fcgggsg -BEggggfigggj -y'---rrgags-ir'.a' c Tnajarjx&-t: 7-vrsar'-aa--.ir; -Myfir-'i-W tp-a-Msy Published, every Friday Morning BY K S. WOODCOCK. 8U3CltIPTION RATKS: (PajaMa ia A'ioance.J Per Year , Six IdoBt'j. Tiiree MV-tfc Sine Cvspiet Per Year (wkaa aaa im!d in areace). . . X2 so 1 M 1 0 10c S Ov AU naV. .,a aJvartiaeiient'S intcfwjad fi)r pub-c-oa taeaia a kaaau-i ia . j ao.a aa a-BWOays. Rte e adrarti'inir tna-le kn aa application. Miscellaneous Business Cards, .Attorney - at - Law, CexvAn, Omqok. .KEL3AY 1 KEESEE. Attorneys - at - It:tw. COP.TALLIS, lS-22-yl. K. K. FASRA, M. 0, l:iiyician & Surgeon. 0 FJTCK OTIS Gil HAH, HAMILTON CO'S Drs atare. Car .all., Oregon l:ioyi T. V 8. M. 0., Ph.ysic:.t ua fe Stii-geon. dtca 1 aeon aosta af a. K. Harris' Store, Co-TALLI", - - OBKjKW. Beai-a-ma- Hm ot!iwe--t aonrsr ol black, north a wssioi tka ta t church. l:!l-yrl. f. a. mm, IPliysiciaxL, Surgeon, Au2 Electrician. aflEWf v - 'JfeJVJ' Real Estate Agency! CORVALLIS, BENTON CO,, 6HEG0N Real Estate Agents, will buy, sell, or lease farms or farm property on commission. Having made arrangements for co-opera-tion with agents in Portland, ami being ful ly acquainted ith real property in Benton county, we feel assured or gmng entire sat isfaction to all who may favor ub with their' patronage. 6. A. Waggoner, 20-fiyl T. J. BuroitP, VOL. XX. COUVALLLS, OREGON, MAR. 30, 1883. NO. 14 QglSf F. . fSoridrlchscn-, Boot and Slice Maker, tasrud ; -".- my work. 1 '- in vjaavaauUoB tf Bij xj t-e.oi piirohriii4f luevhw. -82 lvr F. J H:;u lriohwB. UUM8 WISHING TO LEAKS Yl linker System cf Dress Cuffing wii! pl.c H on n:c I am the only author e ae.-t in Corral . so-ums Mrs. W. II. Huffman. F. i-i. SawtelL C r i ! :J FT r - -I C-O C 3 ""- 3 ctI." - 12 - o - f JJ LEGAL aawjaa y iJm Chroale OijeaHei n ais a (psetattjr. Cttarrh uc ainTanj treaV-t. Also OsaHst attij Aurit. OrSce ia Fiaiier's M;.cit, an; ior Vi ejt of Dr. F. . Vi'j;nfc's aeaia! ..!tce. Ollic? ij&urs roiii H to 12 mi iro-a 1 ta j'ciack. l.27jl F. J. ROWLAND, Blacksmith & Wagonmaker, P h S 5 math, O re go n. Mr. Rowland i prcparod to do .ll "kinds of r.sjon mliii5, rflpairin; a.Tl biadcstoituio to order, lie ita tin beot ai uteril every tii,:t aad antrrants his work. lx 32-lyr IF. C. Crawford, 4 E W L E R . TT'EKPa CC.MSTASTLY 'K HAND A LARGE .IV Mawtiaaatial Watchea. Ctodca, Jemby, etc. Ail kinds of repAirin done on niior "t nutid, .nd a'.'. wark warranted. (B:S3-yl Axle Grea.se. Be.tt ia rh wrltl Get the genuine. Ev ery paukae wrtrf1!-miirlt ai l w uixrit ed Fraker'V SOLD EVEii l WHE1US. 60y E. R3LSAIE, A.ttorney - at - Law, CtRVA.I.IS, HiPBCIAL atteattM ieo n callralioaa, u4 n-.onev O ea'.laete ara:a)t:T pa aver. Carefol and praujps attsa:a yiv-.n t 'roi.ta jijaltera. Ccn vaaau&dr a. i S'aruaisz ai record... ic LOANS NEGOTIATE. Wl fir. pMiii ta kayiaf. icllias an4 le.:inr rl eslits, aaa caad. a yaoi-.l caiiactia aitd kuai-' new . v. ii: -n i;,:rjl, aaa doar north af lrvn'l akaa ahoa. :43yl CORVALLIS Photograph Sailerj. PMOTOSRAPflS FSOU atlKATURE TO First Glass Work Only? firirii tskea t prion. E. HSLtOF. E. H, TAYLOR, 1 13 E3 TsTTZ S T The oldest established Dentist and the best outfit in Corvallis. AUwrk kept 1b impair free af chrsra an4 ,tisfac oa ar ir Mitesd. Tetb ex.rt.cwH williut p'm by he u f Xitru Oxid- Oa. !locn9 up-strs oer Jacobs Keufrafl new Brick Store, CorvaHie, Oregon. . 