Short announcement of deaths published free. When accompanied by an extended notice or reso lutions five cents per line will be charged. All poetry published by request will be charged for at the rate ol Dve cents per line. may be fouiid on file at Bureau (10 Spruce street) mi i in n A Tvrrn I tl In r H r U Bk Geo. P. Rowell & Co. 'a Newspaper Advertising where advertising contracts may be made for it Hew York, at not less tnan our regular au. rates. New Material. We received not long ago a new job press and a large lot of new job type of the latest styles and designs directly from the East If you wont printed in the latest style nice Letter heads, Bill heads, Envelopes, Visiting cards, Business cards, Programs, Ball tickets, Mote books, Order books, Keceipt books, Posters, Druggists labels, Gummed or Ungu aimed, Legal blanks Or fine book or job printing ol any kind vou cab cet them at the Gazeite office at a trifle more than cost of labor and mater ial. Call and examine them. LOCAL NOTES. Beauty's Bower. ,This famous, cigar is Only sold at T. J. Buford's. Ol Tempi; ius of Albany was in towi last Monday. A quantity el old newspapers for sale at this office. The Sea Foam arrived in at the Yaquina last Monday. Stationery and books of all descriptions at PostofBce Store. All kinds of Blanks in stock and for sale at the Gazette office. More new goods arriving at A. J. I worthy's Cash Store. New goods constantly arriving at A. J. Ijangworthy's cash store. All kinds of book and job printing done on short notice at this office. The largest assortment of notions in the city at Buford's New3 Depot. Banjos, guitars, violins, accordeans, con certeuas, at Buford's Newa Depot. Ala Harris of Albany made a trip to Cor -vallis and returned last Sunday. Tetter heads, bill heads, envelopes and posters printed on short notice at this office. Wb. Goldsom of this place is again in the photograph gallery "here taking pictures . Books, stationary periodical, musical instructors, musical folios at Buford's News Depot. A aiaguificent selection of candies from Sam Francisco just arriveed at Postoffice store. Legal blanks furnished at this office on short notice at less than San Francisco prices. A fine watch and clock given away on subscription to the Wasp at Buford's News Depot. J. B Goodman and wife was in town Sat urday patronizing the photograph gallery of this place. Dr. F. Cauthorn and wife of Gervaris, wan in town last Sunday and Monday visit ing friends and relatives. B. W. Wilson returned home from the Bay last Saturday after a protracted stay of a long time at the latter place. If you want a pair of boots and shoes t?.t will wear well and fit nicely you can find them at S. H. Look's shoe store. w-2 Samuel Case, of Newport, returned from Portland last Friday and remained here un til Monday morning at which time he de parted for home. Marshal Pygall started for Pertland yes terday taking with him Ur. John Indian or selling liquor to that race of which his name Would indicate. Mrs. Mattie Dowsing, who has boon vis iting Mrs. fV. B. Carter of this city, fsr the past two weeks, returned to her "home in Portland on Wednesday. $20 saved by buying your sewing machine at Will Bro'e. Be sure and call on tiem before purchasing elsewhere, it certainly will be to your advantage. Patronize home industry and home m?de furniture and upholstering by buying of the old pioneer August Knight one of the finest and best workmen in Oregon. Engineer McMillan with his new wife and Mr. Win. Parker of Toledo, came out ar riving at Corvallis last Saturday, and pro ceeded to Albany on Sunday last. If you want as good and fine job printing done as can be done anywhere on the Pacific Coast, bring your jobs to this office. We are prepared to execute it at the lowest possible prices. Persons in the city or country wishing anything in the general merchandise line, trill find it to their advantage to call at A. 3. Langwortiu'i cash store before purchas ,g elsewhere. We keep constantly on hand at this office large lot and variety of stationery letter heads, bill heads, envelopes, and papers of different kinds which we furnish at the lowest possible prices. Some people think they can advertise enough in a day to last them a year. It can no more be done than you can eat enough in a day to last a year. It is the steady advertising that counts. A new piece of music from the press of Sherman Clay of San Francisco entitled "la the Twilight" Gavotte, purpots to be a nne piece of music and may be found at all music dealers. Price 