The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, November 10, 1882, Image 1

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    I " to. . ... - - . a
Published Bvery Friday Mornipg
: . BY
(Payable in Advance.)
Per Year
x Month
Three Months
Single Copiei
$2 50
1 SO
1 00
All notices and advertisements intended for pub
atton should be handed in by noon on ednesdays.
Rates of advertisine made known on application.
A. Pi AND A. M.
NO. 46.
Corvallis Lodge, No. 14, A. F. and A. M., meets on
Wednesday eveuine. on or M.
Eocky Lodja, No. 75, A. F. and A. M., meet. -iJ
- - ,f,.,r full minin
" j" " BELKNAP, W. M.
R. A. M.
v., nhanter. No. 5. R. A. M., meets Thurs
day ee ng on or preceding J"""00":
K. OF P.
,JA3. READMAJi, Jr., It., rv. o.
I. O. O. F.
Barium Lodge. No. 7. L O. O . "eetsever,
-j evening-.
A. o. u. w.
Friendship Lodge, No. 14
A. O. U. W.
meets first
tJjlrd Thursday, in E"ELg0Tj w
T. U.
v W. C.
Regular business meetings first Saturday. In each
month, at S Ev.neelical church, at 2:30 P. M
Prayer meeting every oviturday at same hour. A
cordial invitation is extended
Mas. Noa Williams, Pres.
Mrs. T. GaAH, Sec.
TV. C. Crawford,
- . . i i . tjnir
Bt assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, ete.
All kinds of repairing done on short notica ana m.
work warranted. lSMrL
One Door South of Graham A Hamilton's,
Real Estate for Sale.
will aoll a. turm ftf 478 aCRtH for less than S18 pCT
acre, being one of the cheapest and best farms In
Bentoi. county, eitcatea 4raiieswesvuL. J"'
a mile from o good school, in one of the best neigh
borhoods in the state ith church privileges handy.
Aboy: 130 acres in cultivation, ana over uv .
cultivated. All under feiice. with good two wrj
frame house, large Darn ana orenara; nas
water the vear around, and is vrell suited tor stock
and dairy purposes. This Is one of Uv. cheapest farms
in the Willamette vauey , - V , . ,
Also, two improved lots on me mam ym
with small stable, woodshed and a gooo, comioriao.e
dwelling house containing seven good roCms. These
lots are nicely situated for any kind of Business pur
For fnrther information
Gazette Office.
ciiiikch iiiti:c roiiv.
everv second and fourth SJabbath in each month
at the College Chapel, by the Rev. F. P. Davidson.
Services begin atU. and 0:30 r. . All are In
vited. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Regular services
every -"Sabbath morning and evening. Sunday
Zi .,. i, of the moraine service. Prayer
.;.Th,irrtiv.vcnineat7 o'clock. Public cor-
dMlj invited. H. P. UUNNINO
vv a W.C1 If AT. rHITRCH Services regularly ev
ery Sabbath -morning and evening, unless otherwise
announced. Sunday school at . r. . .... ou..
Praver meeting; every Thursday at 7 r. u. The
nubli cordially invited
p J RBV. J. Bowemox, Pastor.
i - nniTnr!it nrular services every Sunday
7 r ' ' Sunday-school at 1 o'clock with Bible classes
:J.jia .-rl vn.imr. Praver meeting on Wednesday
Tir 7 0"e,ock-A enFra,EiLLiioTT: vzsr"
M E CHURCH SOUTH Services every Sabbath
at 11 a.' u. and Jr.s., at th. college chapel, bunday
.chool at 9:30 a. M. Prayer meeting Friday evening
at 7 o'clock. Public cordially h,v,tcd.ELL
.A-ttornev - at - Law,
A-ttorneys - at - Law.
Corvallis, - - Oregon.
A ttorneys - at - Law,
Concilia, June 14. 1882. 19-19yl
Photograpli Gallery.
