The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, March 16, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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    88Uekl Coruallis feettc.
jFRiPAY MORNING, MAR. 16, 1883.
rp l I U A TL' L? h found en flle
j. JjJLO iJaXxjJii Oeo. P. EowcU t Co s
Sewl!r Advertising Burcaa (10 spruce street),
whan advertising contracts may be made far it in
slew York, at not lew than our rejru'r ad. rater
Short announcement of deaths pvtllsbxd free.
When accompanied by an extended notice reso
lations five cent per Une will be charged- A poetry
published by request will be charged for 8 1 the rate
f "fi v cents per line.
First class clocks just received by F. P
T, J. Bnford weut to Portland laet
day morning.
Mm. J. Mason went to Portland this
vaelt on business.
T. A. Wells started last Wednesday by
train to look after Albina,
. Town property r-cd farm land for tale or
trade. Inquire at the Gazstte office .
Honesty is the best policy, but it always
gets the worst of it in a horse trade.
. W. A. Wells was in Portland last week
looking after the boom in. real estate.
"When a yonng lady looses her hand in
Ys engegenet why shouldn't she have a pension?"
Wm Crees and Chas. Rest! we learn fin
Uhorl ra-aowinc their winter killed wheat
last week.
Ga to August Knight's ose of the best
workmen in the State and bay yaur f uniture
and bedding.
The last hop of the winter's dancing
school was given on Friday evening and was
very enjoyable.
H. W. Vincent took a run np to Portland
on Wednesday ia behalf of the vacum
motor share holders.
When a hotel proprietor advertises for
experienced waiters, Me wants waiters who
are inn-experienced.
The lias weather and the misfortune to
the crops makes tie atmosphere appear
most uncomfortable dull.
Your place to buy the ckcapest and best
karness and saddles in the valley is at S. A.
Hemphill's well known stand.
John Riley is making the neccessary
eparations for building a brewery on river
street jast north of the old tannery.
An exohangs asks '-What is the explo
sive elms..t is kerosene ?" It has always
supposed to have been the servant girl.
Janus T. Phillips will have a public sale
of his farm implements, stock and house
hold goods on the 23d of the present month.
Mr. Bettman, of the firm of C. ti. Whit
ney 4 Co., of this place, has been in town
daring the last week looking after business.
For an example ef pure and uaa.Uoyed
2 . A-i L.tA : ., ,' ,.e . v.
taan who thinks it is wicked to e&i annimal
An oyster has been known to open its
shell t kear the music of an aocordeon, but
the oyster never advertised to have any
E. C. Vaoghan has a nicely assorted
stock of groceries, crockery, and glassware
for sale on the best and most reasonable
Mrs Deomcksays orders for brick have
beea coming ia briskly for the past few
days bat she still has more on hands First
ia first served.
H. V. Yates, engineer of the coast di vis
ion o? the 0. P. R.-R., wss in town dnr
' ing the present week. The tnnnels are un
der his supervision.
Mr. Pnrdy of this city has recently re
moved to the country on his farm. Dr.
Hmbree on Isst W ednesday was moving in
to Mr. Purdy's residence.
A refrigerator for Mr. Stowell's saloon of
this place was put in his house through the
wall by taking out a part thereof, the doors
none of them being large enough.
Wnr Holder went cast of the mountains
this week for the purpose of selecting a new
location if ha finds a place that suits him
better than the laad of "webfoot."
The temperance mass meeting announced
last week for the 15th inst., has been post
poned until Friday, the 23rd. A good time
is anticipated. Everybody is cordially
We keep constantly on hand at this office
large lot and variety ef stationery letter
heads, bill heads, envelopes, and papers of
different kinds which we furnish at tho
lowest possible prices.
A Yaqaina poet telling the story of a man
who had a fight with an Indian, winds up
by saying:
"'Bat on that night his hair ttrmed white,
Aatd stayed so til! he died."
We have received a peice of the wedding
'cake of W. W! Baker and wife whose mar
riage was announced in onr last issue. The
cake is A nice article and we wish the happy
couple a long and prosperous future.
C. K. Msgers formerly superintendent of
wt .i;..,. . n.i ,f
ihg agent for Seymour, Sabin & Co. of Port
land was in town during the week on busi
ness connected with the house and made us
a pleasant call.
Meals after usual hours are always fifty
cents city election or no election and when
ever we find them so we propose to follow
the example of one of our prominent city
candidates and take an extra cup of coffee
to get even.
Portland has a promising young lawyer
mho has locally immortalized himself by
fiercely asking a witness, "where, if any
where, were you when you were down in
Coe. French's grocery store at 7 o'clock,
last Saturday evening?"