40 eta. The. year 1900 is a leap year, but never theless February will not have but 28 days, a curious fact that happens every 200 years, and always when the hundreds aie odd. Who can tell as why this is a fact? Why Will people continue to use blank envelopes, letter heads and bill heads, when they can get printed heads and envelopes at the Gazette office in the most approved style at only a little more than the cost f paper and about what they bny them by Mellons, peaches, pears, tomatoes, apples grapes, and a general variety of ail other kinds cf fresh fruits and vegetables in great abundance to be found cheap at A.J. Lang worthy's Cash Store. The Corvallis Gazette is one of the best advertising mediums in Oregon, because it goes to a large paying list of subscribers who are able to bny and pay for any article they see advertised if they want it Why will people continue to use plain envelopes, letter and bill paper, when they can get them with a nice stylish business card or head printed thereon at the Gazett office at about what it costs to buy the blank material at retail. Mr. Wright, the artist, is at present on the coast, in the vicinity of Newport sketching a few scenes for his brush this winter. Mr. Wright is an artist of rare talent and will no doubt turn out some fine paintings beiore another spring. Miss Emma and Miss Rosa Stannus who have been quite ill at the Belt house, Inde pendence, are slowly coavalesing. The little daughter of Mrs. Leander Staunus is still very low with typhoid fever. An abscess is forming in the childs neck which threatens still further to complicate the Italllan Tourists. A couple of Itallian tourists honored our town this week- with their presence. From their Isntusge and general appearance they seem to be of that nationality of whom near ly an o: tnern troni clioiee preler to be pro fessional beggars in preference to engaging in honest toil for a livelihood. Their suc cess il tj-eir calling no doubt was good as our citizen1? as a general thing prefer to err on the side of charity rather than to sec a worthy person remain in want; besides we saw a number of our citizens respond to their demands. At one place they applied to ono of onr townsman and the one who could ses informed him that his companion was blind; our fellow townsman asked what was the matter with him (that is the one who was not blind), whereupon he respond ed tiat his back was crippled. To all ap pearfcnees However He appeared like a man able to earn his bread by the sweat of his brow. They passed on to the next who reapoaded with a quarter and so the busi ness went on. They claimed to be from Portland and Astoria. If such is the case tkoie p!s'.es are able to take care of their poor Kud they should have remained there. But it is likely thev are from those daces the same manner that they will be from Corvallis when they arrive at the next town. tTBfortuaat Accident. Mr. Is. P. Briggs when on his way last Saturday to the Morrison Bros sale, stoped near the Muddy bridge beyond the Grange Hall to water his team. Ke unhitched tiem and drove them down the bank to a place which appeared like stock had been frsqneatly there. The horses had only pro ceeded mto toe water a short way when thsy soon went off a steep place into twini ng water. When Mr. B.iggs timed them roM nd in trying to get them out he found that the bank where they had went in was to mudy and steep that he could not get theia o.'t without help. Finally after the horses had took l jvral turns around in the water end become tangled in the harness so that it seemed like they would drown, some pirtiss- from a threshing crowd came aloug and assUted him by puting a rope around the horse and hitching a team to the rops they suooeeded in draging them ont on ta dry laud Ooa of the horses is crippled so badly that it may ruiu him. Hops. Many of the best women and girls as well as men end 1 oys in town are in the hop field this yea- picking hops, the State Journal vary well and truly says. This is a hapsful sign. The greatest drawback to prosperity ia Oregon heretofore has been the difficulty of getting people to work. When tJse baft and most respectable people in the community, both ladies and gentlemen, ir!s ind ioyt, engage in useful and health ful labor, as they are now doing, instead of idling time away, as has been too much the ru'e formerly in this State, the country must prosper. They not only increase the wealth and prosperity of themselves and the community, but help to popularize labor and Kake it respectable, by