The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, March 23, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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ffRcckln; tfortoiliis (Sa)tttf.
Kotsrsd at the Postoflice at Csxvallia
Org, at second-class matter.
VirUii ht sent a military force
giat illr! oyster dredgers.
Nine-tenth of the business fail
Br f due to speculation! outside
of tba rgpilsr business.
Dtrmg the month of February it
is iroJ thftt the public debt was
rodawrd OYer $9,000,000.
It is disappointment to New
York politicians that President Ar
thur did not cat off the oiEoial neck
of Collector Robinson.
Thera seems to have been no Con
gress of late years more free from
jobs than the forty-seventh. The
professional lobbyists fared badly.
It is claimed that the annual pen
sion payments are now double the
interest on the public debt and still
a possibility of adding a fear more
million to be paid to pensioners.
- .
Tba next U. S. Senate will be com
posed ot two Independents thirty
ight Republicans and thirty-six
Democrats. The Independents are
Mahoneand RiddWberger of Vir
ginia. Ireland, would improve her con
dition with fever police barracks and
more school hoaxes, more school
masters and fewer constables. Or
ganized associations for murder
makes-barracks and police necessary.
Three hundred cit'xe-ns of New
York, representing tl,000300,000 of
capital, have made known to Gav.
Cleveland that they regard the "Five
eent Fare Bill" with grave appre
hension as a breach of faith upon the
part of the State, and an attack upon
the rights of the people. The Gov
eruor vetoed the bill
The right of the electors to vote
up oadown, and early and often, an
article for the constitution, to pro
hibit the manufacture and sale of
pints, wine, beer and cider is gen
erally conceded by the people to be
one of the inalienable lights contem
plated by the Declaration of Inde
pendence, and included in that clause
relating to the pursuit of happiness.
Tbe Republican Congress saved
the country from a serious monetary
disturbance, and from a leap in the
dark, by extending the National
Bank Act, against the solid opposition
f the Democrats, who now, ot
course, will have to carry out their
policy of destroying the National
banks, and put their substitute in
place of it.
The recent Democratic minority in
Congress which opposes every act of
the Republicans, ha since become
the majority, and must take up the
responsibility of undoing what it op
posed, and of substituting a policy
consistent with their former actions;
bat consistency with them in tbe past
has been unknown. Republicans will
observe with interest the formation
of Democratic opinion, which should
now take plage, preparatory to the
impending time for leginlativc action.
The amount now paid by the Gov
ernment in pensions is doubli the in
terest on the National debt. There
was more paid out in pensions last
year by ten per cent, than during the
entire period from the foundation ot
the Government to the breaking out
of the rebellion. Since 1861 there
have been $562.'741.170 67 expended
for this purpose, and the appropriation-for
the coming year is $100000,
000. This is equivalent to a per
capita tax of 2 50 upon the entire
population of the country. It is
probably a larger sum than- was re
quired for the pay of the army (not
its maintenance) at any time during
the war.
The Democratic element in Con
gress which recently opposed tbe
Republican work ot modifying the
war tariff, and voted in mass against
the act the country will look to the
present Democratic house for a tariff
poiicy they being now in the majot-
ity. The Democratic element in the
late Congress which oii the one side
endeavored to reduce the whisky and
tobacco tax in order to preserve a
high tariff, and on the other side to
preserve a large internal revenue in
order to reduce the duties which tax
consumption without revenue will
now have to be fonsrbt out amonsr
themselves to give them any tariff
policy at all and in the mean time the
country and especially Republicans
will wait with much cariosity to ob
jrrt their action?.
Of the staruhips lor.t last year,
16 were American and 192 British,
but it must he runembered that these
countries own vessels in a similar
r r .,
I" For every passenger killed by
railroad accidents during the Mas
year nearly tour and a half millions
have been carri-d safely, showing
that this mode of travel is not so
dangerous as boom imagine.
New Jersey hits enacted that in
civil suits a verdict agreed to by
nine of the twelve jurymen shall be
received as the decision of the whole
number. This will not only increase
the number ot true bills but some
what cripple tho business of the "pro
fessional juryman,"
The legislature of Minnesota has
passed an act which raises the license
fee for retailing liquors from the p res
ult minimum of $25 a quarter to a
minimum of $200, and from the
present maximum of $100 to a maxi
mum of $500, with a proviso that it
shall not be less than $100 a quarter
in cities having a population of 20,
000 or more. On all sides increase
of license Zees is being accepted ss
the practical method of dealing with
the liquor question.
