("1 Woodcock Dealers in Shelf and Heavy 7 u tMii (roatHs ferity FRIDAY MORNING, DEC. 20, 1SS2. Stoves and Tinware, Zinc Stove Pipe, Granite ware Etc., Etc., STOVES, Latest Improved. t8TOE83' Best in tlie Market F A URGE, Iffl 1MB SPLEHOlfl ASSQBTMEMT JUST RECEIVED ! Prices as low as any house in the State. .All Goods Warranted jiast as Represented. We Esrspioy none but And guarantee satisfaction in all Job Work, if you want something in our line don't fail to ccme and examine our goods and prices. WOODCOCK & BALDWIN FALL mfiEB I Mia La TNI 1 TT1 4- avc 1 CORSETS, K! ILL 1 KtAUT mmt m .US nil F telling Crobils. These Goods are offered to the public at prices lower than can possibly be found in the city. Nearly opp.Vincsnt House, Bill Nye oh tiie Elections. Boomerang, November 8. We have met the enemy, and we j are his'n. We have- made our re j marks, and we are reffdy to listen to i the gentleman from New York, j We could liavo lng out, perhaps, and explained about New York; but 1 when almost every stfite in the Union 'prose up and made certain statements j yesterday, we found that the job of ! explaining this matter thoroughly would, be wearisome, and require a ! great deal of time. We do not blame ! the Democracy for this. We are a i little surpiised, however, and grieved. I It will interfere with our wardrobe this winter. With an overcoat on Wyoming, a plug-hat on Iowa,- a 1 pair of pantaloons on Pennsylvania, land, boots on the general result, it i looks now as though we would prob j ably go through the winter, wrapped in a bedquilt and profound medita tion. We intended to publish an ! extra this morning, but the news i was of such a character that we thought we would get alonf without it. The cause of this great Derao ' cratic freshet in New York yestcr i day but why go into delils?--we j all have an idea why it was so. The I number of votes would scm to in j dicate that there was a tendency to ; wards Democracy throughout the j country. Now, in Pennsylvania, if i you will look over the returns care fully but why should we take up ; ycur valuable time offering an ex planation of a political matter of the past? iUnder the circumstances some tfoiJId go and yield to the soothing influence of the maddening bowl, but we do not advise that. It , would only furnish temporary relief, ! and the recoil would be ennui, and with that sense of surprise and aston ishment that a man does who has had a large brick block fall on him when he was not expecting it. Although we feci a litde lonely to-day having met but a few republicans on the stree who were obliged to come out and do their marketing we still hope for the future. The grand old Republican party But that's what we said Inst week. It sounds hollow now and meaningless, somehow, be cause our voice is a little hoarse, and we are snowed under so deep that it is difficult for us to enumerate. Now, reboot these bets. If the panics to whom we owe bets and we owe 'most everybody will just agree to I t-tke the stakes, and not go ,into de tails not stop to ask us the stale ot our mind, and talk about how it was done we don't care. We don't wish to have this thing explained at all. Ve aro not of anjnquiiing turn of mind. Just plain facts are good enough for us, without any harrow ing details. In the meantime we are going to work lo earn some more money, to bet on the next election. Judge Folger and others, come over and see us when you have time, and we will tal!: this matter over. Mr. 15. Butler, we wish we had your longevity. With a robust constitu tion, we find that 'most any man can wear ovtl cruel fate, and get there at hist. We do not feel so angry as we do greved and surprised. We are pained to see the American people thus betray our confidence, ami throw a liige wardrobe into the hands of the' relentless foe. rm a 10:Uyl AGENT FOlt THE WO&LD-RHNOlYKED nrnirn sm UCbllCK ill i mm niftBta H4B SB 1 iiflHTO V2f' ' Test ' I. ot players Jul le Rive-King "ii preference 111 others. J. Sc