(0 SSI Wit jiwattte ggfe FRIDAY MORNING, fEC. 15, 1SS2V Entered a the Postoffice at Corvallis, Oregon, as second-class matter. -EDITED- BY- M-!.S. WOODCOCK, f ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICIAL PAPER FOR BENTON COUNTY THE WAY TO MAKE MONEY. Any person who will secure four new subscribers for the Gazette for the coming year, paid in advance, we will send a copy of the Gazette for one year free. SEDUCTION OF POSTAGE. The question of reducing the pos age upon letters is undergoing con iteration about.congress. The ex perience in the past at various times whn letter postage was reduced from twenty-five cents to ten cents and from thence to three cents, that each time the increase in the corres pondence kept the supply of revenue from such source up to what it had been before. In fact th revenue in creased by such reduction. At the present time when the income of the postal service is considerably in ex cess of the expense, why not reduce letter postage to one cent. Under such a reduction the increase in cor respondence would certainly bring the revenue to a sufficient amount to meet the expense. VACATING ALLEYS. At the last meeting of the city council that body passed an ordi- eance vacating a certain alley through block No. 7 of this city be longing to Judge Burnett and the writer. Nothing has heretofore ap peared in' the Gazette upon this subject because we had the object in view of getting this particular alley Vacated and hence we did not feel justified in discussing a subject that others might attribute to self inter est as a motive for doin so. Be lieving that the effects of open alleys in a town naturally involves the health and lives of all of our citizens and the alley that we were directly ruterested in having been vacated, we' therefore take the liberty of calling attention to the evil effects of them The petitioners for vacating the alley alluded to did it because the alleys in this town, as well as all other towns heard from, are used simply and most gpnerally for the purpose of the adjoining occupants dumping filth, dirt and refuse mat ter, where it remains until the damp season of the year creates moisture enough to supply plenty of mud when the drays, trucks, wagons and stock of different kinds going through such alleys mixes trash filth'and mud all np together where it remains un til it makes the natty est most foul and filthy Cf spool that the human Imagination can think of. This state of affairs soon contaminates the whole atmosphere around and the result is that the people arc taken down with fevers and blood poison ings of different kinds and many of them are thereby J carried to the grave. Not only such is the result bnt the city is continually being put to expense to keep such places clean and with all efforts in that direction there never was a town in existance which ever has-been able with all the vigilance imaginable to keep their alleys in a clean and decent condition. If all the pioperty hold ers on any block petition the city council or consent to the alley in sach block being vacated, the council then have authority to vacate it. In the interest of health and clean liness we invite the people of our town to consider the questions here suggested, and if thought proper to act upon the suggestion. If any doubts arise in the minds of any per son regarding filthy alleys let scuh persons go along and through the alleys of our town and examine the mixture there to be found. It after such examination they fiud anything clean or calculated to promote health we would be glad to have their re port. NICARAGUA CANAL'. A lot of jobbers who may be in the interests of some private steal from the government, seem quite anxious that the Nicaragua canal bill pass congress, and are useiug their utmost endeavors to accomplish that object. Some of the committee men, before whom the bill is pending, very appropriately refuse to recom mend its passage, for the very good treason that the United States by exist ing treaties would be prevented from any control over-it. Those who- are interested in perpetrating the steal apon the government, lean backward 3jo i heir dignity and declare that iey do not ask for any money. They only askthat tbc government guarantee that the scheme will pay three per cent on the capital stock not to exceed $75,000,000, and yet they are not asking for money. It is simply asking for an opportunity to require government to pay an in come on their bad investment. The star route schemes are being watched too closely to bo healthy and the next part of the programe is to create new opportunities in or der that the usual amount of thievery may be done. The canal would un der proper circumstances be of ben efit to the commerce of the United States. Bat she should not in any event become mixed up with the affair until existing treaties can be so modified as to give the United States absolute control over the sanal when completed. B. F. Butler is jubilant over his election and sausy towards demo crats. He claims that he owes his election to republicans who were dis satisfied with the previous adminis