The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, April 06, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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iSjttMs CorimUis t&nctte.
! .
Entered at the Postoffico at CorvaUis
Oregon, as second-class matter.
Iu America are llie most extensive
fire departments in the world.
Biemark's war on the American
hog wiil likely be followed by pre
venting German wine from ccmiug
14 America.
Six thousand men are at work on
the Panama Canal. More than half
of the line is under contract and the
company is at work on the other
It was announced that President
Arthur would leave Washington
last Monday or Tuesday for a visit
to Florida for rest and qniet. Sec
retary Chandler will accompany
The diamonds worn by New York
har-tenders are said to be worth
$350,000. The Philadelphia News
remarks that the carbuncles worn on
the noses of New York bar patrons
probably cost about $5,000,000.
A lady af experience observes that
a good W3y to pick out a husband
is to see-how. patiently the man waits
for dinner when it is behind time.
It he doesn't do anything more vio
lent than kick the furniture and blas
pheme he is a mighty patient and
good-natured man.
Morgan, presiding elder of the
Mormon church, left Chattanooga,
Tenn., recently with 150 converts
for Utah, from all parts of the south.
Ninety missionaries in the South
claim 600 converts annuafly. Such
is the manner in which the United
States government exterminates
The question as to whether a hus
band has a right to exact that his
better half shall build the fire is to
be settled in Indiana. A minister's
wife has laised the issue in a suit for
divorce. The jury in the ease have
a solemn duty to perform. This is a
time when married men should stand
Five sharp and distinct shocks 'of
earthquake were distinctly felt
about twenty minutes before eight at
San Francisco last Friday morning.
Farther south crockery and plaster
ing were broken. At Hollister, San
Beuitis county, plate glass windows
were smashed and brick buildings
It is said that the department of
agriculture near the city of Wash
ington will soon establish an experi
mental farm and hospital for the
trpatment'of domestic, animals, with
a view to ascertain, by a series of
experiments, what are the causes of
diseases like Mexican fever, pleuro
pneumonia, &?., and the best meth
ods of prevention and cure.
The treasurer of the United States
on the first of the present month
showed in the treasury of gold coin
and bullion $184,324,333, silver dol
lars and bullion $107,20,694; frac
tional silver coin, 27,802,422; Uni
ted Slates notes, 44,53" .202; total
1363,833,738. Certificates outstand
ing gold, $45,179,910; silver $75,
088,490. currency 9,0S0,00O;
At the meeting of the Woman's
Suffrage Association one evening,
oneof the speakers said: "We come
armed with the knowledge of the
past." Every married man 'knows
that when his wife comes at him,
armed with a knowledge of the past,
he has got to do some pretty tall talk
to make, that past seem all right.
J&OSton Post.
The Niagara Falls Bill, which has
passed the New York Assembly and
is row in- the Senate, provides for
the appointment of a commission to
6elect ground around the Falls which
shall henceforth be reserved by the
State in order to preserve the scenerv
of the Falls and to remove such de
facements as owe their presence to
the greed for money.
A case of much interest to Trades
Unions was begun in ihe Courts at
Denver, Col. Frank Ss Putnam,
merchant tailors, sued the Tailors'
Union for conspiracy and fraud,
charging that the Union forced
journeymen to quit work if wages
agreed upon were not increased.
They refused, and the workmen quit.
They charge that a large amount of
vork was contracted for on the basis
of these prices, of which the Union
was cognizant, and threatened if
their demands were not conceded
they would destroy their business.
All such proceeding where men
combine together to induce others
to strike for high wages or for any
oilier canse are certainly punishable
lot conspiracy.
After a long cessation of business a
British iron ship has been taken for
Cork, U. K., at 2. Since then an
advance of 2s 6d is demanded.
March has been a dull month for
grain charters, but ap there is quite a
surplus .stock of wheat yet in the
State, we look for a renewed demand
particulary as within throe days past
we have had a rainfall of about throe
inches over most of the State, which
would seem to settle the question of
an abundant harvest. There is now
on the berth only 9,000 tons for
wheat loading, against 62,000 tons
one year ago. The disengaged fleet
is 67,000 tons, against 13,600 tons
same dale last year. The fleet t" ar
rive is about 176,000 tons; same time
last year, 242,000 tous, and 176,000
tons in 1881. The present outlook is
certainly very encouraging to ship
owners for another good freight, year.
San jFraricisco Oo?nmercial Herald.
