The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, August 25, 1882, Page 3, Image 3

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Short announcement of deaths published tree.
When accompanied by an extended notice or reso
lutions five cents per line will be charged. Ail poetry
published by request will be cbargec for at the rate
of five cents per line.
A. F. AND A. M.
Corvallis Lodge, No. 14, A. F. and A. M., meets on
Wednesday eveniiur. on or preceding fuli moon.
Rocky Lodge, No. 75, A. F. and A. M., meets on
Wednesday eveniug alter full moon.
R. A. M.
Ferguson Chapter, No. 5, R. A M., meets Thurs
day evening on or preceding full moon.
K. OF P.
Valley Lodge No. 11, K. of P. , meets every Mon
day evening W. H MANSFIELD. C. C.
Barnuro Lodge,
I uesday evening.
I. O. O.
7, I. O. O. F., meets every
A. O. U. W.
meets first
Friendhio Lodsre. No. 14. A. O. U. W.,
and third Thursdays in each month.
e. b. Mcelroy, m. w.
every second and fourth Sabbath in each month
at the College Chapel, by the Rev F. P. Davidson.
Services begin at 11 a. n.,andu:30 r. h. All are invited.
JVTERIAN CHURCH. Regular services
hhliath morning and evening. Sunday
Pte close of the morning service. Prayer
hnrsday evening at o clock. Public cor-
uvitcd. H. P. DUNNING.
EVANGELICAL CHURCH Services regularly ev
ery Sabbath morning and evening, unless otherwise
announced. Sunday school at 3 p. m. each Sabbatk.
Prayer' meeting every Thursday at 7 p. M. The
publi cordially invited
Rkv. J. Bowssaox, Pastor.
M. E, CHURCH Regular services every Sunday
7 P. M. Sunday-school at 1 o'clock with Bible classes
for old and young. Prayc r meeting on Wednesday
evening at 7 o'clock. A general invitation and cordial
welcome. F. ELLIOTT, Pastor.
M. E. CHURCH SOUTH Services every Sabbath
at 11 a. M. and 7 P. M. , at the college chajiei. Sunday
school at 9:30 a. . Prayer meeting Friday evening
at 7 o'clock. Public cordially invited.
J. R. N. BELL, Pastor.
tWO TO D A "DTT5 "' 00 'ound on file at
1 HlO X AiXlIl Geo. P. Howell & Co.'s
Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce street),
where advertising contracts n:ay be made for it in
New York, at not less than our regular ad. rates.
New Material.
We received not long ago a new job press
and a large lot of new job type of the latest
styles and designs directly from the East
If you want printed in the latest style
Letter heads.
Bill heads,
Visiting cards,
Business cards.
Ball tickets,
iote books,
Order books,
Receipt books,
Druggists labels,
Gummed or
Legal blanks,
Or fine book or job printing of any kind,
you can get them at the Gazette office at
a trifle more than cost of labor and mater
ial. Call and examine them.
Beauty's Bower.
This famous cigar is
Only sold at T. J. Buford's.
A quantity of old newspapers for sale at
this office.
Stationery and books of all descriptions at
Postoffice Store.
All kinds of Blanks in stock and for sale
at the Gazette office.
More new goods arriving at A. J. Lang
worthy's Cash Store. ,
All kinds of book and job printing done
on short notice at this office.
Letter heads, bill heads, envelopes and
posters printed on short notice at this office.
A magnificent selection of candies from
San Francisco just arriveed at Postoffice
Legal blanks furnished at this office on
short notice at less than San Francisco
If you want the best workman in the
state to do your dentistry, go to E. H. Tay
lor of this place.
The next session of the State Agricultu
ral College will begin on Monday the 4th of
September. 34w4
The cheapest assortment of boots, shoes,
hats and other goods at C. H. Whitney &
Co.'s new store- at 25 per cent less than any
other place.
If you want as good and fine job printing
done as can be done anywhere on the
Pacific Coast, bring yonr jobs to this office.
We are prepared to execute .it at the lowest
possible prices.
Persons in the city or country wishing
anything in the general merchandise line,
will find it to their advantage to oall at A.
J. Lang worthy's cash store before purchas
ing elsewhere.
