The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, March 30, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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    MS Ti
Sttccklu CoruaUm (tatte.
THIS PAPER ss: p. ts&rs:.
Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce street),
where aUvoftiaintf contracts may be made for it in
Is York, at not less than our regular ad. rates.
Short announcement of deaths published free.
When aeioniiMUiied by an extended notice reso-
lmions five cents nerline will be charged. A poetr;
published by request will be ehargeC for at the rate
vi nve cents per line.
First class clocks just received by P. P.
For the best pocket knives go to WiD
The McCulla passed here yesterday morn
ing on her way up the river.
Town property and arm land for sale or
trade. Inquire at the Gazette office.
An unusual amount of business has been
before the erand jury this term of court.
Legal blauks furnished at this office on
short notice at leas than San Francisco
Go to August Knight's ons of the best
workmen in the State and buy your funiture
and bedding.
At Will fero's. you can get most any kind
of fish hooks, lines, or rods you want; go
and see for yoursell.
Your place to buy the cheapest and best
harness and saddles in the valley is at S. A.
Hemphill's well known stand.
The O. & C. R. R. Co., ifre advertising
for men and teams to work on the southern
extension and are offering good wages.
It is expected that not les3 than 5,000,
000 will le expended in new buildings in
Portland and Albina the coming summer.
Our city is unusually well filled this week
occasioned by- the session of the circuit
court and our hotels are filled to overflow
ing. The dance loving portion of Philomath
are going to indulge in mirth and mu3ic on
the 6th of the coining month in Ki3or's new
E. C. Vanghan has a nicely assorted
stock of groceries, crockery, and glassware
for sale on the best and most reasonable
The water at Spokane Falls descends, in
about half a mile 137 feet, in three jumps,
C7 for the upper, 70 for the lower and 10 for
tho rapids below.
Onr farmers who have cattle for Bale will
find a ready market these days as the
country is being scoured with purchasers
offering fair prices.
On and after April 2 the west side divis
ion will put on another passenger train, to
be run between McMinnville and Portland,
and will make the round trip daily.
A Mr. Wickersham has taken the posi
tion of conductor between here and Port
land in the place of Mr. Cnnsor who leaves
in a few days to take a like position up on
the Northern Pacific.
The show windows in C. H. Whitney'd
new store have been tastily arranged with a
fine display of goads whih gives that end
of the city a business appearance.
The OR N Co. will put on another
steamer to ply l.etween San Francisco and
Portland about the first of the month, as
the three now in use are not equal to the de
mand. Travel to the bay is quite brisk and the
mail carrier has to do some tine figuring to
get tham all over there without using extra
teams as the roads are very bad since our
recent rains.
Laban Sanders who was indicted by the
of a steer as charged in the indictment and
to-day (Friday) at 10 o'clock the"judge will
pass seutence.
We keep constantly on hand at this office
a large lot and variety of stationery letter
heads, bill heads, envelopes, and papers of
different kinds which we furnish at the
lowest possible prices.
Next Saturday the Monmouth boys are
expected up here to contest in a game of
base ball with the college nine of this place.
If the weather will permit the game will be,
quite interesting and hotly contested.
The Brush electric light is an assured fact
so far as Portland is concerned. Nearly
100 lights have been contracted for in the
business portion of the city. The lights
will be bright'y shining here before long.
Merry Mason the fine Clideslale Stalion
will stand the season of 1883 at Sol King's
stable in Corvallis, Benton county Oregon,
3 days out of each week commencing April
5th 1883. D. Grusos, Owner.
Max Friendly shipped to Portland yes
terday two car loads of ash lumber, this be
ing the first shipment of the season. Mr.
Friendly intends king an extensive busi
ness in this line this season both in the.
shipment of ash and maple.
Since our issue of last week, under the
head of Newport Items, wherein was stated
that a slight fire in the Irvin housi was evi
dently the work of an incendiary we have
since learned that such was not cor
rect but it was the result of accident.
In the report of the condition of grain
published ia the Commercial Herald a farm
er of 37 years experience writes from Ban
ton county that he is of tho opinion that
with the land in good condition crops will bo
very good and the yield larger than last
Ben Johnson, the Indian who has graced
the inner walls of the county calaboose for
the past eight or ten months awaiting trial
both for larceny and murder, was cleared of
the former charge during the week, but will
continue to be a guest of the county unti.
the charge of murder has been disposed of
The initial number of the Commercial
Herald, published at Portland, has been
received this week, and if the first issue
way be considered a criterion of its future
indeavors we bespeak for the newspaper un
bounded success. It is an eight pige, five
column weekly, filled with commercial facts
Mid figures.
Hamilton Boyd of Portland died last
Saturday. Ho was at ene time Mayor of
' John W. Moore Jr. , is announced as a
candidate for the office of city marshal, a$
the coming election.
A banquet was recently given at Portland
;n honor of the expected departure of J. W.
Whaley to Europe.
We regret to chronicle the illness of Mr.
Xengass who has been confined to his bed
for the past few days.