19:27yx 80 Minerals Purely Vsgetabl NATUBB'S PEMEIIir.S TTtfl liEST. Malaria. Biliousness. Dyspepsia, Head ache, Pains in (he B.ick, Nearalgia, and a'.l those Dissa-iSj arisiu; from the functions of the Stomach being deranged from weakness or eicessrs. TRY IT I SOT.T) ITIErWHEBE. Cj:llm-3 PORTER, SIESS1EB & CO,, Sffannfucii'i-fM d pob7rs of TH" GE2r;STE0 IRON CLAD BOOT & SHOE. Thoso Goods are Warrant ed rot to r:3. it-, ,A QbIPfOB RALE AT THIS OFFICE H. E. HAKRI8: One Door Sautii of Grahtni Hamilton-, COBTALLI3, - . OREGON. Groceries, Provisions, DRY OOODS. Cora.'iiis, Jai!6 I. 18S 13-l!)v-l mew vm.m Vve have in tock Hie t Deoring Twine Biliders, DerBj5 and Standard Mowrs, Mini.eRotsi Ciiijl Thresher?, Morrison Plow, Mmne-?ota Giant and BtOIwxter F7!g.nc!, Elwood mitui-tl Horse-rower, (.'entriuia! Fanntriftf n iil, ccl eLrated Botkeje Uneo. Seeders Md DrStls. We ajo keep the celebrated- Whitewater and Ketefat-iH v. itiroiia. jwneSrl W. K. KILUIOUAND. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. Corvallis, Qregon. CANALS. StBLIM, PROPRIETORS. THE Ot.'CIDEKTAL ia a new traildtn, neatly fanrUhed, and i lirjt elati iu all it appointment. R ATf7G LIE?.AL. fi'.aes ltavethe h;Tel for Aibanr and Yaquiaa Baj - " Monnya, U'fint.-fyb a;,d FriajTa. Lerge Eaatfc Hrx-ai o Ttrst Fkr for CoKiKtf-Kial 3Itn. 19-35 ly G. W. WilEmCK GEKEP.AL Contracior and Brfdcue Builder, Corvallis, Oregon. Will attend praraptly to all . k miftr hia oVue. 15-J7-1 JVW. HANSOJN, w a ir- i - mLl AN1 EEALEil IN I eadr Tvlade Clotliing, Sei doer Beuth of Past Office, COUYALLIfi, - . - . OREGOS. Pantaloons made to order of Orajon Goods for $7.50. English Good, $11. French, $14 UrSuiU from $?0 to $S0." Clcanir:g- and Eepairirf: dor.e at Reasonabia Rates . 19:51 TV AUGUST J N16HT) CABINET MAKER. TSZ G20J) OLD WAT. John Mann hd a wjf w'uo Wits kind mel true A wife who levecl him well; She cercd Mr hi boote aI .hair odJt hiH; Y.Ai, ii V!ic truth I imwi teH. be betted aadj.irted b.-aue John wae f-r, AHd hia husiot-u ira'i kiow to iaj; lktt he oo i J when ' !i -v tal-:'! ef chenge, "VTe'il slick t-- i- j J ud way." Ska saw hrail.b"rB were t. tup fiea, Anr4 dwelt-Eg in hoosee grend; Ti i'. was living in poTerty; Wit:) weitn upon erery Hind; And . orged her Ivasbaiid te L.-eei.te, To risk her eariiii:.' at plaTj But be only s:.id: "My Uaret wife, We'll etic). to tfce good old way." For he knen tbet the money that's quickly jot. Is money that, qoiekiy hiz. And the raoner that steyi ia th: money e.nied At boncst endeavor'a cost; So h pkUled alon in h;s honest style, And he bctteredl t.iii.if eh day; And lie ottly vaid to hU fretfui '.riie, "We'i. stick to the Oul dd way." And ft last there ca;i?e a -errible crash, Wbeii befgarjr .vantand flbsmi Came down on the booie i of their wealthy friend? While Johe's rea-3ed thesaiae; For he bad no debts end he gave lie trust, "IfYBiotto is this:" he'd say It'i a charxn ajtiast pil of eTsry kind ""i'iii .ick ts the gooti old way." Am i hi-: wife looked round at bis it L tie hoase That wee ererr ndl their own, And she asked for for.venesa -f hcaeat John Far t:.e e-i.:Ii mtrostahe had nhown; Bitt he oniy said r.3 tier t.nr.iil ce Upon his sboajdsr ley; "The good old way the best, w.fe V.'u'li stick to the -ood old v " BENTON COUNTY. SeaertioB of lit Appcaranoi d Trsst Caaaltiai bj TeSnj ":;::'... UNOt. TAKER. Cor. Second and Monroe Sta., COE''A.IjS, : OF.iC?!, Keeps constantly on hand all kinds of mearf.f cai.. XUENITURE ii7 Btter- strgt, saa -Ma. cfa. J Coffins and Caskets. GOOid FOU SALff AT V;"c:!: clone to order on short notice hd at easonabie rates. G-rvrfSa, July 1, 1881. 