0 FRIDAY MORNING, FEB. 2, 18S3. Scientific Miscellany. Death, in our view, takes place when the action of the heart ceases. but to the Chinese a person ia alive untill the body becomes cold. These tjvo beliefs may cause estimates of the time of death of any individual to differ by several hours, which differ ence has given rise to some very un satisfactory evidence at inquests in Hong Kong, the Chinese idea having been unknown to Europeans until very recently. The suicide of the scorpion has been a much-discussed topic. The statement is well attested that a scorpion enclosed in a ring of red-hot embers will, after utile attempts to escape, kill itself by throating its sting into its own head. In spite of corroborating testimony this assertion is often doubted, but a recent obser vation by Prof. Sankester stems to establish its probability. Having occasion to chloroform a scorpion he noticed- that as soon as it bf-gan to feel the efects of the stupefying va por it made repeated thrusts with its sting1 m a straight-forward direction, but these blows became gradually so ill-directed and uncertain that at last one caused the tip of the sting to touch the insects body. In this case the skin was not penetrated, but it is easy to believe that occasional such a misdirected blow on the part of a half-suffocated scorpion may have been seen to inflict a mortal wound upon the scorpion itself. The researches of Messrs. Richet and Rondeau indicate that artificial respriation may be a valuable agent it the resuscitation of persons who have been exposed to cold until life is nearly extinct. It is asserted by Dr. Merkel that a person's height after a night's rest is two inches greater that in the eve mag, measured standing. On first rising, a sudden shortening takes place at the joints of the legs. The sinking at the ankle is one-third of an inch; at the knee, one-twelfth to one-eight of an inch; at the hip, two fifths of an inch. The contraction in height is continued through the day by the gradual yielding of the! arches of the feet and of the discs of the spine. Mons. Spring, of the Belgian Ac ademy of Sciences, takes exception to the generally received view that the seat of the electricity of storms is in the moist region of the atmos phere, and concludes that it exists in the cold and dry super-stratum. Dr. Franzius finds that th tooth most often affected by decay is the third molar, such cases forming one half of the total number. The teeth begin to decay in a certain successive order, the lower third molar being first attacked, then the upper, then the lower fourth molar, and so on, the incisors and the canine teeth of the lower jaw being the last reached. The upper teeth are more durable than the lower in the proportion of three to two. The right teeth show a greater vitality than the left. The durability of teeth is less in light pen sons than in dark, and less in tall than in short persons. These results were obtained by an examination of $50 Russian soldiers, of whom 258 had unsound teeth. The tide records of government surveyors of British India, covering a period of twenty-three years, indi cate the existence of a fortnightly tide under the influence of the moon. Mons. Pasteur has gained fresh laurels by an investigation of a di sease of pigs known as rouget or mal rouge, which in one valley of the Rhone has been fatal to 20,000 of the animals within a year. The-investigators has reported to the French Academy of Science to be a minute organism, somewhat like that of chicken cholera. It is different, how ever, in its physiological properties since it produces no effect upon fowls but is quickly fatal to rabbits and pig". Experiments have satisfied Mons. Pasteur that one attack affords protection against another, and by inoculating pigs with organism weak ened by culture so as to give rise to a mild form of the disease he has suc ceeded in rendering the annimals se cure from further liability to the con tagion. Middle-aged prejudice is severe against plum-pudding, but the ion don Lancet pronounces it a highly ifficient toodv and declares that a wedge of cold plum pudding is not an unwholesome lunch for young and growing lads when ont for a day's hunting or skating. Elderly people too, are often able to partake