The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, March 23, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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    MM Mortals fesrtte.
FRIDAY MdKKlSO, MAR. 23, )8S3.
Weviapaper AdJettfaSng iiuruau (ltt iiruc street),
where advertising OBOtncta may be inada (er it ui
New York, at not ta than our regular rate.
Short annoancement at deaths iubiiUcd tree.
When accompanied by an extended not iii rc
loiions fire cent per line wili be eiiargcd. A poetry
pubiiahed by rc'juoit WiSI be eharsec lort the rate
of five cent- per line.
Albany ia to have a 20,000 school house.
Circuit Court convenes wst Mouday at
this place.
The policeman' hilly "lead wood on the
First class clocks just received by P. P.
Attorney Ray burn was a visitor to tho
metropolis thia week.
There were 285 ladies voted at tho recent
school election at Portland.
Mr. George Will of this city, took a
flying trip to Albany on Wednesday.
Judges Burnett and Kalsay were at Al
bany last week in attendance at court.
Town property and farm land for sale or
trade. Inquire at the U aze-j ts: ogiec .
Hon. Walter Ketchum, of Albany, voa
visiting friends in this city during the week.
Portland has already commenced prepar
ins granil celebration on the Fourth
The trees do r.ot have to open their trunks
in the spring they leave out their suintuer
The new college that Ins been in course
of erection it McMinville ws completed
last week.
The horse ehoe3 have been laid s.side, and
now the game of croquet is being" genera'ly
indulged in.
Oo to August Knight's one of the best
workmen in the State and buy your fonitore
and bedding.
Onr city was well filled with people on
last Saturday, giving things a business like
and thrifty look.
China and Japan buy American dried
apples freely, anil the population of the
Orient is swelling.
The big hotel to be erected at the metro
polis into be railed "The Portland" and is
to be five stories high.
Mrs. P.eub Kigor was quite sick with
pneumonia the latter part of last wek, but
lias now nearly recovered.
Yonr place to buy the ehariest and best
liarneas and saddles in the valley is at S. A.
Hemphill's well known stand.
Forty-five days without rain and yet the
signs are for dry weather. This hIle3 the
experience of the average Oregonian.
Many of our citizens tie giving their
places of bnsine:3 a spring coat of paint,
adding much to the general appearance.
Mar Friendly'a saw mill Las not been ran
ing for the past week, as some enbctntial
improve neuts are being made on tho mill.
Scarlet fever is reported at Forest Grove
and is conieqoeuee the Indian school at that
place has been quariniined for the past week
The roads between here and the bay are
in very good condition now anil the travel
to and from the water's edge is quite ia-ge.
E. C. Vaisjsh&n his & nicely assorted
stock o groceries, crockery, and glassware
for sale on tho best find most reasonable
Our merchants have Wen receiving Unre
etoeks of rpring fiows during iha tst t o
weeks and their stores present a cheerful
Next Sunday wilibo Hitter and our cit
izens will have to eat ee worth 1C cent
per dosen, owing to the carelesaes of the
lazy biddies.
Mr. J. J. Hatch, proprietor of the steam
er McCnHa, was in onr city the greair part
of this week attending to busiaess connected
with hu boat.
Pr, Via.-ent and Nick B-reccu were
among CprraSis visitors to Pr.rti-.ud i'-r
week", both being stock holders in the
vacuum motor.
An Ohio legislator 'introduced a bill to
prevent overcrowd i lig ubarcheg. It is to be
regretted that no such Jclfctioii is nee
css&ry iu Oregon,
The now fire-cent pieces are said to be
larger (ban the old on-;s, but five-cent c;.T.r
are of the same size, cud are made of the
old quality of cabbage.
Wc bad supposed that the Father of his
Country w s a quiet chili, but in Ayer'a
Almanac we read, "Feb. 22, Waahuiion
torn, 1732. Squally."
A meeting of the stock hoMera of the Va
cuum Motor Machine Co. will be held on
Monday, April 2nd, at 7 o'clock P. M. for
ihe tranactio:; of iRsiacss.
The bat,? ball mania has taken quite a
general effect among our 1-oys under their
teem, while many of riper years indulge,
quite ficely in the healtlifgl exercise.
Daring this month, so far, the matri
monial market has beea'unosaally brisk and
many of our wrrihy young people have en -tered
tho relms of connubialieiicity.
Allow yourself -not o he deceived and
pay ?G0 00 for A Sowing M:vchine when you
-can get one of the beat, nicest aud most
durable made, for $40 .00 at Will Bros.
Luther Caton of ;th'i8 city just returned
from Portland vwhqreHieihae teun attending
cosunengsg atfUoge, e finished his course
.of study sad ibjtie ietftrnod home to remain.
A writer ion il&e -salijeqt of science, says
;that aS:C'4W'tiffii:eniiveh of bone is worth
;an iodh o ptoses, jjf 4i$titits keep on they
rjU.mfSie S4b6 gfritQ. rfox -something yet
WitSh jatSJoojBsfl fo$Me we are better
JWSPftWSiSijSSw" oj'.$r for printing
3mK9IU. attitf atefSWsiiWi for this kind
e?oiSfrwe "witi& d.v'ise you to
gjAVj'iiK a-cJiH.
