The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, March 09, 1883, Image 1

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    Published every Friday Morning
(Payable in Advance.)
Per Year,
Six Months,
Three Months, . .
$2 BO
1 50
1 00
3 00
Single Copiej
Per Year (when not paid in advonce).,.
... , j i...L,mnu intended for put
ca'on Xuld be handedTn noon on Wednesday.
Rates of advertising made Known on application,
Miscellaneous Business Cards.
attorney - at Law,
A ttornevs - at - Law.
CORVAU.IS, -l-M-yl.
F. J. Hendrichson,
Boot and Shoe Maker,
Plillomatii, Oregon.
I alwavs keep on hand superior ma
terial and warrant my worK. 1 ass an unnni. i
of my goods before puronasng eisewnure.
ID-3'Z-lyr nc"".
F. H. Sawtell.
. R. FABRA, M. D.,
I'h.ysioiaii & Surgeon.
Drus Store, Corvallis, Oregou
t.v b; embree, m. o.,
Ih.ysio:u-trL& Surgeon.
Offlce 2 doors south of H. E. Harris' Store,
Cobvallip, - - Oregon.
Residence on the southwest corner of block, north
pad west of the Mvthodist church.
"Phvsician, Surgeon,
And Electrician.
.,;.. ir ade & specialty. Catarrh tuc-
1 ilcA nuliat. and AurLst.
"fSSS 7 w West of Dr. F.
unci in tnuci , - 10
Vincent's dental offlce. Office hours rom 8 to 12
na from 1 to 6 o'clock. BMJi
"We have in stock the
Deering Twine Binders,
Deering and btandard Mowers,
Minnesota Chiet Threshers,
Morrison Plows,
: n;f nA Stillwater Engines. Elwood
mounted Horse-l'owcr, Centennial FanninK mill, cel-
. . j ..., - i; nf GDi1Hon ami In S.
We also Keep tne ceieuraieu .-
Ketchum wagons. .
Corvallis, Oregon.
John Smith was once a goodly man
As evtr lived on earth;
The world admired and loudly praised
His truly pious worth
His wife was full of charity
And free from sinful pride
8ut scarce nad lived to thirty-foar.
When one dim eventide
A mule kicked at him playfully.
And Smith soon alter died
John Brown, a knave of deepest hue.
Dwelt in the self-same town;
A grosser, meaner viler scamp
There never lived than Brown.
He cursed, he swore, he smoked, he chewed,
He even keno played,
And down in Texas years ago
They say a man he slayed.
Yet he lived on contentedly
And lots of money made,
Till finallv, a srray-haired man,
John Brown laid down to die
His wife and children gathered round,
A preacher lingering nigh
And the only token of his death.
Was a quiot, gentle sigh.
We'd like to live as did John Smith,
Eevered by all the town;
But when it came to dying, we d
Prefer to die like Brown.
Description of Its Appearance and Present
Condition by voting Precincts.
Mary's river the company nave a
steam saw mill where they have man
ufactured an immense amount of
The line of the O. P. R- crosses
the summit near the wagon road, thep
turns to the north. When it is con
sidered that in a distance but little
more than a mile there is a descent qt
6oo or 700 feet; it will be readily seen
that the railway company have no
easy thing on this portion of their
route. It rarely occurs that railroad
engineers are called on to overcome
any greater difficulty than is presented
at this place. The work of location
has been immense. In- this descent
it is necessary to make a tunnels, tun
nel No. r being 670 feet and No. 2
350 feet; in addition jthere is a large
amount of deep cutting and some
high trussels.
Portions of this precinct have been
settled for a number of years but the
settlement has been principally con-
Blacksmith &
Philomath, Oregon.
Mr. Rowland is prepared to do all kinds of wagon
T: 1.V hbricimrithiuff to order, lie
1 the Dest 01 uiaier.i.1 ...-.j SjaCiS.
bis work.
W. C. Crawford,
XL assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc
TOP niirrmFNTAL is a new building,
newly furnished, and is first class in all its
Stages leave the hotel for Albany and Yaquina Bay
Large Sample Room on First Floor tor
Commercial Ken, i'J-.w ly
L assortment of notches, ClecKS, jeweirj, ei.- JIl'J li..ilJ
Contractor and Bridge Builder,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Axle Grease.