We keep constantly on hand at this office
a large lot and variety of stationery letter
heads, bill heads, envelopes, and papers of
different ki-ids which' we furnish at the
lowest po
Gazette is one of the best
s in Oregon, because it
jaying list oi subscribers
buy and pay for any article
ed if they want it.
The C
goes to a 1
who are abli
they see ad
If you w.-nWo patronize home industry,
buy your furniture of August Knight, who
is one of the best workmen on the coast,
and who also keeps the best workmen to
make lounges, bedding, etc., right in your
own town. ,
Why will people continue to use plain
envelopes, letter and bill paper, when they
can get them with a nice stylish business
card or head printed thereon at the Gazette
office at about what it costs to buy the blank
material at retail.
The machinery for the city dredger is pro
gressing rapidly at Honeyman's foundry.
Portland. The boilers of 100-horse power
are ready to be put in position and the en
gfaes are all well towards completion.
Why Will people continue to use blank
envelopes, letter heads and bill heads, when
they can get printed heads and envelopes
at the Gazette office in the most approved
style at only a little more than the cost
of paper and about what they buy them by
Hon. J. H. Mitchell returned home from
the East recently.
Mrs. Vincent has been visiting at the bay
for the past week.
Portland is classed with Leadville and Pu
eblo, Colorado, as a paradise for swindles.
Hon. M. C. George will arrive by an over
land trip home from Washington in a few
Some children around town have the
whooping cough. Better look out for the
small ones.
The young child of Jacob Senders who
has been dangerously sick with whooping
cough is better.
Miss Nettie Piper of Salem, well known
here, was recently married to Mr. E. W.
Langdon of Albany.
The ad. f Cannon & Gibbin, new propri
etors of the Occidental hotel, will be found
in another column.
Max Friendly returned last Wednesday
from a trip on the McKenzie to where he
started a few days ago.
Hon. E. Woodward returned home with
his family who have been spending about
three weeks over on the bay.
The fourth aunual exhibition of the
Portland Mechanics' fair will commence
Sept. 21st and contiuue until October 7th.
A Mr. Bloomfield, formerly of this place,
had his hand badly smashed at McMinville,
the fore part of this week, while coupling
Mr. N. W. Garretson, of Portland, agent
of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance
Co., was in town during the first of the
In order to make room for fall stock to
arrive soon, L G. Kline & Co. offer their
entire stock of clothing and dry goods at
reduced figures.
The north district school in Corvallis will
commence on Monday next Sept. 4th, un
der the supervision of Prof. Hershner assis
ted by Miss Terwilager.
Messrs. Bagley, Marlett & Burns, were
in town during the week. They have re
cently finished sawing a large contract of
ties for the O. P. E. R. Co.
Otto Fox of San Francisco, and N. Baum
of Albany, were in town yesterday. Mr.
Banm has sold out his interest in the busi
ness at the latter place to Mr. Fox.
There is a report around town that on last
Monday a party steped out of the back-door
of one of the saloons in town when two
shots were filed through the fence near by
Mr. D. D. Prettyman of Salem, was in
town last Saturday and made us a plersant
call. He is gathering samples of Oregon and
Washington Territory produce for exhi
hibition. Mr. J. R. Horning, son of Mr. F. A.
Horning of this county, and Miss Elizabeth
Owsley, daughter of Dr. Owsley, formerly
of Monroe in this county, was married re
cently in Lake county.
Mr. Earnest Warren, of the Summit,
drove into Corvallis twenty head of cattle
last Wednesday, which he had previously
sold to a Portland firm. The Warren Bros.
have one of the finest cattle ranches in the
country and are bound to become among
Benton county's extensive stock raisers.
By the lumber we are informed that W.
T. Gray & Co., foundry-men of Salem, who
were recently burned out there, were in In
dependence a short time ago offering to re
build their foundry at the latter place, in
the event the people there would give them
sufficient substantial inducements, as a
The patent milk bucket stool and strainer
all combined in one vessel which cannot be
tiped or kicked over and a sure preventa
tive of dirt getting into the milk, is for sale
at A. J. Langworthy'8 Cash store, who has
the sole right of sale for Benton county.
This is one of the most economical and use
ful inventions of the age. It has to be seen
to be appreciated.
Good Grit.
An exchange says: The Palouse Gazette
man shows good grit. Though burned out,
and down to bed-rock he never missed one
issue of his sprightly paper, but kept, right
on as though nothing had happened. As a
newspaper man he is a success and is bound
to win.
