The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, March 30, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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    tecklu (Torraifo Saato.
FE1DAY MOKSISG. MAS. .10, 1883.
The Luckiatmivo like Mary's river
and many other streams in Oregon
is very crooked, nevertheless its wa
ters wind their way into the Will
amette and tbence in the Columbia
and on out into the Pacific ocean.
So it is with us all, be our ways ever
so crooked, we are steadily moving
on down to the river of death that
' will carry us out into the boundless
ocean of eternity.
Along the Luckiamute is some of
the best farming land in this state
and for thirty or forty years never
has failed to produce an abundance
in spite of everything that opposes a
good crop, though some years jnucli
better than other. But for a few
weeks past, minds of the farmers ol
this section have only been a:
about half mast as the prospect this
year on account of the freeze out, is
not flattering. Nearly all, however,
are busy seeding again and if favor
ed with a week or two more of fine
weather this pari of the country will
all be well seeded again.
The Luckiamute can boast of a
many old pioneers as any stream of
its size in Oregon, and they are all
an industrious economising class ol
people who have held on to their
lands and made their living by
honesty and hard work, among whom
are the Tetherowg, Holmana, Hel
micks, Davidsons, Nea'ys, Fuquas,
Stivers, Wheelers, Collins, Stamps
Chaniberlms, Hiltibrands, Berry,
Wolvertons, B.ileys, Barnes, Slnats,
Williams, Simpsons, Se wises and
many others too numerous to men
tion. At an honored old age many
of these old pioneers have passed on
to the better land, and others are
only waiting their time to go as they
stand prepared on this side the river
to cross over and join their friend
on the other side when an- Angel
band shall come for them, I am
glad to say that the majority of the
pioneers of this section of country
are firm believers in the religion o)
the Bible and their lives correspond
with their belief, but I am sorry to
say that there are a few who 6eem to
doubt, but it is hoped that their
doubts will all be removed as many
prayers arc goi:;g up to heaven for
In last month, Feb. 15th, the 50th
birthday of Brother 1L Morrison was
celebrated at his bouse by his neigh
bors and friends with a prayer meet
ing at his own request and that ot
his good christian wife who is only
about three ' years younger. After
about 14 prayers were offered and
more than double tnat number of
songs were sung and some appropri
ate speaking by Bro. M. and others
the meetiug was closed, and Bro.
Morrison treated his guests with a
nice birthday cake and some good
apples. Sister Morrison also b rough t
out pies and other provisions until all
were fully satisfied; then followed an
hour or so of social conversation in
which our ministers or those who
labor among ns in Spiritual things
were remembered and a handsome
collection was made up for their sup
port. The night was clear, the moon
and stars shining brightly, and while
The Rev. Robert Collyer told a
congregation, at Springfield,- Ala.,
how he had made his way from the
anvil to the pulpit. Fifty years ago
he was a child in Yorkshire, England,
with unlettered but indnslrious
parents, who put him at the trade
bWjkgraithi&g. Ho jrorked eight
years with an employer who died of
drink, and he thinks that it wss enly
a love of reaJiog which saved him
TroTO, the same fate. Ilia first preach
iug was as a Method wt eiborter, and
for the (list len years of his minifttia
lion his income from that source
averaged se vent r five cents & vear
his living being eaiiied as a b!ek
smith. He cauie to America with
hi bride in 1550, and dnring the
panic of 185T he earned a bod for
awhile. Twenty years ago ho be
came a salaried preacher, going over
froia the Methodists to tae Unita
The Ilau-kinsviile dispatch says:
The most aged cow in Georgia
perhaps in the United States is
owned by a citizen of Ha wkinsville.
