The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, March 16, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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    M&W CoriraUia' fectte.
Entered at the Poetoffice at Corvallis
Oregon, as secoud-class matter.
Recent dispatches from Halifax
nays of a general storm wliioh pre
vailed about the temh throughout
Canada and the New Eugtend coast
as follows: Shortly after noon the
breeze shifted to the southeast, and
gradually grew in force. A few
minutes after the storm signal was np
at the citadel station, and people be
gan to ptepare for the storm, steam
ers and sailing vessels in docks were
secured to wharves with extra haw
sers, and merchandise in places of
insecurity was removed to higher
and safer quarters. No remarkable
change occurred in the following two
hours, but about 4 P. M. the wind
quickened, and a light rain and hail
storm commenced to fall. The clouds
overhead grew ominoafcly dark. Hall
an hour later the wind increased
doubly in strength, and rain and hail
were falling quite heavily. The fol
lowing two hours this state of affairs
continued, the breeze increasing to a
cale. and howling overhead. Fear
began to become general among
wharf owners and proprietors of pro
perty on the water line. Great ex
citement prevailed. At 7 o'clock the
ferry steamers to the mouth eeased
their trips the last one occupying
four times the usual time and being
made with great difficulty. From
that hour until 9 o'clock the ga!e
t blew with terrible fury, causing ves
sels in docks to strain fastenings and
almost tear from them. The tide
rose during the blow higher than
known since the Baxley gale: At 8
o'clock it was nearly on a level with
the wharves, and at 9, when the
highest sea washed over, considerahle
fear was felt for the safety of the
steamer New Foundland, which was
due between 8 and 9 o'clock, when
the storm w as at the highest. At
8:30 the wind was blowing 37 miles
an hour, and apparently growing in
velocity. About 9 it calmed sud
denly, and property owners and the
people began to be more confident.
A correspondent from Polk county
to the Willamette Jfarmer says
There is much complaint among peo
ple of having sick horses. New com
ers are to be pitticd, but old settlers
should have learned, by this time,
what would be the consequence of
that freeze. In , 1860-1 the people
lost lots of horses after the freeze up.
so again iu 1874-5 after the freeze up,
and now again in 1883. Should we
not learn from the past ? We don't
pretend to know anything about the
complaint, but are almost certain that
the cause of it ia not drinking water
enough.. Even when fresh dipped,
or drawn out of a spring.or well, the
horse shivers, and will not drink as
much as he really needs. In that
kind of weather a horse needs close
attention, he should have bran mixed
with his oats or some kind of roots;
but, as we were out jitst tbetr of the
j above, we fed to each horse a full
nancitui or srrouna uaxseea with his
oats, and the horses are ready for
work as well as for their feed. We
also bore a large bole iu each manger
3 -J inches deep, and fill up with salt
and assatetida, and when empty we
We see there are soma people yet,
who seem to think that fern hay is
the cause of sickness among horses,
but that is a great mistake, as we
always feed fern hay and prefer it
because it is fine, and horses like it
best, but we have no sick horses
Oregon has certainly a healthy cli
mate for horses, but neither our
stables nor our horses are prepared
for such cold waves. Ground flax
heed is perhaps one of the most use
ful articles a man san keep in a stable.
Wp find it good for fresh cows with
young calves, as well as for horses.
ior to Portland. Over 180 miles of
this has beenjgraded, and all will be
completed by September.
Some excitement has been caused
in Lexington, Ky., by the prevention
of a lecture on "Why I became a
priest and why I ceased to be one.'
by ex-Father O'Connor, now a pro
fessed infidel, says the Cincinnati
Commercial He had rented a hall,
which was almost refused by the pro
prietor who feared to loose the trade
of Catholics. O'Connor was threat
ened with death if he attempted to
lecture, the message being conveyed
by three men professing to represent
five hundred. A crowd did gather
last night and demanded O'Connor
of the host of the hotel where he
stayed, but he bad left. A number
of advocates of free speech are try
ing to get O'Connor to lecture to
morrow night, and the ringleaders
of the Catholic party still declare if
he does he will be killed. Father
Bowsath, the parish priest, disap
proves of the action of those who
prevented the lecture.
