Wtthk (Eoruallis feritt FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE30, 1882. DiphHicria. This dreaded disease has made its appearance in Wall Walla and this town has an ordinance jruart.ing the spread of the disease. Would it not he a good idea for the iicople ot Pendleton to watch the matter care fully. The city conncil should make a move in time. By good judgment aud carefulness Pendleton escaped the ravages of the late smallpox plague. East Oregonian vavsjsa, Some fall sown grain in Umatilla county was killed by the severe win ter and had to be sown over again last March. We are gtobl now it looks very well, much better than the grain sown which was not killed by the winter. Spring jriin is look ing very well all over the country nod from every one we learn the crop is expected to be enormous. The farmers expect a grand harvest and are very jubilant over it. Articles of Incorporation. Articles of incorporation were filed last week with the Secretary of State, incorporating the Oregon Pioneer Association, incorporators Uelo- rum Crawlord, Joseph Watt, John Catlin and F. X. Mathieu. Principal office, Salem, Oregon. The ohject and pursuit of this corporation shall be to collect from living witnesses and other sources such fasts relating to the Pioneers and history of the territory of Oregon, as the associa tion may deem worthy ot preserva tion, and to promote social inter course among its members. How to BnIM n a flare. An exchange has these words of advice: Speak well of the place where you live; if you don't nobody else will Encourage all public enterprises, and if necessary go down into your pocket-book to help foster them. Use your utmost endeavors to have good schools, but do not ex pect them to come to you without an effort. Patronize every man who is trying to build up a business in your midst -for it is like bread cast upon the waters. Consider the cost of improving the appearance ot your town as a private investment, 'or if your town does not present the appearance of thrift, you cannot expect capital or enterprise to come to you. Patronize your home paper liber ally, for every cent well spent in printer's ink will come back to you, and vou thus build up an enterprise that has the general good at heart. Nothing speaks so well of the pros perity of a place as the healthy ap pearance of your local paper. SOTIETHIYf, ABOUT SlftlK. The origin of American sugar is involved in much doubt. Accord ing to the ordinary accounts, the sugar-cane was brought to America from the Canaries, and in those islands it had not been long known before Columbus entered upon his great enterprise such was the case with regard to Madeira, also, butH is asserted that sugar was ma-' in Hayti the year after its di.covery. It is well known how important Hayti became as a Bugarlsland, as it held the first rank down to a time that some very old pr rsons can yet the two ccn- fn? discovery, extended over merica, and be- ame h peculiar institution, not onlyvTBture and commerce, but in fostering the American slave trade. Sugar production has a very intimate, connection with the later history of the Mauritius, or Isle oi France. The sugar-cane was in troduced there not quite a century and a half ago, but its marvellous yield belongs to far later times. The Philippine Isles are very rich in sugar lands, mere is some reason for believing that sugar was known in what we now call India, in early times. It was set on Us weste travels by the Saracens. They took. tbe sugar-cane to the most important of the Mediterranean Islands, and imparted the knowledge of reak'ng sugar to the most ingenuous, of peo ples. They also took siir-cano to the Spanish peninsula, one of the greatest and most valuable of their nemesis, u wa"s e Saracenyaneo: the Iberian hernive a sugar laud that were able quickly to sugar-cane in the New- he American Btisrar e consequences ement which Chrisliauitv as a power, and which might never have been made had Maliome. failed in his great design. To America's discovery and to the establishment of the African slave trade, must the rapid advance of the snar-cane, and the manufacture of sugar, be so far attributed that the latter became large in quantity, and was placed within the command of the masses of "ihrf superior race" or whiten. Salt itse't is not more required than sugar, nor is it more accessible to the man. San Francisco Herald and Market Reporter. FREIGHTS AM CHARTERS. Within the past few davs many