The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, October 20, 1882, Page 3, Image 3

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The waters of Yaquina Bay are full
Eggs are being shiped almost daily from
here to Portland.
Judge Burnett made a trip during the
week to Portland.
All kinds of Blanks in stock and for sale
at the Gazette office.
New gooda constantly arriving at A. J.
Langworthy's cash store.
Whist parties are now ripe, and many a
group are seen in onr midst.
All kinds of book and job printing done
on short notice at this office.
A shooting gallery drew the attention of
some of the boys this week.
Sixty two new school houses have been
rected in Oregon duriDg the year 1882.
Letter beads, bill heads, envelopes and
posters printed on short notice at this office.
Max Friendly U making prepartions to
have a number of piling driven in the river
near his saw mill.
The best mechanics and leading seam
stress pronounces the New Home Sewing
Machine the best that was ever made.
Bv. Hamer, of the Summit, was badly
kicked by a horse on last Saturday, and it
is feared that it will yet result seriously.
Mrs. Hall of King's valley, was badly
hart by the upsetting of a wagon a few days
since. Dr. Smith was called to her relief.
There witt be a party this (Thursday)
evening at the Vincent house. A large turn
out and a genuine good time is expected.
See C. H. Whitney 4 Co's new adver
tisement of their large stock of cheap and
well assorted housefull of general merchan
dise. We observed Sir. N. B. Avery lately
moving his dental office into commodious
rooms JsMvided for him over the new brick
fit Judge Burnett's.
J. W. Stowell of the Sample Rooms, now
has oneiof the best billiard tables in the
city. He also keeps constantly the best
wines, liquors and cigars.
The latest improved sewing machine
not to beat Also guns, revolvers, ammu
nition, fishing takels etc., etc., at G. Hodcs'
gun store, at bedrock price.
During the year ending July 1st the
steamships irom;Sau Francisco brought 38,
893 passengers to Portland, only 18,590 re
turning during the same period.
Messrs. Brink & Wright have during th
week purchased the stock of goods and no
tions from Mr. Vincent. They wiU con
tinue the business at the old place.
Duck shooting is among the leading
amusements now. Quite a number of
sportsmen have been in bur city the past
week with a fine "string of mallards."
Heavy snow storms have prevailed on the
eastern end of the Rogue river road, which
is now impossible for wagons. These
stormes are a month earlier than usual.
The year 1832 came in on Sunday. The
year ends with Sunday and five different
months in the year each have five Sundays.
In what year will the same transpire again
Harry Conchman, who has had charge of
Max Friendly's saw mill all summer, started
yesterday morning for Portland. Harry
intends to live up on the Northern Pacific
for s while. .
If you want as good and fine job printing
done as can be done anywhere on the
Pacific Coast, bring your jobs to this office.
We are prepared to execute it at the lowest
possible prices.
Persons in the city or country wishing
ivthinp in the general merchandise line.
will find it to their advantage to oall at A.
. Langworthy s cash store before pnrcnas-
S elsewhere.
heat hauling is finished and in conse-
ice the various warehonses have been
fa rtWrfiowins. Thev have been re-
ieved of a great number of bushels this
'eek, however.
Ijrink k Wright have this week com
gaenced to carry the U. S. mail to the coast
jj horse hack. The muddy roads made it
almost next to impossible to longer carry
jN in a vehicle.
plgW j keep constantly on hand at this office
pflUrge lot and variety of stationery letter
rfjgjids, bill heads, envelopes, and papers of
liferent kinds which we furnish at the
possible prices.
eral steam boats have been up the
since onr last issue and quite consider-
teathas left our docks. . liie river
a sufficient to enable boats to come
tar with safety.
allis Gazette is one of the best
tai mnriinma in Orecron. because it
aoe.1 o a larae oavine list of subscribers
wbo'tje able to buy and pay for any article
thev Me advertised if thev want it
, .WSf
Aood live correspondent to the Gazette
from the various precincts womo am m
addiug interest aud give more fully the
9i.rral news. Let some enterprising indi
viduals Attend to this and see that the hap-
Inning of weir locality is made Known,
Why wiU people continue to use plain
envelopes, letter and bill paper, when they
can get them with a nice stylish business
card or head printed thereon at the Gazette
office at about what it Costs to buy the blank
material at retail.
The glass blowers, . at Hamilton's hall,
have not been successful in drawing crowded
houses, bat the performance is considered
worth seeing.:' The two glass steam en
gines are fine pieces of work and excite
considerable attention.
At Victoria, B. C, several members of
Sherman's circus were robbed while asleep,
ef considerable money. The next evening
high wind blew their tent down prevent
ing the performance. The company took
passage; lor San Francisco the next day.
