The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, June 09, 1882, Page 3, Image 3

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Wt$ orrnllis 6h?c
A. F. AND A. M.
Corvallis Lodge, No. 14, A. F. and A. M. , meets en
Wednesday evening, on or ptmtniunm full moon.
Rocky Lodge. No. 75, A. F. and A. M., meets on
Wednesday evening after ten moon.
R. A. M.
Ferguson Chapter. No. 5, It. A. M., meets Thurs
day evening on or preceding full moon.
K. OF P.
Valley I-odge, No. 11, K. of P. . meets every Mon
day evening ' JAVIIIS BOOTH, C. C
Barnom Lodge,
Tuesday evening.
I. O. O. F.
No. 7, I. O. O. F.. meets every
A. O. a, W.
Friendship Lodge. No. 14, A. O. L". W. , meets fir-ot
and third Thursdays in each month.
- e. a Mcelroy, m. w.
ClIt.'RC'II r,i!!lA TOSiV.
very seeond and fourth Sabbath in each month
at the College Ohael, by the Uev V. P. Davidson.
Services begin at 11 i. M., and iy.30 r. jl All are in
vited. PRESBVTER1AX CHURCH. Regular service;
every Sa'oiiath morning and evening. Sunday
SIiool at the clow of the morning serslee. Prajer
inectinir Thuraday cicaimrt7 o'clock. Public cor
dially invited. ' H. P. BOSHING.
EVANGELICAL CHURCH Services regularly ev
ery Sabbath uiurningind evening, unless otherwise
announced. Sunday school at :t p. M. each SabbatV.
Prayer uvjetiujr every Thursday at 7 r. M. The
public cordially imitrtl
Rev. J. Boversox. Pastor.
M. E. CHURCrl Regular services every Suuday
7 p. M. Sunday-school at o'clock with liible ciaaes
f or old and youn ;. Prayc r meeting ou Wednesday
eeen'ng at 7 o'clock. A cnorai invitation and cordial
welcome. F. ELLIOTT, Pastor.
M. E. CHURCH SOUTH -Services every Sbbatli
at 11 a. M. and 7 P. m., at the college ehaj-ei. Sunday
school at 9::U At M. Prayer meeting Friday evening
at r o'clock. Public cordialiv invited.
J. R. N. BELL, Pastor.
Dr. J. B. Lee ia building a new residence
on the north-east corner of the -block south
of his present residence in this place. It is
two stories high built upon a brick founda
tion four feet high having four large main
rooms on the ground floor with a large hall
running through the center, and four . main
rooms up stairs with a hall also running
east and west. It will be covered with a
square rouf will a large deck ou top.
When completed it will not only lie a good
house but certainly large enough to contain
the Dr's. large family.
lasaa? Ast'um Report.
Dr C. H. Rariety, .State visiting physician
fur the insane asylum, has made the follow
ing report for She quarter ending May 31:
No. under treatment March 1, males, 220;
females, 81; total, 310; admitted during the
quarter, 10 males, ana 1 female: escaped, 1;
error of last quarter, 1; discharged, 10 males
and 2 females; total number of patients on
hand at present date, 217 males and 92 fe
males, making a total under treatment of
A young 14-year-old son of Jjr. Ash
was drowned in Beaver creek near W. O.
Kendoll's place last Sunday. It seems that
the deceased and some other boys were in
swiming an 1 young Ash fell off the bank
into the water where it was only about 6'
ft., deep the stream was probably not more
than 30 It. across. Before proper assistance
reached him he was drowned. His funeral
took place last Monday.
The er.ger inquirer stool about the streets
rnd around the bulletin boards during the
week anxiously propounding the questions:
Who is ahead ? How is Sol ? How is
Bush ? Have yon heard from Soap creek ?
Do you know how Alseya went ? What is
the matter with Monroe? How ij TyrieJ
What is the reason that the Democratic
nominees for County Judge, School Super
intendent and Tre u-urer ran ;kead in loany
places with so much uniformity ? te.
Pay op.
Parties i: lebted to the G yzstts either
or subscription or advertising will please
settle up.
.a, - o-
O.-apj T!na Srar.
Dry goods and groceries are selling at
A. J. Langworthy's Cash Store at astonish
ingly low J rices, and fresh supplies con
stantly arriving.
im i 1
Flee at !piir-Lc!!.
The saw null bejning to B. J. and YVra.
B, Pengr.i, at Springfield in Lane county,
jras destroyed by fire week. The loss
of the mill and lumber destroyed amounts
tn about $5,000. There was iso insurance
on the property. It was the best saw rmM
in the county. The water power at Spring
field i valuable, aul the saw mill will, no
Loubt, lie re-built as soon as possible.
