The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, March 09, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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tSSLMn forbatlls (SaKtte.
Entered at the Postoflice at Corvallis
Oregon, as second-class matter.
Chicago has a Russian nobleman
who is not sought after by "society."
Be drives a small-pox ambulance.
Long sentences usually tire the
average reader and so they are alsii
distasteful to the condemned criminal.
The tariff bill, as reported from
the conference committee passed
Congress before its adjournment.
The river and harbor bill failed to
pass the recent session of Congress,
It was laid over by a dilatory motion
one day past this session of Congress.
A North Carolina railroad which
i to be twelve miles long, and which
is now in course of construction, is
tojoe owned and operated solely by
colored men.
Tlia-earnings of the Union Pacific
railway system during 1882 was $30
353,900, an increase of $329,800j and
the expenses were $16,061,950, a de
create of $750,700, leaving a sur
plus of $14,301,970, an increase of
During the year 1882, Germany,
including Luxemburg produced a
total of 3,170,957 tons of raw iron,
as against 2,914,009 tons in 1881, 2,
?29,038 in 1880, and 2,226,587 in
1S79. The advocates of protection
are naturally proud of this ascending
The consumption of pie iron in
thra country, last year, was 4,968,000
tons, against 4,982,000 in 1881. The
production of pig iron in 1882 was
B,T1&,boo tons, an increase of 586,500
tons. Furnaces in blast at the be
ginning of the year were 417, against
446 at the beginning of last year.
Comptroller Knox claims that the
passage of tito- revenue act relieves
national and state banks and pri
Tate bankers from a tax on an aver
age of $1,000,000 per month, wherein
taxes on deposits of all banks and
bankers, except such taxes as were
due and payable, ceased on March
Jas. Gilfilltn treasurer of the Uni
ted States sent in his resignation on
last Monday. His sajtry was only
$6000 per year and having to give
an. extremely large bond and carry
much responsibility, ho concluded to
go into private business. He is said
to bp one of the most competent men
ever connected with the treasury.
When Cincinnati packed more
hogs than any erty in the UnioD,.
Kansas City was merely a small spot
on the map, if indeed it had been
christened. Now the hog figures lor
that place are 410,000 for 1882-3,
against 418,000 in Cincinnati. West
ward ihe hog empire seems to wend
Ua way. St. Louis shows 100,000
less than Kansas City, while Chicago
numbers 2,330,000.
San Francisco imported last year
from Costa Rica 38, 574 bags of cof-feej-from
Nicaragua, 4,634 bags; from
Salvador 45, 810; from Guatemala,
52,242. Total, 141,526 bags. The
total shipments east from San Fran
cisco were 23,042 bags, ot which St.
Lonis took 13,705; Chicago; 6,911,
and other points, 2,366 bags. These
consisted of 21,018 Guatemala, 1,021
Costa Rica, 867 Salvador, and 136 of
various other kinds.
,We publish in another column
the game law passed by the last
legislature and we particularly in
vite the attention of our readers to it
so that they may examine it care
fully. We do this more particularly
at this time because we frequently
notice - boys large and smal
going towards the rivers with hook
and line. To be sure it will be ob
served there are certain kinds of fish
that the law does nol-make it a penal
offence to catch at any time. As to
trout it is very plain and yet some of
our people so misunderstand the law
to mean that it is not unlawful to
catch the trout at any time with hook
and line, which is a grave mistake
and we fear some may get into diffi
culty over the matter.
Sec. T of the act makes it a misde
meanor for any person within the
state of Oregon to catch, kill or have
hi possession, sell or offer for sale any
mountain or brook trout, during the
months of November,. December,
January, February and March of each
year and during the above named
time it is therefore unlawful to catch
ifee trout in any manner, The same
section further makes it punishable
to catch the trout at any other time
of year in any manner whatever ex
cept with hook and line. It will be
seen, therefore, that if any of onr
citizens eat cb the trout during the
present month of March they are
offending against the lay and are
laying themselves liable no matter
what way or manner they adopt in
catching them.