. 1
New Kfede of Harvesting.
A gentleman near Salem has been ex
perimenting a number of years on a com
bined header aud thresher, and has so far
perfected it as to cut a crop of wheat with
it this year. It takes but two men and six
horsRS to run it, and the inventor claims
that he can harvest as much in a day as is
now accomplished with fourteeu men and
twenty-one horses. His machine weighs
3000 lbs. and is pushed -head of the horses
like the ordinary header, and cleans
the wheat as well .3 the ordinary threshers
do. The experiment will be watched with
What Sncosful Men Say of printer's Ink.
My success is owing to liberality in ad
vertising Bonner. The road to fortune
is through printer's ink P. T. Barnum,
Success depends on a liberal patronage of
printing offices. J. J. Astor. Frequent
ad constant advertising brought me all I
own. A. T. Stewart. My son, deal with
men who advertise. You will never lose
by it. Ben. Franklin. How can the world
know a man has a good thing unless he ad
vertises the possession of it ! Vanderbilt.
To the Public.
Interested parties have circulated a report
that since the arrival of the steamer Benton,
the Mary Hall has not been plying on the
lower bay such stories are false. Since
June 18th the Mary Hall has only missed
one daily trip. The Mary Hall leaves
Newport for Elk City every morning be
tween 7 and 0 o'clock, arriving at Elk City
between 12 and 1 o'clock; leaving the latter
.place she arrives at Newport between 5 and
7 o deck P. M. the same day. She will
continue to make regular and daily trips
and hopes to meet the pnblic demand with
out resort to deception. R. A. Bensell.
Newport, Ang. 20, 1882,
Run Away.
Last Tuesday, we are informed, that
while Chas. Read was running a self binder,
his team became excited and unmanageable
and ran away, which resulted in breaking
the machine and demoralizing things gen
erally. Our informant could not tell the
extent of the injury.
Joseph Gerhard on last Tuesday morning
while hauling a load of straw, it is supposed
the straw slipped with him letting him slide
down onto the horses which ran away with
him. His side and front is badly hurt and
perhaps some ribs broken. He also got
bruised in and about the head and face con
New Proprietors.
Messrs. Cannon & Gibbin took charge of
the Occidental hotel last Tuesday, as an
nounced in last issue of the Gazette. They
will keep a first class house in every par
ticular. Having had loug aud successful
experience at the business, the new proprie
tors will no doubt give satisfaction to the
Young Man Gone Wast.
Wallace Baldwin started westward last
Wednesday morning. He was accompanied
by Mrs. Baldwin whom he expected to
leave at Philomath. It was his intention
to proceed from there down towards the
ocean beach where he might engage his at
tention with the rod and line. His outfit
was a peculiar one consisting of a couple of
reels, a fly book, about a halt dozen artificial
flies and a vessel that looked like it had
once contained snake bite. There are likely
serpents to be found down in that direction.
When discovered they need to be fed.
Murder in Yamhill County.
Thursday afternoon about 5 o'clock Mrs
Peteh, who lives at the foot of the moun
tains on the Tillamook road from North
Yamhill, was returning home from North
Yamhill in a wagon accompanied by her
step-son, a young man of about 16, and
when within a short distance of her house,
some one concealed in the bushes along the
roadside tired three shcts, one of which
struck Mrs. Fetch in the neck, passing
through. She fell from the j wagon, dead.
The horses ran off at the sound of the shots,
but the young man managed to check them
in a few rods, and arter tying them up, re
turned to his stepmother, whom he carried
A Business Education.
The Portland business college established
sixteen years aujo has proven a success, and
during the school year ju3t past, was at
tended by over 150 students from 14 to 40
years of age, among whom were a number
of married men and women. The school
has a good reputation for thorough work,
and is held in high esteem by those who
have attended it and its graduates stand well
among businessmen. Messrs. J. O. Wilson,
J. W. Foster and F. L. Wright of this
county have all been students in the school
under the present managers.. The school
is under the management of A. P. Arm
strong as principal assisted by secretary
J. A. Wesco who is one of the finest in pen
manship on the coast. The advertiesment
for the present year will be found in another
column. It is needless tor us to comment
apon the importance and necessity of ob
taining a thorough business education by
all who can possibly do so.