Csased kj a &rar.
Last week while in the mountains west
of L'.invonville Willie Howard, one of Bvars
surveying party, getting separated from the j the Legislative ticket gave about 200 Bum
rest of the boys started across a canyon ocratic majority. Democratic Sheriff and ;
through some fir thicket. When about ' CAerk is elected by about 300 majority each.
Sutlf way a :ross lie was suddenly confronted Smith, for Governor has a .majority of about;
by'a large black bear that came nt him with 2o0. Feuton, lor Congress, about 100 and
I'. IS. Surveys.
Monday a party of surveyors in the em
ploy of Engineer Snow lert for the Spokane
count', where they will be engaged during
the summer in Government surveying.
They have a large number of townships to
stake oflf. extending from the north side of
the Spokane river and including the Peon
prairie to Fo ils prairie, also taking in .-.
part of Colvilic valley, which has been set
tled for the hist 20 years. BWfa Walla
Linn Connfy.
i It is reported by a Droaiinent Democrat
from Albany, that the Limi county Demo
cratic ticket has been elected by majorities
running from 13) to 300 rnijority. Ti'.at
its mouth wide open and making a noise be
tween a growl atid grant. Tie bear came
tip within a few feet of where he stood and
then gradually backed o.'l an I finally ran a
way. It is supposed that the boar had a
couple of cubs in the thicket ai their tracks
bad been seen there aud she, wa3 defending
her young.
On Tuesday, evening of list week,
"William Frako. an old resident of this
county, was murdered at Be r Camp, on the
Salmon river road, by X. L Nott, says the
Dallas Itrn'zer- From the information we
liare been able to obtain :t seems that N"tt
h..d formerly been keeping some stock for
Mrs. Fiakes ou tho shares in J some misun
derstanding arose regarding the matter.
On Sunday last Mr.
Weatherford f-r Se.retary of State about
Will trttaro.
Mrs. A. S. Dunaiway, editor of rhe Nc;c
liorthfoetd, and leader of Qu women sullrage
movement ia this State, wiil lecture in the
court ROUSe on Friday evening, the Otli inst.
subject ''Woman and Legislature." Mrs.
Dcnuiway will remain several days in our
city looking after the interests of her paper,
aud til's ''cause," which she reports as
"lioiming." Let all attend the lecture.
Admission free.
KIRK by LI jlmilu?.
A special from Silver City to the Boise
Sialeajxa, saj s: On the evening of May
2 ith, during a storm on the oiher side of
Frakes s'.artcd from ! tu. ove ii'vr abon'-. .Jvlv rt ku.
home to bring back a cow and calf, which J 1 H. E. Lesffe. John Sells and. ivter
had len in N'ott's possession and which l-.a 1 ! w, ...i. .. 4 i... o . I
been lett on the range. On Tuesday Xott I v't rit
James Crowley, and Billy MeKii.n i-XJ&Xff
Beactt's Bower.
This famous cigar ia r
Only sold at T. J. Buford'S.
Thomas Graham intends going to Portland
Stationery aud books of all descriptions at
Postofflce Store.
All kinds of Blanks in stock and for sale
at the Gazette office.
Mr. James Doty came in from Tidewater
with election returns.
Kev. Anthony Simpson - returned home
from Newport last Tuesday.
All kinds of book and job printing done
on short notice at this office.
Mrs. Tweedale of Albany, is in town vis
iting friends and acquaintances.
Mr. G. Hodes and friends had a large
birth day celebration yesterday.
The Corvallis Gazette for sale on the
counter of Buford's ncw3 depot.
Mr. EL C. Phelps of Newport brought
in the election returns from that precinct.
Letter heads, bill heads, envelopes aud
posters printed on short notice at this office.
Posters of all kin. Is printed on short
notice and in the best workmanlike man
ner. A magnificent selection of candies from
San Francisco just arriveed at Postoffice
The returns from Little Elk precinct
were safely transmitted by Mr. M. L.
Wallace Baldwin left for Portland last
Thursday to attend the (Jr.ied Chapter of
Hodges Oenu'nt Header with new and
valuable improvements, at Woodcock &
H. E. Harris went to Portland last
We haesday expecting to attend the Masonic
Grand Chapter during his stay.
Mrs. N. W. Garretson, came up
Portland during the first of the week to
meet her husband and to visit friends.
Col. Vancleve of the Yaquina Buy Po.t
was in towu last Wednesday, and intended
to leave for the bay yesterday morning.
200 cords best oak wood at l?4 per cord
delivered in May-aud June. Leave orders
at once with Herbert Nash, Postoiiice
F. B. MeElray appears to have ran ahead
of his ticket nearly all over the state. A
good indication that he is the right mau for
the place.