Johnny Love, residing near this place,
owns twenty-one sheep, from which about
200 pounds of wool was sheared not long
since, or an V'erage ef nearly 10 pounds per
head. " Thokflcece of one of the wethers
weighed la pounds. These sheep are part
merino; but the secret of this handsome
yie'.-l is tbi good treatment they received.
Jztkewydk Times,
Several Darties in the vicinity of Oorvallis
have gone to the mountains on hunting expeditions.
The attention of our readers is called to
C. H. Whitney & Co's new advertisement
in this issue.
Owing to the resignation of Judge Smith, 3
Polk county has been without a judge tor
several weeks.
At half-past four o'clock yesterday after
noon the comet was 37,500,000 miles from
the sun and 123,465,000 from the earth.
Rev. J. R. N. Bell has again been assign
ed to this place. He will re3ume,services at
the College Chappel next Sunday morning
and evening.
The steam saw is a decided improvement
over John Cninaman and the saw buck.
It done a good job on short notice for the
Gazette this week.
We have been informed that the rumor
mentioned last week regarding one of our
professional men is false. We therefore
gladly make the correction.
The choicest varieties of beef, pork, and
mutton and nice fat chickens, can at all
times be found at either of Nick Baeson's
Palace or St Nicholas markets where cus
tomers will be waited on with promptness
ami dispatch.
Now that the lone winter evenings are
here, why don't some enterprising individ
uals form a dramatic company and give a
few entertainments. We believe that Cor
vallis has theatrical talent enough to gpt up
something pleasing and instructive.
Mr. F. H. Sawtell during the present
week bought the Post office store from C.
Herbert Nash and will soon bring a nice as
sortment of goods. Fred w ill certainly do
a good business. Mr. Sawtell will ako at
tend the telephone business for Mr. fash.
The depot had a narrow escape from fire
the fore part of the week. A stick of wood
had been thrown out, supposed to have no
fire on it, but the wind soon fanned it into a
blaze and unless it had been discovered just
in time a fire would no doubt have occurred.
Whv Will people continue to use blank
envelopes, letter heads and bill heads, when
thev can cet printed heads and envelopes
j u
at the Gazette office in the most approved
style at only a little more than the cost
of paper and about what they buy them by
In the mention made last week regarding
Philbrick drawing a revolver on one o' our
citizens, we desire to add that we are cred
itably informed by our city recorder that
it was proven by several witnesses that he
drew it in self-defense and was for that rea
son discharged after the examination.
Accounts of thieving are plentitul these
days. It is almost impossible to pick up
a paper without seeing mention made of
some person or place being robbed. In
every instance that a ithief is caught they
ouffht to be dealt with in a way that is more
severe and then less petit thieving would be
We recived news last week which came to
Ute before goiog to press to mka mention
of in last issue, that H. B. No. 5, introduc
ed in the legislature by represenitive Ready
from thi3 county, to reduca tolls fifty per
cent on freight passing through the locks at
Oregon City passed the house with only one
dissenting vote.
The Common Council of Portland has pro
posed several amendments to the city char
ter. Among them are two of considerable
interest to tax-payers one fixing yearly
salaries of $3000 for the Mayor and $1000
each for Councilmen, and another permit
ting the city's indebtedness to reach $1,000,-
000 instead of $100,000.
A few evenings ago two young men on
entering their room, on the eve of retireing,
discovered that their couch was occupied by
what they supposed to be a drunken galoot,
as he lay there half covered while a pair of
No. 10 shoes projected from beneath the
clothes. This so enraged the young men
that they immediately started for the as
sistance of W. H. Lesh, the night watch,
who came with his usual willingness and af
ter entering the room and on seeing this
individual he at once said it was Franklrvin;
why he thought it was Frank we know not
unless the feet had some resemblance. Lesh
ordered him to get up, but he lay there heed
less of what was said, whereupon the brave
nightwatch seized him by the collar and at
once discovered it was nothing but a lot of
old clothes that had been fixed up for the
WiU fnrnish the American Agriculturist
together with the Gazstte both for one
year for only three dollars and fifty cents.
A Fall.
Mr. B. F. Finn met with rather a serious
accident last Saturday afternoon at Engene.
He fell from a scaffold in the new brick store
being built by Hovey & Humphrey, to the
floor, a distance of about eight feet, striking
on his head and wrist, cutting an ugly gash
over his right eye and badly straining his
Alfred A. Wheeler will contribute to the
November Californian-Overland an article
entitled, "A Contemporary of Washington,"
consisting of selections now for the first
time made public -from the memoirs of
Peter Adolph Grotjan, friend of Washington
Jefferson, Randolph, Burr, etc. In the
same number, W. W. Crane controverts the
ground taken with regard to Industrial Civ
ilization by Mr. Spencer in "Political Insti
tutions," his last book.