The senate passed the house bill
modifying the postal money order
system so as to authorize postmas
ters of money order offices, under the
atuhority of the postmaster-general,
to jssue postal notes in tho denomin
ations of five dollars and under.
This important bill will greatly fa
cilitate the business of sanding
smail sums ot money through the
mails. It also authorizes the issue
of money orders without correspond
ing advices ot five dollars and less,
to be on engraved paper and known
as postal notes, payable to bearer.
Such notes to be invalid after three
months. The holder can after that
time get par value by applying to
the postoflice department at Wash
ington. For issuing a postal note a
fee of three cents will be eharged.
This bill authorizes the issue of mon
ey orders in denominations of $100
or less. None for more than $100
can be issued. The following fees
are fixed for money orders: For or
ders not exceeding $10, 8 cents; from
$10 to 15, 10 cents; $15 to $30, 15
cents; $30 to $40, 20 cents; $40 to
$50, 25 cents; $50 to $00, 30 cents;
$60 to $70, 35 cents; $70 to $80, 40
cents; $80 to $100, 45 cents.
The constantly increasing immi
gration coming to the Pacific coast
assures us that our slate in a few
years, will be thoroughly peopled
and developed, says the Albany
Herald. Out connection with the
east by at least three lines of rail
roads, and connection with foreign
countries by a thorough system of
sea going vessels all soon to be a
thing of fact wiH produce rapid
changes in on? state's present condi
tion. There is an element in all com
munities that is uneasy and dissatis
fied, no matter how bealthy and flat
tering the prospect ' ahead. They
think some other pface better than
the one. in which their lot is cast.
Would it not be well for all such
people, in -view ot the important
changes coming upon us, to serionsly
consider the situation before folding
op their tents and stealing away in
search of something t hat is rapidly
coming to them ? When the state's
latent resources are thoroughly
aroused, and business has adjusted
itself to the new order of things, it
will be found that the Willamette
valley will lead all other localities in
the state in varied industries and
amount, of business done. This fact
will hit every mans' business intuition
if it is susceptible of impression. The
Willamette valley is destined to be
come a great manufacturing center,
for the reason that it has abundance
of fuel, water-power and ore the
three leading factors that constitute
the basis of great manufacturing pos
sibilities. Its agricultural resources
is of the first order, and by patient
husbandry will excel any other local
ity on the Pacific coast. When these
two great business arteries are folly
developed and their profits blended,
commercial desire will wake from its
lethargy and come surging to the
front, to win its share of the trans
portation of an immense production
to foreign states. By a high order
of husbandry, manufacturing devel
opment and commercial energy, the
Willamette valley and valleys tribu
tary thereto, will become the Eden
spot ot Oregon and ncearnest effort
of the wary speculator or bloated
monopolist can reverse this decree.