of this ingredient of Christmas cheer in a manner which amazes their middle aged ilations. The fact is, as has been pointed ont by Prof. Michael Foster, the digestive elements are long preserved, so that a man who is in the prime of his manhood, was a martyr to dyspepsia by reason of th sensitiveness of his gastrict nerves, in ins later years, when nis nerves are blunted, and when, therefore, his peptic cells are ahle to pursue the chemical work undisturbed by ner vous worrias, eats and drinks wit.'i the couage and success of a boy- CAUSE FOK APPREHENSION. Why Mysterious Physical Trouble Arouse Special Dread -A Professional Experience. Few things give more pain than dread or apprehension. Most peo pie are able to face apparent danger heroically, but the sudden and un expected coming of some indefinite calamity very naturally strikes ter ror to even the bravest. For this reason lightning and tornadoes are considered terrible; their coming and going are so sudden, unannounced and unknown. For this same rea son an unknown disease, some poison in the blood, some malady that is gradually undermining the life, is specially dreaded by all thinking people. And, indeed, there are good reasons for such dread, for modern science has discovered that some virulent disorders show the least signs in their beginnings, while thev have the worst possible symptoms. VVTe know of many persons who have dull and uncertain pains in various portions of the body; who are un naturally tired one day and appar ently well the next; who have an en ormous appetite at times and a loath ing of food 60on thereafter. Such persons are really in a dangerous condition, even though they may not realize it. The following statement or a most, prominent physician, wiiiU has had unusual opportunities for in vestigation, is of so striking and ini portant a nature that it will be rea with interest by all : acute nephritis, or kidney difficulty, and I find that its manifestations are most remarkable. It often appears without any special symptoas of its own, or possibly as a sequel to some other disease. It may be a sequel to scarlatina, diphtheria, and other illnesses, and even arise from pregnancy. The first symptoms fre quently show themselves in the form of high, fierce and intense pains in i he lumbar region, "the small of the back," troublesome micturitions and frequent changes in the color of the urine which at times diminishes per ceptibly. If the urine is entirely sup pressed, the case, probably, will ter minate fatally in a very few day!. Dropsy is a consequence of the sup pression of urine, and tue fevsreness of it is governed by the proportion of retention. The nervous system be comes prostrated with TMPEBANOE COLUMN. Edited Dy the Ladles of the W. C. . U. of Corvallls. The Good Time Coming. Tis coming up the steep of time. And this old world ia growing brighter; We ret may see the dawn sublime, And high hopes make the heart throb lighter Some will be sleeping in the ground, When it awakes the world in wonder. But we have felt the boouiiug round, And heard its voice of living thunder Tis coming, yes, 'tis coming! A Word to Young Ladies. convulsions and irregular circulation of the blood, which in my estimation, eventually might cause a diseased heart to give out. As 1 have re marked, in many kidney diseases yes, even in Briglit's disease itself there is no perceptible pain in th back, and these troubles often assert themselves in various symptoms- for instance, in troublesome dierrhoea BY MART B. BALDWIN. 'Oh, he does not drink; he only lakes ft glass now and then." I heard a young lady say this of a young man who, I knew, had taken his first steps towards a drunkard's doom r M I have so man jr times since I heard the bright and careless speech, thought of the deep import that may be eri veil to-those words '"now and subsequent th(,n SOCIETIES. A. F. AND A. M. Corvallis Lodge, No. 14, A. F. and A. sr. , meets on Wednesday evening, on or preceding full moon. JOHN KEESEE, W. M. Rocky Lodge, No. 75, A. F. and A. M., meets on Wednesday evening after full moon. S. E. BELKNAP, W. M. R. A. M. Ferguson Chapter, No. 5, R. A. M. , meets Thurs day evei ug on or preceding full moon. WALLACE BALDWIN, H. P. Valley Lod day evening K. OF P. No. 11 K. of