Sfeay Mmmtfoe fin ,-5tadjon
v,v.i. r,.) i ... : i '. .;
kJiGoralifii' SbtfSKs? cMW$r tfeiSgo,
13 4W ofieaolfrwweWH
An exchange suggests a convention of
poultry men. We propose the "oid rooster"
of Yaquina for chairman. Tke repeat should
commence with cocktail aad end with a
little "old Hennessey."
The prolonged dry spell is net euly no
ticeable in the Willamette valley, but ail
over the state and in fact iu California it is
feared the whole wheat crop will be ruined
unless it rains thr soor.
Our eastern exchanges sue weekly no
ting the departure of soma of their best
citizens for either Oregon or Washington
Territory, giving evid&use of a largo immi
gration here thie summer.
Little bits of printers ink, a little type
displayed, make onr merchant bosses and
all their big parade. Little bits of stinginess
discarding printers ink busts the man of
business, and sees his credit sink.
Kow tliat spring is here, the cooatry is
filled with traveling men taking orders for
spring suita, shirts, etc, , but would a! vise
people to first examine the stocks of our own
merchants before giving their orders to these
Persons proving up on land should remem
her that if they make their prccf before the
county clerk, their proof is final, whereas,
if tbey file their intentions before a notary,
they have to apj.sar at the land oiSce to per
fect their title.
Hon. F. M. Wadsworth, of this city, has
been arjpointed Indian agent at Siletz reser
vation by President Arthur, to serve for
four years. Tiris is an excellent appoint
ment, Mr. JWadsworth being well qualified
to till the position.
The horse owned by Henkle ft Bell on
their delivery wagon to .k a "lively spin
around r. block or two on Monday and just
made the waoa sip, but fortunately the
hore was stopped before any great
imac;e was dene.
On bat Sunday while Telt Burnett ac
companied by i ne of Eve's fair daughters,
were out enjoying a boggy rids, in some
nncy.t'aiuable v.iy one of the axles of the
vehicle got btoke, causing the calico vendor
much annoyance pad trouble.
Recommended to me, the great Oregon
Blood Purifier, I have obtained tbo most
satisfactory cu4 quickest result from the
remedy ever known, jind send me acme
rnor; ter VVeJls,
T'u2 bedding tree? and the few early va
riety t.l flowers that f.r3 now ii bloom, are
judications of tbs delightful weather that
March hi. offeiad, acd the air is so fil'ed
with fragrauoe tiiat we believe spring has
come, whether "Gentle Annie" knows it or
Jehu Biley has a nnmber of hands at work
Mr. Barns on last Saturday assisted by
another party while sawing down a tree on
Norman Lilly's farm near town carelessly
turned his hesd oif looking about i anoth
er dxrectioa sad tha party in shoving the
saw through the tree caught the hand of Mr
Burns making a aevore eat and tearing the
hand very badly. At the time he was at
work for a company of cabinet Makers at
Independence cutting timber for thesn.
Mr. W. F. Canthom formerly of tlii place
who his stwat the past nis yews near Ya
kima W. T. where he had a ranch and was
in the stock business quite extensirely, sold
out his entire property theie but a short
time ago. He returned to Corvallis last
wek and intends to make this his future
home. His many friends will heartily well
come him among them agsin as a citizen of
Benton County. The cold weather of W. X
has no attraction for him.
In UAalf of tha W. O. T. U. of this place,
Miss Lose, who is o fsvoraMy known here
as an elocutionist of rare merit, will give
one of her readings on Thursday evening
next, st the city hall, the proceeds to aid
in opening a temperance reidin room in
our city. The cutertainnent will not only
be worth the alhnissioB fee, but the object
is so commendable that our citizens should
feel under obligations to attend, aud take
with tbeni their sisters and their eovaius
aud their aunta. Admission only 25 cents.
Rarely Reciprocate.
The Albany Democrat says: "Our atten
tion is called to the Tact that there was not
a couple present at the G.- A. R. ball from
Corvallis. Our youn? men feel somewhat
hurt by the slight, as they have always
patronized Corvallis entertainments of a
like nature very liberally, but they claim
their friends there are rarely ever willing to
reciprocate." Albany haa reason for this
feeling and many of our youug people feel
guilty of their wrong doing, but if our sister
city will pardon our transgressions we may
yet !c able to reciprocate. Ws believe it
was the intention of many of our citizens to
attend the ba'l alluded to, but just why
they failed to do so.
we are
unable to say.
Fargc & Co. for sick
H. C. Wilkinson.
Wild Oats.
The unusual cold winter illed the greater
portion of the fall sown wheat throughout
the Willamette valley and this spring far
mere had to procure new seed at a price
varying from $1 00 to SI 50 per bushel and
resow their fields. In doing this they
simply harrowed in the new cereal and now
wild osis are springing up so thick that
fears of thie being destroyed, is growing
more and more apparent. Some of our far
mers think that uulesa the ground is r.gain
plowed and the wild oats killed, the wheat
crop will be nearly a failure, and even in
this cse the expense of plowing and sowing
excavating, preparatory to the building of a third time will bo greatly felt among our
i.-ewerv on First street. The structure i farmers.