The owner assures ns that the cow
is 100 years old, and is now giving
tnilk. Wheu we mentioned the im
probability, in fact ti'.e almost impos
sibility, ot his cow being 100 year old
the gentleman assured us that she 'has
belonged to his grand parent, great
surest giand parent e, and other mice?
lors, and that there is no doubt tha
the cow is 100 years of age. We
3sn say for the owner of the cow
the gentleman who makes the state
ment, that he is one of our moat es
teemed citizens, one not accustomed
to exaggerate, and whose word iiss
never been doubted. The gentleman
is fifty years of age,.and is a member
of one of the old and noted families
ot the Slate.
the heavens above were declaring the
glory of God, all hearts present beat
in unison and all went home happy
and lad that they had come to the
house of a good man and a good
woman to worship God. Their
only son and only living child Bro.
T. Morrison, who recantly professed
failh in Christ at a prayer meeting
held at his own house was present
with his family, and was just 25
years old, half the age of his father.
Once a week at night we have been
meeting this winter at private houses
to hold social prayer meetings. The
houses are filled to ovei flowing both
wifti believers and unbeliever--; near
ly all take a part at least in the sing
ing and social conversation, and good
order and good feelings prevail. So
you see though wj have to be con
tent to let the Luckiamute run crook
ed and overflow once in a while, we
are trying to straighten np some of
our crooked ways and keep ourselves
in the bounds of the teachings of the
good Book.
We are making garden and every
preperation for the futuro that we
can think of and if the big storm
comes that is predicted to come in
this month and all tho big storms
that are looked for in the future come
we will try and be as well prepared
to receive them as circumstances will
permit. J. D. W"
Tfk a Dublin paper some time since
was a biographical notice of Robes
pierre, which concluded as fol!ows
"This extraordinary man left no chil.
dren behind him, except his brother,
who was killed at the same time."
A3ERICA2T fiTf. A V A3 A??C2.
There is a simple phrase which
Americans have nit learned to utter
as easily and frankly as it is said in
Europe the concise words. 'I can't
afford it." I have heard persons of
an assured and generous income in
England, when ssked to spend a sum
in pleasure, not provided for in the
yearly expanse, say, 'No, I should
like it, bnt I can't afford it,' with an
ease and frankness impossible to Hie
ordinary American. Tho American
may confess to his family that this or
that expense is beyond .h. means,
but lie does aot like to own to his
neighbors that he "cannot afford it."
There is a lack in or rocietv of that
wimple dignity which rests on a posi
tion quite assured and beyond a
man's belongings, a position be does
not expect to rie above, nor sink be
low. I saw in ITormandy a pewant
farmer, a fine looking specimen of a
man, driving his great Norman horse
to market. Ho was dressed in a sort
of blouse made of blue linen which
he wore all the days. I thought he
was a laborer till he was pointed out
to me as a rich farmer with larje in
come. With true American instinct,
I said, 'Why does he dress like that?'
'That is the drejs of - a peasant pro
prietor,' said my friend. 'He is as
prdtid of hii blouse as the prieal is of
his robe, or the soldiers of his ani-
fortn, be wonld wear ao other.' "Sow
with us, where there is no class, or
grade or rank, ever body k desirous
to dress as weli as his neighbor, lest
in soma way he ia judged not his
neighbor's .equal. The consequence
is that nowhere i3 there greater ex
travagance in dress than in our cities.
It is oontagioaJC
Now, beautifal clothes are beauti
ful, like everything else that pleases
the eye and the taste if only we do
not sacrifice anything to extrava
gance, and if only we covid discover
that cost is not one of the laws of
artistic taste in drsas. And anything
is in bad t.".ste if it be beyond cur
Those who find their spring win
dow plants slow of growth, will find
it advantageous to fill the sneers un
der the pots with hot water twice a
week, until a quick lush gTowth has
been established. We have tned
the above for geraniums, cyclamens,
the narcissus and fosohia, and in
each case found it a valuable aid.
Frank James is undecided what
business he will go into when be is
aecquitted They want him to go
on the stage, but he thirka that his
popularity would only last one sea
son, and then he would be out of a
job. He is thinking strongly of go
ing either to Tennessee or Alabama,
and runuing for State Treasurer. He
argues that there is more money " in
it than there is in train robbing, and
he will not be compelled to muss up
the carpet by killing anybody. Be
sides there is no danger of being hung
if caught, and if h is caught he could
compromise and be a hero. He ra
ther inclines towards the treasmror
ship ot a State, or he may decide to
accept the position of a bank cashier.