In the case of Carrie Bradley ou trial at
Portland for the murder of Brown the jury
after r.n honPs rlelileiation brought in a ver
dict of manslaughter.
Mr. Willis Vidits of Alsea Valley was in
town last Monday looking after business.
He reoorts everything doing nicely in
Alsea Valley.
At the Palace an 1 St. Nicholas market's,
Nick Baesen proprietor, vie the way up
places to buy all line meats gotten up in the
be:;t of style.
The building aljoinin Jacob Weber's
stove an I tin store is being fitted up and
will be occupied by Mr. E. C. Vaugu & Co.
for a grocery store.
Mr. Wm. Vantis was in town yesterday
and was appointed administrator of the
estate of Jas. A. Yantis by the COUHty
court of this county.
Dr. F. A. Vincent votd on last Monday
morning r.nd then started with his family,
taking the west side train, for Pendleton,
where he expects to locate aud make that
place his future home.
At the time of going to press the holy of
John Dennick, who was drowned near the
saw mill below town hist week had not been
recoverel, although a great deal of searching
IKonroe Items.
Agaiu the weather clerk has smiled on
this part of the valley and the farmers are
happy a fair crop is now insured to us.
.The Monroe school is running in full
Report of Philomath District School.
Erji. Gazette. Following is a report of
the district school for two years, com
mencing Sept. 13, isSd- and closing May
27, 1882.
The teacher; Mr. Hblmaiv is an i Average attendance first quarter 44
affiable and -quiet young man, well qualified ;
literally and not afraid to use the rod when
necessary to enforce the rules of order.
The late rain has caused a temporary sus
pension of sheep shearing, but nobody
enters any oomplaiut agaiust the rain, it is
too good to complaiu of.
On last Friday the ' people came from all
parts of the county to Monroe for the pur
pose of having a picnic and a good time.
The candidates were out ia fcicd and a
merry time was had. In the evcuiug a free
fight was indulged in by some of the boys,
nobody v?Tt badly hurt. The exercise
ended with a dance hi Honck's hall and
everyliody seemed well satistied with the
Last Monday was election day and as is
usual on such occasions there was a great
deal of wire pulling and electioneering by
all in favor of their favorite candidates.
The election passed off quiet no lights. .
A. P. Blood who went to the Bay to help
build up the Bay City has returned to Mon
roe. He reports every thing extremely dull
over there.
Mouroe is to have a Catholic church soon.
The carpenters commence work on it as
soon as the lumber can be put on the
ground. Don Rialto.
RaElroad Hems.
(From Roseturjr Plaindealer )
The continued roar of blasts al"mg the
line of the road between here and Myrtle
Creek indicates that work is boing pushed
with vigor.
The roadbed is now completed to a point
near, or beyond Dillard's ready for the ties
and rails, while quite a distance farther is
near completion.
The first spike on the advance rails,
South of Kiseburg, was driven Monday
morning by Mr. Harris and the work of
laying ties and rai's goes steadily on.
With the advance the grades now have it
is presumed this work will coutinue right
along until Myrtle Creek or perhaps Riddle
is reached at which place a breathing spell
will be taken.
second " 51
third " 51
fourth " 58
" " fifth " 70
" sixth h 62.
" for eighteen months 5S
Highest average per month '. 82
" " week 93
Cost per eighteen months schools pSr pupil
23 50.
Cost for one months school per pupil 1 30
Total No. days attendance in two years
No. boys first year 51
"girls " " 60
Total 101
No. boys Second year .
" girls " ' .
Total 127
No. boys in two years . .
" girls " ' .
.. ..80
Total 160
No. girls on roll of honor 64
Total 122
The school has made great advancement
and stands as oub among the best in the
Respectfully submitted to the good peo
ple of Philomath by your teacher,
Marion IL Parkkr.
May 27. 12S2.
A NASAL INJECTOR free with each
bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Btroetty, Price
50 cents.
bon, Intl., Bays: "Both myself and wife
owe onr lives to SriILOH'H CONSUMP
ARE YOU MADE miserable by Indi
gestion, Consumption, Dizziness, Loss of
Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer
is a positive cure.
WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiloh's
Curo will give immediate relief. Price 1C
cts. 50 cts. and $1.
itive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and Canker
"HACKMETACK," a lasting and fragrant
perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents.
SHIOH'S CURE WILL immediately relieve
Croup, Whooping cough and Bronchitis.
FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint,
you have a printed guarantee on every
bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails
to cure.
All of above medicines for sale at Allen &
D?&tb on the Rail.