C. FISCIIEE'S PIANO, e leading and best second-class Piano on the market. At..') T5IK i and Established Standard -Mason & Hamlin Organ. r V-rallis an.i vlci ii! y froari t&ne io i;-e to st'li these leuiiinc; lili'ti urni nil f S 'fcir and taprii! :nled opposftfeii eoii' rtvj uoti ''.htandirp-. Te MoSc-l Eusband. Always complain ot being tired, and remembei that nobody else gets tired. Your wife should have everything in readi'.ies for you, but you should not do anything for her. When your wife 'asks for money, give her a nickel; ask tier what she wants of it, and, when she tells you, ask her if she can't do without it. Then go down ami spend ten times the amount for cigars, for they are a i neccSiity. Go down town of an evening-, I stand around on the street corner i and tark politic ; it's more interesting than to stay at home with your fatn ily. Charge your wife not to gossip, but you can spin aJl the yarns you wish. Have your wife get up and make nil the fires; but don't you get up youiselt till the rest of the family are eating breakfast, as. you might take cold. ' Wear old clothes, and make your self as untidy as possible until your wife's health fails: then it would be best for you to fix up some, for in all probabii'ty you will want another when she is gone. Have a smile for everybody you meet, but get a frown on before you go h ome. How a Wliale Brer-ties. The windpipe does not communi cate with the mouth; a-hole is, as it were, bored right through the back of the head. Engineers would do well to copy the action of the whale's blow-hole; a more perfect piece of structure it is impossible to imagine. Day and night, asleep or awake, the whale works his breathing appara tus in such a manner that not a drop of water ever gets down into the lungs. Again, the whale must of necessity stay a much longer, period of time under walft than seals; this alone might possibly drown him, in asmuch as the lungs cannot have access to fresh air. We find that this difficulty has been anticipated and obviated by a pecul;ar reservoir in the venous system, which reservoir is situated at the back of the longa. 'Frank Uucldand. Don't Wnip Him. "Ma," howled a boy running into the house and approaching his moth er, "Ma, little brother hit me with a stick." 'Well, I'll whip your little broth er," said the mother, abstractedly tucking together a pair ol stockings she had been darning. "No, don't whip him. Don't let him have any supper. I whipped him before he hit me." Arkancuw Traveller. Sleeping With EsrpDcts. Professor Bell, the Smithsonian Institution's agent shipped his last collection of snakes lo the north two weeks ago, and already has his museum full aain. It is surprising how rapidly they beeomo domesti cated under his treatment. Dnrin the recent cold snop some of them that he turned lojjse in his room at. night climbed up the bedposts and coiled themselves up in his blankets. He fait them hunting for cosy spots about bis legs, and knew that he ought to get up and provide them with some loose straw, but a sleepy man in a warm bed on a cold night is not over-obliging, and the' profes sor snored on musically, as is his custom. The reptiles crowded upon one another, quarrelled, fought a lit lie, hissed, but the professor did not budge; only now and then he would wake slightly and cry sortly: "Whist, boys; be easy, boys." At last a big coaehwhip snake found an opening near the ede of the blankets and slowly glided in. There was a gentle waving up and down of the bedclothes- as the big elaybar.k serpent moved about, get ting himself comfortable, when sud denly he slipped about two-thirds of his frigid length against the warm legs of the professor. The professor made a violent remark. Ho sat up in bed, gathered a handful of snakes in each hand, depositing them care fully on the floor, ihen throwing back the bedclothes he administered a kick that sent the coach whip fly ing through the dark to the other end of the room, encountering the lamp in its