Other important articles will be: "through
Northern Mexico in '49," by Dr. Wozen
carft; "Evil Literature," by Chas. H.
Shinn; contribution tram W. C. Barrtlett,
Marv H. Field, John Manning, etc. Three
capters of Leonard Kip's Serial, Stories,
Poems, Sketches, etc.
The success of the "Cross of Monterey,
and other Poems," by Richard F. White,
shows how intense is the interest in all
things "early Californian," on this coast
The book has received high notices from the
press, and thoae who have not already se
cured copies should do so at once, if they
would get one of the first edition. They
are issued by the Calitobkian- Pttblishing
Co., 406 California Street, S. F.
A Boy Instantly Killed and air! fatally In
jured by a Falling tree.
A fatal accident occurred at Tunnel No,
1 on the O. P. R. R. A family whose
names are Wilson were camped near this
tunnel having been engaged in assisting
with some part of the work. About six
o'clock on Thursday evening of last week a
boy of the family about eight years of age
not feeling very well went into the camp
and laid down on the bed. Soon after lay
ing down a large dead tree standing s short
distance from the camp fell down across
the tent striking the boy killing him almost
instantly. A young girl about fifteen years
old was also seriously injured. It was
thought impossible for her te recover. A
few moments before the accident occurred
it is said that a gentleman was sitting in
side the tent repairing a sewing machine
and had only a few moments before stepped
outside. The tree struck the sewing ma
chine and the chair he was fsitting on and
drove them clear down into the ground.
A Show She was Actualy Wound up.
A show appeared in onr town last Satur
day night in regard to which some of the
Portland papers made extra efforts in order
to say something in praise of their perform
ance. We must confess, however, that we
cannot appreciate such meaningless nonsense.
One of the characters, a lady, played the
part of a doll having been wound up. But
the effort was certainly an unpardonable
mistake because from all indications it ap
peared in a very prominent manner to all
present that one of the other characters on
the stage at the same time had been wound
up along time a matter of fact, without
any feigning to play that any such thing had
occured. The character alluded to might
very properly plaj the part of remaining in
secluded quietude until a culmination of
the natural result of things would opperate
to r.dieye herjpresent prominent appearance
and with the timely assistance of proper
nurses to care for her, and leaving the new
advent into this Wfirld to be cared tor by
other hands, the mother might be able in
a few short months to appear on the stage in
a presentible condition, with something like
girl like proportions.
Brutal Hanging.
From Thos. G. Reames, who returned
from Lake county last Sunday, says the
Oregon Sentinel, wo learn that Spokane Ike
was hung on Friday previous by the Indian
authorities for the murder of the Indian
doctor for the allegod malpractice on the
former's child. When swung off the knot
twisted round to the back of Ike's head,
and his hands being untied, the condemned
man raised his hands and commenced coon
ing up the rope, when two of the Indians
present caught him by the legs aud held him
down until he was choked to death. Cap
ital punishment should be, abolished with
such executors. .
Sabbath School Convention Call for 18S2.
The Sabbath School Association for Ore
gon and Washington Territory will hold its
meeting for 1882, in Portland, Oregon, on
November 14-16, opening on Tuesday, at
7 o'cloce p. M. , and continuing until Thurs
day at mid-day. ,
All Sabbath Schools in Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho are invited to send delegates
two from each Bchooi numbering fifty in
average attendance, or less, and an addition
al one for each 25 in excess of that number.
A large attendance is expected and an in
terestihg session is assured.
Amos W. Bower,
Statistical Sec'y for Oregon.
East Portland, Or., Oct 11, 1882.
The Eugene Journal says: From a letter
from A. R. Buttolph, Esq., we , learn Jthat
business is in a flourishing condition at Flo
rence on the Siuslaw River. The writer
says, under date of Floience Oct. 4th:
"Times are lively here. Three salting
works are in full blast salting salmon. The
steamer Areata is expected in to-day with
supplies for Mr. Thompson's salting works
at Florence, and will take out 200 barrels of
fish for Woodmansee & Co."
Na w Store Room.
H. E. Harris who has been so long and
favorably known in Corvallis as a just and
upright merchant, for the last few days has
been moving his stock of goods into the
new brick recently built by judge Burnett.
Mr. Harris returned from below last week
where ho purchased a nicely assorted stock
of goods which is arriving every day. Ho
will have a nice stock of goods and will
supply his many customers on his usual
favorable terms. He intends to add a nice
stocks of clothing and boots and shoes to
his already large stock.
