MBS. 0. R. ADDITON Will t pleased t receive Pupils for PIANO or ORGAN At her residence, comer of 4th and Jefferson Streets, Cvallls, or will vtult them at their home mt Oit parpoae of instruct log them. Terms reason le. ' Tht study of Eumony a Specialty. 18:28yl. JF. C. Crawford, JEWELER. TTBEPS CONSTANTLY ON RA9D A LARGE XL assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All kinds of repairing done on snort not led, end all rrk warranted. I8:33-yl CORVALLI8 Photograph Gallery. PROTOGUAPHS PROM KTN'ATUP.K LIFE SIZE. TO First Class Work Only! m Copying In ell branches. P mood teken et cash pneee. nc of ell kinds end E. HK3L0P. NEW FIRM ! IBBWIBM IMPfflfflTS We here In stock the Deering Twine Binders, Deering and Standard Mowrs, Minnesota Chief i hreshers, Morrison PIowk, Minnesota Giant end Stillwater Engines, El wood Hearted Horse-Power, Centennial Fannin trill, cel ebrated Burftye line of Seeders and Drills. We also keep the celebrated Whitewater and Eetchnm wagons. Juncgyl W. H. MILLHOLLAXD. H- E. HARRIS, One Door South of Graham Hamilton's, COBYALLIS, . . OREGON. FRIDAY MORNING, AUG. 18, 1S32. Groceries, Provisions, DRY GOODS. Cora His, June 24. 1SS2. l-19yl CENTRAL OREGON ESTATE AGENCY, Heed Offlee adjoining the Poatoffice, Carvwlltt, ... Oregon. The above agency has the largest and best selec- senna am ranenes lor sa;e In Benton County. For full particulars of properties see "Oregon Colonist'. Persons desiring satisfaction in buying or selling should first communicate with Charles Buiui assess, wno wui glrs them every attention. 193Syl NEW BUSINESS! Mountain View The Star Bakery ! MAIN STREET, CORVALLIS, - OREGON P. N. ZiEBOLF, PROPRIETOR. FAMILY SUPPLY STORE. GROCERIES, BREAD, CAKES, PIES, CANDIES, TOYS, &c. 19:26yl Always on hand 35 Cents per Gallon, WHEN REQUIRED FOR IXFANT8, THE MIL of one cow will be furnished. Milk warranted PURE. LISTEN FOR THE BELLI A. Q. MULKET, Proprietor. OerralBs, January 7, 1880. 19:27yl C. W.PHILBRICK, OEXEBAL Contractor and Bridge Builder, 8. MATHsSEN, BUGGY, OAERIAGE AKD WAGON MAKER. REPAIRING DONE AT REASONABLE KATES. All work warranted. Shop across the street nnnncit. Uandnu. t, a I I9-24m3-p COHVALLIS, OF.EGON. AT Corvallis, Oregon. Will attend promptly to all work under Me charge. 19-27yl MAX FRIENDLY, Having received a URGE QUANTITY OF LOGS AT CORVALLIS, U better prepared than ever to furnish jPirst Quality OF LUMBER AT Regular Prices. Home-made Fertilizers, J. B. Killebrew, Commissioner of Agriculture for the State of Tennes see, makes the following i-xeellent. suggestion. Every farmer who will follow them closely will find that whilo enriching his land he will save himself many dollars: "A great many bones are wasted on every farm that make valuable manure, and are easi ly prepared for use. Let a barrel be devoted to the bones, and whenever a bone is thrown into it cover it up with unleachede ashes. Let the bar Pel stand in the weather, and in a few months the bones will be so fria ble they may be easily broken and converted into an unadulterated bone dust, belter than can be bought in any of the agricultural stores. Or, if he cannot wait this slow process, they are easily burned and crushed. In making soap, much fine phosphate of lime is thrown out in the shape of half-eaten bones, and in spent lye. Soapsuds are also a fine addition to the manure or compost heaps. In these are found not only the alkalies of soda and potash, but also much nitrogenous matter in the shape of grease. AM tbefe assist in enriching our heap. No farm yard Is without the best guano. It is true the guano of the shops is from seabirds, whose food is fish, but the guano of the chicken house is exceedingly valua ble and well worth saving. Mixin it with soil or ashes and sowing over sentient, hrtnntifnl I . .; " vp, ; ' JUB" In moraent- . one g n one hun- Alien, luars inr IMP iin . no- HeaH nn nnrl K .t. 1 .1 -tr-ii-- . . . . a strong v uvy came along and it was sheep in a run of 400 to 800 varns. p there hence the advantao-e rfli.: a i. failure. Results, how- so situated that. th oi, h. . i . . . w i"i n ij liail SL 2111 -piaviuuB. Aiie narvest times apDioach tho lmnon ,k ... UVUU.., 1J tlmiw.l. . 