I have used Oregon Blood Purifier for
neuralgia, it coolod my blood and nerves At
once. Mrs. Ansa Smith.
The Occident took on 500 sacks of wheat
and a like amount of oats at Cauthorn's
wharf on last Tuesday.
Smallpox is prevailing in many cities up
on the sound and the people of Walla Wslla
have quarantined themselves agaiust many
of the infected places.
The weekly Northwest Neat since being
enlarged to twelve pages is much improved
and bears the appearance of that energy
which leads to success.
Wells, Fargo k Co. won their suit against
the O. .R. & N. Co. This will prevent the
Northern Pacific Express Company from
monopolizing the business.
Mr. yimoa L. Kline, of this city, having
returned from San Frau . isco recently where
he purchased a large an! jvcll selected stock
of general merchandise f jr the the firm ot L.
G. Kline & Co., of this place, which has
beeu arriving for several days. Their spring
stock will be complete in about one week
hence and they invite all their old lnends
and patrons as well as many new ones to ca'j
and partake thereof on the most reasonable
From Scotland.
Mr. George Rate, wife, two sons and a
daughter, arrived on the last steamer. They
left Scotland on the 2d of ?.arch, arriving
in Portland on the 26th itist. Mr. K-ite will
take charge of the famous Armstrou farm
in Yamhill county, and the Coon farm in
Marion county, eiuht miles south of Salem.
Mr. R. is a man of large experience in farm
ing in Scotland, and will doubtless prove to
be a useful citizen to Oregon.
Gone to Salem.
The Salem Statesman has the following to
say regarding one of Benton's old and re
spected citizens: Jii'lge C. E. Moore and
wife, of Benton county, moved to our city
on yesterday. They have taken charge of
the Snowden house just east ot the Uni
versity campus, and will on the 16th of
April open the Blind school. The Judge
and his family will make valuable additions
to Salem society, and will make very effi
cient managers of the school for the unfor
tunate blind.
Limbs of toe Law.
Attorneys in attendance upon this pres
ent term of Circuit Court at this place are
th" presiding Judge R. S. Bean of Eugene
City, Prosecuting attorney, E. G. Hursh of
Roseburg, Judges R. S. Straan, L. Fiinn,
W. R. Bilyen, L. H. Montaney and "J. J.
Whitney of Albany, W. S. Hufford of
Newport, and resident attorneys Judges
John Burnett, John Kelsay, W. S. McFad
den, J. R. Bryson, E. Holgate and H. W.
Keesee, J. W. Bayburn, F. M. Johnson
and M. S. Woodcock. Wo regret to state
that the health of Judge F. A. Chenoweth
who has been in attendance for so many
years is so poor that he is unable to be in
attendance upon the active work of the
court, although heis in town.
During the last week . says the Salem
Statesman, the firm of Williams & England,
of this city, have sold two farms, one of
over 700 acres, belonging to Mr. David
Belaney, to Mr. J. R. Dickenson; the other
was the farm of K. E. Piyne, to Mr. J. W.
Hodsoo. The price paid in both cases was
$40 per acre ceh. Mr. Dickenson is from
the hop yards of Puyallup Valley, W, T.,
and it is his intention fo plant 100 acres to
bops. Being a practical hop-grower he
knows whereof he sre;iks, and he s iys that
the lands he has bought are equal to the
best for hop culture, and he is of the opin
ion that no better country can be found,
and that the development of this resource
is yet in it3 infancy. Mr. Hodson will also
plant a larje acreage in hops. It would
therefore appear that the hop "boom" has
struck Marion county as well as Lane.
Aaotior fToirn on tee Hirer.
The Standard says: W. O. Allen, E. S.
McComas and G, W. Sayers have purchased
a tract of over 400 acres of land, situated on
the Oregon side of the Columbia, about
three-quarters of a mile above Kalama, ex
tending along the river from the foot of
Deer island to Tide creek, on which they
purpose locating a city, to be called Lemore,
They expect that the landing of the monster
ferry of the N. P. R. R. will bs at that
place, and that when the road from this
city is completed to that point,, many deep
water ships will be loaded there. There is
plenty of water in front of their town site,
the main ship channel being only about
sixty feet from the shorOvthere.
Vomited up a Live Lizard.
For some time past James Kelly, a brake-
man on the East-side train, says the Sunday
welcome, has been suffering with internal
pains that almost distracted him and have
defied the best doctors and all the drug
stores in town to cure. On Tuesday ho
was taken with a violent fit of vometing,
and after a very severe effort threw into
the vessel in front of him a live lizard, fully
two inches long. How the reptile found its
way down Mr. Kelly's throat is a mystery,
but it is supposed to have come from drink
ing the stale water kept in the alleged
"coolers" on tne train, Kelly swallowing
the unwelcome tenant in embryotic shape.
The Statesman of the 22ud says: United
States District Attorney J. F. Watson was
married yesterday to Mrs. A. Kinney, of
Salem, iq Portland. Both parties arc well
known and have a great many warm ner-
son'al friends throughout the State and are
very 'popular. The weddioff was Drivate
and unostentatious.