Written prei'r tat ths Burnt by a lbrate! J
Kastera Sdeotbt.
A French chemiss proposM inoculating
ie -wbiuk with the phenol poison aa a
lroti;tiu from tie phylloxkra Hants thus
treated are sot attacked by the phylloxera.
auJ the inoculation process doe nos injure
.b Tinea.
Various means Iists been tried by the
soar planters of the West Indies to rsdi-.ce
.Urease the savages of rats, which cau3c
great damage in lbs cane-fieUa. The luoal
effect! rafc-d.jtvoyor htvt bsea ths inun
j;oo, a email Erst 1 alius animal. Niue
mnooes were intrsdnoed hits Jamaica in
1S72; sad tin ocesrti.ree so BnnltipUeri
that are now abnndaut throehooti
i.Iaal, with some prospect thai they i
tn feast eo At to become a pest tnetnselrcj.
At pretest it U atuaaied that thay Te
the plaiiUrs of the island more than
050 a year.
In the new work en the habits of animals
Mr. Arfchnr Nicola gire this observation on
the l-ivedmcee of the gaudy kiajr lor: "In
a few minutes he nV,T on to a tree ircll with
in ranje of the binocular, and shortly after
word a female j"xa9d him in answer to his
call. The swiao was ardent, the "l:n3el
coy, they flitted from branch to branch, and
wbeur.rer she perclred ha circled round her,
threw hiitiself underneath the branch, and
swsuig to and fro with oat-spread wings dis
playing the full glory of his scarlet brjjt.
In erery movement, whether ca the winy cr
awaying at the end of a bough, ho studied
to present in tbs inoct effective ininnarthe
brilliant adornments of his plumage. I
dj not think it possible for any ona who
had aeeu this little episode in bird lifo to
nAT8 resi.jied the e onclnaioa that the mile
was oonckoua of. his beautiful breast, and
km adopted the bo it rastho.1 of t'aovving it
by swinging himself beneath ths brasiL.-!:,
whence the female could look dowa and fcd
mire the display."
The jre-it herrinj fbheriss of Norway are
to be etudied from commercial standpoints,
by a government comniiasicner appointed
for that purpose.
Sijaor Pavesi has shown that diluted ni
tromuriatic, acid is an excallent preservative
agent, in which meat and other animal snb
Btauees may be kept anal tared for yars.
From a tab's prepared by Dr. Von Bogu
lawski to show the gretsst trustworthy
ocean soundings mada up to 1S32, it appaars
that the deepest water ws found in tiio
northern Pacific in 337-i, by oommander B .1
knap of tha Tasoarora. The depth rtcordo-1
was about five and one-third miles. In the
Japan Sea Commander Thompson of the
Challenger measured in 137."!, a d:pih of five
and one fifth in the North Atlantic Oom-
minder Nares of the Challenger reached, in
1S73, nearly five mile?; ad in ths Cam-
bean Svea Commander Bartlett of the Blake
mfcle Bounding of nearly four miles, in 1S30.
According to an assertion mide to the
French Academy of Seaenca by Mom Bouley
the Aiasrican pork imported into France
almost invariably contains trishiua.
The Bo tree of ths eacrsd city or Amara.
poora, in lurmah, is tne oi.lest trie 01
which nay records e.Tist. A stitomt,it
which Sir Jamss Emerson Tonasat shows
tobe well fonu led p!i.osit3 as 2.170
years, and references b-vbee to iir
in historic documents dating & far . hak as
1S2 A. D. Othar trees are believe 1 to be
oi ler, s;cr.n9s w Ainca ana iauornia
having a computed a;;e of 5,000 ys-rs, but
there is no certain evidence tliat 3ftch is the
A Frenchman hss discovered on the Afri
can coast a spider which spins a loag firm
web closely tesemh'ing yellow silk in ap-
pearancs and nearly equal to the products of
tho silk worm in tiuality. The new silk pro
ducer will KobaV.v Is iatrodacad into
Fivncs, experimeuii'ly at least.