Mesquit grass keeps green the
year round, is very hardy, takes root
quickly a mere scattering of the
seed over the snrtace of the ground
being sufficient makes good hay for
cattle, I've seen horses eat it with
p parent relish, and kills out fern.
Upon the latter point a great many
adverse opinions are held, but I am
speaking from experience and can
show any incredulous reader a small
patch wb'ch I sowed two years ago
in mesquit, which then was quite
thick with fern bat is now entirely
covered with mefquit grass and also
other patches in process of transfor
mation. Most farmers who have
given it a fair trial are of the same
opinion. It grows well on hillsides
requiring but little soil to propoxate
Oregon and Pacific Railroad.
A recant dispatch frmn San Francisco,
says: A gentleman prominently connected
with the management of the Oregon Pacific
railroad arrived from the east Saturday,
where he has been engaged foi the past two
months in matters ulating to the construe-'-
tion of the proposed road. In conversation
with an Orego.ilan correspondent he stated
he was unable to give any detailed account
of the conternpla fed work or the result of
his labors in the east, as arraugements had
not boen finally consummated. It was not
improbable that within the next two weeks
matters would aasume definite proportions
so that work will be commeccod on short
order after the receipts of certain plans.
At present the only thing he could state ad
visely is that every important developement
are tinder consideration, and when finally
decided upon a flank movement wonld be
made and work pushed on to speedy conclu
sion. A asbiegrsm.frora London is anxious
ly awaited, which would determine the com
plexion of matters to a considerable oxtent.
He leaves for the east this afternoon.
The Oxeson and California Railroad
Leased to the Orasoa Traascontt&ea
ts.1 for S3 years.
A recent dispatch from New York says:
An agreement has heen. made that the Ore
gon and Transcontinental shall complete
and equip the remaining 125 miles of the
southern extension, and receive therefor $3
600,000 in first boa-Is. issued at a
rate of $20,000 per mile, and $3,300,000 sec
ond mortage bonds; also that the Oregon and
Transcontinental Company shall lease the
Oregon and California system for 99 years,
and pay a rental, first, amount of fixed
charges, being interest on first and second
mortatfeR; $20,003 a year to maintain the
organization of the Oregon and California-
company; third, $300,000 per annum for
three and one-half yeai-i, to be distributed
as a dividend at the rate of 2J per cent per
annum on the preferred stock of the Oregon
and California; and fourth, to pay, from and
after July 1st, 1S86, to the lesser- company,
35 per cent of the gross earning, with a gua
rantee that this percentage will he sufficient
to pay the fixed charges of $20,000 per an
num for the maintenance of the'organization
and minimum or 2 per cent dividend on the
preferred stock.
And still a liter dispatch from New York
confirming the same says:
New York, March IS. At the office of
the Oregon and Transcontinental company
it was stated that advices- received' this
afternoon announce the acceptance by the
London stockholders of a proposion made at
a meeting to-day of the Oregon and Tran
continental company, regarding the com
pletion and lease of the road. The Oresjon
and California road it leased to the Trans
continental company for 99 years. The ren
tal is to be the payment of interest charges
of 1320,000 per annum aud 35 per cent of
the gross earnings.
There are 6000 men cmploped on the Pan
ama canal, and the work is piogressing sat
isfactorily. TSff bill to authorize San Francisco to
issu-tads for municipal purpose has been
signed by the governor.
The Irish societies in New York paraded
last Saturday. Patrick Egan occupied a
carriage in the procession.
On account of the great decrease of orders-
for stamp printing for the internal revenue
service, and consequent reduction of work
at the burean of engraving and printing, -a
ooaaderabis redaction f ths foray fr
ployed in that business will seen bacome
Indian Agent Tufta, ct Muskogee, Indian
territory, telegraphs the commissioner uf
Indian affairs that unlets troops are sent to
the Union agency at one there i great
danger of a fight between the opposing
factions of the Creek Indians. The -war de
partment has been advised of the impend
ing danger.