showing that they are neither too proud nor too loay to work tad earn an honest living. W. P. BUTCHER DBOWMKJ). Horse Disease. A r.t range, ami to our citizens, new dis esse, as beju causing some sickness among horsc3 in certain localities says the Prine ville Jfewe. Several have died in the neigh borhood of Powell Buttes, and a case or two have bsen noticed in other places, though we have not yet heard of any deaths ex cept those above mentioned. An examina tion after death revealed an infiamation of the iutestines, but no cause has yet been discovered. The disease is not general at all, and there is no cause for alarm, the sickness not being contagious. Interesting. The Semi- Weekly East Oregonian, pictures of Pendleton, Centerville, Weston, Uma tilla City, Echo City, Pilot Bock and Hepp ner, to any address three months, $1; sis months, $1.75; twelve months, 3. Sample copy of paper and picture, 25 cents. The best and truest description of Umatilla county the great wheat and sheep country ever written. Address East Oregonian Publishing Co., Pendleton. Umatilla County, Oregon. Dead. An editor went out to walk one bright morning. He saw a man who had no ad vice to give him about his paper. He had no fault to find with his politics, could make no alteration in the editorials,' was not particular as to the size of the paper; in fact, had no suggestions to make. It was at the morgue. The man was dead. A Business Education, A certificate of scholarship for sale at this office to theJPortland business college of which A. P. Armstrong Is president. Speculations Doubtful During the early part of the day last Mon day a report came here by parties from Al bany to the effect that W. P. Butcher had drowned in the Willamette river on the afternoon of the day before. Later reports brought the news that on last Saturday afternoon Mr. Butcher bought at Albany a viol of arsenic, and on Sunday afternoon, down about the lower part of town, a small hand valise which was recognized to have belonged to Butcher was found on the bank of the river together with some articles of clothing, the vial of arsenic, a tumbler which appeared like it had contained some water mixed with a portion of the arsenic Along with these articles was found a short note signed by Butcher and stating, in sub stance that his life had been a failure and he was tired of living and that he had drank the arsenic from the glass mixed with water and had afterwards jumped into the river in order to savt his friends the burden of payiug his funeral expenses. When these articles were found it created some considerable excitement with the citi zens of Albany. A large crowd soon col lected on the banks of the river near by the newly discovered relics of what was then supposed by them to be of the late W. P. Bntcher, deceased. They commenced drag ging the river but all of their trouble was of no avail. They found not the remains of the lamented Butcher. His shaddowy form had evaporated into an unseen aerial sub stanoe, too transparent to be observed and had departed from the gaze of the anxious crowd. The shaddow which he left behind was not "Black" enough to be visible to the naked eye of his friends, and the involun tary inquiry which continually fell from the lips of the crowd was "Where is Butcher?" But the, brilliant and swift gliding waters of the great Willamette failed to echo back an answer. On Monday afternoon the stage driver, to and from Albany, brought to onr city news to the effect that since the satchel, viol, cup of poison and the note (so usual on such occasions) had been found, that all that was mortal of the late departed and lament ed Butcher was found preambulating the streets of Jefferson. Since the above was in type information reaches us that parties from here went to Albany last Wednesday to investigate the reports above refered to and upon a pretty thorough examination of the whole matter they were convinced that Mr. Butcher had met a watery grave. They could not find that there was any truth in the report that he had been seen at Jefferson. On Satur day before arriving at Albany and while going there he told several persons that he thought he would put an end to himself and he also said the same to a party here before leaving. The Local Editor. Who is there in any town who does more for the community at large than the local editor of its local paper ? Who is it that labors harder and does as much unpaid, and often unthanked for work as he ? He re joices with you in your prosperity, and sor rows with