The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, November 24, 1882, Page 3, Image 3

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    rpTTTCS X3 A "DTTJ ma' found on w "
n 111 X xll JU-LU ueo. r. noweu s i-o. o
Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce street),
where advertising contracts my be made for it in
Hew York, at out lest than our regular ad. rates.
Short announcement ol deaths published free.
When accompanied by an extended notice or reso
lutions five oentf per line will be charged. All poetry
published by request will be charged for at the rate
i five cents per line.
New Material.
"We received not long ago a new job press
and a large lot of new job type of the latest
styles and designs directly from the East
If von want printed in the latest style
Letter beads,
Bill beads,
Visiting cards.
Business cards.
Ball tickets,
.Note books,
Order books,
Receipt books,
Druggists labels,
Gummed or
Legal blanks,
Or fine book or job printing of any kind,
you can get them at the Gazette office at
a trifle more than cost of labor and mater
ial. Call and examine them.
What Successful men say of Advertising.
My success! is owing to liberality in ad
vertising Bonner.
The road to fortune is through printer's
Ink P. T. Barnum.
Success depends on a liberal patronage of
t M. Trapp, of Elk City, has been in town
during the week in attendance at the cir
cuit court.
Mr. H. W. Vincent and W. W. Wright
were passengers for Portland on last Mon
day morning.
The- Ledger says scarlet fever is still
spreading at New Tacoma and that there is
reason for alarm.
The man Kelly, who was shot at Lewis-
ville, by Damson, died on Saturday after
lingering eight days.
Y Prank Golf, of Woodburn, has been vis
iting friends in onr city during the forepart
of the week returning Wednesday.
The steamer Occident was up this far on
Wednesday, but being unableto get a load
returning down the river after a short stay.
The firsi. quarterly meeting of Corvallis
Circuit, of the M. E. church, will be held at
Philomath on the 9th and 10th of December
Judce Piner. of Salem, has been in at
tendance at the circuit court during the
week and favored the Gazette office with a
The northern lights attracted the atten
tion of many last Friday night. They were
exceedingly bright and beautiful on that
Quite a number of fruit trees have been
delivered to our farmers throughout the
county during the past week from the var
ious nurseries.
We are requested by Nick Baesen to here
by notify all persons indebted to him to
come forward and settle up without any
the printing offices J. J. Astor.
Frequent and constant advertising brought further delay.
Mr. Badger, foreman of tunnels No. 1 and
sae all I own A. T. Stewart.
My son, deal with men who advertise
You will never lose by it Ben Franklin.
um ,.,, thA world know a man- has a
good thing unless he advertises the posses
aion of it T Vanderbilt.
Tobaco and cigars at Sawtell's.
Call at Sawtell's for Christmas goods.
Gum boots and overshoes at A, J. Lang
worthy's Cash store.
merchants have a fine stock
of toys for the holliday trade.
will be added to the
police force at Portland soon.
All kinds of book and job printing done
on short notice at this office
The comet is now visible about six o'clock
in the morning almost due south
Next Thursday is Thanksgiving. See
programme elsewhere of the religious ser
Legal blanks furnished at this office on
abort notice at less than San Francisco
Our town has been quite lively during the
past week, owing to the many in attendance
at court.
The Soraane W. T. Herald has been soid
V.v Cant. W. H. Swallwood to Mr. J. T.
j i
Geese and ducks are qnite plentiful now
; nrt. nf the v.iile,- and hunters are
seen to bring them in nearly every day
There are now twenty-three Odd Fel"
TTmIi milfoil Territory, the
havine been recently instituted at
Mount Vernon.
New .roods inst received and constantly
au-riving at A. J. Langworthy's Cash store,
and are selling at astonishingly low prices
Corvallis, Nov. 10, 1882.
Parties wishing to attend either of the
Business colleges at Portland, Oregon, can
.nmrthina lv calling at this office to
0 ,
purchase scholarships.
The latest improved sewing machine
not lvi Also crone, revolvers, ammu
nition, fishing takels etc., 'etc., at G. Hodes
gun store, at bedrock price
TTnrwI Vulva dronned a trifle during the
past week, but yet bring an unusually large
price. As high as $1.05 has been offered,
but 90 cents is now the prevailing price.
If you want as good and fine job printing
Anna a ra.n be done auvwhere on the
Pacific Coast, bring your jobs to this office.
We are prepared to execute it at the lowest
possible prices.
We keep constantly on hand at this office
a large lot and variety of stationery letter
heads, bill heads, envelopes, and papers of
.l.ffcrent kinds which we furnish at the
lowest possible prices.
The Corvallis Gazette is one of the best
advertising mediums in Oregon, because it
goes to a large paying list of subscribers
who are able to buy and pay for any article
they see advertised if they want it.