1 .1 -KuuKut, asseuj me wueat cro would be a is turning out finely in most of valley, and places are now ich thev the will invariablv do - - HUUU i HUM 1 L V J ? t I" I 1 - -r- yielding aamits. ior over on r t x. more than double what they were kept a fiook of from 125 to 200 head expected to produce a month ago. and although there are many woith- rom every part of the State comes less sheep-killing dogs around me in . un t.iory yields exceeding the the neighborhood, I have not had sanguine expectations. We wy ine loiiowing figures, gleaned residing on my farm, within a hun I f f til niinii ssm J A" I m ..w ..uU,cuo oi sources, Detore our dred yards of my residence (who are readers in the confident expectation prone to be dear lovers of worth w.-vt,, win prove as correct as curs), often having from two to three those that we have furnished them dogs each, from 10 to 15 dogs upon tor the last three years, when, even an averaare. on the farm, nnrl what were considered our most ex- them known to be notorious Tordw. flornrprn I aa1 Af.i;mni i ii -,t- . r u,usks, were Dome out Killing, though, strange to say yet by the actual facts. The total acre- true, t hey have never killed one sheep Acta 1ft nliiiil Q o.in or j i . - prouueing 2a,. Know to myself. nook or cranny, where in a state of torpor, they survive until the en suing season links 'twixtthe sum mer gone by and to come. The insect may also hibernate in the pupa state in the ground. In rooms kept continuously warm, or in more soutnern- latitudes, the fly re- inaino n nti ..n 11 " , , """uo ssvHvo ii winter, ana our palace sleeping cars brinff them flaily to us from Florida dnrino- Mia killed by doss. The fpnuiit a anA Uic I Coldest mnnfli nf tha o.. . .... u.,v ucip , v. wiv, jcoi, tovicn trfic American. J. W. HANSON, MERCHANT Next door North of old Gazette Offlee, CORVALLIS, - . - . OBEGOW. 590,500 centals. Tie inis is equal to 49,317,500. or almost o0,000,000 bushels. It is the greatest crop ever raised in the state outside of 1880. Our estimates may indeed be too low. The surplus for exports here is about 22,890,000 cen tals, or 1,134,500 tons a large sur plus for the year A Happy Family. Edward Willis, a Sudbury, Mass.. m 1 1 1 n r tin. a, -.1 . .. .w, ao at me present time a seven-toed cat, which i rearing two seven-toed kittens of her own, three red or "ferret" squirrels and a rac coon. They are all tno-ot.W nA the cat regularly muses the entire lot, manifesting just as much affec tion and anxiety for the welfare of The question is no w Wine . u.e raccoon as she - " , fe does lor her STEAMSHIP BUILDING. ly discussed (says Engineering) H'llr,! lli-i l.nA t i.m.. .1 " urem ib, wiin ine present activity in nearly all shipbuildino- yards of the country, an "over-pro duction" of tonnage of vessels. TT 1 . a unaouotediy the question has a garden plat, rather thinly, lor it is been forced by the declension in the very rich, its effects are seen to the rates of freight, and by the occasion. row. own offspnng. The squirrels, which are about' five weeks old, regularly leave the cat and go to the edge of the woodland to frolic, and as regularly return to the house of Mr. Willis to rro to sleep with the cat. The family is a happy one. and ia rwsrfar.fl.. l 7 J - ' 'J tlL MAIL STAGE LINE FROM CORVALLIS to YAQUINA BAY. LEAVING CORVALLIS MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, AND FRIDAYS, For Elk Citv rnt,n.MlM ...l.v .v bn t-ZZZLZZrZSZ?