under the firm name of Hodge 4 Calef. In 1867 tilts wa3 changed to Hodge, Calef k Co., by the admission of Geo. W. Snell, and on the death of Mr. Calef in 1876 the firm became Hodge, Snell 4 Co. In 1878 the firni3 of Hodge, Snell Si Co. and T. A. Davis & Co. were consol idated und'er tho firm name of Hodge, Davie & Co., which continues .at this time. He was married March 31, 18C1 twenty-two years ago to ;day to Miss Novison, who with one child, MioS Hannah Hodge, sur vives him. He was chairman of ths board of trustees of the Unitarian church, president of the board of school directors, a director of the Mechanics' Fair association, treasurer of Willamette Lodge No. 2, Free and Accepted Masons, and an active and valuable mem ber of the boerd of trade. He died of pneu monia. Mr. Hodge was one of the most' valuable of our citizens. He was actuated by a high public spirit, was noted for con scientious devotion to duty in all relations of life, and always bore a part in every movement fox promotion of thej interests of the community, both in a moral and mater ie.l w ay. He was one of the men .whom the community, wbio'u is fortunate enough to possess them, can least afford to spare. The funeral took place last Sunday under tho supervision of the Masonic Fraternity. Cure for Corns. A correspondent of tlje Scientific Amer icm is authority for the following cure for corns: Iate one -tonrui cup as strong vinegar, crum finely into it some bread; let it stand half an hour, or until it softens into a itpaH poultice; then apply on retiring at night. In ths morning the soreness will be gone and the corn can be picked out. If the corn is a very obstinate one it may require two or more applications to affect a cure. The Cure ror Hard Times, ilbsuy ffiraid very appropriately y people are g Tho says: Man grumbling about about dullness of are growling and hard times iu Oregon; business and scarcity of money. Here is the secret of dull times and scarcity of money. Read and reflect. The Queen of the Paeiiic en her last trip to i'ortland among other things brought 23 cases of hony, 213 sacks of beans, 22 cases of cheese, nine barrels, 20 half-barrel3 and four boxes of butter, seven cases of lard, two barrels four casks and 61 tierces of bams, 22 barrels of meal, 1159 sicks of ground barley, and the Umatilla on her lasi trip brough 14 cases of honey, 30 sacks of beazrs, 119 cans of lard, two cases of bacon, two casks fhrce barrels one sack of ha:ri3, two casks of batter, three cases of cheese and 175 sacks of bran. This i3 probably a fair average of sundry articles of necessity that the steamers are landing in Portland twice a week, amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars annually. Farmers of Oregon must stop this leak if they ever expect good times. o. No. No. No. No. No. No. 10 No. 11 12 13 14 15 17 13 13 20 21 MO! No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 22 No. 23 No. 2i No. 25 No. 2 Se. 27 No. 23 No. 29 No. 32 No. 33 No. S5 No. 3d No. 37 No. 38 No. 3'J No. 41 No. 42 No. 43 No. 4S No. 45 No. 47 No. 43 No. 49 No. 3X No. 52 No. 53 No. 54 No. 55 No. 56 No. 57 Karen Dlatrlb-it'ons. W. L. Cauthoru S232 50 M. J. Conner 197 50 T. B. Williamson 132 50 Christopher Vass 72 50 A. J. Locke . . 80 00 E. Holgate 930 00 T. EL Powers 95 CO Jasper Newton 190 00 Wiley Norton 167 50 A. B. Newton : 132 50 J. F. Wood 67 50 C. B. WelU.... i .... 139 09 W. H. Boles 525 09 R. A. nnbburt 50 00 Wra. Robinson . . . .-, . . 140 00 J. S. S. Powell i . 205 09 John Whiteaker 67 50 Arch Johnson 127 50 J. E. Edwards. ". 160 09 H. M. Finley. 59 00 T. H. Welsher.. 235 00 n. B. Nichols 135 00 J. T. Mansfield 95 00 Wm. Groves 857 04 P. A. Wnstrow 85 00 Joseph Thompson 122 50 J. P. Prie3t 2-12 50 Jame3 Hamer 59 00 Howard Ebert 132 50 J. C, YantiS... 75 00 L. W. Hnnt 42 50 H. A. Lutzens 27-50 C. Hoberg 122 50 m H. Starr...... 112 50 W. N. Phillips 132 50 W. n- P;irrish 52 50 R.. T. Motley , 100 00 J. M. Dunsworth 70 00 J. If. Watson.... 165 00 W. H. Hanerfc 67 50 W. H. Levaugh '.. 100 00 G. W. Hodart 105 00 A.W.Wright . .. 4)5 00 Marion Ruble 92 00 E. M. Kenny . 