As predicted, the. corporations
whose land grants are subject to for
feiture, are making hay while the
sun shines, during the recess of Con
gress, expecting to make so much
progress before December, that it
will not be possible for Congress then
to forfeit their grants. The Presi
dent, for instance, has recently ac
cepted a very considerable section of
the New Orleans and Pacific Eoad
in the State of Louisiana. This is
the road which the Attorney Gen
eral said last fall was entitled to its
patents. But Secretary Teller with
held them, in the expectation that
Congress would take some action
concerning them. This has not been
done, and the acceptance of the fin
ished road by the President carries
with it the patents for a considerable
portion of the grant.
The Commissioner of the Genera!
Land Office has been notified that
the Governor of Iowa intends to pro
ceed against the department to re
cover the amount of public lands due
the State, as shown by the books of
the Land Office.
Six railroads in Missouri received
aid from the State to an aggregate
amount of $20,701,000, and all six
hdve been sold, the State realizing
5,936,300. There was a net loss,
therefore, on these roads of more
than $14,000,000, besides several
millions of interest on the railroad
aid bonds, which the roads failed to
pay, and the State was obliged to
provide for. For 3,000,000 of
bonds issued to the Hannibal and
St. Joe road no settlement ha yet
been made.
The Oregon City Enterprise of
March 29th says: It is rather re
markable but nevertheless true, that
ninety per cent of the immigrants
which arrived during this month by
ocean steamers are actual settlers and
come well supplied with funds. Ten
per cent, are mechanics and laborers.
The agent of the bureau of immigra
tion, who meets each steamer at
Astoria, said that the average
amount brought by a family is 1000.
In one colony of S3 Swedes and Nor
wegians who arrived from Michigan,
Wisconsin and Illinois last week, the
lowest amount held by any one. fam
ily was $500; and the highest amount
5,2007 This was learned by the
agent, one of- ivhoe duties is to iden
tify immigrants so they can get their
drafts cashed at the banks. About
forty per cent, of the immigration is
foreign born, and aboni ten per cent,
come direct from foreign ports. Of
the whole number who arrived this
month about sixty per cvHt came
from the Mississippi valley, and a
considerable number from Southern
California, principally from Los
Angeles and San Bernardino counties.
About half the anivals have started
to the Inland Empire to immediately
select lands and begin cultivation
while a good share of the other half
have secured cheap homes in East
Portland, in the outskirts of this city
and in surrounding towns, and the
"men folks" have secured employ
ment for the summer on railroads
and farms and in logging camps.
They will add to their store of money
and prospect for land this fall. A
number of single men have been sent
to Weidler fc Ol d way's , logging
camp, back of Oak point, where they
earn $35 a month and board. Kogue
river valley is receiving a large im
migration from northern California
all coming overland and taking up
farms in the mildest part of Oregon.
The Commercial Herald of San
Erancisco says that the copious rains
that have fellen since Monday of this
week have imparted a most hopeful
outlook to every department of trade
inspiring all with renewed energy
and mducinn: the advancement of
enterprises that would surely -have
remained dormant for an indefinite
period. The jubilant news comes
from every section that good crops
will be our portion, and that every
enter rise will receive stimulating
encouragement of a prosperous sea
son. Here, in the Metropolis, it has
revived the drooping spirits of finan
ciers and commercial firms, and even
the-wido world will rejoice that. Cal
ifornia will not lack in returning a
large crreal crop lor these bountiful
providential favors. The prospects
of a drought here had already figur
ed largely in the speculations abroad,
and such comment had already been
made upon the possible failure of our
crops, eo that it will be seen that our
wheat product is an important factor
in the world's consumlpion. Our fi
nancial resources continue to be fully
adeq-.iate for all purposes, and its
more ready employment under the
favorable existing circumstances will
bring better rati a than have been
heretofore obtained. With a some
what lessened amount in bank, occa
sioned by shipment East and an oth
erwise more general call, fair dis
count rates may be nnmed at 73
per cent for choice paper, exception
al accommodations being made at
somewhat lessened figures.
It is evident that Gov. Cleveland
must very soon show his disapproval
of the sordid and spoils-hunting
policy of his party it he would pre
serve his reputation for fairness and
elevation of purpose, says the New
York Times. The Democratic man
agers who rule in Albany are bent
on converting every scrap of official
patronage into partisan capita'.