John Muir superintendent of traffic
for the western divisions of the
Northern Pacific railroad, who will
soon assume the position of superin
tendent of traffic of all the Northern
Pacific & Oregon Railway & Navi
gation Companies' lines, was in Chi
cago and from him a reporter of the
Tribune learned full particulars of the
agreement recently entered into be
tween the Oregon Railway & Navi
gation Company and the Union Pa
cific for interchange of through traffic
to Portland, Oregon, via the Union
Pacific fc Oregon Short Line, and
other matters of interest regarding
the doings of the Northern Pacific fc
Oregon Railway & Navigation Com
panies. Mr. Muir said that under
the new agreement the Oregon Rail
way & Navigation Company is to
extend its Baker City line to Snake
river, where junction with the Union
Pacific fc Oregon Short Line will be
made. The distance from Portland"! his stomach refused to retain nourish
ment, owing to an attack of neuralgia
of the bowels. The pain was very
great and he took quantities of mor
nhioe to keep it down and quiet the
system. He became weaker day after
day but last Monday he became very
despondent and said, "1 am going to
die." Under the continued use of
morphine he became very quiet and
was most of the time unconscious
with lucid intervals. Gov. Colquitt
called on him yesterday morning
and Mr. Stephens bade him come in
but before he reached the bedside a
message was si:nt saying Mr. Steph
ens was too ill to see him and no one
except the family and physicians
were admitted to his bedside. Yes
terday about 12 o'clock Dr. Ratios
-announced that he was resting quiet
ly. There seemed to be little alarm
among the members of the house
hold. He had been near death's door
so often before, and has been rescued
by such miracles of vitality and
nerve, that they confidently counted
on his strength to pull him through
this crisis. He has been an invalid
for fifty years and his life- despaired
of a dozen times. Col. R. F. Maddox
called to see the governor yesterday
and found him vomiting freely. Be
tween his gasps the indomitable man
looked up and said, quickly: "Is that
you, Speer f Colonel Maddox cor
rected him, and Mr. Stephens said, in
the meantime having vomited again:
"It is so daife I can't see you." He
then said: "They say that this coffee
is making me vomit. Well, the hair
of a dog is good for a bite, so I be
lieve I'll take a little more." Upon
leaving the house Col. Maddox asked
Aleck, the boy who attends Mr.
Stephens, what he thought of his
master's condition. Aleck said, "I
believe I have seen him as sick be
fore, but I never saw. him out of his
head. I have noticed another thing.
For a few weeks he has heen talking
continuously in his sleep, a thing I
never heard him do before." Maj.
Jim Warren said, "Mr. Stephens, is
literally working him-self to death.
He insists on supervising every de
tail of his office and will allow us to
do nothing without his direction. If
this attack were to prove fatal, Gov
ernor Stephens' last official act would
be the signing ot Senator Colquitt's
commission, which was issued a few
days ago." About half past one
o'clock Mr. "Stephens sank rapidly
into a deep stupor. The- family, Col.
John Stephens and wife, Col. Grier
and wife, Mrs. Linton Stephens and
the state house officers rapidly
grouped around the bed of the dying
governor, and the minutes passed
painfully by until at last he sank
away in a quiet gasp at 12 o'clock.
His funeral will take place in Craw
tordsville, Ga., where he will be in
terred by the side of his father. J.
S. Boynton president of the senate,
has been telegraphed tor and will be
here by daylight to assume the duties
oi governor.
to the point of junction is 411 miles.
From Omaha to the Snake river
i unction is about 1700 miles. The
distance from Chicago to Portland
via the Union Pacific & Oregon
Short Line will be 2611 miles. The
The distance from Guicago to Port
land via the Northern Pacific is 2340
miles. All business going to Oregon
via the Union Pacific is to go via the
Oregon Short Line and Scake. river,
and the Union Pacific is to take no
business for Portland via San Fran
cisco. An agreement has also been
made with the Union Pacific to lay
a third rail to Helena and the mouth
of the Little Blackfoot in Montana,
and also to lav a third rail from the
mouth of the Little Blackfoot to
Butte City, and on this agreement
the Union Pacific will run to Helena
via Little Blackfoot. It has been
aj-reed to interchange business for
Ogden, Salt Lake City and alt Col
orado. The points will be precisely
the same as those from Missouri
river points.
The New York Times very appro
priately says: One of the pernicious
and dishonest measures recently
pending in Congress, and songht to
be forced through in the last days
ot the session, was the proposition to
consolidate the Texas Pacific and
Southern Pacific Railway Companies.
The first named concern was granted
a large tract of laud in Texas, and a
further concession of lands from the
United Stales in the Territories west
ward of the Texas boundary and in
California;. The Southern Pacific
Road was built by the profits of the
Central Pacific Railroad, and had
no land grant. The Southern Pacifio
Railway builders outstripped those
of the Texas Pacific in the race
across the continent, and a junction
and treaty bet ween the two corpo
rations was effected and agreed upon.