A Prisoner at Rosesuxg.
Oa last Saturday afternoon when the
two prisoners confined in tha county jail
were allowed to come out for water, owing
to a defective sewer, ia charge of a deputy,
as was the custom, one Charley Anderson,
confined for horse stealing, thought to gain
bis hl.rty by tW-ness on foot, and started
on a lively run for Deer Creek, say the
Roseburs; Plainiealer. The deputy In
"barge finding efforts to stop him nuava-.i-hii;
oiled to ShariJ I'urdosn in hie oSce
who i.iamed lately gave chase on foot. After
ordering the prisoner to stop, r ud firing a
shot at random, thinkirg. to intimidate hiss,
and seeing that he waa gaining ground on
him aad about to enter the brush on Deer
creek, Purdom took aim aa I fired at the
escaping prisoner. The shot was a good
one, and lucky for "Jo," unfortunate a it
may be for Anderson, taking effect in the
region of the kidneys. Upon examination
it was found that the ball did not enter the
cavity of the body, and at the present writ
ing it is thought he will recover.
On Tuesday he tried to end his life by
committing suicide with a towel. To do so
he got up fr jni his bed in the corridor of
the jail, crawled about ten yards, entering
a cell, getting over a cot and f.vstended one
end of a long towel to a piece of lattice
work near the toy cf the cell and wheu
discovered he was holding himself up by
one baud and trying to adjust the other
end ot towel about his neck, which at oaee
indicate a bad state of mind.
Anderson will be remeinlered as the man
who took a team from near Yoncalla, and
after driving them to the river turned them
loose, and o appropriated an overcoat to
his own use.
Teachers Institute.
Tho teachers institute for the third judi.
cial district will be held at Independence
oa March 27, 28. 29 and 30 next. The
committee of arrangements are, W. P. Con
nouaway, J. S. Cooper, L. W. Robertson, J.
Van Pmyer. Miss Ella Butler and Miss Pat
tie Cooper. We have the programme of the
institute before us and we are indebted to
State Superintendent McElroy for a copy.
It contains a long and varied list of exeer
cise and promises to be an occasion cf much
profit to all iu attendance. We would like
to be there but the time is during oui; cir
cuit court here, which forbids any idea of
being there.
will be of no meagre proportions, it
John's intention to buiid l'rge enough, that
he may easily supply the increasing demand
for barley juice.
. The gatherings at the college chapel every
Thursday evening rre growing in interest
ted atlecdanca and the meetings are really
profitable. " Mr. Bell has chosen a series of
Shakeijiria'i pUys for the leading topic
aud so fsr have been very interesting,
JIamlet and McBeth having been the first
lomlgraats f jr the Northwest.
Immigration to Oregon and Washington
Territory has received a new impetus dur
ing the past week. Most of them are p"ac-
i tical American farmcis. A telegram has
been received announcing the departure
from Cincinnati of fifty-one immigrants, all
provided with through tickets for Portland.
They will arrive in San Francisco on Tues
day, and leave by the steamer the following
day. Sixty-five immigrants are at San
Francisco at present waiting for the Sound
If Corvallis wants to keep up with the f steamer. Information received states that
pace of progression it must organize a Board 1 3 party of 84 immigrants, for British Colum
of Trade. Salem has had one for some time, bia, left Omaba'on Saturday and are expect
McMinnvilTe organize.? one last 'Week and j ed to arrive in Sn Franasco to-day. A
now Albany k agitating the matter. It j large. number of arrivals on the southern
would seem as if something ought to be route reported. Standard.
done to enliven bcsiues3 a lutie and ibis
hs at 1mm! a business "ring."
The trial of Nimchick, at Albany, which
att.-jcted tfc.2 attention of the Circuit Court
the greater part of last week, tor the murder
of a young man above Scio, resulted in tho
finding of Nimchick guilty of msnalanghter,
and sentenced for cr.e year to the pen
itentiary aud a fiiio of 5. 'Jttst why he
';, off so easily wc have- not learned.
Although the Good Templars lodge at
.his ploiM is not cis mouths eld, it his a
membersUitJof over siy.ty, and tour cr five
new nttunhsrs are beirij; fcjded at nearly j
every meeting of the organisation. Its
objects end siin are laudable aid wo chron- ;
icle wita pUasuro their prosperous condl-
We learn that negotiations arc- about per
fect ?d lor the purchase by Will Bros., cf
tlris fdsoc, of tho gca store o." W. B. Scott
of Alicia; the former to take possession
p'cout : se n-a! os ncr.: month. lx"0. Will,
the younger uaemfoer of tha firm, will h.iv
ch-ins of z):z now business and will iuu it in
coherence with thjar bu;'i"-ets here.
While r. number ci Corvallis' young ladies
were attempting to cftptsis a lame canary
bird that had escaped from its cage the oth
er day, one of the fair sifters euirgested tho
trial of salt, but the ethers having little
... .7 . 1 v
Tea Taooma 7rtSlct.
