The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, January 05, 1883, Image 1

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(Payable in Advance.)
Per Year,. J rf
Six Months J
Three H..nths 1 JJ
Single Copies. ., JJ-
pr Year (wheu not paid in advoncc) o 00
All notice? and advertisements intended for pub
catiou should be handed in by noon on Wednesdays.
Rates of advertising made known on application .
A. F. AND A. M.
Corvallif Lodse, No. 14, A. F. and A. M., moots on
Wednesday evening, on or PJwlogOT.
Kocky Ixlge, o. 75, A. K. and A. M., meets on
Wednesday evening after fuH aIjrwAp w M
R. A. M.
Ferguson Chapter, No. 5, R. A. M., meets Tluirs
dav eyei 'iifir on or preceding f'tll moon,
K. OF P.
Vallev Lodge No. 11. K. of P., moots every Mon
day evening ' W, H. MANSFIELD, C. C.
L O. O. F.
Ba'num Lodge, No. 7, L O. O. F., meets every
uesday evening. T. C ALEXANDER, H. G.
A. 0. u. w.
Friendship Lodge, No. 14, A. ). V. W., meets first
and third Thursdays in -J"g;M0T M. w.
W. C. T. U.
Rular business meetingi first Saturdays fa each
month, at Hie Evangelical church, at 2::J0 P. M.
Prayer mooting every Saturday at hour. A
cordial Invitation is extended to all.
Mas. Noka Williams, Pres.
Mrs. T. Graham, Sec.
everv second and fourth Sabbath in each month
at the College Chapel, by the Rev. F. P. Davidson.
Services begin at 11 A. M.,aud 0:o0 p. . All arc in
vited. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Regular services
fvrv niornino and evening. Sunday
Shool at the close of the morning service. Prayer
meeting Thursday evening at 7 o clocK. I'uouc cor
Sially invited. H. P. DUNNING.
, Pastor.
WAMGELIOAL CHURCH Services regularly tv
ery Sabbath morning and evening, unless otherwise
announced. Sunday school at :l P. M. each Sabbath.
Pnver ineetinir every Thursday at 7 P. M. The
pubii cordially invited
Rev. J. Bowkt.sox, Pastor.
M. E. CHURCH There will, be public services at
the M. B. Church every Sabbath at 11 o clock l l the
morning. Sabbath school at S o'clock each Sabbath.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock.
M. E. CHURCH SOUTH -Services every Sabbath
at 11 A. 31. and 7 P. M. . at the college chapci. Sunday
school at 9:30 a.m. Prsyer meeting Friday evening
at 7 o'clock. Public cordialiy invited.
J. R. S. BELL, Pastor.
$!M'a week. S12 a day at home easily made. Costly
Si outQi free. Address True & Co., Aue-usta Me.
Obtained, and all business in the U. S. Patent Office,
or in the Courts attended to for MODERATE FEES.
We are opposite the U. S Patent Office, engaged in
tain patents in less time than those remote from
Whjn model or drawing is pent we advi-e as to
batenlabilitv free of charge; and wc make NO
We refer, here, to the Po.-t Master, the Supt. of the
Monev Order Div. , and to officials of the U. S Patent
JOflice. For circular, advice, terms, and reference to
actual clients in your own state and county, address,
O. A. SNOW & Co.,
19 8 Opposite Patent Office, Washington, i. C
Eeal Estate for Sale.
Will sell a arm of 47S acres for less than ?13 per
acre, being one of the chca;est and best farms in
enton county, situated 4 miles west of Monroe, of
mile from a good school, in one of the best neigh
1 borheads in the stat3 with churcl: privileges handy.
Ao iat Ulajres in cultivation, and over 409 can he All uador fence, with good two story
fra no iioil-13, !arg2 bam a:ld orchard; has running
waVjr the vear around, and is well suited tor stock
and dairy purnosos. This is one of the cheapest farms
in the Willamette Valley
Also, two improved lots on the main business street
with small stable, woodshed and a good, comfortable
dwelling house containing seven good rooms. These
lots are nicely situated for any kind of business pur
poses. A valuable farm all under fence only 2J miles from
Corvallis of 160 acres, 80 acres now in cultivation, the
balance of it can be cultivated; about 20 of it now in
J wheat with a fair house good barn and granery,
will be sold at a bargain.
