Short announcement of deaths published free. When accompanied bv an extended notice or reso lutions five cents per line will be charged. All poetry published by request will be chargec for at the rate of five cents per line. SOCIETIES. A. F. AND A. M. Corvallls Lodge, No. 14, F. and A. SI., meets on Wednesday evening, on or preceding fuli moon. JOHN KEESEE, W. M. Rocky Lodge, No. 75, A. F. and A. M., meets on Wednesday evening after full moon. S. E. BELKNAP, W. if. H. A. M., meets Thurs- Fermison Chanter. No. 6. E. lar acontnir nr. nr nr'c'.li;1:- full 010011. WALLACE BALDWIN, H. P. K. OF P. Valley Lodge No. 11, K. of P., meets every Mon day evening ' W. H. MANSFIELD, C. C. JAS. HEADMAN, Jr., K. K. S. Barnum Lodge, Tuesday evening. I. O. O. F. No 7 i. O. O. F., meets every T.'C. ALEXANDER, N. O. A. O. U. W. meets first TrtendahlD Lodsre. Vo. 14. A O. U. W., and third Thursdays If. each month. e. b. Mcelroy, m. w. CHURCH DIRECTORY. BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICES. Preaching every second and fourth Sabbath in each month attheCoUesre Chapel, by the Rev F. P. Davidson. beg-in at 11 A. M. , ana o:ju r. m. au are m- IkVTERIAN CHURCH. Regular service? Lhath mornine and evening. &unaay In close of the morning service. Prayer : Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Public cor- rastor. FeLICAL CHURCH Services regularly ev- Pth morning and evening, unless otherwise mnr.vTnfed Kundav school at S P. M. each Sabbath. Prayer meeting every Thursday at 7 T. M. The publi cordially invited ; Riv. J. Bowkbsox, Pastor. M. E, CHURCH Regular services every Sunday 7 r. M. Sunday-school at 1 o'clock with Bible classes for old and young. Prayi r meeting on Wednesday ven!ng at 7 o'clock, iifeneral invitation and cordial welcome. F. ELLIOTT, Pastor. M. E. CHURCH SOUTH Services ever' Sabbath at 11 A. M. and 7 r. x. , at the college chapoi. Sunday achool at 9:30 a. m. Prayer meeting Friday evening at 7 o'clock. Public cordialiy invited. a J. R. N. BELL, Pastor. Serv-ces vitedt 1'H dialryW EVAB erv Sabfll II I II TCI D A TjrTJ my 00 found on file at lUlO Xiir JDIb Geo. P. Rowell & Cn.'s Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce street), where advertising contracts may be made for it in New York, at not less than our regular ad. rates. New Material. We received not long ago a new job press and a large lot of new job type of the latest styles and designs directly from the East If you want printed in the latest Style nice - Letter heads, Bill heads, Envelopes, Visiting cards, Business cards, Programs, Ball tickets, .Note books, Order books, , Beceipt books, Posters, Druggists labels, Gummed or Ungummed, Legal blanks, Or fine book or job printing of any kind, you can get them at the Gazette office at a trifle more than cost of labor and mater ial. Call and examine them. LOCAL NOTES. Beauty's Bower. This famous cigar is Only sold at T. J. Buford's. A quantity of old newspapers for sale at this office. Stationery and books of all descriptions at Postoffice Store. All kinds of Blanks in stock and for sale at the Gazette office. More new goods arriving at A. J. Lang worthy's Cash Store. All kinds of book and job printing done -on short notice at this office. Letter heads, bill heads, envelopes and posters printed on short notice at this office. A magnificent selection of candies from San Francisco just arriveed at Postoffice store. Legal blanks furnished at this office on short notice at' less than San Francisco prices. If you want the best workman in the state to do your dentistry, go to E. H. Tay lor of this place. The next session of the State Agricultu ral College will begin on Monday the 4th of September. 34 w4 The cheapest assortment of boots, shoes, hats and other goods at C. H. Whitney & Co.'s new store- at 25 per cent less than any other place. If you want as good and fine job printing -done as can be done anywhere on the Pacific Coast, bring your jobs to this office. We are prepared to execute it at the lowest possible prices. Persons in the city or country wishing anything in the general merchandise line, will find it to their advantage to call at A. J. Langworthy's cash store before purchas ing elsewhere. We keep constantly on hand at this office a large lot and variety of stationery letter heads- bill heads, envelopes, and papers of ; kinds which we furnish at the -ible prices. call's Gazette is one of the best ediums in Oregon, because it large paying list of subscribers whoiire able to buy and pay for any article they see advertised if they want it. If you want to patronize home industry, fcuy your furniture of August Knight, who fs one of the best workmen on the coast, and who also keeps the best workmen to make lounges, bedding, etc., right in your own town. Why will people continue to use plain envelopes, letter and bill paper, when they can get them with a nice stylish business card or head printed thereon at the Gazette office at about what it costs to buy the blank material at retail. Mr. W. F. Canthorn took the stage for Albany last