19:27yl. MAX FRIENDLY'S Corvsilts, 0?-cn. aa a.a per dtr at home. Samples worth free 53 t-V Addre-i Sainaon & Co., r-.Tt-!and.Me. CfVSirr, HOtpm COUGH and Bronchitis Im mediitelely rierod by Sh visa's cure. Sold by Uraai Writte Espressl for ti C.jett lay a TMrty yars JlasiiJant tho CounlT. PHILOMATH PRECINCT. The north fork of Mary's river from where it leaves the coast range to a point near the residence of Jerry Lilly and a line produced east from that point, forms the north boundary of the precinct, from there it extends south to the south boundary of town ship 12 south a distance of 9 miles From Muddy and a line produced north from the mouth of the same it extend west to the summit of the coast range a distance of about i miles, being bounded on the north by King's valley and a part of Soap Creek on the east by Corvaliis, on the south, by Willamette and west by Turn Turn precincts. The north fork of Mary's river runs along the north boundary of the pre cinct, and while the general course i3 east it nukes long bends to the north and southland when within 1 or 3 miles of east boundary turns abruptly to the south, to a point near the mid dle of the precinct, wher; it i joined by the south fork from the southwest, .nd fl ws e-st towards the Willamette. The south fork rises in the Coast range a little south of Mary's Peak, the course being northeast. Hinkle creek rises on and around the east side of Mary's Peak and runs east into the south fork. ' The northeast comer of the pre cinct, the portion lying east of the river jrhere it turns to the south, con sists of high bold hills with a few patches of timber and brush, but prin cipally grass lands, that furnish a great deal of feed. There is a, similar tract of land on the west embraced in the bend of the river as it makes long sweep to the south; this embraces what is known as the Keys- place now owned by John Rickard. South of the river and east of the south fork is a long high ridge the course of which corresponds with the south fork. The west side of this ridge is steep almost down to the water and heavily timber ed. C 11 the east it falls off gradually to Muddy, on this tract are good foot hill farms. Along Mary's river are some excellent bottom lands. On the south fork the bottoms are narrow, a goodly portion of the cultivating land being cn the foct hills. A large por tion of the soil in this fork being sticky land giving rise to the name "Creasy" by which the south fork is known. Extending south from the . north fork and west of the south fork, is a portion of broken land laying on the side of the Coast range and extending up the side of Mary's Peak. In places along this stretch are comparatively, level snots suitable for cultivation, but the greater portion being heavily timbered. The greater portion of this timber is of the smaller class suitable for rails or farm timbers, still there is great deal of saw timber in this belt. There is a saw mill on the south fork where it emerges from the moun tains, known as the old Huffman mill. Icha'ood Hinkle has one at his place on Hinkle creek, and Chas. Logsdon has one near the junction