Alter giving tne uregon sioocl runner a
fair trial, I have fonnd, that as blood puri
fier and reconstructed it is what it claims
to be, and gladly recommended.
A. Levutgsojt.
Pros ecu t iii g Attorney E. G. Hursh, ar
rived ia our city last Saturday evening look
ing after the duties of his office as connected
with the next term of the Circuit Court at
this place. In addition to attending to his
professional duties Mr. Hursh is half owner
of the Rosebnra PlaindeaUr and much of
the time he performs the duty of editing
that paper.
H. W. Vincent has purchased the fine
residence of Dr. Smith, on third street, and
expects to retire from hotel life sometime
this spring.
Allow yourself not to be deceived and
pay $60 00 for a Sewing Machine when you
can get one of the best, nicest and most
durable made, for f-iO 00 at Will Bros.
Farmers are busy plowing and seeding.
Oregon is more fortunate than tho Wanito
by country, where it is said to be yet so
cold that the spring plowing will have to be
done by dynamite.
Mr. Vineyard Brock who has been teach
ing the Brownsville school for soma time
past, was here during the week taking a
vacation. He will return coon to resume
his duties in the school room.
Cillhulie says there is something soft and
tender iu the fall of a single rain drop, but
when he gets a whole pailf til poured down
the back of his neck, at midnight, through
kindness of Mrs. Gillhoulio, the poetry
Geo. Wagner was out to Philomath dur
ing the week and some of his friends thought
perhaps he might have been looking after
the widows. Jfo ! No ! George wouldn't
do auch a thing he is too modest; poor
A gentleman prominently known in our
midst we notice every forenoon superintend
ing the dureinc of dead beats over in Tom
Blair's garden. We did not learn whetner
he was going to direct a funeral procession
after the remains were all gathered together
or not.
Two young ladies in one of our neighbor
ing counties were insulted on the streets by
what is vulgarly called a "masher." They
knocked him down, while one of them sat
on liim to keep him down the other procured
a brush and stove blacking and gave the
young man a more, beautiful polish than he
had ever before found.
The lecture3 of Mrs . Anna M. L. Potts in
tliis place thus far have been largely at
tended. She treati of Physioloey, the com
ponent part3 of the human form, how hu
manity has been abused and neglected
caused by want of proper understanding of
the human system. Her lectures are Quite
interesting and highly instructive. The
suhjecte thus far treated of in her public
lectures should be thoroughly taught in
every common school of our land. But un
fortunately no other necessary subjects are
half so much neglected.
Artesian Well.
The machinery, engine drills etc., for
the finking of the artesian well are being put
in place and will be in full blast next week,
says the Roseburg PlaindeaUr. The shaft
has been sunk below the level of the loose
earth and rocks and the work will be push
ed with vigor to its completion. It will be
a great improvement to our city.
Ucuor Dealer Meeting.
The liquor dealers of Portland on last
Saturday held a secret meeting the proceed
ings ot wlncn are but little Known, lne
meeting is o di to have been prompted be
cause the council of that city recently raised
the license on dram sl!iug from $50 to $200
per quarter. It is also Baid tLat they in
tend to contest the ordinance. About 150
liquor dealers were present at the meeting.
Cure for Horses.
A writer to the Salem Statesman, who
seems to have had some experience with the
disease that is playing such havoc among
the horses of the country, gives the follow
ing treatment for the disease: This being a
typhoid disease, requires a sustaining treat
ment or a cure will be very doubtful. In
the early stage of the disease, give the first
two days ten drops of tincture of accooite,
or bryona, in a little water, every six hours;
after which give in a pail of water to drink,
once a day, one ounce of spirits of nitre or
two drachms of extract of belladona; and
give in the feed throe times a day one of
the following powders: Gentian root, salt
petre and anise seed, of each one ounce:
sulphate of quinine, one drachm; mix and
divide into eight powders, or powdered cin
chona, and powdered quassia of each two
ounce?, powdered anise seed, one ounce,
mix and divide into four powders; the throat
should be bathed in mustard and vinegar;
no hay should be given, but scalded oats
and wheat bran, with linseed teajor oatmeal
gruel, should constitute the diet; a few
carrots would be very good, and above all
g ood nursing is very desirable.
N codes Will Come.