There is great excitement in financial end
commercial circles, of Moutres.1, over the
fact that the Bank ot Montreal has taken
out a warraut for tbe arrest of Thomas
Hodgaon, the great produce merchant, for
ootaiuiug advances from the bank on false
pretense. Accural has been arrested.
St. Paul, March 19. The Pionaet Press
will publish an autborivd statement of the
purchase of St. Paul property by the North
rn Pacific railway, embracing 4fiO acre in
two divisions. On the property it was esti
mated that 200 miles of track will be laid,
exclusive of depots for freight and passBU
gor, cattle yards, shop, elevator, writer
works, etc. On the 48 acres purchased
from Mayor Rice, forming a portion of the
easterly purchase, a grand Union depot will
b erected, into which trains will all connect.
The doctrine of polygamy aa taught and
practiced by the filth and senm of humanity
in UiehWs doubtless gaining ground deapitc
the long -winded consideration of congress,
says the Prinevilie AVwa. Its growth ond
pread seems to be as certain a fate; find the
"saints" pay -no heed to tbe acts of the gov
ernment regarding their behavior, but act
right ou in the capacity of panderers. The
pillars of this degenerate institution have
become too fiirmly fixed to be'.fcorn down
destroyed by ordinary legislation. The
canse has become an obstinate, if uot al
arming .one, and only the severest rstraini
will gever its pertinacious huld upon iveak
humanity. Blind zeal if uot an evil iteclf
is productive of evil results of worst charac
ter, which fact is made plain, we think by
a at the rotten intntions of Mormon
ism. And if the suppression of a great evil
is conducive to the welfare and seemly be
havior of a state or nation, why dally long
er about this wholesome sacrifice of virture
honor, principle and common decency? The
government in its great solicitude for ihe
welfare and protection of religious liberty,
has tolerated this inexcusable depredation
too long. Because the vile practice of poly
gamy is mantled with the false cloak of wor
ship, is only another and better reason why
it should be suppressed. If severe, measures
must be instituted to restrain it, we cannot
see any policy in delaying the matter. On
the contrary, to delay longer what is so es
sential to the common laws of propeicty, is
we believe, to forget our national pride, and
loose prestige in the eyes of all civilization.
A bank is to be opened at Roseburg.
Ths telegraph wire has reach Pendleton.
It is stated thatwork will soon commence
on tbe Salem woolen mills.
Mrs. O. Beckwith fell down stairs at Eu
gene last week and had her arm dislocated.
The Salem board of trade is instructed to
see if the railroad depot at that place cannot
be got down town.
Flour at Baker city is $14 psr barrel.
Eggs 50 cents per dozen.
The Harrisbnrg lodje of L O. O. P., pro
poses to make an excursion to Salem on tlie
26th of April.
The travol over the Blue mountains from
Pendleton ie so great that passengers havo
to wait for their tura at thai place.
The Ro3eburg Plaindesler has entered
upon ita 14th volume.
Miss Clra Earhart, daughter of Scretary
Earhart , received her young friends at the
parental home in Salem on Friday.
Edward Sommerville, tbe new Indian
gent, for the Umatilla agency, baa filed his
bond of $10,000.
Some Portland capitalists havo purchased
tbe old Crooks donation claim in Linn coun
ty, and are going to start an immenco hop
So great is the confidence shown in New
Tacoma by the residents of the city, and
surrounding towns, that the majority of
them are buying all the real estate they can
A prominent citizen of New Tacoma has
received a proposal from Eastern capitalists
to put up $100,000 to establish locomotive
works in New Tacoma, if the citizens thuro
will put up an equal amonnt.
Mechanics of all kinds at Salem arc biwy.
As the spring opens up there are numerous
new buildings started and a general stir in
The La Conner Mail is informed that the
Seattle flour and griat mill will be removed
to and established at Whatcom, by thp
Kansas colony.
Business prospects at Spokane falls were
never more flattering. Eastern capital is
pouring io and sales of real estate are large.
Two large bricks will be erected this epriug,
also a building for a furniture factory.
Several minor enterprises now being started
will also add greatly to the importance of
the place.
The Tacoma News says: The prospect of
liberal subscriptions to ihe new railroad
project of citizens of Steilacoom brightens.
Donations of land and money are thus far
larger and the prospect now is that all t)
owners of the land within tbe limits of the
town will make donations, some of then
quite liberal.