An exchange says that counterfeit bills
and silver dollars are being extensively cir
culated in the west. The coin is heavily
plated and it so much resembles the gen
uine that it is nearly impossible to detect
If a suitable location can be procured
Portland ia nromised an immense -and ele
2 at the Summit, has been in attendance at
court during the week and reports work
steadily progressing.
The citizens of Eugene City "are expecting
soon the arrival of a new hand fire engine
from Watertown, W. T it having been
shipped on the 15th ult.
Miss Mary Hnrley, who was committed
to the insane asylum at Portland several
weeks ago, as a kleptomaniac, returned to
Corvallis on last Monday.
The city marshal and police have had
quite a lively time during the past week,
wrestling with tipplers and escorting them
to night's lodgings in the city calabocse.
Mrs. John Scratlord lett tor nodaville on
Sunday, where she goes to visit her folk
preparatory to her departure for Montana
to join her husband, who left for that state
some three weeks ago.
Mr. Graham, of Toledo, brother of Dr.
Graham and uncle of Thos. Graham, of our
city, is reported as being- in a critical con
dition. Mr. G. is as 83 yews old and has
been a resident of Benton county for over
thirty rears.
Mr. Chas. McKee, who for the past four
mouths has held a position in L. G. Kline ft
Co's establishment, has discontinued his ser
vices there and is now doing duty on the
stage line for Brink A Wright between here
and the bay.
Those in attendance at the court will find
this a good opportunity to subscribe for the
Gazette. The long winter evenings are
here and every family should have a copy
of their county piper. Improve this oppor
tunity and subscribe,
On Thursday evening Nov. 30th there
will be a chnrch sociable held at the city
hall, proceeds will be defrayed in buying an
orcan for the oclleie chappel. There will
be Recitations. Music, Singing and refresh
merits. Admission 25c.
Jankson county is going to have a new
court house. The contract for its erection
was let last Saturday for the sum of $32
000. Work will be commenced and the
building is to be readyfor occupancy by
the 11th of February 1884.
Another Chinaman was killed in the
Grave creek tunnel a few days ago, by a
j-irge rock falling from the top thereof
and crushing him and his wheelbarrow. A
short time before, a party of his country
men were seated on. the spot eating their
In speaking of a rafflo to take place on
Saturday, December 2nd, at the bay, the
Post says, those that cannot attend On the
day set can come the next day and throw.
The "next day" of course will be Sunday
which might reflect somewhat on the high
tenor of Yaquina's morals.
Attention is called to the Womans' Chris
tian Temperance Union column which ap
pears for the first time in this issue. Here
after a like space will le occupied every
week by selections and writings from this
society which will no doubt be interesting
and worthy of your perusal.
It will cost three cents for one of the new
postal money orders for a sum lese than $5
and the service is so extended as to raise
the limit of orders from J50 to $100. Per
sons will not be required to fill out a blank,
but will receive an order payable to the
bearer at any desired money1 office.
Yon will save your money by getting
your priuting done at The Gazette Job
Printing office. We have compared prices
from lists furnished, and will guarantee to
do as good work for less price than you can
get done elsewhere. We don't ask patron
age as "a favor" or to "help us" bnt purely'
Mr. Stockley Moore sold his farm north of
here a few days ago for $22.50 per acre.
Mr. M. thinks of moving to other quarters.
We understand that the gentleman by
the name of Adams, who was arrested at
this place last week, by order of the Salem
authorities, after being taken back to the
capital and given a trial was discharged, as
no evidence waa brought ta show his guilt.
Business in the police court has been
rather quiet during the week, as only two
cases have teen broutrht for trial. An ar
rest was made on Monday for disorderly
conduct, the prisoner gave bail and after
wards went by default. On Tuesday anoth
er arrest was made and arraigued for drunk
enness and fined $13 and on default of Pay
ment was committed to jail for six days.
The Roseburg Independent tells of a gang
ct Chinamen tnrnincf on their boss, near
Louisville, and the unfortunate herder had
to take refuge in a tree. Another superin
tendent came to his assistance when the
Chinamen made an attack on him, but he
defended himself so vigorously with rocks
that one Chinaman was killed upon the spot
-.r,, rw,t-.r ao injured that he died next
n., tlhrat.inn of the twenty-fifth wed
ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Kime was an enjoyable affair. In the neigu-
borhood of forty guests were present who
presented this worthy couple with many
ta. mostly silver. It also
beiu the occasion of the birthday of Mrs.
Kime she was presented with a beautiful
gold watch from her husband. The gath
ering was an enjoyable one and the evening
waa pleasantly spent in feasting, conver
tionand general amusement.