The Columbia W. T. Chronicle says: It
is current in the west that in many Eastern
places our people are regarded as a eet of
savages, ouly half- civilized. This Eastern
opinion, if we are correctly informed, is fed
and fostered by the silly popinjays who
leave their homes in the cities with the E'
Dorado hope that they are on a journey
to a place where their slight minds will be
recognized as comparative leaders, and all
they have to say is "I came, I saw, I con
jured." But when they find the people as
they really exist, they then write home
about the lack of refinement and society.
We say this class, without brains of course,
do more to misrepresent our coast and its
people than do all other agencies combined.
Sensible people come and are surprised at
onr rapid achievements in so short a time,
settle down and make the very best of citi
zens. But with the sensible people will
come these poor noodles, and it can not be
A New Postal Card, r
The new combination letter paper and
envelope, now supplied to the post offices
by the post department, a described at a
sheet of letter paper with an envelope tap
having on it a three sett stamp. All the
sender will have to do after writing Utter
will be to fold the letter sheet, seal it by
moistening it with tho mucilage oa the en
velope flap and drop it in the nearest post
office or letter box. The combination is to
be sold for three cents, and it will undoubt
edly prove to be as great a eonvsnienoe to
the public as the postal card. Another
feature of the combination is that the name
of the postoffiae selling will be printed on
the envelope.
Tremendous 'xxcitsment nut as Storm
On last Tuesday morning sa we were
walking leisurely down tow a, at aome dis
tance away, dowa street, we espied a person
of the male psrsnasioa going ia a eaatary
direction with hat placed oa the -auterior
part of the head pointing at an angle ef
about 45 degrees heavenward. He lookad
to be about three feet taller than the usual
of mankind and he was going at such a rap
in pace that the points of his clawhammer
coat tail was flung to the breece and sound
ed like whipcrackers poping in the air.
We stood amazed at the extraordinary pro.
ceedings before us because we expected
that wiggius storm was near at hand or elae
the world was coming to an end. He soon
arrived in speaking distance of us and in ex
cited tones we demanded the reason for all
this excitement. The moment be spoke we
recognized the gentleman to be our fellow-
townsmas Charles Ewart and he informed us
that tho doctor had visited his premises the
night before and the resnlt was a daughter
of tender age, weight about nine pounds.
So we tendered our politest excuse for the
interruption and passed on.
Wheat That Stands the Cold.
We are informed that a variety of wheat
known as the Red Secos, supposed by some
to be the odessa, a wheat that can be sown
either in the spring or fall, has stood the
freezing weather and coma out all right,
says the Disseminator. Some pieces too of
Clawson wheat have survived and are going
to make nearly a crop. However there is
very little of either kind sown, and the sit
uations may have had something to do with
their passing the ordeal. It is worth while
never-the-lesa to observe and note all these
cases that have weathered through, as val
uable information may be gathered therefrom.
Two Wiyes.
There arrived in this 'city a short time ago
a woman with five children, says theLlba
ny Democrat. She was an immigrant, and
there was a look of sorrow in her face. The
poor children looked fatherless; but they
were not. Their parental relative had come
in advance of them six or seven years, and
had taken unto himself another wife, contary
to the law of our beloved country. Wife
No 2 fonnd that the lost one was living on
a farm in Benton county, and she immedi
ately wended her steps hitherward, found
him, and settled down in Mormon style,
children and all. There is confusion in that
neighborhood now-a-days. We understand
there will be a trial at Corvallis for bigamy
at the next session of the Circuit Court, un
til such time we shall keep the names silent.
Burled ia Snow.
Last week we briefly mentioned the cir
cumstance of a snow slide having occured
in Antelope valley, in which four children
were for a time buried alive. It teems that
during the day (Monday) three of Cy. Pres
cott's children, and one of Mr. Beard's,
were "coasting" on a hill nearly a quarter
of a mile from the residence of the former,
when a huge mass of snow overhanging a
high lelre of rocks near by, became loosen
ed, and before the children were aware
that anything had happened, all four were
overtaken and buried several feet beneath
the mass. Fortunately, Mr. Prescott's dog,
a f.iithful animal, devotedly attached to the
little ones, was with them enjoying the
sport. On their disappearance the dog
commenced barking and howling, which at
tracted the attention of Mrs. Prescott, her
eldest daughter, and a hired man, who in
stantly surmised what had happened and
were not long in reaching the spot, where
they found the faithful canine pawing away
the snow, as if endowed with human intelli
gence. First one and then another of the
children were uncovered, until all were ex
humed, black in the face and all but lifeless.
They were brought to, however, the first
expression of one being "Ma, what made you
wake me up f and of another, "Why dont
you let us sleep ?" Evidently they suffered
but little, and were unconscious from the
first. We congratulate the little ones and
their parents, and propose a new collar for
the dog. Grand Bonde Post.