Monday morning for the pur pose of returning to the range where his stock is roaving in Washington Ty. He has made quite a stay this time visiting friends and relatives. Why Will people continue to use blank envelopes, letter heads and bill heads, when they can get printed heads and envelopes at the Gazette office in the most approved style at only a little more than the cost of paper and about what they buy retail, Judge Kelsay returned; from Oregon City last Eriday. M. L. Noftsger returned last Saturday from a trip to Albany. Lafayette Y. Wilson returned from Mon tannalast Friday evening. It is said that most of the threshing will be through the last of this week. Goto E. C. Vaughn & Co., for your gro ceries, candies, crcckery and glassware. Mr. Ala Harris of Albany, made a trip to Corvallis and returned last Wednesday. Messrs. Thompson Starr & Co. of this county, threshed 8000 bushels of grain in nine days. . . Mr. J. B. Horner and wife will begin teaching a school at Brownsville on the 4th of Sept. next. At H. E. Harris' is a good place to buy dry goods, groceries, provisions, notions, tobaccos and cigars. Grouse hunting is among the leading amusements of the day. They seem to be plentiful this season. Prof. John Johnson of the University of Oregon, has been here several days visiting relatives and friends Regular services next Sunday at eleven o'clock will be resumed at the Presbyterian church in ths place. C. H. Whitney & Co., keeps a large as sortment of the cheapest boots, shoes, hats, dry -goods and clothing. P. N. Zerolf keeps on hand a fine assort ment of all kinds of groceries provisions notions and fresh bread. Considerable wheat is being brought into Corvallis these days which is being stored in the various warehouses. The magic man with his mysterious tricks didn't appear in our city on Tuesday even ing as was previously billed. Mr. Marion Mays, son of John Mays of this county, starts soon for Umatilla county where he intends teaching school. L. G. Kline & Co. will receive an entire new stock of good this and next week. Don't fail to call and examine goods and prices. The Steamer Yaquina arrived at Newport on the"28th laden with goods for that place. She went over the bar on the 30th bound for Coos Bay. The crop of sewing machine agents ap pears to be quite good this year. Our city has been swarming with the "varmin" for the past ten days. Mr. Henry Simon who has been with Max Friendly so long, departed yesterday morn ing for Seattle, W. T. , where he intends to open business for himself. Roy Raber has so far recovered as to be able to resume his station in the bakery again, lie went out last week and brought home a nice string of trout. Patronize home industry and home made furniture and upholstering by buying of the old pioneer August Knight one of the finest and best workmen in Oregon. Mr. J. R. Horning with his new bride ar rived at his fathers hom near here last Sat urday from East of the mountains, where he has been for the last few years extensive ly engaged in the stock business. A camp meeting at Roberts bridge, Linn county, Oregon, began Thursday, the 31st of August, and lasting two weeks. The subject of a consecrated life, its meaning, scope and power will "receive speeiai at tention. Mr. J. E. Henkle of the firm of J. E. fftnkle & Co., of Philomath, took the train for Portland last Monday morning where he intends to purchase a large assortment of new goods. They will arrive about the last of the present week and will be ready to show them to his numerous customers. Painful Accident. Business Education. Mr. N. L. Lilly on last Monday while We can furnish at this office, to any per- working around a horse power his hand son desiring a thorongh business education, was accidently caught and drawn into it. a certificate for a schollarship in the Colum- His thumb and some of his fingers were Very bia business college of Portland, Oregon, badly mashed. It was certainly fortunate which will entitle the purchaser to a thor- that it was no worse. He will likely car- ough course of instruction at this school. ry a sore hand for some time. " i DIED. PURDY Oliver Purdy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Purdv, of this place, died of hem- orace of the stomach and bowels, on last Friday the 25th of Aug. , that day being tne tn aniversary ui ma uirui. HIKES. At the resedence of Gib Powers, on last Saturday, the 26th of August, of erysipelas, Siras U. limes, aged 17 years, the son of John is. rimes, The Methodist Conference. This conference, composed of over sixty ministers and a lay membership of 4,000 persons, is now in the midst of its thirtieth annual session, held in the M. E. church of Albany. Bishop Hurst presides. Rev. J. T. Wolfe is secretary, having been elect ed to that office for a number of consecutive years. Revs. A. Atwood, A. C. Fairchild and W. T. Chapman are the presiding elders, who act as official advisers of the bishop. Bouse Burned. Mr. Millholland of Linn county informs us that on last Monday afternoon at about two o'clock the house of Adam Radir about two miles east of here in Linn county was totally destroyed by fire with nearly-all the Bennett, Wm., contents. Even the clothing belonging to the different members of the family was nearly all burned up. By the active efforts of Mr. Millholland a few things was saved, Nearly all the folks were away from home except perhaps Mrs. Radir. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining unclaimed in the Postoffice at Corvallis, Friday, Sept. 1, 1882. Persons calling for the same will please say ' 'adver tised," giving date of this list: lames' list. Clark, Mrs. Harry. gents' list. Bell, JohnS., Boyd, Wm. Y., Crane, Geo. T., Craford, A. S., Horning, Chas. 2. Horning, Chas. rl., Kmzer, tieo. H., Marston, solom. N. R. Barber, P. M. Home Supply. It is remarkably surprising indeed to know that many of our farmers do not raise the1 common family vegetables with which to supply the markets and many of them not animation which was not an easy A Letter. Mr. Elvin Glass, formerly of this place and now in the United States signal service writes among other things the following: ' "Having completed my course of instruc tion at Fort Myer, Va., and stood my ex- one by even to supply their own tables. It is not any means, I have been ordered to Cincin- an uncommon thing to see farmers buy such nati. I like the place very much it is very articles at the grocery stores in town and lively here. The Gazette is ever welcome take them to their homes in the country, as Vou can immasine. I do not know how Already this season merchants of Corvallis I could do without it. Yours truly, are selling water-mellons which were raised in Wasco county. Everything of this na ture should be raised and supplied to the crncerv stores here bv our farmers and r, j v thereby keep the money at home. Other wise we must have hard times and a poor country indeed. The Yaquina. This new steamer crossed in over the bar on the 28th, and, we' are informed, that though only drawing 9 feet she touched in coming in. However, like a wise man, in stead of rushing to the conclusion, there's only 8 feet on this bar, Mr. Hatch engaged the services of Mr. Tracy Davis, and togeth er they sounded along and soon found the proper ranges, giving them 18 feet. It was then nearly high water. Yesterday after noon, the "Yaquina" crossed out with per fect ease on a quarter tide and reported over 12 feet on the bar. All well on board, and delighted with ship, captain, and owner. The above report is telegraphed from Ya quina by permission of the O. P. R. Laying .the Corner Stone. The imposing ceremonies on the occasion of laying the corner stone of the Masonic hall at McMinnville last Tuesday, Aug. 22nd, were well calculated to be remember ed for a long time. Grand Master J. N. Doliih, present and presiding, Past Grand Master, Congle, Eminent Commander, Sheurtleff, Past Grand Secretary, Pratt, Sen. Grand Warden, D. P, Mason, J. R. N. Bell Grand Chaplain, and many others were present and took part in the cere monies. A large audience was present, and the band-discoursed music multum in parvo. The Grand Master's address was well de livered and the stone was securely laid. Many mementos were cast into the vault. Taking the day all around, it was a grand one in the flourishing city of McMinnville. Aug. 26, 1882. B. Elvus Glass. abandonment agrees in the main with the reports of other survivors. It will be re called that a boat from the Bulwark con taining five men, went into Coos Bay on February last. The remainder of the crew were then supposed to be lost. Pclk County. Itemizer. Miss Carrie Cressey, of Corvalls, is in Independence visiting friends: Mrs. Skipworth has gone to Albany vis iting her son Eugene, and from thence will go to Corvallis. Marion H. Parker has been engaged to teach-the public school at this place during I the coming year, and this week removed bere with his family. Hon. M. L. Pipes, of Independence, was! in town this week. He has rented the house belonging to S. T. Riggs and will next week become a resident of Dallas. On Wednesday afternoon sparks from a passing locomotive set fire to the stubble in Lafayette Pewtherer's wheat field, about three miles north of Dallas, and the flames spraading very rapidly, qnite a quantity of wheat, which was lying in the field was burned. The fire spread to the farm of Mr. Hagcod and he lost about 400 bushels of wheat. Much fencing was burned. It is estimated that an area of .200 acres was burned over, and it was only by the most strenuous efforts of those near that the house and barn of Mr. Hagood were saved. The total loss by the fire is supposed to be about $1,000. diBeXJU Messrs. Joseph Gray and Jesse Walker, with their machine were threshing at the place of Drnry Davis recently, when some bundles were ted the machine in the tops of which had been placed some large iron nuts and a piece of a heavy log chain. It esulted in breaking out a lot of cylinder teeth and also breaking the concave. Nick Baesen flatters himself that his St. Nicholas and Palace