Respecting the payment of pur
chase money, nnder act of June 10th
1880, for the relief of sellers on pub
lic lands, and to provide for the re
payment of certain fees of purchase
money paid on void entries of public
lands. Secretary Teller holds that
whenever an entry of -land is made by
specific legislation, and wholly false,
the script or warrant, being within
control of the general land office, and
not in fact satisfied, may be returned
for proper location upon cancellation
of the former invalid entry, but
where the consideration is carried in
to the treasury as cash, and can only
be drawn by application under the
the prepayment statutes, in the opin
ion of the secretary, it is clear that it
must be repaid in the manner provid-
de by these statutes, out of any mon
ey in the treasury not other wise ap
propriated, and in cases of excess,
where they fall within its provission?
repayment of excess must also be
paid, as it is provided by such mon
The local railroad losses by the
fJoo 1, it is estimated, will range
about as follows: Cincinnati, Wash
ington and Baltimore, $75,000; Cin
cinnati, Hamilton and DaytonJl,-
500; Cleveland, Columbus, Cincin
nati and Indianapolis, $50,000; Cin
cinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis and
Chicaero, $100,000; Ohio and Mis
sissippi, possibly, $200,000; New
York, Pennsylvania and Ohio, $30,-
K)00; Cincinnati, New Orleans and
Texas Pacific, $2,000 Pittsbarg,
Cincinnati and St. Louis, $1,000;
Kentucky Central, 20,000; Cincin
nati and Eastern, $15,000.
Both the Mitchell and anti-Mitchell
element at Salem confidently
claim Al Crossman the lately ap
pointed postmaster at that place on
their respective sides of the fence.
It is certainly an embarassing con
dition for Mr. Crossman because both
sides are canvassing the question so
uncomfortably close that it will al
most compell him to define his pos
ition in unmistakable terms.
In lhe 1 ist political campaign
throughout most of the Oregon coun
ties, direct opposition to the present
school book monopoly was expressed
by the people and a repeal thereof
demanded ' by them and still the
school book law yet remains on our
statute book as a monument of one
of the worst pieces of high, handed
robenes that was ever perpetrated
upon an enlightened people.
Vice-President Oakes informes
enquirers that the contract fot the
road bet ween Portland and Kalama
has been signed with J. B-. Mont
gomery & Co. Length 40 miles, to
be completed September let. The
Columbia river will be crossed by an
iron ferryboat capable of carrying
thirty cars at once, and which has
been shipped In sections to Portland,
to arrive September 1st. The ferry
will be worked like that at Havre, de
Grace on the Pennsylvania road some
years ago. Besides this road there
now remains 288 miles in Montana,
vfiicfe,. when completed, will give
tough connection from Lake Super.
A politicians advice to his son-in
law who had been nominated for
office which will apply with equal
force to the many candidates in our
city for recorder, was as follows:
"Lean a little towards everything
and commit yourself to nothing. Be
round, be perfectly round, like a bot
tle, j.ust dark enough so that nobody
can sea what's in yon.
It is understood that the Canadian
Government has consented to sub
sidize a -direct steamship fine with
Mexico and $50,000, will be placed
in the estimate for that purpose.
The Dartmouth College Sophomo
res have been suspended for not
telling who put lard on the Faculty
The House Deficiency Bill this
year is only $2,000,000,- as against
$20,000,000 last year.
Contraband opium to the value of
$15,000 was recently seized at San
The following from Chicago hand
ed to us by . warehouseman, T. J.
Blair of this place shows the condi
tion of crops as collected by the
Prime's crop bureau of Illinois up to
last Feb 20th.
The wide-spread storms of rain,
sleet and snow which swept over the
entire continent early in February,
remained upon tbe ground from ten
to twelve days and was followed by
deluges of rain which carried devas
tainon and distruction on all sides.
The movement of grain from the in
terior and also at our grain centres
has consequently been very small,
and the firm feeling which character
ized the market at the date of our
last private Crop Report, Feb. 8th, is
still maintained. After heavy raip.s
and mi'd weather for several days,
the Weather suddenly changed and
the mercury fell below freezing
points, which tends still further to
place the final outcome of the winter
wheat crop in doubt. Recent cables
and advices from abroad still confirm
the opinions of poor crops in Europe
during the summer of 1883. Late
rains in California shows a better
outlook for the wheat crops of that
The extraordinary extremes which
the winter wheat crop has been call
ed upon to go through during lhe
last fourteen davs have not so far
told upon it as we might read ily ex
pect. Practically the whole crops
lies bare to-day. Where it was cov
ered with thick sleet for fourteen
days it shows to signs ef having
been "smothered or winter killed."