Careless Accident
Another of those terrible accidents by a
gun that "wasn't loaded" comes from Silver-ton-
Israel Moser, a young man only
20 years of age, went to a for a shot
gun, and as he took it out he remarked to
his brother that it was not loaded. He
placed his mouth to the muzzle to blow
through the gun to be sure about it, and it
is supposed attempted to push the hammer
back with his foot, as the gun was dis
charged, the load passing through his head,
causing instant death.
- Severe Kick.
Mr. R. W. Brock met with a very severe
and painful accident on last Friday evening
near Wells station. He had come in, from
sowing grain in the evening. One of the
horses which he had been working was a
young stallion the other a mare; he had
hitched the latter to the fence and the horse
had got loose from him by some means.
He caught him and on leading him post the
mare she kicked at the horse striking Mr.
Brock in the face on the nose and forehead
which felled him to the ground. The lick
crushed in the bridge of the nose and bruised
head and eyes very severely. Mr. Brock
came up to town on Tuesday's train and is
on the road to recovery. He hopes that
little disfiguration will remain when he gets
An exchange very appropriately says:
It is said that San Francisco capitalists
are? turning their attention to our State, and
contemplate investing heavily la Oregon
lands. The good Lord save us from that
infliction, but if they will come and build
mills, factories, etc., we say welcome, and
thrice welcome. " -
POWERS Mrs. Sarah.Powers wife of A.
B. Powers on last Friday night at the res
idence of her son Thomas Powers. She
had attained at the time of her death to
the ripe old age of 71 years, 11 months,
and 28 days.
General debility and old age was said to
be the cause. Iowa and Missouria papers
please copy.
dence of the brides parents this city,
Adolph F. Peterson, of Newport, Oregon,
to Miss Etella Thompson, daughter or R.
M. Thompson. Officiating clergyman
was Rev. A. Krecker of this place.
In the presence of a large and brilliant
assemblage of friends and acquaintancaa,
the bride and groom entered the room as
Mrs. Additon executed a wedding march on
the piano with excellent effect. The offici
ating minister then performed the impress
ive ceremony that united them in the holy
bonds of matrimony, after which the guests
were invited to partake of a bouutoous col
latiou spread for the occasion, to which all
did ample justice. The bride was the re
cipient of many handsome wedding presents,
including a dinner set of one hundred and
fifty pieces, silver castor, several sets of
silver knives and forks, silver cake stand,
chiava toa set, jewelry, etc. The happy
coaple will this week take their departure
to Newport, their future abode, accom
panied by the Heat wishes of a host of
Aaathar Fleneer done.
On last Friday morning the 0th inst. fif
teen minutes before S o'clock at his resi
dence in this city of pneumonia John
Keeaee died ia the 55 year of his age.
He was born in Harrison county Tesra.
April 1S28. He came frcm Pike Co., Ind.,
to Oregon and settled: in Polk Co. in the
year 1852. In 1855 he volenteered and went
east of the mountains to fight Indians. In
about 1856 he was married to Mrs. Sylvia
Enotts. At the time of his death he was a
member and master of Corvallis Lodge o,
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, and on
last Sunday his remains were followed to
their last resting place on Mount Union
Cemetry under the aupervison of the mason
ic farternity accompanied by a large con
course of reliti ves and friends.
A Colony for Banton County.
H. Koster, of land agency of H. Roster &
Co. , will leave for Washington Territory in
about three weeks, with eight or nine fam
ilies who desire to locate there. After se -curing
homes for these people he informs us
that he will return to Niobrara to work up
a colony to locate in that far-off land of the
getting sun. .
The above we clip from the Knox County
News, a paper published at Niobrara, Ne
braska. We are indebted to our Marshal
A. R. Pygall for the above paper, who
states to us that since receiving said paper
he has received a private letter from parties
at the place above named which states that
the nine families above aluded to ara bound
for Benton County,
"Judge Dunsqn's Secret. '
This is the title of a new serial story of
Oregon life, by Mrs. A. S. Duniway, which
was commenced in the New Northwest of
March 15th, and promises to be of great in
terest. That journal will also give special
attention to the coming Woman Suffrage
campaign. Terms $3 00 per year; 6 months,
fl 50. Trial subscription, 3 months, 50
cents. Snd stamp for sample copy. Ad
dress Duniway Publishing Co., Portland,
Remaining unclaimed in the Postoffice at
Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, Friday
Mar. 16, 1883. Persons calling for the same
'advertissd," giving date of
will please say
the list,
Class, T. E.,
More, Loren.