Sale of Stock and farming Machinery.
I will, at the hour of one o'clock, on Sat
urday, Sept. 9, 1882, sell at auction to the
highest bidder, the following property:
One two horse wagon, new; one four horse
wagon, used two years; five set harness,
part new; five good large young work horses;
one milch cow; seventy-one stock hogs;
fortv-five sheep, mostly ewes, healthy; one
McConnick twine binder, used 1 season; one
Barnes hay rake, used one season ; one Buck
eye cultivator and seed sower, good order;
one sixty-tooth harrow; one two-horse
Oliver plow; one three-horse Moline plow;
Harpoon hay fork and rope, good as new;
two new fanning mills; seventy tons of hay;
together with smaller farming utensils.
Terms cash or for amounts over $50 note
due January 1, '83, with approved security.
Sale to take place on the farm of Morrison
& Bro., formerly the J. M. Wilkeson, and
being situated on Beaver Creek, two miles
west of M. Currier's.
2w Albert Ray.
Sherman's Circus.
The first performance of Sherman's circus
company took place last evening and was
attended by an audience which packed
their large tent so that standing room was
the order early in the evening. Since the
appearance of this troupe nearly two years
ago several important changes have been
made to the variety of the exhibition due
to the addition of artists of singular merit
in acrobatic and gymnastic acts. The
strong feature of Sherman's circus has al
ways been the wonderful performances of
his trained horses, and each season sees
some new trick done by the intelligent ani
mals which makes one wonder where the
limit will be.
Last evening the two horses "Tommy"
and "Barney" went throagh their lessoes
with all the precision of veter.ins, and the
former seemed to enjoy his low comedy
part thoroughly. The bareback riding and
vaulting of Mr. Joe Williams with his hair
less horse was very daring, and Miss Kate
Cross with her dashing steed "Danger,"
gave a brilliant exhibition of horsemanship.
The most interesting part of the perform
ance was that of August Siegris on the
tight rope, who reminded us of the un
equaled Gabriel Ravel. This afternoon a
matinee will be given at 2 o'clock, when
the prices of adfhission will be reduced to
one-half. In the evening an entire change
of programme will be given. Chieo Chron
icle. Business Education.
We can furnish at this office, to any per
son desiring a thorough business education,
a certificate for a schollarship in the Colum
bia business college of Portland, Oregon,
which will entitle the purchaser to a thor
ough course of instruction at this school.
A Boy.
We will pay a boy the cash twice each
week who will come promptly at the ap
pointed time and roll for printing the Ga
zette. Or we will pay a good active
prompt and industrious young man or boy
the cash every Saturday night for his ser
vices who desires to enter our office to learn
the printing business and continue until he
learns the trade. The contract to be made
with his patents.
DICKSON At Wells, Benton county,
Oregon, June 20, 1882, of congestion of
the lungs, Mary Ellen (little Mamie)
only daughter, of William and Annie
Dickson, aged 4 years and 10 days.
Little Mamie's gone to rest
'Tis hard toarive her up;
God will be done as in the past
And we to follow up.
Remaining unclaimed in the Postoffice at
Corvallis, Friday, Aug. 25, 1882. Persons
calling for the same will please say "adver
tised," giving date of this list:
ladies' list.
Ruddy, Sarah. Welcher, Lizzie.
gents' list. m
Becket, J. R., Crawford, W. P.,
Hull, D. A., Jihnson, B.
Kenneday, Patrick. Pratt, Perry M. D.,
N. R. Barber, P. M.
Limn County.
Mr. Thos. Monteith went to Portland on
A young man named James Putnam had
his right arm torn off with a thresher at
Oak Grove on Thursday of last week.
Up to about four o'clock Wednesday eve
ning of last week 30,000 bushels of wheat
had been stored in all the warehouses in the
city of Albany.
The rumor circalated last week, that sev
eral Linn County boys were lynched at
Prineville has proven to.bave been ill-founded.
By invitation, the Ladies' band went to
Salem yesterday morning to attend the
nuptials of Mr. Langdpn and Miss Piper,
returning in the evening. The bride was
formerly a member of the band.