you in your adversity. He chron icles your birth, proclaims your marriage festivities, and when you have paid the last debt of nature, he vents his grief and fre quently perils his chance for heaven in en deavoring to give you a clear record where on to begin business in the other world, and what is his reward ! There are always plenty in a neighborhood to curse that blockhead of an editor." Why ? Because, perhaps, after wearying his brains for years in getting up complimentary notices for yourself, your family and your business, for all of which probably, you have never said thank you," he has inadvertantly said something that does not strike you just right. People should remember that he is beset by many perplexities, many are the axes that are brought to him for a free turn of the crank, and taking everything into consideration, he omits calling attention to but few events of social, moral or business importance that occur in his vicinity and where anything concerning yon is not set forth in suear coated words, investigate before allowing your anger to arise and nine times out of ten it will prove an accident. Exchange. Lady Bun Over by a Horseman. The following accident of an unprincipled deed we take from a Portland paper, which is only one among several of the same kind which we have noticed in exchanges from that city during the last several months. Portland boasts of her superiority, and yet we have never heard of any of the uncivi lized and unprincipled skallawags being punished in that place for riding and driv ing their horses over and cripling the ladies who may be in that city: "While crossing Second street, on Alder, Thursday night, Mrs. J. A. Moran, of The Dalles, accomp anied by her sister, Miss Thompson, were run into by a man on horseback, riding at a furious rate of speed. Both ladies were knocked down and seriously injured, while the rascal who had done the damage kept on up the street at the same pace without once looking back. Mrs. Moran was injur ed by a similar accident at the corner of Third and Alder about three months ago." County Court Sept. Term. AtComty Court for September term, 1882, among other things the following pro ceedings were had: Gillian and Tracy of Elk City precinct was granted licence for 6 months to sell liquors in quantities less than one quart. Report of viewers on road leading from corner of G. W. Houcks land and S. E. corner of McCauley Porters land to opposite Peoria on Willamette river read first time and afterwards declared public highway and ordered opened. Ferry licence granted to Jacob Holgate to keep ferry across Alsea bay for period of one year. The appointment of J. N. Goltra to a scholarship to the State University was de clared canceled. Emma M. Wright, Annie C. Wright and Alexander Brady were appointed to a schol arship in the State University. Drowned. At Albany last Monday a little 8 year old boy of Mr. Withers, who recently arrived at that place from the state of Missouri Husbands Counsel With your Wives. As our county assessor, Mr. E. Skipton, has been contemplating going out of office soon, he celebrated the event by treating his threshing crowd with a five-gallon keg of beer; and to keep the secret from his wife, he hid the keg in the well some dis tance from the house. On the following Sunday, he found the beer and poured out half a gallon. On Monday his wife also found the keg and poured out four gallons more, and said to herself: "Elijah, thou art no prophet." She then filled the almost empty keg with water and took the beer to the house and treated her lady visitors. Now for one week the threshers' mouths had been watering for that beer, and about dark that evening they found the keg. The first one drank his .luart and in the lang uage of Brick Pomeroy, "pronounced it good." Another drank and said, "It beats all yet." Another said: "It is dodgasted good." The verdict of every drinker was favorable till the twentieth drink which was simply termed: "Bully." The keg was emptied. .As most of them had some re ligious inclinations, they were new hands at the faucet and knew no better; but sup posed they were drinking the genuine article. Moral- When you get a keg of beer, loan the keys to your wife or she may drink the beer while you take water straight or near ly so. 1 EEE3EIX G IN OREGON. The Sacksowers' Essay. There is a class of men, as poor as a church member on Missionary Sunday, who are always ready to hire out. Although the farmers have long since condemned them as financial leeches; yet the threshing