Since 17S3, when the first balloon of the
Montgolfier btother aspeadeil iato the air,
ne eeateTtaJ ad vanes haa bien m.-vla toward
solution of the problem of aerial naviga
tion, although the century hss baen a period
of anprecsdented ecientific and mechanical
progress. Tiie barreuntas of results in this
field cannot be attributed to lack of inter
est or theorizing for the subject has received
much attention, a td we are now told that
luring 1SS I no less than tlO proposals, ra
ting principally to the steerage of balloons
were made to the Gorman Aeronautical aoci
ety, bnt none of these schomss offered sug
gestions likely to prove of any considerable
value. It ie not at a'l impoaaihlo, however,
that some coining Edison re.y aitaek the
problem in a practical wey atd show the
world something n;w about sailing through
the air.
A milk white raven has been placed in
the Berlin aaarinm. Except its strange
hues, including pale pink eyes and red Ie.
fc it like other ravens, and was taken from
a Wood of coal- black brothers and sisters.
Its appearance atthe aquarium caused a
panic of terror among the other birds, which
seemed to recognize the abnormal character
of their new companion.
(Written by a special correspondent.)
sinfposa ras wosieh wsrb tippleks
Yes, suppose they were ! Don't
you know that we the strong minded
portion of tbo human race we
men would m.ik the don;istio at
moaphers rather loo hot (or our
wived to live with us ? Every sejMtoh
of the district coorta would find an
roiy of enraged meu praying fir s
divorce, "'he fact i, the men would
not tolerate it. We eomoel the
women of our stats and nation to
sn bin it to a system of oppression that
if applied to our male popnlatton
.vould not only insure domestic rtip
Uirc but would lermioata in politico!
revolution even at the swords point,
liiiiik of our wres byinsr oat !al at
night, drinking, and carousing, com
ing borne drunk why one demon
stration of lids kind would make
most every married man in the hmd
go into iho demolishing as weli as the
abolishing btishieas. Men woniil
look at the drinking habit lrorn quitt
a difieronj stand point.
T ook here sir ! If you ttke liber
ties tliat you deny your wife, you are
so iar an overhcariiig tyrant. Who
invested you with ilia ri'jLi to prac
tice what is a recognized vie?, and at
the same time deny to your com
panion the same privilege. T:s
iji anted the rules of society on the
whisky br.sis dose. It is the woroeu
that holds the domestic circle and
mantains the purity of our 1'amHy
alters that too, right in tho ol
all the hell born license la"w9 that
have been conceived brought forth
and backed op by the superior wis
dom, intelligence ami high toned
molality of our legislators, state and
national. There are some startling
statistics from the pen of G. T. Stew
art that ought to furnish a pabulum
for reflection to any honest man:
It is estimated that within the last
fifty years, in the midat of all the
wonderful efforts and achievements
of the temperance reform, more than
A. F. AND A. M.
Corvallls LodSe, No. 14, A. F. and A. It , meets on
W eeueaday evoniuif, ou or preceding fuli moon
Rocky Lodifs, No. 75, A. V. and Jl. M.. , a
duday evcBiBf afwr full moon.
ft K. eaLKNAT. W. M.
R. A. M.
Teriruwa Chapter, No. 5, R. A H., bmcss Teaie-
daj eiei "cr on or yr;tdiiig full mooe.
K. OF P.
Valley Lodge, We. 11, K. of P., meets every Hon
-'wrrggADT.K.E.a- Y-k HYDic-c- -
t O. O. F.
Darnuni Lodga, No. 7, I. O. O. F. , metis every
uasdny evcuiDi'. T. C. Al.EXASOSS, R. G.
A. 0. V. W.
Friendship Lodge, Ne. 14. A. O. U. W., meeis first
j.ui third Xijar.ii:vTa in tnch month.
nree millions
ot Ame
rican cutsens
the iio.uor-
ln seyen mil I tons
For Sale.