Two unimproved lots in Corvallis Or. One o'f the
choicest building places in the city for sale reasou:
Fonr unimproved, lots except fenced in Corvallis
Ot. The choicest building place in the city for sale
For fnrther information enquire at the
Gazette Office.
X Snrc Care GcaraStrcd.
ment, a specific for Hysteria, Dizsine3s, Convul
sions, Nervous Headache, Mental Depression, Loss
of Memory, Spermatorhrea, Impotencr. Involuntary
omissions, premature old ae, caused by over:
sxertion, self-abuae or over-indulg-cncc, which leads
to misery, decay and death. One box will cure re
cent cases. Each box contains one month's treat
.ment ; one dollar abe'x,.- or six boxes for five dol
lars ; sent by mail prejaid on receipt f price. We
guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each
order received by us for six boxes, accompanied
with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our
written guarantee to return the money if the treat
ment does not effect a cute. Guarantees issued
only by
Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Portland Oregon.
Orders by mail at regular prices. 19-13 y 1
Music for Everybody.
For starting children and others in the cul
trae of Mnsic. It overcomes the drudgery
of learning the elements of Music by pleas
ant amusement. This new method teaches
yon all about the Musical Staff. Degrees of
the Staff, Clefs, Notes and Rests, Scale,
Intervals of the Scale, Location of Letters
on the Staff, and their relation to the Keys
of the instrument (This is very important
with children) Flats and Sharps and their
nse. All the different Keys, how to form
Chords or magical witr Is. It teaches the
syllables. Do, Re, Mi, etc., in singing. It
contains a complete musical catechism. It
is mult cm IN PARVO. All this is learned
while the learner is amusing himself by
playina familiar tunes. Persons with no mu
sical talent may play the times, as the
smide is such that he canit strike the
wrong key. Full directions and four pieces
of music accompany the Method. Sent by
mail for $1.00. Address,
78 &80 Van Buren St., Chicago, 111.
US 820
per day at home. Samples worth 85 free
gtf AuareKs aunson K o.. i urtana,jic.
SHILOH'S COUGH and consumption cure is sold
by us on a guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold
by Graham.
CATARRH" CURED, health and sweet breath re
cured by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents.
Nasal injector free. Sold at T. Graham's, Corvallis
SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that
terrible f oi'eh. Shiloh's cure is ready for you. Sold
by T. Graham.
ARB YOU MADE miserable by Indigestion, Con
stipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin ?
Shiloh's Vitalizar is a -positive core. Sold at T.
A-ttornev - Law,
Attorneys - at - Law.
Attorney - at - Law,
Cokva'xis, - - Oregon.
SPECIAL attention eiven to collections, and monev
collected promptly paid over. Careful and
prompt attention iven to Probate matters. Con
veyancing and searching of records, &c
Wi give attention to buying, selling and leasing real
estate, and conducts a general collecting and busi
ness agency.
Oitice on Second Street, one door north of Irvin s
shoo shoo. - 18:4:iyl
Physician, Surgeon,
And Electrician.
Chronic Diseases a specialty. Catarrh suc
eisfully treated. Also Oculist and Anrist.
OiQce in Fisher's Block, one door West of Dr. F.
. Vincent's dental o'.Bce. Omce hours' rom 8 to 12
nd from 1 to G o'clock. 19:27yl
T. V B. EMBREE, M. D., & Surgeon.
Office 2 doors south of H. E. Harris' Store,
Corvallis, - - Oregon.
Residence en the Routbwest . corner of block, north
Mid west of the Methodist church.
li. R, FARRA, M. D.,
Physician & Surgeon.
Drug Store. Corvallis, Oregou 19:2.-yl
Blacksmith & Wagonmaker,
Philomath, Oregon.
Mr. Rowland is prepared to do all kinds of wagon
maktne, repairing and blaeksmitbing to order. He
u.-es the best of material every time Wad warrants
his work. lu-32-lyr
F. J. Hendrichson,
Boot and Shoe Maker,
PHilomatli, Oregon.
T alwavs KoeD on hand superior ma
terial and warrant my work. I ask an examination
of my Rood before puruhasins- elsewhere.
i9-32-lyr F. J. Hendrichson.
GO C 3 C 3
Contractor and Bridge Bulldsr,
Coivallis, Oregon.
Will attend promptly to all woric under
Ills ehargc.
CorvaSSis, Oregon.