grain charters have been written, and at very low figures. The British steamer Escambia wu Walla Walla W. T. (From the Statesman, June 17 Tbe railroad at Kalama is submerged. The Northern Pacific company will build a large hotel at Westwood, Idaho territory, this summer. (from the Union, June 17). Tbe Surveyors who have lately been run ning tbe proposed route to Pendleton have completed their work. It is understood they found a very practicable route. Frank Harris, a man of good practical knowledge, says that across Snake river ami nearly opposite Kureka Flat there are about 6000 acres of tine wheat land. Dr. Kellogg reports diphtheria in the eas tern portion of the city. One child has al ready died with it. The new railroad bridge across Clark's Fork, was entirely swept away by the late high water. The O. R. St M . Co. have built a mow chartered ' tence on both sides of the summit cut, be- prior io arrival 10 ioai wneai, iur St. Vincent, and other vessels have been taken to load brealstuff for eight feet high and 5000 feet long. A drove of sheep numbering 2 1,000 pass i ed through Baker city one day last week en Cape Town. The present quotation ' route for Cheyenne from Umatilla county, for wheat cargoes is now down to j The top slid off from Mount Emily in 454Ss. to a direct port, for large j Grand Konde valley recently aud uncov Amorican shius. and for British iron i crI subterranean stream, which now rushes down the mountain side into the valley below. remem tnries the sm llfhsPuir to U. K. 5062s. 6d. The presence nfnait a number of British iron , . , . Robert Kennedy has a tine looking 160- Mt camera here and to arrive seeking - ! acre field of corn on th &xt beyond the baa a depressing influence upon the ! pest hoU3e general freight market. The dis- j Tne Ueadquartera of the N p. ,.ere engaged grain fleet here and at ad- raoveci from Ainsworth to Sprajjue last jacent ports aggregates about 33,000 j Weduesday. tons register, and to arrive 275,000 t tons, against 305,000 tons at nine i dale in 1881 and 135,000 tons iif 1580. j Latest advices about the crops in 1 this State, and from the best and; ThLirpularjourralisararecroibin'.ionof liter most reliable sources, now p!ac? the ature, art and fashion. Its stories, poems, aud es V nt ,r f".. IK' ;., 0 1 ac CC( s?a'ou uc wst wnwrammropttini Amer'ea: tons an admitted surprise to all on 'Chtnge yesterday. The cool weath er of the pact fortnight causes the change. San Francisco Commercial Herald Harper's Baar. ILLUSTRATED. its engravings possess the highetrtistic excellence; and in all matters pertaining to fashion it is univer sally acknowledged to be the leadinc authority in the land. The new volume will contam many bril liant novelties. Harper's Periodicals. Her Year i HARPER'S BAZAR $4 00 i HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 The THREE above Publications 10 00 ! Any TWO above named 7 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 1 50 HARPER'S MAGAZINE t - HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE LI BRARY, One Year (52 Numbers) 1 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States, or Canada HIT JIAUFUTCRE 1.1 1881. The following interesting figures of the hatting interest and manu facture in New Jersey have befii taken from the fourth annual report of the New Jersey Bureau ot Statis tics of Labor and Industries, for the year ending October 31, 1831. This report shows the total number ot hats manufactured during the year ' The Volumes of the Ir tegin with tbe first i n ' Number for January of each year. When no time is to be 578,775 dozen, and all ot these mentioned it will be understood that the subscriber except 11,300 dozen, manufactured rushes to commence with the Number next after the T , . . receipt of order, in UlllOn County, were manufactured fhe last Twelve Annual Volumes of Harper's Bazar, ill Essex COUnty. The total capital ; In ueat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage .J.i,.-, 1 paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the invested IS 1 ,734,500; largest Hum- freight does notcxeced one dollar per volume), for ber of hands employed at any one , 7 oo each. . ' oi-rt. . Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding, tune. clou: average number ot em , . . . ,, ... . ' will fce sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of SI 00 ployees, 697C, which includes 5066 each. males over sixteen years of aoj Remittances should be made bv Post-Offlce Money . o Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. 