of the north and south fork. These are all water mills, the logs for which are brought down the river. The O. P. R. R. Co. have a portable steam saw mill in the hills near Ichabod Hinkles. The road from Corvallis to Newport passes through Philomath. The road from Alsea valley to Philomath passes down the south fork, again a road runs due south from Philomath. Inde pendent school house is situated on the road j miles south of Philomath. There is a school house on the south fork, and a portion of the northwest of the precinct is joined with the school district at the Wrenn school district in King's valley precinct. There is a district school at Philomath in addi tion to the college that is located there under the control of the United Breth ren church. This college is consider ed in a flourishing condition, there be ing about 100 students at this time. This institution has a large endowment fund, hd has an efficient corps of teachers, President Walker being con sidered as among the best educators of .the state. Philomath as stated above is situ ated cn the ro.ad from Corvallis to Newport, 7 miles frcm the former place and k mile north from Mary's river. The line of the O. P. R. R. es located passes through the place. The town is built on a gently sloapin.s area of land slightly elevated, the situ ation being a happy one. The dona tion land claim of David Henderson consisting of 320 acres of land was purchased by the United Brethren church and a portion of the same laid out into blocks and lots for building pui poses and the remainder into 5 and 10 acre tracts which were desig nated as farm lots. The object being to furnish individuals moving ts school their children a means of contributing to their support. There has since been purchased by them a similar tract on the east which has been sim ilarly laid out and made an addition to the original town. There is a pro vision ia all deeds of lots sold forever prohibiting the saje of intoxicating liquors. The town of Philomath was incorporated by the last legislature. It contains J general stores 1 drug store, a blacksmith shops, 2 wagon shops, 1 barber shop, 1 photograph, galery, 1 livery stable, 1 meat market. and 1 shoe shop. The population of the precinct is about 1000. The Uni ted Erethren church hold regular re ligious service in the college chapel, and efforts are being made to establish a Methodist church at Philomath, and the Evangelicals hold regular service at Independent school house. J. S. Fclger has a flouring mill on Mary's river 1 mile west of Philam uh. The donation land claim of the late Erdridge Hartless mile south o.' Philomath was amongst the first claim-; taken in the county. Among the ear ly settlers were Wm. Matgens, who built the Fel'ger mill in 1854, Wayman St. Clair, Wm. Wyatt, loObad and Jacob Hinkle. There is no more peaceable, industrious and prosperous people found anywhere than exists in this precinct. The Philomath post office is supplied 3 times a week each way by the mail route from Corvallis to Newport, and twice a week by the route from Dallas to Alsea. The following contains a list of the names of the persons paying .tax upon property in Philomath precinct and the amount of tax paid by each, as shown by the last assessment roll-j William Spencer fur Benton county. Morris A. Allen $3443 J. L. Akin '. 