CANA.i & G;3LIM, proprietors.
THE OCCIDENTAL ia a new building
newly furnished, and is first class in all its
Stages leave the hotel for Albany and Yaquina Bey
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Larjre Sample Room on First Floor for
Commercial IKeo. 19-35 ly
We have in stock the
Deciins Twine Binders,
Dei ring and StRiidard Mow.ts,
Minnesota Chief Tlireshers,
Morrison Plows,'
Minnesota Giant and Stillwater Engines, Elwood
mounted Horse-Power, Centennial Fanning mill, cel
ebrated Rueke3-e line of Seeders and Drills.
' We also keep the celebrated Whitewater and
Ivetehum wagons.
iune2yl W. II. MILLII0LLAND.
One Door South of Graham' & Hamilton's,
Cora . Ilis, June 24, 18S2. 19-I9rI
3Ianufacturert and JolVfoers of
These Goods aro Warrant
ed, not to Hp.
All Genuine bavetbe trade mark "IIJOX CLAD"
stumped tnereon.
117 Battery Street, San Francisco, Cal.
CcrvaSIis, Oregon.
Is how prepared to accommodate travelers
Constantly on hand, at the
Silnaued on the Yaquina Road, half way
rom Corvallis to Newport.
i9:i2yi. p. bryant!
W. C. Crawford,
J E WE L E U .
assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc.
All kinds of repairing done on short noticd, and ali
work warranted. I8:33-yI
Axle Grease.
Best in the world. Get the genuine. Ev
ery package has our trade-mark and is mark
ed Frazer's. SOLD EVERY VVHEKE. 50y
Photograph Gallery.
First Class Work Only!
Copyintr in a!l branches. P uce of all kincls and
QrcvooU taken at cash pneea. E. HESLOP.
The oldest established Dentist and
the best outfit in Corvallis.
All work kept in rapiir free of charire and satisfac
on guaranteed. Teeth extracted without pain by
he use of Nitrous Oxide Uas.
ItVRooma up-stairs over Jacobs & Neucrass' new
Eriektorc, Oorvallia, Oregon. l!?:27yx
. U
TS o
a J
o a
Cor. Second and Monroe Sts.,
Keeps constantly on hand all kinds of
Coffins and Caskets.
Glitter and Clare.
How the world bows down to glitter and show;
How we kneel at the i-lided shrine.
And the highest tribute of praise bestow
On the irleam of plumage fine!
How Winded wo are by the fitful lare
Of Pomp and its tinseled train;
What brilliant fetters doth I'ride prepare;
How we worship the dazzling chain !
How we fawn o'er the flatter and wealthy knave
Who for riches his name hatn sold;
How we bend and creep like a cringing stove.
At the feet of the tyrant Oold !
What precious vallains wiirbroadcloth shield.
How satin will cover shame;
How flashing diamonds have oft concealed
The guilt of a tarnished name!
What masic power hath glitter and glare
O'er Folly a li'ht to shed;
How a jeweled ring which the clown may wear,
Atons of his empty head!
Hflw we lift out hats to the shimpering maid
Whose gems are her onlj' worth ;
How we court the glamour or false parade
And the empty pageants of earth!
Ah. how we covet them, one and all,
These baubles of Vanity Fair;
And are willing scarf of the petent thrill
Of the world's false glitter and glare.
Work done to order on short notice and at
reasonable rates.
Corvalli3, July 1, 1881. m 19:27yl.
MR we8k in yur own town. Terms and 5 outfit
1)88 tree, Address H. Hatlett & Co. ,Fortl'vJ, Me
Tlie Wnite Satin Domino.
The period of Napoleon's career,
when at Uh zenith, is full of romantic
adventures as connected with the
history ot the officers' lives that
served under that great captain. lie
was quick -to observe merit and quick
to revvard it, and this was what
made his followers so devoted to him,
and so anxious to distinguish them
selves by prowess in battle, and strict
and soldierly conduct in the Emper
or's service.