aerial flight and knocking from its bracket on the wall the fra gile skull of an ancient Florida mound builder. "Freeze and be hanged !" exclaim ed the irate professor. L"I'il share my bed with you, but you shan't drive me out." He drew the blankets over him. A few moments later sev eral pairs of little red eyes moved up the bidp'osts on eith&r side and soon snake herder and snakes, in one couch, were lost in peaceful sleep. Jacksonville, Flo., Times. aain scanning the fat carcasses as - - . they lie side by side upon the block. Tlie Farmer. Montgomery, Ala., Southern Agriculturist It does one's heart good to sec a merry round face; so independent and yet so free from vanity and pride; so rich, and yet so industrious; so patient and so persevering in his cnllino;, and yet so kind, sociable, and obliging. There are a thousand no ble traits about his character. lie is generally hospitable. Eat and drink with him, and he won't set a mark on 3-ou and sweat it out with double compound interest. Some people I know will; you are welcome. He will do you a kindness without expecting a return by way of compensation; it is not so with everybody. He is usu ally more honest and sincere less disposed to deal in low and under handed cunning than many I could name. He gives to society its best support, its firmest pillar that sup ports the editiee of government. He is the lord of nature. Look at him in his homespun and gray; laugh at him if you. will, but believe he can laiicrh back if he pleases. The rissii of the Improved. Il0 .National Live Stosk Journal Chicago. Swine breeders have not suffi ciently borne in mind the variation in the amount of lean meat found in the carcasses of different hogs. The Berkshire is universally credited with having more lean than any other breed; but even Bcrkshires very in this regard, as do other classes of swine. Hence, by closely scanning the cut up carcasses, giving prefer ence to certain families showing lib eral presence of muscular substance, these to be used as breeders, the rel ative quantity of lean could be in creased any family or breed. It is well known that some hogs when re duced to an impoverished state, are really very thin, as the term is un derstood, while the others having as meagre an amount of fat as the thin nest, yet have greater fullness of all the parts, and under no circumstances do 'they become so lean In appear ance as the others. This difference is owing entirely'to the greater size of the muscles the motive parts and d'fference is inTariably shown in the cut-up meat. So it will be seen that there are two modes of making a very correct estimate of this pecu liar difference in swine by compar ing animals that are, so far as we are Abla to judge, alike reduced, then W. C. T. U. C3LUBI3. TempOi-ance aEd the Childron. BY RET. AirarD TAYLOR. What have the children' to do with it ? Is there any danger that they will be drunk ards ? Can they exert any influence to help on with the Temperance work ? Is it not sufficient that we teach them religion, and leave them to take their chance as to the Temperance question ? Such inquiries as thscd are often honestly made, by good people who think that teach ing children Temperance is a needless ex penditure of time and effort, or that ifr is an -intrusion on juvenile religious education. It is the children's business. Drunkards they may not be now, and the thought of one's own child ever becoming a sot is so horrible, that every parent shrinks from considering the bare possibility of it; but if the business of drunkard-making goes on its present vigor till our children grow up, it is well that we teach them How to guard against the temptations placed in their way. The children's influence, both for preven tion and reform, is so great that the c.ause ear;not afford to be without it. And so far from Temperance being either antagonisti0 tp religion or an excrescence on it, the two are so intimately linked together, nay, a part of each other, that it