crowd isjmade up of those two classes of people. As the State is growing older society is making more discriminations. The thresh ers assume some very peculiar toilet eccen tricities. The "power-driver" is usually the most active man of the crowd and by far the blackest. The feeders dress in clothes that fit much like bathinsr suits and now-a-days to put on the college professor they wear goggles. The straw buck wears a Quaker bonnet made of gunny sacks and his shirt is usually like a Chinaman's, out side of his breeches. The pitchers wear a blouse cut close bias unless it be an Indian who always wears his clothes out "hias close. " Business begins. Threshers and preach ers always get the best victuals. If it be a little cloudy nine out of ten farmers want their threshing done first; and the machine corritoences its buzzing at sun-up and often keeps up its power late enough to run a few bolts and two or three pitchforks through, and if there be any pieces of -logchains around someone manages to pitch them in to the cylinder to hear them gingle and to see if they have the right, riddles on. If the weather be nice they thresh at the same rate, for fear it will rain; and it is the same old thing hurry, hurry. Hired hands are the only ones who see this, the farmers and owners of the thresher never can see the disadvantages of running so late and early. What if it should rain and spoil half of the crops, or what would be the re sult in case of drouth and no crop to thresh? In the East the farmers have their corn crops as a last resort in case of a wheat failure. We have no extensive corn crops in the Willamette. In fact we do not need them. The general atmosphere and climate are so invigorating that men relish the pure white bread that grows "on their thousand hills," and it never has nor never will fail to come forth abundantly. No Oregon thresh er has yet threshed grasshoppers for a busi- Jokes are as free in harvest as fie are at election. These are generally perpetrated at noon. Uusually there is one fight to make the episode romantic. After nine or ten at night all retire to some barn or straw yard, where they may find one or two fleas. If there be any anecdote unfit for the col umns of a newspaper it is told then. Here is where a man will forget his politics and religion. If a man has a weak spot it will leak ont on him in threshing season. Good men, even after night, have been known to find their neighbor's melon patches and other delicacies and clean them out to keep the other varmints from getting them. Some men won't bear running in crowds. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining unclaimed in the Postoffice at Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, Friday, Sept. 15, 1832. Persons calling for the same will please say "advertised," giving date of this list: IAMES' LIST. Bassett, Era Kegle, Cynthia Nichols, Mrs. S. J. Thompson, Anna B, gents' list. Kitteredfle, Ear. Maybee, James Osborn, T. W. Williams, La N. E, Barber, P. M. Water Ditch. W. T. Weber, Esq., who has just made a preliminary survey for a ditch proposed to be constructed from a point on the Will amette river near Buena Vista to Independence that a fall of over 20 ft., can be obtained, that the ditch will not be expensive to con struct and the length of the ditoh need not exceed 5 miles. Accident Yesterday a little boy, son of Mr. Wm . Sloper was thrown from the back of a horse which he was riding and was severely cut in the head. The wound was dressed by Dr. T. F. Smith and will not prove as serious as at first anticipated, though per haps enough to deter the little fellow from mounting a horse in a hurry again. A Boy. We will pay a boy the cash twice each week who will come promptly at the ap pointed time and roll for printing the Ga zette. Or we will pay a good active prompt and industrious young man or boy the cash every Saturday night for his ser vices who desires to enter our office to learn the printing business and continue until he learns the trade. The contract to be made with his paieats. From Blodget's Valley. Blodget's Valley, Sept. 9, 1882. Ed. Gazette: Thrashing is about done in this vicinity. Yield of grain is about two-thirds what it was last year. J. M. Cross ia building a new house. We hd a panorama show at the school house Thursday evening. Stock buyers have been in onr section o oonntry buying up beef oattle. J . C. Yantis is lying very low with in flamatory rheumatism. He has been sick for six weeks, during that time his parents and friends have sit up