The difficulty of obtaining lumber to
carry on building in New Tacoma, is now
greater than ever before, and. the starting
of other mills is looked forward to eagerly.
For the entire month past the weather at
New Tacoma has been so unparalleled in
any country at this season of the year, that
it has occasioned remark on every hand.
Work on the Pnyallup river railroad
bridge is being pushed rapidly, about fifty
whit men being employed. The trestle
has reached the north aids of the river and
only the north approach remains to be
Ppo.-t from all sections of Sasterp Ore
gon Indicates iucroased acreage and flatter
ing progpects for an immense yield of grain.
California propose to parJon her Chinee3?
convicts, on coaiiitiuu that tliey rsiara to
China for good
Much destitution has been Mused by the
floods in the Misaiippi, aud hundreds of
negrota are homaloss and without food.
A German by the name of Eorschfecrgei-,
who ua i to live in the vicinity of Harr
Uurg was recently found dead, in Cow
Crenk canyon with a rock fastened to his
feck . lie had lon missing some tin and
no information of his whereabouts flonld be
1-earood until Uw dead body was discovered.
' Island No. 6, situated in the middle of
the Mississippi rfvar about 60 miles below
Helena, was waihsd entirely away by the
proeont overflow in that district, and now
uo vevtige i left to fchow whero it ouce stood.
A bill has paaced the hws in the Iliumis
legislature to punish wife .beutera by whip
ping. James Elliott, the pugilist, died and was
buried in New York City on ket-week.
Surveyor General Tolman is engaged on
a new map of Oregon by counties for the
postotiice department at Washington.
At Walla WaBa, the fruit crop will be
very short. Teachta, plums, pears and
cherries are nipped in ths bad, some -apples
The following is the bnsincss of the Roae
hirrg Land Office for the month of February:
7,039 acres'so'd for cash; 17 homestead en
tries embracing 2,6-37 aero?; 9 final home
stead proofs embracing 1415 acres; 34 pre-
lptio-i filings aud 5 entries under the
timber land law.
The Common Council of Portland has un
der consideration a proposition for lihtiag
the city with electricity. The cost will be
526,090 a year for five years higher than
at nres'ir.t. but brohwMT not so creat pa fcha
exfflnse will bs in 1SS5 for gM and oil, as
the city is growing rapidly.
A gentleman who has resided in tbe
Okauig-.n country fbr twenty years psst
says: The Colviiie and Moses reservation
comprise a vast extent of fiua agricultural
country, with an abundance of timber, and
running streams which abound in talmon
and mountain trout. It is much warmer
there than in Skane county, and all kinds
of fruit grow remarkably well. A fine
country extends up to and into ths" British
pi-3iesaions, and there are prospects for dis
covery of rich quartz- mints. There is a
prospect that a strip of fifteen miles on the
north side, where the bist mines exist, will
soon be thrown open to settlement Ex.
The school for the blind at Salem will
open April 16th.
The Dixie mills areto bs thoroughly
overhauled in time to giiad the new crop.
Dick Piebura, residing near Independ
ence, was wounded in the left shonlder !
week by en accidental discharge of a riSe.
The A'toria Brewery saloon was entered
by thievesTliursday night, who took six
do!!ars from the till and several email ar
ticles vbat came under their notice.
A weekly stage has been established be
tween Priaeviile and Karaey.
Tha placer mines at Mormon Basin are in
operation with a good snpply of water.
On Thurrday night 100 immigrants land
s'! from the cars in Dayton with the in
tention of settling in Columbia and Garfield
counties. On Wednesday night'a train
about 50 more came with the intention of
taking up government lands in that section.
Columbia and Garfield ecnutic3 are receiv
ing a very heavy immigration for this sea
son ot the year. We are certain these
atrsngsrs will find Columbia and Garfield
counties far better than the land from
whence they carae the middle states.
The increasing freight and passenger
travel on the Kan Francisco steamship liue
ii taxing the fcur now employed to their
utmoot. So great is ths pressure npon the
carrying capacity that it is likely another
steamship will be required by the trade.
Meanwhile the O. R. ft N. company are
contemplating a change, by which the
steamers shall make thn round trip in twelve
days. They will make the time between
ths sailing days only three days at each port
instead of three and four days, as it now ia.