The proposed "consolidation," in
brief, is to permit the com
bined companies to grab $25,000,000
worth ot lands which the Texas
Pacific did not earu and to which
the Southern Pacific was never en
titled by any law or act of Congress.
It is a grab, pure and simple, de
signed to fill the pockets of a grasp
ing coterie of railway magnates.
This is a job which should be defeated.
Sine the late freeze we have
talked with farmers from different
localities all over the county and
some from outside of the county and
the universal verdict from all of
them is that the fall sown wheat is
entirely killed, not enough of it re
maining alive to be of any conse
quence whatever. Nearly all of
them so far as we can learn will be
able to obtain seed and intend to re
sow. It is generally conceded that
with the advantage gained in the
freeze having killed all foul stuff on
the land and having left thc ground
in fine condition, if it car be resowed
in good season, larger crops will
likely bo the result than would have
been produced had there been no
freezing weather. We hope such will
be the result.
ing morning. She has about 100 tons of
freight for Astoria.
The Oregon Improvement company have
petitioned the supervisors of San Francisco
fto have the assessments on their vessels
stricken from the delinquent tax list, a3
they are oined and taxed in Oregon. .
The Walla Walla Union says: If one-half
the addition to Portland are ever converted
into real streets ami blocks and lots, and
covered with buildings, inhabited by live
human beings, the people will number more
than are now existing in the city of London.
Unless destroyed in the future there will
be a good crop of apples, pears, p!um3 and
grapes and a fair crop of peaches in the or
chards on Snake river. Hon. Thomas J.
Smith say3 his orchards at Penawawa give
promise of a good tjrop of all but apricots.
The Tacoma Newt says: Among- unveri
fied rumors is one concerning the establish
ment of locomotive works by Eastern cap
italists on the water front, near Kanson &
Co. 'a mill. Thirty-five thousand dollars is
tho sum mentioned to have been offered for
a sixty-acre tract.
Independence has the high license fever.
The people of Weston are talking of erect
ing a woolen mill.
The Belt house at Independence has
Recent dispatches announce the
death of Alexander Stephens, one o
Americas noted men,.who has dur
ing a long life figured prominently
in American politics. The following
by telegraph gives the details of hid
last sieknessr The excitement and
fatigue of his trip to Savannah pros
trated him. Mr. Stephens lives in a
temperature of 73 degrees or higher.
When he left Atlanta to go to Savan
nah he had a car heated to 67 de
grees, and kept it there all the time.
As the car neared Savannah it ran
into the heaviest fog known for some
time. Anticipating trouble from
riding through this to his hotel, the
governor telegraphed to Savannah
for a close carriage. Upon arrival
he found that it hacF been provided,
but the windows were down and
could not be closed. He sat in the
carriage with this clammy fog pene
trating his system and chilling him
through for about thirty minutes.
Upon reaching the hotol be went to
bed and was so sick that he did not
have strength to rise until about 10
o'clock, and he has never fully re
covered from the shock bis system
received. When he left Savannah
the temperature was about eighty.
When he reached Atlanta the tem
perature was about 40 and chilly.
He drove to his home early in the
morning and immediately took to his
bed, and has never been out of it
since. He was impatient under his
confinement, aB- there were several
contested election cases that he was
anxious to attend to and get out of
the way. The doctors were not at
all alarmed about bis condition until and will leav there for thU port th follow-
Property in Oregon City is advancing in
The teachers' institute for the third dis
trict will be held at Albany, on the 23th
An Oswego correspondent says: We have
certainly lost the rolling mills, as Oswego
capitalists are purchasing heavily in Sell
wood. Wm. Armpriest, an old pioneer of 1848,
died at the result nee of his daughter, near
the MoIr.Ha, Clackamas county, on the 12th
P. BT. Raymond, who has been in the
Albany postofHce for ten years, this week
gave up the same to his successor.
Some of those who have spring wheat for
sale, have raised the price to $1 25.