- "earner ror TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, AND SATURDAYS. P.ntaloons made to order of Oregon Goods for $7.50. English Goods, $11. French, $14 13" Suits from $30 to $60. "S Cleaning and Repairing done at Reasonabl Rat ussy ...... . W. . . """5" " ai Vincent House, Corvallls. 19-27m3 lUtl VK X- irn.f Golden P.ules. However, the dung of fowls. aI difficulty that has been felt in em- home with the numerous stauirora n . . I ..i : - , . . I . . o usu i-speuiauy oi pigeons, is best ap- r""J'"K wme vessels. i his must be wno call to see them. Ex plied in the form of solution. It is reflected in lower dividends to the Tint cn Qfrit t r K,1P sssbasa, avl .l a. 1 n rn h r ovs m etAH. i this manner. One part of manure to "y, and the probability of this Hnrer ffaJer and your mud. ten parts of water will mnk.. o torcinjr iinon the nn-nr. r aer' but doan Iend de oq man any wash for vines.-or for fruit trBt. it i9 the consideration of the nnp.tlon of money onlesa Ja bave good secur- ....vuvcinu, xiuuiufi BuujiioH io me " '-" ww io connnue the I U.sii. "."i neorassrsss. and all Chmnin Pnt fiI . LE"' ph"adelpbia,; "wiiwiinwi uiieu.iuns. dm sent by express, ready for USU AT' !. H. E. SlATllEWS. Forwarding nBeu. oud jnonieomery street, San Frar--cisco,01. A3- Send for FreeVaSphlSi ) AUGUST KNGHT, heap is skins, carrion either of ani- PrPnt rate of building. It must be Come down liberally to erect churches; but if you have anybrick iiiaiB ui iuwis. scales oi nshes. hair, icuu-iiiuereu oeiore such a oiipsi rn hoofs, and in fact every kind of ani- can h9 answered that this is usuallv to sell ask de contractor full price mal substance that may come within the dull season of the year in ship- 1)0 Jer dlloty to orphan asylums, reach that are worthless. Instead of PWS, and that freights that have bnt doan' board any orphans for dragging off dead horses or cows, as een pointed out as low, such as an attraction for buzzards and dogs, those Uom the Tyne to Cronstadt. Love your naybirr as thyself, but . . . I . ' I f 1 cus mem up and let them add to the are el,,al to those of a year ago, and see dat he returns ver shovel nn' also above those of two years ago. spade an' rake in good order or manure heap. In this way a vslu- able addition will be made." Scientist., now all admit, th-.f mn.i ,n... caused by disordered Kldnevs or liver, and that if these irrcat oriran, are leant, in . An...n.: health will be the result. WARNER'S SAFE KH .NET AND LIVER CURE le made from a Simple Tropical Leaf OF RARE VALUE, And Is a POSITIVE Remedy for the folloirins: T.-cablea : Pain In the Back Severe HmiWIi... Dizziness. Bloating. Inflamed Eyesj A Tired Feeling. 'Kt. C...i.. B Pal"? (n the Lower Part of tlse Body Palpitation of the Heart: Janndice GraTel. P.tinfnl lTr;iinn. , ' MARKETINO PEARS. Ma. A4LE. ORDCRS FILLED WITH PROMPTNESS. soayKraS PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE, Old " NATIONAL," established 1866. 128 FroatSt Between Washtnftoa and Alder, P0HXLANB, . - .. OBBttO!.. A. P. ARMSTRONG Principal J. A. WESCO Penman and Secretary Destined for the business education of both sexes. sltBdente admitted on any week day of the year. Ne umimtloa on entering-. KATES OF TUITION ; sa.u"i,Ri.Mir, trasmess Course, fee 00- i.tibuiwirui, uimpnts (;eurH 25 00 WeUTINU, per month " ' 5 03 Pen-Work Of all kinds done In the most artistic manner at rea- Adah). Ml.. C... . ! ... . , . . . . f ornamental penmanship, free. 1 wisittvp 1 DIABE1TSS CURE. It is a GraTel; Painful Urination- larlal Ferer. Ferer and Agnc; And all disraEM caused by the Kidneys, Liver or Urinary Organs being- out of order It is a SAFF. anH f!