Several packages of flour were shipped
last week by J. Oppenheimer, of Fort Col
ville, W. T., to Henry Villard and the
officers of several scientific institutions in
the east, fte flour, it 13 claimed, ig the
finest made, aud is sent as a specimen of
what the C'.lvijle country can produce.
This region is north of the Northern Pa
cific railroad and i3 described aa a fertile
valley, settled a half century ago by the
Hudson bay company. This shipment of
Attar so far east is rather cold, to aay the
least, and why it was seat is- a question as
yet unanswered.
Reports from nearly every precinct in
Poyallup valley indicate a larce increase in
the hop average over last year.
Patrick Mrdly, a railroad loss, has died
at Jacksonville from hemorrhage. He is
said to havo laid ths first rail in America.
A party from Montana is buying large
numbers uf sheep in Jackson county.
Jaar L. Rails, a Jackson county pioneer,
died recently at Willow Springs.
A four-year old daughter of Louis Land
was"drowned in Lost river two weeks ago,
W. F. Courtney has purchased fourteen
yoke of cattle at Roseburg for shipment to
F. S. Loughery has started a nursery at
Seweil, Clataop county.
Yamhill county has three men whose
combined weight is 308 pouads.
Hughes, Barnard and Dagget will soon
construct a saw mill at the mouth of the
.Charles Stora of Empire City has become
insane through paralysis and has been com
mitted to the asylum.
One of the Doane boys on Sanve's island,
by an accidental shot, had a hand lacera
ted and amputation is necessary.
A Russian Finn named Gustav Mars died
at Mansfield last week. He would not ask
medical assistance until too late.
Tba Coos bay wagon road m wycrtid to
be in good condition except at Cape Horn,
where it is soon to bo changed to a lower
Carlton has shipped to Portland in tbe
past six mac tha 486 cords oak wood. P.
O. Thompson is cutting 400 curds tor ship
ment next fsJL
Statesman: The engineers have completed
tha survey for a switch from Salm to the
peniiectury. all of which will follow the
street and county road. We understand
that the railroad oompauy will furidsh thf
rii, the state and Qold&oith ft Co. will
baiid the road aud furnish the ties, and the
county and oily will furnish about $15,000
in the way of a road bed that is already
mado along the public road.
Oa Menday d last week at Jewell Mr.
W. J. Denver's youngest child, while play
ing around a pls whare'th folks had been
burning some rubbish, full iato the hot em
bers and burned its hunds and arms nearly
to she elbows, but it was soon quieted aud
did sot appear to be suffering much, and on
Tuesday was walking around, ac5 abont 5
o'clock in the evening it very suddenly
went into convulsions, which- lasted about
two hours, wh.n it died.
Horse buyers are flocking uito the Yakiu;a
An Episcopal hospital is coatomplatod at
James Hill, of Walla Walla, has been
committed to the insane asylum.
Snow has almost disappeared in East
Kittitas valley and stock have fared well.
A son of Jms Hopwood, of Assotm had
an arm broken by falling off a wagon.
Freighters are busy hauling goods from
Dayton and New York bar to Pocaeroy.
A fast expret line is to ba run oetwaen
Yakima and The Dalies this spring and
James Gaines, of Colfax, has had both
j foet amputated, they having been frozen
during the wlntar.
Ninety miles of grading are completed on
the Palouse braaeh of the V. P. R. 2., and
over twenty-eix nalei of iron and tiec are
lying at the junction.
A German fcrilor named Fred'k Eber
Bpacbsr, eommittsd euicide at Ne w Tacoma
Saturday by shooting himself with a shot
gun. He k-ivea wife ad three children.
Another victim of intemperance
Seattle IitiUg7ic(r: Notwithstanding
the large number of dwelling houses toiit
this season, the dpnaatd for places to live in
is constantly increasing. Maiy families arc
getting aiong with two cr three rccras up
stairs in soci3 building cr ether, who are
able and willing to pay rent f.,r eomf citable
houses, were such accommodations to be
The Pen d'Oreillo bridge is programing
rapidly, but will hardly ba iiaished by the
time tracklayers rtach it.
Tom Grt-en, a tie contractor, has cleared
Rattlesnake creek, ia Idaho, ol drift for
seven roiSpjrad will float SO, 000 ties down
the creek, fig
Peter Has ton, an old resident of Missoula
W. T., was killed on Wednesday of last
week by a log failing ca him from a wagon .