! The examination into the came of the
! less of the Tacoma came to an eud early
las' we.;k. The inspectors, after carefully
! listening to all tbo evidence, assert that
j they caii arrive at no other conclusion than
j that Capt. Korts navigated thj Tacoma
i after jiasrirg Caoe Flattery with gross
j negligence, aud that he did not maintain
that degree of discipline necessary pa. hoard
1 of steam vessels. There being no fault
j found with any of his officers, nor any blame
! attached to them, the Inspectors hfld the
Captain wholly responsible on account ot
tha unpardonable negligence, which caused
the loss of the Tacoma on the night of Jan
1 nary 29th. A suspension of his license as
j master. aad pilot of steam vessels was con-
ordered for two rears.
Tne Spria? of 1BG1 Repeats Itself.
The spring of 18cJ3 is similar in many re
j specta to the spring of lbUl. Ia lyiil it
I cleared up tho last of January and the
i month of February and two weeks of March
i were in all respects like the month of March
from Hepp
. A mining
faith in the old hint, thought best to first
experiment en a Chinaman who was anxious
ly eyeing the attempted capture.
On Wednesday evening a number of Cor
vallis" young people gathered at the resi
dence of D. from whence they pro
ceeded to Aosijeile of Mr Sanders for the
imrpose of givfug Jake ead his aimablo bet
ter half a surprise, 'io.- sch.e;ne was suc
cessfully rarriftd ou a4 a laore enjoyable
time is seldom had than tui to be.
Work ia being vigorously pushed ,t Mad.-
iaon coal arises, twenty miles
ner, Oregon, says an Eschaag
expert will be sent there by the Northern
Pacific railroad company in the spring,
provided with an engine and a diamond
drill with which to thoroughly prospect
the entire region from the bead waters oj
Butter creek westward to Wasco County.
Douglas McCleghan who has been em
ployed at Pitman's plaining mill for some
time had tris foot badly lareerated on Wed
nesday afternoon, about fonr o'clock. It
seem as though the unfortunate hoy had
stooped to pick up something aud carelessly
tiirew 'one of his feet back which came ia
contact with a circular aw ia full speed.
The inoment his boot touched it his foot
was drawn in and an ugly gash cut just
-fiboa itsho heel, ..severing the arteries and
o "badly tearing the flesh that it is feared it
j Sif ffiftjtSWAlly pripple bim for life,
1SS3, thus far. Six weeks of beautiful
weather at that lime smiled upon the earth,
without rain. Farmers finished seeding,
the roads Dresented a hard and dusty sur
face, vegetation advanced raoidlv. r.ud about
he middle of March it eommeaeed raining;
anil for five weeks it came down stejwlily,
: with scarcely any interval. The -mud be.
j came knee deep again, but the rains were
j warm and grain aad all kinds of vegetation
'grew without interruption and tha crops
j were uever excelled for quantity and yield.
I If the grain crop of 13G1 repeats itself in
"13Sn we shall have good times, next fall.
Aibany Herald.
Cotnst of the Year.
seven o'clock on Friday
The First
A little before
evening last, while Prof. Lewi3 Swift, Bi
,riiCtor of tho Warner Observatory, Boches
ter, if. Y., was scanning the western sky.
he discovered . brilliant comet located in
the constellation of Pegasus, near tho star
Beta. The new cornet is moving eastward
and is very bright. Thi3 is the first comet
discovered during the present year and also
jtbs fiii .discovery made by means of the
new 4$eaeope of the Warner Observatory,
wiijvju is the largest telescojie in the worid.
From Wind to Wobfoot.
The following from the Cherokee (Iowa)
Tim, is a sample of numerous articles ap
pearing continually in our eastern exchang
es, substantiating Oregon's boom:
"J. H. Wilder has resigned his place on
the boerd of supervisors, aad leaves in a few
days for Oregon. Mr. Wilder is a young
man of excellent character and good busi
ness ability, and the county not only loses
one of its ablest and best ciheers but the
neighborhood in which ho resides one of its
most worthy citizens."
We have reason to believe that Mr.
Wilder will settle in the Willamette valley
aud is only one among tha many substantial
citizens iu the east who are making a like
Newport Item.8.
March 19. 1S33.
The schooner Vaaderbilt, Capt. Winant,
eailed last Friday evening, with a full cargo
of lumber and oysters.
A man by the name of Jame3 MeKcegan
is auppoced to live been drowned last
week. He had been drunk for several days
at Newport when he started for home with
Jimmy Brown also drunk. When near
Yaquina tiieur canoe upset; Brow got
ashore and laid there quite a while before
he was found. MeKcegan has not beau
heard of since.
The steamer Kate 4 Anna is now due
here from Portland.
Business in Newport is improving.
Mr. J. H. Eime and Mr. R. M. Thomp
son arrived tiere irom (jorvaui ounaay
e -eaiag.
The steamer "Ona" is repotted to bs
loading io Portland.