NTt T. I Raker, of Portland, was in the
eitv yesterday and cave the Gazette a call
Mr. B. intends traveling throughout the
,t-v fnr the nnrnoso of feathering news
and statistics and writing up our county
for the Willamette Farmer and otherwise
working for that papers interest. We have
reason to believe that the writing will be
done well and our farmers" should take an
interest in his endeavors and aid him in
gEthering the desired infoimation as it will
naturally induce immigration to our county
and thereby add mush to our general
has al
readv been offered for the Central school
block by some New York capitalists for its
" Why will people continue to use plain
envelopes, letter and bill paper, when they
. U ..... .,-,'r-l. a nir& flt.vliflh fietsfiSrSM
card or head printed thereon at the Gazette business pnncip.f
office at about what it costs to buy the blank
material at retail.
Renresentatives of firms engaged in the
great coal oil region of Pensylvania have
lately expended some time and means inves
tigating the new discovery of coal oil in the
Pnyallnp country, and are inclined to think
that develoiiements vet to be made will be
Albany is credited with an anti-corset
society composed of young men who vow
never to marry a girl who faces. Now let
the young ladies form an anti-whisky and
anti-tobacco society, and the town will be
blessed with two "moves m the right di
rection." New Northwest.
For the past ten days the Eugene post
office has been without stamps, and it has
been real interesting to see parties in need
of them rustling. Eugene City Guard
When a person is in need of stamps most
any where they generally have to rustle,
tn sleep on the hay scales.
Why Will people c-mtinue to use blank
envelopes, letter heads and bill heads, when
they can get printed heads and envelopes
at the Gazette office in the most approved
style at only a little more than the cost
of paper and about what they buy them by
? tan.
The wacres for men employed about the
threshing machine at Catching slough this
season were pnt at $1 50 per day. Hereto
fore $1 ruled. The man who had the mosta
and conseauentlv couldn't stand his
a ' -
neighbors off by swapping work, kicked
little at the raise, but he had to stand it.
'oast Mail.
We have now completed our stock of no
tions which is the largest and best selected
stock by far than any that has ever been
bronght to the city, comprising every thing
to be found in a first class novelty store, in
large quantities and endless variety too
numerous to mention. Call and see us at
the News Depot. No trouble to show goods.
Attending Attorneys
Th fnllnwin? Attorneys are present and
in attendance on the present term of th
Circuit Court.
R. S. Strahan. W. R. Bilyen, L. Flinn,
S. H. Montana, J. J. Whitney, ot Albany
W. G. Piper, of Salem; Judge R. S. Bsan
of Eugene; and District Attorney of Bose-
burg; besides John Burnett, J . F- Brjson,
J. W. Rayburn, S. T. Jeffries. W. S, Mc-
Fadden, F. A. Chenoweth, F. M. Johnson,
Henry Keesee, E. Holgate, ana Al. b.
Woodcock, oi Corvallis.
American Lesion of Honor.
A Council of the above popular order will
be instituted in the Workmen's Hall, Cor
vallis, on Tuesday, Nov. 28, at 7 P. M. All
persons on the roll, or others, ladies or gen
tlemen, wishing to become charter members
will apply to Dr. J. B. Lee, the medical ex
aminder, and get their examinations com
pleted as soon as possible to save time and
confusion on the evening of organization.
D. S. VanSltkb,
Deputy Supreme Commander.
Farmers Attention.
Messrs. Wilson At Dickerhoff have now on
exhibition in this city Messrs. Hamilton &
Edrl's drain tile and water pipe machine for
making all kinds of pipe out of cement and
sand. It has been in use now for three years
and the highest testimonials can be shown
both in this state and Washington Territory.
as well as California and other places in re
gard to its merit for cheapness and durabil
ity. The right to this county is now for
sale cheap.
Thanksgivlns Programme.
Thanksgiving services to be held in the
Presbyterian chnrch Nov. 30th at 11 A. M.
Voluntary by the choir. Invocation, by
Rev. G. W. Bennett; Hymn; Scripture
Reading by Rev. J. R. N. Bell. Prayer,
hv Rev. Joseph Emery: Hymn: Reading of
Proclamations by Prof. Bruce Wolverton.
Sermon by Rev. A. Krecker; Prayer by
Rev. W. C. Crawford; Hymn; Benediction.
Pubiished at request of ministers meeting.
Bruce Wolverton, Secretary.
Returned Home.
R. C. Kiger who some six weeks ago
went to Texas, accompanied" by Benton
Bowers, to there engage in the stock busi
ness returned home last Saturday. Mr. Ki-
ger bonaiit quite a large lot of sheep lu Cal
ifornia and shipped them by cars over to the
new place. He made a quick trip. He ex
presses himself well pleased with the coun
try and is revolving the question of moving
there in the spring, over in his mind. He
may, however, conclude to remain a "web-
foot" and leave the sheep entirely m the
care of Mr. Bowers.
Isllt Leoporasy.