1523 females OVer fifteen years of age j Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the 'express order of Hasps & Brothms Address HARPER 4 BROTHERS. New York and 387 children and youth. The total amount paid for wages during: the year is $3,057,811. Total value! of hats manufactured $9,765,443. The average running time of the j shops tf.a small fraction under eight I months. Only six shops reported j running on full nine for twelve i raontljs? ant' of these two are form- ing rtmls. All are in tvjds country excepting two in Union, w-Miiih have employed during the year anaverage of seventy and forty-one persons re spectively, f WHEAT, p . j Our crop of this graftn east of the Jtocky mountains, is composed of five eighths ot winter and three- eighths of spring wheat. If S. MATHISEN, BUGGY, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER. REPAIRING DONE AT REASONABLE RATES. All work warranted. Shop across Hie street opposite Menslnger & "Spei dell's blacksmith sbop. CORVALLIS, OREGON. I0-24m3-p NERVOUS PEW nr. A Sore fare GuaraXtrrd. R. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT- we in- ment. a specific for Hvsteria. Dizziness. Convul sions. Nervous Headache. Mental Depression. Us I ..wihv.j, uiiHwa.Hiiic., luijn'tcii i. involuntary cimssiuns, premature oiu acc, cauacu uy over exertion, self-abuse, or over-indulgence, which leads pfautn th rrnn f Clalifnrr ia anil fir- I tom,s8r-. deoajnd death. One box will cure re ClUUe llie crop OI V- aiirorr.ia anU VJr- cent. as,,. Each box contains one month's treat- rnn I li nrnnnrt inna miv f,,, 'ctatul me,,t ; one dollar abox, or six boxes for five dol egon, llie pioponions may DO Stated i;8(.nt by nuv;i prepaid on receipt of price. We at three-fourths winter and one-,j SSTfZ&& JZS& fourth spring. Taking the winter iSSSiZ wheat Stales as a whole, the DrOS- ment does nt effect a cure. Guarantees Issued a i onlv br WOODARD, CLARK & CO., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Portland Oregon. Orders by mail at regular prices. 10-13 y 1 LEGAL. pect is very encouraging, pointing to a crop fully equal to, if not in ex cess of, the full one of 1830. In the more southern States harvesting han hegun with good results, and is grad ually extending northward. This grain will all be gathered within the ensuing three to six weeks, accord ing to latitude. The California ac counts have latterly been less en couraging lhau before, owing to un favorable weather and drying winds. In regard to spring whe.it, it is yet too early t form any definito opin ion as to the nrcbahle outturn; the seasor has been wet and planting generally scarcely as easy as usual; the plant looks healthy, the weather of May being rather orable than otherwise. In Wis- VII .ijUr fflora Harper's Weekly. Ill I'aTR A Tfn Harper's Weekly stands at the TOad of American illustrated weekly journals. By It unpartisan posi tion in politics, its admirable Illustrations, its care fully chosen serials, short sketches, and poems, contributed by the foremost artists and authors of the day. it carries instruction and entertainment to thousands of American homes. x It wiH always be the aim of the publishers to make Harper's Weekly the most popular and attractive family newspaper in the world. Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: HARPER'S MAGAZINE $4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY i 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 The THREE above publications 10 00 j Any TWO above named 7 00 i HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 1 so 5 0 One Year (S3 Numbers) lo 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada, 'cousin and Minnesota there has not been anv considerable increase m the 1 harper's magazine HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE acreage, tne new tani mat nas oe n harper's franklin square library. seeded to wheat being offset in a larger area ot the older farms being planted in corn. Dakota, however, will produce a crop this year very much larger than last season, and Manitoba will bring a great breadth of new land under cultivation this crop year; the bulk ot the yield will tind a market in Minneapolis, especi ally if the millers can obtain the drawback they seek for on their flour ground from this foreign wheat and shipped abroad. Pwxluce He Weekly. The Volnm' s of the Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. The Ilast Twelve Annual Volumes of Harper's Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for 87 00 each. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by niai., postpaid, on receipt of SI 00 each. 1 5 MA Per y at home. Samp) u worth 6 free WW i y AddVrn stirs rn A Co. Tirtlai d, Me. NOTICE TO CREDITORS, In the matter of the estate of James A. Yantis, dee'd. Notice is hereby given that the undersigued has been appointed Administrator of the estate ef James A. Yantis, dee'd, by the county court ot the State of Oregon, for the county of Benton. All persons hav ing claims against said estate, will present the same to meat thcCounty Clerk's office, in Corvallis, Ben ton county, Oregon, with the proper vouchors, within six months from this date. W. M. YANTIS, Administratrix of the estate of James A. Yantis deceased. tfcS4 Dated June 16, 1882. NOTIGE F0 PUBLICATION. Land oifice at Oregon City, Oregon, June 12, 1882. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE POL-lowing- namuil settler has filed notice of bin in tsntion to make final proof in suiiort of his claim, and that aid prKf will be made before the County Clerk of Benton County at Corvallis, Oregon, on TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1S82. viz: Ira A. Miller, Pre-emption, I. S. No. 3700 for the S. i of S. W. 4 of See. 11, and N. of N. W. of Sec. 14, T. 11, S R 11, W. He names the following- witnesser to provo bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: M. Heslop, of Corva'Iw, John I. Priest, Rohei t Jeffries, and George A. La.idreth, of Newport, all of iicnton Countv, Oregon, ll:2Tw-5 L. T. BAAIN, Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Cn-jpon. June's, 1662. VOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL J lowin-named settler has filed notice of his in tention to make filial proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk, of Benton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on TUESDAY, JULY 18, 18S2. viz: George A. I.andreth, Pre-emption, D. S. No. 3566 for toe S. of rf. E. 3, fcid N. A of N E. i of Sec. 10. T. 11, S. tt 11 W Ho name: the following witnesses to prove his continuous resideuce upon, ana cultivation of, said laud, viz: Frank M. Plumnier, W. R. Jeffries, John Ford, and John Priest, all of Newport, Ben too. County, Oregon. Also Frank M. Plummcr, Pre-emption, D. S. No. 3851 for the 3 uf& E. J & S. of S. W. ot Sec. 34, T 11, S. R. 11, W. He names tbe following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, ;ud land, viz: W. R. Jeffries, G. A. Landreth, -John Ford and John P. Priest, all of Newport, Benton County. Oregon. gjjggg L. T. BAfUN. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at -Oregon City, Oregon. May 19, 13S2. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL-i-' lowing nami-d settler has filed notice of his in tention to make, final pi oof in support of his claim, and that, s;tid proof will be made before the County Clerk, of Benton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 18S2. 3:;3, viz: Lafavcttc Pepin, Pre-emption D. S. No, for the Si W. 1 of Ssc. 32, T. 10 S., R. 9. V. He names tbe following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: C. A. Bell, L F. Eddy, A. S. Chitwobd, and I. J. Pepin, all of Little Elk, Benton County, Oregon. llt:22-wo L. T. BARIN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offce at Roscbnrg:, Oregon. Mav 23, 18S2. VOTICE IS DKREBT GIVEN THAT THE FOL l.Motring named settler has filed iotice of Ids in tent:, n to make final ;,roo: in .support of his clahn, and that said proof will be made before the Judsre or Clerk of Benton Qounty, at Corvailis, trei;on, on TUESDAY. JUNE 27, 1882. via: Robert S. Mitchell. Homestead No. 27S6 for the Lots 3, 4 5 E J of S. W. J Sec. C, T. 14, S. R. 9, W. WO. Mer. He names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, riK M. V. Springer, W. 1). Barclay, J. R. Barclay, K. J. Hauthom. all of Tidewater, Benton County, Oreg-on. 10-22-W5 W. F. BENJAMIN. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Oifice at Oregon Cltv, Oregon. June 2, 18S2. VOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL x luwing-named settler bav filed in'ti-c of his in tention to make final proof ;n support, of his claim, (tnd that said proof will be made Iwfore tbe County Clerk of Benton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1HS2. viz : Tho nas Pavev. Pre-emption, D. S. No. 3903 for the N. E. J of S. If. i & N. W. of S. E. J vf Sec. 24, T. 11, S. R. II W. He names tbe f-iloving witn2?ses to prove his con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, sab land, viz: Joseph Blower, of Oneatta. Alb rt Ray, f Corvallis, and Charles Shaw, and George Stevens, " f ewpo t, all oi Bentiu.ounty, Oregon. SAMARITAN NERVINE Samaritan Nervine Cures Epileptic Fits, 8iasms, Convulsions, St. Vitus Dauce. Virtlgo, Hysterics, Insanity. Apoplexy, Tar .lvsis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and all Nervous Diseases This infallible remedy will positively eradicate every siicciea of Nervoui Derangement, and drive them away from wbenee they came, never to return again. It utterly destroys the germs of disease by neutralizing the hereditary ta nt or poison in the system, and thoroughly eradicates the disease, and utterly destroys the cause. Samaritan !Nervine Cures Female Weakness, General Debility, Len corrhceaor Wnite., Painful Menstruation. Ulceration of the Uterus, Internal Heat, Gravel, inflammation of the Bladder, Irritability of the Bladder. For Wakefulness at Night, there is no better remedy. During the change of life no Female should be w tboutit. It quiets the Nervous System and gives rest, comfort and nature's sweet sleep. Samaritan Nervine Cures Alcoholism, Drunkenness and the habit of Opium Eating. These degrading habits are by far the worst evils that have ever befallen suffering humanity. Thousands dtc annually from these noxious drmja. The drunkard drinks liquor not be cause he likes it, but for tbe pleasure of drinking and treating his friends, little thinking that he is on his road to ruin, Like the Ojrium Eater, he first uses the drug in small quantities as a harmeless an tidote, The soothing influence of the drug' takes strong hold upon its victim, leading him on Co J.i own destruction. The habits of Opium Satin? and Liquor Drinking are precisely what eating is to alimentiveness, as ovor-eating first inflates the stomach, which redoubles its caavings uulil it para lyzes both the sto:r ach and apetite. So every drink of liquor or dose of opium, in a.-.-v.t of satisfying, only adds to its fierce fierce fires, until it colnomes the" vital force and then itself. Like the gluttonous tape-worm, it cries "Give, give, ft-ive!" but never enough until its own rapacity devours itself. Samar itan Nervine gives instant relief in all such cases. It produces sleep, qufets the nerves, builds up the nervons system, and restores body and mind to a healthy condition. Samaritan Nervine Cures Xervus Dyspepsia. Palpitation of the Heart. Asthma, Bronchitis. Scrofula. Syphlis, dief;a of the Kidneys and all diseases of the urinary organs. Nervous debility, caused by the indi .eretions ef youth, permanently cured by the use of this invalu able remedy. To yon, youmr, middle-aged and old men, who "are covering your sufferings as with a mantle by silence, look up, you can be saved by timely efforts, and make ornaments to society, and jewels in the crown of your Maker, if you will. Do not keep thU a secret longer, until it saps your vi tals, and destroys both body and soul. If you are thus afflicted, take Dr. Richmond's Samaritan Ner vine. It will restore your shattered nerves, arrest premature decay, impart tone and energy to tbe whole system. WILLIAM MORRIS, (LATE FROM ENGLAND) TAILOR, FRONT STREET Two doors North of the Vincent House, COKVALLIS, - OREGON. All Order's promptly Executed. Repairs and cleaning at moderate prices. 18:361y Indcpcailraf Frelf lit & PamenjerStcamer A. A. M 'CULLY, t B. SANBURN Master Will Leave Portland On Simla73 and Wednesdays at 5 A, II, For Whevland. Lincoln. Salem. Kola. Independence, Fairvi'-w. Buena Vista, Albany, Oorvallis, Harrisburg an: all intermediate points on Willamette Kiver, Returning Tuesdays and Fridays. Office and landing Pacific Dock. Z. HATCH, Agent, HO Front St.. Portland. Or T. J. Blair, agent at Corvallis. ISrMmG. It is not wealth, or fame, or stnte, But "rh up and git" that makes me great. T HAVE JUST BEEN TO S. A. HEMPHILL'S TO A get one of those new all hand-made harness, where all work is warranted. iv-l.in3 NEW BUSINESS! Made son. 9-Umb L. T BAIIIN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land 0;Tice at Oregon City, Onrrn. June I, KOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL-lowing-named settler has filed notice of hia in tention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that raid proof will be made before the County Clerk of Benton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on MONDAY, JULY 10, 1882. viz: William Simmona, Homestead Application. No. 3244 fnr the Loti 2, 3, 5 ft 6, of Sec. 33, Lot , of OeC. 34, 1. 