Jones, J. W
Holts, A. W.,
Conner, Orville.
2. Moore O. W.,
N. R. Baebsb, P. .M
Genuine pebble spectacles and eye glasse
or sale at P. P. Greffoz.
i Sociable.
The ladies of the Evangelical church will
be pleased to meet their friends at a sociable
to be given at the house of Mr. Fmory Al.
len on Tuesday evening next, March 20th,
1883. Every body is specially invited to
be present.
Our Trying Climate.
The climate of San Francisco and -vicinity
renders one liable te constant colds, and a
cold will certainly effect the kidneys if they
Sre at all weak. Guard against these trou
bles by keeping Warner's Safe Kindey and
Liver Cure in your house or office.
Bound Over.
Mrs. W. J. Riley of Portland was bound
over by a justice of the peace of that city to
await the action of the grand jury for
assaulting beating and otherwise ill treating
her husband.
-. Mew School House.
School district No.-jf, ihAIbany, decided
recently to build a. public school-building to
cost $20,000, At-the same meeting the di
rectors of the school district were authorized
to issue the bonds of the district for 16,000
to draw interest not more than 8 per cent
School Officers.
Districts, that have not secured teachers
for the coming Spring and Summer terms,
can be assisted in securing thtm by writing
tome. Inform" me the day of opening your
school, and the length of term to be taught
so that 1 will know when to visit the
E. A MlLmsft,
11-f Couhty Superintendent,
Oooa Horse for Sale.
Al Pygall, our city marshal, announces
that he Has for sale cheap for cash in hand
or on time with approved security, a fine 6
year old horse about 16 hands high. A
good and desirable horse for any body to
own. Call and see him and buy him at a
LOSt. .
A memorandum book was lost last Sunday
between G. B. Smiths residence, south of
Corvallis, and that of James Cooper about
rihree miles west. The book contained a
wheat receipt for about 1500 bushels and a
few postage stamps and some memorandums
The finder will please leave the same at the
Gazette office or Jacobs & Xsugass' store.
2-W ';
The train on Wednesday arrived here
nearly two hours late, the delay being occa
sioned by an unusual amount of freight on
that day.
Wells It emc. -The
song of the plowman is heard in tho
land as he still persists in exposing the
earth worms to the rays of the sun.
You spoilt the local appreciation of the
sayings at Myer's party by putting the
names to tho wrong piece. Perry Carter
is the one who made the remark to Emma,
and each name should be set back one space
to be appreciated.
Mr. Brock, was kicked in the faoe by a
horse last Saturday afternoon and fearfully
injured. It is supposed he was kicked' by
mistake the animal mistaking him for an
other horse. The Drs. think he will get
along all right.
A child of Nelson Tharps fell into the fire
on Sunday last and was severely burned,
another child was standing near which did
its best to pull the little fellow out but was
unable to do so, and it remained in the fire
until its cries attracted its mother's atten
tion. Mr. Miller, has rented his farm to Mr.
Hillard, and will start east ot the moun
tains sometime next week. He goes to or
near Pendleton, and, I believe, expects to
engage in farming there.
Wells can boast of a wonderful creation
of art. It is a waddling, lump of concen
trated lie and would be a fortuno to any
soap dealer as it contains a sufficient
amount of grease, in and on its body, to
convert it by the application of a little heat,
into a solid mass of inferior soap. Strangers
wishing to examine this phenomenon can
have their curiosity satisfied by visiting
Three of Mr. Cam. Vanderpool's sons
reached home Tuesday, from Colfax. They
report very cold weather when they left
there, the ground being covered with snow
to the depth of several inches. The boys
say that the contrast must be seen to be
appreciated. Score one for Webfoot.
The ethereal undulations are becoming
very rapid in this vicinity and an acute ear
may catch something like the following:
"If any one should say such a thing as that
about me Alec wouldn't be so cool but"
"Get away from that window and don't be
"trying to get our secrets or you'll get it
right in the" "Whole lump of concentra
ted lye for" "Six dollars back and I am
going to have it or bust my" "Whose
oyster is this ? It loodg like it had been
used six or sgven" "Button kids"
"Travel" "Dress hats when" "All the
style as ' you go a" "I have more nice
dresses than" "We keep the only cow in
town and" "Why don't you wear some of
your nice dresses then and not look so"
"My dear you have raised" .
Monro Items.
Messrs. Paul and Lane are painting the
Catholic church at this place.
Col. Kinney came up from Corvallis last
Saturday and intends rusticating awhile in
The Masonic Hall of this place becoming
tired of its locality has moved acros the
street and will face the other way awhile.