Two days ago W. C. Morgan, a farmer
on Albany prairie, brought a horse to this
city for treatment by Louis Stimson, as
something seemed to be the matter with his
bcwels. In order to ascertain, if possible,
the cause of his death, a post mortem ex
amination was held, resulting in taking
from the horse's stomach a quantity of
small pieces of .wire, such as is used for
binding grain, and which he had swallowed
with bis feed. His stomach was in a very
bad state, the wire having played sad havoc
with it.
Clatsop County.
One million case 3 is the estimated salmon
pack of the entire Pacific coast for the sea
son just closed.
The meeting of the Washington Territory
board of pilot commissioners will be held at
Ilwaco on the 24th inst.
John Fitzgerald, a Portland ship carpen
ter, was killed at Rock Island, on July 31st,
for the sum of 20 which he had incautious
ly displayed.
The Elwell has 37,302 cases salmon aboard.
The Jas. G. Bain had on 7,425 cases at 6
o'clock last evening.
The safe of Kroetz & Kratz, a East Port
land, was robbed of $502,50 last Sunday
morning, and no cine can be found to the
mysterious loss.
The new steamship. Queen of the " Pacific,
is expected at San Luis Obispo, to discharge
her cargo of railroad iron, about Saturday
The American ship Theobald, which was
reported lost, has put into Callao, Peru, for
provisions, She left Boston eight months
ago, and is bound for the Columbia.
The British bark Banffshire, Swinton
master, which left Glasgow Nov. 9th, 1881,
and arrived at Levuka, Fiji Islands, April
29th, arrived in from that port last Monday
The British bark Afton, Gilinore master
seventy-one days from Adelaide, arrived in
last Sunday afternoon. The American ship
J. W. Marr, from New York, sailed in
about the same time.
The Wallaceton, which has been lying in
the stream for the oast two weeks, on ac
count of some Litch in reference to taking
on flour, is now about ready to cltar. She
has taken on the Hour, and will probably
load about 1,500 mors cases of salmon.
The British ship Leucadia, M earns master,
which sailed from Newcastle, N. S. W., on
the 29th of April, arrived in yesterday.
She arrived at Wilmington, July 6th, and
comes in coal ballast. The British bark
Mandalay, Scott, master, which sailed from
Adelaide June 2d, also arrived in.
The British bark Liz3ie Bell cleared yes
terday for Liverpool. She takes 17,559
bbls, flour, and 500 cases of salmon, her car
go aggregating in value $90,922, The last
time she sailed from this port was on the
4th of June, 1381, when she carried out
$73,000 worth of flour.
Lane County.
David C. Underwood died at his residence
in Eugene City of dropsy, Monday night,
August 14th, aged about 52 years.
The steple of the new Presbyterian
church has been raised. It is over 90 feet
City property in" Eugene has raised 25 Der
cent in value in the last eight months and
is. still going higher.
The following is the number of scholars
and the amount distributed to Lane county
by the State board of Land Commissioners:
No; of scholars, 3845; amount distributed
$2621 50.
Dr. E. P. Geary has located at Jackson.
ville for the purpose of practicing medicine.
Dr. Geary is a young man of rare talent and
culture and his efforts will be crowned with
Geo. W. Crowley, aged 14 years, son of
Mr. Charles Crowley of Eugene City, who
was thrownsf rora a horse and kicked, near
Creswell, Thursday, Aug. 10th, died from
the effects of the injury on Friday, the 11th.
We understand that buyers in Eugene
City have already offered 40 cents a pound
for this years crop and the hop egrowers re
fuse to engage them at that price. Since
the above was in type we are informed that
buyers are offering fifty cents a pound for
A young lady in Lost Valley, Lane county
borrowed a threshing machine of Mr. Jos.
Parker, and in one half a day, threshed out
201 bushels of oats. She bucked her own
straw, held the sacks, tended the riddles
and oiled the seperator. Oregon beats the
world for pretty and enterprising young
The Colusa Sun says: It is expected that
by another montl some two thousand labor
ers will be transferred from the line of the
Southern Pacific Railroad in Texas to the
extention beyond Redding, and that work
will be pushed right along on the California
and Oregon road.
Douglas County.
Mr. H. C. Slocum has disposed of his 'in
terest in the Metropolitan Hotel, Mr. R. R.
Matthews being the purchaser. Perkins &
Matthews will hereafter conduct this popu
lar house.