is impossible faithfully to teach the one without at the same time teaching the other. HBs noble to reform drunkards; it brave to rescue the fallen, and to raise the degraded from the gutter; itjis glorious work to 'put out a groat conflagration; hut it is yet better if we can quench the spark, while it is yet a spark, so that there shall be no conflagration to put out. It is as brave and as noble work to keep people from being drunkards, as to try ito elevate them after strong drink has reduced them below the level of beasts. And it is easier and cheap er to prevent than to reform; to teach a boy not to be a drunkard, than to reform him, and to pay for the mischief he does, when drink has gained the mastery over him. flifc"Daner"la Idoderats Using. It cannot too constantly be insisted upon that drink begets disease, which kiqles a delirious craving for stimulus, while it de bilitates the will through strictly physical causes. The man who drinks in order to exercise his moral muscle, soon finds that lie lias laid his head in the lap of a Delilah, who has shorn him of his strength whiie he thought he was only refreshing himself for the conflict. It may be all very well for the charioteer who wishes to perfect his eye and hand ia skilful driving, to skirt the very edge of the precipice, though I doubt whether the wise would applaud rr employ him. But it becomes a very different mat. ter if tle air about the brink is heavy with the reeling fumes of calbonie acid gas. Why do not these "temperance" men advocate the moderate use of opium on the same principles as those on which they uphold moderate drinking? Because, they will teH j'ou, the yhysieal effect of opium is to debilitate tlie will (and with it, of course, the power of self control) and ultimately to destroy it. And this, everv scientific ph' sician will tell you, i3 precisely the effect of the liquors of our day. It enslaves men, not simply by power of habit nor. from a sensualized will. The most awful and hope less drunkards aro often those who hate and fight against their sin the most fiercely. They abstain for a while, but it is only a crust forming over volcanic fires. They are borne away in an hour when they think not. City Stables iDaily Stage Lhie FROM ALBANY TO CORALLIS. THOS. EGLIN, On the Coiner West of the Kngine House CORVALLIS, - - OREGOX. -ww- a v i "in r fiAttfet rmpTi utt nuw Hiiil (,!jimudi..ns RAiLN, i'.V-'-;-."-:? "II . " - Proprietors Having secured the contract to carrying the United States Mull j xpress HiO'.l -Arbany to I am better than .evur nreparcU to keen the j For the ensuing four yean; v.-1 leave Corvallis each' B-5T OiT Jh"Q R'i "'"'ICQ PA DDI A f-rO niwrnii!;; at 8 o'clock, arriving in Albanv about 10 -OT KIT I Crt.V'O, D J J JILOi WtURlnutO.o'clock, end will start&om Albany at 1 o'clock in the ortenioon, returning to iJortalliB about X o clock. T.jisline will bettreparsd with ffood teams and care- SADDLE HOUSES TO HIRE; At Reasonable Rates. Particular attention given to Boarding Horses Horses Bought ana Sold or Exchanved. PLEASE GIVE ME A CALL. cul drivers and nice comfortable and EASY RtDtNG VEHICLES For the accommodation of the TRAVELLING rUilLIC. 19-27yl FrMit Street, Two tloors noi'tli of tiie Vilieentt House, ) COEYALLIS, OK. Ai-L ORDERS PROMPTLY EX&CUTED. Repairing and Cleaning at moderate Prices. 19-26yl i' M f R3 k f P5 A l-i & -fl AMD DEALER IN Faots and Figures. . Ontario manufactured la3t year 5,073,G10 pounds of maple sugar. Iron and lead deposits have been found in Jackson county, Wiscon?in. Edison's patents now number 39(5; more than were ever before granted to one man. American manufacturers turn cut daily 12,000 dozen spools of thread, containing 200 yards each. A subterranean flow of clear water was discovered near Denver, Col., recently while an artesian well wa3 being bored. The track. of the Northern Pacific has ad vanced this year 154 miles, and is now 529 from Winnibeg. No more will be laid this year. The North Carolina