tration of stale. He asserts that he will not forget that Massachusets is largely a republican state. If his memory should serve him in that manner democrats will likely recall to mind again the matter of spoons and his army regulations whilo in New Orleans. Temperance Lecture. Dr. Watts on last Monday evening deliv. ered a very interesting lecture in Corvallis, upon the subject of temperance. It was not only interesting but also very applica ble to the question under consideration. The lecture was delivered in the Dr's. pe culiar style and treated of the prohibition branch of the temperance question. He took for the subject of his remarks a text from the Holy writings found in Exodus Chapt. XXI and verse3 28 and 29 thereof, which he read as follows: "If an ox gore a man or a woman, that they die; then the ox shall be surely stoned and his flesh not eaten; but theowner of the ox shall be quit." Again; "but if the ox were wont to push with his horns in time past, and it had been testified to his owner and he hath nci kept him in, but that had killed a man or a woman ; the ox shall be Btoned, and the owner put to death." The lecturer arsued that this was one of God's commands for the preservation of hu man life; so prescous did he regard the life that he had given unto mankind that every safe gaurd should be thrown around to pre serve the life which, if taken by man, could not be returned ng&in. He also very appro priatoly and truly took the ground that the same impulse and desire to protect human life was implanted in the breast of every man and that human laws were based upon the same principle in carrying out the pur pose announced in the text. By way of il lustrating his course of reasoning he asked if a vicious dog should run out upon the street and bite a child which was passing that way, if the owner of the child would not likely shoot that dog, and if the owner of the dog had previously been warned tha the dog was in the habit of biting people and that at the time of his biting the child in question, if the owner of the dog was then hissing him on to the child, would not the owner of the child after shooting the dog turn around and administer distraction to dogs owner. Dr. Watts took the position that such would likely be the result, if not, it would be the principle which would acu ate any and every human beast if he did not go so far as to 'perperate the dead. He then inquired if some evil disposed person should bring a large box full of rattle snakes and place them on the street corner and when the sunny days of spring came along and warmed them up bo that they commenced to snap at and bite the people passing thereby, would not the people dis troy every snake and the owner too, if nec- cessary, to preserve their own lives from the uncroachment of such snakes. He said if a merchant of Corvallis should visit San Francisco for the purpose of pur chasing a new supply of goods and he should 6nd a store in which the clerks had therein broken out with smallpox, and thereby had infected the stock of goods therewith, and the owner thereof should offer such goods to the Corvallis merchant for ten per cent, on the dollar, for reason of their poisonous qualities and such merchant should buy them and bring them to Corvallis the law would send him to the penitentiary, for thus endangering human life. He also stated that the law for the purpose of pre serving life and health prevented men from starting soap factories, slaughter houses and other noxious trades in the midst of onr thickly populated towns. That the law for the same reason prevented men from duel ing and applying the same principle to sav ing mens property so that they may not become beggars and charges upon society, the law prevents gambling by making it an offense. The speaker also contended that the law had in every other respect thrown safe guards around human life and property for the purpose of preserving them with severe penalties for any violations thereof except in the matter of the sale, use, and evil effects of alcohol upon human life. He con tended that as God had decreed that the ox should be slain for taking human life and his master also if he should have been fore warned, and as the natural impulse im planted in man was to kill the vicious dog who should bite his child and the owner thereof, also if he should set the dog on to the child, and by the - same impulse we would kill the snakes which had been placed by the way side, endangering the lives of the passers by and as the law prevents and punishes the man who endangers life by bringing smallpox into the community and as the policy of the state is in every re sgeob by law to throw safe-guards around human-life and property, er should the state by law destroy all alcohol made to use as a beverage and prohibit its being used for such purposes. Ho contended that with alcohol there did not require to be any ex ception made with it. That a law should be passed preventing mankind from horning their fellow men down the throat -" with al coholic beverages. That saloon keepers should be prevented from hissing their alcoholic