First Class Work Only!
pAnrlne in all branches. P
firewood taken at casiV prices.
uc. of all kinds and
E. Htsuur,
Contractor and Bridge Builder
Corvallis, Oregon.
Will attend promptly to all work under
bis charge.
enquire at the
Old Friends.
A Sore Cure fcuaraXle ed.
.t . .win for Hvsteria. Ditziness. Convul-
ons Nervous Headache, Mental Depression, Loss
of Memory, Spermatorhaa, impowncy. inyo.uuvij
emissions, premature old age. caused by over
exertion, self-abuse or over-indulgence, which leads
to misery, decay ana ueawj. .i.. .
cent cases. Each box contains one month treat
ment : one dollar aoox, or six wi " -"
lars ; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We
guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each
order received by us for six boxes, accompanied
with Ave dollars, we will senu tne purci.i u...
written iraarantce to return the money if the treat
ment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued
Wholesale and Retail Dru'guisM, Portland Oregon.
Orders by mail at regular prices. 19-13 y 1
The old", old friends! . ... ;
Some chiiged; some burled; nt
Some enemies, and In this worlds swift flgnt
No time to make amend.
The old, old friends
Wherere they? Three are lying hi "MlfW
And one from the far-off world on the dally wave
No loving message sends.
The old dear friends!
ru. a . ..;) nn wears a I
Another, long estranged, cares not w an
Where causeless anger end.
The dear old friends, ;
So many and so fond in days of youth! i ij.
Ala. that Faith can be divorced from Truth,
When love In severane. ends.
They hover round me still In evening sbadss;
Surely they shall return wnen suuugu
And uxe on urn oeiym"-
Worthless Bilis of Lading.
In the business intercourse of the
there is no document of
crrenier imnortance nnd vet more
generally misunderstood than a bill
ot lading representing merchandise.
No matter how great or how small
the value at stake, there is something
about a bi'l ot lading that gives it
importance in the mercantile world,
It is therefore all the more remarka
ble that a document of such conse-
. ... i i
nnpnees ana in sucn eenerai use
1 w
should not be better understood
nine-tenths of the
That Six Feet.
Newton, Oct. 30, 1882.
Ed Gazette. I notice in your
issue of the 27th an article staung
that there is considerable contro
versy going on about an excess of six
feet of ground in the block on main
street, between Max Friendly's and
renwntii all's coiners. T.his article
referred to is written as though the
excess was just discovered and
brought to light but it has been
known to several for some time; and
any one can learn jtist- how much
land he or she is entitled to by reter
ing to the plott ot the city made and
recorded in 1870. In explanation 1
will say, that in 1870 I made a re-
survey of the city of Corvallis, and
lonnd that the discription ot the
length of lines between the original
claim corners fall short of the old
corners in the neighborhood of 25
feet, for this particular tract or claim,
other additions have their particular
excesses too. There is none ot the
blocks or lots that fall short of he
required size tnroughout the city.
The streets are all full widh; and
a in manv nlacos to have cut' each
rAA nlivsii-ian. retired from active
practice, having had placed in his hands by
an Kast India Missionary xne ioru.u - , ,
I- -V.l.. Hsnorltr t.T- tha KTsAftaV 3.1111 I - '
S1XUJUO ClUlC icmt-u; .a 1 I , , I ' . II
iermanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, mercantile community have hereto- block down to its exact size would
of lading a, have occa9ioed great trouble in
for general Debility and all nervous com- i unquestionnoie evidence, .mn uuij moving Dllliomjjs anu uuicr iuijfiuc-
plaints a ter navmg ''".'"' that the goods mentioned m it had ments, and would have letl narrow
wonderful curative powers in thousands oil m v I . t. i r .i
cases, feels it his duty to make it known to j,een received at the point ot snip- I strips of land running back lrom tne
SLt prTaraiion and ment, but that if the goods were not river through the town unclaimed
use, and all necessary auvii; ouu
tions for successful treatment at your own
home, will be received by you by return
mail, free of charge by addressing with
stamp or stamped self-addressed envelope to
Dr. M. E. BELL,
161 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md.