So far Southern and Central Illinois
make a verv fair ehowinor. Ohio and
Indiana have been more or less dam
aged by Hessian fly in the fall; by
floods and freezincr lately. Kentuc
ky and Tennessee the reports show
no improvement, and the general
lookout is more or less discouraging.
From Missouri and Kansas the report
very conflicting Jn some regions
of these States the reports are very
good, and again from other sections
of these States the prospect i$ any
thing but encouraging. On the
whole, when we take into consider
ation that the last fourteen days
have been the most severe of the
whole season, we consider that the
winter wheat crop has held its own
nobly. It must be borne in mind
however, that the month of March ia
before us, which in far the most try
ing month of the whole year upon
this crop. The marketing of the re
serves of winter wheat owing to the
uncertain condition of the crops at
present is merely nominal. We in
cline. however, to the opinion that
winter wheat good enough for mill
ing purposes is quite a scarce article
at present.
The liberal receipts at spring
wheat at interior points during the
last fourteen days fully confirms
what we said with regard to this
crop early in the season, namely
That PDrinsr wheat has not been as
freely marketed, in proportion,
winter wheat, and that when prices
reached $1 tbe receipt would be good.
When the railroads have not been
blockaded with snow the receipts at
the Minneapolis mills have averaged
nearly 100,000 bushels per day
Hon. A. C. Pillsbury, of Pillsbury
Mills, says: "About one-third of the
spring wheat in the Northern part of
the state, and something like one
half in the Sourthern portion of the
State is yet in farmers' bands. The
farmers, here have been waiting to get
$1 per hushel, and now that they
can get it wheat is coming in more
lively. After 1 the talk of the
wheat inspection law no law would
suit the farmers that did not
provide to give the do Mar per bush:
el for their wheat." There is too
much snow in Nebraska, Iowa and
Minnesota to say anything about
spring seeding yet.
The very severe weather, taken in
connection with the poor quality of
the crop, is causing a much greater
amount ot corn to be fed this winter
than usual. There is nothing in the
receipt of eojpn to indicate that the
crop has been "under estimated."
On tbe other hand, as the season
progresses and as mr corn cribs at
railroad stations "how no accumula
tion, it is only fair to suppose that
the 1882 con crop wrs vgjk greatly
over estimated. The' question as
where cau good seed eerfi be pro
cured, is now of absorbing interest
to the farmers of Illinois and Iowa.
Bass ball men say that a "milk
pitcher is
generally a good fly
The railroad capital raised in Eng
land last year was $564,084,000, of
which $174,000,000 was for America
and $225,000,000 for Great Britain
land the colonies
Adispatcb from New York says:
Cleevland and New York were con
nected by telephone for several hours
yesterday afternoon. Gentlemen in
the offices of the Postal Telegraph
Co., in New York, spoke and sang
before the improved telephone. A
party in tbe Cleveland office did the
same, and their voices were more dis
tinctly beard in New York than is
usually the case between connected
telephones in this"city.
A great many ordinances are
passed to keep people from throwing
things into the streets and alleys for
the commendable purpose ot keep
ing things healthy and pure, and
those in authority are continually en
deavoring to adopt somathing to
make some on else purify things,
but all seems to fail of the object.
If those in the management of our
e.ity affairs would adopt some sys
tematic course and pursue it prompt
ly for the purpose of keeping all sur
face drains through the city thor
oughly cleaned out so that the wa
ter which falls can carry off the im
purities, the health ot our town would
be in a better conditron. But on the
contrary, through the winter season
in the drains accumulate all kinds of
dirt and rnbbish, the drains cave iu,
and when the rainy season ceases the
water must stand with the filth and
dry up and evaporate while the
drains could be cleaned out so as to
ive tbe watery substance a chance
to pass off in half the time that the
learned sages of our city are parlying
over some ordinance to make some
body else do or not do something
that continually fails of its object.