Sunday morning last, says the Standard,
John Rigwood, foreman of the iron gang at
S mday Point, was run over by the cars and
shockingly mutilated. Hj walked over
from the boai ding house car to speak to the
men on an engine ou the m viu track, and as
the train started he stepped back on the side
track just in time to be struck by a fl it car
biaded with iroir. He was thrown across
the rails, one wheel passing over both les
and the other cutting off his left arm. His
legs were entirely severed and as he lay
bleeding and mutilated the sight was most
more Mongolians.
The British steamer Anerley, Strachan,
commander, arrived iu Portland last Tues
day morning from Hong Kong. She was
23 days to tlio bar, arriving there ou Sat
urday last. She landed 600 Chinese, and
had 13S more for San Francisco, for which
port she cleared at the custom house last
has been done. I is suggested that the
irom oaiti-reeirwujBSfirtTS-Stock which they
' i Jl'IJ ! tfffag to Salmon river. They met
1" rakes at tbeplace where be was murdered,
and it is sai I that Hott remarked to Mc
Kinuey that he had a job to attend to, and
left him and in a few minutes shots were
heard and No ft came back, announcing that
he had killed Fiakes.
iUtllroad Sa; v-r js.
The snrveying parties of Northern Pacific
engineers ill shortly take to the woods for
; by lightning. tLs and
S&-e're WlYv -stunned, but Leslie was
stru.d; on the head, tearing away part of his
scalp and running down and tearing his le .
His pulse w;is Ftill beefing when the mes
senger left. Leslie's horse was killed instantly.
swift water aiay ha
d. vvn the strcam.-
washed the. body
f Itjr TTorvd.
The people of City, have litter
ally taken their beds and walked, .and the
place in the past designated ai that city.
knows it no longer. To a much more i
advantageous location on the opposite side
of the river the towu has lieeu moved, and
the summer, ami they are organizing bow j the citizens, now contemplate making it one
nays the Tacoina Ledjrr. One will be un
der the charge of D. D. Clarke, who is in
structed to run lines so as to see what
chance, if any, exists for connecting Seattle
by a side branch with the main line at N ew
Tacoina. In this connection the announce
ment may as well bo made that it has been
definitely determined that any branch
road built toward Seattle which might
find enough business to pay for the invest
ment artEDe years hence will not leave the
main line at any p-int south of New Taeo
nL Mr. Clarke will start iu near the
mouth of the Stuck and ruu up that nver
to the neighborhood of Kenton, wherevr
the mountainous and difficult nature of the
country ill permit bim to run. The oth
er surveying party about to take the field
will be under Tilton Sheets, who will have
twenty men with him, including Mr. Iml ch
(who sbotbis mnle while dreaming of a
bear) as topographer, and Mr. Arthur T.
Patrick, late of the Ledger office. Mr.
Sheets and his men will leave the railroad
at South Prairie and strike out for the
Green river passes, one of which is favored
by the Chief Engineer above all the Cascailc
passes explored. His party will be com-
of the brightest busiest localities ill that
country. They are sanguine of a prosper
mia future, owing to the railway develop
ment, and the natural advantages of that
section. No richer country in Eisteru
Washington than that :f the coun
try. WaMa Wall i Siiwii,
Richard Graham has recently moved his
drug store into the house occupied by bis
brother Thomas for the rcas"n that the party
who owned the building which he was in
wanted the same, and another suitable one
could not be found. In order to furnish the
physicians with offices they are building a
small building adjoining H. E. Han i's store.
By this manner the different schools of M.
D's will be kept far enough apart so that
there will not be any great danger of their
beligereut dispositions being brought to
bear on each other so as to disturb their
The Railroad Survey.
John Taylor, who is living on J. G. Lan
tt rm.m's place in Josephine county, was in
town' this week and informs us that there is
plete in everj respect and fully equipped j considerable railroad excitement in that
for instrumental work. Ihe object of the section, says the Jacksonville Ttmem Dol-
cxpeditinn under Mr. Sheets is to make a
definite location of the line of the Cascade
Division in the direction of the Garfield
pass which is one of the (ireen river passes
and his line will extend to the mountains.
On the eastern 3ide Engineer Ward will be
son's surveying party is now engaged in
rnnning lines between - Jump-off-Joe an I
Rogue river, having progressed as lar as
Louse creek.. After leaving Grave creek,
the line has been run to Jump-off-Joe via
the Niday place, coming out just below
A new residence is being built by Mr. E.
Allen on the first block north of Mary's
river brii'-e on third street in this place.
It is to be two stories high with five large
roams down st drs and four up stairs. It
wiil he a handsome addition to that part of!
the town.