; f ho vtrM. ("iefc the Genuine. Ev-
va.lrrra Vi-iq our trade-mark and is mark
ed Fraxerl SOLD EVEEY WHERE. 50y
Wg attend promptly to all work under
bis charge
attorney - at
0 FECIAL attention given to collections end monev
l j ..Si. naid over. Careful and
JUS, ZIZZ to Probate matters. Con-
y eyancing and searching of records, Ac
j . tu. . Kit i-i n ir spllinir and leasine: real
sstate! and conducts a generar collecting and busi-
Offlc! on Second Street, one door north of Irvin's
.h .hon 8.43yl (
R eady Made Clothing.
Nert door South of Post Office,
written ExDressly for the Gazette by a
Thirty Years Eesident of
the County.
summit precinct 1 fined to Yaquina and Mary s river.
Is situated on the summit between The population is about 309. The
Marv's river and the Yaquina. It ex- industries of this precinct is very much
tends from the county line on the the came as the other portions of the
.i. tk ri,v;,iff hptwppn Yanuina rountrv between this and the coast.
1 i V.J 1 L 1 1 IU Lll , . , -. v. 1 J
and Little Elk and extending east oh Cattle and sheep raising to only
a corresrjondinc line to Mary's river, limited .extent has been carried on,
and from east to west from the top of but always with profit. For several
the Norton hill to the mouth of Little years past the Corvallis butchers have
Elk creek, being about . 6 miles from been largely supplied with winter beef
north to south and about 12 miles from this portion of the country. The
from east to west. It is bounded on farmers in the cultivation of their
thp north bv the county line, east by lands have aimed to raise such crops
t-: ...,iw hv Ttim Turn. I as are needed to supply the demand
XVHlg 3 VLijr, jwv.v.. ' I ...
,nH w"! l-,v Elk Citv precincts. Ya- of travel on the road, thus furnishing
nuina river enters near the northeast a market for all their products.
rorner of the precinct, runs southwest Lucius Norton keeps a wayside
2 or x miles through a deep gorge in store on the road some seven miles
the mountains, when the country -be- west of the Summit. Mrs. Porter
comes more open and the bottoms relict of A. J. Porter, one of the
wider and then passes out at the south- early settlers of this portion of the
west corner of the precinct, county, entertains travelers. Chas. B.
Rock creek enters a little east of Mays is proprietor of the Summit
the middle on the north line from the hotel, and George L Ciane of the
northeast, and extending about a mile Summit House, where is also the
itn thp nrecir.ct turns to the west. Summit postoffice, Mr, Crane being
The Rock creek valley is between 3 the postmaster. The Warren broth
and a miles in length and mile ere on the Yaquina at the foot of the
n,;tk rmpn hills on etch side. I Summit hill, own several hundred
A writer at London sayf: Here are
7000 miles of street spread out over
an area of nearly 700 miles; here there
is a birth every five minutes, a death
every eight minutes and seven acci
dents every day; and here there may
be found beer shops and gin places
that would stretch over 73 miles.
Here are 1000 phips and 9000 sailors
..rvrr ovorv Aav- here are 9000 new
a. pu, - - j j 7
houses built every year, and 238,000,
000 letters delivered: here are 117,000
habitual criminals on the police regis.
tei.and paupers enough to fill a large
ouy. The iooq suppiy 101 "e
has been whimsically calulated to re
quire 72 miles of oxen, 10 abreast; 120
miles of sheep, ditto; 7 miles ot caies
ditto: 9 miles of pigs ditto; 50 acres
close toerelher; 20 miles of
hares and rabbits, 100 abreast;
nmiA nt Iosvph ot bread. 600 feet
square and thrice the bight ot St.
Paul's whose summit is many feet
above the ground as the year has
days; and 1000 columns of hogshead
.n,c nanh a tni'.e h'lL'h. Hore are
J 1 UtVI) swa CJ
over 4,000,000 of inhabitants, inclu
dine 1.000,000 foreigners from every
part ot the elobe. Here they have
Roman Catholics than Rome,
more Jews than Palestine, more Irish
than Dublin, more Scotchmen than
TCrlinburtr. and more thieves than
Chicaeo." To which might be add-
pd that London contains a reading
room whose rotunda is revealed 111
j: .... tw the Pantheon at
uiamcbci uuij j
Rome. a library and museum covering
seven acres of ground, and wherein
Wnaptta stone, the lyin
Itrou tut, A - -
marbles, and over 8,000,000 volumes
perhaps the largest collection o.
books and manuscripts in the world,
and a concert had which holds near
ly 10,000 persons.
dem t wo gemmen jes's well's if I'd
seed 'ttm yesterday, Ye, si'" I
druv 'urn out often."