Monday evening the first regular train
passed us, and made Myrtle Creek the first
southern terminus. Roseburg is left in the
lurch. Then for the first time our citizens
truly realized that the railroad has passed
A trading mania came over some of our
citizens last week. Mr. Hyman Abraham
sold his residence to J. R. Dodge, Dodge
sold his lesidence in town to Jas Cheno
weth and Chenowoth sold his farm to
The foundry"at this place is now working
on the machinery for the grist mill south
of town and also on the machinery for the
mill on Deer creek in town. They will
make the iron work of the Turbine wheel
to be pnt iu the mill south of town. Thi
wheel will be about 1000-horse power.
Jackson County.
We learn that Bybee & Skeeters were
offered six thousand dollars for their claim.
Quartz interests are looking np and con
siderable prospecting for ledges is being
The W. U. Telesrraph Co. wants 3,900
poles for the extension south from Rose
John Jackson, of Lake Co., has branded
1,200 calves and expects to brand as many
more during the year.
L. Autenrieth and N. D. Julian sold the
Sacramento river road to the C. P. R. R.
for $25,000.
Ninety men are now employed on the ex
tension of the telegraph line to Camp Bid
well forty-five on each end.
Wimer & Simmons will be engaged in
cleaning up for several weeks to come.
They will no doubt take out in the neigh
borhood of $20,000.
Darickson & Co. have struck a promising
ledge at Horsehead, in Josephine county.
Their mill has already arrived and is being
put in position.
Arthur Langell arrived from Lake county
yesterday and reports having sold his band
of cattle, the sucking calves not included,
$20 per head all around.
B. W. and J. B. Griffin were out hunting
in the mountains back of Thompson creek
this week, and killed eight deer and a brown
bear in a short time. The bear weighed
500 pounds.
The wagon-road to the coast progresses
steadily, and in less than a month we will
be connected with Crescent City by a first
class thoroughfare, thanks to the enterprise
of Wimer & Sons.
The Commissioners Court held last week
made an order for the building of a new
court house and a special meeting of the
court was held last Thursday and Friday to
make necessary arrangements in regard to
plans and specifications.
N. Wood arrived from Lebanon, Ohio,
last Sunday, and with his partner, N. K.
Lytle, is considering the proposition of
starting a distillery in the valley. He is
well pleased with the country and thinks
the project a feasable one. These gentle
men propose to manufacture the finest
whiskey, equal to any imported to this
A woman to do housework in a small
family. Address "D" this office.
old physician,
retired from active
practice, having had placed' in his hands by j
an .cast lncua Missionary the tormula oi a
simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and
permanent cure oi Uonsumption, .Bronchitis,
Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung
affections, also a positive and radical cure
lor general Debility and all nervous com
plaints, after having thoroughly tested its
wonderful curative powers in thousands of
cases, teels it his duty to make it known to
his suffering fellows. The recipe with full
particulars, directions for preparation and
use, ami all necessary advice and instruc
tions for successful treatment at your own
home, will be received by you by return
mail, free of charge by addressing with
stamp or stamped self-addressed envelope to
DR. M. ISJil.L,
161 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md
most celebrated
Wheat In Portland Arm at 15 per cental,
now be fairly quoted here clear:
to 25
5 00
Woo) per lb 22
Flour per barrel
Bacon, sides 14 to
Mama 15 to 18
Shoulders 10 to 12
Lard, 10 lb tins 16 to 10
" Kegs 14 to 16
Butter, fresh rolls 80 to 17
Eggs, per doz 20 to 25
Dried apples, Plummer, 8 to 10
Sundhed , 0 to 8
Plums, pitlcss 10 to 12
Chickens, per doz 8 00 to 3 50
Hides, dry flint 10 to 13
green e to 7
Potatoes 50 to 00
Oeese, tame 6 00
Ducks, " 3 50 to 4 00
Onions, per lb 2 to 8
Land Office at Oregon Citv, Oregon.
Aug. 19, 1832.
loning named settler lias Bled notice of his inten
tion to make filial proof in support cf his claim, and
that said proof will be made beiore the County Clerk
oi rciiton county at vorvauis, uregon, on
MONDAY, SEPT. 25, 1882.
viz: Frank Bennett, Preemption D. S. No. 8722, far
the S. E. quarter of Sec. 14, T. IS S. R. 7, W.