About 3 o'clock Sunday evening a fire
was discovered in tho third story of the
Irvin house. Mrs. levin rushed into the
blazing room and threw the bedding which
was on fire out at the window, aad by the
assistance of Mr. Bell got the fire under
control before general a!a.-:nwis given.
Upon investigating the cause, the room
being still filled with smoke a lot of rubbish
was found stowed away between the joice
through a holu ia the floor, which was thor
oughly saturated with kerosene. It was
evidently the work of aa incendiary.
Gait F.idsc Ite3.
Farmers have to eom j extent recovered
from the shock caused by tne unusual bad
condition of fall grain.
I learn that there aro several horses afflic
ted with an ailment which appears to bafBe
tha skill of our beat farmers.
The Presbyterian Sabbath school of thi3
piaoe -will rally the first Sunday in April,
aud begin their regular work.
There was a party, or in other wotds a
sociable, at Mr. A. B. Moores I3t Thursday
evening, when cur yoang people and some
ohler ones experienced a pleasant ffternooa.
During the same evening a society vas or
ganized, which was named "Oak Ridga
Mite." We intend giving ia the near future
an entertaiument. Proceeds to be expended
towards painting our church bull iing.
March 19, 1S33.
arn to Seattt-
NeftfcVef-tvl, on the 13th .of March
says tij $tfene Guard. Mr3. Wm Miller,
while leaning over the fire preparing food
for the table, her dress canght fire, and be
fore assistance could be had she wae burned
to death. The lady was alone in the house
at the time. She leaves a husband and a
arge family of small children, on whom"
death will fall with terrible weigh. -
A Card.
To the friends who so kindly assisted us
during the sieknes3 and death of our darling
w return our heartfelt thank3.
F. G. Clark.
C. E. Clark.
hews chapel on March 14th, by Rev.
B. E. Habersham, Geo. Armstrong, of
Mountain View, in this county, to Maud
Hathleen Fry, second daughter of Rev.
Fry, Bectox of Holy .Cross, Tipperary,
CLARK In this city, March 18th, of pneu
monia, Frank, son of F. G. and C. E.
' darkv aged 9 months and 1 ay.
Circuit Court Docket.
Tke following is a list of cases on the
docket for March term of Circuit Court
which convenes at thia place next , Monday
State of Oregon t Labaa Sanders and
Eliaa Sanders, Larceny.
State cf Oregon vs Baa Johasoa, Murder
Medvin McKee.
State of Oregon vs Ben Johnson, '.Larceny
in a dwelling house.
State of Oregon vs George Jody, Recog
nisance. State of Oregon va Thomas Kyniston,
State of Oregon vs L. D. Holgate, Recog
nisance. l
Maria Armington vs Sol King Admin.,
Action at law.
F. C. Horning vs Oregon Pacific R. R.
Co., Damages.
W. M. Yantia, Admin. Estate of Jas.
A. Yantis, vs S. H. Oliver, Action at law to
recover money en contract.
Charles Hodges vs Win. Holder, Action
at law to recover money.
Willamette Valley and Coast railroad
Co. vs M. C. Trapp, Action to appropri
ate lands for rij;ht of way.
H. P. Harris vs, the Oregon Pacific Rail
road Company, Action at law to recover
B. F. Hyland vs Isaac Newhouso, Action
at law to recover money.
William Wyatt vs Willamette valley ?and
Coast R. R. Co. Damages for trespass.
City of Corvallis vs Joseph McTinimocs,
J. S. Baker and R. G. Simmons, Action on
bond ot saloon license, settled.
J. G. Cherry Admin., vs. Allen Parker,
Action at law to recover money.
Charles DuBruille vs Sol King, Action to
recover possession of personal property.
II. A. DuBruille vs Sol King, Action to
recover possession of personal property .
Newinark k Gruenberg rvs N. E. Butts
alias N. E. Miluer, Action at law to recover
G. W. Houck ya R. M. Logan, Action at
law to recover money.
Price Bros, vs J. W. Allen and Ann Allen,
Action at law to recover money.
Connor and Crosno vs J. W. Allen, Act
ion at law to recover money.
Otto Fox vd Wm. B. Stout, Action at law
on note to recover money.
Henry Wortkam vs M. Heslop, Action at
law to recover money.
M. S. Woodcock vs Bagley, Marlett &
Burns, Action at law to recover money.
Wm. MacKay vs Jas. Readman, Action
at law on account to recover money, settled.
Alonzo Case vs Wm Barley, Action at
law to recover money.
A. W. Wright vs Wm. C. Clark, Action
at law to recover money.
Kelsay ft Burnett vs Wm. Gird, Action
at law to recover money.
Frantz & Connor vs F. H. Francis, Action
at law to recover money, settled.
Kelsay ft Burnett vs Thos. Espy, Action
at law to recover money.
M. S. McFadden vs Samuel King, Action
at law to recover money, settled.
C. S. Bishop vs Oregon Pacific It. R. Co.,
action at law for replevin of personal pro
perty. John Layton vs T. E. Parker, action at
law to recover money.
W. A. McOolloagh vs Oregon Pacific R.
It. Co., Action ; at law to rooover money.
John Ray ft Son vaBeaj. F. Jones, Action
at law to. recover money.