A gentleman from the front informs us
that the Chinamen employed on the road
are afficted with some kind of a disease that
is proving fatal, says the Plaindeaer, he say s
the flesh apparently decays and falls from
their frames before death comes to their re
lief. Whet her true or he has been imposed
upon we are unable to say.
To Public School Teac hers.
The Annual InstitutsjewiH be held Dec.
2fith and 27th. On tlrWevehing of the 26th
there will be a lecture; on the evening of the
27th elocution and a drama for the benefit
of the Institute. Teachers living within
20 miles of the county seat, are expected, to
be present. The energetio teachers who
take interest in their profession ani desire
the hearty co-operation of the school officers
will be present.
All are most beneifited by having discus
sions of subjects in the text books, and
method of teaching. Interchanging ideas
about school room work is a most excellent
method to improve us and make ns practi
cal teachers. Several teachers have sent me
their subjects; others Will please do the
XI A, tfOMEX Cearir Sxtg'H.
Circuit court.
Convened at the hour of 10 o'clock on
last Monday morning. R. S.- Bean, Judgr,
on the bench. Present: E. (J. Hursh, Dist.,
Atty., SoL King, Sheriff, and B. W. Wilson
Clerk. Thepannelof jury recently pub
lished in the Gazette h returned into
court by the Slier iff.
C. V. Blair, J. L. Lewi And W. 1. Bat-
tertield were appointed Plailiffs for the term.
George Barclay, Chariest Cooper, Albert
Wilson, Henry Chambe-rs, Joseph Gray,
S. W. Lilly and John Scrssfford were drawn
to serve-as Grand jurors. D. B. Irvin, P.
W. Ross, R. A. Bensell, Clark Copeland and
Wm. Diindon, Frederick Maner, John Lut-
jens and Edward Stephen Altree were ad
mitted to citizenship. The following cases
wwre disposed of as hereaft er stated:
Hamilton Job & Co. vs. Herbert Symonds
dismissed at plaintiffs costs.
Adam Willhelm vs. W. A. Wells, settled
and dismissed at plaitttiffs costs.
H. Bundy and Ed. Bundy Vs. W. A.
Wells, settled and dismissed at plaintins
F. A Horning vs. Oregen Pacific Railroad
Co. continued.
Thomas Cooper vs. "W. A. Wells, settled
and dismissed at plaintiffs cost.
State of Oregon vs. Singa Chinaman,
Grand jury brought into court an indictment
chaeging Sing with Larceny in a store.
M. Porter and Wm. Bogus fens vs. w.
A. Wells, settled and dismissed at plaintiffs
Redington it Co. vs. Win. Garlinghouse,
settled and dismissed at plaintiffs cost.
Max Friendly vs. L. D. Holgate, dis
missed at plaintiffs oost.
A. Johnson vs. W. G. Wilkins, dismissed
at plaintiffs cost.
x snPra vs. J. W. Allen, settled and
Frantz & Connor vs. George Ridders,
settled at plaintiffs cost.
Hamilton Job & Co. vs. Charles Herbert
Nash, settled at plaintiffs cost.
John A. Buchanan vs. M. G. Wilkins,
settled at plaintiffs cost.
Jacob Senders vs. M. G. Wilkins, settled
at plaintiffs cost.
H. F. Maxfield vs. Jesse Wood Hiram
Wood, et al dismissed on stipulation made
hv the parties.
fianar Railv vs. Mary Baily, dismissed at
plaintiffs cost.
F. B. Dunn vs. W. H. Huffman and
Mary Huffman, continued until next term.
N. B. Avery vs. Punderson Avery et al
W. S. McFadden was appointed Guardian
ad litem of Gertrude Avery.
W. H. Morgan vs. Mary E. Morgan, dis
missed at plaintiff, cost.
Charley Chinaman vs. City of Corvallis,
settled at plaintiffs coat.
Willamette Valley & Coast Railroad Co.
vs. William Wyatt defendant have leave to
Hamilton Job Co. vs. James Chambers
and Claiinda Chambers defendants nave
leave to answer.
Daniel Hathaway vs. James H. Crain and
Maria L. Crain, continued for service.
M. E. Mulkey vs. A. G. Mulkey, S. T.
Jeffreys appointed referee to take testimony
and report law and facts.
Thomas Russell vs. Jacob Holgate leave
to answer granted to defendant
Emma Vingee vs. John Vingee, defendant
withdrew appearance and default entered
against him and J. J. Whitney appointed
to take testimony and report law and facts.
F. A. Chenoweth vs. William M. Lowe,
judgement for. Plaintiff for $325 88 and $28
Attorneys fee and order that attached' prop
erty be sold.
An order was made to open all depositions
in Court.
James A. Yantis deceased vs. S. H.