13, a. U. IP, . He names tbe following: witnesses tmuou resilience unon, ana cmti viz: A. T. Markley, of A Sea. Reave , and James R. Barclay, Benton Countv, Oresrou. 1U-24W5 L T. RARIN, Rnrhtter. f Sec. 33, & Lot 1, of S lessos to prove his con- r, . ultivation of. .vaid land, tiirwl ni K. S. iiarclay. WmJ SSO0n ei; of Tidewater, all of k Mr K NOTICE FOB PU3UCATISN, Land odSce at Roseburjf. Oregon. June 1, l&St. VOTICK IS HKRPBY GIVEN THAT TilE KOL - lowing naied settler has filed notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of Benton County, Orogou, at Corvallis, Oregon, on SATURDAY, JULY I. 1S32. viz: Willis Vidito, Pre-emption. D. S No. 9824, for the N.K. i of N. W t, Sec. 12, T. 14, tj. of Range o W. Wtt Mer. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, vis: J. G. Clark, G. H. Kycraft. W. T. Wright, David K. Tom, all of Alsea. Benton County, Oregon. 19-24WS W. F. BENJAMIN, Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land office at Oregon City, Orggon. May 30, 1332. VOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL . lowing-named settler has filcc notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of' his claim and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Benton County, at Cor vail is, Oregon, on MONDAY, JULY 10, 18bi viz: Martin Van B. Sprinirer, Homestead Application. No. 3141, for the Lots I, 2, 3, 4 & 5, of Sec. 30, and Lot I, Sec, 31. T. 13. S. R. 10 W. He names thefollowing witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: B. J. Hawthorne, of Henderson, and James R. Barclay William D. Barclay, and R. 8. Mitchell of Tidewater, all of Benton County Oregon. Also, James K. Barclay, Homestead Application, No. 4026 for the S. W. of S. W. J of Sec. 20, lAts 1 & 2, of Sec. 27, and Lots 3 & 4 of Sec. 35, T. 13, S. R- 10W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. said land, viz: B. J. Hawthorne of Henderson, and Mar tin V. Springer, William D. Barclay, and R. S. Mitch ell, of Tidewater, all of Benton Countv, Oregon. 19-24w5 L T. BAPIN, Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of John W. Wilkinson dee'd. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administratrix of the said estate. All persons having claims against said estate will present the same to me, at my residence, in Willam ette precinct, Benton County, Oregon, within six months from this date in due form. L. A. WILKINSON. Administratrix of estate of Jno. W. Wilkinson, dee'd. Dated, June 2, 1832. 10:23-w DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The firm of Carter & Williamson ia is day dis solved by mutual consent. H. E. Carter retires and the undersigned continues the business, and will collect all debts due, and assume all liabilities of, the late firm. R. N. WILLIAMSON. Wells, Oregon, May 29, 1882. Ju2w44 Town of Bellevue. l'aqoiua Bay. Near tbe terminus of the Oregon Pacific Railroad, lot. .10X100 fert for sale by a G. IRVING. 10:25w-5 Newport, Oregon. SAMAfclTATs NUltVINE Clued my little girl of fit. She was also deaf and dumb, bni it cured her. .Sire can uow talk and hear as well as anybody. Peter K ss, Sjiriugwater, Wis. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has been the mcius of curing my wife of rheumatism. J. B. Fletcher, Fort Collins, CoL SAMAWTAN NERVINE a sure cu.-o of a case of tits for my E. B. K!ls, Hiattsville, Kan. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of vertigo, neuralgia and sick headache. Mis. Win. Heuson, Aurora, 111. SAMARITAN NERVINE Was the me ins of curing my wife of spasms. Uev. J. ML Edie, Beaver, Pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of astlima, after spondiug over 3000 with othe." doctors. S. R. Hobsnn, New Albany, Ind. SAMARITAN NERVINE Effectually cured me of spasms. Miss Je:uiie W.vran, 740 West Van B iren St., Chicago, 111. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured our child of fits after given np to die bv onr family physician, it having over 100 in 24 hours. Henry Knee, VervUla, Warren Co., Tcnn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of scrofiirla after suffering for eight ysars, Albert Simpson, Peoria, III. SAMARITAN NERVINE Curedmysonof tits, after spending $2400 with olii ...His. J. vv. iiiorncon, Claiborn, Miss. SAMARITAN NERVINE Crircd me peimaiiMitly of epileptic fits of a stubborn character. .Uev. Wm. Martin, Mec'iawestown, Bid. SAMARITAN NERVINE my son ot tits,, after navmg nan liteon mouths. Forlies, West Potsdam, N. Y. ' SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of epilepsy of nine years' stand ing. Miss Orlena Marshall, GranUy, Neton Co., Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has pernhanently cured me of CjiilcDsy of many yoars duration. Jacob outer, St. Joseph, Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of bronchitis, astnatha and general debility. Oliver Myers,, A Ironton, Ohio. SAMARITAN NEVINE Has cured me of asinathi; also scrofula of many years standing. Isaac Jewell, Covington, Ky. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of fits. "Have been well for over four years. Charles E. Curtis, Osakis, Douglass Co., Minn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured a friend of mine who had dyspepsia very badly. " Michael O'Connor, Ridgway, Pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has j rm lently cured me of epileptic fits. s. , id Trembiy. Dea Moines, Iowa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cnred my wife ot epilepsy of 35 years standing. Henry Clark, Fairfield Mich. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of a nervous disease of the head. E. Graham, North Hope, Pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits. He has not had a fit for about four years. John Davis, Woodburn, Macoupin C- , 111. VIcmntain "View MIL DAIRT Samaritan Nervine Is for sale by druggists everywhere, or may be had direct from us. Those who wish to obtain further evidence of Je curative properties of Samaritan Ner vine will pHK enclose a It-cent postage stamp for a copv of our Illustrated Journal of Health, giving hundreds of testimonials of cure from parsons who have used the medicine, and also their pictures pho tographed after their restoration to perfect health. Address DR. S. A. RICHMOND & CO., VcrM's Epifeftfr tatttate, tt-iftrt ST. JOSEHH, MO. 35 Cents per Gallon. WHEN RF.liUIREI) FOR INFANTS. THE MIL of one cow will be furnished. Milk warranted PURE. LISTEN FOR THE BELLI A. G. MUI.KEY, Proprietor. Corvallis, January 7, 1880. lC:2Iml, CECTTRAIi OREGON ESTATE AGENCY, Head Otflco adjoining the PostofHce, Corvallis ... Oregon. The above agency has the largest and bet selec tion of farms and ranches for sale in Iicnton County. For full particulars of properties see "Oregon Colonist.' Persons desiring saticfaction in buying or selling should first communicate with .'uarlks HKnsEi'.T Nash, who will uive them every attention. lS:25tf. For Ystqninn Bay, Tillamook, and Gray Harbor, direct. THE NEW COASTING STEAMER VAQUIISTA, JAMES E. D'CNNY Master Will leave Pacific Dock, Portland, for the above ports, Sunday , April it, at 3 0CI(Kk 1. n. For freight or imssai'e apply at tbe oifice on dock. Z J. HATi;H, Agent, 220 Front Street. Portland Or T. J. Blair, ajreut at Corvallis. Is:alui6 CORVALLIS PInt3jrap Gallery. PHOTOGRAPHS FHOM MIXATURB TO LIFE SIZE. First Class Work Only! Copyhi? in all branches P ace of all kinds ud Irewood Ukcn at cash price. K Hi;S',OP. MAX FRIENDLY, Having received a LARGE QUANTITY OF LOGS AT CORVALLIS, Is better prepared than ever to furnish , First Quality OF LUMBER AT . Regular Prices, ALL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTNESS. mayl2m3 The Star Bakery 1 MAIN STREET, CORVALLIS, OREGON P. W. I1ER0LF, PROPRIETOR. FAMILY SUPPLY STORE. GROCERIES, BREAD, CAKES, PIES, CANDIES, TOYS, Ac. Always on band I861y A. CAED. Ta .11 who Art. suffering from the errors and India cretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay I.. t m.nhnnrf ft I will send a rcceioe that will cure vou. FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. Send a self -add rased envelope to the Rr.r. Joskpr T. lNKA.ain D.,Sew VprkCitv. l(:2-mrii BUSINESS COLLEGE. (Old " NATIONAL," Established 1S0C. 128 Front St., Between Washington and Alder, PORTLAND, . . . OKEtiOX. A. P. ARMSTRONG.. J. A. WESCO Principal . Penman and Keeretarf Designed for the business education of both aexea. Students admitted on any week day of tbe year. Ns examination on entering. RATES OF TUITION : SCHOLARSHIP, Busineas Course, TELEGRAPHY, Complete Course WHITING, per mouth 100 . 15 ft . 