Zcphia Job vs S. H. Oliver, Action atUaw
to reiver mpney.
Chenoweth ft Johnson vs D. W. Inman,
Action at law to recover money.
Willamette valley and Coast R. R. Co.
vs William Wyatt, Cross bill.
Stokeley Moor vs Adaline Moor, Divorce.
Max Friendly vs W. S. McCaUough,
Suit in equity Partnership.
John Vinge vs James South worth at al,
Suit in equity.
F. B. D.iun vs W. H. Huffman and Mary
E. Huffman, Suit in equity.
N. B. Avery vs fumlersoa Avery eta!,
Suit for Partition of feal property.
Mary Ellen Willy vs Wm. Proudfoot,
et al, Suit for partition of r eal property.
Willamette valley and Coast "R. XL Co.
vs Wm. Wyatt, Suit.
Wm. Peacock vs Milton Hals, Admin,
et al, Specific performance cf contract.
Daniel llathway vs James II. Craiu aad
Maria L. Craiu, Suit to foreclose mortgage.
W. P. jhnitl? vs Rachael Smith, Divorce.
Adaliuo Mooro V3 Stokeley Moore, Di
vorce. G. B. Smith vs Leah Linviile and Sol
King, Suit injunction.
Thomas Bussell vs .Jacob Holgrte et al,
Suit to foreclose mortgage.
John Smith ft John S. Diker vs Thomas
Eglin, Motion to set asids judgment.
uuaaette vaiicy ana coast ll. it. Go. ys
M. L. Trapp, Suit.
Thomas Eliu ya S. Z. Paxton, Injunction.
Rachaol Sufita V3 W. p. Smith and N. B
Avery, Divorce.
Mary Hose vs George Roso, Divorce.
Adam Wilhelm vs Wm. C. Woodcock
and Sol King, Suit Injunction.
H. A. DuJJraiile and Charles DuBruilli
vs Sol King and Max Friendly, Injunction
Adolpli Taisell va Robert Sweabolt, Suit.
Ellen Humphrey vs Albert Humphrey,
Assignment for benefit ofJCreditors of A.
J. Lanzv.-orthy.
Eliza Sanders vsG. W. Houck, Suit In
j auction.
Lazarus Vanbebber vs Pomelia King,
Admin., Suit to forclose mortgage. '
Knapp Bunell ft Co. va Win. Bagley et al
Sujt, foreclosure.
Board of School Commissioners vs Johnson
White, et al, Suit to foreclose rr.ortg; -e.
School Commissioners vs B. W. Wilson
et al, Suit o foreclose mortgage.
John Harris vs Robt. M. Logan etal,
Libbie'B. Jessup vs Earl Jess up and
Nancy Jessup, Suit for partition of " real
Kcziah Rayburn vs CheaowcJfch & John
son, Specific performance.
City of Corvallis vs J. W. Moore Jr. and
C. W. Atwood, Injunction.
Paulina Wood va Jesse Wood et al, Suit.
James Huffman vs S. H. Oliver and Al
bert Humphry, Confirmation of sale real
' Julia Am Alton v J. Wt Allea, Pirerce.
' Monroe Items.
The dressmaking establishment is ia full
blast with Mrs. Jennie Bennett, and iMiss
Lizzie Wellaher to the fore. Rooms over
Thompsons drug store, one door south of
Houck'3 store. "t
Mr. George Houck has purchased the
Woodcock property at this place. He in
tends building soon,
Lon Blood returned from a protracted vis
it to his brother, at Cresswell last Saturday.
He will remain in Monroe only a shqr
time and then goes back to Ciesawell where
he will spend the summer.
Messrs Jesse aad Louis Houc k end Fate
Thompson are "doing the city" this week;
look out for larks.
Rev. I. D. Driver and family of Eugne
spent Saturday and Sunday in our town.
It is rumored that six or eight new build
ings are to be erected in town shortly; most
of them will be dwelling houses for rent.
Monroe March 21, lft.
list of unmet
Remaining unclaimed in the Postoffice- at
Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, Friday
Mar. 23, 18S3. Persons calling for the same
will please say "advertised," giving date of
the list.
Liverv. Feed,
Sliala St., CeiTraUls, Orofcvn.
Brown Mrs. Chan.
Brown, Mpnis, P.,
cents' SIXST,
Buckley, Michael, Moss, Walter.
Rankin, M. J.
Patterson, J. H.,
N. E. Barber, P. ,M
The Horse.
We have received a quantity of treaties
ou the horse, which we propose to give
away to every subscriber paying iu advance,
if requested, whether personally, or by
mail; if by mail send 3 cent stamp to pre
pay postage. This book is well worth the
price of the paper $2.50 to aay person
having horses. Thel merican Cultivator has
the following to say of the treatise:
"Kendall's Treatise on the horse is a book
of about 90 pages, with paper covers, fully
illustrated, and containing an "Index of
Diseases," which givei the symptoms, cause
and the best treatment of each; a table giv
ing all the principal drugs used for the
borae,- with the ordinary dose, effects and
antidote when a poison, a table with an en
graving of the horse's teeth at dilfercnt
ages, with rules for telling the age of th
horse; a valuable collection of receipts, and
mux'h other valuable information. In pre
paring copy for this book it was the aim of
the author to make it as plain as possible
for the non-professional readers, and give
them information which i i of the greatest
importance to horsemen, aud yqf avoiding
all technical terms as much a3 possible, and
also condensing the book as much as pos
sible without leaving out the real essential
information in treating each subject. Every
farmer or horse-owner should owu one of
these little books.
ofTar aunerior accommodations la tea Liver
Ala. rsaily far a drive.