with him nearly every night. James C. Yantis is respected by all that know him he has no enemies he is a member of the blue ribbon club and has ever kept secret the temperance lodge. Willie Yantis, a .younger brother of James, is in a bad condition with a gathering in his side. He has gone to Corvallis to be doc tored. Thomas and Frank Yantis have come down from east of the mountains. James and; William are sens of Mr. and Mrs. John Yantis of Turn Turn. I have just returned from near Corvallis whero 1 have been working with Cooper's thresher. First run of eight days threshed 9000 bushels; run fifteen days and threshed mostly 15,000 bushels. D. C. Shebwin. DIED. MORGAN Died at Centevville, Oregon, on Sept. 1, 1882, John Morgan, aged 70 years. Deceased was a former resident of Cor vallis and known to many of our citizens. GENERAL. N. Baum, long a resident of Linn county, departed from Albany last Wednesday where he enters temporarily the wholesale establishment of Fleischuer, Mayer & Co. at Portland Messrs. W. C. Tweedale and C. H. Stew art returned to Albany on Saturday last from a two weeks' trip beyond the Cascade mountains. One day last week the water wheel of the Oregon City sawmill was completely de stroyed by a piece of wood that got into it. A large black bear was seen a few days ago inside one of the cemeteries near Van couver. Judge C. Lancaster, who recently sold his ranch of a thousand acres to Rev. A. L. Lindsley for $18,500 has lecated in Vancou ver, having purchased the Isaac Thomas place, on 5th street. Some of the rock sent by the Man wells of Salatchie to San Francisco went through the milling process, and yielded $S5 to the ton, confirming previous assays made of the same rock. Last Monday morning, Mr. L. W. Rob ertson of Independence, sold his entire stock of drugs and medicines to Goodman Broth ers, of Eugene, and will give possession on Monday next. There is strong talk of organizing a ditch company at Zena, Polk oounty. It ia pro posed to construct a ditch for the purpose of bringing water for household and mechan ical purposes. Clatsop County. Echanges. The Annie Johnson cleared yesterday with a cargo worth 9210,961. The American ship Astoria, Wilna, Robt. Dixon are over due at this port. It is affirmed that the Fraser river can neries will put up 225,000 cases of salmon this season. The Shubrick started out yesterday morning for Neah bay and cape Flattery, with a load of coal. The Cordelia will discharge 27a tons of coal at Gray's dock; the John O'Grant puts off 500 tons at Flavel's dock. The Norwegian ship Europfi, Johansenn master, seventy-four days from Adelaide, arrived in yesterday afternoon. An elk that weighed 1000 pounds when dressed, was lately killed in Grant county. The horns weighed fifty-one pounds. The British ship John O'Gaunt, Power master, arrived in yesterday from Sydney, N. S. W. She sailed July 2d, and has. on board 1000 tons of coal. The British bark Cordelia, Baron master, arrived in yesterday, 58 days from New Castle, N. -S. W., with 800 tons of coal consigned to Balfour, Guthrie & Co. Coal exports from Seattle to San Francis co during August aggregated 9060 tons. Puget Sound saw mills shipped to foreign ports last month a little over 5,000,000 feet of lumber, valued at $60,400. Shipments coastwise aggregated about 20,000,000 feet during the month. Lane County. Exchanges. Prof. J. E. Fenton has been selected Principal of the Eugene Puhho school for the ensuing term. The county court has appropriated $1500 more to be expended on the completion of the Siuslaw road. Major Berry is rebuilding his hotel, but on a much smaller scale. The frame work is up, and it has much the appearance of a billiard hall, but still it adds to the looks of things somewhat. The first annual fair of the Lane County Agricultural Society will be held on Thurs day and Friday, October 5th and 6th. The place selected is on the farm of J. R. Sel lars, five miles east cf Goshen and the same distance from CresswelL Ex-Sheriff Shelley is now clerking in the store of Mr. A. V. Peters in this city. Mr. Peters was fortunate in securing the servi ces of one so reliable and competent to manage business. It is rumored that Mr. Peters and wife will soon visit the Atlantic States and perhaps Europe before their return. Douglas County. Exchanges. One hundred and thirty hands are now at work on the Crescent City wagon road and it is being rapidly completed. A party who has been sojourning in the mountains of Southern Oregon informs ns that he saw thirteen trees that had