Oliver, Wm. W. Yantis administrator cf
estate of said deceased was substituted as
party plaintiff instead of deceased.
Geo. W. Black vs. M. E. Black, Court
appointed W. P. Keady referee to take tes
timony and report law and facts.
Stephen Mandary vs. Caroline Mandary
the Court appointed as referee W. P. Keady
to take testimony and report facts and law.
Almira Miller vs. Albert TJUery et al sale
of real estate confirmed.
M. M. Ellis vs. A. H. Simpson, judg
ment for plaintiff for $222 95.
State of Oregon vs. Sing defendant called
and failed to appear and the undertaking of
Bail thereupon declared forfeited.
F. M. Read vs. Benton county after trial
jury returned a verdict in favor of the
Adaline Moore vs. Stokely Moore, leave
granted to defendant to withdraw demure
asd answer.
William Peacock vs. Milton Hale con
tinued for service.
Woodcock & Baldwin vs. W. K. Mor
rison 4. Bro. judgment against defendants
for $222 65 and costs.
Jacob Hammer and Hannah Hammer vs.
Nathaniel Markbam and Thornas Markham
a decree against defendants for conveyance
to certain lands to be made by them to
Stephan Manday vs, Caroline Mandary a
decree disolving the bonds of matrimony.
lgnatz Fox vs. Samuel King judgment
against defendants for $157.
William Wyatt vs. W. V. & C. R. R.
Co.. motion to strike out part of complaint
over ruled.
B. F. Hyland vs. Isaac Newhonse. Trial
by jury which failed to agree.
James Hoffman vs S. H. Oliver et al, de
cree of foreclosure for $10,036.80 and $470
attorney's fee and for sale of mortgaged
Emma Vingee vs John Vingee, decree of
divorce and custody of youngest child given
to wife.
Oregon Pacific Railroad vs. Joseph H.
Bugbee; judgment against defendant.
C. R. Holt vs Sol King; judgment fo
plaintiff on stipulation.
John Smith vs Maria Despain et aL S. T.
Jeffries appointed guardian adlitem for cer
tain miner heirs.
State vs Sing Bond for appearance of de
fendant forfeited and district attorney E.
G. Hursh ordered to pay $45 of same te
County Treasurer and retain $5 for collect
big same.
W. P. Suits v Radiael Smith. Motion
to strike out part of complaint with leave
to plaintiff to amend.
Mary E. Morgan vs William H. Morgan.
S. T. Jeffries appointed refferee to take tes
timony and report law and facts.
William Wyatt vs. W. V. 4 0.B.E. Co.
Demurer to complaint overruled.
W. V. C. R, R. Co. vs M. L. Trapp.
Demurer sustained with leave for plaintiffs
to tile amendment complaint.
Jack Mil'er vs G, F, Simpson) dismissed
at plaintiff's oost. .
Daniel Hathaway vs. Meads ft Carter
Consented to trial by court and not by jury.
Max Friendly vs. W. S. McCullough.
Continued to next regular term.
Adaline Moore vs Isaac Porter. Trial
by jury.
Will fnrnish the American Agriculturist
ogether with the Gazette both for one
year for only three dollars and fifty oents
A Desirable Purchase.
7 acres in the north portion of the oity of
Corvallis to be sold immediately. House
and improvements. What offers? Apply
at once to C. H. Nash. Corvallis.
Hew Arrival.
Direct from New York, a fine lot of
velvets, dress goods, etc. , all to be sold at a
sacrifice at Max Friendly's. Go and see for
yourself if you want to save money.
LINDER STARR On November 15th
1882. at the residence of C. W. Starr,
by J. P. Alford, J. P., Mr. Harvey
Linder. of The Dalles Or., to Miss Ada
Starr, of Benton county Or.
Stono Embankment.
The railroad Co. have been blasting dur
ing the week at Parrot's poiat in order to
get stone to build Up the embankment be
tween here and Myrtle Creek, that has been
giving away during the late rain.
Real Estate for Trade or Bale.
Any person wishing to buy city property
or a good farm, or to trade a good farm in
the country for a nice home in town wili do
well to call at the Gazette office for some
valuable information.
Resolutions of Respect to the Memory of 3.
A. Yantis Deceased.
At this time came on behalf of a meeting
of the membd-s of the Bar of this court and
presented to the court the following resolu
tions of respect to the memory of James A
Yantis, lately deceased, a former member of
Bar of this district, which resolutions were
on motion ordered in the jcurnal of this
bar meetino.
Members of the Bar of Corvallis met at
the office of J. W, Rayburn on the 10th inst
to take appropriate steps on the death of J.
A. 'Yantis. Judge Burnett was elected
chairman and -M. S. Woodcock Secretary.