The Bain wagon, acknowledged the best
on the Pacific coast, better finished, better
painted ami the lightest running. Call
and see the new stock at Woodcock &
The steamer A. A. McCully arrived from
Portland yesterday and discharged a quan
tity of freight, including a lot of building
material to lie used on buildings now in pro
gress of construction here. The steamer
returned to Albany yesterday and from
thence will proceed to Salem to the Printers
Piciii :.
The a IvertiseuiBii of S- Mathisen who
has recently opened a Buggy, Carriage &
Wagon factory in this place, wiil bo found
in another column under the head of New
This Week. He comas to make this his
home and is recommended to be an excel
lent workman.
The McCormick Twine Binder is the
lightest machine in market by actual weight
and proved a success in our county last
year, is agaiu in the field and can be seen
at Woodcock & Baldwin's.
Two of the Attorneys engaged in the de
fense of Carrie Bradley at Portland were
arrested during the concluding part of the
trial charged with attempting to bribe the
jury. This is-a said condition of affairs and
if true the guilty parties should bo punished
to the full extant of the law. It is to be
hoped, however, that they are not guilty
and will be ab!e to clearly establish their
engageil in similar work, defiuitely locating j Neeley's mill. From there it runs through
from the mountains eastward to Ainsworth, j Lanterman's place to Louse creek, over a
t ins leaving ths location of the m iuntain j mile west of the former survey. A more
portion of the line throngh Garfield pass for I favorable route than expected will be ob-
pthtir part e -
Loxt, Strayed or Stejco.
One span if bay horses, half brothers, six
and seven years old, each .branded seventy
six (76) on left shoulder;.each has one white
hind foot; left my place about the 10th of
May, Any person giving information of
the same will be suitably rewarded. Direct
to Monroe, Benton County, Oregon.
William Gibd.
The building season in Boise City opens
up brisk, several fine dwellings are uudei
Editor Gazette: Being present at the
Greenback meeting at Corvallis. Juno 3rd,
I thought it might be of some interest to
your readers to hear something of what wa3
said. Thcrj was quite a respectable num
ber of persons present. G. B. Smith spoke
nearly an hour, said he did not expect to be
elected. In this he manifested good judge
ment as the result has shown. He spoke
for the good of the country. He wanted
laws enacted regulating prices of transpor
tation on railroads aud steamboats. Bill 82
of the last Legislature was good as far as it
went but iUlr-U-it go farsmongh; it had ex
cepted the narrow gauge. Mr. Smith said
taxes were high and be had been over assess
T:d enormously.
The facts are, Mr. Smith is assessed-Jess
than $60,000, and his property is worth ten
times this amount at a low estimate The
National banks were condcined by Mr.
Smith as being all wrong, centralizii in
their tendency, and if a'lowed to run on
they would overthrow the Government.
J. R. Mays, the next speaker, said the
old parties ought to be overthrown and new
ones organized for the good of the cosntry.
It is all wrong to send to Washington for
the eloquent G. II. Wil'iams to come out
here to address the people of Oregon. " Mr.
Mays says this is done in the interest of
monopoly. He said that he was in favor of
the greatest good to the greatest number.
The laborer ought better paid and the
farm should be more profitable.
Dr. Baily made quite a lengthy talk,
which consisted mostly of personalities, and
are not worth repeating now, even if they
are true, as the election is over. He made
some good hits and is a very good talker.
Mr. Bailey said iClerk's and Sheriff's were
paid too much; that these offices attracted
more attention than any office in the county
or State, and this was because of the very
high fees.
In HZcmorlam.
At a-meeting of T. J. S., held on Tuesday,
June 6, 18S2, the following preamble and
resolutions were adopted to wit :
Whereas, It has pleased Diyine Prov
idence to remove from our midst, by death
our late Worthy brother John Dennick,
therefore be it,
Jiexoh'cb, That while we bow in humble
submission to the divine will of God, .we
have sustained a severe and irreparrahle
loss, and uirtbennore wo have lost a true,
intelligent aud active member of our associ
ation. Risolved, That our sympathy is due and
is hereby tendered to the relatives and
friends of our late worthy brother in this
their sad bereavement.
Hwohvd, That a copy of these resolutions
be tendered the relatives of deceased and
also furnished the city papers.
Bfsolv fl, That the badgsa of this assoria
t.iou be draped in mourning for a period of
30 days as a tribute of respect for our late
worthy brother.
O. (). Jennings. 1
C McNl'ltv.
F. J. Yates.
treat Excitement
A man was seen rushing down the road
at race horse speed yesterday, and by all
who saw hiin it was supposed that someone
had been suddenly and seriously injured or
killed over some election excitement. With
his hat off and w hip in band urging his
blooded stted, the. long black hair of the
rider was flung to the breeze at nearly a
perpendicular position. As he rushed dowo
through the street everyone was excited
aud anxiously rushing after him to ascer
tain the cause. He soon arrived in front of
a prominent business house in Corvallis
where he dropped his bridle rein and jump
ed off his steed and rushed iuto the well
known store of C. J. Whitney & Co. to
purchase some of those goods from 10 to 50
per cent cheaper for cash than he could get
them at any other place, after which the
excitement subsided.