(.'kTl IV M i n . ... Acuities, such as " ",ni'0 au- Lencorrbcea; InBnmsiian of the ifombi ' ""s ws sue nnmof iifrrallon of the Womb. I r wl 1 1 isnnvsMt .,1 I-a - sr - . .1 '. uu, iu is an nancy rcmeay ior tcmaics during preg "Jooa ruri?.er It 13 uncqualed, for It cures the organs that MAKE the blood. For L0S&B& Scrofala; Whita Swel-' "8f oaii. aaeum; poisoning oy Mer cury or any other Drug. It Is certain in every case. For Incontinence; Impotence! Patau In the Loins, and all Simi lar Disease, It Is a safe, sure and quick Cure. Disease knWn remedy th' b" cured a""1 As a proof of the purity and worth of this Great Natural Remedy, read the following ' CHEMICAL IffALVfilft , AnalyaU. has furnished the fo'lowing statement! UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER Chemical Laboratory. ROCHESTER, N. Y Jan 8 1880 methods. I have also taken from his laboratory xxTn SSnSLw the material inthepreratio of thMmedloine, and upon critical examinanon I find them, as we las the medicine into which they enter te entirely free from poisonous or deleterious sub! ,tsoces- S. A. LATHMORE. Tills Remedy whleh has done such wonders 1, , up in the LARGEST SIZKti ami. 1 u!' cine upon the Market, and is sold by DrtiTeWES Bsm r:.-a . Pears, whether early or late, should never remain on the tree until they become mellow. Whenever they nave made their growth they should rA irotlinrnfl T, I . AA . 1 1 " i w easy ieu me proper condition by observing the ease with which the stem parts from th tree. If on taking hold of a pear and lifting it, the stem readily breaks away from the spur to which it is attached, the fruit has received all the nourishment it can get from the tree, and the sooner it is gathered the bet ter. Pears are sent to market in crates and in hall-barrels; espec ially fine specimens are sent in shal low boxes, only deep enough for a single layer of fruit, , and each pear is wrapped in thin white paper. Extra specimens of any of the stand ard kinds, will bring enough more to pay for his extra ere in packing. The early varieties mature quicker after gathering than the later kinds, but all should reach the market in a farm and hard condition. As with oil 1. st. T. -1 1 " ": mm., ii win pay to care fully assort pears. Make three lots nrsts and seconds for market, and the third for keeping at home for the pigs it need be, there is positive iy no salo for poor pears io the mar ket. muting the general low rates make him pay de retail price. Be honest, but doan' let a grocer imagine dat you buy a quart box of a pint an' a half. Obey de law, but doan' clean up j your alley onless your naybnr does. ie seen oltcn at church, but '1 I doan argy dat de preacher knows the aige of do world an' de area oh 1 1 XI Jl iST I T XT 11 E Heaben any better dan lots ob odder folks. Address A P. ARMsTROxr. Lock Box 104, Portland. Oregon PI cheerfully recommend the present msnarc seent of the Portland Business Collere. Mr. Arm sarong, whom I have known for many years an experienced teacher and a practical business man. POSITIVE Remedy H. H. WARNER & CO. I9:6yl Rochester N. Y. 19:Sl-m8 H. M. DeFRAVPF Pres. old "National" College. iBJf TUC tAROEST VARIETY Of GOODS IK fHE U.S. AND CAM SELi f VOU ANY ARTICLE FOR PERSONAL Oft FAMILY 1 USE, IN AN V QUANTITY AT WHOLESALE PRICE. I I WHATEVER VOU WANT SEND FOR OUR OATA- I I LOQUE (FREE) AND YOU WILL FIND IT THERE I I MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 2X7 A 228 WABASH AVENUE. CHIOArjQ. I NERVOUS OEBII ITY. A Sure Care CimralTtrcd. DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT ment, a specinc for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convul ions. Nervous Headache. M,.niai n.n,-D.i.. r Memory, Spermatorhxa, lmpotenev, Involuntary emissions, premature old age. caused by over exertion, self-abuse or over-indulgence, which leads to misery, decay and death. One hnv ...... cent cases. Each box contains one mouth's treat ment ; one doHar abox, or six boxes for Eve dol lars ; sent by mail nrenaid on reeeint nf i,ri., w. guarantee six boxe3 to cure any case. With each KrreCeiV by " for t boxc'' accompanied with Ave dollars, we will send too purchaser our written guarantee to return thn mmi if tav. . . only'by06' n0t effect curo- Guarantees issued WOODARD, CLARK & CO., J holesale and Retail Druggists, Portland Oregon. Orders by mail at regular prices. 