Miaaoulian: Quite a few ripples of quartz
excitement have rolled over Misecul dur
ing the pan wck. Last Saturday a man
brought down from Wallace district a spec
imen of quartz from the St. Lawrence lode,
and some one broke off a piecs from on
corner, aayiug he thought it would assay
$500. It turned out to be vjry rich ia gold,
the assays showing something over 073 ia
gold, and $2i9 in silver. Several people
were wild, until tha whole pitje was assay
ed and a rnnch smaller renulS given out.
It was somewhat ot a sore-rise E-'-rty to the
owners of this ledge to discover that a
Wallace district mine is carrying as much
gold as silver; bat such is the feck Ibis
mine has a abaft TSfestdeep, which couches
but one walL An assay nuuls cn Thursday
of two feet on the cross-cat at this kpzh,
showed 82 ounces in gold and 8 ounces in
silver, or an average of $150 per ton, which
is good enough ior anybody.
The Walla Walla Democrat says: It is the
intention of the trustees of St. Paul's school
to add a kindergarten department to the
school as soon aa the cow building i3 com
pleted iu the fall. Rev. D.: I,athr.p u in
correspondence with a lady of experience ia
this line of teaching, with the object of se
curing her services in tab new depirture.
The WJIa Walla Statesman nays: From
Mr. Charles Painter, who baa just arrived
in town from Eureka Rat, v?y tro delighted
to hear that crops prosp-ctn nave.- looked
better in that progressing locality. Ha 2ya
that wheat never looked better sinca the
first settler planted his stakes there. Tht
young wheat is strong, healthy smd regular,
and every grain sowed last fail has taken
The Mail says: The following is s list of
the pioneers of Whatcom county, Washing
ton Territory, whose residence dates back
to the memorable year, 18i9: Henry Roe
der, Edward E'dridge, William Uttar,
David E. Tuck, William Gates, John H.
Plaster, Thomas Wynn, F. F. Lsue; M. T.
Tawcs, Enoch Ccmpton, H. H. March, H
C. Barkhoasea. Shade Wooten, H. P.
O'Bryant, George Neville, John K. Farvel.
Michael Sullivan, Thomaa P. Hastie, Dr.niel
J. Harris, John A. Tennant, George Slater,
Solomon Allen, James H. Taylor, H. A.
Judsen, William Munks, James Kavanaugh,
Allen C. Kittles, James F. Mathews", D. M.
Whitehall, John Straighthoif, Samuel Cal
houn, J. L. Maddox, Franklin Buck.
Michael Henry had an arm brokoa by
falling into the coissen at Aiusworth bridge.
The Walla Walla and Pendleton branch
to Blue Mouutain is open for freight trains.
Rev. J. N. Crawford has arrived at Walla
Walla from California and has accepted the
pastorage of tha Cumberland Presbyterian
Walla Walla has a local Wiggins by the
name of ERuff. He predicts a great ram
storm between the 15th and 22nd of March,
which will cause tho entire country- to be
The breakup of ice at Ainsworth bridge
caused several minor accidents. C. W-
Yoortg sacs jrty were- row boat, awi .t
escaped being carried down river by jump
ing on a barge as their boat passed.
John Slocum, a Spokane Indian, pretend
ed to die last week, but after reposing two
days in his coffin, he "came to- life," and
claimed that during the absence of his spirit
from the body, it visited heaven, but was
sent back by the Great Spirit. He is daily
preaching to an immense concourse of In
dians, and among othar things, stated that,
the Great Spirit told him Wiggins' storm
was a false prediction, aud that his siwasli
brethren must not be afraid. Ke evidently
purposes taking advantage of Wiggins' mis
take to make himself famous.
Donald M.-.ckay, of Seattle, has just com
pleted plans for the contemplatad Catholic
cathedral at Vancouver. The building is to
be fifty feet wide, nith transepts eight feet
high on either side. The entire, length of
the edifico is to lie 120 feet and 6 inches,
with walls SO feet high from the floor. The
distance from the rioor to the apex of the
cuiling will be 50 feet. There will be two
tide galleries and a front gallery with organ
loft. The cathedral will be surmounted
with a steeple which will extend into the
air 1C0 feet from the ground. The plans
have been forwarded to Vancouver. --Ex.