The propuct of the quartz mines of Idaho
will this j ear exceed by one half the pro
duct a any former year.
At King's Valley, Mr. Stephen King,
last Tuesday night. He had been sick for a
long time and the disease h id finally run
into consumption which carried him away.
He was a nephew of Sheriff King.
List o! Letters
Remaining in the Postoffice at Corvallis,
Benton County, Oregon, June 9. 1SS2.
Person calling for the same will please aay
ladies' LIST.
Irwin, J. A. Mrs.,
gents' list.
Jones, J. N. Sigmore, Ol.,
l-ove, J. K., Mossie, j. G,,
Powell, Thos. J , Slates, George.,
bweering, J. S.,
N. R. Barber. P. M.
Vf Ter Known to F&il.
Atlantv, ii. A., Feb. 4. 1SS1.
H. H. V.:akner ft Co. : Sirs I have rec
ommended your Safe Kidney and Liver
Cure to many hundreds of people from Texas
to New York, have seen it tried by many ot
these, and have yet to hear of a single case
of failure. Col. John C. WhftSER.
UOTiE ,qxst:ss.
To She" Sit k and Debilitated.
Is it worth while to endure penal torture
every night from wakefulness, inability to
sleep, nervous pro .tration, 4c, when you
can be immediately relieved and permanent
ly cured by so agreeable a remedy as
Samaritan Servlne.
Does it pay to be compelled, by debility
and languor, to ahandou active business
when brain, nerve and muscle can be braced
up and tVs whole system can be restored
to a healthy condition by a course of
Samaritan Set viae
You nervous dispeptics, why approach
the dinner table daily with a positive dis
gust far all that is savorv and delicious,
when a vigorous appetite for even the plain
est food is created by the use of
S.-.mar'.taa Xervine
Is it wise to live in this bright world as
though it were a dungeon, constantly mis
erable and discontented, when the worst
case of epilepsy, nervousness or hypochon
dria is cured in ninety days by such a pleas
ant and wholesome an exhilerant as
fianutiltan Tcrrtoe
Can it be possible that any person of a
nervous temperinent will run the risk of
apoplexy or paralysis when he can tone and
regulate the nervous centres with
Samaritan Servlne
Is it not a species of mortal insanity for
any merchant, mechanic, farmer or traveler
to be without the best known antidote
agaihrt disease,
NamarlCaa Xervine
Considering the harrassing and" depress
ing nature of the functional deragements to
which woman is subject, is it not astonish
ing that any invalid of the feebler sex
should hesitate to seek the certain relief
afforded in such cases by the general opera
tion of
Samaritan nervine
These are questions of deeper interest
than any of the political dogmas of the day,
and those whom they concern are invited
to give them something more than a passing
Samaritan X.cnlne
An old physician, retired from active
practice, having had placed in his hands by
an East India Missionary the formula of a
simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and
permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis,
Catarrh, Athm,au.l all Throat and Lung
affections, also a positive aud radical cure
for general Debility and all nervous com
plaints, after having thoroughly tested its
wondei ful curative powers ill thousands of
cases, feels it bis duty to make it known tn
his suffering follows. The recipe with full
particulars, directions for preparation and
use, and all necessary advice and instruc
tions for successful treatment at your own
home, will be received by yon by return
mail, free of charge by addressing with
stamp or stamped self-addressed envelope to
Dr. M. E. BELL,
161 N. Calvert St Baltimore, Md.
Wheat in Portland firm at 167J per cental,
now be fairly quoted here clear:
Wool per lb
Flour per barrel
Uacon, sides
Lard, 10 lb tins
' Kes
Butter, fresh rolls
Egjrs, per doz
Dried apples, Pluuimer
" Sun dried'
Plums, pitless
Chickens, per doz
Hides, dry Hint
' green
Geese, tame
Ducks, "
Onions, per lb
It raav
to 27
5 0O
14 to 115
15 to IS
10 to 12
15 to U
14 to H
20 to 25
15 to 18
8 tJ 10
0 to 8
10 to 12
3 00
10 to 13
6 to 7
b6 to 70
6 00
3 50 to 4 00
2 to 3
SMITH Mark Smith sou of Mrs Jerusha
Smith, from the effects of diptheria on
last Sunday morning, agctt about seven
MOTLEY On yesterday about noon the
infant son "of Ohedia Motley, aged about
7 months. It hadjheen sick about a week
with congestion ot the brain.