bulldog; upon their fellow men and their families. That they should also be prohibited from exposing the" lives of the husbands and the wives and children there of to the venomous bite of their alcoholic serpent. That the state should guard hu man life by prohibiting them from madden ing a mans brain with alcohol until instead perhaps of dueling he puts the pistol to his head and blows out his own brain in order to get rid of the snakes that haunts his vis ion. So should the state in carrying' out its policy to prevent gambling and save men's substance from being wasted prohibit man from selling to his neighbor that poisonous beverage which takes his estate in exchange therefor drives his brain to madness and wastes his estate, rendering himself and those dependent upon him helpless, depend ent, poor and poverty stricken. The speak er gave, many appropriate illustrations of the effects of strong drink upon men in our state who have passed away under its influ ence, but space forbids us occupying so much space as would requireto give them. It was contended by him that the assassin ation with a shot gun was not near so mean as the one who shoots his neighbor to death by shooting him down the neck with alco holic beverages, because, says he, with the gun he ony kills the body and leaves the reputation of deceased and his wife and in nocent children unsullied. But on the oth er hand, in shooting alcohol down the vic tims neck it kills both body soul and repu tation wastes his estate and leaves his fain lly penniless and not only this but the in jured reputation extends so far as to sully the once good name of the innocent widow and helpless children and also poisons their young blood with the serpents poisonous effects. The lecture differed entirely from the visual sterotyped temperance lecture so often heard and was quite interesting, We have attempted to give the substance of the speakers remarks, want of space for bidding us from giving it in full. TELE Git KM S. Washington, Dec. 9. The postoffice com mission of the house yesterday agreed to ; a favorable report of the bill introduced last session by Anderson of Kansas to reduce the rate of letter postage to two cents per half ounce or fract: n thereof, after Jan. 1 1834. Washington, Dec. 9. Talks with repub lican representatives to-day elicited many expressions of approval of the report of the tariff commission and strengthened the im pression that their recommendation will be likely to receive the support of most repub Hcans. At the oame time the democrats expressed themselves as favoring the rec ommendations in general. There are inti- mations that the representatives of the su gar trade may nnd it to their interest to form some kind of alliance with the Ha watian commissioner. New York, Dec. 9. The police captains of Brooklyn have been instructed not to interfere with barbers next Sunday, unless they sell cigars, and not to permit Jews to do business. On the other hand, twelve Hebrews of New York have secured an in junction, in the suits against the police, re straining the latter from interfering with their Sunday labor or services. Bloomington, 111., Dec. 10. The family of Lewis Brandenberg, a well known citizen, was poisoned a day or two since by eating trichina.' in sausages. One of the family died this morning. Mr. Brandenberg and wife cannot recover. Washington, Dec. 10. It is reported that, the engineers of the Panama canal have made a radical change in their plans of oper ations. The intention of the projectors was to make a sea-Ieavel canal from ocean to ocean without locks of any kind. In formation now comes out that they find it impossible for any sum of money which could be raised, to over come the natural dfficul ties of such an undertaking, and they have decided to adopt the ordinary plan, that of locking up and down the grades. The other schemes involved the operation of digging the canal for some distance through great cuts, which would seem,several hundred feet deep, involving the amount of excavation the like which was never attempted by hu man hands. Washington, Dec. 10. The regulation governing mints and assay office have been amended so that on and after the first of January, 1883, on charge at the assay office can be collected from the depositors of gold for the transportation of their bullion to the mints for coinage, the cost of which, un der the provisions of the existing law, as construed by the director of the mint and secretary of the treasury are required to be paid from the appropriation for freight on the bullion and coin between mints and the assay offices. New York Dec. 11. Ex-Gov. Stanford, of California, has rented the old residence ofVanderbilt on Fifth avenue, and will spend the winter here. His wife is report ed to have the finest diamonds in the city, except those of Mrs. John Jacob As tor. She improved the opportunity presented by a fashionable wedding In an uptown church the other day to show them all on her per son at one time. Many ladies present thought it a strange place to appear quite so brilliantly bedecked, but perhaps envy was quite