Good Brick
kept (constantly on hand at
Mrs. L. A. Denrlfck's
Rriek Yard, near the flouring mill, on the new ferry
delivered the carrier was liable tor an(j unowned, asth original owners
their actual value. Perhaps the had deeded away their; rights in
apology for a better understanding blocks and loU, supposed to be of a
on the part of the business communi- certain size, but upon investigation
ty is t'ie unfrequent tests that are they were found in reality to be lar-
brought to light under this head. er tnan wits intended by the ong-
A-ttoriiey at Law,
The oldest established Dentist and
the best outfit in Corvallis.
All work kept in repair free of chge and satlsfac
on leein ninow t j
he use of Nitrous Oxide Gas.
flSj-Romns up stairs over Jacobs & Neugasa new
nriclc store. Corvallis. Oregon. 19:2ijl
Four lota nicely situated in Corvallis, Ore
gon, wicn
Barn and out-houses Will sell all or only two
lots. Call at the Gazette office or on
38-m3 W. xl . ntiani.i.iv.
Will oractlee In all of the Courts of the State.
Attomey - at
aPECIAL attention given to collections, ana mono
n.r-t.prt nrouiDtlv oaid over. Careful nnd
... .tt.nt.inn mven to Probate matters. Con
veyaneing and searching of records, Ac
Will give attention to buying, selling and leasing real
estate, and conducts a general collecting
ness agency.
Office on Second Street,
shoe shop.
one door north of Irvin's
Physician Surgeon,
And Electrician.
p,mi,l. Diseases nade a specialty. Catarrh sue-
- . Alan Opnlit &nd Aurlst.
essiuiiy iwwu. : ... .
nu in RUrk one door West of Dr. Y.
A Vincent's dental office. Office hours rom 8 to 12
and from 1 to 6 o'clock. iv.uyi
arriaje and Bum Ironing
Done Neatly.
Corvallis, Oregon.
THW. nr.r. IT) F.NTAL is a new building,
newly furnished, and is first class in all its
Stages leave the hotel for Albany and Yaquina Bay
j I..n.rla,wa sanrl FridlV-i.
Large Sample Boom on First Floor for
Commercial flea. 19-35 ly
T.V B. EMBREE, M. 0.,
rliysio:iftn fe Surgeon.
Office 2 doors south of H. 1. Harris' Store,
(loRVALLif. - - Oregon.
a , .l.l. nrt.h
-t of tha Methodist cnurcn.
. R. FABRA, M. D.,
Iiiysioian & Surgeon.
South of Corvallis.
inators ot the town plott, or else,
there, was ground unaccounted for,
the matter was brought before the
city council, under whose mstruc-
I tions and authority I was making the
survey, and, after considering it to its
Minor claims for short delivery are
often settled by the carriers on e-quteible-groiinds
in some cases to pre
serve the reputation of the freight
line before the public. A question
of vital importance tp our manufact
nriner interest has lately been put to fullest exteat it was advised that the
. - . . -w- -.-- I - l -am
TlOiMiii r KJSX OALL. the test, which cannot fail to inter- RHrvpy should be made to conform
est the entire business community, i a9 nCarly as possible to the impro7e
It seems that a certain agent repre- mCnts on main street, they being of a
senting the White Line Transit Com- J more substantial character than else-
pany in the state of Mississippi and wnere in the city, and that this street
ppointed by the Louisville & JNash- should be made a base to work from
ville Railroad, which Is part of the an(j tnat eacn tier of blocks running
White Line system, suddently disap- Dack from tne river should be in uni
peared and is found to have signed t;rrnity with the front on the afore-
bill of ladins and drawn against a -j u8e .en the excess of each
considerable amount of Cotton win eh
the Louisville & Nashville Railroad
claim was never shipped and conse
quently not delivered. The holders
of these bills of lading are now seek
ing redress from the While Line
Transit Company, but no liability is
admitted on their part so long as the
'material, hut these sire small. The
capital employed provides buildings,
machinery, water works, tfce. The
running expenses are. very nearly
cdvered by the .items of material and
labor after providing the mills with