Markets are two of the finest butcher shops in Oregon where all kinds of fresh meats are served in the best of style to his many customers. Nice fat chickens bought and sold by him for which the highest market price will be given. The patent milk bucket stool and strainer all combined in one vessel which cannot be tiped or kicked over and a sure preventa tive of dirt getting into the milk, is for sale at A J. Langworthy's Cash store, who has the sole right of sale for Benton county. This is one of the most economical and use ful inventions of the age. It has to be seen to be appreciated. Max Friendly's saw mill at the lower end of town shut down sawing at noon last Wed nesday, having finished all the logs on hand. Max has arranged to get logs for another season from up the McKenzie and by so doing he will be able to supply the best quality of lumber, besides he will have it in such quantities and kinds as to prevent peo ple from going out of this county to get their lumber. Messrs. John H. Lewis, Geo. W. Ken nedy and S. L. Henderson with their famil ies started last Tuesday morning westward intending to go down near the sea for i short stay. John Lewis remarked that when he returned he expected to be able to tell the largest fish story and also while gone to kill the largest deer elk and bear that had been reported this season. We confidently believe it. Mr. Marion Hyde and family of Harris- burg were returning home from Philomath, on Monday, where they had been visiting friends. A few minutes after arriving at the ferry, at Corvallis, and while waiting for it there little one and a half year old girl threw its head back and closed its eyes as if it was dying. Tbey drove back into town and called upon medical assistance but it was too late to render any aid. The child expired in a short time. It had been having dumb ague and diarhea for a time but otherwise it appeared all right They pro ceeded to Harrisburg with the remains on Tuesday. Will Remove to Texas. Benton Bowers formerly of this place, and recently engaged east of the mountains in the stock business, returned last Satur day evening from a trip to Texas. H went there with a view of selecting a local ty suitable to justify him in transferring his stock interest to that state where he may be enabled to enjoy more extended range for his stock to roam over. He suc ceeded in finding a place to where he thinks it will justify him in going. He has many friends in and about Corvallis who will re gret to learn of his removal so far away. He declares, however, that there is no place like web-foot and expresses his intention of returning some day when business does not require him elsewhere. He does not by any means go to Texas from choice except that it affords him an opportunity To ex tend his herds. Septuagenarian. For the particulars of a very enjoyable event we are indebted to the kindness of Mr. J. B. Horner, who savs: At the resi dence of Mr. Perman Henderson, near Phil omath, there was a gathering on last Sun- Sale of Stock and farming Machinery. I will, at the hour of one o'clock, on Sat urday, Sept. 9, 1882, sell at auction to the. highest bidder, the following property One two horse wagon, new; one four'horse wagon, used two years; five set harness, part new; five good large young work horses; one milch cow; seventy-one stock hogs; forty-five sheep, mostly ewes, healthy; one McCormick twine binder, used 1 season; one Barnes hay rake, used one season; one Buck eye cultivator and seed sower, good order; one sixty-tooth harrow; one twohorse Oliver plow; one three-horse Moline plow; Harpoon hay fork and rope, good as new; two new fanning mills; seventy tons of hay; together with smaller farming utensils. Terms cash or for amounts over $50 note due January 1, '83, with approved security. Sale to take place on the farm of Morrison & Bro., formerly the J. M. Wilkeson, and being situated on Beaver Creek, two miles west of M. Currier's. 2w Albert Ray. Oats. Highest market price paid for good mer chantable oats at the Railroad Warehouse- 36-w2 NEIGHBORING NEWS. Lane County. Exchanges. Mr. H. Perkins returned from a trip to Lake county last week. Superintendent Hayes informs us that only about eight miles of the Sinslaw road remains unfinished. Mr. Wm. irazier, of .Portland, has pur chased in this county, during the last two weeks, horses amounting in value to $4,000. Geo. A. Noland of Eugene and Geo. A. Dorris of.Farmington, W. T., are to be admitted to the bar this fall term of the Supreme Court. Clatsop County. Astorian. There are 35,386 cases of salmon' on the upper O. K. & N. dock. Building material for the Odd Fellows' structure has begun to come in sight. The City of Sparta sailed for Astoria on the 27th of June from Adelaide, Sixty-three cents 'is paid for wheat at Walla Walla; eighty-six in Salem. F. C. Young, of C. H. Cooper's establish ment is about to open a large store in Seat tle. iUeven million dollars worth ot fish are annually caught on the shores of the Pacific coast. The Wolfe has 8000 cases salmon aboard The Jas. G. Baine will clear to-day with 20.000 cases. The Jas. G. Bain is ready for sea. Her cargo is worth $134,000, of which Astoria contributes $116,000. The new steamer Queen of the Pacific. arrived with a cargo of railroad material at San Luis Obispo, last Tuesday. The barge of the Astoria Transportation PBODUCE PRICE CURRENT, Wheat in Portland firm at 186 per cental. It'may now be fairly quoted here clear: Wheat 761 Oats '. 