A committee of three, consisting of F. A
Chenoweth, M. L. Ncftser and J. R. Bry
son were appointed to draft resolutions ex
pressive of the feeling of the Bar of Corval
lis on the death of the late Bro. James A
Yantis, deceased, to report at 7J o'clock in
the evening on the 11 inst. to which time the
meeting adjourned.
Bar met at 7:30 P. M., April 11, Burnett
in the chair.
Committee on resolutions reports and the
report was adopted.
Whereas. Death has again entered our
ranks, and claimed for his own one of the
best and most talented members of the Bar
of Benton County, Oregon, and one whose
whole life, both as a lawyer and citizen has
been such as to merit our warmest admira
tion and esteem; and feeling it to be our du
ty and privilege to make some fitting public
expression of our common regard and re
spect for his worth, honesty and integrity;
therefore, be it
Resolved, by the members of the Bar of
Benton county that in the death of Brother
James A. Yantis the legal profession of this
county and State has sustained the loss of
one of its most genial, courteous and honor
able members, and one whose many noble
qualities of heart and mind endeared him to
all who knew him, both in social and pro
fessional life.
That he was a worthy citizen, a good law
yer, a true friend and "God's noblest hand
work, an honest man." That we unite in-
asking of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Bentou county at its mext ses
sion, that the foregoing preamble and these
resolutions he entered of record upon its
iournal, in exidence of our sorrow for the
death of our brother attrorney James A
Yantis, and as a lasting testimonial ot our
respect for his memory. That a copy hereof
be furnished to the family of our deceased
brother and. also to each of the city news
paper for publication.
E. A Chenoweth. )
M. L. Noftsoer. Com.
J. R. Bryson. )
On motion Judge Kelsaywas requested
to present resolutions to the Circuit Cuort
and ask that they spread on the Journal of
the court at the next term.
On motion the Bar determined to attend
the funeral in a body.
On motion they adjourned.
After appropriate tributes to the memory
of the deceased by Messrs Burnett, Strahan,
Weatherford, McFadden, Rayburn and his
honor Judge R. S. Bean, it was ordered that
said resolutions be spread on the minutes of
this Court and a copy thereof furnished to
the family of the deceased and copies fur-
ished to eacbrof the city newspapers for
publication and in further taken of respect
that the court adjourn till tomorrow morn
ing at 9 o'clock..
Signed R. S. Bean, Judge.
Railroad Items.
Numerous landslides are giving the 0. &
C. railroad company much trouble in the
extension of its line. Work on the tunnels
is also considerable delayed thereby.
It is rumored that Villard has purchased
theDonahoe road along the cost of Uantor
nia and Will extend it to Oregon.
A new railroad company recently or
ganized at Roseburg contemplate the build
ing of a branch line from the nearest point
on the O. & C. R. R. to the copper mines
in Josephine oounty.
Work is steadily progressing on each of
the three tunnels on the O. P. R. R. A
gang of Chinamen are kept steadily excava
ting at the five ends of these openings.
The Oregon and California railroad have
announced reduced rates of passenger fare
between all points on the east side division.
The fair on the narrow gauge railroad has
been reduced.
Salem people arejagitatsng the building of
the Salem and Waldo Hills railroad.
Another rail-road company is organized
to build a road to some point east from Coos
Bay via Roseburg.
There is no question but that within a few
years a road will connect Coos Bay and
Roseburg with an eastern connection;
whether or not the present orgauization will
do so is a query.
Mining News.
A favorable mining season la promised.
The Josephine mine, owned by Win.
Bybee, will be put in running order at once
by John Hall.
Many prospectors are prospecting in
southern Oregon and their number is con
stantly increasing.
W. H. Benner A Co. are putting the Cen
tennial mine in Willow Springs precinct in
shape for the winter's run.
Hays Sc. Magruder are building another
reservoir at their diggings on Rogue river
and making extensive preparations.
Derickson & Co.'s quartz null at Horse-
head is at a standstill, on account of some
disarrangement of the machinery. The party
from whom it was purchased has arrived to
straighten out matters. The company have
good quartz in sight.
Yaqulna Bay.
From the Fast.
A fish was caught, the other day, with
i,rht iawa. Scientists call it a specie of
B .
mother-in-law fish.
It is rumored that quite party of Call.
fornians will arrive here next month, to pro
cure homes, start new business enterprises,
etc. Thev are said to be in possession of
the necsesary capital to make things howl.
Ted Parker, Elder and others are talking
of building a steam schooner at Oueatta this
Winter, to be finished if possible by March
The schooner will be 110 feet keel, 33
feet beam, with 8 feet depth of hold, and
will cost from $14,000 to $20,000.
We have heard it intimated that a San
Francisco firm had expressed a desire to pur
chase ground on which to erect a business
house at Yaquiua, promising if they could
get the said ground, to erect a large build
ing and bring up $25,000 worth of groceries
and provisions to blade in it. It will be a
K .
whole-sale house. come.