Real Estate Agency
Real Estate Agents, will buv, ell, or
lease farms or farm property on
Between this there is but little bottoms
on the creek until the reservation is
rr-hA vk-Viirh is about a miles from
the west boundary of the precinct.
TUa nnrrh fnrk romes in from the
Photograph. Gallery.
V w -
First Class Work Only!
Coovine in all branches. P uce of all kinds and
8rwood taken at cash prices.
The oldest established Dentist and
the best outfit in Corvallis,
Pantaloons made to order of Oregon
Goods for $7.50.
English Goods", $11. French, $14
IS" Suits from $J0 to $60. "Ba
Cleaning and Repairing done at Reasonable Bates
acres of land which they are rapidly
developing into a first class stock
ranch. The road from Corvallis to
Yaquina bay passes through the Pfe
cinct, the Summit being 23 miles from
north near the reservation line, on that Corvallis. Mr. Wallis Nash has con
stream is a wide bushy bottom on j structed a private road at a large cost
.ama crrrA farms ran be made, from the bndce on Yaauina to his
w auuiv gyw I - -
About 1 mile of the lower part of this ranch on Rock creek, 3 miles distant
is in Benton county and is not taken There is a school house at the Summit,
up. ssext apove, oicci .ws.fuv.-.1.6. t
A teacher in one of the colored
schools at the South was about to go
away for a season and an old negro
poured out for her the following fer
vent petition: "I give you the words."
said the writer, "but they convey no
Idea of the earnestness and pathos of
the prayer." Go afore her as a
leaden' light and behind her as 1
protectin' angel. Hough shod her
feet wid the preparat ion of the gospel
peace. Nail her ears to de gospel
pole. Gib her de eye ob de eagle
dat she spy sin 'far off. Wax her
hand to de gosple plow. Tie her
tongue .to de line ob truf. Keep her
feet in de narrer way and her soul in
de channel ob faith. Bow her head
low beneat her knees, and her knees
way down in some valley where
prayer and supplication is much
wanted to be made. Hedge an ditch
bout her, good Lord, an' keep her in
de straight an' narer way dat leads
to heaven."
Somebody hung a red bedspread
on a olothes line over at Somerville
the other day and Mrs. Moriarty's
goat saw it from the north just as
Mrs. Finnegan's goat caught sight of
it from the south. The Moriarity
goat was a little the farthest from it,
but he traveled the fastest so they
got there just the same instant and
recoiled about eight feet each, and
they stood and thought over it about
twenty minutes before a sudden flap
of the spread decided them to try it
again, and that time thev got less
out of it than before, but they got
leir mad up and stuck to it until
one lost a horn and the other an eye,
and the Moriartys and FiuDegans
are now sworn foes.
in from the northeast and Brush creek Qf the year, and where religious exer-
Af, 4' l?i7aini-KAfl v fmm the southeast, and empty into I cises are regularly held. Some 8 miles
I limil . IB M J W , M V w srwsa w ! -
j r ."-t., , ,
For starting children and others in the
Rock creek near the lower end 01 farther west near the residence 01 ivir.
the valley. On each of these are good Norton is another school house. The
bottom lands to be taken. The Rock opportunities for taking homes is very
creek valley is owned by Wallis Nash j good, there being some choice places
who is improving and making it the j yet vacant.
best stock ranch in the county.
Midway between rock creek
and '
true of Music. It overcomes tbe drudgery I Yanuina is a high ftdge running par
ot learnma tne elements 01 ttiuHic uy iiksuj- . , i
ant amusement. This new method teaches allel With them, the hills on each Side
you all about the Musical Staff, Degrees of 1 whirh gradually lower until the
v, taF riofa TCntaa and Rests. Scale. I 6 ....