an element in their criticisms. The lady wore a magnificent necklace of diamonds, while below it, extending from shoulder to shoulder, was a row of splendid gems four inches deep, and as if these were not enough to make a decided sensation, the lady's ears, head, arms and dress were ablaze with jewels. - Moneyed men of the Pacific coast are still coming here in considerable numbers, many of them to reside permanently. Like many others having made their money amidst the new civilization, they come here to find the most ways of spending it. Chicago, Dec. 11. It is not generally- known that there is a branch of the self styled orthodox reorganized church of latter day saints, which violently opposes what it calls the heterodox church. - This body i presided over by. Joseph Smith, jr., the son of him unto whom was "revealed many things." These Chicago saints assemble twice every Sunday in a small room at No: 213 Madison street, which on week days is devoted, to. theritual ef various secret so cieties, and aiound the walls of whifth the spiritual exhortations of one and the mys terious banners of the others are displayed in glazing contrast. . These saints stand by the works of Joseph Smith and find in them what they consider convincing arguments in condemnation of polygamy. The $pr vices are much the same as the Methodists, and are conducted at present by W. H. Kelley: Washington, Nov. 11. Springer, of Illi nois, proposed constitutional amendment relative to the election of president and members of congress. It fixes the term of the president and vice president at six years and.makes the president ineligible forj the next succeeding term; abolishes the electo rial college and provides for a direct vote for president; every. state shall be entitled to as many votes as it has senators and rep resentatives in congress, and the vote of each state shall be east in proportion to the popular vote in the state for each candidate. The term of members of congress is fixed at thr--e years, and each session shall begin the first Wednesday in January. In counting the votes cast for president in joint conven tion each senator and member shall have one vote. a -" Washington, Dec. 1 1. Belmont's indi vidual report on the Nicaragua canal, which was reported favorably to the house by-a majority of the committee in July last, op poses the bill because it would commit the United States to guarantee that the annual net receipts from traffic through the canal will be less in amount than three per centum upon the total cost of the canal, and com pels the secretary of the treasury to annual ly pay out of the treasury a sum necessary to make good the undertaking; because it limits the rights and privileges of the Uni ted States in the control of the canal, and because article 51 "of the concession conflicts with the pledges made under the Clayton Bulwer treaty. Washington, Dec. 11. It is quite prob able a couple of new states may be admitted and perhaps three. Washington, Dakota and New Mexico, will make very vigorous efforts for admission. Already favorable re ports have been made upon Washington and Dakota. Their administration will give the republicans increased strength in the senate where the majority is so email as to be quite a serious matter. Representative men from New Mexico are also here, urging the admission of that territory, but as its poli tics are a little uncertain, it .will not prob ably be successful in its efforts. Washington, Dec. 11. In the star route case Merrick said there was a difference of opinion about the necessity of " the personal attendance of Dorsey. He believed it un necessary, but moved that he be compelled to attend, and backed this motion by an affidavit of Bliss that Dorsey 'furnished the articles to the press that he was not able to attend. - - Ingersolf said Dorsey incurred a risk of perpetual blindness by attending. Judge Wylie held his presence was unnecessary, but an affection of the eyes did not prevent his testifying. Milton wrote his Paradise Lost without sight; and the postmaster general of England is blind. lngersoll moved to continue the case for Dorsey; overruled. Judge Wylie directed the jury panel to be called, and decided the defendants were entitled to four peremptory challenges for all of them. The., defence excepted, and claimed the right , to interrogate the first juror, Bnrrett. The court denied it unless it was a direct challenge for cause. Pending argument the court adjourned. General News. Eugene City is to have a new depot. The dock at Fort Stevens has extended fifty feet and 200 feet. The Brownsville woolen mills are run ning day and night. ... Portland boasts of 52 inmates in the jail of that county. Eugene City has received their new No, 2 B ut ton hand fire engine. A new brick yard is to be put in opera tion next spring at Salem. The Pendleton depot is to be the finest building in town. Klamath lake is not frozen over as report ed though the weather is cold there. The Chinese in Portland pay school tax to the amount of $195. Over 50 families are located in Chamas Prairie, Umatilla county. The Tacoma cheese