peanut crop will this year reach 140,000 bushels. The nuts are of better quality than any grown during the past live years. Sixteen whiskey distilleries now in opera tion in Loui3viile have been reinforced by a highwines factory, the first of the kind in that district. The result of some of the most carefully conducted tests ia regord to rye as foodha3 stimulated its use more than ever, and the high price of corn is directing attention to the value o ye. FAOTS, OIIS, TAilli, WM, GLASS, PUTTY, TRUES, SBOTIDEB BRACES, TOILET ARTICLES tC. A full liiro of Brojss, Stationery and Wall Paper. Or drugs are fresh am1 well selected. Prescriptions compcmided at all hours. 19-27yl Wheat and otlier Grain Stored on tne best of Terms by -AT- SACKS FURNISHED TO PATRONS iM I: ' - 4 i i-r-'V'., '- vsC v-''''-----,vT-.lV we. CURE -.SHE t most diseases are or liver, aad that if a perfect condition. Farmers will do well to cafl on me before making arrangements elsewhere 7- . . TO THE SICI AO AFFilCTED! AND ESPECIALLY Those Suffering from Debility, Nervous Prostration, Loss of "Vitality, Sexual Infirmities, Etc., Etc. o rpIIE CHEAT NEED VHOS HAVE 'XVn AKE X suffering from SEXUAL Ai0 NERVOUS COM PLAINTS is a physician who can comprehend their ailments attd stfrcessfally treat them. The general practitioner is not sufficiently fikillo in these clashes of trebles tn do ro ar.d it must h kft loathe SPEClALiST, vho by education, len' pnvctiee, tborougb knowledge and ccmprtheubiv ininil, is prepared to cure them. 08. I. c. Yousa Opened his now eelcbraied Institute in 1850 for the purpose of affording- the afflicted the certainty of houorahlc and skillful treatment and perfect and : permanent restoration, and for over 80 jvars it has sustained the first rank not only upon this Coast but throughout the civiheed world. I .am avrare that by dwelling Upon so uninvitin subject as the DECAY OF SEXUAL VIGOU gnor&nt may asperse my motive, fi. rs:rp to infern !I;oso who are sulTer i.iiC 3sroag!i i?nor;;EC3, or who by carr-" essrpss or want of knowif -so. t!tat a enro can !;e Esnd, are Hot only fcurrjin? Ihcm salwes to an i!!s!r!tiy grave, but giving sexual weakness as an inheritance to future genera tions, is too great an incentive to permit me to be siicnt. sviniDtoms. IF YOU ARE SUFFERING FROM N IOHT LOSS ES, NERVOUSNESS, WEAKNESSES, CONFUSION MINii. SLIOm i n. s WBSX I KHF.R EX CITEbiENT, VARIABLE Th.ifl'R. THEKBUKG, PALPITATION, FLUSHES, Sc., OR IV YOB HAVE PRACTICED SELF-ABUSE EVEN IN THE SLIGHT-" EST PARTICULAR you arc suffering from the Ri'fad EncK-y cf Bamaa Life, And should not hesitate to seek at once health and happiness in a cure. t CURES GUARANTEED, FEES MODERATE CONSULTATION BY LETTER OR OTIIERWISE.- FREE. E"sciasivcry Vfjsiai.':; !c;ncJics I'scd. o Lacirs You are onaeiaTIy liable to FitfTering from NERV OUS PROSTRATION. A)! your peculiar complaints sire nervous in their origin and hence your sufferings are terribly depressing or inexpressib'ry keen. The Doctor in iiis researches ami practice of NERVOUS TROUBLES has marie your or-nnizaticn a specia . study and is thus enabled from bis experience and knowledge to aid and cure you in any of the Trenbirs, Hfeafcrctficg, Mstrensea and Suf ferip?slo wiiih you arc izablc o"i7'Yoii will find in the Doctor a friend upon whom you can rely for comfort, aid and cure. !tr." YoBBg's F'nia!o Kemedics have' attained a reputation for efficiency unequalled by any medicine or medical prescription ever offered. Thej can be sent by mail or express. Those desiring personal care and attention can hare1' all necessary accommodations furnished. o- Seiontists now all admit th caused bv disordered Kidneys these ffreat or'-ans are kept in health will be the result. VTARNER'S SAFE KID NEY AND UVER CLUE Is made from a Simple Tropical Leaf OK RARE V A L U E, And POSITIVE Remedy Troubles : for the following Pain in flic Bsc-; SeTere Ileadcclns; Bi;nss; BlnaliR-; Inriamed Eye.?; A Tired Feeling Kight Srteafs; Pains In llie Lower Part cf tho Po(Ty. Palpitttioii of the Hoarts.Jaur.dice Grave!; Paiufnl L'rinatioii Ma larial Fever; Fever and AjfTrC; And all diseases caused by tho Kidneys, Liver or Urinary Organs being out of order. It is a SAFE and CERTAIN cure for all Female dif ficulties, such as Lt-iiforr!sra; InB&matloa cf the iF-snib; Faiiiag- o the !Vv,a?M liceratioH . of sac ffoiab. ItwBl control and regulate Menstruation, and is an excellent and safe remedy fer females during pregnane.