80 00 H. A. Baxter 55 00 D. J. Derby 52 50 Total S7272 00 The above distribution was made March 23. Had the distributions been made earil er less than $5099 would have been distribu ted. The county Treasurer and J. decided it would be to the best interest of the schools to put off the distributions until the last of the month; our object was to get all possible for the spring distributions. Orders are drawn favor of all clerks, as few districts have reported the result of the annual school meeting, according to law. This r port must be made immediately, E. A. MlLNBB, Supt of Schools. HON. I N. SMITH. Action of the Bar of tne Second and Third judicial Districts Relative tdiis Death - At a meeting of the members of the bar of the second and third judicial districts of the State of Oregon, held at the office of of Kelsay and Keesee, rh the city of Cor vallis, during the March term. 1883, of the the circuit court of said district, held on the 28th, day of March, 1883, to take some ac tion in reference to the death of Hon. I. N. Smith, a member of the bar of this state and former prosecuting atto-ney of the second judicial district, the following proceedings were had, to wit: On motion, Judge Kelsay was elected chairman and L. II. Montayne secretary. . Judge Burnett stated the object of the meeting to be to take some measures in commemoration of ths death ot I. N. Smith. On motion, a committee of three, consist ing of John Burnett, R. S. Strahan and J. W. Rayburn, were appointed by the chair man of the meeting to prepare and present to the Circuit Court of tho saeond judicial district, now in session; resolutions express ive of their fealias on the death of Bro. I. N. Smith; The committeo present to the court the following resolutions: Resolved, That we have receivod with re gret the news of the death of Hon. I. N. Smith, formerly a member of the bar of the second judicial district of the state of Ore gon and prosecuting attorney of said dis trict; that we bow in sorrow to this last de cree. We mourn the loss. Peac9 to his ashes; honor to l.U memory. Friend, broth er, we bid the a long, last, kind farewell. Resolved, That while wo mourn his loss, and feel that the friends and places which knew him here will know him again no moie ou earth, wo will ever cherish his memory as that of a good citizon, ah honest and upright man, a sound lawyer and a sincere sad devoted friend. Resolved, That these resolutions br pre sented to the;honorab!e Circuit Court cf the second judicial district with a request that they be spread upon tho records of the court, and that the erefk send a Copy thereof, under the seal of the ecurt, to the family of the deceased. JOHj BURNETT, R. S. STRAHAN J. W. RAYBURN, Committee. Singular Accident. t Rev. L. A. Banks, while getting out of his buggy a few days since, inflicted a slight scratch ou his little finger, says the Qn- ronian. A day or two after, while calling at a friend's, ho wai presented with some caster eggs, dyed in various colors. While carrying these home, wrapped in paper, it earns on 10 rain and the coloring matter from the eggs stained hi3 hand, some of it getting into the scratch on his little finger. The next day the wound inflamed and his arm became swollen to the shoulder and was very painful. For two days and nights ie suffered much and was somewhat alarmed 'or the consequence, but at the end of that time the swelling went down, and he is now experiencing but little trouble from the finger. Tho egpa were probably dyed with niliuo. which is known to ba poisonous. Many fatal .cciuents have been caused by the use of clothing dyed with aniline, and pencils and inks formed of the ssme ma- rial. Too much -care cannot be used in handling anything ictothe composition of which aniline enters. . Sums to Dsata by a Cigarette. A young man by the name of Geo. Van Langee, of Portland, retired to bed oa Wed nesday night o? last week with a cigarette in his mouth, S3 he had been in the habit of doing, when ho soon full to sleep, says a re cent dispatch. About 12 o'clock the hall was discovered to be full of