P. , meets every Mon V. li HYDE, C. C. Now, he take? a glass, and it seems to make no difference with the tones of his voice, or the fascinating man ner; then in the future the voice will be husky and in the manner disgusting. Arow, the glass does not alter the erect form, nor change the perfect fit of the garments; then, it will make him a pojr staggerim outcast. blood poison, impaired eyesight, jVow, after he nas taken the glass he nausea, loss of appetite, disordered mav c!lim a warm greeting from a digestion, loss of consciousness, husky confiding, trusting girl; then, the wife voice and many other compUints wiH tremble at his approach, and too numerous to mention. Indeed Judder at the thought of his em- thousands of people are suffering Virno ..uui uieurMHsgraui ui Sm ins- Oh, girls, stop and think! Trv to ease to-day, and they do not know reaiize the ulf between the now and P. KbADY, K. R. S I. O. O. F. Barnum Lodge, No. 7, L O. O. F., meets every lesday evening. T. C. ALEXANDER, N. O. A. O. U. W. Friendship Lodire. No. 14. A. O. II. W. and third Thursdays in each month. B. J. HAWTHORN, M. W. W. C. T. U. Regular business meetings first Saturdays in each month, at the Evangelical church, at 2:30 P. M Prayer meeting every Saturday at same hour. A wiuitti itlvibilLlUU in eAbuiiueu to all Mrs. T. Graham, Sec. Mrs. Nora Williams, Pres. In conclusion, I would like to state that I have, since my success with the fireman, repeatedly prescribed vv arner s sate iviuney and iiiver Cure, and if my professional breth ren could only oe brought so tar as then to one who gives her life to the keeping of the young man who take s a glass of liquor! What Beer DrunXard swallows. Thi By Prof. Geo. E. Foster. beer or spirit drinker is wont ASSOCIATED CHARITIES OF CINCINNATI BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Joseph Aub, M. D. Julius Re.'ts. Julius Balke, Jr. . H. A. Smith, M. D. Mrs. M. P. force. H. Miller. Mrs. Oeonje Humeri, Rev. C. W, Wendte. t rd k Lnnkenheimer. Daniel Wolf. J. B, Wilson. Office: No. 27i West Eichth Street, O. Anderson, M. D., Superintendent. Cincinnati, O. Dec. 2, 1882. JTessrs Editors: 1 have, during my professional career of many years' practice, treat ed a large number of various dis orders, of which, perhaps, none have given me more trouble than the mysterious disease known as acute nephritis; aifd while it may seem strange, it is nevertheless, true, that the physician is generally greatly annoyed by this mysterious trouble especially when the case is of hered itary origin. It is, doubtless, the hist stage of the well-kuown. but terrible Blight's disease, as the kid neys contain large quantities of al bumen; and while children and young people are especially liable to its at tacks, it is prevalent with all classes, and usually continues until late in life. One obstinate case which came un der my observation, was that of a fireman of this city who applied to me for treatment. The case was di agnosed parenchymatous nephritis. ine man was twenty-four years of age; plethoric and light complected, lie stated that he had suffered from urinary troubles from childhood, and that he had "doctored" a hundrel times, each time improving some; after which, in a short while,he would relapse into his former state of mis ery. I prescribed the usual thera -peutics known to the profession with the same result that my collegucs had obtained. He got better for a while and then worse again; in fact, so bad that he had to lay off for some time. .tie suffered intense pain; so much so that I confess I had to resort to hy podermic injections of morphia. My druggist who knew how diso-nsiPl O I was with the case, althongh not wil ing to desert the man, advised me to try a remedy from which he (the druggist) himself had derived great benefit. As a drowning man catches at a straw, I prescribed this remedy, not letting my patient, how ever, know what I was giving him; to overcome their prejudice against to look with ill concealed contempt propriety medicines they would, un- upon the simple water drinker, and djubtedlv, find themselves recom- as he tosses off the glass he haa iust pensed for their snpposed sacrifice of paid his money for, imagines- he has liberty, as well as bv the rrreat ben- swallowed something far better and efits that would accrue to the world, performed an act far more sensible CHURCH DHCECTORV. BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICES.-Preaching every second and fourth Sabbath in each month at the College Chapel, by the Rev. F. P. Davidson. Services begin at 11 a. M.,andU:3 p. m. All are invited. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Regular services every Sabbath morning and evening. Sunday Shool at the close of the morning service. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Public cor dially invited. H. P. DUNNING. Pastor. EVANGELICAL CHURCH Services regularly ev ery Sabbath morning and evening, unless otherwise announced. Sunday school at 3 p. M. each Sabbath. Prayer, meeting every Thursday at 7 p. M. The publi cordially invited Rnv. J. BoWERsox, Pastor. M. E. CHURCH There will be public services at the M. E. Church every Sabbath at 11 o'clock i l the morning. Sabbath school at 3 o'clock each Sabbath. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. M. E. CHURCH SOUTH -Services every Sabbath at 11 a. M. and 7 p. M. , at the college chapei. Sunday school at 9:30 A. M. Prayer meeting Friday evening at 7 o'clock. Public cordially invited. J. R. N. BELL, Pastor. PATENTS: Obtained, and all business in theU. S. Patent Office, or in the Courts attended to for MODERATE FEES. We are opposite the IT. S Patent Office, engaged in PATENT BUSINESS EXCLUSIVELY, and can ob tain patents in less time than those remote from WASHINGTON. Whan model or drawing- is sent we ad rise as to patentability free of charge; and, we make NO CHARGE UNLESS WE OBTAIN PATENT. We refer, here, to the Post Master, the Supt. of the Monev Order Oiv., and to officials of the U.S. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and reference to actual clients in your own state and county, address, o. A. STSTOW & Co., 19;S Opposite Patent Office, Washington. D. C Most sincerely, O. ANDERSON", 91 D. Superintendent. Being Neighborly. ne was a small ooy, witn dirt on his nose and a faded straw hat on his head, and feet so long unwashed that it was hard to tell where his toe nails were located. He walked Yet if he would stop but for moment to ask what he has just lak en, he might think quite differently Let us see. A barrel of beer contain about o00 glasses, lhe setter gives about $8 for it, and sell it for 5 cents per glass, or $25. His profit is 215 per cent. The drinker drops in ten times per day and takes his glass of lippi" in fifr.v dava he. liat eonsnmed KIJ1 .U- - .1 t li ' J J T V T , 7 ' P ' tl,e 500 Slflsse8 and Pai25 thereto ' What has he swallowed? Scientific ne said : "Say, can yon lend me your tele phone for a few minutes?" Why, I can't," she gasped out. "We'll bring It back in half an hour." "But I can't lend it child. You don't seem to know what a telephone is. Who are von ?" "We live around the corner just moved in, and we want to be neigh borly, r tried to borrow your wheel barrow and shovel, but vour bov n,n.,l.1n! ..J US 1 1 r n uniuil L JL'nu C11J, .111(1 UU1 I KU Li I ' l . i ., , uns uccu uvei it uuiiuw tea anu sugar and couldn t set any. We kinder thought we might borrow your telephone or something, and ma would bring it back and set a chance to see your style and ask you to run right in with your old clothes on !" NERVOUSDEBP ITY. 1 Sure Care Guaranteed. R. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT- ment, a specific for Hysteria, ImrnnoiHI. Convul sions, Nervous Headache, Blental Depression, Loss 01 jiemory, bpermatornica, impoiency. involuntary omissions, premature old affe, caused bv over exertion, self-abuse or over-indulgence, which leads to misery, decay ana death, "ne Dox will cure re cent cases. Each box contains one nionth's$treat ment ; one dollar abox, or six boxes for five dol lars ; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our written s-narantce to return tne money the treat ment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by - WWIIAUU. UL.AK1V & CO..- Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Portland Oregon. URWia uy mail a regular puces. IV-U y 1 men say tha', in the 500 glasses of beer there were 460 glasses of mere water, 25 glasses of pure alcohol, 15 glasses of extracts and gums. So the beer drinker has paid $23 for 460 glasses of water, and impure at that which he could have had from the nearest spring for nothing, and pure as nature made it. He had, in addi tion, 25 glasses of pure alcohol, which s a poison at enmity with every function of She' system, no food nor a heat producer. And besides all this ol malt sugary matter, indigestible gums, etc., etc. Surely there is no absurdity so ab surd. To pay $23 for 460 glasses of impure water, when he could have it pure for nothing, and $2 for 40 glass es of poison, and mostly indigestible dregs! But it pays the brewer and saloon-keeper to sell water at 215 per cent advance on all theiF tiouble of barreling and bottling it. Real Estate for Sale. Will sell a farm of 478 acres for less than $18 TDer acre, oeing one 01 tne cneapesi ana nest iarms in entoi. county, situated 4 miles west of Monroe, J of mile from M :-goor-' school, in one of the beat neigh borhoods in the state with church piivileges handy. About 130 acres in cultivation, and over 400 can be cultivated. All under fence, with good two story frame house, large barn and orchard; has running water the vear around, and is well suited tor stock and dairy purposes. This ia one of the cheapest farms in the Willamette Valley Also, two improved lots on the main business street with small stable, woodshed and a good, comfortable dwelling house containing seven good rooms. These lots are nicely situated for any kind of business pur poses. A valuable farm all under fence only 2 miles from Corvallis of 150 acres, 80 acres now in cultivation, the balance of it can be cultivated; about 20 of it now in wheat with a fair house good barn and granery, will be sold at a bargain. Two unimproved lots in Corvallis Or. One of the choicest building places in the city for sale reason- and, although not a beUoTet in nor a I Four unifllproved lot3 except fenccd iTl CorvaIli8 Or. lhe choicest building place in the city for sale reasonable. For further information enquire at the Gazette Office. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Liver complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is quarnteed to cure, you. For sale by T. Graham. FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vi talizer. It never fails to cure. Soid at T. Graham's. A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle of Shi loh's Catarrh Remedy, Price 50 cents. Sold at T. Graham's. SHILOH'S VITILIZER is what yon need for con sumption, loss of appetite, dizziness and ail symptoms of dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75c a bottle, at Graham's SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY a positive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and Canker Mouth. Sold at Graham's. SHILOH'S COUGH and consumption cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by Graham. patron of "patent medicines," I must confess that after my fireman had taken one bottle he grew much bet ter. I made him continue its use for a period of twe months, with the most gratifying results; it really worked wonders and he owes his cure and present perfect health solely to the power of Warner's Safe-Kidney and Liver Cure, the remedy which I prescribed, and he used. Since the recovery of the man above mentioned, I have given con siderable thought to the subject of n. O o 0 0 z o u o c 3 t - Co B s CO ft X 0 z O a & M o ei O If 1 m si o o SCO EC o & Scientists no v.- all admit that most diseases are caused by disordered Kidneys or liver, and that if these great organs are kept in a perfect condition, health will be the result. WARNER'S SAFJS KID NEY AND LIVER CURE Is made from a SimpIe'Tropical Leaf OF RARE VALUE, Ajnd is a POSITIVE Remedy for the following JLivUUIca . Pain in the Baekt Severe Headaches: Dizziness;. Bloating; Inflamed Eyes- A Tired Feeling; Night Sweats; Pains in the Lower Part of the Body; Palpitation of the Heart; Jaundice; trravel Painful Urination; Ma larial Fever; Fever and Agoe And all diseases caused bv the Kidneys, Liver or Urinary Organs being out of order. It is a SAFE and CERTAIN cure for all Female dif ficulties, such as Leucorrhcea; Inflamation of the Womb; Falling ot the Womb; lice ration of the Womb. It will control and regulate Menstruation, and is an excellent and safe remedy