the equipment furnished by the cap
ital invested. It becomes a matter
of some interest to know how wages
compare with profits what propor
tion capital keeps for itself and what
proportion is allowed to labor. We
find that 160;Mg laborers receive
annually $47,180,618, which is $290
a year. The wages are less than six
dollars a week. Nearly one-half the
labor force is coraposod of adult
males, the proportion of children
being about oiie to four. The con
clusion is that while capital pays
itself about thirty per cent, profit, it
pays labor considerably less than
one dollar a da v. lhisis.nota re-
suit to be proud of. We place
higher tariff on foreign woolen goods
to oroteci the home manufacturer
that he may pay the Americau stan
dard of wages. But these figures
indicate a disposition on the part of
the manufacturer to put the profit in
his own pocket; He does not divide
with labor. He could not get labor
down much lower if there were no
tariff. He demands a tariff which
enables him to obtain higli prices for
his goods, but he does not pay cor
responding wages to his laborers,
who have to buy his high-priced
goods. So far as the progress ot
our Woolen manufacturers is con
cerned, the showing is, favorable.
Under the operation of a tariff, we
are coming to do our own work.
We made $21,792,802 worth of Car
pets 1880 and $28,613,729 of Hosiery
and knit goods. On the Tariff Com
mission there is a representative of
the Wool manufacturing interest;
and it will become a matter of some
interest to know how he will handle
t Yi fiw.t. th census oresents. The
country will say that either the item
nf In hnr should be increased or the
prices charged for goods reduced.
where that duty is performed, until
the train reached. Hadson, shortly
after midnight The condocto then
declared that tie ticket was no long
er valid, demanded fare for the reat
of the trip arid ripon Arterbacb a re
fusal, put him off. Thereripon be
brought suit for damages, and it w
the final decision in his favor the rfr
port of which has just been pnb
lished. The court bolts' thit the
"use" of the ticket on ihe ifternoorii
of the 26th, when Tie offered it to the
conductor, was the "nse" cotiieith'
H plated by the restriction. yVhen
this evidence that he had paid BM
fare was presented the ticket had!
perforfried its office. If the company
meant fey its limitation, that the pas
senger must finish his journey before;
the expiration of the day fixed ifeey
should have said so. ,
The i chief interest in this decision
is, of conrse, that it settles the law
so far, at least, as New Toik is con
cerned and apprises ticket feuyere
what their rights are. It w inter
esting, however, in another , wpwi.
It tends to revive the confidence of
the people in the old fashioned theory
concerning which Jkbey hate been
driven into doubt, that "the law i
the perfection ot common sense."
The decision is so palpably a com
mon sense one that it is not easy to
see how aritntelligen"t railroad con
ductor conld have created any occa
sion lor making it: N
Is now prepared to accommodate travelers
We have in stock.the
Deering Twine Binders,
Dti ring and Standard Mow.ts,
Minnesota Chiet Threshers,
Morrison Plows,
... -..,1 Htiliir&tftr Eneines. Elwood
mounted Horse-Power. Centennial fanninR irill, cl
. . ....... u. f U...1nr. .ml Drills.
eDreu T :z--
We also keep tne ceieoraveu
hetchura wagons. ,mI lv
lune'ivl ". o. n.
Manufacturers and Jobbers of
These Coods are Warrant
ed not to rip.
All Oenuine have the trade mark "IKON CXAD"
stamped thereon.
117 Batterv Street. San Francisco, Cal.
Corvallis, Oregon.
blcck, where such existed, was to be
divided up equally between lots, giv
ing in ibis particular instance refered
to cTilLfiw aditional width to each
lot gPGofPiOttt the tier of blocks to
the bacfe'prtion the n-8
can be seen by property holders by
referine to the plots made by me,
proof is wanting that the cotton was 1 on recorf a tj,e city office and
delivered into their possession.