Ciiii Hoar South til Graham & Hami! toe's,
Cora.'llis, June 31, 1811-' UiSCtti
A Jersey Bull, comuu? three years old, half blood,
olid color dark fawn. For price, apply to
msysml H. t. HANSON, Corvallis
votice is hereby given that there are funds in the
trea ury to jiay all !onUjn comity order endorsed
prior to November 10th, 18-S1. Interest ou tbo same
will cease from this date.
County Treasurer.
OorvalJis, Oregon, June 7th, !B-s2.- lw
AH work warranted.
Shop across the street opposite Mensiujrer & pei
dell'd blacksmith shop.
Land Office at Oregon Citv, Oregon
June 3. 1888.
lowing-named sc$Jer has filed notice of his m
tent ion to make final woof n support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the Count.,
Clerk of Benton County, at Corvattto, Oregon, ou
viz :Thoaias favey, Tre-emption, D. S. No. 8908
for the N. K. $ of S. W. & N. W. I of 8. K. i of See.
21. T. 11. B. K. 11 W.
He names the following1 witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said
land, viz: Joseph Blower, of Oneatta. Albert Rav, of
Corvallis, aud Charles mww, and George Stevens, of
Acwpo t, all ol iieu ton count v. Oregon.
LT 1JA11IX, Register.
Laucf OiEee at Oregon City, Oregon.
June T, 1882.
lowing-named net-tic r has filed notice of his in
tention to ti a!;e final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof-will be made before the County
Clerk of Benton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on
MONDAY, JULY 10. 1882
viz: William Simmons, Homestead Apwocation, No.
324 for ths Loti 2. 3, S s G- ai Sea. & Lot I. of
See. 24. T. in. k. r : w
He named the f oUdMr&K witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residcrcc uvea, ana cultivation of, said land
viz: AJjT .'dark lev, of Aista, K. S. l.aiclav. Wm
Meevea , aiTl .Barnes R. Barclay, of Tidewater, all of
acntou Count v, Oregon.
L. T. BABIN, Register.
Land uftice at Roseburj, Oregon.
June 1, 1862
i. lowing named settler ban filed notiee of his in
ten turn to make final proof in uuppert of Ins elarn,
and that said proof wzH be made hwfore the Clerk
of Benton County, Oregon, at Corvallis, Oregon, on
viz- Willis Viditi, Pre-emption, D. S So. r-0i4, for
the N.K. of N'.W. J, See. 12, T. 14, S. oi Kane 8 W.
WE Mer.
He names the fnllowiiifr witnesses to prove hi
eontinuous residenec upon, and euitivation of, said
land. Hz": i. U. Clark, O. H. Kyecaft. W. T. Wlfelit,
David K. To:n, all of Alsaa. Benton County, Oregon.
W. F. BENJAMIN, Kei -tor,
Land office at Oregon CJtv, Orgpon.
May :t0, ISO.
2l lowing-nanied settler has filec notiee of his in
tention to make final proof in support of his claim,
aud that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Benton County, at Corvalliri, Oregon, on
MONDAY, JULY 10, 1382.
viz: Martin Van B. Springer. Homestead Application,
No 3141, for the Lots 1, 2, S, i & 5, of See. 30, and
Lot 1, See. 31. T. 13. S. R. 10 W.
He names thefollowing witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said
land, viz: B. J. Hawthorne, of Henderson, and
James R. Barclay" William I). Barclay, and R. S.
Mitchell of Tidewater, all of Benton County Oregon
Also, James K. Barelav, Homestead Application,
No. 4020 f&r the S. W. j of S. W. of Sec.. 20 Iots
1 & 2, of Sec. 27, and Lots 3 & 4 of Sc, 35 T, 13,
S. ft' 10W.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence open, and cultivation, of, said
land, viz: B. J. Hawthorne of Henderson, ami Mar
tin V. Springer, William D. Barclay, and R. S. Mitch
ell, of Tidewater, all of Benton County, Oregon.
L T. BA1MN, Register.
He that hath teeth let him hear by the Dentftphone
which enable all deaf perfous to htar by the teeth.
Sample at Allen & Woodward's Drug store.
19:23-m3 Corvallis, Oregon
. We have in stock the
Peering Twine BiwliTu,
Deri'in nrl Stnixlmd Mowmp,
Minnesota Chief Tlirehliere,
Morrison Plow,
Minnesota G:ant and 8tillwatcr Engines, Elwood
mounted Horse-Power, Centennial Fannlnsr trill, cel
ebrated Buckes'e line of Seeder.- and Drills.
We also keep tbo celebrated Whitewater and
Ket?buiu wagons.
juncJyl W. H. MIfctHOLLAIfp.