Bobbed A Second Time.
About one month ago, while Mr. and Mrs
F. French of Albany were out walking one
evening, some person without fear of God or
the laws of man, entered their residence and
robbed. Last Sunday Mr. French and wife
went to the country, and while absent some
one again entered their house. They got
little for their trouble save ft few dollars ab
stracted from Mrs. French's hand purse,
which they cut open with a knife.
Mailing Machine.
Some time ago we purchased a new mail
ing machine but until recently we
have not had time to set Bp type
for and arrange the mailing list. The ma
chine prints every subscribers name on the
paper with the date at which his subscrip
tion expires. It will be m order for every
person to pay up they need not now have
the excuse that they did not know when it
was due.
Cartridge Exploded.
Mr. Lee, with A.J. Langworthy, was ex
amining the cap of a cartridge charged with
shot and powder, when it exploded making
several ugly wounds in his face besides
shattering and tearing the hand. Dr.Smith
dressed the wounds.
Seattle, Wahington Ter., March 18, 18S1,
H. H. Warner & Co. : Sirs After suf
fering over ten years with kidney com
plaint I made use of your Safe Kidney and
Liver Cure, was cured, and have never had
the least symptoms of the disease since,
H. Patrick; ,
Two Bear and a Seer Kin ad.
James Scott, Janres Dunn and Stroud
Long went over to the Alsea last week
hunting. While traveling along the side
of a mountain a short distance apart leading
their horses seeking tor game, a large piece
of bark some fi teen or twenty feet long and
fonr or five inches through, came loose from
an old dead fir tree on the side of the moun
tain above them and came tumbling along
down the side of the mountain towards
them. It seemed to bs aimed in the direc
tion of Messrs Dunn and Scott who were
near together. Shortly before reaching
them it appeared like it would certainly
strike them and their horses and knock
them headlong down into the chasm below;
but fortunately before reaching them its
own weight broke it into three pieces one of
which struck just in front of Mr. Scott only
a few feet, another piece fell just behind
Mr. Dunn and the third piece came between
them, missing all of them and uo one being
injured. If either piece of it had struck
any of the party it would havejkilled them
so suddenly that no one but his friends
would ever have learned what had hurt him.
The result was fortunate and no one hurt.
The party killed two nioa fat bear and a
deer on the trip and arrived home last Sat
urday. Two Burgeons Representing tno National
Surgical Institute
Of Indianapolis, Philadelphia, . Atlanta
Ga., and San Francisco, will be in Portland,
Oregon, at the St Charles Hotel, from Nov.
2d to the 11th inclusive, prepared with an
expensive outfit of the most approved appa
ratus, for the treatment of all cases of dis
ease of the spine, hip, knee, ankle, crooked
limbs, club feet, 4c, &c. They will be
prepared to make the most difficult surgical
operations, including cataract, cross syes,
hare lip, deformities of the face, dividing
tendons, operations for disease of the gen
ital organs, piles, fistula, &e. A rare op
portunity is offered those needing their
services. Old patients especially requested
to visit them. 41w3
harbor narrowly escaped drowning at an
early hour yesterday morning. He fell into
the water at the foot of Cass street, and was
rescued by officer Richardson in the most
.exhausted oondition. He claims te have
"been "roiled" and afterwards shoved into
the water by parties to whom he made an
incautious display of his wealth,
The American ship Patricias, 30 days
from Yokohama, and the British bark Cum
brian, from Sidney, are outside, together
with the Trove'.;, an and W. H. Starbuok.
All four have pilots aboard.
, .
Jackson County.
Some of our farmers have commenced
plowing but they are now getting more rain
than is wanted.
That ws are to have a distillery Is a set
tled fact and work will be commenced at
. .. . . . . , , .
once. A meeting or tne stools aoiaers is to
be held to-day for the purpose of electing
officers. The building will be created on
the valley road on Niek Fkk's ground.
It was one of the Shermans who passed,
through town last week, en route for San
Francisco, with some horses left at Rose
burg bj the circus. It is stated upon ap
parently good authority that that institu
tion cleared over $50,000 on their trip
through Oregon and Washington Territory.
The five-mill tax levied for building pur
poses will raise in the neighborhood of $0,
000, which, added to the amount already on
hand in the building fund, will make over
$14,000 available early next spring. With
the increase in the value and amount of
property anticipated during next year, the
County Commissioners can easily pay off all
demands against the county on account of
the new court-house, without raising the
taxes at all.
of the old
GRAHAM-RADER By the Rev. Robt.
Stephens, at Albany, on Oct. 7. 1882, Mr.
Richard Graham of Corvallis and Miss
Mary Rader of Linn county.