The apartment below is to bo fitted up for
some purpose, I haven't learned what as yet.
Mr. Powers and family, of Corvallis,
moved to this place last Monday. He in
tends opening a saloon.
Mrs. Bennett is spending a few weeks in
Coivallls. s
Mrs. Roy Starr and Miss Lizzie Wellsher
are visiting friends in Junction City.
Mrs. Eizzie Anderson, who has been
spending the winter at her father's, Mr.
Ransom Belknap, started last week for her
home in Palouse. She was accompanied by
her sister, Miss Addie Belknap.
Messrs. A. Wilhelm and A. Looney have
gone to Portland, to purchase new goods.
Mr. Wesley Hinton is a member in that
firm now, having bought Joseph Ferguson's
interest in the business.
The subject of a dress making and millin
ery establishment at Monroe is being pretty
thoroughly canvassed just now. There
seems to be some competition. I don't
know yet who holds the winning card.
Monroe, March 14, 1383.
Literary Prize Contest.
(Special by Telephone.)
Four prizes will be given on the evening
of Friday the 23rd inst. by the college at
Philomath to winners in exercises as fol
lows, viz: Original oration, gold medal and
diploma; original essay, gold medal and
diploma; best declamation, silver medal and
diploma; 2nd best declamation, silver medal
and diploma.
In the class of orators are the following
names: Miss Isabel Gray, Mr. Joseph
Edwards, Mr. J. J. Bryant, Mr. S. E.
Reader. In the clss af essayists are the
following names: Miss Mary Gellatly, Miss
Eliza Starr, Mr. A D. Gray. The roll of
declamations in the first class is as follows:
Miss Minnie Frink, Miss Lizzie Gleason,
Miss Edith Buckingham, Miss Emma Ship
ley, Mr, Geo. Bethers. The roll of decla
mations in the second .class is as follows:
Miss Rosa Wj att, Miss Gerta Marlatt, Miss
May Taylor.
Music and an exciting and good time is
expected. A fee of 25 cents will be
charged adults- children under twelve 15
cts. The proceeds will go to defray nec
essary expenses and the balance will go to
wards buying a new organ for the chapel.
The judges is the contest have been chosen
and notified by the contestants bnt will not
be public here. The contest will be as close
as busy students can make it who have had
their energies ufider the strain of a long
hard term of work, Glen Orchis.
Corvallis Council Proceedings March 12
Proposition of S. T. Jeffries to revise city
laws was laid upon the table.
An ordiauce making it unlawful for per
sons keeping billards tables to allow minors
under eighteen years to play upon such ta
bles was surpassed imposing a fine of not
less than ten nor more thvn fifty dollars for
violation thereof. :-''.. - jil
Also preventing persons keeping salor-ns,
barrooms or tipplinghouses from premiting
any minor unless accompanied by parents to
' enter or be in or about such places, a fine of
not less than ten or more than fifty dollars
is the penalty.
Also preventing minors under sixteen
from having target guns, air guns or fire
arms of any kind and making it a penalty
for any one to furnish the same to them . i
Also making it unlawful for any one to
discharge any such guns in the city limits
on penalty of fine not less than .five nor
more than twenty dollars.
Also preventing minors under the age of
sixteen years of being seen on any public
street of the city after the hour of nine
o'clock at night under penalty of fine of not
less than five nor more than twenty-five, dol
lars. The delinquent tax roll was submited
with $13.90 delinquent.
Report of city Attorney, W. S. McFad
deu was submited showing- that he had
compromised for $135 the city case of the
City of Corvallis vs. Joseph McTimmons
and others for violation of saloon bond which
report was accepted by the council.
A. R. Pygall, for night watching 28
nights, .56.00.
A. R. Pygall, fees as marshal, $30.75.
W. M-fcPitmau, for water, $13.33.
M. Stock Co. paid for bedticking, 3.60.
R, G. Simmons, paid for rent for housing
big six engine for Dec. Jan. and Feb. 15.00.
City dray Co., for hauling. $1.50.
W. H. Lesh, paid for percentage on $443.
75 5, $22.18.
Woodcock & Baldwin for padlocks and
holts , $1,14 I
Roes Hamlin paid as juror in case of city
vs. Wilson, $1.50
Max Friendly paid for lumber, $30.40.
S. T. Jeffries rs city Recorder paid vari
ous fees aggregating, $35. 17.
County Court Proceedings.
On petition in the estate of Geo, P,
Wrenn citation on Ella B. Alderman not
bavin" been served it was continued to
Saturday the 7th of April 1SS3.
