The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, March 23, 1883, Image 1

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    Published every Friday Morning
(Payable in Advance.)
Per Year 32 50
Six Mc:hs 1 60
Three Month. 1 00
Single Cepiai 10c
Per Year (wkn ot paid in advonce) 3 00
All notioen adiertissr.-nti intended for pub
cation iio14 be handed ia by noon oa Wednesdays
Rates vf adTertising made brai on application.
MisceSlanaous Business Cards.
.A-ttornev "at - Law,
Corvallis, - - Oregon.
Attorneys - at - Law.
li. R. FARRA, M. 0,
l3hysician fe Surgeon.
Drug Store, Corrallis, Oregon I9:25yl
T. V 8. EMBREE, M. D.,
DPh.ysiG.Jin & Suraeon.
Office 2 doors south of H. E. Harris' Store,
Corvallix, - - Oregon.
Residence on the southwest comer of block, north
vad west of theiJUhodist church.
And Electrician.
Gbronic Diseases n.ade a specialty. Catarrh suc
jsfully treated. Also Oculist and Anriat.
Office in Fisher's Block, one door West of Dr. F.
. Vincent's dental office. Office hours rom 8 to 12
aa from 1 to o'clock. 19:27.vl
Blacksmith & Wagonmaker,
Philomath, Oregon.
Mr. Rowland is prepared to do all kinds of wzgon
makins, repair! n j and blacksmit'uing to order. He
uses the best of material every time and warrants
his work. ly-32-lyr
W. C. Crawford,
assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc.
All kinds of repairing done on short noticd, and all
rrk warranted. I8:33-yl
ty .1 Wi i
Get the genuine. Kv-
rade-mark and is
ed irarer'a. SOLO EVERiWHEKK. 50y
Best in the world.
reas our trade-mark .iud 13 marix-
E. K3L0.YFE,
Attorney - at - Law,
SPECIAL attention ariven to collections, and money
collected promptly paid over. Careful and
prompt attention given to Probate matters. Con
veaaciag and searching of records, &c
Wl girt atteatioa to buying, selling: and leasing real
state, and conducts a jfeireral collecting and busi
bw ag-ency.
OfHee on Second Street, one door north of Irvin s
shoe shop. lSSyl
Photograpli Gallery.
PUOTOGSAPnS FBOM minature to
First Class Work Only!
CooTinff ia all Branches. P
firewood taken at cash prices.
uce of kinds and
The oldest established Dentist and
the best outfit in Corvallis.
All work kept in repair fres o" chary? and satisfac
tn ruarantjd. Xseth extracted without pain by
he use of Nitrous Oxidt Gas..
3TRooms tap-stairs over Jacobs & Neugass' new
Brick Store. Corvallis, Oregon. I9:27yt
Is now prepared to accommodate travelers
Constantly on hand, at the
Situaued on the Yaquina Road, half way
rom Corvallis to Newport.
19:12yl. P. BRYANT.
Manufacturers and Jobbers of
These Coeds are Warrant
ed not to rip.
All Genuine have the trade mark "IKOS CLAD"
stamped thereon.
117 Battery Street, San Francisco, Cal.
Corvallis, Oregon.
NO. 13.
F. J. Henririchscn,
Boot and Shoe Maker,
Philomath, Oregon.
I always keep on hand superior ma
terial and warrant my work. I nwk an examination
of my goods hefora pursuing elsewhere.
19-32-1 vr P. J. Uendriehson.
Rinkar System of Dress Colli
will please call on me as I am the only
author ed agent in Corval .
Mrs. W. H. Huffman.
Fo H. S&wtell.
5 C C J C -
S3 crzz
3 - oo
I . I c:j
; ' oo era
19:40 m3 3,
n legal gy
li LA IKi
ill 13
One Door South ol Graham & Hamilton's,
Cm-... Jlij, June 21. 13-i2. 19-19yl
We have in stock. tho
Dgering Twine Binders,
Deering and Standard Mow-rs,
Minnesota Chief TJireshers,
Morrison Plows,
Minnesota Giant and Stillwater Engines, El wood
mounted Hone-Power, Centennial Fanning roiil, cel
ebrated Buckeye line of Seeders and Drifts.