Mr. Graham is bne of Corvallis' model
young men. He has been a resident of our
city for several years and ha a general ac
quaintance throughout Benton county who
will be more than pleased to hear of his
good fortune. Miss Itador, the other -con
tracting party, is a lady of many good qual
ities aud is also favorably known among our
citizens. The Gazetth wishes that "Dick"
and his amiable "better-half" may live for
many a year together and enjoy all the hap
piness imaginable.
The Concert.
The concert give at the Evangelical church
last evening was a fine success.. The sing
ing and speaking by the little folks was
above the average all those takiug a part
acquit ed themselves in a creditable manner.
The house was well filled and conse
quently the proceeds were good, which will
go far in purchasing the hymn boons con
Business Education.
We can furnish at this office, to any per
son desiring a thorough business education,
a certificate for a scholarship in the Colum
bia business college of Portland, Oregon,
which will entitle the purchaser to a thor
eugh course of instruction at this school.
A good canvassing agent wanted to do gen
eral canvassing business. For information
inquire at the Gazette office.
Monroe Items.
There are several cases of scarlet fever in
the country near by.
R ev. Father VinLin was in town a few
days since looking after his church matters.
Work has been suspended on the Catholic
church for a time; the people are auxiously
waiting its completion that they may have
meeting to attend on Sundays.
Mr. Looney's feed stable is about comple
ted he thinks of starting a livery stable as
soon as tne aenianci win jnstny n.
Mr, Thompson, our enterprising druggist,
just received from Portlaifd a fine upright
showcase; it is a real beauty and shows his
fine stock of goods to a great advantage.
The district school is progressing finely
and now numbers, 47.
The spelling school on last Friday evening
was a decided success. Miss Nellie Seenous
and Adam Willkelm carrying away the
laurels. Mr. Bunnett intends having spell-,
ing school every Friday evening, connected
with literary work, which will givo our
young folks profitable and pleasant amusement.
Its Johnnie Jackson who wears that broad
smile on his face now days, and well he may
for he is going to stand up and be made two
nxt Sunday "sure pod." Of course at this
time we decline giving the name of the
fair one but he has been Larkm around the
Lea of late it would not be a hard matter to
Clatsop County.
The cutting Packing company put up
6,000 cases of salmon at Cook's Inlet, Alas
ka this season.
8,000 centals of wheat went down in
San Francisco bay, last Tuesday, by the
capsizing of a barge. It is a total loss.
According to the census of 1880, there
were then residing in all parts of the United
States 81,608 persons who were bom In Ore
gon. A new county has been created by act of
the legislature. It is to be carved out of
southern Oregon territory and will be named
Our Washington Territory neighbors are
gallantly nominating women canidatee for
the office of school superintendent in the
several counties.
On the Columbia, yesterday, went 1,700
cases salmon, of which 1,500 were from the
Tilamok Packing Co., and 200 from F, M
Warren, Cafchlamet.
A sailor from off one oi the vessels to the
Yamhill County
(McMinnville Reporter)
An act enabling the removal
cemetry from the town of McMinnville pass
ed the Senate on Tuesday.
McMinnville can boast of having the hand
somest, loveliest, sweetes, most graoeful, el
egant, and hungry lot of young ladies on
tbia coast.
Mr. Richard Sparks, shows us a potato of
the Peerless varioty raised near Wheatland,
that beats anything we have seen yetj, it
only weighs 4J pounds. Who next.
Doc Tucker looked lonesome enough while
moping around for several days. His wife
made a visit with friends at Corvallis, but
has returned again and Doo wears his usual
smile again.
The net earnings of the Sheriffs office of
Yamhill County for the three semi-annual
terms ending June 30th, 1882, was 4,425 16
The Clerk's net earnings for sames period,
$3,057 49.
Mining News.
Daselles Co. of scotch gulch, Josephine
county, are still at work and doing well.
Geo. Simmons is about resuming his work
on his diggins in Shelly gulch, Jofipbine
county, which are said to be rich, though
very deep. SS?
Derickson & Co.'s mills on horseheadA -,;
Josephine county, is crushing bettor quartz
than ever, and the enterprise promises to De
remunerative. Excellent quarts has been
found at the bottom of an old shaft.
Alex. Watts paid Jacksonville a visit this
week and reported miners of Josephine gen
erally busy getting ready for winter. Oper
ations promise to be more extenait e man
usual and the mineral resources of that sec
tion are receiving considerable attention
from abroad. He is himself putting 200
feet of new pipe oh his claim on horsehead,
A Desirable Purchase.
7 acres in the north portion of the city of
Corvallis to be sold immediately. House
and improvements. What offers? Apply
at once to C. H. Nash. Corvallis.