Resolutions of Respect.
Resolutions reported by the committee
and adopted by the Corvallis Lodge No. 14
A, F. and A. M. , at a stated communication
held on the 21st day of March 1883,
Whereas, It has pleased God in his all
wise Providence to remove from our mi-1st
by death our W. M. and brother, John Kee
see and feeling it to bs our duty that we
owe to our departed brother to give this last
tribute of respect to his memory. Therefore
be it
Resolved, That in the death of our brotiier
John Keesee this lodge has lost its head;
and this lodge and the masonic fraternity
universally an active, zealous and energetic
member, his family a kind andaffeet:onate
husband and father and the community a
generons, upright and useful citizen.
Resolved, That while we fully realize that
no words of symnhathy or condolence which
v.e can exprens will compensate for or re
place the great loss his family has sustained
by the death of our brother yt w can as
sure them that his memory will bo fondly
cherished in tho breasts of his brethren.
Resolved, That those resolutions be copied
in the minutes of the lodge, a duly authen
ticated copy thereof be furnished to the
family of our deceased brother aud a copy to
each of the newspapers in the town with a
request to publislT (Signed)
E. Holgatk.
Thos. E. Cauthorn, Con.
J. Sanoehs,
Fishing Wheal.
The fish-wheel, we learn from an ex
change, for scooping np salmon during the
high water of spring, which was so success
ful last year as a fiBli destroyer, ia to be
atrain used this season on the Columbia,
ouly on a larger scale. Last year, in one
day and night, 4,000 lbs. of salmon were
scooped up and thrown upon the shore.
The wheels are built with plank paddles,
on projecting rock, so that the water run
mug down and striking them sets the wheel
to revolving. Within the wheels are placed
two large net scoops which catoh the sal
mon when coming up stream, whirl them
around and then dump them inte chute
boxes arranged for their reception on the
shore. The wholesale destruction by this
method will soou depopulate this stream of
the noble salmon and to prevent this possi
bility there should be some law passed to
restrict or do away with the wheel.
A Horrible Deatn.
Just as the steamer. State of California,
was leaving the wharf at Astoria, yesterday
morning, a deck-hand named Youman, on.
the tug Gen. Miles, stood on the tag as the
State of California was backing to get out.
The steamship was moving stern on toward
the tug and came near p . collision with it.
Youman sprang on the rail of the tug with a
fender to prevent damage. The collision,
which was sudden, but not violent, jarred
him off, and he fell into the -water right
where the great propeller of the steamship
was churning the water at a fearful rate,
and the man -disappeared. Dragging was
commenced immediately. Two hours after
the grappel hooked on to the body. It had
evidently been suskej under by aud gone
through the State's propeller. There were
several gashes in the head, the neck was
broken, one arm and one leg were broken,
and the other arm was torn from its socket.
Youmans was an Englishman aged 30. He
was a steady, industrious man and worked
a long time for Brown & McCabe, steve
dores in Portland and Astoria.
Extensive Eon Interests.
An exchange says: A short time ago we
stated that .an expert searcher had" been
looking up the title to the property in the
forks of tha Santiam aud the Willamette;
that 1000 acres would be purchased and set
out for a hop yard. Since then deids from
different owners of property ia that place
have been made out to Robert Bell, of Port
laud and the purchase price handed over. The
prica per acre ranges from ten to forty dol
lars. Instead of 1000 acres, 2100 acres will
be purchased, making this one of the largest
hop yards in the northwest. Already some
of the hops have been set. It is said that
this neck of land is peculiarly fitted for hop
raising on account of its moist condition,
the overflow of the 'rivers putting it in
splendid condition for hops.
Cocs Bay Improvements.
Col. Thomas Beale came up this week
from the Coqnille country to attend to bus
iness here in Roseburg, say3 the Plalndealer.
He reports time lively in Coos. He says
that great preparations are being made for
extensive logging this season, and that
there will be no less than three frailroads
built this summer in Coos, one by Mr.
Flanagan from Coal Bank slough to Isth
mus slough, one by H. H. Luse 4 Co. from
Sumner to Coquille City and the third by
the Dureu Bros, from Isthmus slough into
the timber for a distance of about one and a
quarter mile. They propose to' use steel
rails in the construction of these roads and
make permanent things out of them.
Els Body Snatched.
A convict in the states prison lately sent
up, died suddenly in that institution last
week and was buried the following day.
The circumstances of his death, it seems,
caused some suspicion of curiosity, and an
examination was determined upon by the
medical attendants of the penitentiary. Bat
on opening the grave it was found to be em
pty. The presumption is that the students
of the medical department of the city avail
ed themselves of this opportunity to secure
a desirable subject.
Seal Pishing.