,u" "-") 1 . T"' .. I . 1. A TV,e hlllc r
Intervals of the Scale, liOcation or Jbetters streams arc rcat-ncu. a
on the Staff, and their relation to the Keys j stock can roam on them at
.- .1 L 4- 'I'l ... . .-. ,.n,r , m TM ft" f. 1 1
OI tne instrument t" . ,,
All work kept in repair free of charge and sattsfac
on guaranteed. Teeth extracted without pain by
he us; of Nitrous Oxide Gas.
3-Rooms up stairs over Jacobs it Nsugass' new
jsrick Store. Corvallis, Oregon. 19:27yt
Is now prepared to accommodate travelers
Constantly on hand, at the
Sitnaued on the Yaquina Road, half way
rom Corvaihs to Ktewport.
I9:12yl. P- BRYANT.
poster, mm & co,
Manufacturers and Jobbers of
These Goods are Warrant
ed not to rip.
All Genuine havathe trade mark "IBOS CIAD'
stamped thereon.
1 1 1 RHonr street. San Francisco, Cal
wv ' J .
Corvallis. Oregon.
with children) Flats and Sharps and their
use. All the different Keys, now to -lorra
riinrHs or musical words. It teacheB the
syllablea Do, Re, Mi, etc., in singing. It
contains a complete musical catechism. It
la surras tn parvo. All this is learned
while the learner is amusing nimseir Dy
playing familiar tunes. Persons with no mu
sical talent may play the tunes, as the
guide is such that ne cannot sinne me
wrong key. Full directions and four pieces
of musi accompany the Method. Sent by
mail for $1.00. Address,
78 &80 Van Buren St., Chicago, 111.
Cor. Second and Monroe Sts.,
Keeps constantly on hand all kinds of
Coffins and Caskets.
Work done to order on short notice and at
reasonable rates.
Corvallis, July 1, 1881. Li27yl
will. On the Yaquina alter " emer
ges from the mountain gorge are nar
row bottoms, that are in cultivation.
There are numerous small streams en
tering the Yaquina both from the
north and the south on all these are
narrow bottoms. South of the river
the hills rise until at a distance vary
ing from i to 3 miles the divide is
reached, which marks the southern
limit of the precinct AH through this I
cattle range and do well both summer
and winter.
The north fork of Mary's river rises
a little south of Yaquina, and enters
the precinct a little south of the north
east corner, and then runs nearly
south. This lays about 500 feet higher
than the waters that empty directly
into the ocean, this being a tributary
of the Willamette. The bottoms along
Mary's river are wide and were for
merly mostly covered with brush most
of which has beep cleared and the
land brought into cultivation. These
lands are second' grade being a little
inclined to be wet and cold, but with
under draining will yield good crops
and be easily cultivated. On the hills
adjoining Mary's river pear the Summit
and also on the west slope of the sum
mit hill are green timbers. From these
groves the railway company have been
drawing their lumber supplies for their
road. In one of grove? ear
The followinc contains a list of the
, v . .
names of the persons paying tax upon
property in Summit precinct No. 7,
and the amount of tax paid by each,
as shown by the last assessmept roll
for Benton county,
A. E. Altree $ a 6
P. Bryant 1 92
T. W. Bryant . 4 98
Mrs. S. A. Bryant 10 02
George L. Crain 18 83
Elias Faulkner 9 4
F. P. Fish.-r .
ohnson Johnson.....,-...,,,... 5 44
John-Hamer 1037
Tames Hamer 4 75
Mrs. Sarah Hamer 10 08
Alden S. Hulburt 3 34
David Hathaway 64
David Hamer 6 40
Mrs. M. T. Hamer 2 49
E. S. Hamer 23 7o
Mrs. S: E. Mays 10 16
Lucius Norton , . . . 1 3
Estate of A. J. Porter ........ 2 64
M. R. Savage 13 05
D. C. Sherwin , 34
Joseph Scaggs , , 10 88
Carter Troxel , 2 89
Abraham Underhill 9 79
Warren Brothers 51 53
Toseoh Wood 25 18
0 - .
A Little Rock newspaper man
while out in the country stopped at a
rural farmhouse foTdinner. Ihiun
ing that bis profession would insure
attention he remarked to the farmer:
"Needn't put yourself to extra
trouble for me, for I'm an Editor."
eel-,-., the farmer, re-
XX wnavi
gardinthe visitor.with now awaken
ed interest.