18-13 y j. EI.ACKBERR1ES AND BASPBEIRIES. When the crop has been cathered r. ii is oest to cut away the old canes. We are aware that some claim that it is better to leave these until fall, with the idea that they will strength en the root. We find that the best cultivators cut out the canes-as soon as the fruit is gathered. The growth of the new canes, that are to bear fruit next year, is to be attended to. If more shoots are : thrown up from the roots than are wanted, they should be treated as weeds, and cut up. The bight of the new growth will depend upon the manner of train ing; three or four feet is sufficient for Raspberries, and five or six feet for Blackberries. When the shoots have reached the desired .bight, stop them by breaking otTtbe ends. an' yit remember dat some ob on biggest fools am people who have been stuffed full ob it. Ex. But, ad rT Iruirrhra , . a it-mams io De seen whether it is due to an excess of ton nage or to other causes. At the Utrawberri 5 .u nrcwnt I. ma . 1, ..i.!ii; . r " " Wi f , v... c iiuic tu uuiid vessels to replace the iron vessels that are lost, to replace wooden vessels, and to meet the growing international trade of the world, increasingly car ried in British vessels. When the largeness of the loss of vessels that have to bo replaced is remembered. it will be seen that when the trade across the ocean is prospering and growing, there is room for the activ ity that our builders have displayed, it the cost of production be low. But the cost of production has been of late very seriously increased, and the purchasing "power of would-be owners is thereby lessened. A ched to the rate of shipbuilding means a reduction of the cost, and ultimately a revival. Possibly there may have been to rapid an increase in the price of vessels, forced up as it has been by the higher wages and by in creased cost of iron. It is probable that a check to that increase will be now given, and should prices fall and trade continue brisk, that check to the progress of shipbuilding would be found to be very short in dura tion. Liverpool Journal of Com merce. Support de cause ob eddecation, Work Aone to order on short notice and at a wifouiitiuic laica, THE FLY. B fsSBSfsWOR LEGAL LANK j t TWB ornct The Wheat Crop of 1882, We have at length finished a very tedious, but at the sane time, im portant task: that is. a- cnmnilatinn &rC ! f the CrP 0fthe Slate for this Tr, kTiTi. iaflLr "si?"" jounce, uertnany, etc. Wo Patents obtained thmnii, n. .J:... ,... SSS2E Jy E355 3 20 a year.sbows t he Progress Sgfigj 18 interesting, and has au enormous w?r2,t,lK5"f42(lress MUN? CO., Patent Solid? tyewYork. Hand book about Patents free. s - says the San Francisco Journal of Vommeroe. It is well known that early in the year from the dryness of the season, it was feared that we would not bare any crop; but sub- Proteetlng Sneep from Dogs. A correspondent of a southern pa per answers the question. "How shall I protect my flock from sheep killing dogs?" as follow: "After much experimenting, the following has proven the most beneficial in protect ing sheep from dogs. For a flock of from 20 to 100 or 150 head, put on from 14 to 16 bells of various sizes and tone from the common little sheep oeli up to a large cow bell. It is the variety of lone and sound that terri fies the sheep-killingdog. The flock should always be so situated that they can approach the house of theland lord, through a lane, gate or gap in the fence, and if occasionally salted near the house will invariably ap proach it at night