20 56" Ann M. Allen 17 50 Marshall Allen 2 2-i Allen & Harris 24 15 Alexander Bennett 41 81 S. K. Brown Sr. .. 106 12 S. K. Brown, Jr 18 69 W. II. Bohannon 17 57 Thomas Bury. . . : . . 3 20 Mary O. Brovnson 2 48 A. R. Erown 17 16 G. Eoeheringer 18 88 Luther Badger. 1 90 W. It Boles 4 48 Tohn Eier 12 18 r Margery D. Davison fames Ervin ' David Enos J. S. Felger James E Fisk. Cf G. lelger, Leonard Hevrin. Silas Cihnore A. S. Gltasou Joseph Gray Andrew Gellafly ' Peter Gellatly A. J. Henkle.: Jacob Henkle. . . . Levi Henkle. Jacob L Henkle J. A, Henkle ..... Miss E. Ilenkle J. M. Henkle R. L. Henkle. J. E. Henkle fc Co J. E. Henkle orge W. Henkle T J Henkle F. M. Henkle Charles Henkle : Pernian Henderson Mary J. Henkle. J P Henderson. W S Hite J L Hamilton.... R N Hanson. L M llender.on - M E Henderson J H Hacker James Hubbert. Giles Hodges . Wilson Henderson Heirs of- - James B Irvin.. S. J. Irwin ' Madison Irwin.. - David King---: Miss O. C. Keys.. David L Keys.. J W Keys..'..--. George W Ki'sor.. - . Mary E Liggett L N Liggett... Mrs. A Layton Charles Locke.." Charles Logstcn Samuel McLain J B Mays. ' J D May. Frank Moore. Harvey Miller E M Mays A D Moore John R Mays P W Mason G vV Mason G G Newton N P Newton A B Newton. A Newton. L N Price.. JW Porter.... James T Phillips.... Henry Peuland Penland Heirs G W Ross - P W R.OS3... Vm Robinson Mrs E Robinson.. M R Rose.. Cns Rodgers, Reuben Shipley, Heirs of E. Skipton Thos. Skipton Henry. Sheak Sime Alexander Francis Spencer S. M. Simpson S. Simpson- . 20 66 . 34 16 . 30 80 7 05 . 37 31 9 17 . 3 18 a 07 13 6 . 38 69 3 5 . 10 42 33 26 - 16 5 . 37 10 1 60 4 7 a 94 . 10 4O . 8 00 2 1 5 co . 1 86 - 86 59 - 10 41 i2 5a - 80 25 18 - 62 81 23 4 9 60 . 3 44 27 39 4 69 40 86 . 1 68 10 94 47 14 48 75 J9 39 4 56 7 42 Sr 30 105 11 . 14 co .. 19.42 5 61 - 7 86 - 12 80 . 8 00 37 22 44 59 63 27 32 56 ir 44 5 79 80 20 08 13 54 25 74 29 73 55 62 67 47 .1617 31 84 53 13 66 00 37 34 ...13 80 3 17 .. 16 S9 32 60 13 15 - 14 40 " 13 17 I 20 l6 OO 44 7 11 04 6 25 11 20 4 60 Mra-Keriah Bethel. 84 00 ; whime Mrs n. A. Brown 3 20 G. D. Bunnell 6 68 Sarah Bunnell 7 04 Jamen E. Conner. , 18 96 F. M. Carter 21 54 Mrs. E. Crow 10 00 a H. Crow... 10 if Isaac Cov 6 40 F. M Spencer Charles Thompson Andrew Thompson A Fullman-. J. t Taylor Andrew Williams John D. Wood -- C. B. Wells Jas. Watkins Jesse Woods Sr T. J. Wilcox AVm. Wyatt Mrs. M. E. Wyatt- ..-. J. F. Wood Alex Wood (P. W. Ross Agt. L. F. Watkins G. A. Whitney Mrs. M. A. Wilcox---Eugene Wiedeman - W. S. Walker Mrs. Florence Walker E. Whitehead Wm. Zimmerman B. F. Zink--- W. R. Dixon Mrs.Sabrila Druchel. 3 22 9 60 I A. J. Zink- 57 80 93 15 20 38 24 3i 32 03 4 00 r3 29 61 1 1 - 42 17 5 93 .392 60 1 60 6 43 1 76 13 36 2 91 11 20 6 40 7 29 4 83 3 44 11 15 ia 13 212 6 40 -EOSIX- KO33. , The Rev. W. H. H. Murry, whose advice is worth heeding, says about shoeing. The nail shoujd be quite small and driven in more gently than is the custom. There is no reason why the smith should strike a blow at the livlle uail head as strong as be would deliver at the head of a spike in an oak beam. The hoof of a horse is not an o:k stick, and the delicately pointed' nd slender-headed nail is not a wrought iron spike, and yet you will see the nailer, whack awav at them as if it were a matter of life and death to get them set in entirely et iu ai two blows of his hammer. Insist thut the nailer shall driTe bis nail slowly and