We plso keep the celebrated 'Whitewater and
Ketehum wagons.
june2vl W. H. MILLHOLLAND.
GorvaiHs, Oregon.
.THE OCCIDENTAL is a nev building,
newiy farniched, and ia first class in all its
Stages leave the hotel for Albany and Yaquina Eay
Mondays, Wedajes-J.ays and Fridays.
Large Sample Ecciu oa First FIcor for
CoMffirc!al Ben. 19 35 ly
Contractor and Bridge Builder,
Oor-vailis. Oregon.
"Will attend promptly to all worli under
bis charge.
R eady Mad g Clotliing,
Next door South ol Fost Oirce,
Pantaloons made to order of Oregon
Goods for 67.50.
English Goods, $11. French, $14
tSTSuits from to S60.m
Cleaning and Repairing; done at Reasonable Rates
Cor. Second and Monroe Sts.,
Keeps constantly on hand all kinds of
Coffins and Caskets.
In its green ptstttres sporting,
A lamb in heedless gfee
Tore from a thorny twig
Itj fresh green drapery.
The twig in its sharp fingers, m
Snatched from the tender ewe
A little tuft or fleece
To clothe itsslf anew.
A nightingale came seeking
Soft things to line her nest,
And through his snowy fleece
Wis prettiest and best.
"Oh! give to me the fleece.
To line mv nest," said she,
'And when I've finished it
Fll si:i my thanks to thee.
It gave; the nest was finished;
Ami as the sweet bird Banff,
Out of the basil for joy
Ti.o lovely rose-bud sprang.
Desdipticn of Its Appeaxaatt snd Present
CcaiiUca by VoSng Prcciaets.
TTrllisn Esrrossly for the Gazette by a
Tiiirty Years Resident of
tee Coiintv.
Work done to order on short notice and at
reasonable rates.
Corvallis, July 1.-18SI. 19:27yl.
CROUP, HOOPrNG COUGH and Bronchitis im
medlatelaly rieved by Shy lob's cure. Sold bv Graham
Extends from the county line on the
north to Marys river on the south a
distance of about eight miles and from
what is kno wn us the Norton hill on
the Yaquina road, the divide between
the Willamette waters and the Lucki
amute, an average width of about
eight miles. B:ing bounded on the
north by the county line, on the east by
Soap Creek, on tho South by Phil
omath and on the west by Summit
precincts. .
Rising to the northwest, near the
source of the Silctz river, in an al
most unexplored and inpenetrable
portion of the Coast Range of moun
tains, the Luckiainute liows in a south
easterly direction, entering near the
northwest corner of the precinct to a
part near the center of the precinct
where it turn s abruptly to the north,
forming the famed Kings Valley, and
leaves the precinct near the middle on
the north.
This valloy is about six miles long
and two miles in width. In the early
days of the settlement it was consider
ed one of the best grass producing
valleys in the- count-, ;md in later
years, equally good for the production
of the cereals.
In the northwest, in the bend of
Luckiamute, is a chain of moderately
high hills, the general course of which
is nearly north and south, these are
more or less open, mostl' covered with
fern and yield good feed for cattle or
sheep. A good portion of this hill
land can be cultivated and yield good
winter wheat to the highest points.
To the east of the valley is a high
ridge, forming the divide between the
Luckiamute and Willamette waters,
which runs north and south. This
divide extends to a point within three
miles ot the north fork of Marys river,
where a spur runs off to the southeast,
and the main divide turns suddenly to
the west and joins the divide between
the north fork and Luckiamute thus
completely closing in the King's Val
ley with the exception of the outlet to
north. Along the fork of Mays river
is some excellent valley land, the
arable land extending well up on the
foot hills and also up all the small
streams putting into the river.