During the pleasant weather of the
last three weeks these foul accumula
tions in ditches have been drying
and evaporating and passing into the
systems of our people to breed death
and disease. These accumulations
have been carried from all sources
by the rain fall of the winter and
not from the fault of any one in par
ticular. But says one, '-'If we can
only prevent citizens from running
their dirty water into the street that
will prevent all the difficulty;" and
so an ordinance is passed for the
purpose of making them bury the
water and filth in their respective
enclosures. But this is only a tem
porary remedy and fails ot the pur
pose. The citizens bury auc'i filth
and dirty water in their gardens and
private grounds during the summer
and for the time being no incon
venience is experienced from it. But
during the loug and heavy rains of
the following winter more or less of
these impurities from grounds and
stables are washed into the streets,
drains, and low pIao;s, and when the
warm weather in the spring comes,
evaporation takes place and the at
mosphere ca: ies much of it into the
human system poisoning the blood
and appearing in fevers, diphtheria
and other forms ot fatal diseases.
Thdrongh action in keeping a good
and effectual system of surface drain
age would remove much of the diffi
They do it in a rather positive way at
Seattle. Speaking of the mud flat jumpers,
the Intelligencer says: Yesterday Messrs.
Abrams and Bailey secured a cannon, which
they loaded up, and gave notice that they
would turn it ljose on anyone attempting
to interfere with their piling.
Beaverton proposes to erect a $1000 school
Old soldiers of Ef illaboro will organize a
Grand Army post.
John Newsome has been appointed sur
veyor for' Marion county.
The Hillsboro hook and ladder company
have purchased uniforms.
Action in regard to building a bridge
across the Santiam han been deferred until
next month.
Miss Georgia Peters Will open a private
school at Albany, having thus far secured
about 20 pupils.
There will bo twenty-two graduates from
the Willamette university at the end of the
present term. '
President Herrick, of the Forest Grove
college has left for the east to raise funds
for the completion of the college building.
James A Campbell has been elected prin
cipal of the Hillsboro public school, and
Miss Lucy Morgan, Kss Lid J. Wilson
and Miss Olive J. Gove assistants.
Increasing sales of real estate are reported
at .New lacoma.
Donald McKay, an architect of Seattle, is
drawing plans for' the Catholic cathedral to
be built in Vancouver.
The Argot learns that semi-weekly mail
service to Semiahmoo has been ordered by
the postoffice department.
lhe Oregon improvement company will
pay its nrst dividend, one of three and one-
half per cent, on the 15th inst.
The steamer City of Quincy drifted upon
a rock at Samish last Monday and had a
hole stove into her hull. She will be re
paired upon reaching Seattle.
The Episcopal college projected at New
Tacoma is certain to be built Four blocks
for it have been secured from the Tacoma
land company. . C. B. Wright, of Philadel
phia, formerly president of the Northern
Pacific railroad company, has pledged Bishop
Paddock that if his friends would raise
$50,000 he himself would add thereto f 100.
000. Tfce bishop who -s fow in the east,
announces that c large proportion of the
$50,000 has been raised.
Snake river boats are muting regularly
A cottage has beeu framed i Deytca savd
sent to Prescott.
A Congregational chujoh bzi bt.z or
ganize! at Steilacoom.
The town of Spangle b surrounded by
fine farming country and ia being rapid'y
built up. Tho location is both beautiful
and healthy. Lumber sells at $15 and wood
at $3.
The Dayton Chronicle aaya: Noah Herren,
who has bcon paekiu pork for Kinney,
Morris & Co., showed us the result of his
labors this week. Vp to date he baa killed
240 porkers, aod he now has oa hand about
20 tons of ts fine meat as we have ever seen,
and 4000 pounds cf lard.
The Dayton Chronicle says. From W.
A. Belcher we learn that there will be, dar
ing the coming season, twenty saw rnd
shingle mills in operation within a radius of
sixteen mibs from Dayton. The cw mills
will probably make during the run an aver
age of 135,000 feei of luinbtr per day, all of
which must come to Dayton for shipment or
use. The lumber from five of these mills is
already engaged, the contracting parties
agreeing to take all that can be made. The
other saw mills will make over 100,000 feet
of lumber per day, the hauling of which
will give employment to 75 or 80 teams.