smoke, and on going to Van Langee'sfroom he waj found deeping the sleep of thejust and his bed slow ly burning from under him. He wa3 soon yanked out, and in all probability will not smoke ia bed hereafter. Peremtory Auction Sale A Chance for Bar- gain3. On Friday April the 20th 18S3, at 10 A. M. , the undersigned will sell without re serve at his farm 3 miles northwest of Cor vallis, a fine lot of Btoek, consisting of cows, calves, yearlings, horses, and 25 head of hogs, also all my farming impliraents and utentials, one new Dexter Queen top buggy, and oue open buggy, I set double buggy harness; also ill my household goods, bed -ding aad furniture and many other articles too numerous to mention. See posters for terms. R. T. Motley. Jos. R. K. I it ytn, Auctioneer. 15 w2 Hcwpart listea. Quito a number of Ursrig faces aro seen on cur streets. M M. Da' is and Alonso Case have taken partners in their respective business.' . They weigh about S los. apiece The tug Gen Wright is off the bar and will probably be in at high tide. The new wharf built for the harbor im provement will be ready for business by next wee':. We are informed that work on the jetty will hereafter be pushed as fast as is expedient. Rax. mmo 4mm All persons desiring extra copies of the Gazette while cur articles descriptive of Benton county giving the names of tax pay ers &c, aro being published, will please leave or send their orders to the office im mediately so that we may bo able to know how many extras to print. WANTED:. A cuarrret couple with out fvi.i.v. The mo.11 tnut be a got d hand and able to do all kinu3 of farm work. His wife to wash, cook, etf fci two. Address A. B. Gazzttb office," C'orvallii. 14 tf T1 v CJ A .T T7 Two unimproved lots in JC KJ-iX O ZVj-jXli, CorvaBis,, Or. One of tne choicest buildinjr nlarrs in the city for fca!c reas onable. AT.SO Four unimproved lota except fenc ed in -CorTalli 3. Or. The choicest btiildmir p'ace in tbo city for ?ale re?onable. Enquire of M. 8. Wood cock at tlie Gazette o"Sr;e. ; T3"T CJ A T TP. A FARM of 478 acres. 1JXV 0AXjjC: forle. than SIS per acre, being' one of the cheapest and best fanes hi 3entoi. county, situated 4 :niie3 west of llonroe, of a miio"fronvivgo,l school, in one of th? test neigh borhoods in the slate with church privileges handv. About 130 acrea in cultivation, anrt' over 400 can be cnltivtaed. All under fence, with jjf.od two story fm-BA hoii;2. la-iare harn and -orchard: has running water the vevarundT and is well suited lor Ktock, and dairy purposes. This-isone of the cheapest term in the Willamette Valley Terms easy. Enquire of M. 8. Woodcock at the Gazette office. Circuit Court Proceedings of March Tertri far Benton County, Oregon. (Continued from last week) State of Oregon vs Ben Johnson fbt lar ceny in a dwelling house after tiial th jury brought in a verdict of "Not guilty. Paulina Wood va Jesse Wood et aj. H W. Keesee appointed guardian ad litem defendants, J D. Wood and Elizabeth Wood to represent their interests in thi suit "-. . W. W. Tantia Administrator of th eJ fate of Jas. A Yantis vs S. H, Oliver af tsf trial by jury they rendered verdict in fa6 of plaintiff for $300 upon which tha court afterward gave judgment for that amount and costs. At this time John Kelsay presented tbxj resolutions adopted by ihe bar on the death of I. N. Smith which rosolutioas are found in another column. State of Oregon V3 Tliomss Kynaiton lo-1 dieted for the crime of assault with rateu to commit raj, under the directio of tl court tho jury brought in a verdict of "JfaS guilty." District Attorney moved the court fotf leave to submit the lait named case to th graud jury again which motion was after wards by the court overuled: Willamette valley and Cosst Eailrowj Company vs M. L. Trapp, notion of plain- tiffs council for continuance overruled by the court. IT. P. Harris vs Oregon Pacific Eaflroaoi Company, motion of defendants fb oontin-' nance which was granted bf the court upon ths defendant paying forty dollars. Adeline Moore vs Stokely Meor 41s-1" missed ou motion of plaintiffs attorney. SloVe'.y