Colonel Eugene Merville was an
attache of Napoleon's staff. lie was
a soldier in the true sense ot the
word devoted to his profession, and
brave as a lion. Though very hand
some, and of One bearing, be was of
hnmble biruh a mere child of the
camp, and had followed.the drum and
bugle sirise boyhood. Pvery step in
the line of promotion had been won
with a stroke of his sabre; and bis
last promotion from major of cavalry
was for a gallant deed which trans
pired on the battle field, beneath the
Emperor's own eye. Karat, that
prince of cavalry officers, loved him
like a brothpr, and taught him srH
that his own good taste and natural
instincts had not lei him to acquire
It was the carnival season in Paris,
and yonng Meville found himself at
a masked ball in the Frencb Opera
House. Better adapted in his taste,
to the field than the boudoir, he
flirted but little with the figures that
covered the floor, and joined but
seldom in the giddy waltz. But at
last, while standing thoughtfully,
and regardnfg the assembled throng
with a vacant eye, his attention was
suddenly aroused by the appearance
of a person in a white domino, the
universal elegance of whose figure,
m,anner and bearing, convinced all
that her face and mind must be equal
to her person in grace and loveliness.
Though in so mixed an assembly,
still there was a dignity and reserve
in the manner of the white domino
that rather lepulsed the idea of famil
iar address, and it was some time
before the youcg soldier found cour
age to speak to her. An alarm be
ing given, there was a violent rush
towards the door, where, unless as
sisted, the lady would have mater
ially suffered. Eugene Merville of
fered his arm, and with his broad
shaJhlders and stout frame, warded
ofl the danger. . It was a delightful
moment; the lady spoke the put est
French; was witty, fanciful and cap.
"Ah ! lady, pray raise that mas'",
and reveal to me the charms of fea
ture that must accompany so sweet
a Voice and so graceful a form as you
"Yqn would perhaps be disap
pointed." "No, I am sure not."
"Are you so very confident ?"
"Yes, I feci that you are beautiful.
It cannot be otherwise."
"Don't be too sure tjf that," said
the domino. "Have yon never heard
the Irish poet, Moore's description of
the veiled prophet of Khorasseau
how, when he disclosed his ceunten
ance, its hideous aspect killed his
beloved one ! How do you know I
shall not turn out a veiled prophet of
Khorasseau ?"
"Ah, lady, your every word con
vinces me to the contrary," replied
the enraptured soldier, whose heart
began to feel as it had never felt be
fore; he was already in love.
She eluded his efforts at discovery,
bnt permitted him to hand her to her
carriage, which drove off in the dark,
and though be threw himself 6a his
fleetest horse, he was unable to over
take her.
The young French colonel became
moody; ho had lost his heart, and
knejf not what to do. He wandered
hither and thither, shunned his for
mer places of amusement, avoided
his military companions; and in short,
was as miserable as a lover could be,
thus disappointed. One night, just
after he had left his hotel oh foot, a
figure muffled to the very ears, stop
ped him.
"Well, monsieur, what would you
do with me ?" asked the soldier.
"You would know the name of the
white domino?" was the reply,
"I would indeed," replied the offi
cer, hastily- "How can it be done."
"Follow me."
"To the end of the earth, if it will
bring me to her."
"But you must be blindfolded."
"Very well."
"I am at your command."
And away rattled the young sol
dier and his strange companion.
"This may be a trick," reasoned
Eugene Merville; "but I have nd fear
of personal violence. 1 am armed
with this trusty sabre, and can take
care of myself."
But there was no cause for fear,
since he found the vehicle stopped,
and he was led blindfolded into a
house. When the bandage was re
moved from his eyes, he found him
self in a richly furnished boudoir,
and before him stood the domino,
just as he had seen her at the masked
ball. To fall upon his kneep, and
tell her how much he had thought
of her since their separation, that his
thoughts had never left her, that he
loved her devotedly, was as natural
as to breathe, and he did it most
gallantly and sincerely.
"Shall I believe all you say?"
"Lady, let me prove it by any test
you may put upon me."
"Know, then, that the feelings you
avow are mutual. Nay, I have some
thing more to say."
"Talk oh forever, lady. Your
voice is music to my heart and ears."
"Would you marry me, knowing
no more of me than yon 'now do ?"
"Yes, if you were to go to the very
altar masked," he replied.
"Then I will testyou."
"How, lady ?"
"For one year be faithful to the
love you have professed, and I will
be yours as truly as heaven chall
spare my life."
."O, cruel, cruel suspense."
"You demur ?"
"Nay, lady; I shall follow your in
junction, as I have promised."
"If at the expiration of a y ear you
do not hear from me, the contract
shall he null and void. Take this
half ring," she co"tinued, "and when
I supply the broken portion, I shall
be yours." .