At Low Rates.
My etablas are flrat-claaa In every resocct, and
patent and obng-mf boallera always
ree j to serve tha public,
Prticular A I leu tio u Paid to Boardisi
FOH FUN.ERAE3. 19:2Tjf.
Chinaman must go its cheap to use steam
and cut cue. Your wood will bnra
bettor and last longer if ycu get
a hold of your wood. Ti-y It and you won't
have any othGr. He is alwaya ready.
I would state to the farmers of Benton and
Linn counties that I have a small port
able steam saw mill and am ready '
to make contracts to saw
They makn & very lasty fence. Commence now
and cut your f Hi poles and piie them ia
pile or riclt them nd come
sco uie. I cieaiu buitinetia.
I am now building
Try Pfonder'a Qrm Var2e?-
New' This Week.
mild FS1 PUL!CATi5.
La: id OiSefl at Boaeburjf Oregon
liarofa 17th, H63.
Notice is hereby gii-en that Xui foilowing-iived
settler has led notice of his intention to make final
proof in support ot his clitm, a:id tiiat said
proof be mado br jt tha Clerk of Benton County
at Corvallis, on
viE:Anda7av Soadc Pruaraptton u. 3. No. 43 7-4 for tha
ts i and JO bsc 0, T IS, S. U. 5 West Will. Uer.
He liama? the followiiif wltn&i9 to prove hU con-
iiuuou'j rvsSdenca upon, and cultivation of said lLtid,
vig: Geo. W. Houck, Bbaft Da via, Robert aheltoo
and Joa. J. Cuble, all of Monroo Beaton Couuty, Ore-
13-5w Eeister.
io bo used on tho Willamette river aud will
in a few days bo ready to drive -piles anjf
whe-e along the Willamette river, ware
house men aad saw uiiil men will do well tcj
mrm Ata, bus '
I also have a laud driver and will take con
tracts to drive piles anv where in folk, Ben
ton, Linn aad Lane counties. I use steam
John Wm. Moore.
7 IMAlSl
Notice is hert-'b" Riven by Tirtus of a llcenea
to her dnij' granted jf the Comity Coart of the
State of Oregon for tfc County of Benton aitting for
the tranRctioa of pt$mte budneaa on tha 4th day
of January 1SS3 for the sale of the real etto of
F.Ttie Gaylord a minor situ&td in Bcntoa County
Oregon, ir.d described as foilowa, to wit:
The undivided one-sixth part of all of tho following
described premises to v. it: The S. 4 of 3- F.. J of Sec
20, the S. I of H. W. I of Sec. i; Lots one and two of
See. 2ii N". W. I of N. E. i and Lot oac (1) of Section
50 ail in township (11) eleven South of RanjrG five
wjit containing 2V4 7S-100 aores in Benton Cuuuty,
Oregrcn, (exeepUiig acrea deedod by J.
Chatham Roberts to PttUllp Riiz) it bein;.r r!1 of the
dunation land claim tf J. CLatliam Roberta excenfc
paid 19 37-100 fterei above ineutioned told to Phillip
Also the undivided one-sixti past of the following'
tict of lnd, hfinniiijr 0.90 chain 8 south and 1.SQ
cinuiie west oi" the N. W. comer of Section 8, Town
sh:p Eleven South of Range 3ve West of the Will
amette moKOiau, thenc East 60.27 chains t hi nee
South 10.10 chains thenoc West 6133 chain? thonce
N. 6C E. 10 15 chains to tha placa ot begii-iiiu t:on
tainrng 01 aeves of land more or Jeai. AU of the
above lands lyin;; and being situated In Benton
County, State of Dragon. Tha underai-uod Hen
rietta RaitttVl guardian of the person and estate of
said iiUnor Lilie Gay lord will ou
At the hour o one o'clock P. M. of said day at the
front door j? the Court House in CarvalleS ia said
Benton County, sell at public auction to tha highest
bidder all of the right, title, brtabreet and estate of
said minor EfKe Gay lord in and to the above de
scribed premises. Terms of sale cash in hand.
Guardian of the person and estate of Kine Gaylord
a minor.
Corvallis March 16th 1833.
A gentleman, who has h:i4 ma.ny years experience
in teaching, having Jen Principal of a graded school
or three years, wishes a school for six or nine months.
Addrea. "Teacher." care of E. A. Milner, Corvallis
Benton County, Oregon.
No Minerals Purely Vegetabls,
Malaria, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Head
ache, Pains in th Back, Neuralgia; and all
those Diseases arising from the functions of
the Stomach being deranged from weakness
oi excesses.