steadily, iii3tnd of using violence. Iu this place it the nail is badly pointed atd gets out the proper line of direction, no great in jury is done. It can be withdrawn and a new one substituted, without harm having been done to the looti But the Bwift, blind and violent way preveuts all each care, and exposes the horse to tempoary, if not perman ent injury. Gentleness should be exercised in clinching the nails. Never allow a smith to touch a rasp to the outer surlac of the hoof. Na ture hag covered it with a thin fila ment of enamel, the olject of which is to protect the inner membrance and fiber from exposure to water and atmosphere. The enamel is exactly what nature puts on the Pur4ce of your finger-naH, reader. Under no circumstances should it ever be touch ed. If it is removed nature will be wickedly deprived of her needed cov ering, and cruelly left exposed to the ek-nient. The Gazelle Jab Printinr Office 13 PP.EFAaSD TO DO ALL KIND OP WO&K N1ATLT. TH- DEAF LANDLOBP. "Poker Bili" tells of a boarding house keeper who is iifSicted with a very convenient degree of deafness He hears only when it is for bis in terest to do so, and is apt to misun derstand to his own interest. Bill gives the following incident of his perversity: "When I went to breakfast yes terday morning I went up to the counter and asked my landlord if anybody had called to sk for me. "Said I, lias there been a man here to see me this morniug a oe-ey?d man " " 'Glad you want to pay it. now; I need money very badly,' said the landlord. "Then I yelled: 'Has anybody asked for me this morning ?" " 'No, I don't want to sue you, but I shall expect the money next Mon day, sure,' says my landlord. " 'All right, I'll pay you," yelled I. " 'You needn't yell in that way, I'm a little deaf, I know, bnt still can heal it thunder,' says the land lord. ''Then in comes another boarder, and savs to the landlord, 'Good morninir.' " " 'I'll tell you in a minute,' says the landlord. 'I believe it's only about fifteen dollars.' ''So it goeft right along. I'm going to pay up next Monday," says Bill, "and yon bet I'll never stop with another deaflftndlord not if I know it." Virginia Cilij Nev.) Enterprise. Total. $337i 27 An old offender was lately brought before; a learned justice of the peace iu England. The constable as a pre liminary informed his worship that he had in custody John Simmons, alias Jones, alias Smith. "Very well," said the magistrate, "I will try the two women first. Bring in Alice Jones." "Oh, you don't want to go into any busbies don't you?" said an angry cockney father to his lazy and loutish son. "Yer want an appoint ment in the post horfice, do yer? post horfiee, indeed ! Why. all you're fit for is to stand outside, with your tongue hout, for people to wet their stamps againt." A boy wanted to go in swimming "But, my son," rejoined the anxious parent, "it was only this morning ihat you staid home from school be cause you were complaining of a paiu in your stomach." -'That's so, pa; bnt I know how to swim on my back." "13 T2.1T A G001 CaEESBr Asked a man, as he entered a gro eery in town the other day, and pointed to a large Worcester county which the grocer bad just takeu from the box. "One of the very bast," raplied the grocer, "try it," he said, passing the knife to the man, who took a gener our sample and said: 'That suits ray taste exactly. Ca you cut