'A newspaper man."
"Wall, I recken you can git sutb
inrr to eat. anyhow. Some folk
might not give you nothin' on this
ar,nimt. but I never was very par
ticular. Put hold on, Editor did
nnderstsnd you to say?
Yes. sir. I am an editor, and now
1 1 1 it t lri onn T
pvpr untavoraDie n mv n' -
must say that I am proud of my call-
e . . -r
"I'll bet $100 that you arp one 01
the fellows that I helped to take hell
outen tbe Bible. Reckon you'd bet
ter travel. Never mind tho corn
d A .wl knltermilk Jule. A.T-
Dicau cuv
kansaw Traveler.
Prof. E. Wollny concludes that a
layer of farm-vard manure spread
pon land protects the soil from ex
cessive alternations 01 ioiwfrvurc,
but acta injuriously upon wet Boils by
checking evaporation.
'You say," I remarked to the old
. i u LaaV (tlor Y7r.11
negro wiio arove tne un, "" j"-
were General Washington s oouj
"Tint's so! Dat's less so
massa. I done waited on "Washing
ton since he was so high no bigger
than a small.chile." "You know th
8 53 story, then, about the cherry tree and
. Lu l..KUi9 "Know it? wllV, I
A tew months ago we commenced
publishing the acts of the last legis-
ature but we soon found that we
were not furnished witu the acts as
amended as when they passed that
bodr. Among others we published
the game law. Having found that
was not correct as then published by
us and most other naners. We no v
publish, it taken from the Statute
book: .
Section 1. Every person who
shall, within the State of Oregon, be
tween the first day of November in
each year and the first day of July
of the following year, hunt, pursue,
take, kill or destroy any ale deer
or buck, shall be guilty of a misde
meanor. Every person who shall,
between the first day ot January and
the first day of August, from and
after the passage of this Act, pursue,
hunt, take, kill or destroy any female
deer or doe. shall be guilty ot a
misdemeanor. Every person who,
Having made arrangements fo$$p-oper-t
tion with agents in Portland, and Wng fult
ly acquainted with ral property ffi $entoi
county, we feel assured of giving entire sat-,
isfaction to all who may favor us with thai
patronage. G. A. Waggosek,
20-6yl T. J. Bpford.
the first day of May and the first day
ot September of each year, take, kill,
injure or destroy, or have in posseST
sion, sell or offer lor sale any 'ut
swan, oailard duck, wood duck,
widgeon, teal, spoonbill, gray, black
sprigtail, or canvass back duck, shaH
be guilty of a misdemeanor Frat)i-i
de$, That any person may kill ducks)
at any time to protect his grawing
Sec, 5. Every person who shall,
withm the State of Oregon, between,
the firdt day of April and the 15th,
day of June of each year, for any
purpose, take, kill, injure or destroy,
or have in possession, sell or offer fop
sale any prairie chicken or sage hen,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Sec. 6. Every person who shall,
within the State of Oregon, between
the first day of January and the
fifteenth day of July ot each year,
lake, kill, injure or destroy, or have
in possession, sell or offer for sale
any grouse; pheasant, quail or patn
ridge, shall be guilty qf a misder:
Seo. 7. Every person who shall,
within the State of Oregon, during
tbe months of November, December,
January, February and March of any
year, catch, kill or have in possession,
sell ofVffer for sale any mountain on
brook trout, shall be guilty of a mis
demeanor. Every person who shall,
within the State of Oregon, take op
attempt to take, or catch, with any
seine, net, weir, or other device than
hook and line, any mountain or brook
trout at any time after the passaga
ot this Act, shall be guilty of a mis
Sec 8. Every person who shall,
within the Slate of Oregon, at any
time after the passage of this Act,
trap, net, or ensnare, or attempt tq
trap, net or ensnare any quail, op
Bob White, prairie chicken, grouse
or pheasant, or have in possession
any live quail or Bob White, piairie
chicken; grouse or pheasant, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor.