For a lona time there Has- been in the
Gazbttx office an over abundant supply
of type and printing materhl sutScient in
many things to furnish a bountiful supply
to run about two such offices. We have
concluded to offer for sale all of our surplus
material which we do not need. Amonif
other things are the following: About 100
lbe. of long primer, lGi lbs. long primer
italic, inclnding upper and lower cases,
27 lbs. of another kind of long primer,
26 lba. bourgeois, about 50 lbs. brevier upper
and lower cases and italic, about 100 lbs
of minion includiug italic and upper and
lower cases, abwut 50 fonts of job, advertis
ing and p j-Ut type of all kinds and sizes.
oOlb. of 12 em leads and other sizes of
lefde andlu, two or three cabinets, col
am rulee, Jahe, and many other things
too numerous to mention. Any person
wishing to assort up or start anew, we can
furnish them many things they need on
reasonable terms. If parties desiring any
thing in the line of printing material will
drop us a postal cardrwe will take pleasure
in telling them whether we have what they
have been destroyed by
traffic, and mo
oi women s-'t etui'lien, noser our
vaunted flag of protection, have sent
ap their cries of want, and shame,
and woe, by the graves or murdered
husbands and fathers, to the protect
ing a-iit avenging uou ol the widow
and fjfclhcrhas. Every year a hun
dred thousand new victims are add d
to the sacrifice, and new cries from
broken hearts rnd bHglrteM'bomeago
up to heaven. And out of ail this
ocean of tears and blood the Gov
ernment flrafrs a yearlv rerenns of
over filly estitioiis of dollars. In
other words, the Government sells
the lives of its citicsns, in l!;e open
market, to its own chartered mur
derers, at about five hiindred dollars
a head. Looking at thess national
attars of human aaerifioe, smoking
witJi their slain hecatombs of a hun
dre.l iho'tsand a year, wo can see the
fearful reality oflbotj "tnost exter.
Svoe emh" predieted -Vy the father;
and then, tnrning to tlie pauper
houses, idiotio and insane asvinms,
j.)ili:, priK-in, per.iteptiarier, and gal-
lowses, trj wiifre crowded with
the wretch' d victims o! this infara!
tr j-Tie. we hear f.-om official reports
the old snd Oft told siory that more
than fouF-fifths of the ignorance,
vice, povertv, and crime of the naiion
flow from this 'pemieiouV " source.
And to this the vast pecuniary loss
to the people Bnj the rirolii:-tiTe in-
, c , " OMAined and e!i hnne?s in the!1. S. Patent rfiioe
dostry oi the coontry, estimated st', or i toeOourts attended w for MoiEHArE rti.s
;su"sn;i3 vtiiixniiSfs.
every s;ord and fourth Sabtmfia in ech month
attneCftiieif Cltaiiel, by the liev. T. t. BtMdmti.
ServieeafaeiiasatUa. s.,a:id(:S0 t h All ia
vited. PilF-SUTTKaiAN OnCP.CH.-HS!.lnr services
every Saibth Diomine and evening. Snaay
at the jloe of the morning Eerviee. Prayer
meotise:,U., eveDinj; t7 o'cloek. Public cor
i.aiiy imitcd. H. P. DCNNtNG.
EVANGELICAL CHURCH-Servicee regularly ev-;-ry
;u,hbvtii monii'i :md evening, unleaa otherwise
annoaneed. Sunday ?choo! at 3 r. a. each Shbatii.
Prayer meeting every f,uniy tt 7 r. k. The
;ubii cordially iuvitud
Kiv. J. Bowseaex, Castor.
M. (i CHl'nCn Tliere wiil be r"'.ic servicel at
the M. K. Church every abbuth at 11 o'clock i l the
norninjr. Sabbath school a; 3 o'clock each Sabbath.
Prayer meeting We Inday evening at 7 o'clock.
M. E. CHUHCH bOU Til Scrvic ta every fia'obath
at 11 a. m. and 7 r. jc. . at the college choiiei. Sunday
cnoe) at 9:30 a. h. Prayer meetiug FriuAy evenim;
at 7 o'clock. Public cordisliy Invited.