The question is now likely to go to
the courts, and the result will be anx
iously awaited. On the part of the
railroad company it is claimed that
the decision in the United Slates
in the county clerks office. No one
individual had purchased or acquired
thi extra amorint ot land, hence it
was considered as acting with noth
ing but fairness to all persons inter
eatpd to adiust the matter iri this
nncE over GRAHAM
w Drug StorjCorvallis, Oretrnn
Constantly on band, at the
Sitoaued on the Yaduina Road, half way
rom Corvallis to Newport.
19:12yl. p- BRYAJST.
Philomath, Oregon.
Blacksmith ing and Wagoajnakingj a specialty. By
onstantlv keemne on hand the best materials and
nerit a share
J. H, Nonius
VUnsiAUU I atpsuS ------ " ,
doing superior work, I expect to merit a share of
public patronage.
I -r rr TT a VTCI'VICT
F. J. Hendrichson.
Boot and Shoe Maker,
Philomath, Oregon.
jB5iBfe I always keep on hand superior ma
terial and warrant my work. I ask an examination
ot my goods before purchasing elsewhere.
19-32-lyr F. J. Hendnchson.
Blacksmith & Wagomnaker,
Philomath, Oregon.
it- tcAnrWnrl io nrpnared to do all kinds of wacron
LrVr, rnairincr and blftckSmithine to order. He
naes the beet of material every time and warrants
his work. Ait-o-x,i
IS $20
per day at home. Samples worth $5 free
Address Stinson Co.. roruann, .-as.
court have released the common car- waV a(J tne parties would at the
rier from all liability t was l tJme eVen DOW deem it s;reat in-
shown the property was not deliverer! t-ce lo be forced to move their 1m-
. . f Mfl.Atf N . - 3
into tneir possession, wu mo provement8 on to the 50 teet auowea
hand, the decisions in New York and . . orjjnai pia t. As it is, no one
some other slates nave neia me car- . i009er Gf one inch, while several
rier responsible for the acts of their have gajnej something to their advan-
agents, and it would seem as u me u?e if giBe 0f lots are taken into ac
ruling is but equitaoie. ine que- coant, and the man that does not
tion has also been raised as to the I cxtra fOQt can give, sell or.
liability of the banks through whom convey it to m neighbor, get rid of
the drafts and bills of lading were . - way B0 ft9 to peace
presented. This is also likely to be K tg anfl no one should cry
RITSINRSS COLLEGEi te8ted and mfty he oarr'ed l lhe because the boy in the next seat has
UUOlilUW V. vuuuuu Tr -,j 5t., fnr . final deois- .. ... - j fcjn . oil h.v rrl
u iiiva w -w- IDG itu duuic "
(Old " NATIONAL," Established 188S.
128 Front St., I tile community in general, and our
Between Washington and Aider, cotton manufactnrers in particular,
PORTLAND, . - OBEGOS. are likely to be held in suspense await-
. I : .t.n.A ;ni.franf'. 'lssnpfl And for
An institution aeigneu,ior w y , -a r
business education oi both es.
In the meanwhile the mercan- I appies out of thn same sack.
Respecttnily yours,
WrLtT.' Wkbbkb
the present, at least, all bills of Ud-
ing must be more or less looked upon
with suspicion. Bottom. Advertiser.
"Agricultures" says an
Next door North of Post Office,
. - . OREGON.
Admitted on any week-day of the year. No
vacation at any time, and no exam
ination on entering. .
Scholarship, for Full Business Course, $60
Pantaloons made to order of Oregon
Goods for $7.50.
English Goods, $11. French, $14
tSSuUs from Z30 to
Cleaning and Repairing dons at Heaseoabl Bat
6 18:51yl
American Woolen Industries.
An exchange says: In 1880 there
was 1990 establishments manufactur
ing woolen goods, representing an
aggregato capital of $15D, 644,270.