Moore vs Adaline Moore d fendant withdrew her defence and George Brock appointed Referee to take testimeny and report his findings of law and facts te the court. State of Oreaon vs Z. P. Jones Indicted for the crime of larceny by altering mark and brands on an animal arraigned and took hi3 day to plsad who afterwards plead not guilty. The State of Oregon vs Frank Yalard indicted for the crime of assault with intent to kill arraigned and took his day to plead who afterwards plead not guilty. Charles Dubruille v3 Sol King dismissed at plaintiffs cost on his motion. H. Dubruille vs Sol King dismissed at plaintiffs cost. H. A. Drubruille and Charles Dubruill. vs Sol King and Max Friendly dismissed at plaiutilTs cofct. Adolph Taiael vs Robert Sweabolt on too. ticu F. M. Johnson was appointed Referee! to take testimony an i facts, and time to take the ssme extended to 1st day of next term. Ellen Humphrey va Albert Humphrey Referees report received divorce granted 111 favor of plaintiff custody of minor children granted to plaintiff and flOGO Allimoay decreed against defendant. Stokely Moore vs Adaline Moore divoroe! (.granted to plaintiff and custody of mines1 children given to him. C. J. Bishop vs Oreso Pacific Railroad Company. Trial by jury and plaintiff non suited by the court. James G. Cherry Administrator vs ATler Parker judgment against defendant for' f747 62 and ?50 attorneys fees. State of Oregon vs Ralph Wrenn hf-' dieted for obtaining money under false pro- tenses, arraigned and took his day to plead. Maria Armington vs So' King ordered continued. Rachael Smith vs W. P. Smith and Mt P. Avery dismissed at plaintiffs cost. Mary Ellen Willey vs Wm. Proudfoot et al continued. W. A. McCulloue;h vs Oregon Paciflo" Railroad Co., continued. State of Oregon vs Labaa Sanders, de fendant sentenced to the penitentiary Usf one year and to pay the costs of the pros, cutiou in this caso. Board of Commissioners for tho oalo of School and University lands ts B. W. Wilsou and others, decree of foreclosure of mortgage and sals of mortgaged property to satisfy tho sum ef 8287 34 and the sunt ot $542 50. Charles Hodges vs Wm. Hodgos eon-- tinued. Willamette valley and Coast Railroad Company vs M L. Trapp, ou plaintiffs ma: tion dismissed. John Burnett & John Kelsay ts Thoa. P. Espy judgment for 3114 87 against de fendant. John Lay ton vs T. E. Parker Judgment against defendant for $99 63 and costs. A. J. Tiangworlfcy assignment for benefit of creditors continued. Knapp Burrtll & Co. vs Wm. Bxgloy and others, judgment in favor of plaintiff and -against defendant, Wm. Bagley, for fo4f and $61 attorneys fees and decree of sale of mortgaged real and personal property, and decree in favor of defendants, Woodcock at Baldwin, and against defendants Bagley Marlett & Burns for the sum of $243 25 and 325 attorneys foe.3 and older to sell mors gaged real ami personal property, and de cree in favor of defendants Belknap Brother & Kennedy and against defendant Wm. Bagley for $301 and sale of mortgaged real and personal property and decree in favor of A. Canthorn & Son against Bagley, Mar lett A Burns for the sum of $232 and sale of mortgaged property, and decree in favor of F. Born for the sum of $307 and $30 attor neys fees against defendants Bagley, Marletfc and Burns and sale of mortgaged property. F. B. Dunn vs W. H. Huffman and Mary E. Huffman con tinned. State of Oregon vs Thos. Kyniston tiporf two indictments fof assault upon two girls) arraigned and took his day to plead to each State of Oregon vs Ralph Wrenn ar raigned upon an indictment for the crime? of obtaining money under false pretenses plead guilty att was sentenced by thof court to 1 yesr in the penitentiary. John Harris vs Robert M. Logan leavof granted to plaintiff to rile amended com plaint. Adolph Taisel vs Robert Sweabolt md--tion to vacate order appointing receiver overruled. Eliza Sanders vs G. W. Honck demTSser to complaint overruled with leave to dei fendant to answer. Willamette valley and Coast Railroad Co. vs William Wyatt demurer to complain!? overruled with leave to defendant to an