off five pounds of that? "Yes, sir," said the grocer, as ha took his knife and cutting out a wedged-shaped piece put it in the scales. It lacks just two ounces," and he proceeded to do it up. "Lack? just two ounces!" said the man. "Well I didn't think you could cut exactly five pounds. I didn't want any only I thought I would find out how near you could cut." If it hadn't been bo slippery the grocer would have caught him. Hinghum Journal. HOW A MAN WALKS. One of the most remarkable things about a man's walk, says Science for Ail, is the diagonal movement which characterizes it. The hands and feet may be regarded as forming the four corners of a parallelogram, and the diagonal limbs are, of course, the right arm and left leg and tbe left arm and right leg. By "diagonal movement" is meant that the diag onal limbs during locomotion always swing in the same direction. Tha arms swing by the body like a couple of pendulums, and with a speed which entirely depends upon tbe rate at which he may be walking. The athlete, anxious to complete the given number of "laps" in a mile, or, a couple of miles, and outstrip hie competitor, swings his arms to and fro with a quickness which corres ponds with the motion of his swift feet; the business maa also swing his arms with a motion which, if not so quick, exactly times with the mo tion of bis legs. iNow, if the motion be even carelessly observed, it will bo found that the right aim ewioga forward at the same time a tbe left leg, and when the rigtit leg is ad vancing it in the left arm which ac companies it. This diagonal move ment of the limb is the natural method adopted by man wha walk ing, and. it is the first and most ap parent fact that one ascertains in studying hum-in locomotion. LABOB -AHI-T. "How many children have you, Ike?" asked an Aikansas gentlsmao of a negro acquaintance. "Boss, I declare I doan' knew," "How long have you baea mar ried ?" "De almanac say twenty year, ferns dinged ef it doan' seem like a has. died to me." "And you don't know how flsany children you have?" ,:No, sah, 'case I nebsr was asaob on gography. But ter gin yer a idee ob de number, I'll tell yer what's a lack. Two lost chill un come ter csy house some time ago, and dinged ef da wan't darsia weeks for I diskiv cred dat dar was any atrays in de house. I wouldn't hab foun' it out den but for de sharpness ob tny wife. She was ta'.kiu' ter de chillun one day, when, suddenly lookiu' at a boy, about de onerest lookiu' chile I eber seed, she said: 'Dan, does yer want ter go to hjaben when yer dies?' 'My name aiu't Dan,' said do chile. 'Whut is yer name, den ?' axed my wife. 'Jasen,' replied de boy. Den my wife, she sorter scratched her head an' studied awhile, an' turnin' ter me axed ef we had eber named a boy Jasen. 'Dinged ef I knows' saya I. 'Yet-self keeps de books ob" die 'stabhshrneut.' Wall, ear, de sar cumstance aroused euspiconraent an' we begun ter search around,' finally h'ndiu' dat two ob my chillun be longed ter a neighbor. My wife de clars dat she doan' know when da jumped oberde fence an' got inter de house, an blamed ef I does'" Little Roek Gazettf. Exports of fresh beof from the United States last year were 58,983, 739 pounds, valued at $5,375,480. In 1881 the exports f beef aggre gated 96,784,881 pounds, of the value of $9,250,-562. This shows a shrink age of 42,801,142 pounds, worth $3,-875,0S.