6 Pen-Work Of all kinds done in the most artistic manner, at rea sonable rates. Send for estimate. Tbe "College Journal," containing information of Course, and euta of ornamental penmanship, free. Address A P. ARMSTRONG, Luck Box 104, Portland. Ongen. ST cheerfully recommend the present manage ment of the Portlaud Business Collere. Mr. Arm strong, whom I have known for man. years, ia u experienced teacher and a practical business man. II. M. DkFRANCK, Pres. old "National" College. 18:31-vl J. W. HANSON. MERCHANT Xext door North of old Gazette Om'oe, COltTALLIS, - - - . OREtiON. Pantaloons made to order of Oreoa Goods for S7-50. English Goods, $11. French, $14 t& Suits from $30 to S&O.-Sa Cleaning and Repairing done at Reasonabl Ratev 18:51yl BAY VIEW HOUSE. Newport, Oregon. Now additions, Newly lAivnishod. Newly repainted. TEK TS. Per day Per week Per single meals apr2Sm3 . 7 00 SO r. M. ABBEY. TO THE M MR IFFllfTEK AND ESPECIALLY Those Suffering from Debility, Nervous Prostration, Loss of Vitality, Sexual Infirmities, Etc., Etc. Tnr GREAT SEFD T1IOSE HAVE WHO ARK suffering from SEXUAL ANK NERVOUS COM PLAINTS i a physician w:o itan con.prekend their ailments and succrssiully treat them. The general practitioner is not sufficiently skille in these clashes of troubles to do so and it must 1 left to the SPECIALIST, who by education, lea practice, tliurongb knowledge ai.d cvmprohcuaiT niind, is prepared to cure thein. DR. J. C. YCUNQ Opened his now celebrated Institute in 1S50 for tbe purp'xe of aJordln-.' the alflictcd the certainty of honorable and skillful treatment and perfect and pemiaticnt restoration, and for over 30 yar It its sustained the fir t rank nt only upon this Ceaat baa throughout the civilized world. I am aware that by dwelling upon so uninviting a subject a? the DECAY OF SEXUAL VIGOR the gnorant may asperse my motive, but the dexlre lo inform Ihoso ha arr snlTpr ing Ihrouph ir.oracc;, or who ky care ensntss nr vast of kcowlr dge (hat a tnrm ran be had, are not only hnrning them iselTca lo an ontlmely grave, hut eMuf; sexual weakness s.s un inheritance to future genera tions, is ton great an incentive to penult me to be silenL svtriTjtoms. IK YOU ARE SUFFERING FROM N ICHT LOSS ES. NERV(;CSNESS, WEAKNESSES, CONFUSION MINI. SLIGHT LOSSES WHEN WDER EX CITEMENT, VARIABLE TEMPER. TREMBLIK.I. PALPITATION, FLUSHES, 4c, OR IF YOU HAVE PRACTICED SELF-ABUSE EVEN IN THE SLIGHT EST PARTICULAR yon are coffering from tbe Dread Enemy of Unman Life, And should not hesitate to seek at once health nd happiness in a cure. CURES GUARANTEES. FEES MODERATH CONSULTATION BY LETTER OR OTHERWISE.- FREE. Exthnlgely Vegetable Rincdles Used. o- Ladles You are especially liable to ufferintr from NERV OUS PROSTRATION. All yenr peculiar complaints are nervous in their origin and hence your sufferings are lerrnwy aepressing or inexpressibly seen, lit Poctorinhis researches aud practice of NERVOUS TROUBLES has made your organizati. n a special study and is thus enabled from his experience and knowledge to aid and cure you In any ef the Troubles, Weaknesses, Distresses and Saf- icnlnrslo wblrh jrnn arc liable. JTY.ou will And in the Doctor a friend a; o whom yon can rely for comfort, aid and cure. Dr. Tenng's Female sUmedirs have attained a reputation for efficiency unequalled I v any medicine or medical prescription ever offered. They can be sent by mail or express. Those desiring personal care and attention can have all necessary accommodations furnished. - O Letters. Those who cannot visit the city ean by giving tbelr symptoms in their own way, receive advice, and when desired, treatment at home with every assurance ef a cure. LETTERS RETURNED OR DESTROYED. Address, DR. J. C. YCUNG, Hedlcal iBatltase, So. 7 Stark ton St. San Francisco, Feb. 21, 1882. C. MADDEN, Attorney at Law, COKVALLIS, OREGON. Will practice ia all of the Courts of the State. 18:52yl PATENTS : Obtained, and all busineas in the U. S. Patent Office, or in the Courts attended to fur MODERATE FEES. We are opposite tbe U. 8 Patent Office, engaged ia PATENT BUSINESS EXCLUSIVELY, and can et tain patents in less time than those remote fretn WASHINGTON. Whin model or drawing is sent we advise as te Sitentabiiity free of charge; and we make NO HARGE UNLESS WE OBTAIN PATENT. We refer, here, to the Post Master, the Supt. of tbe Monev OrdtrDiv., and to officials of the U.S. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and reference to actual clients in your own state and county, address, C. A. SNOW & Co., 19.8 Opposite Patent Office, Washington. D. C I a week in vour own town. Terms five. Addrcs H Hallelt 4 Co.. FfrH