to sleep, particular- y it disturbed by dog or person. No dog, I care not how much practice he may have tn killing sheep, can be induced even under the most trying condition to attack a flock having from 14 to 16 bells of different sizes and tone. A dog severely pressed of hunger may be influenced to attack a flock while laying down at rest, or silently grazing; the moment that doleful sound of 16 bells of different siaes and tone reaches bis ear, his tail will be seen to tuck between his legs and he is off for other quarters in a As "fly time" approaches every house-keeper wonders how the in creasing swarms of pests multiply so rapidly. The eggs, mcro whit ish specks to the unaided eye, are laid in little agglutinated piles in warm manure or in decomposing vegetation, especially that about our tables and barn-yards From 80 to 100 are laid at a time, and probably at three or four in tervals by the same fly, though on this point we have no exact data Within 24 hours in summer, they hatch into footless maggots, which, after rioting in filth till their ten der skins seem ready to burst from repletion, become full in less than BAT VIEW HOUSE. 1'evtporf, Oregon. New additions, Newly furnished, Newly repainted. TEJRaIS. Per day .mfa Per week no Per single meals ...... 50 apr2Sm3 p. M. ABBEY. TO THE M JKD JlFFUCTED! AND ESPECIALLY Those Suffering from Debilitv. Nervous Prostration, Loss of Vitality, Sexual Infirmities, Etc., Ktc. n THE GREAT NEED THOSE HAVE WHO ARE suffering from SEXUAL AND NERVOUS COM PLAINTS Is a DbVSiclan who can mmnrohonri ailments and successfully treat them. The ireneral ira.ntiinnar ia nnt a,iffiianlv Bt-:it. in these classes of troubles to do so and it must b left to the SPECIALIST, who by education. Ion practice, thorough knowledge and compreheusiv mind, is prepared to cure them. DR. J. C. YOUNG Opened his now celebrated Institute in 1850 for the purpose of affording the afflicted the certainty of honorable and skillful treatment and perfect and permanent restoration, and for over 30 tmn it. ha. sustained the first rank not only upon tbic Coast but uiruugiiuui. uie civinzeu worm. I am aware that bv dwellimrunon sn uninviting . subject as the DECAY OF SEXUAL VIGOR th gnorant may asperse my motive, but the desire to inform those who are snfier- ing- iiii oun ignorance, or a Iio bv erv essness or want of Knowledge that a mr. O A TTTT?nn riff a rmrt ta," f?ad' are 10t on,y hn,rs,ng thm- HHU m. .iiubt.uujLc bv iuiairu genera tions, is too great an incentive to permit me to bo TTTti svmrjtoms. IF YOU ARE SUFFERING FROM N IGHT LOSS ES, NERVOUSNESS, WEAKNESSES, CONFUSION C MIND, SLIGHT LOSSES WHEN UNDER EX CITEMENT, VARIABLE TEMPER, TREMBLING. PALPITATION, FLUSHES, &c, OR IF YOU HAVE PRACTICED SELF-ABUSE EVEN IN THE SLIGHT EST PARTICULAR you are suffering from the Dread Enemy or Human Life, And should not hesitate to seek at once health and happiness in a cure. CURES GUARANTEED, FEES MODERATE CONSULTATION BY LETTER OR OTHERWISE. -FREE. Exclusively Vegetable Bmedies Cscd. o- Ladies You are especially liable to suffering from NERV OUS PROSTRATION. All j-our peculiar complaints are nervous in their origin and hence your sufferings are terribly depressing or inexpressibly "keen. The Doctor in his researches and practice of NERVOUS TROUBLES has made your orgpnizatic n a special study and is thus enabled from his experience and knowledge to aid and cure you in any of the Troubles. V, akncssf s, Distresses and Saf ferlnesto whitit yon are liable. eSTYou will And in the Doctor a friend upon whom you can rely for comfort, aid and cure. Dr. Young's Female Remedies have attained a reputation for elficier.cy unequalled by any medicine or medical prescription ever offered. They can be sent by mail or express. Those desiring personal care and attention can have all necessary accommodations furnished. -O Letters. Those who cannot visit the citv can bv orivinz their symptoms in their own way. receive advice, and when desired, treatment at home with everv assurance of 1 a cure. LETTERS RETURNED OR DESTROYED. Address, DR. J. C. YOUNG, SIcdiral Institute, No. 7 Stockton St, San Francisco, Feb. 21, 1882. UNDERTAKER. Cor. Second and Monroe Sts., COEVALUS, : OREGON, Keeps constantly on hand all kinds of Coffins and Caskets. Corvallie, July 1, 1881. 