Seal fishing bids fair to be a paying busi
ness off Cape Flattery this year, says the
Port Towseud Arjus, as the run is lsrge
and the number of schooners ia that trade
is limited. The largest catch so far thia
winter for a single trip was made by the
schooner Mist, Capt. Win, Bogart twenty
nine seals in a day and a half, with but two
KRAPE-HORNING At the Evangelical
parsona.-e, on Wednesday, March .23,
1883, by the Rev. A. Krecker. Mr.
Samuel K-rapi of Portland, Or., and Miss
Cyntlia AHorning of Corvallis, Of.
"fnute Elephant" Potato.
Corvallis, Or., March, 26, 1883.
Mb. Editor: P'ease allow me to invite
the attention of farmers to a new variety of
potatoes. The Agricultural College has
carefully tested th "White Elephant."
About two years ago, J. M. Thorburs, a
seedsman of New York, sent ono potato to
the college, to bs tested. The yield was
large. Seeds have bean distributed among
farmers, and the field- and quantity havs
been quite satisfactory. The potato is
loag, large, smooth, and white. Flavor ex
cellent. A limited quautity for seed can be
obtained from Mr. Wm. Crees, a farmer
living near Corvallis. From all accounts,
this is one of the very best varieties in cul
tivation; aud I should like for it to be more
extensively tested in different parts of the
county and state.
Very respectfully,
B. J. Hawtbobx.
Commutes Ksatte;.
All paraooa appointed by tba ohurches,
Sabbath schools sad temperance organisa
tions of Corvallis for tha purpose of organ
izing a County Temperanca Allianca ara
hereby notified that there will bo a meeting
of said committee at the Evangelical church
on next Monday evening April 2nd at 7
o'clock. Every member of the committee
is earnestly requested to be present.
T. V. B. Embreb,
C. H. Whitjiet, Sec.
Tamperaasa Meeting.
Pursuant to a call issued by Corvallis
Lodge L O. G. T. and the W. C. T. U. of
Corvallis, the public assembled at the City
hall on last Friday evening, the 23rd inst,
for the purpose of taking into consideration
the-orgauizrtion of a County Temperance
The meeting was called to order by Dr.
T. V. B. Einbree who also acted as charman
of the meeting. C. H. Whitney was ap
pointed secretary.
After singing by the choir ths meeting
was opened with a prayer by Rev. H. P.
Dr. J. R. Bayley being called for respond
ed m a. short address stating the object of
the meeting as being in coraDliance with the
resolutions passed at the late session of the
Oregon State Temperance Alliance urging
upon temperance people the importance of
thorough organization and recommending
the organizatian of County Alliances to be
subordinate to the Stte Temperance Alli
ance as the best means of effective orgaciza
tion. On motion of Mr. J. W. Will a com
mittee on the organization was ordered ap
pointed; this committee to have full power
to organize an Alliance, appointed commit
tee issue a call for a general session, and t
make sueh other arrangements as the com
mittee might deem necessary.
In compliance with the requirement of
the above inotiou the chairman appointed
the following named persous to serve on said
Presbyteriaa church, Dr. J. R. Bayley.
" S. S. Mr. E. C. Taughan.
M. E. church, south, Mrs. J. A. Cauthom.
" S. S., Mr. Andrew BachaDan.
Evangelical church, Mr. A. F. Hesschner.
" S. S., Mr. Emeroy Allen.
Episcopal church, Mr. Wallis Nash.
" S. S., Mra Wallis Nash.
Christain church, Miss McFadden.
M. E. church, north, Mr. Starr.
S. S., Mr. J. W. Williams.
Baptist church, MUs Emma AHphin.
W. C. T. U.' Mrs. Lewis Wil3on.
h O. G. T., Dr. T. V. B. Embreo.
On motion of Dr. Bayley it was votod that
the chairman of this meeting bs authorized
to issue th-j call for the meeting of the
The meeting was then favored with select
readings by Mrs. Terwillijer, Miss Willard
and Miss Emma AHphin.
Misses Lulu Miller, Nellie Simmons and
Georgia Vincent entertained the meeting by
singing some temperance solos which were
highly applauded.
The call for ten minutes speeches was re
sponded to by Rev's . Mr. Dunning, Wol
verton and Bell, who expressed themselves
as gratified to note the interest manifested
in the meeting and predicted good results as
sure to reward the efforts of the people in
the work of reform.
Mrs. Dennick being present was invited to
address the meeting but declined upoa the
ground that she was not present represent
ing any church or4te;nperaac society. At
this junction and as thoffgh it Vere necessary
that no break should occur in the proceed
ings, little Edie Belknap came forward and
favored the meeting with a reaitation which
was delivered in splendid style and was
loudly app'auded.
The thanks of the mesting are due to
Misses Hays, Gingles, Willard, Parsons,
Thompson and McFarland - and to Messrs
Will. Brock, Bell and Herschner, for music
furnished for the occasion.
Yagulna Bay Items.
(Pickings from the Post.)
The citizens expect to have an excellent
school under way before many weeks.
Vast flocks of brants have filled the air in
and about the Bay with their mellifluous
cries during the week.