He names the following witn, ,ses to prove his
continuous residence upon, ana cultivation of, said
laud, viz: William Allen, Marshal Allen, Edgar Allen,
and Lincoln Bennett, all of Philomath, Benton
couniy, uregon.
19-.S5-W5 L. T. DARIN, Register.
In the name of the State of Oregon.
To all whom it may concern, notice is hereby
riven by the undersigned: John Burnett and M. S.
Woodcock, residents and householders and property
noiaers oi tne uity oi corvallis, in Benton county,
Oregon, and who are the exclusive owners of Block
No. seven in the county addition to said Citv of
Corvallis, each owning the following parts thereof
as hereafter described, to-wit: the said John Burnett
is the exclusive owner of lots one, two, eleven and
twelve in said block No. seven, and that said M. S
Woodcock is the exclusive owner of Jots three, four.
I five, six, seven, eight, -nine and ten in said block
' Vn bctph . nml tint th.'t-f ia ar nllp ahmit fnnrtMi
feet in width and about three hundred feet in lenirth.
extending north and south through said block of
lots which alley is bounded on the east by said lots
one, two, three, four, five and six and on the west by
said lots seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven and twelve;
that the undersigned and owners of said block did
on the 18th day of August 1882, file with the Recor
der of said City their petition in writing, duly signed
by them, praying, and thereby petitioning, the said
Common Council of said City of Corvallis, to vacate
said alley above described. The said petitioners be
ing the exclusive and only owners of all property ad
joining said alley and the only persons who will in
any way be effected by vacating the same; and or the
9th day of October A. D, 1882, at the regular meeting
of said Common Council in October 18S2, we, the
said petitioners, will apply to said Common Council
to grant the prayer of t aid petition and vacate said
auey. John burxsit,
M. 8. WboococK.
Dated this 18th day of August 1&S2. 19-3w5
v Washington Territory.
The Ship Gregory has now taken about
700 tons of wheat at Naw Tacoma.
The ship Iroquois took her first allotment
of 250 tons of wheat on yeste-day at New
Tacoma and is discharging the balance of
railroad iron left in her stiffening.
Seven deserters were started on their
way to Fort Alcatraz on Sunday, where
they will have ample time to reflect upon
their folly.
The contractors on the Vancouver court
house received a supply of lime on Saturdav
and work has been resumed on the base
The piles are nearly all driven on the
La Center bridge, the completion of which
may be delayed by not getting the plank
ing promptly as required.
Vancouver Barracks will soon have a
light battery. Capt. Taylor's battery at
tortcanoy, 1st Artillery, havinir been
designated as such by the Secretary cf War
ana win undoubtedly be stationed here.
The wharves of New Tacoma. and th
neighborhood thereof, now present a busy
scene. On Wednesdav last w,
present two ocean steamers, three
ships and three Sound steamers, receiving
ana aiscnarging freight.
Good Brick
kept .constantly on band at
Mrs. L. A. Dennick's
Brick Yard, our th flooring: min. on the new ferry
rotd. Sooth of Corvallis. ID-ttml
Adrjiiiiistrawris's Sale ct Real Estate.
In the matter of the estate of John Jessup, deceased:
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an order
of sale drily made by the County Court of the State
oi urecron ior tscnton county, on tne sth oay of Jno
vember 1881, at the regular November term 1881 of
said court, and duly entered in the journal of said
court, directing and commanding me, Nancy A.
Jessup, administratrix of said estate, to sell at public
auction, according- to law, all the right, title, interest
and estate that the said John Jessup, deceased, had
at the time of his death, in and to the following' des
cribed property, to-wit: All of the east half of the
northwest quarter and the west half of the northeast
quarter of section nine, township eleven, S. of R.
eleven, west of Wil. mer.. all being and situated in
Benton comity. State of Oregon.. And in pursuance
of and in accordance with said order of sale, I, Xancy
A. Jessup, administratrix of the estate of John Jes
sup, deceased, will on
at the hour of one oclock P. M. of said day, in front
of the court house door in the City of Corvallis in
Benton county. State of Oregon, sell at public auc
tion to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the
right, title, interest and estate which the said John
Jessup, deceased, had at-the time of his death, in or
to the above described real property together with
the appurtenances thereto belonging.