19:27yl. SO o o 0 0 55 z HE! gs o gg s r o s tt i - u H u o 1 n a ft rs PS 11 gg s 2 3Z S ' S i' I I 5 1 n "ej p ffijB t fc, g ta Q 11 . I Sf eo p m uj s: - I C3 sSM o os f c PATENTS: i Obtained, and all business in theU. S. Patent Office, or in the Courts attended to for MODERATE Fi;tS, We are opposite the CJ. S Patent Office, eneaeed in PATENT BUSINESS EXCLUSIVELY, and can ob tain patents in less time than those remote from WASHINGTON. Whan model or draw! ne ia sent wo advise as to patentability free of charire: and we make NO CHARGE UNLESS WE OBTAIN PATENT. W e refer, here, to the Post Master, the Supt. of the Monev Order Div. . and to officials of the U. S. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and reference to actual clients in your own state and county, address, C. A. 19:8 SNOW & Co., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C US a week. ia outfit free. $12 a day at home easily made. Costly Aouress True & Co., Augusta, .lie. a week, and decendinf? into the 5s,no.t weallh' .r,faTe' or s,tate , si.'. . out "git up and git that makes i great. eartn, or sneitenng unaer some oia board, contract to brown slmiing objects rounded at both ends, and technically known as puparia. Within the darkness of this hard ened skin profound changes rapidly take place, and the insect passes through the pupa to the perfect- state, and finally, in about five days, the anterior end of the pupar- T have just been to s. a. hemphills to . . . I get one of those new all hand-made harness. where all work is warranted. 1-I5m3 C . MADDEN, Attorney at JLi aw CORVALLIS, OREGON. Will oractlce in all of the Courts of the State. 18:f2yl iam is pushed of, and the fly quick ly crawls out. At first its parts are pale and its wings are crumpled and useless, but these soon expand, and suddenly, without practice or teaching, the new fledged fly wings its way to your table to mock your displeasure to share your repast. The length of time required from hatching to maturity varies with the- season and temperature, but will not exceed ten days in summer while the life of the perfect fly lasts about three weeks at tbe same sea son, cold weather approaches popagation ceases, and the older flies perish. A few of the more vigorous fc -males, however, retreat to somo MS s wcc'c in yur own town. Terms and $5 outfit $69 tree. Address H. Hallett & Co. , Portland; Me. Real Estate for Sale. Will sell a farm of 478 acres for less than 818 ner acre, being- one of the cheapest and best farms in Bentei. county, situated 4 miles west of Monroe. 1 of a mile from a good school, in one of the best neigh, borhoods in the state with church privileges handy. About 130 acres in cultivation, and over 400 cart-be cultivated. AH under fence, with good two story frame house, large barn and orchard; has running water the vear around, and is well suited tor stock and dairy pi -poses. This Is one of the cheapest farms in the Willamette Valley Also, two improved lots on the main business street with small stable, woodshed and a e-ood. comfortable dwelling house containing seven good rooms. These lots are nicely situated for any kind of business pur. poses. . For further information enquire at the Gazette Office. f MS per day at home. Samples worth ?s free 99 vaU Address Stinson & Co., Portland, Me. A LL KINDS xjl at this office OF JOB WORK DONE Letter heads, etc. H Z