factory turned out fifty tons of cheese during the past season There were a few more than 19,000 votes cast at the recent Washington election. There -are at present ten English war ves sels on this coast, carrying 92 gnus and 1,- 991 men. ' ' ' ' " Farmers of Perrydale have finished sow ing their wheat. A large average has been sown. Nearly 100 car loads ef wheat, flour and oats have been shipped from Lebanon this season. The treasurer of Lane county took $10,- 000 to Salem on Tuesday last as part pa y- ment of her state tax. Barnhardt is to get $165,000 for fifty pref ormances in . South America, Patti re fused $252,000 for forty! H. P. Locke, an old pioneer of Polk coun ty, died on the 28th ult. -aged 70 years. Deceased came to Oregon in 1849. Two new churches are to he built in Van couver next season by the Presbyterian and Methodist. A Chinaman was shot aud killed at one of the railroad camps in the Blue mountains, Saturday morning last by a Mongolian. Marine records show that 230 ocean ves sels-have gone to sea in the last sixty years to be heard of no more. .This..is a great season for skilled, and nn- skilled labor of- all- kinds.. Carpenters es pecially are -in demand; any one who can shove a plane or drive a nail straight can geW3 a day. Dr, M. Mellis, rabbi of the Jewish syna got(ue in Portland, died- on Tuesday morn ing last. The city election in Salem on the 4tb inst. resulted in the election ol a democratic mayor and recorder. The Astoria electric fight company has filed articles of incorporation in the Clerk's office, of Clatsop county. The Canby resumed her usual trips yes terday. The Miles crossed out to Shoal water bay Sunday morning. A portion of the new Seattle school house was blown down last Sunday killing two men and injuring the' third. Up country papers say that a larger area of grain has been sown in the " valley and inland empire than ever before known. The Salem tire department, last week, received a new steam fire engine costing four thousand two hundred dollars. Last Snnday morning four Chinamen were killed, and four others wouDded by the premature discharge of a blast near Rosebnrg. A solid piece of gold weighing 152 ounces was taken of of a placer claim at Indain Creek, near Happy Camp, Del Norte Co., three days ago. Actors who have traveled through the country agree that the most perfect built and decoraive theatre of the United States is at Denver. Three large sharks were caught off Devils Head, on the sound, a few days ago, the longest one measuring 9 feet 8 inches in lenght. During the past month more steamer have crossed in and out over the Columbia river bar than during any similar period in the history of this port. A number of new counterfeit silver dol lars are in circulation. The counterfeit is made of iron and heavily plated, and unless cut very deep resist the acid test. During the year 1882 to this date the Central Pacific has delivered 18,000,000 pounds of freight at Kelton. This amount of freight is in excess of any former season. Two females accompanied by a young man and the Chiuaman proprietor were recently arrested in Albany and fined for smoking opium in a Chinese Den in that town, A Vancouver justice of the peace married six couples last week from various parts of OregoD and Washington. At that rate Van couverwill be the Gretna Green of the northwest. A large numbei of Chinese railroad hands on the Oregon and California road have been poisoned by the poison oak. and sever al deaths have taken place, according to a Chinese physician. Horrace Knok and B. C. Van Honten are lying dangerously ill at Cheney, W. T., with a disease called by the attending phy sicians yellow fever. These gentlemen were both residents of Lane county at one tirae. Another shooting affair occured at Asto ria last week in a saloon; wherein Smith shot Roberson which is supposed will ter minate .fatal. The use of a little more rope would likely have a wholsome effect. A young man named Charles Hudson is reported to have left Weston with consider able property not his own, and deserted his wife and child, the latter a mere babe. Hudson was formerly a resident of Boise city. Two strange men last week, at about half past eleven o'clock at night, went into Mr. Frank's store, at Sceattle, where be was a lone and made him open the safe. They took $300 therefrom and bouud and gaged him and took their departure. . Jt is reported that the ship Harvester, lying at Seattle, is unable to get a crew on account of the beasty treatment of sailors by the officers, and that the officers of the ship Challenger are on trial in Seattle for inhuman treatment of sailors. Perhaps nothing better illustrates the growth of Astoria than the fact that on the steamer which now arrives twice a week from San Francisco, there is nearly as much freight and mail matter ss formerly w hen there was a vessel but every five days. Tiger engine Co. of Salem have taken the initating steps to have a graud blow out on Dec 19th for the purpose of housing their new Silsby steam fire engine. They intend to have a grand dinner and expect to invite the different fire departments of other towns in the state to take part with them. LEGAL. Tax Notice. The undersigned City Marshall of the City of Cor. vallis hereby notifies all parties concerned that the tax roll for said City is now in his hands for collec tion and- all parties are required to pay said taxes he fore the first of next January. At. Pyoall, City Marshall : By W. H. Lesii. Office at Star Bakery. 