He kissed the little emblem again
and again, and swore to bo faithful,
and, pressing her hand to his lips,
bade her adieu. He was conducted
away as mysteriously as he was
brought thither, nor, could he, by
any possible meaty, discover where
he had been, bis companion rejected,
all bribes, and even refusing to "ans
wer the simplest questions.
Months roiled on; Coirnel Mer
ville was true to his yo, happy
in tho anticipation of love. Suddenly
he was ordered on an embassy to
Vienna, tha gayest of all European
capitals., ab-jut the time Napoleon
was planning to marry the Arch
duchess, Marie Louise. The yonng
'l,.l U,l. 1.. 1
vuiuuci m aa iiaiiuuiur, iiu'.iny auu
already distinguished in.irms, and
became at once a great favorite,
every effort being mado by the
women to captivate him, but in vain;:
he was constant and true to his vow.
But his heart was not made of
stone; the very fact that he had en
tertained such tender feelings for the
white domino had doubtless made
him more susceptible than before.
At last he met the young Baroness
Caroline Waldroff, and in spite of
his vows she captivated him, and he
secretly cursed the engagement he
had so blindly made in Paris. She
seemed to wonder at what she be
lieved to be his devotion, a.nd yet
the distance that he maintained. The
truth was, his sense of honor was so
great, that although he felt that he
when about the middle .f
nirig, the white domino M
really loved the young bproness, and
even that she returned his affection,
still he had given his word, and it
was sacred. " ,
The satin domino was no longer
tho idea of. his' ft, but assumed
the most i .pulsis'Wrm in his im
agination, arid became, instead of his
good angel, his evil genius !
Well, fcwrte rolled on; he was to
return in a few days; it was once
more fthe . carnival season, and in
Vienna, too, that great city; Pie
joined In the festivities of the masked
ball, and what wonder fiUeHttris brain
the eve-
Ij afore
him, in- the same white sdthj drs. be
had seen her year a'year "before in
the French Opera... House, in Paxis.
Wasjit not a fancy ?
"I come, Colonel Eugene .Merville,
to hold you to your projee?' she
s:iid, laying her'hand lights upon
his arm. s
"IsThis reality 'br dream'?'.Jasked
tha-amazecr'iflldier, ,
''Come foTTorrae, and you shall
see that it is reality,?' ..-continued the
mask pleasantly.
'I will." v I,.-,
"Have you been faithful to your
promise?" asked the domino, as they
retired to a neighboring salbort.
"Most truly in act but alas, I fear
not in heart."
"Indeed!" , .. 4
"It is too'-tie, lady, that I have
seen and lmd another, though my
vow to you has kept me from sayitig
so to her."
"And who iahs that you thus
IUVC i -
"I will be frank with you and you
Will keep my secret ?"
"Most, religiously."
''It is the , baroness Waldorff," he
said with a sigh.
"And you really love her?"
"Alas, only too dearly," said the
soldier sadly."
"Nevertheless, I must hold yon, to
your promise. Here is the other half
of the ring; can you produce its
"Hrre it is," said Merville.
"Then, 1 too, keep rtiy promise !"
said the domino,- raising the mask,
and showing to his astonished view
the face of the Baroness Von Wal
dorff. "Ah, it was the sympathy of true
love that attracted me after all !" ex
claimed the young soldier as he
pressed her to his heart.
She had seen and loved him for bis
manly spirit, and character, and, hav
ing found by inquiry that he was
worthy of her love, she had tested
him, and now gave to him her wealth,
title and everyth;ng.
They were married with gKat
pomp, and accompanied tho arch
euchess to Paris. Napoleon, to crown
the happinese of his favorite,- made
Colonel Eugene MervVile at once Gen
eral of Division.-(S'eoow(j Centurr.
The Gazette Job Printing Office
Is complete in every respect, &tfd are prepared
. to do all kinds of
COMMf 8C1AL of Trintihg I
At Reasonable Ratesi
When in need of letter heaile, hill heads, envelope
Statements, or in fact anything in the printing lina,
ffivo us a call. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Give xis a Call.
ramphtels, circulars,-and general job, printing done
on short notice both neatly and .cheaply. ,
postoftice department, the agricul
tural bill and the military academy
bill. Two of the appropriation bills
have already passed the house, vizi
The Indian, and the Consular ami
Diplomatic Bills. . , i
Although there is a good deal of
unanimity among members of Con
gress touching the reduction of letter
postage. to two cents, there is a wide
difference of opinion as to when it
shoid go into effect. Some fayrf
the f'st of July next, and many oth
ers the 1st of January, 1884. Th
item for reduced postage, wlriCh' is
incorporated in the postoffice bill
will be passed without doubt, thei
only question being as to the beslj
time to have it go into effect; .