for lemales during preg nancy. As a Blood Purifier it is unenualed. for it cures the organs that MAKE, the rloou. ror oi; Carbuncles; Scrofula;' White Swel ling; Salt Eheum; Poisoning by Mer cury or any ether Drug, It is certain in every case. For Incontinence; Impotence; Pains in the Loins, and all Simi lar Diseases, It is a safe, sure and quick Cure. It is the only known remedy that has cured Brigiits Disease. As a proof of the purity and worth of tins Great Natural Kenieuy, reau tne lonowing CHEMICAL ANALYSIS : S. A LATTIMORK, Ph. D., L. L. D., Professor of Chemistry in the University of Rochester, N. Y., Knowing Uic iii'pmiiiiLj nu uitiiu v T'twueia vmv Kidnev and Liver Cure, after a thorough Chemical Analysis, has furnished the fo'lowing statement: UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER, Chemical Laboratory, ROCHESTER, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1880. Mr. H H.Varner has placed in my possession the formula of the medicine manufactured and sold by mi under the general designation or YAniNh.Ita AFE KIDNEY AND LIVElt CURE. I have inves tigated his processes of manufacture, which are con ducted with extreme care and according to the best methods. I have also taken from his laboratory sam ples of all the materials used in the preparation of this medicine, and upon critical examination I find them, as well-aa the medicine into which they enter, to be entirely free from poisonous or deleterious sub--stances. S. A LATTIMORE. This Remedy which has done such wonderB, is put. up in the LARGEST SIZED BOTTLE of any medi cine upon the Market, and is sold by Druggists and all dealers at SI. 25 per bottle. For Diabetes enquire for WARNER'S SAFE DIABETES CURE. It is a POSITIVE Remedy. H. H. WARNER & CO. Rochester N. Y. 19:6yl S5f)lf a wiek. S12 a day at home easily made. Costly $31 outfit-free. Address True & Co., Aueusta Me. City Stables iDaily Stage Line FROM ALBANY TO C0BALITS. THOS. EGLIN, - - Proprietor. On the Corner West of the Engine House CORVALLIS, - - OREGON. FALL AND WINTER TRADE 1 Ladies Dolmans Cloaks, Ulsters, j fancy L DRESS GOODS! TRIMMINGS, CLOVS, CORSETS, KNIT HOODS AND SACQUESJ CbootsX&shoes L0THIN6, OVERCOATS Furiiishiiiar Goods, These Goods are offered to the public at prices lower than can possibly be found in the city. Nearly opp. Vincent House, CORVALLIS, OR. 0. HL Whitney & Co. 19:14yl Woodcock & Baldwin, Dealers in Shelf and Heavy HlARIDrWI AERIE Stoves and Tinware, Zinc Stove Pipe, Granite ware Etc., Etc., Etc. STOVES.) I atest JmproYed. STOVES. Best in the Market LARGE, NEW AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT JUST RECEIVES! Prices as low as any house in the State. A.ll Goods Warranted just as Re-oreseiited. We Employ none but And guarantee satisfaction in all Job Work. If you want something in our line don't fail to come and examine our goods and prices. WOODCOCK & BALDWIN. WILLIAM MORRIS, rai a m m M&mw CORVALLIS, OK. TTt-h Street. Two doors north of the Vincent House ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Repairing and Cleaning at moderate Prices. 19-26yl! HAVING COMPLETED MY new and commodious BARS', I am better tban ever prepared to keep tbe BEST OF TEAMS, BUGLES. CARRIAGES AND SADDLE HORSES TO HIRE. At Reasonable Rates. Sr Particular attention given to Boarding Horses Horses Bougrnt and sold or kxenangea. PLEASE GIVE ME A CALL. Having secured the contract to carrying the United States Mail J- xpress 1K0W Corvallis to .Albany For the ensuing four years w 1 leave Corvallis each .rmff it fi n'mnnlr firrivinf? til AlbailV about 10 o'clock, nnd will start from Albany at 1 o'clock in the nft.prannn rAtttrn.Rfl' to Corvallis about 3 o'clock This line will be oreparetl with good teams and care cul drivers and'nice comfortable and EASY RIDING VEHICLES For the accommodation of the IKATEUEfO FFBIIC. 19-27J-1 THOMAS GRAHAM, 'Druggist and Apothcary, AND DEALER IN PAINTS, OIIS, TABM1, B1SHES, GLASS, PETTI, HUB, SHOULDER BRACES, TOILET ARTICLES &C. A full line ot Be oks, Stationery and Wall Paper. Onr drags are reh add well selected. Paescriptions compcauded at all hours. I9-27y? WheatTand other Grain Stored on the best of" Terms by SACKS FURNISHED TO PATRONb. Farmers will do well to call on me before making arrangements clswf