19:47 Janl NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 8, 1882. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL-lowing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim,-and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Benton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on MONDAY, DEC. 18, 1882. viz: Horace Underhill, Homestead Entry No 3456, for the S. E J of Sec. 10, T, 11, S. R. 7, W. He names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz.- George L. Crain, Bradley Troxei, Alden Hulburt and Abra.ni Underhill, all of Summit, Benton County, Oregon. 19:47w-5 L. T. BARIN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon. Nov. 23, 1882. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make fina proof in support of his claim, and that said proo will be made before the County Clerk of Benton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on TUESDAY, JAN. 2. 1883. viz: Samuel Warfield, Homestead Entry No. 4830, fo the S. J of S. E. J of Sec. 21, & N. of N. E. J of Sec 28, T. 12, S. II. U, W. -He names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Edward Manning, Friedrich Maiu-er, Zenas Davis and B. F. Collins, all of Newport, Benton County Oregon. Also, Friedrich Mawrer, Homestead Entry No 4866, for the N. W. J of Sec. 21, T. 12, S. R. II, W, He names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land viz: Edward Manning, Samuel Warfield, Zenas Davis and B. F. Collins, all of Newport, Bsntoh County Oregon. I:i8-w5 L. T. BAB IN, Register, j NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given than the copartnership heretofore existing between the firm of Allen & Harris dealers in general merchandise, Philomath Oregon, is dissolved by mutual consent. B. T. Harris retiring. All persons indebted to the late firm will please call and settle the same with either of the late firm at the old stand. Thanking our patrons for past favors we respectful ly solicit a continuance of the same to the new firm. This tho 28th day of Nov ember 1882. N. W Allek , B. T. Harris. On the above date the nnderslgned formed a co partnership under the firm name of Allen and Glea son, and will continue thebusiness at the same "place. By close attention to business we hope to merit the' liberal patronage of the public which we respectfully solicit, N. W, Aldex. J. E. GtEASON. 49w3. SUMMONS, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Benton county. Daniel Hathaway, Plaintiff; vs. James H. Crain and Maria L. Crain, Defendants, To James H. Crain and Haria L. Crain, the abovo named defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby summoned and required to appear and. answer to the complaint of said plaintiff in the abovo entitled suit now on file in the office of the clerk of said court, on or before the first day of the next term of saia Circuit court, to be h olden at Corvallis in said county of Benton, to-wit: on the 4th Monday of March 1883, and you are hereby notified that if you fail to answer said, complaint as herein required, the plaintiff wil apply to said court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, to-wit: a decree for $931. 60 and interest and a foreclosure of the mortgage described in the complaint and for other and further relief. Published by order of Hon. R. S. Bean, Judge of said Circuit Court. Made at Corvallis, November 24, CHENOWETH & JOHNSON, 18S2. 4CV.7 Att'ys for PIff. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, ad ministrators of the estate of Jas. F. Hamilton de ceased, have filed in the County Court of; the State of Oregon for Benton countv, their final accoun ay such administrators and Saturday the 9th day of December 1332, at the nour of 10 o clock A. M. , at the Court house in Corvallis, said couny, is the time aud place fixeci, by said Court for hearing of objections to said account and the final settlement thereof. This November 7th, 1882. Wm. B. Hamiltov Thomas Gr.wi.am. Administrators. 