The democrats, it id believed, will
interpose obstacles towards the pas
sage of legislation having for its ob
ject real civil service reforrOj for the;
reason that the next house being
Democratic they wish to postpono
action so that they can shape legis
lation to meet their ends, and hav
tho spoils wherewith id reward their
friends and punish their encrnies. In
the Senate Thursday there was a dis
cussion on the civil service reform,
bill offered by Mr. Pendleton, of
Ohio, at the last session. Mr. Pen
dleton in his remarks . on the bill
spoke earnestly in favor ot it, and it
would seem that he (although a
Democrat) is honestly striving for
its passage this session. But thai
majority of Democratic colleagues
among them Senators Voorhees, of
Indiana, and Brown, of Georgia, .pre
fer to wait, as they say. "until they
reform the offi-
rally to post-
ke offices have
(Froir. o;(r regular correspondent)
It is refreshing to see the vim and
a'aoVcy with which Congress is ad
dressing itself to business. The ses
sion is only two weeks old, but al
raady more legislative and committee
work has beeh accomplished than is
usually transacted before the holiday
adjournment. This Congress is set
ting an example, and making a pre
cedent which the people and the
press will no doubt hold up for tho
emulation of future Congresses, and
the opin'on is gaining that, after all
has been said, Congress may not- be
totally depraved.
The Democrats in Congress held a
caucus yesterday in which it was4
agreed to oppose .the admission of
Dakota as a state, and .a conference
committee relat've to the business of
the session was appointed. The re
publicans have as yet held no caucus,
but there have been frequent infor
mal discussions of the political situ
ation by Republican leaders. There
is an evident improvement in the
Republican situation since the be
ginning of the session, attributable
to the President's message, action in
the star route cases, and to the business-like
action of Congress.
- The house of Representatives is
making rapid headway with the ap
propriation bills. During the week
f three .were reported,' viz: For the
Tho nat
again defeat'
i s
ana it maf bo Sore1
moreoiiKJtno side, to
question, lyiore is an acci
of more than 000,000 vobaH
on tne sneives. runny on tl
awaiting the grace of Spor(
combustion. Mr. Spofford, thi
dite librarian, has been clamorini
a place to place his books, and-.
small Ticreentago of "literary fello'
sent to Congress have echoed uH
Spofford's clamor. But there aret
other congres!tmh' not affected With
bibliophilism, -who would like to play
the part of the monks in the Alex
andrian library and burn the trash.
Then there is a job in the business.
A real estate ring wants to sell a sit-
nation to liio government, while in
truth the government has more situ
ations in the district than it can sit
on. The proper place for the library
is on government ground in closu
proximity to those other scientific,
collections the Smithsonian Institute
and tne National Museum.
, Fine Vessels and a Good trade, , .,
"One morning" says the Sunday
Oregonian, "I was on the Pacific
Mail dock, taking a look aft fhe
new steamer San Jose. She is a trj-
fte longer than the Columbia but not
as large a carrier. The secon,a officer
at the request of Capt. Joe. Cavarly,'
showed -me over the ship, which ia
one of the latest turned out by Roach
On my expressing my belief that'
while she was as good and ablebod
ied a ship as I had ever seen, sha
wis inferior to the Columbia in. her
equipment, the officer answered:
'Yes, and you might have said that
the Columbia, if you except the two
Australian ship. Outside of the Syd
ney trade, this company has no trade)
as that of Oregon. For the sake of
getting rid of the Stephens and two
or three other old hulks, thoy sold a
route that is to-day the best in
America for its length. Its passen
gers travel is at tho rate of eiarht dol
hirs per day for cabin passage, while
ours hardly averages five. The Sa-r
vannah line is the best orit of New
York and it doe3 not compare with,
the Oregon line, either for passen-
gcrs or freight, There fs a gi'eafj
deal of outcomes to your state , sir? is a pity our folks had not the
patience to wait for it.' "
A quantity of old newspapers' for ssJ?W
this office,