While measures of large public in
terest are neglected. The Demo
cratic majority in the Legislature are
engrossed with searches for new op
portunities for place-hunters. Indeed,
it would appear as if there were noth
ing so distantly removed from poli
tics that is not reached for, and noth
ing too small and mean to sweep up
into the party feeding-trough. The
scheme to add 1,800 to the already
large number of notaries public
in the State h only one of many evi
dences of the absorbing greed of the
Democrats. The general overhaul
ing of the politics of the notaries now
in commission is said to emanate
from the office of Gov. Cleveland.
It is in the interest of the Demo
cratic Party. Petty schemes ike
this may not have the Governor's
sanction. Their constant multipli
cation will ultimately compel the
Governor to deo.'are nimself as op
posed to or in favor of a policy of
spoils -hunting.
the year 1882 there were
built in nineteen ports of the United
Kingdom ships having an aggregate
tonage of 1,200,000, an increase of
20 per cent. The tendency is toward
the construction of larger vessels
than heretofore, the average new be
ing 1,347 tons. The largest vessel
built was of 7,500 tons burden. Tbe
cost of building is now 15 per cent
greater tiianin 18S0 and 1881, owing
to the augmented price of iron and
steel. But to offset this is the great
increase in the commerce of the
world, especially in the transporta
tion of new products. Ex.
Laban Saunders who was found
guiity last week byxa jury of this
county before whom he was on trial
of taking too much liberty with a
neighbors steer, was sentenced last
Friday by the court to one year in
the penitentiary. If he .had com
menced boarding at the States ex
pense twenty years ago and con
tinued there till this lime it might
have been the means of relieving his
neighbors of mucTi anxiety-
The amount of currency outstand
ing is greater than at any former
time in the history of our country,
and yet New York speculators seem
able to make money tight. -
The losses by fire in this country
on the 16th of last month were over
700,000. We average in bnrning
up a, quarter of a million dollars
worth of property every day of the
year, Sundays included.
Horse Fosters.
We have recently received at this offlce, a
now Cut to- represent the Perdieron and
Clydesdale stock of horses, besides having a
lot other cuts on hand. All person wanting
stock or horse posters we can print them
-with a eat to bui moet any. style of horse-.
Oregon City Enterprise: The greatest loss
that Clackamas county has suffered in its
history is he loss of so many valuable hors
es from staggers. This cosild have been
prevented in a large degree by proper pre
cautionary measures.
The Port Townsend Star says that Mr.
Bartlett, of that city, who prcrch3sd a val
uable coal mine on admiralty island, Alaska
is in receipt of a letter from the X. P. rail
road company asking for information, inti
mating a desire to purchase -the full right to
the property.
The Tacoma News says: The freight bus
iness by rail and steamboit is rapidly in
creasing. A daily freight train with three
cars is now the rule between New Taeoma
and Kalama, and every steamer brings an 1
takes an increasing towage. The Elder
brought this week 223 ton3 of freight for
t'lis port and SI tons for Olympia. The great
quantity of co-.l brought in daily from the
coal mines and shipped to all parts of the
coast, adds largely to the freight traffic of
the Northern Pacific railroad, and to the
business of this city and vicinity. Although
but little ooisa is made about tnis business,
its importance and almost certain growth
indicates clearly Now Tacoma'a future as a
shipping and commercial point.
The house of Mrs. Cittron, at Monmouth
was destroyed by fire last Thursday night.
Insurance, &S0O.
The Ballston Flonring Mills Co. has been
incorporated by Henry Gable, Isaac Ball.
S. A. Rig?s, Cyrus Buell and others. Cap,
ital stock, ?2O,0CO.
Forty-two immigrant, from Kansas,' ar
rived at Lewiston, Idaho Ty., last week,
and will locate near that place.
The railroad survey up Snake river has
progressed 51 miles. They are now in the
hardest part of the canyon. Chief Engineer
Clark is with the party coming down. The
instructions are to h'.irry the survey and
lay the grade stakes as they proceed.
Track laying on the Palouse extension
began last week.
Another colony from Iowa has arrived
and located in the Big Bend country.
The new uniforms for Columbia lodge, K.
of P., at Walla Walla, have arrived.
Blankenship, the printer reported missing
from Walla Walla, ha3 turned up safe.
Mr3. Erance, one of the first women to
locate near Spokane, recently died at her
home near the falls.
The Dayton Chronicle will this week be gin
the issue of a daily edition. It will be
a 20-C(;!umn evening paper. As they pub
lish a most excellent waekly there is no
doubt but that the daily will be newsy and
Cricksts have already made their appear
ance in vast numbers in Sprague river
valley, Klamath county. The unusually
pleasiwit weather brought them out several
months sooner than usual.