J."li. It. BF.LL, Pastor.
WHY WILL YOTJ convfa wlen Sl.iloh'i Cvso will
give immediate relief Price 10 eta ta cie. and 1
At T. Crb:n.
"EACKMETACIC," lfistlntf an t fragrant perfume.
lri'2 1 and 5j cents. Sold st T. Graitarn'M.
ELEEPLESS NIGHiS, iraiie iirable ! y that
terrible coujrU. bhiloii'i cue is l-fauy for you. tJoid
byT. Graham.
CATARRH CURED, hcilth !-d svreet brfath rm
urt;d by Snuoh's CVtrrh ilenedy. F?icc W cents,
:r1 injeceo.- iree. Sold t. T. Grahcu's, Corvallia
to ie mm ,1! Flinty
Those SufTering from D-jbility,
Nervous Prostration, Loss of
Vitality, Soxual Innrmitie3,
Etc., Etc.
solTrtrrog from SEXUAL AJiO HKBTO'JS Ci;:
I'LAlNTi l a physician v.ho can con-iprehecd thir
ailmcnta r.nd snceeKinn treat them.
The general pcactKienef i: nti aufStre&tij ek'.'le
in thc-c ctassen cf troti'les to do ec ad it b
left to th.-'Ml'r.cIALlST. who fcy educatinu. Ion
practice, thorough hjioledse and coiujircbcafciv
iniud, is prepaid to cure th-m.
d;?. j. c. Ysyna
Ojiencd his no7 celebrated Institute in 1850 for ihe
pnrpoee of afltoding the aiilii.'tod the c-ritint.v of
Bonorabie and skillful trc-atr.ient and j-.eriict "and
:er.n'ient restoration, and lor ivyr 30 year, it has
sustained the Sr.-t ra'i!: i,ot'only u;xn this taaat but
throi&oot the ciyir'iil oTld.
I am rv-.vare t:irt hvfl'Aeliine npoa so uninvitin
subject, aa the DECAY oF'SKSCAL ViOOfi.
gnorant may asperse my n,otive.
tilt t?.';-U-s ie iiifovia tioso elta r cbIT
tag tfe.-pch Ijfiiwanset er h sj a
t tff.f'j'i iif mini ef tuut'ipv&sp. that tm
ra:i re s42, i-re KS o.tif Irtfi ry!a' tb
elves lo an H::!!,T?r ftrare, but givin
Bcxual weakness as ftn iuheritance to future geneia
toxm, is toogxeataii incentive to cic to be
s vxrixitom s.
crreMEST, variahlk temp;- , tkemulino,
EST PARTICULAR you cr s'cCcri:: frsai the
'.ml should not hesitate to eeck a. enca aselih and
h:.l'ii;r!e.H ic'T cure.
Exsnatvei Trg(SM Esstilis
You are ATieclelly tfeh'e to eoSedrig from NBUV
OBS PROSlhATimf. Ail yr.jtr peeelhir eemplpinte
'e a-'rvcw in their orivlii and hence ronr eurferings
rc trmi'lj dc'?e?.sin- or biexfrefoiy keen. The
'o.tor In hes researehdi and pfectiee of RjZhVOVS
Tit.-UiiLL h.s jo-.':; your org?nhBtkn a epeela
study nti I thsi-. enaoiea from his ex;n;r:eoca and
enowtedge t airl i?rd cure y.u in any of the
TffiuiEVa, tTiif.8is !, !:',,..---. i. . i Hal-
fnlii. t m-.- h ivm ait :.! .'
Ary-on wdl find in 11 petor a friend upon
whom you cai ic'y lor eovafett, d and enre.
Ur. Vomis' r'i;i5e etsS?eiis 5sae
'trcd a reHiht!oa Ur erHcicrcy noenalted bv
any Eoedictne or Medtad prescription ever offered.
Tlit-yca.i ti? e- trt by orcxj.res.