been struck by lightning, and all but one was hit during the last 4th of July thunder storm. The track layers after laying the track some three miles beyond Riddle have again suspended operations and gone to ballasting up that part ef the road south of town, how ever so aeon as a new supply of iron and ties can be pushed to the front the good work will be renewed. Since the above was put in type, the track layers have re sumed work. Two ladies of Looking Glass precinct cir culated a remonstrance, against a certain petition to obtain license at the present term of court to sell liquor, and beat it two to one. It would be well for other women of other communities to make note of this, and follow the example, for their efforts will be crowned with success almost invar iably. If the class who are continually howling and making so much fuss about saloons, would put in a little of their time working as those women did, they might prove a blessing instaad of a curse. If you don't work, keep your everlasting racket to yourralf. Jackson Cosatr. Exchanges, The Railroad warehouse at Biddleburg will be finished in about ten days. Three attempts were recently made to burn Nevada City all of which proved un successful. The railroad is about completed to the first tunnel, forty-five miles south of Rose burg. Mr. Corder's residence and contents, at Grave Creek, was burned to the ground last week and proves a serious loss. Goran High, one of the residents of Ash land, is about commencing the construction of a substantial brick store building ad joining the Odd Fellews' edifice. Wm. Simpson informs us that a leprous Chinaman was dumped into Lewiston a short time ago, spreading consternation among the residents. Ho soou died, bow er. Rev. B. J. Sharp returned from the con ference this week and informs us that the Jacksonville and Ashland circuits have been consolidated for a time and that he will re main in charge until time when Rev. Lad ru Royal returns from the east or a new appointment is made for the latter place. It is expected that the read will be In operation above Redding as far as the Sacra mento bridge, by this time next year. The ties, rails and other apparatus are being piled up at Redding in great quantities, and Strowbridge with his immense Texas force is expected shortly, to commence grading. During the session of the county court this week we had the pleasure of viewing the design for the Court House as submit ted by the architect, G. E. Payne, of Ash land. The structure is to be brick, two stories high, 62 feet in length and 90 feet wide and is to cost $30,000. It is to be located in the court house square on the site where the old building now stands and work will be commenced on the foundation immediately after the contracts are let next Saturday. The court room will be 98x40 feet and will be located in the second story of the building. The lower story will be used as offices by our county officials, the Clerk and Sheriff taking the two front rooms. Business Education. We can furnish at this office, to any per son desiring a thorough business education, a certificate for a schollarship in the Colum bia business college of Portland, Oregon, which will entitle the purchaser to a thor ough course of instruction at this school. PBODUCE PRICE CURRENT, Wheat in Portland firm at 165 per cental. It may now be fairly quoted here clear: Wheat 75c. Oats 0c Wool oer lb 28 to 25 Flour Der barrel 6 0 Bacon, sides 14 to 16 Hams 15 to 18 Shoulders 10 to 12 Lard, 10 lb tins 15 to 16 " Kegs 14 to 16 Butter, fresh rolls 30 to 37 Eggs, per doz 20 to 25 Dried apples. Plummer. 8 to 10 " Sun dried- 0 to Plums, pitless 10 to 12 Chickens, per dps 8 00 to 350 Hides, dry flint 10 to 13 " green 6 to 7 Potatoes 60 to 60 Geese, tarns 600 Ducks, ' 160 to 4 00 Onions, per lb S to 3 CONSUMPTION CURED An old physician, retired from active practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India Missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for general Debility and all nervous com plaints, after having thoroughly tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, feels it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. The recipe with full particulars, directions for preparation and use, and all necessary advice and instruc tions for successful treatment at your own home, will be received by you by return mail, free oi charge by addressing with stamp or stamped self-addressed envelope to Ds. M. E. BELL, 161 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. 