A drunken Indian in Pendleton one day
lately, caused the entire town to rise up in
arms, in anticipation of an outbreak, and
after he was surrounded he quietly walked
away about his business.
It is reported that the O. & C. B. B. Co.
has bonded considerable property from
Skipanon creek, past Tansy point and down
to Fort Stevens, for terminal facilities.
The Ashland Woolen factory is now run
ning to its fullest capacity.
Ehe Rogue river distillery is receiving
grain and will soon ba ready to commence
The peach crop in Columbia county, W.
T., wiil probably be a total failure. Apples
and the more hardy fruits will be quite
Strawberries ars in b!j33om in Calapooia
Elk Head, Douglas county, wants a
grist mill.
The whoopiug cough is prevalent in and
about Cornelias.
Mc Curdy, P. O. in Klamath county, has
been discontinued.
The late rains have flooded some of the
bottom lands near Bcaverton.
A Cock of .Japanese sparrows wero seen
recently near Forest Grove.
The Time says: There is Rreat demand
for stock of all kinds from abroad and sev
eral thousand head wiil be driven - out of
southern Oregon this season.
Mr. Van Bremer of the Lava Beds, says
the Times, has recently salted down a large
..quantity of white fish, ciughi in Lo3t river,
which he proposes supplying the Yrska.
market with.
The belief has become general at Daytin,
W. T., that the Northern Facific Express
company will not go into operation.
A large number of horses and cattle- were
killed by faiiiog down bluffs or steep hill
sides during the winter, in the Grand Son
de country.
The recent rains have reached Jackson
county and farmers are happy.
John Ambrose, an old resident of Jackson
county died recently from injuries received
while mining at Willow Springs.
Fr.-.nk Ball, aged 60 years, an early pioneer
of Jackson county, died recently at Eagle
A writer in the Dallas Itemizer aays that
grain 'sown on sod last fail did not winter
kill while that on old land did.
The Phoenix, Jackson. Co. mill property
has been Bold to parties from California, for
Fourteen of the most intelligent children
be'onging to the Puyaflup reservation
school, were transferred to the Indian train
ing school at Forest Grove, Oregon, last
.week. A number of the children who were
sent there three years ago, have returned,
and these were sent to. fill the vacancy.
The object" of sending them there is to re
move thein from the influence of the older
Indians, and thus hasten the civilizing
process inaugurated by the Government.
'New Tacoma Ledger.
The Jacksonville Time's says: The rail
road work on Cow creek valley has proved
quite expensive, and has not progressed as
rapidly as expected. And the roughest por
tion of the route, by long odds, has not been
reached as yet.
The cars are now running regularly from
Walla Walla to Blue MountairfStation,
Ducks and geese are reported as numer
ous in Powder river valley, and the hunters
having a tine time among them.
According to the Grant covraty News,
quite an excitement has sprung np over a
prospect of gold recently found in upper
Canyon creek.
Salem is to have a new school house, the
directors of the district having been author
ized to purchase additional grounds and
erect the building.
The Grant county News says that the loss
of stock during the past Winter in Harney
Malheur, and. Stein mountain sections has
been much less than is usual.
The stages through Eastern Oregon are
unable to carry, all the mail on account of
muddy roads.
Walla Walla Is to have a new opera house
Fort Colville, W. T., ia to be rebuilt and
Thp Colfax mills are offering nicety cents
for wheat and selling flour at 0 a barrel, re
tail. Genuine poda springs have been found in
Ahtanurn valley, about 25 miles from Yaki
ma City.
Philip Bitz has planted out 20,000 forest
trees, principally maple, ash, walnut, elder
and poplar, on his ranch in the Big Bend
country .
Olympia will celebrate 4th of 3 uly.
Dipthe'ia is prevailing in portions of Jose
phine county, Oregon.
The Gazette is the name of a new journal
published at Heppner, TJmatills county,
The Walla Walla Union completed its
fourteenth year on the 31st of larch.
There are 1S31 patient under treatment
in the Territorial insane asylum at Steila
coom, three-fourths of whome are men, and
a large percentage gray-headed.
A new steamer namod the W. R. Werwin-
is nearly ready for the Skagit trade.
The stage turned over twice, last woek
between Baker City and Snake river.
Columbian St. Helen says: Two or three
portable nulls will soon be setup in;differect
localities in the vicinity of St. Helen. The
Moore mill, removed from Scappoose to Al"
bina, has changed hands, and will soon be
returned to Columbia county. A large
flouring mill will soon be erected at Colum
bia City. A greater part of the stock of
this enterprise has alreidy been subscribed
by prominent men of the Northern Pacific
itailroad company.