Last year J. L. Kendall, of Shedd, dried
15,393 pounds of apples; J. L. Galloway, of
Benton aounty, 10,000 pounds, and J. H.
Harper, of Polk county, 11,000 pounds.
The foreign exports for January from- the
Columbia were 204,878 bushels of wheat
and 56,257 barrels of flout, aggregating in
value $563,4S6. February's exports- were
160,906 bushels of wheat and 29,490 barrels
of flour, worfE $420,691.
The Masons of Walla Walla expect to
build a temple this year.
The Silverton, Oregon, postoffice did
a 17,726,39 business for the-'last year.
The Tacoma News insist up on an inves
tigation of the alleged suicide J. W.
Clark, which occurred in that city February
Says the Coos Bay Mail: Stock hogs are
scarce and in demand. Almost any runt of
a shoat tips a five dollar piece, and there is
no telling how much a hog is worth.
A plat of Lincoln Pontius' addition to the
city of Seattle was filed in the Auditor's
office last Thursday. It comprises forty
acres of land east of the Pontius claim .
Governor Moody has appointed G. C. Bell,
of Polk county; F. O. McCown, of Oregon
City;.anA W. A. Wilshire, of Ashland, notaries-public
for Oregon.
A. Paffenbarger has purchased Edward
Casey's interest in the Farmer and Dairy
men, and the editors and proprietors of that
journal are Blythe Paffenbarger.'
The Columbia arrived at Astoria about
half past 4 o clock last Friday afternoon
changed hands, Mr. Stanmis selling the
same to Peter Cook, for 5,500.
Hon. B. F. Burch. P. W. Haley, farmers,
have purchased the warehouse at Independ
ence, near the depot.
Mrs. Mary Holman, wife of J. S. Holman,
a pioneer of 1874, died at her residence on
the Luckiamnte, Polk county, on the 2d.
The Cape Fox canning company, 83ys the
Astorian, has filed articles of incorporation
in the office of the secretary of state, with
M. J. Kinney, W. F. McGregor, and W.
W. Ward as incorporators; capital stock,
W. N. Smith, a new comer at Seattle,
was killed in the Yesler sawmill on the 2J.
There are at present four cases of small
pox at the Day ton pest house. All but one
are reported nearly well.
No more small-pox in Walla Walla. Mrs.
Lasater has recovered.
There wa shipped from New Taccmi dur
ing January, 6,503 tons Carbonado coal,
and in February, 12,552 tons.
The McFarland Industrial Home for tho
Indian girls at Fort Wrangel, burned to
the ground on the morning of February 9th.
Several mining claims in Cassiar have
been doing tolerably well the past winter.
The weather has not been severe, although
a heavy snow storm occurred in the early
part of the winter.
Some of our farmers along the foot hills,
says the Walla Walla Watchman, notice of
late a painful epidemic among their horses,
which carry them off before they know it.
The Victoria Colonixt, the government
organ, has a strong article in opposition to
the Ainsworth-Kcotenay railway and navi
gation scheme, and denounces it as a dan
gerous monopoly.
Quigley and Ballantine, from Caspian, re
port great expectations are entsitained with
regard to recent discoveries of gold in tho
Delaro, Burkhardt and Walker had retain
ed from these digjiogs with considerable
coarse gold, and had 3000 pounds of pro
visions to take back to that locality.
Walla Walla is to have a new 6,000
Presbyterian cburch this season.
The Walla Walla Utuoncs.yn: The Oregon
Improvement company are now bringing to
this city coal from Sidney, Australia, which
costs the consumer $14.50 par ton.
The Walla Walla DcTnccrat eays: Forty
odd squirrel scalps were leoeived at the Au
ditor's office. Evidently the' little rodents
were killed off in a great measure by the
late freeze. .
The Lafayette Iicji(stcr says: The few
warm days of the past weak have shown
that a great deal more whest was frozen
out than was at first supposed to have him
and yon can hear nothing bnfc "wheie can
I get some rtd-chaff wheat to rc?ow my
frozen ont crop."