Flounders are very plentiful and large
this season. Oystervillo seems to be the
favorite grounds for this excellent fish, and
many pounds are caught there every day.
The Bay is full of herring. Mr, Bryant
caught a long string of them on Tuesday
with no other aid than his bare hands. A
man with a scoop net can catch barrels of
them in a short time. This is the boss place
for fish.
We are informed that new and convicting
evidence has been obtained, within the past
few days, in the Hutchinson-McKee mur
der case, and the fact was tolag' aphed to
the district attorney.
Thania. ,
We take this opportunity of extending
our thanks to the friends who so kindly as
sisted in the last sickness of our mother,
Rachael Pitman late deceased.
Etta Witham, '
Oliver Witham.
Tho School for tho Blind.
The school for the education of the blind
will be opened in the city of Salem, on
Monday, April 16th, 18S3. and continue in
session eight weeks, at the expiration of
which time it will ba closed for the summer
J The school will bs re-opened, for the first
term of the regular school year, on Monday,
September 3, 1883.
Mrs. E. J. Dawno, former principal of the
school, has been employed as principal
tescher fir the first term. In securing the
services of Mrs. Dawne. the success of the
educational department is assured. The
necessity for a practical, energetic, experi
enced and earnest teacher to occupy the re
sponsible ,and perplexing position of princi
pal teacher in the school for tie- blind is ap
parent. The loss of vision renders the task of in
structing, disciplining and governing a most
laborious work. Should tha number of
pupile, daring the first term, be so large as
to require aa additional teacher, aa efficient
one will be provided.
A competent music teachar will ba em
ployed. Pupils will be received at the boarding
hall as early as April 12th. It is earnestly
requested that all who can make it con
venient to attend during the opening term
wilLbe present at the soove time.
The school will be held ia the Snowden
building, a large and commodious house,
located at the corner of State and 12th
streets, in this city. Pupils who expect to
attend the school are requested to provide
themselves with articles for the toilet.
The superintendent, matron, and the
teachers of the school, will endeavor to ex
ercise a constant and kindly Care over all
pupils committed to their charge.
All persons, in the State, desiring further
information in regard to the school will ap
ply in person or by letter to the superin
tendent. All communications will be
pramptly anewsred. Southern and Eastern
Oregon papers please copy.
C. E. Moor, Superintendent.
Salsm, Or., March 16, 1883.
Remaining unclaimed in the Postoffice at
Corvallis,. B-?nton County, Oregou, Friday
Mar. 30, 1383. Peraous calling for the same
will please say "advertised," giving date of
the list.
Lines' list.
Allen, Sarah, Jessi-, Belle
Stanley, Haley Moore, Mrs. G. W.,
Good, J. B.,
Patty, Wm.,
Montgomery, W. E.,
Launders, Laban
ST. R. Barbs, P. M.
C. J. Bishop vs Oregon Pacific Railroad
Company, demurer to complaint sustained
with leave to plaintiff to amend complaint.
Otto Fox vs Wm. B. Stout judgment for
plaintiff by default for.176 Gland $20 at
torneys fees.
. A. Horning vs Oregon Pacific Rail
road Company demurer to complaint over
ruled with leave to defendant to answer.
Price Bros, vs J. W. Allen judgment by
default forplaintiffs for the sum of $99 47
and order to sail attached property.
M. S. Woodcock vs Bafiley Marlett and
Burns judgment by default favor of plsintifi
for $51 33 and costs and order for aalo of
attached property.
Alonzo Case vs Wm. Bagley judgement
by default for $329 favor of plaiaiiff and
order for sale of attached property.
Job vs Oliver judgment by default for
plaintiff for 60 and ten dollars attorney
fee and order for sale of attachsd property.
W. P. Smith vs Rachael Smith decree for
divorce in favor of plaintiff.
N. B. Avery ve. Puuderaon Avery et al
report o!referees confirmed oa petition for
partition of real property.
Daniel Hathaway vs James H. Crain et al
decree for foreclosure of mortgage for the
sum of $1011.40 and decree for sale of real
W. O. Palmer vs Usury Baldwin et al
Confirmation Of sale.
State of Oregon vs Laban Sanders and
Eliza Sanders jury returned into court ver
dict finding defendant Laban Sanders guilty
as charged in the indictment of the larcency
of a steer the court fixed Friday morning
March 30th, at 10 o'clock as the time to
pass sentence.
State of Oregon vs Thomas Kyniston in
dicted for tha . crime of assault to commit
rape afterwards arrango-i and defendant
took hi3 day to plead.
Julia A. Allen vs J. W. Allen dismissed
on motion of plaintiffs attorney.
Ellen Humphrey vs Albert Humphrey
H. W. Kee3ee appoi uted Referee to report
law an 1 facts.
Adolph Taisell vs Robert Swabolt motion
and demur overruled.
Adam Wilhelm vs William C. Woodcock
and Sol King demurer to complaint with
drawn and leave granted to file answer.
M. J. Newmsrk an3 Max Greenburg vs
N.E. Butts judgement against defendant
for $283.82.