In the guardianship of Chester N. Ferry
Ford and Schuyler Colfax Ford guardians
annual account filed tor settlement showing
a balance on hand of 51625 10.
In guardianship of the minor heirs of L
Moore deceased, guardian tiled his annual
account for settlement showing" a balance on
hand of 1929 25
In the partnership estate of Hudson &
McTimmons final account filed and distri
bution ordered. One -half to Mr. McTim
mons and the other half to estate of R. J.
Hudson deceased."
Final settlement of James Drake estate
continued uutil next term.
In the case of the State of Oregon vs O.
D. Clark are certified cost bill for expenses
incurred at preliminary examination before
magistrate A. E. Aclom of Toledo precinct
the court ordered paid to various parties as
costs incured therein ?49 50.
In the case of the State of Oregon vs L.
D. Holgate on the certified cost bill for ex
penses inenred at preliminary examination
before magistrate Judson Seely of Alsea
precinct, the court ordered paid to various
parties as costs incured therein $25.
In the matter of the taxes against C. M
Smith the court relieved him agaiust paying
SI6 ot the taxes chanied aaainst him as it
appeared from the tax roll that the same
was an error.
B. Morrison as Justice of the Peace at
Elk City precinct, tendered his resignation
which was accepted by the court.
J. A. Knight paid for coffin for pauper
Manuel Rodgers $17.
H. E. Harris paid for supplies for paupers
Dyer $10
Jasper Newton paid for keeping paupers
Rodgers $17, for hauling bridge lumber
J. K. Zumwaltz paid for keeping Jo Shep
pard a poor person $100 on his bill.
D. W. Inman paid for bridge lumber
Supervisor Geo. Fulton of Road District
No. 46 submitted his accounts which were
accepted and ordered that he be allowed for
extra work f 10.
A Shipley supervisor of Road District No.
44 presented hi? accounts which were ac
cepted by the court and he was allowed for
extra work $4.
Lucius Norton supervisor of lioad Dis
trict No. 17, submitted his account which
1 was accepted by the court and ordered that
he be paid for extra work $
Account of W. F. Porter, supervisor of
Road Dist., No. 21, accepted by the court
and he was ordered paid for extra work $4.
J. L. Akin paid for medicine furnished
M. Rodgers pauper $2 75.
H. W. Vincent paid for boarding Wm.
Sellers while sick $8 and for board of Wrp.
Butterfield while nursing Sellers $5 25.
St. John & Stone paid for plans and
specifications of bridges $10.
Sol Ring paid for services as sheriff $608.
Bids were opened for the construction of
bridges across the Luckamute river conr
monly known as the Chambers bridge and
the Wrenn bridge across Mary's river and
the bid of M. C. Rudder being for the sum
of $1500 for the construction of both said
bridges being the lowest and best bid the
contract for building the same was awarded
to said Rudder upon his filing bonds for the
sum of $1000 to said Benton county to be
approved by the county judge and one
Woodcock & Baldwin paid for bridge
spikes $5 50.
Caleb Davis paid for services as com
missioner $6 80.
vided with a derrick and engine, Twa,
thousand cubio yards of rock has tjgen quert
ried and is ready for shipment, Enginees
Polheinus is managing the work splendidly.
Capt. Wiuant says there is mora, water oq
the bar than he has ever knwn before,
and he has been running igto tills, port foa
the past 20 years. YaQoWa,
Taauina Bay items,,
At the annual school meeting of Toled
precinct op the 5th inst, the follawipg offl
cera were elected. Directors, A, E. Acl.loirj
and Wm. Mackay. Clerif, Jos Thpinpson,
At the annual meeting of school District
No. 33 at Newport, J. W. Bjiasfiij'd was)
elected director and W. B. Stout cleik.
The Schooner Vanderbilt in ch&rge of
Capt. Wynant was loading lumber at Toledo;
last week.
Seventy-six pair of car wheels came into
Yaquina on the Vanderbilt last trip, for tha,
0. P. R. R. besides several tons of othtf
material for the company.
Yaquina bay is abundantly supplied with;
crab and flounders at this time-.
About forty thousand feet of lumber waa
recently delivered at the government work
at Yaquina on South Beach for use in the
construction of a new wharf to cornnienee
Two or three parties at the Summit re
ceutly got to pokeing themselves around
into a hollow tree to scare a bear out of tha
place and sure enough they found the beat
there but when he came out they were
scared worse than the bear. They finally
killed bruin.
A dispatch from Walla Walla March;
12th, says: Smallpox is on the increase.