Tie Dalles Catholic College.
Plans and. specifications for the proposed
Catholic College to be bail at The Dalles
are complete, and bids are called for' the
work. The building is to be of the most
modern architecture 60 by 90 feet, outside
limensions, and will occupy the gronnd
where the academy now stands. The base
ment will hoof stone, 11 feet high to the
ceiling. The first story of the superstructure
will be 14 feet high and the second 13 feet
with tin roof, and bell-tower surmounted
by a cro33.
Notice i3 hereby given that the unclsrsijrned Ciar
dirm of John D. Mulkcy late deceased, ha1 filed hia
account for final aettJemont of the affairs of said
guardianship in t-ho-Ccunty Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Benton, and
at the honr of 10 o'clock in tho forenoon of that day
at the Court h&ose in Corvailis, aald - Benton County
is the iame an l placs fixed by said Court for hear
ing and determining objections to said accounts and
the final settlement thereof.
This 6th day of 3iarch 1SS3.
Avt Guardian of John D. Kuikey.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a license
to her duly Tanted by the County Court of the
State of Oregon for ti-.e County cf Benton sitting for
the transaction of prohate business on the 4th day
of January 1863 for the sale of the real estate o
Efhe Gaylcrd a niir.or sKuated in Kenton County
Oregon, and described as fo'.lowa, to wit:
The undivided one-sixth part of all of the following
described premises to wit: The S. i of S. E. i of Hec.
2Q, the S. i of S. W. J of Sec. 21, Lots one and two of
Sec. 2 H. W. i of N. E. and Lot one (1 ) of Section
2! ail in township (11) eleven South of Range five
west containing 231 73-100 acres in Eenton County,
Oregon, (excepting 10 37-100 acres deeded by J.
Chatham Roberts to Phillip Ii!t3 it being ail of the
donation land claim of J. Chatham Roberta except
said 13 37-100 acres abo ve mentioned sold to Phillip
Also the uadivided one-sixth part of the follon-inj-tract
of land, beghmlng 9.90 ciiaini south and 1.90
chains west of the N. W. comer of Section 23, Tawn
ship Eleven South of Range five West of the Will
amette meridian, thence East C0.27 chains thence
South 10.10 chains thence West 61 33 chains thenea
S. 6 E. 10.15 ehainsto the place ot begirning con
taining 61 acres cf land mora or loss. All of the
above lands lying -ar.d- being situated in Benton
C:tunty, State of Oregon. The undersigr.ed Hen
rietta Randall guardian of the perijon and estate of
.said minor DilisCaylord will on
At the hour of one o'clock P. if. of said day at the
front door of the Court House in CorvaliU iu said
Benton County, sell at public aaction to the highest
bidder ail of the right, title, interest nnd estate of
Niid minor Effie Caylord ih and to the above de
scribed premises. Terms of sale cash in hand.
Guardian of the person and estate of EfBe Gaylord
a minor.
Corvailis March 10th 18S3.
"vTheat in Portland firm at 105 per cental. It may
now be fairly quoted here clear:
Wool per lb - 21 to f3
Flour-per barrel 6 ?"
Haeon, sides J? to M
Batns n -' lo to Jo
Shoaldere;.'.".'..'.'. J" fc g
Lard, 10 lb tins to lu
Ke"3 13 to 15
Butter, fresh rolls 3o to 33
Eggs, per doz J
Dried apple-, Hummer J 10 '
" Sun dried- 6 to 7
Plums, piticss. . 19 to g
I i- m-r unz v v . - -
Hides, dry nint
' green...
Oeesor.tamc. . . .
Ducks, '
Onions, per lb
10 t 13
Cto 7
- ' 1 00
" . 6 00
' ' 3 50 to 4 00
3 to 4
ivery, ieea,
-r-sv-r-j O X TP. Valuable farm all under
VI IK iN r I l Pit fence only 2k uuiesfrom
Corvailis of lf acres, 80 acres now in cultivation, the
balance of it can be cultivated; about 20 of it now in
wheat with a fair house good barn andgranery,
wUl bo sold at a bargain. Terms easy. Enquire of
M. 8. Woodcock at the Gastte office,
St., Carralli'f, Oregon.
sol. mm,
v offer superior accommodations in the Livery
Always ready for a driye,
At Low Rates.