William Peacock vs William Hale Admin
istrator et al, ordered continued.
Adalins Moore vb Stoekly Moore motion
to dismiss suit owsrruled.
State of Oregon vs Ben Johnson Trial by
jury for larcency in a dwelling honse.
Notice ia hereby jjiveu that by rirtuw ot a Ucerw
to her duly grouted hy the County Cosrt of thf
State of Oregon Sjr the County of Benton sitting ft
the trauB&ction of probate buttiueas on the 4th da; '
of January 1SS3 for the sale of the real estate c t
Eme Gay lord a minor Bituated iu Benton County K
Oregon, aud described as follows, to wit:
The uadividod one-sixth part of all of the followlc
described premises to wit: The 3. 4 of S. E. J of Sec.
-20, the S. 4 of S. W. i of Sec. SI, Lots one and two f
Sec. 2 N. W. i ot 5. K 1 acd Lot ono (1) of Sectioa
29 all in township (11) eleven South of Range 8
west containing 2S4 78-100 acres in Benton Count.-,,
Oregon, (excepting 19 S7-100 acres deeded by -CSrathwn
.Roberts to Phillip Ritz)fi being all of Ml r
donation lund claim of J. Chatham Roberts erce- y 19 37-100 e.er4 above mentioned bold to Philip
Also the undivided one-sixth p$of tho foliowin f
tract of land, beginning 9.90 ejtains fcouth and
chains weat of the N. W. corner of Section 23, Towi
ship Eleven South of Range five West of the Wa
amett" meridian, ther-co East 60.27 chains thence
South 10.10 chains theuee Wet 61.33 theno
N". 0" E. 10 15 chains to the place ot begh nine col -taining
61 acres of iand more or less. A14fct thv
aljovs lands lying end being sitUAtl in T-itr.T.
County, State of Oeeg:n. Tha undersigned Kcw
rietta Randall guardian of tha person and estate of
baid minor E&e Gayiord will on
s At the hour of one o'clock p. M. of sid day at the
front door of the Court llouao in fcorvailis in as' I
fientoa County, 3el! at p'ibiic auction to the highti"
bidder ali of the right, title, Interest and estate of"
said minor tc Gayiord in and to the ve ilt
scribed premises. Terms ot sate cash iu hand.
Guardian of the person and eslata ot Eme Gaylont
a miuor.
Corvallis March 16th 1SSS.
Firat class clocks just received by P,
Ear&s Fortors
We have recently received at this office, a
new Cut to represent the Percheron and
Clydesdale stock of horses, besides having a
lot other cuts oa hand. All person wanting
stock or horse posters we can print them
with a cut to suit most any style of horse.
PITMAN At the residence of John Moore
in this City on last Sunday morning, Mrs.
Eachael Pitman aged 5(5 years.
Circuit Court Proceeding of Hart a Term
Monday March 2Gth 1883, the Sheriff, re
turned into court the following pannel of
jurors to serve for the term: E. Woodward,
Arch Johneon, Arthur Johnson, M. L.
Trapp, Joseph Diron, A. B. Moore, Robert
Matheny, John Priest. William Glass, T.
J. Phillips, L. N. Edwards, John Harris,
John Tomlineon, J. E. Barclay, G. G. New
ton, Fred Alder, Joseph Gregg, M. V.
Springer, H. M. Friak, Wm. Crees, James
C. Irvin, Toltert Carter, J. D. Graham,
Neil Newhouse, J. M. Carrier, Jeremiah
Hammer, J. R. K. Irviq.
To serve as Bailiffs, C. P. Blair, J, H.
Lewis, and W. P. Butterfield, were ap
pointed. John Tomlinacn was excused as a juror.
Neil Newhouse. J. R. K. Irvin, J. E.
Barclay, L. N. Edwards, T. 3. Phillips, M.
V. Sprcnger and Arthur Johnson were se
lected to serve as grand jurors.
B. Y Hyland vs Isaac Newhouse, settled
upon stipulation and ordered dismissed.
City of Corvallis vs Joseph McTiuimons
et al, settled and ordered dismissed.
Henry Wortham vs M. Heslop, dismissed
at plaintiffs costs.
Keziah Rayburn vs Chenoweth and John
son demur to complaint withdrawn with
leave for defendant to answer by Thuisday
morning March 29th. a
State of Oregon vs. Ben Johnson, defen
dant arraigned and plead not guilty.
Burnett & Kelsay vs Wm. Gird, settled
and ordered dismissed at plaintiffs cost.
Frantz & CouBor vs P. H. Francis, set
tled and ordered dismissed at plaintiffs
W. S. McFadden vs Samuel King et al,
settled and dismissed at plaintiffs costs.
Chenoweth & Johnson vs D. W. Inman,
settled and dismissed at plaintiffs cost.
John Ray & Son vs B. T. Jones continued-
for service.
Thos. Eglin vs S. Z. Pazton, dismissed
at plaintiffs costs.
Mary Rose vs George Rosa, dismissed at
plaintiffs costs.