Thcde dc:sir;:itr pertnl euro and attcation caahara
ail necessary aeeoi&sodalSainj furuiahed.
- o
Thoe irho cann "t visit the city can by ftlvinr tl
symptoms m rieir n way, receive ?ltce, ana irh
d &T.i, triatn.ent at hoii,a with ofry Ksmrance
a cure.
Bfi. J. C. YC?i8,
Kctitca! Infi.7rte,
. 1 SiMXtesSt.
San Francisco, Feb. 21, 1832.
over n thousand Djiilioasaf dollars a
Real Estate Agency.
I have some erv de-iraM-) vropertj on ths for
ale in lots from 13 t; 237 acres. &rm ot th!s Is
earths O P. R. U. jjOmlPUa re"sor:i v-shiny to
invest nil: da MI to cU n me when prioci sr ren,
salable. A.dilre-33 Tvith stamps to pre pvy p- stiv-e.
I'.. A Ba.vssll
New tar- Benton County Or.,
"It is not wealth, or fame, or otata,
Cut get up and git that makes me great."
is still sitting on the smoothe side of poverty
drawing ont the corils of affliction in
behalf of his ohl customers, where
lie keeps constantly on hand
a full supply of
h 1 Harness, Saddles, Bridles.
Rob2S, Spuria, Sponcrea, Harness Oil. Blan
kets, Hobbles, Nose Bags, Cinches, Harness 55
Soap and everything that is kept in a first j M Jj
class harness store.
We a-e orT'orie tlie IT. a Patent Ofltee, enyairfrd in
rATCNT UU31XES3 EXCLl'BiVr.l.T, and can ob
tain peients in leo tigis tiian thois rcaiats from
Whan uicJcl or drawinec ii sent we advlas as to
patontabiittv free of charge; attd we make NO
Cit AKt-'b lijTLKSS WE OiiVAIN l'ATLN'T.
KwcfiT, h'rff. to fiil'o-t slasttfr, the upt. of the
JfotieV Order Div., and W odicisls (4 the U.S. 1'atent
Oftice. Furcircalar, advice, terms, and reference to
actual clients in your ownstate and county, address,
CV A. SNOW & Co.,
19 -S Opuosito Patent OSlce, Washington,!). C
Carriage Trimmings 1 Eepalrln;' Done on
& Specially. I Sliort Notice.
Call and see for yonrself before buying else
wliere, at the old stand, opposite
the express office.
Corvaliis, Oregon.
C fi
V f - Tl
& S Vv aSifeav
g WMSs
5 -. i
1 o
LaJ s -i
A a o
f wselc In your own to.s. Trn' and ft") :
4 ;. Aiidrwi si Iia3.i Co., fo.-ilaW
AHS TOU MADE MUerhl by IaUest!, Cso
' a, piss;DA?, Le&s taf Anpectte, Yslioe- Slis 1
Shiiolt'a 7iiall4r w a i. u. cwi al T.
toman of last year vitarxrt .ie.W. TTiiniKiIss
a-j :-m J? i-uck. m ui4nMi.a. sssms, ermuete
D7M. FERRY 0O. Birnmr Mwrt
cient, a ieciftc fr Hjst-i, Pitthum. Con vol -s.oiid,
Nerratw H-iftlif HenWI Drftin, Loss
ol mmsi9Tjt Spsmit-tcri. ImttiT, la voluntary
emimtonB prvntUure ;d age, unii hy over
exi;n.itia, SmttiAeM r cr-iislfec;, which leads
to miorj, decay r.d Acafuu Vx wQ oure r
cefct eawrx K jb hn cor.j ri KntkB treat
mpA; ob dfiaf a t;x, r six Wxes Icr lv del
Imra; at V7 wimR frspaid rw.ip f prite. W
j.iArs-tf? nix Wx k cr ay ctwe. V. , a each
onler rctri by iw f-r mx Iju-, a4m:ianied
with 2t ckInt, w will itJ ih ur; sauer vjt
in sad
WOjii&P,'9IATtX CO.,
WhalraaU van Iteteil Drsfiti8t, Partial 0.-fya
Orders by jr.sii at rc-yular iplfai It iH y 1
Front Street,
Tvre doers bs;'.h or the Vincent Honss
Repairing and Cleaning at moderate Ptices.