19:2yl A HOME FOB SALE. Four lots nicely situated in Corvallis, Ore- gon, with 1 GOOD DWELLING HOUSE, Bun and out-houses. Will sell all or only two lota. Call at the Gazette office or on 3S-m3 W. H. WHESIEB . C. MADDEN, -Attorney at Law COEVALLIS. OREGON. Will oractlca in all ol the Courts of th Stats. 18:52yl CORVALLIS Photograph Gallery. FE0T0GEAPH3 FBOX MIXATUBB TO LIFE SIZE. First Class Work Only! Copying in all branches. P ace o( all kinds and firewood taken at casta prices. S. 1IESLOP. THE CORVALLIS GAZETTE Clubbed with other publications with which we have made arrangements, so that persons wishing an Eastern paper can secure tha same, together with the Coevallis Gazette, , at a pries but iittle more than one; post' age prepaid. All new subscribers, and per sons wn nave paid ail arrearages, can avail themselves of this liberal otter. Cash ia advance must always accompany the order "The New York Weekly Times," Kepuh. lican, a 56 column paper, publisher's price $1 with the Corvallis Gazetts, payable in advance, for one year; $$40. "The Chicago Weekly News,' rndepend ent, a 32 column, 4 page paper, publishers price 75 cents, with our Gazextb, payabla in advance, for one year; $300. "The St. Loui3 Journal of Agriculture," a 48 column 8 page paper, publisher's price $1. with our Gazette, for one year, payabla in advance, $3,00. "Harper's Magazine," (illustrated, ) .pub lisher's price 4, with our Gazette, for one) year, payable in advance; 95,50, "Harper's Weekly" (illustrated) publish er's price 4, with our Gazette, for ona year, payable in advance; $5,76, "Harper's Bazaar" (illustrated) publisher's price $4, with our Gazette, for one year, payable in advance; $5,70 "Harper's Youne; People," publisher's) price 1,50, with our Gazettf, for one year, payable in advance; $3,70. "Scientific American." publisher's price $3,20, with our Gazette, for one year, pay. awe in advance; fa, 10. ''Scientifib American Supplement," pub lisher's price $5,00, with our Gazette, fo one year, payable in advance; $6,50. Scientific American and Supplement. publisher's price $7, with our Gazette, fox one year, payable in abvance; 53,10. "The American Agriculturist," publishers price $1,50, with our Gazette, for one year, payable in advance, 3,50. Will send the "Now York Weekly Tribune," and the Gazette, for one year. payable in advance, $3,50, or the "Semi Weekly Tribune and Gazette one year for 5 . A good farm afasc three miles northwest of (Jorvallis, consisting of about 42G ACRES, about sixty acres in cultivation, the balance excellent for stock purposes and well water ed. Terms cash rent; tenant to find seed and feed, landlord to furnish all necessary teams and implements. 36ml CEO. ARMSTRONG. Steam tuuuch Misry Hall Will carry the United States mail, passengers and freight between Elk City and Newport, making daily trips ifroni Newport U Elk City and return sattej day. Special trips made when reuired. may5yl E. A. BEifSELXv . NEW BUSINESS! Mountain "View :iiH. saih? 535 Cents per Gallon, WHEN REQUIRED FOR INFANTS, THE HU. of one cow will be furnished. Milk warranted PURE. LISTEN FOR THE BELLI A. G. MULKEY, Proprietor, ' Corvallis, January T, 1880. 19:27yl NEW FIRM I AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS We hav- in stock the Deering Twine Binders, Deering and Standard Mowers, Minnesota Chief Threshers, Morrison Plows, Minnesota Giant and Stillwater Engines, Elwooo mounted Horse-Power, Centennial Fanning mill, cel ebrated Buckeye line of Seeders and Drills. We also keep the celebrated Whitewater amf Ketchum wagons. june2yl W. H. MIIAHOLLAND, The Star Bakery I MAIN STREET, CORVALLIS, - OREGON P. N. Z1ER0LF, PROPRIETOR. FAMILY SUPPLY STORE, GROCERIES, BREAD, CAKES, PIES, CANDIES, TOYS, Always en hand- 19:26jt S. MATHISEN, BUGGY, OAEEIAGE ....Aim..., WAGON MAKER. REPAIRING DONE AT REASONABLE RATES. All work warranted. Shoo across the street ODDOsite Mensinrar & ttrmL- dell's blacksmith shop. I9-24m3-p CORVALLIS, OREGON. PORTER, SLESSINGER & CO., Manufacturers and Jobbers of THE CELEBRATED IRON CLAD BOOT & SHOE. These Goods are Warrant ed not to rip. All Genuine hare the trade mark "IKON CLAD' stamped' thereon. 117 Battery Street, San Francisco, Oal. GOODS FOR SALE AT MAX FKIENDLY'S Corvallis, Oregon. Good Briok kept J-.'onstan tly SB band at Mrs. L. A. Deimick's Brisk Tard, Dear the Soaring mill, am to saw ferry road. South ef Corralll . Ifr-33m3 6 LEGAL LANK FOB SALE AT THIS OFFICE s $1 9M per day at home. Samples worth $5 fro f9 f Addreao Stiuson ft Co., Portland, ifZ .-"io'V.-.-' . v-'. s V