Senate. t
Salem, Oct. 12,
H. B. 23, to appropriate money to furnish
the Oregon Insane asylum; read first and
second times.
On motion of Hendricks the rules were
suspended, the bill read the third time now
and passed 29 to 1.
Senate concurred in adoption of house
amendment to the woman's suffrage reso
lution, relating to the publication of the
same for four weeks in one newspaper in
each judicial district of the state.
S. B. 113. redistricting the state into ju
dicial districts, and providing for the time
and place ef holding supremo, circuit and
county courts, was taken up; passed.
H. B. 1, providing for pilotage on Colum
bia and Willamette rivers, was taken up.
On motion of Hirsch, the rales were sus
pended the bill read a third time now, and
placed on its final passage; passed 24 to 4.
Senate adjourned.
Salem, Oct. 13.
The senate concurred in the adoption of
the house amendment to S. B. 15, authoriz
ing the superintendent of the penitentiary
to contract for convict labor. The amend
ment provides that convict labor shall be
contracted for at 40 cents per day instead of
30 cents as named in the bill.
S. B. 27, providing for taxing private
prosecutors with costs and disbursements
of criminal actions when found to be malic
ious without probable cause; passed.
Salem, Oct. 14.
' Humphrey introduced a resolution autho
rizing the secretary of state to purchase
300 copies of volumes 9 and 10 of the su
preme court reports.
S. B. 19 To empower the governor to
grant pardons in certain cases; passed.
S. B. 42 To regulate the salaries of
county judges; passed.
S. B. 43 So transfer proceedings from
the county court fo the circuit court in cer
tain cases; passed.
S. B. 54 For relief of George K. Shiel;
S. B. 39 Providing for the establishment
of state normal schools; passed.
(Salem, Oct. 16.
Waldo, from Judiciary committee, re
ported H. B. 70, for the creation of the
Office of state reporter, recommendjog
it pass; ordered engrossed' for third reji
8. B. 123, Haines To regulate the build
ing of railroads through passes, defiles gor
ges and canyons; read first and second times
by title under suspension of rules. Rules
were further suspended, the bill was read a
third time and passed.
RKAsnra or 'engrossed bills.
S. B. 2 To regulate transportation of
passengers and freight by railroad corpora
tions; lost.
The president announced that he had
signed H. B. 1, providing for pilotage on
the Columbia and Willamette rivers.
S. B. 101 To provide for a board of canal
and locks commissioners at Willamette falls
and otherwise regulate the passage of steam
boats and water oraft through the. same;
Hendricks introduced S. C. R. 1 Thank
ing Mr. H. Villard for his generous offer
for the support of the State University;
S. B. 81 To prevent swine from run
ning at large; passed.
S. B, 114 To regulate the measurement
and survey of lumber in the log; passed.
S. B. 88 Providing for the selection and
location of state lands and management of
proceeds arising from the sale thereof;
Salem, Oct. 12.
Webb moved that the house take up the
consideration of senate joint resolution 5,
which calls for the prohibition amendment
to the constitution. Webb favored the
adoption of the resolution and made a very
effective speech in its favor, showing by a
reference to statistios that where the sale of
liquors is unrestrioted, orime la correspond
ingly greater than where it is, and closed
by asking that Dr. Watts, president of the
state temperance association, who was with
out the bar, bs permitted to address the
Isom here moved the previous question,
which was carried, and the roll was called
on the adoption of resolution. The resolu
tion was then adopted by a vote of 52 to 6.
On motion, H. B. 29, whioh was a spoo
ls! order for 2 P. M., was taken up. The
bill creates the county of Thurston out of
Umatilla, and fixes the salary of county
judge aud treasurer. The bill provoked
considerable discussion, and there were pre
sented a petition from those favoring the
measure and remonstrance from those op
posing it. A motion was made to recommit
which was strongly opposed by the Uma
tilla delegation, Sperry making a strong
speech in opposition and also against the
passage of the bill and desiring the meas
ure to come to a vote; the bill was then
H. B. 51 Amending criminal code rela
tive to embezzlement by bailee; read third
time and passed,
Salsm, Oct. 13.
H. B. 16, to regulate the fees of sheriffs
and clerks. Passed.
The special committee to whom was re
ferred H. B. 68, to prevent swine from run
ning at large, reported the same back with
amendments, Adopltff; read a third time
and passed.
e from Senate notifying of passage
B. 6 Act for protection of fish and
gsn&r reaa hrst, second and third time3 and
HouseJ.vened at 2 P. M. and resumed
consideration of H. B. 64, fcr liens for me
chanics; the question being, shall the bill
pass T
S. B. 29 To tax costs on private prose
cution in certain cases; read first, second
and third times, and passed under the sus
pension of the rules.