A short distance to the southwest
from King's Valley and laying consid
erably higher is Blcdget's Valley,
where William BlocJger located his
claim more than thirty years ago, his
640 acres of lanrt embracing the
greater portion. It would take the
eye of an artist to take in all the beau
ties of this valley and his pencil to
portray it. But for the practical man,
it Would probably be sufficient to know
that in all probability no other section
of land in the county has yielded
greater remuneration for the labor be
stowed than has this. North from
Blodget's Valley the hills are low,
mostly covered with a good quantity of
green timber. Between the head of
Mary's river and the Luckiamute the
hills are low and open giving good cat
tle and sheep runs.
King's Valley when first settled was
devoted almost entirely to grazing, but
as the native grasses gradually yielded
the over-feeding to which it was sub
ject, and as the demand for grains,
vegetables and fruits increased, the
husbandmen naturally yielded to the
demand and for a number of years it
has been a grain producing section,
although stock raising has not been
entirely neglected.
The road from Corvallis to Newport
passes through the southern portion of
the precinct through Blodget's Valley.
A road passes through King's Valley
- leading out at the lower end of the
valley in the direction of Dallas in
Polk county. This road forks near
the upper end of tho valley, the more
eastern fork pf.sses over the divide and
joins the Corvallis road near what is
known as the Wrenn bridge on Mary's
river, the other fork joins the same
road at the east end of Blodget's Val
ley, in the direction of the bay.
Another road leads from the lower
end of the valley over the divide in an
easterly direction towards the Willam
ette Valley.- From near the Wrenn
bridge there are two roads to Cor
allis, one over what is known as the
Key's hill past Philomath, the other
over the Cardwell hill.
There is one post office, krnvn as
King's Valley, supplied twice a week
each way by the rout from Dallas to
Alsea via Philomath. All the south
ern portion of the precinct depend
upon Philomath for mail supplies.
There are two school districts in
King's valley, one near the Wrenn
place and one in Blodgets valley at
all of which good schools are kept.
The Evangelical church has an organ
ization, and a very neat church build
ing in King's valley, where regular
service is kept up. Cattle raising
formerly attracted a great deal of at
tention, and some of the early settlers
manifested a commendable zeal in in
troducing improved breeds. Nahm
King who settled in the valley in the
spring of 1846, brought a number of
short horn cows, having had a very
fine bull killed by the Indians on the
plains, and the late James Watson
who settled a year latter brought with
him a number of Short horn cows.
Our present Sheriff Sol King, and
Moses Wright imported 28 head of
Short horn cattle in I85S). These
were amongst the earliest introduc
tions of improved cattle into the state,
and certainly no finer have been
brought by any one. These importa
tions, though not profitable to these
individuals have been of incalculable
benefit to cattle raisers throughout the
country, and scarcely a herd of cattle
can be found" within miles where the
impress of this improved blood can
not be found. We scarcely know
what we owe to such public spirited
men. Nahm King with his sons
Isaac, Stephen, and Solomon, and son-in-law
Rowland Chambers, crossed the
plains in 1845, and about the 1st of
April 1846 settled in this, valley fol
lowed later in the same season by
Lazarus Nanhebber and the year fol
lowing by James Watson, Charles
Allen and others. In the fall of 1857
Wm. Pitman commenced the first saw
mill in the valley, on the site of what
is known as the France and Connor
mill. In 1854 Rowland Chambers
put up his flouring mill. These have
laid the foundation of a peaceable and
prosperous population of about 700.
The following contains a list of the
names of persons paying tax upon pro
perty in King's Vajley precinct and
the ampunt of tax paid by each as,
shown by the last assessment roll of
Benton County.