40c Wool per lb 23 to .25 Flour per barrel 6 00 Bacon, sides 14 to 16 Hams M to 18 ShouldeWr?.: .... 10 to 12 Lard, 10 lb tins 16 to 16 " Kegs 14 to 16 Butter, fresh rolls SO to 87 Eggs, per doz. 20 to 25 Dried apples, Plumnier...... 8 to 10 . . " Sun dried- &to 8 Plums, pltless 16' to 12 Chickens, per doz 3 00 to 3 50 Hides; dry flint 10 to 13 ". green f to 7 Potatoes 60 to 60 Geese, tame. . 6 00 Ducks, 3 60 to 4 00 Onions, per lb 2 to 3 Latest style of ladies', gents', boys', misses and children's shoes and slippers just received at A. J. Langworthy's Cash Store, Corvallis, Oregon. June 21, 1882. NEW THIS WEEK. t A good farm about three miles northwest of Corvallis, consisting of about 420 ACRES, about tixty acres in cultivation, the balance excellent for stock purposes and well water ed. Terms cash rent; tenant to find seed and feed, landlord to furnish all necessary teams and implements. 36ml LEGAL. Oregon City. Enterprise. The Oregon Jity mills have already re ceived over 1,000 tons of wheat of the new crop. The berry is plump and good. The remains of an unknown man, about 50 years of age, or over supposed to be Wm. Reed, were tound on Sunday, Aug. 20, in the woods about 2 miles north-east of Can by, in a state of partial decomposition, hav ing been mutilated and partly eaten by the hogs. A coroners inquest was held the same dav and rendered a verdict that he came to his death from natural causes. If the man was Reed as some have supposed, he was at Oregon City in an intoxicated condition only a few days ago. A rare chance to make a good investment was opened last week. The boys and girls about town who earn money regularly can have their earnings safely deposited by buying a lot in the town of "Sellwood." It only takes $10 to secure a lot, and then it can be paid for at $10 per month. The lots sell from $100 to $200 according to lo cation. This suburb of Portland is most beautifully located on the river, and with the great strides Portland is making will ere long be a part of the great city of the Northwest. Douglas County. Exchange. Work on the race for the mill above town is progressing, and it will soon oe com pleted. Mrs. L. Belfils, wife of our enterprising jeweler, returned home from Portland on Saturday evening last. For some time past she has been under the medical care of Mrs. Dr. B. A. Owens, and returned greatly relieved and probably permanently cured. The Coos Bay wagon road has passed into the hands of John Hailey, who is a member of the company which have the original contract to carry the mail from here to Coos Bay. Ibe road will now be opened. Actual work has already begun. To-day (Friday) 20 men are at work, and more will be put on as soon as they can be hired. day to celebrate the seventy-seventh birth day of his wife, Mrs. Sarah Henderson, who company, is expected down to-day with has been, blind twelve years and has been h.lf l ifiillinn hrir-ki. fop Mia nw fMrl "fiVl bed-fast about one year. The company was low's building. made up of a large majority of the neigh bors and relatives near home and from abroad among whom were Mr Joseph John son of Corvallis and Pres. John Johnson of the University of Oregon. After a splendid dinner the time was spent in singing by Messrs. Armstrong, Prof. Jones, A. Wil liams and others. When the parting came a silent tear impressed the occasion with solemnity. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson have been married about sixty years, and Mr. Henderson says that during all this partner ship that he and his companion have never entered into one "pitched battle." Such The Gen. Miles arrived back from Tilla mook yesterday. She brings several pas sengers. To-day she starts from John Day's river with a raft of 1,000,000 feet of logs for Portland. Hon. W. D. Hare is in the city on brief visit from his place hear Hillsboro. Mr. Hare is farming extensively, and re ports the grain, etc., in that vicinity as yielding large returns in the harvest. The Glengarry finished loading yesterday. She has 23,000 cases of salmon aboard. ine victoria went to sea st4 A. M. ves- lives breathe scorn on family disputes and terday. The Banffshire starts up this divorce cases, and are indeed worthy of em- morning. The State is due to-morrow ulation. Everybody wishea these happy I morning. people anotner sucn an anniversary. Columbia river salmon sells in London JL at thirty-two cents a can. This 'ought to A Boy. aliord an excellent proht to the middle men We will pay a boy the cash twice each At 101100,1 figures the cargo now aboard the week who will come promptly at the ap- wauceton would sell for $1,075,200 ! pointed time and roll for printing the Ga- . Awo more 01 'he crew of the bark Bul ZETTE. Or we will pav a trood active wark Were picked up on March 8th hv Mia prompt and industrious young man or boy f bark Blackwall, Burard Inlet Mell, the cash every Saturday night for his ser- about three hundred miles from the Ameri- vices who desires to enter our office to learn can coast. Thev have traveled 111 Vwiaf. the printing business and continue until he 1,000 miles from where their vessel had learns the trade. The contract to be made been abandoned, and were exhausted from mm ui iMKDis, I the want of food. Their account of th4 NOTICE. U. S. Land Office, ) Oregon City, Ogn., July 20, 1S82. ) Complaint having been entered at this office by Dennis Bergtn against Curtis Woodruff for abandon ing his homestead entry No. 3605, dated August 6, 1878, upon the west half of northwest Quarter, north east quarter of northwest quarter and northwest quarter of southwest quarter, section 2, township 12, S. range 11 W. , in Benton county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear before Ed. C. Phelps Notary Public, at Newport, Benton county, Oregon, on the 30th day of Angust 18S2, at 10 o'clock A. M. to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. 31w5 L. T. BAwIN, Register. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, August 7, 1882. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, 'and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Benton County at Corvallis, Oregon, on MONDAY, SEPT. 18, 1882, viz: John J. Maxey, Homestead application No. 2972, fpr the northwest quarter of northeast quirter, north half of northwest quarter and southwest quar ter of northwe"st quarter of Section 30, T. 11, S. R. 7 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence mpon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: . Wm. Hcrndon and Joseph Emrick of Corv&llis, and Alfred Flickenger and George Cross of Turn Turn, all of Benton county, Oregon. 19:33 wS L. T. BARIN, Register. . Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, August 3, 1882. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL-lowhig-nameil settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Benton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on TUESDAY, SEPT. 12, 1882. viz: John W. Williams, Homestead Application, No. 2S3S, for the N. of N. W. i of Sec. 13, & E. J of N. E. 1 of Sec. 14, T. 11, S. R. 11, W. He names the following witnesses to prove Ins continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: W. H. Logan, T P. Adams, John Logan and ej. b. Aitree, an oi Newport, Benton county. Oregon. 19:33w-5 L. T. BARIN, Register. Jackson County. Exchanges. Crops on Rogue River are turning out quite well. Four hundred acres of the Barnes place yielded 12,000 bushels of grain this season. Most of our merchants continue shipping their goods to Roseburg as there is no ware house at Myrtle creek. All but twenty of the Fort Klamath troops are now at work on the military tel egraph line between that post and Camp Bidwell. The poles for the telegraph line between Forts Bidwell and Klamath have been dis tributed and the wire is now being hung. N. 0. Mitchell, who is at present pros pecting this section, says that he has seen some croppings oi coal that denote veins of size and value. Dolson's surveying corps is now camped at Tuff's place two miles south of Grants Pass, and the permanent location of this division will be finished to that point in a few days. Mr. Mnllen has discovered a large ledge of what seems to be copper ore in Table Rock precinct. Some of it has been sent to Portland by N. O. Mitchell for assay. Dr. Walker of Beaver creek, in the Sis kiyou mountains, has opened what he calls a medical tunnel. In it are found different kinds of mineral salts, that are claimed to possess curative powers by persons that have used them. Kahler & Co. are making arrangements to work their quartz ledge near Fort Lane. Excellent prospects are still being obtained. Out of a small quantity of decomposed quartz taken from the ledge. T. P. Kahler panned about $20 the other day. Wanted. A woman to do housework in a small family. Address "D" this office. NOTICE FDR PUBLICATION. Land Offce at Oregon City, Oregon. June 24, 1882. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL- lowing named settler has filed notice of his in tentkn to make final proof in support of his claim. and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk oi llenton county, at uorvams, urcgon, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1882. viz: Pettr Hagan, Pre-emption D. S. No. 3930, for the S. W. 1 of N. E. J, IS. E. J ot s. w. i and E. i of n. W. 1 of Sec. 31. T. 10, S. R 10. W. He names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land. viz: Wm. Baglev, Charles A. Dick, B. R. Forbes and G. W. Hobart, all of Toledo, Benton county, Oregon. Also Belvin R. Forbes,, Pre-emption D. S. No. 3940 fortheS. i of N. W. 1-4 and N. 4 of S. W. 1-4 of See. 30, T. 10, S. R. 10, W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Wm. Bagley, Chas. A. Dick, Peter Hagan and G. vv. llDoart, all ox loieuo, tfenton county Oregon . Also Charles A. Dick, Homestead Application No 3648 for the S. E. 1-4 of S. E. 1-4, W. 1-2 of S. E 1-4 and S. W. 1-4 of N. E. 1-4 of Sec. 19, T. 10, S. It 10, W . ,v He names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, rail land. viz: Wm. Baglev, Peter Hagan, Belvin F. Forbes and G. W. Hobart, all of Toledo, Benton county Oregon. 