The uuraber of hands employed was
ingenious 160)998, of whom 75 ,334 were adult
writer, "if- an art man me ari"" males, 66,139 temaies anu iw,io
The soiWis his laboratory; manures children. The amoaut of domestic
and seedjs his raw material animal WOol used in these mills was 222,991,-
strenghtvand machinery VflBpcjwer, 1 631 po1,ofls, and ot foreign wool 73,-
air,4heatj and moisture his agents 2oo.698 poands. Tlie valtw ot the
the grain, roots, fruits and forage mat0rial used was $164,114,799, and
his products. Agriculture is also a the value of the product 267,69,-
If we add tbe value ot mater-
roodes of inigroving and fitting up ;ai tp wages, we have $211,295,417;
School Report.
Standine of the primary school in district
No. of Benton county, Oregon, for the
Ida Bay
Minnie Graham
Charles Colins
Hellen Holgate
Mary Drumm
Susie Jacobs
Lizzie More
John Huffman'
Ed a Belknap
Stella Creasy
Inez Stiltson
Frank Grubbi
Luther Smith
Solly Smith
Jay Buford
Nannie Brown
George Weber
Charlie Graham
Ju'ion McFadeh
Charles Roland
Bertha Jacobs
Fannie Halbert
WUlie Kerr
Bessie Colins
Ethel Gray
Elsie Grubbs
Harrie Parsons
Zelia Snow
Charlie Swick
John Drumm
Nellie Cameron
George Drumm
r annie inompson
Anna Garretson
Gussie Crees
Ella Washington
Jessie Stiltson
Lau ranee Myers
Mattie Alphin
Rosa Dromni
Olive VFithsnn
Georgut Powers -Birtto
Genuie Grubbs
Mertie Clark
Clyde Emery
Jacob Hulbert
George Gorderi
Jennie' Gorden
Mas. S. A. N.
At'n'ce Dpt. Read. Spel.
20 94 72 80
20 95 76 81
18 88 68 79
20 95 80 74
20 99 85 79
19 94 37 58
19 93 75 63
14 61 43 36
19 97 69 88
17 84 72 70
12 60 56 55
18 89 60 61
19 96 75 85
19 89 65 77
20 98 78 91
20 99 55 88
17 81 72 71
13 47 38 50
9 45 29 43
20 93 78 91
19 87 79 78
20 99 65 77
20 100 52 82
18 87 80 82
20 95 92 93
20 89 88 20
20 100 75 34
15 69 79 49
9 43 35 41
19 94 89 90
20 100 85 84,
17 81 73 80
20 100 91 90
19 88 76. 81
17 77 72
20 99 77
18 94 67
11 55
18 90
20 100
19 98
20 100
15 75
19 95
20 100
19 9
10 50
20 9f
20 10
9 45
8 40
. 12 a dav at home easily made. Costly
outfit free Address True & Oo. , Augusta, Me.
I K.i-- tKa ortiit. t.ViA KtXlt I
Of all kinds executed to order at reasonable serene, ij.f, - . ou.
Satiafantinn guaranteed. modes or improving umug up ial ,
his laboratory; mstracting him in the ir wc 8Qbtraot this front the value of
t Cnlleffo Journal, containing informa- nronerties and economical of his raw products, we have $50,404,087 as tne
rion of the course of study, when to enter, rnatemlrteachihg hint bow best to' net pro fits of the btfsiness. Cotisid
time required, cost of board, etc., and cuts antoiv bi8 DbWer abd profit by bis a rina the investment is only $159,-
" ..i ...ntV,m from t.hi nen I V r J r ...vl s
ornamenwi r"-"-"""'J-' r , .Lhr pnah incr him jreaUV .t. RTO thin nroht snould OO satis
UCUvOt iasj 0 n w uttjv i vj ... k
to abridire his labors and mtrlliply 1 factory. There are little expenses
his products." not iocladed in the item of labor and
of Prof. Wasco, sent free.
Address A. P. ARMSTRONG,
Lock- Box 104, Portland, Oregon.
Terwiluger, Ts'tcher.
Florida's Growth.