Good assortment of stationery at Sa'
All kinds of Blanks'.in stook and foe ill
at the Gazette office. ,y .
Will Bro's. again take the load in toys
and Holliday goods; they just opened a part
oheirlarge a took of dolls, musical, wooden,
tin, rubber, mechanical and other toys too
numerous to specify singly. They sell them
t San Francisco prices, - ' -- -
Cheaper Than Ever.
For cash or produce the undersigned wilt
undersell any establishment in the city
of the following articles: Clothing, dry
goods, fancy goods, shoes, boots, carpets,
hats and caps, crockery &c.
i' i '""'k -
Philomath Items.
Our town is enjoying a season of peace and
prosperity such as the old man of the woods
never dreamed ef, "The Lion and Lamb lie
down together."
The College, under the management of
Professors Walker, Sheak and Bryan, ia ia
a flourishing condition, some 50 students are
enrolled, every week witnesses - new addi
tions. Our District School, with Prof. Noftsgar
at the helm, seconded by Miss Laura Mien,
si full to overflowing.
Ezra Dixon will soon have completed a
large livery stable.
Elder Bennett is building a resideuoe ia.
the west part of town.
Jerry Henkle will move into his new resi
dence next spring. - i '.' .-r
Our Artist Mrs. Dr. Whitney after an ab
sence ofjsome months, engaged in studies o
her profession, is at home again.
The Legislature having granted us a city
charter, on the first Monday in December
an election will be held to choose city offi
ceit. Yours Truly
School Funds to loan
In the Common School and Agricultural
funds of this State, there are plenty of sur
plus money to loan on first class real estate
security at 8 per cent interest per annum
applicants paying all expenses. Partiea
wishing loans on easy termes should bea
this in mind. For information inquire of
the proprietor of this office.
Notice to BtocltholderB. ia herebv iriven. that there will ba
a meeting of the stockholders of th Vacuus
Motor machine company, at ine coura nuuew
in Corvallis, Benton eounty, Oregon, on
Monday, the llthay ot uecemoer, iooz,
at 3:30 o'clock P. M., of said day, for the
purpose of electing officers and transacting
other business. All persons holding stock
must be present at that time, either in per
arm nr hv written proxy if thev desire ta
nartieinate or double their stocBV Other-
r . . . ... i S
. ... r -' ,J
wise, the stocit not wm do um
other parties. Stockholders wishing
double their stock before that time can
so by calling at the Vincent house.
I r . , ' T
XI. v . v ir,caiw.
N. B. Avert.
F. H. Sawtelu
Oscar Sbifert.
10, 1882.
Corvallis, Or., Nov.
A Ministerial Statement.
Rev. C. A. Harvey D. D., is the popular
financial secretary of Howard University
and is specially fitted to judge of merit and
demerit. In a recent letter from Washing
ton to a friend he said: "I am convinced
that for Bright's disease in all its stages,
including the first symptoms, which seem
so slight but are so dangerous, no remedy
heretofore discovered can be held for one
moment in comparison with Warner's Safe
Kidney and Liver Cure."
Letter heads, bill heads, envelopes and
esters printed on short notice at this office.
Large stock of candies a Sawtell's.
Clatsoy Oounty.
The Shubrick goes on a cruise to Cape
Blanco this morning.
The Idaho arrived In yesterday. The
Walla Walla went out; the Alumina cleared.
The Madnaa and Womba are due from
Hongkong with Oregon freight.
The Patrician has 65.525 bushels wheat
for Queenstown, worth $64,065.
The O. R. 4 N. Co, commenced running
trains into Portland last Tuesday.
It is said that Hon. Rufus Mallory's re
cent trip around the world occupied only
seventy days in actual travel.
The idea of a steam lumbering vessel, to
ran between Astoria and San Francisco, is
taking practical shape.
The proprietors of the Portland hotels
are talkinz of runnina "second-class hotels.
It is a simple matter. All they have to
is to lower the prices.
Diptheria is still wandering around Wash
ington territory. Walla Walla has got rid
of the visitation, and New Tacoma suffers
from it at present.
Th British ship Lake Ontario. Miller
master. 85 days from Adelaide, arrived
last evening. She was ordered to the Col
umbia river frem San Francisco at which
port she arrived Oct. 26th.
Th narffo taken from Seattle by the
steamship Geo. W. Elder last Thursday,
tiim moat valuable that ever left the
Sound, being valued at $400,000, The prin
cipal itemB consisted of 2,000 ctls. oats,
5,000 cases salmon and 1,477 bales hops.