19-32-W5 L. T. BARIN, Register. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Benton. ; . - Jacob Hammer and Hannah Hammer, Pla'ntiffs,' vs. . Nathaniel Markham and Thomas Markham, De fendants'. , To Nathaniel Markham and Thomas Markham, the above. named defendants : . .. .. A In the name of the State of Oregon, you and each of yoji, are hereby summoned and required to be. and appear in the above entitled court. ;and answer, the complaint of the above named plaintiffs in this suit now on file in the office of the clerk of said court,; by the first day of the next regular term of said court, that is to say on the 20tb day ot November 1882. You and each of you are hereby notified that if, you fail to answer said complaint as herein required. -the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief prayed for and demanded in the complaint in this, suit, which is that the said court decree that the said defendants execute to the said plaintiffs good and, sufficient conveyances of the premises described In. said complaint as hereinafter described. nveying; the title of said premises to said plaintiffs,' and if. the said defendants fail to execute said conveyance, within thirty days after the entry of said decree, then said decree shall opperate as a conveyance of said, title from' said defendants to said plaintiffs and for such further relief as .may be just and for the costs, and disbursements of this suit. The said land is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: The east half of Jacob Hammer and Hannah Hammer's dona tion land claim, lying in sections 26, and 27 and 34. and 35, in township 14, south range 6, west, in Ben ton county, in the State of Oregon. ,J ThiB summons is published by order of" the Court above named, duly and regularly made in term time on the 29th day of March .1882, that being the regu lar March term of said Court for the year last named, which order bears date as last above stated ana-, which order is duly and regularly entered in the Journal of said Court for said term. M. S. Woodcock, 19-S2w7 Attorney for said plaintiffs. Steam Luuucii Blai-y Hall. Will carry the United States mail, passengers and' freight between Elk City and Newport, making dally trips from Newport te Elk City and return same' day.- Special trips made when reuired. may6yl R. A. BENSELL.' i THE CORVALLIS GAZETTE Clubbed with other publications with which1 we have made arrangements, so that persona wishing an Eastern paper can secure the , same, together with the Corvallis Cazettb, at a price nut little more tlian one; post age prepaid. All new subscribers, and per- sons who have paid all arrearages, can avail themselves of this liberal offer. Cash in advance must always accompany the order- The New York Weekly Times," Repub lican, a 56 cohimn paper, publisher's price $ I with the (jorvallis Uazette', payable la advance, for one year; $3,40. "The Chicaco Weeklv News." Indeoend-' ent, a 32 column. 4 page paper, publisher,1 price 75 cents, with our Gazette, payable in advance, for one year; S300. 'The St. Louis Journal of Agriculture." a 48 column 8 page paper, publisher's price $1. with our Gazette, for one year, payable' in advance, $3,00. "Harper's Masaziue," (illustrated.) pub-' Usher's price 4, with our Gazette, for ou year, payable in advance; 5,50. "Harper's Weekly" (illustrated) publish- er'sprice 4, with our Gazltte, for on year, payable in advance; 5,70. "Harper's Bazaar" (illustrated) publisher's' price $4, with our Gazette, fof one year, payable in advance; $5,70 "Harper's Young People," publisher f price $1,50, with our Gazettf, for one year,' payable in advance; $3,70. 'Scientific American," publisher's price' $3,20, with our Gazette, for one year, pay able in advance; $5,10. 'Scientifib American Supplement," pub-' lisher's price $5,00, with our Gazette, for one year, payable in advance; $6,50. , 'Scientific American and Supplement," publisher's price $7, with our Gazette, for' one year, payable in abvance; $8,10. "The American Agriculturist," publishers price $1,50, with our Gazette, for one year,' payable in advance, $3,50. Will send the "New York Weekly Tribune," and the Gazette, for one 3'ear,J payable in advance, $3.50, or the "Semi-' Weekly Tribune and Uazette one year for 5. SHERMAN'S host celebrated EDUCATED HORSES AND- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon. Aug. 19, 1882. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL lowing named settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Benton county at Corvallis, Oregon, on MONDAY, SEPT. 25, 1882. viz: Frank Bennett, Preemption D. S. No. 3722, for the S. E. quarter of Sec. 14, T. 12, S. R. 7, W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: William Allen, Marshal Allen, Edgar Allen, and Lincoln Bennett, all of Philomath, Benton County, Oregon. 10:35-wf; U T. BARIN, Register. In the name of the State of Oregon. To all whom it may concern, notice is hereby riven by the undersigned: John Burnett and M. S. Woodcock, residents and householders and property holders of the City of Corvallis, in Benton county, Oregon, and who are the exclusive owners of Block No. seven in the county addition to said City of Corvallis, each owning the following parts thereof as hereafter described, to-wit: the said John Burnett is the exclusive owner of lots one, two, eleven and twelve in said block No. seven, and that said M. S Woodcock is the exclusive owner of lot three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten in said block No. seven, and that there is an alley about fourteen feet in width and about three hundred feet in lemrth, extending north and south through said block of lots which alley is bounded on the east by said lots one, two, three, four, five and six and on the west by said lots seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven and twelve; that the undersigned and owners of said block did on the 18th day of August 1882, file with the Recor der of said City their petition in writing, duly signed by them, praying, and thereby petitioning, the said Common Council of said City of Corvallis, to vacate said alley above described. The said petitioners be ing the exclusive and only owners of all property ad joining said alley and the only persons who will in any way be effected by vacating the same; and or the 9th day of October A. D, 1882, at the regular meeting of said Common Council in October 1882, we. the said petitioners, will apply to said Common Council to grant the prayer of said petition and vacate said aney. jomr burnett, ,. M. S. Woodcock. Dated this 18th day of August 1882. 19-35w5 CONSUMPTION CURED An old physician, retired from active practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India Missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and Ssrmanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, atarrS, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for general Debility and all nervous com plaints, after having thoroughly tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, feels it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. The recipe with full particulars, directions for preparation and use, and all necessary advice and instruc tions for successful treatment at your own home, will be received by you by return mail, free of charge by addressing with stamp or stamped self-addressed envelope to De. M. E. BELL, 161 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md, Administratrix's Sale of Keal Estate. In the matter of the estate of John Jessup. deceased Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an order of sale duly made by the County Court of the State oi urefiron lor tfenton county, on the btn day oi No vember 1881, at the regular November term 1881 of said court, and duly entered in the journal of said court, directing: ana commanding me. JNancv A. Jessup, administratrix of said estate, to sell at public auction, according to law, all the right, title, interest and estate tnat the said -John Jessup, deceased, had at the time of his death, in and to the following: des cribed property, to-wit: All of the east half of the northwest quarter and the west half of the northeast quarter oi section nine, township eleven, a. oi it. eleven, west of Wil. mer.. all being and situated in Benton cemty, State of Oregon. And in pursuance of and in accordance with said order of sale, J, Nancy A. Jessup, administratrix of the estate oi Jonn Jes sup, deceased, will on . . if SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1883, at the hour of one dclock P. M. of said day, in front of the court house door in toe City or corvallis in Benton county, State of Oregon, sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title, interest and estate whieb. the said John Jessup, deceased, had at the time of his death. In or to the above described real property together with tne appurtenances tnereto oaumgmg. NANCY JESSUP, Adnustntrix of the estate ot John Jeesnp, deceased. Dated this 28rd day of August 1882. 19-S5w5 CIRCUS! Will Exhibit in CORVALLIS, OREGON, Tuesday, September 5th, M Messrs. C. & J. SHERMAN announce thr in addition to their most wonderful School of Educated Horses5 They have this year added a CORPS OF li! EMC STARS? Unsurpassed by any having visited thiaf Coast for years viz: Miss Kate Cross, Miss Carrie Armstrong, Mrs. Fred Mackley, Mr. Fred Mackley, Mrs. Slegrist, Siegrist and Duray, Joe Williams, Adler and Zorelli, Mr. Ike Burress, and Joe Ailed," SHERMAN'S Silver Cornet Band i Will parade the streets in the MAGNIFICENT GHABIOf drawn by six noble horses, Admission $1; Children 50o