Druggist and Apotiieaiy,
pins, m, umm mm eus, putty, mm
A full linTst G'oks, Statione'y and Wall Paper. Oi r drags are irpek so5
selected. ' Packer! st.iouft Com c i.ndf.l jt ;vH hours. 10-27t1
Wheat and otiier Grain Stored on the bi'st of lermsby
I m
Farmers will do vrcll to call on m? bsfore mj.king arransrerTients elscalero
Dealers in Shelf and Hesvj
i s
. I siiTTli si VBiM ef seaanssl
a :
- B-dr
f E s f W " I
Stoves sn TSnwars, Zhic Stove .po, CranKa ward
Etc., Etc.
j t-T. tr. m
Latest IiapreTed. MmM &L Ct ti, Xsrket.
LhiiwLj rl Ih-.J u; LluulJ nCtfUrufoiLill Juyj ,au5a,u I
Prices aa ovi aa &r-y houzo in the St&ta.
-A.11 Goods Warrant-
s Hersrefntfcl.
V Employ none but
Hod WorK m 32
Affd oraiU tst.isfiet: in all Job Work, it you want bo);k' i r
line uos't fail t ecskS aa.i ezaa.imeoeF gooda ad ri
Oity StallesiBaily Stase Line-
THOS. EGrltIN", - - FroiDrietor.
UniSipd 8aM .H st a
t r.ou
Corvallis to Albany
! For the nnjiiri fviur years w teT CorviTl;. ch
irtornirjjr at 8 o'clock, r.rriainif iD Albany abrst iff
o'etock, nd will (tart from JUbMSJ at 1 c'clack in tfctr
afternoon, returnifisr to Cr?aois Jihcut 8 o'clock
This line will I a -irtpurwi w:th fod xtta otid car
cul drivar and nica . . : v and
For ths accommodation ef the
19 27jl
On the Coraei W tt of tko Engine Eonse
I ; n bDl.ttr thaa ercr prepared to w 1 ' - Ka
kmp hj .
At Reatonable Bats.
tV Particular attention jrirsn to Boerdlns; Horsssj
norsss iourn an: aula or r-xctaugeu.
BssBfiejBBl anm i
H0 era Wpa Bi
is tB mm stiia aSMi i
3 is
Farm, Freight and Spring1 Wagons,
And T cnnnalnsr oarseltes tiTlstij to one elnss o wrS; I.t eweloyiBg asm ket Ue
CJf V6KK.nlta, using neihte? hot WK3T-CLASS Uf ?JCO VKM K At Jtttt a Ike VT
BSTof SBLKCTJD TlMPR, and by a TauSUCail KNOWlJal0 ot Ihe baslness, we ar
Easily earneu the repulatioa of m&kla
lisonf acts r rs hare abollrfjed the werrsaty, bat A?eete saay, ea Usir m reaasweftlllty, gtT
the t ollowleg warranty wilk each wajoa. If se agreed :
We iferebr Warrant the riSH BROS. WAC.OX Wo b. well jMg3g
elarand of rool mascriai, sad that the strength of the same is sufletent In all work with Mr
Siag" Snofid any b'eakaVe eoesr within oee year from this date by reason of decti.e wlerlai
or workmanship, repairs for ths eases will be furnished at plaee of sale, fr of Ctitgt ot th
Frtee ofMla repairs, as per agent's price list will be paid U esan by the purebaeer r9daes.e,
MmnU nf rh firnkan ar ,icfa :tive oarts am eridence.
Knowlne.w. mm ,dt yon, we elicit patroef e from sry seeMonrf tt. Wnlbsd States.
sex rneea ana i-erats, earn ios a w?; i 'S mmhmm7mTtm
I'lfllttsskshsn -r gstattaaksl v BBsssta ttm&Omm L '