Seo. 9. Every person who shall,
within the State of Oregon, at any
time after the passage of this Act,
destroy or re.move from the nest of
any mallard duck, widgeon, wood
duck, teal, spoonbill, gray, black,
sprigtail or canvass back duck, prai-t
rie chicken or sage han, grouse, pheas?
ant, quail or patridge. or other wild
fowl, any egg or egg of such fowla
or birds, or have in possession, sell op
offer for sale any such egg or eggs,
or wilfully destuy the nest ot any
such fowls or birds, shall be guilty
fa misdemeanor.
Sec. 10. Evel7 Person who shall
have any male deer or buck, or any
fetnale deer or doe, or spotted fawn,
elk, moose or mountain sheep, swan
mallard duck, wood duck, widgeon,
teal, spoonbill, gray, black, sprigtaij
or canyass back duck, prairie
chicken or sage hep, grouse, pheasant,
quail, Bob White, or patridge, moun
tain or hrook trout, at any tlD19
when it is unlawful to take or kill
the same as provided in this Act.,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, anq
after the passage of this Act, shall proof of the possession of any of the
Total $298
Mona. Le Bel has discovered
small organism in tbe urine Of per
sons having measles, and peculiar to
that disease. Herr Tsohamer had
previously found an organism which
he believed to belong not only to
measles but to scarlatina and diph
tbena also,
the hatchet?" "rAnow ur wuy,
moa there nn the snot. I seen Massa
Gawge climb de tree after the chei-
ries, and I seen him fling tie natcnei
at de boys who were stonin' him.
I done chase dem boys off de place
myself." "Do you remember his ap
pearance as a man what he looked
like?" "Yes, indeed, no was a
kinder short, chunky man, sorter fat
nrri bean v lookin'. He b ad chin
whiskers and moustache and specta
cles. Mob' generally wore a nigu
hat but I seed him in a fur cap with
ear warmers." "You were not with
him. when he crossed the Delaware
when he went across the Delaware
River?" "Wid him? Yes, sir; I was
right dar. I was not mor'n two feet
off'n bim as he druv acros the bridge
in his buggy. Dat's a fac'. I walk
ed 'Jong side de off hind wheel of dat
buggy all de way." "You know all
the General's relations, too,I suppose
-Martin Lutber and Peter the hermit
and the rest?" "Knowed 'urn all.
Many and many's de time I done
waited on the table when Massa Gaw
gehftd'nm to dinner. I remember
kill any spotted lawn, shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor. Every person
who, after the passage ot this Act,
shall take, kill or destroy any male or
female deer at any time, unless the
carcass of such animal is used or pre
served by the person slaying it, or is
sold for food, is guilty of a misde
Sec. 2. Every person who buys
sells or has ip possession any of the
deer enumerated in the preceding
section within tbe time the taking
or killing thereof is prohibited, ex
cept such as are tamed or kept for
show or curiosity, is guilty ot a
aforesaid animals, fowls, birds q- fish
at a time when it ut unlawful to take
or kill the same in the country where
the same is found, shall be prima
facia evidence in any prosecution for
a violation of any of the provisions
of this Act, that the person or per
sons in whose possession the same is
found, took, killed or destroyed tho
same in the county wherein the samo
is found, during the period when it
was unlawful to take, kill or destroy
the same.
Sec. ll. Every person ponvicted
of a violation of any of the proviso
ions of this Act, shall be punished by
a fine of not less than ten dollars and
ii t . 11
... I a. I l.n hririrllU1 n M h
Sec. 3. Every person who shall, not more man
within the State of Oregon, between or impreonment in me county
the first day of January and the first the county where the offense was
day of August of each year, bunt, committeu mr nou .u
pursue, take, W or destroy any e , One-
moose or mountain sheep, snail oe buoh ,mP..,u..-. ,
guilty of a misdemeanor, Every half of all mon.y collected for fine,
person who takes, kills, injures, or for violation of the provisrqns of th,,
Ltroys, or pursues with intent to Act shall be paid to informers, an4
take kill, injure or destroy any em, one-ua.i rzT
tase, Kin, iuj .. I.. ,. : u V. the nana is nn)fl
moose or mountain sheep at any time me -
for tbe sole purpose of obtaining the ecutea. -
sk n hide or hams of any such ani- Sec, 12. All Aots and parts of
Sshallbe guilty of a misdemeanor. Acts in cnftiot herewith are hereby
Sec. Every person wno suai., repu.
Within the State of Oregon, betweeft 1 Approveq uwooer , g