J. C. Aleander $6o 34
T. F. Alexander 27 18
George Baine r.. . $7 64
Wilson Bump 11 83
Wm. M. Burgett 3 81
Asenath Blodgett 25 61
Adaline Ballard 12 00
Nancy E. But 48 00
R. B. Blodgett 6 23
Conner & Crosno 66 91
Charles Cooper 5 00
M. J. Connor 60 23
James Chambers 10 66
Louisa Chambers 196 90
Franklin Chambers. 40 99
Josiah Caves
Mrs. M. E. Cline..t
James M. Cross
G. M. Fowler
T. J. Fary
S. P. Frantz.,..
C. A. Frantz
PhiloFrary 48 00
Frantz & Conner. 39 73
David Grubles 137 02
H. P. Harris 104 08
Meredith Howland 10 08
Fred Herzig 4 96
13 78
2 75
18 39
13 10
.... 62
18 66
5 16
Samuel King. . 3 56
David Kibbie Jr. 18 76
J. L. Lilly 153 25
Gabriel Long 16 32
Wm Lynch 2 60
H. P. McCullough 17 43
W. A. McCullough 10 68
John McGee 8 67
Isaac Miller 24 14
C. R. Mays 5 28
Asa Miller ..' 20 73
A. C. Miller 2 92
Wiley Norton 29 72
Jsaac Norton 23 25
Mrs. Howestill Norton. 29 33
Nathan 1 5 05
James Plunkett 8 78
J. H. Peterson 2 22
Henry Portooz 2 08
W. L. Price 30 38
Alex. Patterson 11 18
Mrs. N. C. Patterson, J. H. Pat- .
terson agent 3 25
Samuel Rice , 35 65
James Robinson 139 74
C. E. Rice 6 72
M. Siefert 3 98
John Siefert 9 81
James M. Townson 20 12
Mrs. Serana Fatem 4 32
Bradley Troxel 5 61
Lazarus Vanbeber 95 0 7
James Vanmeter 75
Charles Witham 45 06
Oliver Witham 46 84
Hiram AVood, Sr 22 83
Paulina Wood 3 54
James M. Watson 23 71
M. F. Watson 28. 57
H. F. Wood So
S. M. Wood 2 82
Mrs. Melissa Wood , 5 60
Jasper Wood 8 40
J. H. Welch 1 36
O. H. Welch t 1 65
A. J. Zumwait 40 7 4
L. S. Zumwait... 14 59
Real Estate Agency!
Real Estate Agents, will buy, sell, or
lease farms or farm property on
Having made arrangements for co-operation
with agents m Portland, and being ful
ly acquainted with real property in Beuton
county, we feel assured of giving entire sat
isfaction to all who may favor ns with their
patronage. - G. A. Wac.oonem,
20-ovl T. J. BcfoRD.
Total $2107 26
G. W. Huffman
John Hergewrother 1 76
C. Kirkness & Bro 7 66
a v :
uus r. xving 4 24
James A. Kibbie 22 87
(From tur regular correspondent.)
Washington, March 3, 1883.
The Cepitol is, by far, the most
popular resort in Washington this
week, and the evening session of
Congress are the most attractive to
visitors, for then the galleries are
packed with strangers accompanied
by their city friends. The house
draws the largest crowds. Bun
combe and parrot speeches are the
rule, which, with monkey gesticula
tions, make so good a show that the
spectators get the worth of their
money, since the seats are free.
They enter heartily into the spirit of
the turbulance below, which has
reached its climax this week, in a
perfect uproar of noisy, stormy,
wholly unintelligible discussion. At
times, nearly every member will be
on his feet, and two dozen of them
addressing the chair at the same
time, amid cheers, applause and
laughter, which render not only their
own words, but the utterance of the
chair inaudible. Of course the chair
man refuses to recognize anyone un
till they can come to order, but no
recognition is asked for or desired.