20:12 m-3
13 129
per day at home. Samples worth f.S fra
Andrew Stir.son & Co.. rurtland.Me.
(or Catarrh, Diptfaeria sad Canker Month, gojd at
imLL's mm mi
Ttie moit D::ccessfui remedy ever discovered, as it
certain in itseftbcWand doea Qt bUttcr. Hea.1
roof be:ow. ?:
Koiidftll' Spavin Cure.
Uahif.tok, Ho., June 14th.
- B.J. Ks'idsll & Co., Gents : This is to certify
that I have used Kendall's sjavni Cure, and have
found it to ta all it Is lecoammudod to be and in
fiidtisors too"; have reniovt-d Jby ufin the above 1
ChUous, Cone Spavins, Ricgr bones, Splints, and caii
ens :crluliy testify end retoiiiiBeud It to be the hi-.t
thin tor any bony substance I have ever used and 1
hvu tried ruaiiy as I have made that xuy atudy fut
years. ' ?
Eoapeciuify yours,
Onaonta, Kew York, Jan. flth.
Early last summer If soars. B. J- KendsJl U Co., el
FiH'eliUTKU Falls, Vt., made a contract with the pub
Ubhers o: tlis Prtss for a half coluxan advrrtiecnicnt
for one year Mttissff forth the merit of KdallV
Spavin Curt;. At tue saii tiuie we secured from the
tirm a quantity of bookd. er.titled Dr. Kcudafi'a
Treatws on the horse and his Diseases, which we are
Klfji-3 to ad vau;epaiug subscribers to the Press as
a premium.
About tha time tha advertisement first appears
in tniM ptsper Mr. P. O. Schennerhorn, who resMftf
new Collieia h-svl a spaviuetl horso. Uo read the id -wi'tiscmecti
Kfid cneluded to tast the atflcacy of toe
re'uedy, altLouh hsS friends laughed at hie cred1
ul.iy. lie bought a bottie of Kendmll's Spavtn Con
and iommouueu nsiiiu It on the burse in accordant
with the directions, and he informed ua th.'s week,
that it effected snob a compu-te cure that an expert
feoMestoait, wbo examined thcanhnal recently could
find no trace of the spavin or th place where it h&d
teen inrstoit Mr. Schmyrhoru husiiice secured a
copy of Scr.dall's Ttcatias ou the Uorse and his Dis
ease, which be pritos very highly and would t
loth to past with at any price, provided he coufd
not obtain another copy, io much for advertising
reliable articles.
Fremont, Ohio, Ift.n. 25th. '
Dsl B. J. Ksf!AfaL'& Co., (stents : i think it v-r
duty to EeKtter you niy thanks for bencStj and profits
which I have derived nil your invaluable and fat
famed Spavin Cure. My ecu.-in and i had a valuable
stsdKoti, worth S4000 which had a very bad spa- .A
and B7ae y renounced by four einineit veterinary
surgeon beyond acy cure, and that the horse was)
done for ever, as a last resort I advised mv cousid
to try a boitl j of ;leudaa s opimn Core, it hau a
magical efluct, tije third hottl cured it "and t1
horsu i as -.veil as ever. Dr. Dick of Edinburgh, tfcft
eminent vet jrinaiy surgeon was an uncle of UWMSj
and I tike great intetaet ia aaaiiting his profefesibiV
Yours truly. '
JAjsxs A. Wilson, Ciil Lnglneer.
KendaSi's Spav.n Cure
Wcat EDGsburgh, Vt., Feb. 15th, 18W.'
Dr. B. J. Kbjtd.vli &Co., Gents fiox-sral months
ago 1 injurod my knee joint which caused an en
'lanran.ent to grow the sixe of a iarga walnut a:id
caased me very severe pain all th-3 time for four or
five weeks, when I began to use Kendall's Spavin
Cure with tho most satisfactory results. It has en
tirely removed the enlargement aud stopptd tbe
lameness and pain. 1 have loriu; known It to be ex
cellent for horrjes but now 1 know it to be the bvt
liniment for human dc h thai I am acquainted with:
Yours truly,
T. P. Lawrbkcz.
Kendail's Spavin Qure
Is euro in its urfecta, mild in its action as it doc-s r.ot
blister, yet it is penetrating and poweriul to reacA
every deep stated pain or remove any bony grvvtn
or other enlargements, such a spavins, splints cur-ir-,
caloua, ertrains, swclli!:gj and any lameness and ri
largcmentsof the joints or limbs, or for rhcuiUMilsna
in man and for any purpose JW which a liniment is
nsed for man or beast. It is now known to he the
best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and
yet certain in its effects.
Send address for Illustrated Circular which we
think gives positive proof of its virtues. No remedy
has ever met with "such unq;i&Ufied success to onr
knowledge, for beast as well as intui.
- Price 91 per bottle, or -six bottles for 95. All
Druggists have it or can get H for you, or it will bs
sent to any address on recsfpt of price by the prr
f deter. Dr, B. J. Ksxdall Co... Enoibunrk
alls.Vt. ' - "
t -