Scaool Commissioners v Johnson White
settled and ordered dismissed.
John Vingee vs James Southworth et al,
ordered continued.
F. B. Dunn v Wm. H. Huffman and
Mary E. Huffman continued by consent of
G. W. Houck & Son vs R, 'l. Logan,
judgment by default for $295.37 and thirty
dollars attorneys tees, and ordering sals of
attached real estate.
Ordered by the court that all depositions
on file be opened.
Jamas riuffnian vs S. H. Oliver and
Albert Humphrey confirmation of sale of
real property.
Fredrick Kundert, George. Fulton and
Robert B. Trenholm admitted to citizen
ship. G. B. Smith vs Leah Linville and Sol
King as Sheriff ordered that C. B. Linville
administrator of estate of Leah Linville de
ceased substituted as party defendant.
Wm. Maekey vs James Roadman dis
missed at plaintiffs costs.
Wk "Vfnn U I . A couple with-
XJ II1;! out family. The n an
!nn?t be a g.v.d hand and able to do all kinds oi farm
work. Kis wife to wash, coot, et( fei t
Address A. B. Qilirn office, Corvallis. 14 tf
T a XT'T,Tr' Ti. A gentleman who has
II i-Xi i X t A I r . had several vcars experi
ence in tiachuiff, havine been Principal of a o-nui -!
school for three years, sashes a school for nix or nine
month'. Address. "Teacher." care of K. A. Milner,
Corvallis Benton County, Oregon.
Is now prepared 'o accommodate travelers
in tirst-class style at all hours.
IVSealsOnly 25 Cents.
Her.?e feed corrttantlv:on hand, at the lowest 1
ing rates. Situated on the Yaquhia Road, half way
hzmmmmws sale g? heal
Hi A II.
In the mat ter of the estate
Stephen Kin deceased. )
Notice ia hereby (riven that by virture of an order
of Sale duly made bv the County Court, of the State
of Oregon, for Benton County, on Tuesday the 6th
day- of Febraay, 1SS3, at the regular Februay term
of said court, and duly entered in the Journal of said
court, directing and commanding me, Pcrmelu Klnir,
administratrix of said estate, to sell at public auction
all the ri)fht, title, interest and estate, that the said
Stephen King had at the time of his death, in and to
the tollowiiig described premises to-wit:
The undivided eitrht interest in anil to 150 acres
P.eil Property heretofore set off as the dower of Al
tueJa J. Kim and more particularly described a!
follows, to-wit: Begining at the Northwest corner ef
claim No. 39, T. 10. S. It 6 West. Thence South Sr..92
chains, East 59.18 chains, North 1-4.00 chains,
est 11.28 chains, North 21.92 clutns, West 36.20
chains, to place of bet-ining containing 10D teres in
Benton County, Orejon.
Also as following: Commencing: at the Southwes
corner of cliiin No 39. T. 10 S. It. 6 W. Not. 6145.
Thence running iiast to the Kings Valley road, thence
following said road to the North line of South half of
said claim, thence South on the west line of said
claim to the place beginiiur containing- about 95 acres
more or less in Benton Ccunty, Shite of Oregon
Therefore iu accordance with and in pursuance of
said order of sale, I, Permelia King-, aduiinistraliix
of said estate of Stephen King deceased will on
at the hour of one o'clock P. SI. of said day, In front
of the court house door in tho City of Corvallis, in
Benton County Oregon, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title,
nterest and estate which the said Stephen King de
ceased had at the time of his death, in and to the
above described premises, together with the ap)r
tenance thereunto belonging, to satisfy a morgage
lien En favor of L. Vanbibber on the 95 acre track
alve described and other debts acrainst said estate
together with costs and expenses of administering
saftl estate,
Administratis of the estete of Stephen king de
By Chisowkth & Jonsox.
tier Attorney?.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Guar
dian of John I). Uulkey late deceased, has filed his
account for final settlement of the affairs of said
guardianship In the County- Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Benton, and
at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day
at the Court honse in Corvallis, laid Benton County
is the time and place fiisd by said Court for hear
ing and determining objections to said accounts and
the final settlement thereof.
This 6th day of March 1S83.
A. O. HULa-ET.
Guardian of John D. Mulkey.
Land Office at Roseburg Oregon
March 17tb, 1883.
Notice i3 hereby given that tho following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that said
proof will be made before the Clerk of Benton County
at Corvallis, on
viziAndrew Houci Preemption-D. a No. 40 74 for the
lots 9 and 10 sec 6, T. 15, S. R. 5 West Will. Mer.
He names the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land,
viz: Geo. W. HouekRobert Davis, Robert Shelton
and Jos. J. Cable, all of Monroe Benton County, Ore
gon. W. F. BENJAMIN.
TS-Sv JKegistgr.
Chinaman mns gc -its cheap to use steam
aud cut cues. Your wood will burs
better and last longer if you get
a hold of ycur wood. Try it and you won't
have any other. He is alwavs ready.