My stables are first-class in ercry reaoect, and com
petent and obliging hostlers always
rea y to scire the public,
Ptticniar Attention F&ld to Boartfin
Directors :
Office-, corner Yitst ami Washington Stst
Portland, Oregon.
Capita! Stock - - 375,000
Parties desiring- a safe and profitabls investmen
houid call or write for information at once.
Messrs. liufora & Waggnor are agents for the
Company in Corvailis ard'ean ghe information 0
value to persons seeking first-class investments.
0-11 m-2
Undivided i interest in a saw" xritl run by wter
power, a good planer and seven acres of land tt9&fl
in connection with the tnWC Poorer sufficient to run
all thj year, situau-d handy to market and within
about, 7 miles o? CorvaUN with an excellent good
road to and from i. Terms euy. Inquire of H. 3.
Woodcock at Ga3tc;ttj? otfice.
ESTATE. n tfce matter df the" estate 1
of 'r
Stephen King deceased. J
Notice is hereby given that by virtnre of an ordo
of Sale duly made by the County Court, of the Stats
of Oregon, for Benton Comity, on Tuesday tha 8th
da of Februay. 18S3. at the regular Febrnay term
oi said court, and duly entered in the Journal of sal
court, directimr and commanding mc, Perinelia King
admin!Hritrix of said estate, to seff at public auction '
all the right, title, interest and estate, that the said
Stephen King hid at the time of his death, in and to'
the following described premises to-wit:
The undivided eight interest in and to 150 acres
Real Property heretofore set off as the dower of Al
nieda J. Km;? and mor particularly described as
follows, to-wit: Baglning at the Northwest comer of
claim No. 39, T. 10. S. a 8 West Thence South S5.8J
chains, East 50.48 chains, Worth 14.00 chains.
West 14.23 chaina, North 21.92 chains, West 38.20'
chains, to place of oegining containing 150 acres in
Benton County, Oregon.
Also aa following: Gemmanclng at the Southwes
corner of claim No 39, T. 10 a B. 8 W, Not. 6145.
Thence running East to tha King Valiey road, thence
following said road to th North line of South half of
said claim, thence Skwth on the west line of said
claim to the place bagining containing about 95 acres
more or less in Benton County, State of Oregon.
Therefore in accordance with and iu pursuance of
said order of sale, 1, Penaolia King, administraliir
of said estate of Stephen King deceased will on
at the hour of one o'clock P. M. of raid day, in front'
of the court house door in the City of Corvailis, far"
lienton Comity Oregon, sell at public auction to tho
highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title,
ntcrtnt and 09tatc which the said Stephen King de
ceased had at tho time of his death, in and to tho
above described premises, together with the appcr
tenance iliereunto belonging, to satisfy a roorgage
Hen in favor of L. Vanbibber on the 95 acre track
alxve described and other debts against said estate
together with costs .and expenses of administering
said estate,
. dmimstratlx of the oetBte of Stephen King de
By Chksoweth & Jbnssox.
20-ri5w Her Attorney
Land Oiflce at Roseburg Oregon
March 17th, lSS?,
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make flnar
proof in snuport of hU claim, and. that said
rroof will be made before the Clerk of Benton County
at Corvailis, on
via:Andrew Houck Preemption D. S. No. 40 74 fortho
lots 9 and 10 sec 6, T 15, 8. R 6 Vest Will. Her.
He names: the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land,
viz: Geo. W. Houck, Robert Davis, Robert Sh6ltonr
and Jos. J. Cubie, all of Monroe Benton County, Ore
gon. W. F. BENJAMIN,
l3-5w Registp-.-
cman wlio ha
several vears evy? ri-
enoe in taadihig. having been Principal of a graded
school for thre years, witHies a school for eix or nma
months. Address, "Teacher' care of K. A. Milner,
CoVraSlla Prton Cminty, Oregon.
'J'dSmm SI
(111 Crawford & Farm's New Brick.)
20-11 yl
B vi
m a
(C4 T-S tSS t
ifl Irfllllfjl
sum eh a m mtAa m sua
'. n u k rs era fct r: a3 ra mm
rasa E
Are now located in their new store in Crawford & Fsrra's
brick biock, with an immense stock of
Furnishing GoodSj and a fine display i naw patterns In Staple ancf
km it unnrrc mn sun
fjjTg Egg BfgSi QUffffljjg, OVERCOATS AND
These Goods are offered to the publica t
prices lower than can possibly be
found in the city.
Remember k Place, ft Crawford & farra's Sew Back Ek:
C. H Whitney & Go,
'v-: '