Several new casee have broken out at West
ton. Four members of the Bussell family,
living 200 yards below the pest house at
Weston, are afflicted. Other cases are re:
ported. There is great fear. There ia one
case at Centerville. Both places are quar
antined. Pendleton has quarantined against
them and Walla Walla also. No stages ara
running between herp and Pendleton. AH
travel is shut off. There will be a special
meeting of the Council to-morrow night to,
consider what action is to he taken.
a i a. ,-.-). b
Go where you may in the city, and its
surroundings, and you will find new im
provements going on new houses, barns,
fences, sidewalks, and everything that de
notes thrift, says the Salem Statesman. Tha
houses are all filled. Had there been plenty
of houses to rent last fall and winter Salern
to-day would have been better off in- tha
way of population by several hundred, aa
the country around us is capable of bus;
taining a citv of three times the amount ot
population that Salem contains to-day.
Try Plunder's Oregoa Bloed Purifier,
From Newport.
March 11, 1883.
Editor Gazette: I visited south beach
yesterday and examined the geyernment
workpfound everything in excellent con
dition and almost ready for the summer's
active operations, which will be commenced
as soon as the tug Geu. Wright arrives,
which will probably be not later than April
1st. A double track has been built on the
tramway, and there is material on the
ground to build 600 feet more of track.
All the old dump cars have been remodeled,
and eight new oaes made. The scows are
all in order, one of them having been pro-
!iN"ew This Weefe.
No Minerals Purely Vegetable,
Malaria, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Head
ache, Pains in the Back. Neuralgia, and all
those Diseases arising from the functions of
the Stomach being deranged from weakness;
or excesses.
1 SOLj)
Undivided interest in a saw fai run by water
power, a good planer and seven acres of land use4
in connection with the nnU. Power sufficient to rurj
all of the year, situated handy to market and within)
about 7 miles of Corvallis with an excellent good
road to and from it. Terms easy. Inquire of M. 9.
Woodcock p Gazktts office.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a license
to her duly granted by the County Court of tha
State of Oregon for the County of Benton sitting for
the transaction of probate business oa the 4th day
of January 1883 for the sale of tha real estate ol
EBie Gaylord a minor situated in Benton Countjy
Oregon, and described as follows, to wit:
The undivided one-sixth part of all of the followlns;
described premises to wit: The S. J of 3. E. J of See.
20, the S. j of S. W. i of Sec. M, Lots one and two ol
Sec. 28 N. W. J of N. E. and Lot one (1) of Section
29 all in township (11) eleven South of Range five
west containing 294 78-100 acres in Benton County,
Oregon, (excepting 19 7-100 acres deeded by J.
Chatham Roberts to Phillip Ritz) it being all of the
donation land claim of J. Chatham Roberta except
said 19 37-100 acres above mentioned sold to Phillip
Also the undivided one-sixth part of the following
tract of land, beginning 9.90 chains south and 1.99
chains west of the N. W. corner of Section 28, Town
ship Eleven South of Range five West of the Will,
amette meridian, thence East 60.27 chains thence
South 10.10 chains thence West 01.33 chains thenee
N. 0" E. 10.15 chains to the place ot beginning con
taining Olavres of land more t less. All of the
above lands lying and being situated In Benton,
County, State of Oregon. The undersigned Hen.
rietta Randall guardian of the person and estate ol
said minor Effle Gaylord will on
At the hour of one o'clock P. M. of said day at the
front door of the Court House in Corvallis in said
Benton County, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder all of the right, title, interest and es .ate of
said minor Effie Gaylord in and to tha aloe de?
scribed promises. Terms of sale cash In hanL
Guardian of the person and estate pf Bffie Gaylord
a minor.
Corvalliji. March 16th 18S3.
A gentleman, who hai had many years experience
in ieachlng, having been Principal of a graded scho oj
for three years, wishes a school for six or nine months.
Address, "Teacher," care of E. A. Milner, Corvallis
Benton County, Oregon.
Wheat in Portland, firm at 195 per cental,
now be fairly quoted here clear;
Wheat . . ...
Wool per lb.,
Flour per barrel
Ffacon, sides
Bams '
Shoulders .-.
Lard, 10 lb tins
' -Kegs
Butter, fresh rolls
Eggs, perdoz -
Dried apples, Plummcr,
" Sun dried-. ........ .
Plums, pitless. '
Ci)iokau.'ir dbz
Bides, dry dint iJvj
" green
Geese, tame
Ducks, "
Onions, per lb
It may
to 2S
5 00
1 to
10 to
15 to
18 to
80 to
8 te
6 to
10 to
10 te 13
'' te 3