But, in spite of all this fun and fury
these last days of the forty seventh
Congress will never be remembered
by the soon departing members with
unmixed pleasure. Home, rest and
relaxation will doubtless (for a time
at least) be a boon to all of them,
for their souls are being sorely tried
now by a train ot grievance follow
ing close upon their heels and dog
ging every step, in the shape of thou
sands of cotstituents just arrived in
the city, aided by thousands of oth
ers already hero, and all wanting a
thousand little matters attended to
befote Congress adjourns. These
pilgrims are from every section of
the United States, from Maine to
Texas, from Florida to California;
each has his pet project. It may be
the passage of a little bill, or the ob
tainmentof a little office, but no mat
ter how small to the rest ot Die world
it is a life and death scheme to him
and at this high pressure stage of
the session he asks his congressman
to run it through at once. Every
Senator and Member is ransacking
his brain for invention to elude this
ubiquitous mob, which in turn is
manoeuvring how to intercept him
on his way from his bedroom to Ms
breakfast table, and at each success
ive movement he makes daring the
day, until he places his distracted
head upon his pillow at night for
a short, distracted repose, his stolen
slumbers even being haunted by vis
ions of his vigilant pursuers. When
he starts for the Capitol he is tugged,
pulled, button -holed and talked at
until constrained to break away by
force and take horse-ear or carriage
as his case may ber When he arrives
at the Capitol he has to run another
gauntlet before he .,can reach the
cloak-room. Once upon the floor,
he finds half a dozen of the privi
leged class, the ex-congressman, wait
ing to make other impossible request.
Every few minutes he is handed a
card from some influential person
from his own state, (perhaps his next
door neighbor when at home), for
whom he has the highest regard,
and who cannot, with politeness and
safety to his political existence, be
denied the "few words" that invaria
bly lengthen into an interview of
fifteen or twenty minutes. He tries
to glance at his letters on his desk,
but his fellow members surround
him and ask his assistance in further
ing their projects, for each is in turn
assailed in the same way. He is
forced to listen over and over again
to the sjme questions, requests, and
inquiries as to the probable result of
the cherished scheme, until his once
active brain is addled and his clear
understanding muddled. Truly, the
last dayd of the Congressman are
Washington will undergo a great
change in it general -crowd and as
pect between the fourth tnd fifth
days of March. Many of the Sena
tors and Represenatives will leave
the city with their families on Sun
day, having secured seats and berths
on the train for that day. Political
life in Washington is said to exer
cise a most demoralizing influence
upon the averaged Congressman by
destroying relish, for, and adaption to
private life forever afterwards.
More than half of the present Con
gress will soon have a chance to test
the truth of this, and meditate over
the ephemeral character of political
influence. The city now so abounds
in greatness, that you rub against
it at all public places, jostle in on
the street corners, confront it on the
Avenue, see it everywhere; but
much of it, is on the point ot vanish
ing, to return to its original insigni
fiance, and will leave no trace or
footprint here.
The Gazette Job Printing tlje
I? PHFPAr.I'P TO bO A T.Ti K1XT1H nF V,'ns N Y.
vat it. is, you potter don,t daho 110
stock in dem weader hredietSnns.
Dose people don't know nodi? g.
They can't tell no petter as I can."
"But, my dear sir," said a person
present ":hey foretold the storm we
have just encountered," "Veil dat
ish zo," replied the German, contem
platively; "but I dell you vat it is
dat storm vould have come yust du
same it it had not breditced."
A lady had in her employ an ex
cellent girl who had one fault. Her
face was always in a smudge Mrs.
tried to tell her to wa h hei f o; tviih
out offending her; and at last she
resorted to strategy. "Do yon
know Bridget," she remarked in a
confidential manner, "that if you
wash your face every day in hot,
soapy water, it will make you beau
tiful?" "Will it?" answered the wily
Bridget. "Sure, it is a wonder y
hiver tried it, ma'am.
A new rival brass band was 'hired
to play at the funeral of a Connect!-,
cut deacon. They were playing a
slow and solemn dirge at the grave
when suddenly the trombone man
shot out a blast that started tha
hearse horses and broke up the whole
procession. The leader, turning up
on him fiercely; asked what he was
doing that for. He answered, with a
smile: "Wall, I thought it was a note
and it wan't nothing but a boss fly;
but I played it."