10-485 SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit court of the Statcof Oregon for the County of Benton. William C. Woodcock, Plaintiff; vs. David Huggias, Defendant. ITotico i3 hereby given that by virtue of an execution issued out of the said Circuit court of the State of Oregon for the County of Benton in the above' entitled action, on the 25th day of October A. D. 1SS"2, on a certain judgment received in said court on the 14th day of April A. D. 1879 and entered and docketed on the same day, in favor of the plain tiff, William C. Woodcock, in saiii action, and against saia defendent David Hue-gins, for the sum of twelve hundred and seventy-nine and 9G-100 dollars in United States gold coin with interest thereon tram and after said 14th day of April 1879, at the rate of one percent per month iu like coin and the further sunj of one hundred and twenty-seven dollars attor ney's fees and twenty-five dollars and ten cents coats, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum and the costs on said execution to me directed aud delivered and commanding me that out of the personal property of said defendant, or if sufficient thereof cannot be found, then out of the real prop erty belonging to said defendant in said county to satisfy said sums of money. Not being able to find any perst nal property of said defendant subject to satisfy said execution as above stated, and in order to satisfy said sums of money hereinbefore named, I have levied upon and will sell for cash in hand at tha front door of the court house in the city of Cor vallis in Benton county, Oregon, on Saturday THE BOTH DAY OF DECEMBER, A. D. 1832, between tSie Hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 4 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, namely at the hour of 1 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, all the right, title and interest of said defendant in cr to the following described real property, to-wit: Tho south half of section twenty-five, ;n township fourteen, S. R. 5 West of the Willamette Meridjan, in Benton county, Oregon, except that portion of said half section heretofore deeded to David Brown on the 12th day of August 1872, by David Huggins, and also excepting that portion of said half section deeded to Gcorye Shultz on the 12th day of August 1872 by said David Huggins, the amount of land hereby-conveyed being 140 acres, more or less, and also the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter and lots Nos. six, seven, eight and nine of section twenty-five, in township fourteen, south range five, west Willamette meridian, containing 337 25-100 acres of University land and situated in Benton countv and State of Oregon, together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances there unto belonging or in any way appertaining. SOL KING, 48w5 Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon. FRAZER Axle Grease. Best in the world. Get the genuine. Ev ery package has onr trade-mark aud is mark ed Frazer's. SOLD EVERYWHERE. 50y THE WE PLUS PATENT VK ashing Machine (Only premium at the Portland Mechanics fair,) is now ready The owners of the Sole Shop Right for Oregon, will deliver free to any rail road or steamboat station on receipt of Specially reduced terms to dealers. Address P. O. Box 713, Portland. 10:44ml ' AUGUST KNGHT, CABINET MAKER, UNDERTAKER. Cor. Second and ' Monroe Sts., CORVALLIS, : ORECOJV, Keeps constantly on hand all kinds of FUR 1ST I TURE Coffins and. Caskets. Lively, Feed, AND SALE STABLE. Main St., Corvallis, Oregon. SOL. EOT Pro OWNING BOTH BARNS 1 AM PREPARED offer superior accommodations in the Livery Always ready for a driye, GOOD TEAMS At Low Rates. My stables are first-class in every resoect, and eotti petcnt and obliging hostlers always rea y to serve the public, REASONABLE CHARGES FOR HIRE. Frticular Attention raid to Boardin Horses. ELEGANT HEARSE, CA1 HI AGES AND HACKS FOB FUNERAES. 19!27y STEAM POWER! Chinaman must go its cheap to use steam and cut cues. Your wood will burn better and last longer if you get Jill? MOORE'S STEAM SAW a hold of your wood. Try it and you won't have any other. He is always ready. I would state to the fanners of Benton and Linn counties that I kave a small port able steam saw mill and am ready to make contracts to saw m POLES FOR FENCING They make a very lasty fence. Commence now and cut your fur poles and pile them in piles or rick them and come and see me. I mean business. JOHN Wm. MOORE. I pm now building a FILE 33RJVER ! to be used on the Willamette river and will in a few days be ready to drive piles any where along the Willamette river. Ware house men and saw mill men will do well to &53 jSESS SSS I also have a land driver and will take con tracts to drive piles anywhere in Polk, Ben ton, Linn and Lane counties. I use steam power. 49yl John Wm. Moore. A EOS. SBTissaiBasTrfiBAS And A Happy New Hear to All f We take pleasure to inform the public that we have bought so cheap one of the largest and best as sortments of OTHER HOLIDAY GOODS! ever brought to Corvallis; that we are enabled to sell at(San Francisco prices. Look atthe following list: Wax dolls, 11 in. long, 25c. i Wax dolls, 1& in. long 50c. ; Wax dolls, 24 in. long, natu ral hair, beautiful, $1.25; Beautiful silk, dressed dolls, 15 in. long, 75c. ?Tiit trum pets, fvarigated colors, 5c. Photograph albums 50c. ; Accordeans, good, $3.00, and other' things too numerous to mention at the NEW GUN STORE. 49ml W 1JJL Work done to order on short notice and at reasonable rates. Corvallis, July 1, 1881. 19:27yl. THAT HACKING COUGH can be bo quickly cured byghiloh's cure. We iniarantee t. Sold at Graham's. NOTICE ! Farmers Having WHEAT FOR SALE Will do well to con- suit with the under signed, who may be found at the Vincent Housey before selling.. Cash Advanced on Wheat Receipts Reference, Hamilton, Job is Co. E. G. WALKER, I