The Walla Walla Union: Sister Superior
of St. Mary's hospital, has returned from
Vancouver, where she has been to make
arraDgeuients for the building of a new ho3 -pital
in thk city. The building will be of
wood, two stories in height and with ac
commodations for about 75 patients. The
structure will be built facing 6th street
with a frontage of 100 feet, and from each
side of the building an L will run back 100
feet. Every modern convenience will be
put into this building.
The La Connor Mail says: The Whatcom
colony is teported to be fathering in strength
and vitality, and there is every prospect
now of the terms of the undertaking with
Capt. Koeder and others as to the character
of the enterprises to be established by that
association being carried out to the letter.
We are informed that the Seattle flour and
grist mill-will be removed to and established
at Whatcom; that the twenty-five and
thirty houses called for in the arrangement
with the original property owners will be
built this spring end rammer; and that in
addition thereto a wharf will be built to
deep water. All this bespeaks activity and
determination worthy of the growing pros
pects of Whatcom and Bellingham Bay.
A new ferryboat is building at Wheat
land. x
Residenoes in Eugene are scarce and
much sought after.
McMinnrille merchants propose to or
ganize a board of trade.
A band of hope with 69 members has been
organized at Newburg.
Geo. W. Hume's saw mill at Astoria has
been sold to Aug. C. Kinney for $32,500.
Water in Mill creek at Salem is so low
that Santiam water is used to run the mills.
Geo. Hollistsr, of Stay ton, has been held
to answer for killing birds in violation of
the game law.
Horses to the value of $10,000 have died
in Yamhill county the past winter of pre
valent diseases.
M. H. Skinner, of Caearg, has a contract
for furnishing the railroad company with
400 cords of wood.
Dr. Derby, residing near Lafayette, has
seventeen acres of wheat not damaged.
The Eugene Guard says: We understand
that the farmers of Lane county will, not
have to import seed wheat, as there is
plenty in the county to sow the entire
acreage. We have heard of only one per
son, Mr. Norris Humphrey, who has or
dered California seed.
Alkali is now tree of smallpox.
A great many potatoes were frozen at and
near Canyon City.
The population- of Baker City is 1400,
with 461 school children.
Henry Green, one of the men shot at
Hot Lake, is improving rapidly.
The telegraph line is expected to reach
Pendleton on Wednesday of this week.
The Pendleton flouring mills will be
changed to a roller mill this summer with a
daily capacity of 300 barrnls.
Young grain in Umatilla county is not
very high, but is regular and healthy. The
crop promises to be large.
The Walla Walla Union says: On Tues
day night 100 immigrants landed from the
cars in Dayton with the intention of settling
Columbia and Garfield counties. On Wed
nesday night's train about 50 more came
with the intention of taking up Government
lands in that section. Columbia and Gar
field counties are receiving a very heavy
immigration for this season of the year.
We are certain these strangers will find Col
umbia and Garfield counties far better than
the land from whenee they came the
Middle States.
An unusual demand for houses in Eugene
exists, and it is beyond the power of the
builders to fill awaiting orders, says the
Eneene Guard. As soon as a house is
known to be for rent, or it is surmised that
the parties now occupying it are going to
move out. or it is hinted that there is a
probability that some one said he thought
they were going to move out, the owner is
at once Interviewed by parties desirous of
moving in forthwith.
Many fruit growers express the opinion
that neither the apple or pear trees are
killed, and that there will be a fair crop of
plums and cherries Small fruits, with the
exception of the Lawton blackberry, are re
ported in good condition, says the Walla
Walla Union. Peaches and apricots are
probably killed to the snow line.
A woolen mill at Tacoma seems a cer
tainty says the Olympia Standard. Ar
rangements arc now being made to erect a
building and procure machinery. Tho
agreement calls for its completion within
six months from January 94
Phil Giberson has sold his stable and lot
in Dayton to S. Bramlette.
Farm hands are very scarce near Waits
burg and tlare is delay in farm work in
A man ha arrived at Sprague fsem Walla
Wall on trycy alVaod will go east ward to
he free.
Samuel Kines infbrcs ths Pomsrcy Inde
pendent that orchards near the rconnteins
aro not damaged.
It will require one and one-half millions
of brick to pot up the proposed new build
ings at Spokane Falls this aiiT.mer.