S. B. CO For the support of the State
Agricultural College, was read a second and
third times and passed.
H. B. 85 To amend ths school law; read
a third time, and passed.
Salem, Oot. 10.
33d ballot, Mitchell, 38; Failing, 20;
Shattuck, 30.
Adoption of S. J. R. 12, providing for
the purchase of 300 volumes of 9 and 10
Oregon supreme court reports.
Ford moved that that portion relating to
furnishing copies to members of the legis
lature be stricken out, which motion pre
vailed and the resolution was adopted as
H. B. 86 Regulating interchange of com
mon carrier traffic; read tin ragtime.
House took up H. B. 134, to punish tres
passers; read Second and third time and
H. B. 37, to reimburse the agricultural
college; ordered engrossed and read a third
time at 3 o'clock to-morrow.
H. B. 41, to regulate the sale of malt,
spirituous and vinous liquors; passed.
H. B. 13, to exempt homesteads from a
forced sale; read third time and passed.
H. B. 72, amending civil code; read third
time and passed.
Also adopting S. C. R. 14, thinking Vil
lard for his offer of a donation to the uni
versity ; concurred in also.
Passage of S. Bs. 81, 88, 101 and 1 14.
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon,
October 5, 18SB.
Notice Is hereby given that tie following-namttd
settler has Bled notice of hi intention to make final
proof Id support of his claim, and that Mid proof
will be made before the County Clerk of Benton
county at Corvnllls, Oregon, on
MONDAY, NOY. 18, 1882.
vis: Cyrus B. Carr, Homestead Entry No. 3487, for
the & . quarter of S. S. quarter of Sec. 17, N. half
of N. E. quarter and 8. W. quarter of N. K. quarter
of See. SO, T. 11, S. K. 11 W.
Be names the following witnesses to prove has
sontinuous residence upon and cultivation of said
land, viz: T. M. Bamadsll, Sr., L E. Davis and
Tract- Davis, of Newport, and Cyrus Dixon of Kings
Valley, all of Benton county, Oregon. -
19-12w6 L. I. BAELK, Register,
We have received a shipment ef tosacee
direct from the east and can make lew
prices. Clover, (Imothv aad saesqnU grass
seed, alsea and Los ingeles honeys East
ern sugars and syrups coal oil aad lamp
stock, at very low prices.
Steam Lnnnch Tflary Hall
Will carry the United States mail, passengers and
freight between Elk City and Newport, making daily
trips from Newport t Elk City and return gante
day. Special trips made when reoired.
maySyl R. A. BENSELL.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon tq
Benton county, '
M. L. Clark, Plaintiff,
, . I Jk
Andrew Jackson Clark, DafSSMMSi . -
To Andrew Jackson Clark, the, anew named de
fendant: .
In the name or the State ef Oregon you are herocy
summoned and required to appear and answer' the,'
complaint of said plaintiff in the above entitled suit
now on file with the clerk of saia Circuit court, oo.or
before the third Monday of November next 1SSV. the
same being the 6rat day of the regular tenu of said
court for said county of Benton and State ox Oregon.
And you axe further notified that if you Sail to
answer said complaint as herein required the plaintiff
will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in
the complaint.
The relief demanded in the complaint is a divorce '
from tho bonds of matrimony and uevree lur tho
custody of the children.
Published by order of Hon. Robert Beaa, Jijg of
said court. Said order made at Cham bar a. a amne
City, Lane county, on the 9th day of October fcesV
l!M2wo Att'ys for Plaintiff,
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon,
October 7, 1882.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before the Judge or Clerk of Benton
county, at Corvallis, Or., on
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 18, 1882,
Tin Oeorxe if. Starr, Homestead No. BBSS, for the
E i of N. E. 1 sod lots S and 8, Beo. ST, T. H, S. R.
11 W. He names the following witnesses to prove
hie continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, vis: George Mercer, Lester Mercer and
j- Thomas Roves of Corvallis and E. M. Starr of Collins,
ton county, OregCT.
ITflBBwf W. T BENJAMIN, Kt-jister
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon,
September 39, 1889.
Notice is hereby given that the following gamed
settler has filed notice of bis intention so makadnal
proof In support of his claim, and . ssd poof,
will be made before Register and Re ;eiveC L
Land OfBco at Oregon City, Oregon, n
TUESDAY, NOV. 7, 1332
viz: Adam C. Darling, Pre-omptl a D. S. No. SOB
for the lots 3, 1 and 5 and eoutheas (quarter of north,
west quarter of section 27, T. II, S. R. 11 W.