Tho price of los is going up gradually oi
Pnget sound. In 1879 mill men paid $3.50
per thousand feet for logs, now they pay
just twice as much. The pi ice will probab
ly keep going up. as the demand for lumber
is good all over tSe world. Tkeln, too, the
Puget sound snpply is growing smaller.
The Walla Walla Democrat says: From
all indications the report of ihe winter's des
truction to orchards has- not been overesti
mated. Great injury wa3 done to the fruit
trees of Phillip Bits and J. M. Jessie, and
it is believed that few will live aside from
the apple and some of the hardest cherry
trees. Out of an orchard of fifteen hundred
trees Jon. Singleton does not expect that he
will save more than a couple of dozen. Mrs
Bitz advises all not ft) cut down the tree
before May, as some of tlmn might pull
There are ties enough piled up at Palouse
junction to supply the road all the way to
Colfax. The scarcity of rails it the only
thing that may prevent the completion of
the road during the coming summer, says
the Walla Walla Democrat.
Miners of Josephine county are busy, be
ing favored with plenty of- water.
Many of the miners of Jackson county
are busy, but some have no water at all.
The mining season docs not promise well
The Gold Hill mining company has em
ployed Mr. Thomas, an experienced quartz
miner, to prospect for the missing vein,
which paid so enormous in days gone by.
He has been engaged in reparing the old tun
nel, which was in a dangerous condition.
TheOazetle ii'informed that the different
railroad camps between Coif ax and Palouse,
Junction are supplied with more hands than
they oanwork at present, and a nnmber of
Chinamen will shortly be sent to that place
to lay off until the engineers arrive and do
some necessary work.
A letter from Ellensburg, Yakima county,
says: The Tip Top Mining company have
forced their tunnel through 102 feet of hard
rock, and- are now working three shifts of
men at a cost of $15 a foot. They have
bright prospects ahead, and think they only
have 30 or 40 feet yet to cat through before
reaching the main ledge. They hope tH
have the mine thoroughly open by spring.
From farmers and others representing
different sections of this and adjoining coun
ties in eastern Washington, the Waitsburg
Times learns that not only are all kinds of
fruit materially damaged but that a very
large per cent, of the- fruit trees are dead.
Some farmers report that every tree in
large orchards are completely killed. This
is accounted for by the prolonged warm
weather last fall being followed by the ex
treme cold weather, freezing the trees while
the sap was in them.
The Yakima Becord says: At no time
within the history of this prosperous county
lias its future prospects looked so bright and
promising as at present. We are on the
eve of a most prosperous era. We are en
joying a permanent and substantial boom
in real estate, the demand fcr which is
steadily increasing. Our agricultural pros
pects are also wearing a most flattering as
pect. The area sown to grain this year will
be larger than ever before, while tho indi
cations for a bounteous yield were never
better, and development recently made in
our mines gives a certain promise of future
stability, and a faith that in the near future
they will largely contribute to our general
On Tuesday last, says the Palouse Oazeite,
while the stage from Dayton was endeavor
ing to make the last crossing of Deadman
creek, the horses we-e caught by the cur
rent and turned head down stream drawing
the loaded stage and driver after them. The
horses, vehicle, driver and all were carried
toward Snake river by a rapid and powerful
current. Fortunately for the driver, just
before the river was reached the stage
caught on a projecting rock and he was
thrown upon the bank. The moment the
stage struck the tongue broke close up to
the axle, and the horses went down and
were carried under the ice into Snake river.
They have not been seen since. 1 he stage
remained caught upon the rock and was
saved with its contents.
A national bank, it is said, will soon be
established in the town of Union.
Orders for 100 new stock cars and six
cabooses have been received at the Dalles
In Union county the price for lumber has
been advanced from 12 to 20, and from
20 to 30 per thousand.
It is reported that a lartte proportion of
the fruit trees in Grand Kbunde valley have
been killed by the freeze.