Hank Vaughn and party ere grazing 400
hcitd jf horses on Umatilla reservation pre
vious to driving them into British possess
The Davenport town company have do
nated a block for school purposes': and the
school directors ore having building plans
Hay has sold at 140 a toa in Eastern Ore
gon of i-te.
Several sales of real estate in Olympia
have beer. L.-.ade during the pact few days
and there is considerable inquiry about
eligible town lots.
Another tannery ia building at Victoria.
The house is 35x80 feet and three and a
half stories high.
The sealing business is now at its hight,
off Cape Flattery, there being 'over twenty
vessels employed in it. The average catch
per season, to each vessel is said to be about
800, which are valued at about 84,000. "The
Indians also catch large numbers and are
said to earn about $100,000 each session.
Smallpox is dying out in Eastern Wash
ington. Quarantine and skillful nursing
prevented a general spread of the disease,
and many deaths.
Keports from nearly every precinct in
Puyaliup valley indicate large increase in
hop acreage over last year. The crop of
LSS3 is likely to be a profitable one in this
The general understanding at Ashland is
that about 5,000 men will be sent to the
front about the lCtb. of this month, to be
gin work on the extension of the railroad
Probably the highest price yet paid for
farm land in the Territory, if not on the
Pacific slope, was paid last week at Mad
docksville, on White river, in King county,
W. T. Capt. Yatea told two acres there to
Charles Carpenter for 32,000. Ten dollars
an acre is a good average price for farm
lauds in Washington Territory, while $100
and $150 an acre was the highest heretofore
reachtd. From these prices to $1,000 per
acre ia a huge jump.
Wolves on Vancouver island are com
plained ot.
Port Moody is eleer of ice eciln. zfter at
month's lookicg up.
A new salmon cannery is btipj built oa
the north aide of the Chehaii river near
Coemopoiir, by Benn h Gibson.
The.) are six new houses in oourse ef
erection in North Select.
It is estimated that the Davie1 bridge over
the Santiam will coat $15,000.
The town of St. Helena nee taken
A large three tUtty hotel is being
fiiu Ruu aurawr raoMimu or me
Deaf-Mute school, commences in about twe
The expenditure in Portland laet year,
says th.9 Albany Dvr-ocrtU, tor '-ikocl pur
poses was $2 , 966. $3, a cert ot ascat $5
to the student. In Albany it wee w&ly
about $10 to the ctstdeat.
Farm hands are being paid $36 ?e month
in tho Vicinity of New Teccsae.
Report from necrly every precinct la
Puyaliup valley indicate large inrrness is
hop acreage over last year.
Mr. VVatkina, TTelchsaan, from Penn
sylvania, has boon appointed Superintend
ent of the coal mines t Newcastle.
Tho restriction act is evidently a farce, as
expected. The Seattle Herald saysr Twenty-one
head of Chinese merchandise with
their packs landed here last night off the
Elder from Sat Franciscot Victoria or some
other sea port town. .
Work on Gov. Moody's new residense at
Salem is to begin the 12th inst.
Farmers and others desiring a genteel, lucrative
agency business, by which S5 to S2C a day can be
earned, semi aidre.ts at once, on postal, to H. C.
Wileinsox Cu., 196 and 197 Fulton Street, New
Directors :
Office, corner First and Waahlii(tm .,
Portland, Oregon.
Capita! Stock - - 8375,000
Parties desiring a qftle and profitable tnvitmt
should call or write for information at an.
Messrs. fiuford and Wagner are agents for tha
Company in Corrallu and can give in formation W
value to persons seeking nrst-cbidi inveetman.s.
20-11 m3
gjugg gj gENEjuijp Merchandise.)
(In Crawford & Farm's New Brick.)
Are now located In their new store In Crawfcrd & Farra'a
brick block, with an Immense stock of
Oil fiofffls, Clothing, Hats, Caps,
Ladies Dolmans
Cloaks, Ulsters,
Goods, and a fine display of new patterns in Staple and
fijjg Ready Made Clothing, Overcoats and
These Goods are offered to the public at
prices lower than can possibly be
found in the city.
Remember the Place, in Crawford & Farra's Hew Brick Block,
C. H, Whitney & Co.