The Stonewall Jaokson is loaded and in
the stream; the Helicon is discharging at the
docks; the Carrie Delap is loading; the
Miles arrived in from Tillamook with a load
of salmon last Sunday night; the Oregon
arrived in yesterday in place of the State of
Remaining unclaimed in the PostofEce at
Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, -Friday,
Nov. 24. 1882. Persons calling for the
same will please say "advertised," giving
date of this list:
ladies' list.
Arnold Sarah, Howell E. F.,
Laufard Lucinda,
gents' list.
Burton Dr., Charnotte L. R.,
Miller Gad, Piatt Chas. B.,
Smart F.,
N. R. Barber, P. .M
The co-partnership heretofore existing
between M. Stock and Myer Harris, under
tha firm name of M. Stock A Co. has this
dav been dissolved bv mutual consent.
Myer Harris retireing, M. Stock will con
inue the business, collect all outstanding
tjuumnnt due the firm and pay all bill
against the firm.
M. Stock.
M. Hajms.
CbmKIs,Foyratol,I88e. -
In the Circuit court of thsSUUof Oregon for tte
County of Benton.
William C. Woodcock, FlalnauT; .,
David Huggins, Defendant.
Notice is hereby given that by virtus et sa
execution Issued out of tha said Circuit court oa
the Stata of Oregon for tha County of Benton ta the
'above entitle i action, on the 25th day of Ootober A.
D. 1S83, on a certain judgment received In said
court on the 14th day ot April A. D. IS7 ana entered
and docketed cn the same day, in favor of the plain
tiff, William C. Woodcock, in said action, and agamrt
said defendent David Husnrlra, tor tne um oi iweiv
hundred and seventy-nine and 96-100 dollars In
United States gold coin with interest thereon from
and after said Hth day o! April 18T9, at the rate ol
one per cent per month in like coin and the further
sum of one hundrod and twenty-seven dollars attor
ney's fees and twenty-five dollars and ten cents costs.
with intoreit thereon at the rate of ten per ceni yoi
annum and tha costs on said execution to rae directed
and delivered and commanding -ne that out or tna
personal property of said defendant, or if sufficient
thereof cannot be found, then out of the real prop
erty belonifins to said defendant In said oounty te
satisfy said sums ot money. Bot ocing aoie w
any perse nal property of said, defendant subject to
satisfy said execution aa above stated, and In order
to satietv said sums of money hereinbefore named.
I have levied upon and will sell for cash In hand at
tha front daor of the court house in the city of Cor
vallis, in Bentou county, Oregon, on Saturday
between the hours of 9 o'clock in tho forenoon and
4 o'clock In the afternoon of said day, namely at the
hour of 1 o'clock In the afternoon of said day, all the
right, title and interest of aald dafendant in or to tne
following described real property, to-wit: '
... .. . - (...uti-.fir. in tjiWTIrlhln
The aoutn nan oi iwhuu ....... .j
. . . ... ...I. II...
fourteen, S. B. 6 west oi uie niiiuu."-.-.
in Bentcii county, Oregon, except mat portion aa
aid half section heretofore deeded to Uavlcl urown
on the 12th day of August 1872. by David Huggins,
and also excepting that portion ef said nail section
deeded to Oeors-e Shults on the 12th day of Auguss
1872 by said David Huggins, the amount oi lana
hereby conveyed being 149 acres, mora or lees, ana
also the southeast quarter of the nonaeaat qur
and lots Nos. six, seven, eight and nine of section
twenty-five, in township fourteen, south range five.
west Willamette meridian, containme ( an-i"-
acres of university iana a
county and State ot Oregon, together with all the
tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances were
unto belonging or in any way appertaining.
48w0 Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon.
Wheat In Portland firm Bat 155 per cental. It may
now be fairly quoted here clear:
Wheat 75-
Oats 23 to W
Wool per lb 4 50
Flour per barrel - : l& te 10
Hams lft ta 1
Shoulders iZ ,1
Lard, 10 lb tins J JS
" Kegs S il
Butter, fresh rolls. . -. - J( JS
Eggs, per dos , ( ln
Drfedplee PIurnmer J
' Sun dried' " J
Plums, pitless -. - 1Y . S
Chickens, per dos in li 3
Hides, dry flint ataT
" Teen " n
Potatoes g &
geese, tame.... -m ,wto4(X
i-. S to S
Onions, pel lb
mediately relieved by Shyloh'a cure. Sold by Granam
FOft DYSPEPSIA ad Liver Complain you have , a
printed guarantee on every bottle of ShUobsTt
talixer. It never fails to cure. Soid at T. Graham e.
A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle of Sbl
loh's oaurrh Remedy. Price ifcents. Said at
X. Graham's. -y. '
SHILOH'S VIT1LIZER is what you Bead Jor eon
sumption, loss of appatite, ditilaesa and a.1 ymPf
rfapTra. PrloVlvtnd7be,strtbasa.,