Admistratrix of the estate of John Jessup, deceased.
Dated this 23rd day of August 1882. l9-35w 5
Corvallis, Oregon.
THE OCCIDENTAL is a new building,
newly furnished, and is first class in all its
Stages leave the hotel for Albany and Yaquina Bay
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Large Sample Room on First floor for
Commercial "Ren. 19-35 ly
(Old ' NATIONAL," Established 1868.
12S Front St.,
Between Washington and Alder,
An institution designed for the practical
business education of both sexes.
Admitted on any week-day of the year. Vo
vacation at any time, and no exam
ination on entering.
Scholarship, for Full Business Course , $60.
Of all kinds executed to order at reasonable
rates. Satisfaction guaranteed.
The College Journal, containing informa
rion of the course of study, when to enter,
time required, cost of board, etc., and cuts
of plain and ornamental penmanship, all
from the pen of Prof. Wasco, sent free.
Address A. P. ARMSTRONG-,
Lock Box 104, Portland, Oregon.
19-31 m9
He that hath teeth let him hear by tb Dentaphone
which enables all deaf persona to hear by the teeth.
8unnle at Allen Si Woodward's Drag store.
19:t3-mt Corvallis, Oregon.
Will Exhibit In
Tuesday, September 5th, 1882.
e i
Messrs. C. & J. SHERMAN announce that
in addition to their most wonderful V
School of Educated Horses
They have this year added a
Unsurpassed by any having visited this
Coast for years viz:
Miss Kate Cross,
Miss Carrie Armstrong,
Mrs. Fred Mackley,
Mr. Fred Mackley,
Mrs. Slegrist,
Siegrist and Duray,
Joe Williams,
Adler and Zorelli,
Mr. Ike Burress,
and Joe Allen,
Silver Cornet Band !
Will parade the straetsin the
. drawn by six noble horses.
Admission $1; Children 50c,
Manufacturers and Jobber T
These Goods are Warrant
ed not to rip.
All Genuine have the trade mark "TROTS CLAD"
stamped thereon.
117 Battery Street, San Francisco, Cat.
Corvallis, Oregon.
It is not wealth, or fame, or state,
But "git up and git" that makes md
tret one of those new all hand-made btnuk4
where all work is warranted. lS-lSruS
Clubbed with other publications with which
we have made arrangements, so that persons
wishing an Eastern paper can secure the
same, together with the Corvallis GazettB,
at a price but little more than one: post
age prepaid. All new subscribers, and per
sons who have paid all arrearages, can avail
themselves of this liberal offer. Cash in
advance must always accompany the order-
"The New York Weekly Times." Repub
lican, a 56 column paper, publisher's price ? I
with the Corvallis Gazette, payable m
advance, for one year; $3,40.
"The Chicago Weekly News," Indewend-
enj, a 32 column, 4 page paper, publisher,
price 75 cents, with our Gazette, payable
in advance, for one year; $300.
"The St. Louis Journal of Agriculture,"
a 48 column 8 page paper, publisher's price
$1. with our Gazette, for one year, payable
in advance, $3,00.
"Harper's Magazine." (illustrated,) pub
lisher's price $4, with onr Gazette, for on
year, payable in advance; $5,50.
"Harper's Weekly" (illustrated) publish
ers price fHt, with our UAZaTTE, ior one
year, payable in advance; $5,70.
"Harper's Bazaar" (illustrated) publisher 'a
price $4, with our Gazette, for one year,
payable in advance; $5,70
"Harper's Young People, publisher
price $1,50, with our Gazettt, for one year,
payable in advance; $3,70.
"Scientific American," publisher's price
$3,20, with our Gazette, for one year, pay
able in advance; $5, 10.
''ScientiSb American Supplement," pub
lisher's price $5,00, with our Gazette, for
one year, payable in advance; $6,50.
"Scientific American and Supplement, '
publisher's price $7, with onr Gazette, for
one year, payable in abvasce; $8, 10.
"The American Agriculturist," publishers
price $1,50, with our Gazette, for one year.
payable in advance, $3,o0.
Will send the "New York Weekly
Tribune," and the Gazette, for on year,
payable in advance, $3,50, or the "Semi
Weekly Tribune and Cazetvs one year
for $4,5 .