In Grand Itounde valley best cuts of beef
are now selliag at 174 cents per pound,
price is unprecedented for that section.
Mere building is contemplated in the
town of Union during the coming season
than ever before. The lumbermen are pre
paring to open up their mills at the earliest
opportunity and run them to the utmost ca
pacity. W. J. Gabriel, who killed Miller at Hot
Lake had a preliminary examination before
Justice Cates, of Union, and wa3 committed
without bail. Frank Cotner and Jesse
Thompson were held a3 witnesses in the
sum of 1000 each.
Coaches have taken the place of mnd wa
gons on the stare route in Southern Oregon.
Railroad surveys will soon be commenced
in the Siskiyou mountains.
There are 222 boys and 236 girls between
the ages of six and twenty years in Jackson
ville school district.
For sale. 4p
For a long time there has been irT the
Gazette office an over abundant supply
of type and printing material sufficient in
many things to furnish a bountiful supply
to run about two such offices. We have
concluded to offer for sale all of our surplus a
material which we do not need. Among
other things are the following: About 100
lbs. of long primer, 16 lbs. long primer
italic, including upper and lower cases,
27 lbs. of another kind- of long primer,
26 lbs. bourgeois, about 50 lbs. brevier upper
and lower e wes an 1 italic;, about 100 lbs
of miniou including italic and upper and
lower cases, absut 50 fonts of job, advertis
ing and poster type of all kinds and sizes.
.'ib. of 12 em leads and other sizes of
leads and slugs, two or three cabinets, col
li m rules, dashe3, and many other things
too numerous to mention. Any person
wishing to assort up or start anew, we can
furnish them many things .they need on
reasonable terms. If parties desiring any
thing in the line of printing material will
drop us a postal card we will take pleasure
in telling them whether we have what they
The Eorse. . :f
We have received a quantity of treaties
on the horse, which we propose to- give
away to every subscriber paying in advance,
if reqnested, whetherpersonally, or by,
mail; if by mail send 3 cent stamp to pre
pay postage. This book is well worth the
price of the paper $2.50 to any person
having horses. TheA merican Cultivator has
the following to say of the treatise:
"Kendall's Treatise on the horse is a book
of about 90 pages, with paper covers, fully
illustrated, and containing an "Index of
Diseases," which gives the symptoms, cause
and the best treatment of each; a table giv
ing all the principal drugs used for the
horse, with the ordinary dose, effects and
antidote when a poison, a table with an en
graving of the horse's teeth at different
ages, with rules for telling the age of the
horse; a valuable collection of receipts, and
much other valuable information. In pre
paring copy for this book it was the aim of
the author to make it as plain as possible
for the non-professional readers, and give
them information which is of the greatest
importance to horsemen, and yet avoiding;
all technical terms as mueh as possible, and
also condensing the book as much as pos
sible without leaving out the real essential
information in treating each subject. Every
farmer or horse-owner should own one of
these little books.
m 1 ; ;
t! f lit P tT at Samples worth tb frew
.3 Address Stiusoa St Co.. Portland.Mo.
SHILOH'S CATABI1H REMEDY a positive euro
for Catarrh, Diptheria arid Canker Mouth. Sold, at
A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle ot Shi-loh-
Catarrh Remedy, Price 50 cents. Sold at
T. Graham's.
SHILOH'S COUGH and consumption cure is Bold
by ua on a guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold
by Grahaui.
CltOUP. HOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis lm.
mediatelelv rieved bv Shvloh's cure. So!d by .Graham
If a Jla II yu u
Are now located in their new store in Crawford & Farra's
brick block, with an immense stock of
M lasss, purrwNfi, HH Caps,
Ladies Dolmans
Cloaks, Ulsters,
Furnfehing Goods, and a floe display of new patterns in Staple and
fiiiify Rag $m Qlothihs, Overcmtsmw
These Goods are offered to the public at
prices lower than can possibly be
' , found in the city.
Remember the Place, in Crawford & Farra's Hew Brick Block,