-. As a Blood Purifier it fa uncqualed, for it cures tho organs that MAKE the blood. For ci; Carteelss; Scrofula; Whito Swel liogj Salt Bosom; Poisoning tj kcr ccirv or any other Dru, it ureertain in every case. For IcfiniintRcs'; Iatenee; Tains in tijc Loins, and aii Simi lar Diseases It is a safe, sure anil ouiek Cure. It is the only known remedy that has cured BrightS DlSBAHB. As a proof of tho purity a'1.; worth of this Great Natural Remedy, read the following C H E 9 1 C A I. A . .'i LTSIS I S. A LATTIMORE, Fh .11., L. L. D., Professor of Chemistry in the University of Rochester, N. Y., knowing the popularity and merit of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, after a thorough Chemical Analysis, has furnished tiie fee lowing statement: UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER, Chemical Laboratory, RQTrn ESTER, N. Y. , Jan. S, WO. lfr. II II. Warner has placed in my possession the formula of the me.Ucino manufaotared and sold by nhn unfertile gcoral desiL-r.-tion of WARNERS SAFE KIDNEY AND UVER CURE. 1 have inves tigated his processes of manufacture, which are con ducted with extreme care and according to the best methods. I have also taken from his laboratory sam ples of all the materials used in the preparation of this medicine, and upon critical examination I find them, as well as tho medicine into which they nter, to e entirely free from poisonous or deleterious sub snces. S. A. LATTIMORE. This flemcdv which lias done such wonders, is por um in the LARGEST SIZED BOTTLE oi any medi cine upon the Market, ami is sold by Druggists and all dealers at Si. 25 p:;r bottle. For Diabetes enquire for WARNER'S SAFE DIABETES CURE. It is a POSITIVE Remedy. H. H. WARNER &. CO. Rochester 2. Y. 19:flyl Buy at dealers' prices. , We will sell you any j article for family or personal use, in any quantity, at- wholesale price. No matter what you want, send for our Catalogue,; rc con tains over 1,900 illustrations. We carry in stock the largest variety of goodsjn the U. S. 227 & 229 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO, ILL. Xe tiers. T ci'es'j mse who cannot visit the city can by givingTbe ptoms in theirown way. receive advice, and wh red, treatment at home with everv assurance LETTERS RETURNED OR DESTROYED. Address, EBedical InsXHvit, Sc. 7 SteckfM Sr. San Francisco; "e. 21, ISS2. COEt3!5UK!L C .-GEN r-itb. STAKKKiT & IALET, Philadelphia, I'm. Packaea containe all Iircc:ions, ar-tl I1? cr ?;!'-' eent by ex tc.-h. rmdf for iaMl AX H05I3. K. E. MATHEWS, i'crH-ardincT Afant, COG Mont?Muory rtrtjct-Saa Frcn cL?co, Cil. JQrSend for li'reeTamphlots. , LEGAL m L A K FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE II WftL YOU SUFEER with Dyspepsia and Liver complaint? Shiloh's V italizer is" quarhtecd to cure, you. For sale by T. Graham. '. FOR DYSPEPSIA and LiverCnuvplaint, you have a printed guarantee ore- everj' bottle of Shiloh's Vitalize!-, It never fails to cure. Sold at T. Graham's. We oonlinuo to act as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks. Copyrights, etc., for the United States, Canada, Cuba, England, France, Germany, etc. Wo nave had thirty-live years' experience. Patents obtained through us aro noticed In the Sci entific American. This larpe and splendid Illus trated weekly paper. $20 ayear.shows the Proirresa of Science, U very inter(;stiiia,and has an enormous-' circulation. Address MCXM & CO., Patent Solicfc tora, Fuo's. of Scientific American. 2(11 B'way, Now York. Hand boolt about Patents free, g