A correspondent of tbe Florida
Tribune makes the following state
merit ot the growth ot business in
that state:
Sis years ago the writer landed at
Tatripa from the schooner Dill, hav
ing made the trip from New Orleans
in little less than a month. That
was before, the days of , a steamboat
line from Cedar Keys. Iri fact, steam
ers only visited Tampa semi-occa-
siopally in those days. That winter
were shipped from this county 40,000
oranges, mostly in the little schooner
from the Clearwater side, and tney
were orated at Cedwr Keys. I am
told that 6,000,000 is the estimate of
the present year. The Dill and Delia
corild then carry ail .ihe freight to
and from Tampa; Two steamboat
making semi-weekly trips are in
competent for the task now.
One week later 1 had Dougnt an,
3 a, t
moved to Limons, and rouna vuu
road little more than a traU wa
gon passed me about twenty times
during the year, and 1 have gone w
Tampa without passing even a man
on foot. All the roads, tnen as now,
from the East, centered at Buncn
ville, then English' and not more
than one wagon a day for the year
passed over it. Twenty is not too
low for an average at present. The
population has more than doubled,
the improved lands have tripled. In
place of the few orange trees then
growing hear the bouses, they may
be counted in the orchards by the
millions, and the work of planting
goes on. Guavas were almost un
known, how they can be counted by
the thousands. Everybody eats
euavas. Hogs and hens eat them at
first, as did Sir W aitenzvaieign s w
his potatoes. Now they have a mar
ket value, and will have a better one.
Mangoes, sugar apples and other cus
tards are coming into use, and even
ties are poken of as a crop
plant. We have summer iruiw nw
as well as Winter. Lemons and limea
are more than talked about now as
market crops, and some have been
shipped. More will be. Corn, cot
ton and sugar-cane nave no u
creased in quantity. Sweet potatoes
have gained; and the track farm is
looking ur It will be one oi me
giants soon.
Elevation of the Central Faeiao KaUreaa ot
The tollowine shows the elevations
of the Central Pacifio Railroad and
lengths ot tonnels at different points
on the roads
C. f. R. R. of CAL. nis"-
Sacramento 5i
Arcade g ..
Antelope ,.
Junction ' T
Auburn ..,;.....
Clipper Sap--...
New England Milts
Colfax ............
Secret Town ......
Gold Run
Dutch Flat
Shady Bun
Tunnel Vo 1
7s Kiua uanea
M Emigrant Cap "fcjg
........... 504' itst to fntl
7 lesj
Th Rizhts of Travelers
Tlie decision, just reported, of the
New York Court of Appeals in the
Auerbachcase is full of interest for
those travelers by rail who avail
themselves, as so many do in snm-
nf "limited" or eicorsion tick-
ets. lhe piainun, air. nuu,u, i V.ti,. U...- a
St. Louis, broufrht a coupon tic. V&:KX&.X'
-sf --r .! 1, ..... , nr.Ar ta r 3 VsslLarw 09
to ivew xorK, wniun vuia " w. su:"' ; 7ou
face the condition that the pnrchaser rifci, ,;;
should "use it on or before Septem
ber 26, 1877." In the course of his
. . 1 l ,A
journeying air. Aiieroacu uoc mK
one coupon after anotber nnui oe
found himself, on the afternoon of the
25th, on the New York Central
train at Rochester with the coupon
r vt nt t.o New York. The
'runner rto. r, . . , - -. . .. . .
feet; No. 10, 525 fort; No. 11, SW
feet; No. is, so io
114 Coldstream
119 Truckee
1ZS coca.. -.
132 FlritCTossusgr...-
TunneU No. 1. 198 fee; No. 15, 01 ftt.
gS sxr.::::::::::::::".:
149 Hunter's ...
154 Reno "VI
InlenirtsB A
47t (afl
5440 SBj
A aood canvassing agent wanted o do gen-
was accepted and punched Ural canvawing bnsine v.ral stations were passed I inquire at the GAZfcrrai
For reforms?
19-31 m9