"It is not wealth, or fame, or state,
But yet up Mid it titi. ruakea me great."
ia still sitting on the smooths side of poverty
drawing out the cords of affliction in
behalf of his old customers, where
he keeps constantly on hand
a full supply of
sJi 1 Usmom QfMlaa M.!!
mt I siassiuoo) CaQuicSj bliuisij
Robes, Spuria, Spon&e3, Harness Oil, Blan
ket, Hobbles, Nose Kags, Cinches, Harness
Soap and everything that is kept in a first
ckss harness store.
Carr?;fe Trimmings Kepalrinpf Ine oa
a Specialty. Short Notice.
Call and see for yourself before baying else
where, at the cM stand, opposite)
the express office.
Ccrvaliis, -20-ti OrsEron.
17OT? SAT XT1. Two unimproved lot ir
JIX OxJUFj. CnrvaliU, Or. Oue ot
tno choicest building' places to tbe city for sale reas
onable AXiS( Four ualuiprovod lots except fenc
ed in Corv&llia, Or. Tba choicest building place ia,
ths city for sale reasouable. EuquiTsi of id'. S. Wood-coi-k
at the Gazette office.
TTO-T? ft AT TT ValU4blefrmallui
L J1X OjT.LJ rJ. fence only 2. miles from
Oorvailis of 150 aoroe, tWacreri now in cultivation, this
b&nce of it can be ;altivjaied; about 20 of it now in.
wheat with a fair house good barn and granary,
wilibe sold at a bargain. Terraa cay. Enquire of
If ci. VVooJjjock at tiie tiazetto office
PanT? fiPfS A FAiiMof 478 acres,
I. KJXX tjdXJIjm for!, than 918 per-
acrs, be:ri on vi fcto uheapot aud best fanns ia
Bcotot. county, situated 4 nutee west of Monroe, I of
a mile tram x eooil sehooi, io one ot th best neigh
borhood in. the state with dmrch privileges hand v.
About l3Qmac6a in cultivation, and over 400 can be
cuttivt;d. AU under fence, with good two story
iraine iuu.33, lar baft and orchard; has runn-mr
water the voar around, an I is well tmitred for .--roc'i
and dairy purpoaes. This is one of the cheapest n nut
in the Wilfametta Valley Terms easy. Euquiie of
SI. H. Woodcock at tlie Gazette oifice.
Undivided interest in a saw mi-l run by water
power, a good planer and seven acrea of land used
in connection with the. mill. Power sufficient to run
all .if the year, situated handy to market and within
about 7 mi!ea of CorvalUs with an excellent good;
road to and from it. Terms easy. iQ-iutraof Jl S,
Woodcock at (.azkttx office.
(Old NATtDKAV Eitibiishcd 1S66.
12S Front St.,
Between Washington ai.d Aldsr,
An institution designed for the practical
business education of both
Admitted on r.Dy week-day of the year. No
vacation at any time, and no exam
ination on entering.
Scncl&rs&lp, for Full Business Coarse, $60.
Of all kia.U executed to order at reasonable
rates. Satisfaction guaranteed.
The College Journal, containing informa
rion of tli course of study, when to enter,,
time required, cost of board, etc., and cuts,
of ornamental penmanship, from the pea
of Prof. W ssco, sent free.
Address A. P. ARMSTRONG,
Lock Box 104,
Portland, Oregon.
sc-51 'Sssa ajvrvja
E3sg BTta SNBv
(In Crawford & Farra's New Brick.)
pi fa lS&El17fl9lf w siA
mm mW& 1 i$ Mf I 11
mm WM ill I a JjJ SI"'
HHg yy hp
Ars nov- ! oca tod In tboir now store in Crawford fit Farra's
brick block, with an immense stock of
ijM ySMIs hyiiBSBi IIMiz lists
Cloaks, Ulsters,
Furnishing Goods, and a fm dlspfay of new patterns in Staple and
i - -1 ! - -
i -
Bm RHiY fcpBE ijLQTHraa, verco&ts m
'hese Goods are offered "to the public at
prices lower than can possibly be
found in the city.
Remanber k Place, in Crawford & Farra's Hew Brick Itefc
0. H. Whitney & Co.