I would state to the farmers of Benton and
Linn counties that I have a small port
able steam saw mill and am ready
to make contracts to saw
They make a very lasty feaee. Comnjence now
atid cut your fur pules and pile them ia
piles or rick then, and come aud
ee me. I mean butfineH.
I i' in now buildhur a
to be used on thcr Willamette river and wiil
in a few days be ready to drive piles any
whe'e along tho Willamette river. Ware
house men and saw mill men will do well to
sai &m &m SEts
I also have a land driver and will take eon
tracts to. drive piles anywhere in l'olk, Ben
ton, Linn aud Lane counties. I use steaui
John Wm. Moore.
(SJVjjjj eURE
mum mm .
moii iBtwHKia remeay ever uncovered, as i
cerUiu in it eileetaaud does Dot bliutcr. Ketvj
roof below.
Kendall's Spavin Cure.
Hamilton, Mo., June 14th.
B.J. K3VDALL A Co. , iients": This in. to etrtiry
that I have used KeudaiTa Spftvin Cure and foa4
found it to be all it U recommended to be and in
fact more too; I have removed by usinr the above :
Callous, Bone Spavins, Kinjf-bot:e9, Splint, and can
cheerfully testify and recommend it to be the bet
thtn for any bony subbtaiicc I have ever used and
have tried many ay I have made that my study for
Respectfully yours,
OneoiiUa, Now York, Jan. 6th
Early last summer Mewra. IS. J. Kendall & Co., ot
Enosborgh Falls, Vt., made a contract with the pttfe
libliers of the Press for a half column advefttaemm;
for one year setting forth the morits of hi,da!!'
Spa iu Cure. At the same time we secured from thj
firm a quantity of books, entitled Dr. Kendali'tt
Treatise oa tbenorse and his Dneaneg, which we ar
fptiag to advance paying1 subscribers to the Press
a premium .
About the time the advertisement flrat appeared
in this paper Mr. P. G. Sehermerhorn, who reside
near Colliers hul a spavined hore. He read the ad
vertisemeut and concluded to test the efficacy of tke
remedy, although his friends laughed at his cred
ulitj. He bought a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cura
and commenced using it on th.e horse in accordan t
with the directions, and he informed us th e weea
that it ejected buch a complete cure that an expc: i
horsoinaQ, who examined the animal recently could
rind no trace of tlie spavin or the place where It ha I
been located. Mr. Scci-rmerhoru has since secured ;
copy of Kendall's Treatise on the Horse and his Dis
eases, which he prizes very highly aud would rx
loth to part with at any price, provided he could
not olrtain another copy. So much for advertising
reliable articles.
Fremont, Ohio, Jan. 25th.
Dr. B. J. K ksd all 4 Co., Gents : I think it my
duty to render you my thanks for benefits and pro.V.f
which I have derived from your invaluable and far
famed Spavin Cure. My cousin and I had a valuable
stallion, worth $5000 which had a very bad spavin
and was pronounced by four eminent veterinery
surgeons, beyond any cure, and that the herse
done for .ever. As a last resort I advised mT couf.iii
to try a bottle of Kendall's Spavia Cure. It hat! a.
magical effect, the third bottle cured It and tl a
horse is as well as ever. Dr. Dick of Edinburgh, th
eminent veterinary snrgeon was an uncle of mine
and i take great interest in assisting his profesuior
Yours truly,
James A. Womb, Civil Engineer.
Kendall's Spavin Cure
West Enosburjrh, Vt., Feb. liSth, 18ST.
Dr. B. J. Ksn-dall &Co., Gents : Several motif i
ajco I injurud my knee joint whieh cau4ed an e1
larsrement to grow the size of a large walnut ai t
caused me very severe pain all the time for four
five weeks, when 1 began to use KeudaiTe tpa i
Cure with the most satisfactory result. It has e
tirely removed the enlargement and stopped t'
lameness and pain. 1 have long known It to be c -cellcnt
for horses but now I know it to be the b 5
liniment for human flesh that I ara acquainted wi:
Yours truly,
Kendall's Spaven Cure
Is sure in its effects, mild in its action as It does nor,
blister, yet it is penetrating and powerful to remca
every deep seated pain or remove any bony grovt f
or other enlargements, guch as spavins, splints curo .
calous, sprains, swellings and any lameneas and et
largements of the joints or limbs, or for rheumaLisri
In man and for any purpose for which a liniment ;a
used-for man or beast. It is now known to be t1 -c
best liniment for man ever used, acting mild at i".
yet certain in it3 effects.
Send address for Illustrated Circular which t
think given positive proof of its virtue?. No rrme.
has ever met with eneh -unqualiOed success to r,..r
knowledge, for beajt as well as raau
Price 31 per bottle, or six bottles for $6. A t
Druggists have it cr can get it for you, or It will V
seut to any addrer-s on receipt of price by tho fcr -prietnrs.
Da. B. J: Kbndall Co., Enoebur-a
Fails, Vt.
for Catarrh, Dipthflri and Otaker ifoutfc. Sold Ok