He names the following witnesses to prove bis
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said
land, viz: Marlou Ruble, James H. Doty, James
Collins aad Richard Lutjena, all of Collins . J,
Benton county, Oregon. - i wS L. T. BARIN, Besfsjer. t
Land Office t Oregon City, Oregon, t
September 28, 1SS&V
lowing-named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before the County Clark at
Benton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on
MONDAY, NOV. C, 1332,
vie: Mattle E. Magahey, Pre. D. S. No. 8648, lor tasj
N. W. i of S. W. i and E. J of S. W. J of See. 3 and
N. E. i of N. W. i of Seo. 10, T. II, S, R. 11 W,
He names the following witnesses to prove bit
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said
land, viz: Fred Greenbrook, Miss R. Thompson,
Miss Laura Thompson and Mrs. N. A. Jessup, all of '
Newport, Benton county, Orea-on.
19:4Jlw-5 L. T. BARIN , Register
Land Offce at Oregon City, Oregon
September 27, 158.
lowingg named settler has filed notioe of his hi
tenticn to make final proof In support of his claim.
and that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk oi Benton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on
vis: . James H. McNeal, Pre. D. S. No. S783, f i r the)
N. J of N. W. i of Seo. 19 and lots 10 aud H of Sea.
18, T. 11, 8. R. 10 W.
He names the following witnesses to prove his coo
tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land,
viz: Fred Rundred, Chas. E. Montgomery, i. O.
Graham aud W. Mackey, all of Toledo, Beaton
county, Oregon.
19-41-W5 I T. BARIN, Register.
Notice of Final setUamsns.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, ax
ecutor of the last will and testament of Elisabeth CL
Starr, deceased, filed his final account with said
CBtate in the county court of Benton county, Oregon,
on the 2nd day of October A. D. 1882, the same being -
a regular term thereof, and by order of said court on
said day duly made the said executor's will at th
regular November term of said court tor 1831. oct
Monday the 6th day of November 1882, at the hone
of 1 o'clock A. M, apply to said court far final set
tlement of his accounts with said estate and to be
discharged from his soidlttust. The time last afoss
sald being the time appointed by said court for aU.
final settlement and the Bearing oDjecuons k w
final account.
Dated this the Stb day of October 1882.
Executor of the last wllljand testament of Elizabeth.
C. Starr deceased. I:4l-w8
In the Circuit court of the State of Oregon, to tits-
County of Benton.
L. F. Grover, a F. Chadwick and L. Flefsohaer, ths
board of commissioners for the sale of echoollaj4
and the management of the common school fnadv
V . . !
E. Marpie and Ann Eliza Marple defendants.
Notice is hereby given tbat by virtue of a deoren
and execution issued out of the said Circuit court of
the State of Oregon for the County of Bentsn in ths
above entitled suit, on the 15th day of Beptenbe)
A. D. 1832, In favor of said plaintiffs, L. F. flrever.
S. F. Chadwick and L. Fleischner, constituting- tss
board of commissioners for the sale of school lands
and the management of the common school fond.
and against the above named defendants E, Marple
and Ann Eliza Marple, for the sum of Fifteen hun
dred and forty -six dollars and fifty-four cents, with
Interest thereon from and after the 15th day of April
A. D. 1879, at the rate of te per cent par annum
until paid and the further sum of twenty-three dol
lars and ninety-five cents coats and accruing eosts
eight dollars and sixty-five cents and costs herein
and expenses of said sale to me directed and delivered
and commanding me to sell the real Jproperty herein
after described and a also described in said decree)
and execution, to satisfy the same I hare levied upon
the said real property described as follows, to-wit:
The west half and the S. E, quarter of section
seventeen, and the west half of the southwest quar
ter of section sixteen, and the southeast quarter anhj
the east half of the northeast quarter and the sooth
half of the southwest quarter and the northeast quar
ter of the southwest quarter and the southeast quar
ter of the northwest quarter of section eighteen and
the north half of the northwest quarter and ths
southwest quarter of the northwest quarter andth
northwest quarter of southwest quarter of section
twenty, all in township eleven, south of range five,
west, in Benton county, Oregon, containing eleven
hundred and twenty acres of land together with all
and singular the tenements and appurtenances
thereunto belonging and
at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of said
day at the courthouse door in the city of Corvallis,
in Benton county, Oregon, I will sell the above des
cribed premises at public auction, to the highest
bidder for cash in hand, to satisfy said decree and
execution aud the amount due thereon with aeoruiivfl;
Dated at Corvallis. Oregon, this the CStbday
Bnntembcr. A. D. I8S2. HOL. STNG,
6heri5 oi TXnton Co., Ore'.j.