Seientists now all admit that most diseases are-
caused bv disordered Kidneys or liver, aud that if
these great organs are kept in a perfect condition,
health will be the result. SV Alt.M-.R'S SAFE KllK
Is made f roui a Simple Tropical Lcgf
Aud is a POSITIVE Remedy for the following
Troubles :
Pain in the Back; Severn Hcadncbesf
Dizziness; blontint; Inflamed
Eyes; A Tired Feolili)
Sight Sweafnj
Pains in Ihe Lower Part of the Bodjff
Palpitation of the Heart: Jam-dice;
Gravel; Painful LriiMtiop; Ma.
larial Fever; Ferer
and Agncj
And all diseases caused by the Kidneys, Liver of
Uriuarv Orirans bein-r out of order.
It is a SAFE and CERTAIN cure for all Female difv
Sculties, such as
Lciitortkccu! Inflcmation of the tromb
FoJJing of the Womb; ilcerallon
or (htf Womb.
It will control and regulate Menstruation, and is an,'
excellent and safe remedy for icniales dcring preg
nancy. As a Blood Purifier it is uncqualed, for it cures th,
organs that MAKE the blood For
of; Carlsmcles; Scrofula; WUW Swel.
ling; Salt Bheum; Poisoning by Mer
cury or any otter Crag.
It is certain it. every ease.
For InroRtlDfnfe; Impotence Pauiv In
the Loins, and ail Simi
lar Diseases,
It i-J a safe, sure and quick Cure.
it is the ouly known remedy that has cured BRIOirri
As a proof of the purity and worth of this Ureal
Natural llemedy, read the following
S A LATTiMOUE, Pb. I)., L. L. U., Professor at
Chemistry in the University of Kocfiesler, N. Y.,-ku-'Wing
the popularity and merit of Warner's Sat'
Kidney aud Liver Cure, after a thorough Chemio&f
Analysis, has furnished the fu'lowiuir stfttewept;
Chemical Lsdiwatnry,
ROCHESTER, N. Y,, Jan. S. 1880.
Jlr. II II. Warner has placed in irty possession' thf
formula of the medicine manufactured and wild by
him under the genera! designation of WARNER &'
tinted his processes pf manufacture, which are con."
ducted with extreme tare and according to the best
methods. I have also taken f&ym his laboratory salu.
ples of all the materials used in-the preparation of
this medicine, and upon critical examination I jTiuf
them, as well as the medicine hit which tbey. enter,
to be entirely free from pulsoncus or deleterious subv
stances. 8. A. LATTIMORK.
This Reined'.' which has done wa4k wonder, is put.
i,i. in the LA K JEST SIZED BOTTLE of any niadl.
cine ujion the Market, and is sold by Drujfjriiits MtdN
all denier' at 31,85 per bottle. For Diabetes enqifirtt'
Rochester Is. V
245 Grand St.. jcW York,
Fu-sltion Gazette and ttatogw
TVuiitber 30.
It enables yon to buy New York ffooVt Sew
York prices. No' household should bt'withu i j(
Manufacturers and Importers of
Ladi .'', BHsse' and C I::!:rci. ,
Cloaks, Shawls, Woolens, Linens, tit., te,
And dealers in
Our "fashion Gazette and Catalogue." No. 20. is
now out, ana is lull ot tiraecrmLMtnfl aim newnpwrn.
if the latest styles in the lines of (foods. Sinjclc eopie
.ent free upon receipt of 4e postage.
245 Grand St., Mew York.
THOS. EGLIN Proprietor,
On the Corner West of the Engine House.
new and commodious BARN,
I am better than ever prepareilato
keep the
At Reasonable Rates.
sr Putinular attention riven to Itoudinc stones
Horses Uouyht and SM or Exchanged.
April 2, 1 86. W:Svl
Rsal Estate for Sale.
Wilt sell a farm ot 478 acres for less tha S19 pc-
acre, being one of the cheaiest and best farms in.
Bontoi. count-, suuaccci 4 tunes wesi o jiutuo. i
. mil frnm a unfid school, in one of the best netirh-
iKirhofids in the state with church ptivUeges handy,
tbout 13acre In cultivation, and over 400 can be.
cultivated. All under fence, with good two story
frame houst,, largo barn and orchard; lias runiunir
water the rear around, and is well suited tor stock;
and dairy purposes. This is one of the cheapest tunns.
in the wnuvnette vaney
Also, twotmiwored lots on the main business street
with m-.!i t:itl woodshed and t wi , eawfartshle.
dwelling house containing seven good ro)ns. These
lots arc nioqry situateu zor any nmu w wwi.
For fnrther information onrratre t the
U.azette Office,