Ih&Arhrnsaw Traveler tells of a
St. Louis :nan whose feet were st
large that when he undertook to use.
the forks-of a county road tor a boot
jack he. split the road wide open and
spoiled the entire geography of tho
Very few people know the signi
fication of the various signs peculiar
to the title page of the almanac, and
some of them are not axactly clear to
us. In the first instance, the man
who stands in the centre with hi
vest unbottoned in such a manner as
to expose his alimenary canal, has
alvays been a mystery to us. Why
in every almanac for the past century
tli is man, with his works exposed to
the cold night air should be given
the most prominentlplace in a litera
ry work like the almanac, we are
unable to' clearly understand. He
certainly can claim no great degree
of consideration for this act. It does
not entitle him any amount of prom
inence, for the public do not thirst
Against the grain. Widow wo
man to chemist (who was weighing a
grain of calomel in dispensing a pre
scription for her sick child) "Man,
ye needna' be sae schrimpy wi't 't is
for a puir fatherless barir!"
It may be set down as an axiom
that when a person grows fat he
grows waistful.
An American and an Englishman
were discussing the relative size of
the Thames and the Mississippi.
The American finished the argument
thus: "Why, sir there ain't enough
water in the Thames to make a gar
gle for the mouth of the mouth ot
the Mississipsi!"
"What papers ofFmy writing-desk J
are you burning there?" cried an au
thor to the servant. "Oh, only the
papers what's all written over, sir.
I hain't touched any of the cieaD,"
was the comforting reply.
A gentleman at a theatre sits be
hind a lady who wears a very large
hat. "Excuse me; madam; but un
less you remove your hat I can see
absolutely nothing." Lady ignores
him. Excuse me, madam; bur un
less you remove your hat, something
unpleasant will happen. Lady ig
nores him again. Gentleman put on
his own hat. L"ud cries from the
audience, Take off that hat! Take off
that hat! Lady thinks they mean her
hat and removes it. Thank you,
"Please, ma'am is that me your
drawing milking the cow in that
picture?" "YVhy. yes, my little man
but I didn't know you were looking.
"Cez, it it's me"' continued the boy,
unmindful of the artist's confess
ion, "you've put me on the wrong
side of the cow, and I'll get kicked
way off the lot over tho fence."
"Look here!'.' said he; "I dell you
for a view of a man who has mado
sn autopsy of himself, and is appar
ently proud of it. When the planets
have to do with tho cardiac orifio
we do not at this moment know pos
itively, or why astronomy and th
gastric juice should have anything
in common.
Again we must come out and con
fess our ignorance as to the bearing
that the ram or the tarantula, or tho
twins, or the crab, or other astrono
mical delirium tremens may have up
on the weather. Of course it is stu
pidity, and we ought to be ashamed
of it, but we are in that fix and we
cannot help it. When out sons get.
old enough to look into these things
we will see that they aren't left t
grope along through life and make
a mortal show of themself as their
fathers did.
Minnesota farmers are cultivating
sugar cane with great assiduity.
Those who ra:"ed crops say they
make more money in that way than
in any other kind of farming, and i:
is believed by many experimenter
that the industry will prove even
more lue.ative than in tie Soutl .
The seed grown from Northern can -is
also valuable. For feeding ani
mals it is esteemed as good as corn,
and it is better adapted for the man
ufacture ofguclose. It is staled thai
there is 110 such compensating re
turns from the productions of tic
Southern cane. Steps are bein
taken towards the erection of fanr"
sugar factories- ia several of
Western Slates, with some ot whicK
will be connected works for the rn-it:
ufacture of glucose. Some onthu -siastic
Northern cane-growers pre
dict that we will soon be able i
produce enough sugar to supply o' -'
people, who now pay 100,000,000 .
year far that staple to foreign na
tions. Ex.