The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, April 21, 1882, Page 3, Image 3

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    ." in mill ii
fiH OJorniUiri feeity.
kind Words.
The Oregon City Enterprise of last week
says: "Mr. .Tas. A. Yantis, formerly ed
itor of the Corvallis Gazette, died a few
days ago at Walla Walla. He was a splen
did fellow, as good as gold, ever willing to
make any sacrifice for a friend that an hon
orable man could. We much regret that he
has gone over to the great silent majority.'
killed by a Companion.
The Wasco Sun says that a young man,
about 17 years of age, by the name of
"-Hendricks, while out hunting near Yoncal
U was accidentally shot by his companion,
Clark on Tues' lay. Clark mistook him for
a deer and fired, the ball entering near the
,mall of the back, causiue his death the
succeeding day. Dr. Sharpless was tele
graphed for. and went out, but before his
Arrival the young man was dead.
Dr. George W. Anderson, of Eugene
City, committed suicide in the city jail at
.Portland, by taking some kiui of poison
supposed to be fox-glove. He was under
arrest at the time, on the charge of adultery
with Mrs. James GoodmaYi, of
He left the following note addressed to her:
May God bless you, my poor girl and my
baby now mourning for me. I am done with
this world God bless you, we will meet
in heaven.'
Wreck of the Wary Tatbaui.
The British steamer Mary Tatham, which
sailed from Hongkong March 18th for Port
land with a cargo of Chinese lalwrers
and merchandise, is reported wrecked off
tlie coast of China. The crew were saved,
but ship and cargo are supposed to be a
total loss. The Mary Tatham has been
plying in the China trade between San
Francisco and Hongkong for some time, and
upon her recent arrival at the latter port
was chartered tor Portland, and was ex
lected to arrive during May. She was
consigned to John McCraken & Co.
iargfe Reward.
The Ashland Tiding says: "A reward
of $2200 is offered for the apprehension and
conviction of any or all of the paities con
cerned in the killing of Deputy Sheriff
Lewis at Liukville. At a public meeting
in Lakeview last week the sum of $1200 was
snbscrilied for the purpose, and the County
Court oC Lake county has authorized the
SJeriffto offer an additional $1000. The
total amount of reward offered will doubt
less ) much increased by additional sub
scriptions by private parties in the county. "
ftcad San onnd.
The .Standard of the 13th inst. says:
"On Tuesday last the decomposed body of a
man was found in the brush near Mill creek,
about ?1?r mSket above the city. The body
is So badly decomposed and eaten by lins
that it is proualJy past recognition. Sev
eral articles were found on the body, such
as plug of tobacco, an old buckskin purse,
a Gaity theatre ticket, fine comb, ducking
overalls, flannel shirt and check shirt, but
nothing to lead to identification. Sprouted
wheat was found in the clothes. The body
is that of a young man with light hair."
Bcara kj Drowning.
On Friday of last week, Milburn HH
w.-.s drown-d, says the Ike county Exam
iner, while attempting to cross Willow
creek, a stream llouiug into Clear l ike, iu
Modoc county, C'al. Deceased anil I-ee
Laws were together, and riding into the
creek. Hill's horse jot into deep water, lie
caine frightened, and rearing, threw tai
rider, who sank aud did not come to the
aarface after going dowu. Mr. Hill was
about 31 years of age and was proprietor of
Steele's swamp. He leaves a wife and four
children. His parents reside at Adin.
He was an important witness for the defence
in the Laws-Ca!avan murder ease.
Bold Robbery.
Last Sunday nijht as Dr. Ballard, of
Lebanon, was passing along the street of
that city to D. Anderson's to procure tlte
key to his (Dr. Ballard's) office, he was at
tacked by some unknown parties and very
roughly bandied, breaking several of his
ribs besides other injuries, and leaving him
insensible, in which condition he remained
all uigbt, lying in the mud by the side of
the street. He was discovered next morn
ing and taken care of and the above facts
elicited from hii as soon as consciousness
returned. He was robbed of some 15 or
$20 what money he had on his person.
Tbe Oregon Pacific Kallroad.
The tunnel contractor Mr. J. H. Bugbee,
of San Francisco, has entered vigorously on
his work. His first gangs of Chinamen ire
bow arriving, and before the end of the
month of April there will be about 300 Chi
namen at work on the road. We hear that
a further large quantity of rolling stock,
including passenger, express, and baggage
cars have been shipped from the Fast.
Work on the depot grounds at Yaquina is
being pushed forward. The locomotive
has been safely landed, and set on the track.
The extension of the wharf is beiaj pro
ceeded with as rapidly as the piles can be
delivered. Delivery of lumber from the
mills to tunnels and bridge site or framing
yards has commenced : but the teams work
still to a considerable disadvantage, owing
to the muddy and heavy state of the? road;
this last fact we understand is retarding
the work on the grade and as yet prevent
ing the organization of plough and scraper
-There 'i to it."
The Salem Statesman of last Tuesday
says: "S. C. Coffin, of this city, together
with his sister, Mrs. L. Marvin, and his
brother, G. A. Coffin, are preparing to
bring suit for one-half of the Stephen Coffin
donation bind claim, in Multnomah county.
on which the principal portion of the city
of Portland now stands. They claim that
the patent should have been issued to their
father and mother, as husband and wife, in
pursuance of an act of Congress of February
27, 1850, commonly called the donation
law, and not to the father ? lone, as tbe
Commissioner of the- General fcand Office
ignorantly supposed. They have heretofore
been advised by eminent lawyers in Port
land that the suit could not be maintained
by them until the death of their father, as
his right as tenant by the courtesy would
prevent their receiving the same until
after his death. It will be remembered
that Gen. Coffin died a few wseks a-, and
now they claim their right to the land has
accrued to them. This is au important
move, and will have a tendency to unsettle
numerous titles to property in the city of
Portland. The land claimed is now worth
millions of dollars. "
Fatal Collision.
The Telegram of the 18th inst., says:
Yesterday morumg a fatal accident occur
red on the O. R. & N. Co's railroad at tun
nel No 2. The construction train ran into
a hand car ;n that tunnel. There were
five men on the hand car at the time of the
collision. Four of the men saw the danger
in time and jumped aside aud saved their
lives; lut one man, named D. A. Upham
a laborer, was struck and instantly killed.
Tne unfortunate man was a Novia Scotian,
and leaves a family at Truro, Novia Scotia
His wife's name is Emily Upham. The
body of the deceased was taken care of and
a coroner's inquest held yesterday. The
verdict was that the railroad company was
in no way to blame for the accident, as it
was entirely due to the carelessness of the
men on the hand car, who had no business
running there at that time. Mr. H. B.
Thielsen telegraphed up orders to have the
unfortunate man decently buried, at the
expense of the company.
A Sailor's Suicide.
An Astoria dispatch of April 17th says:
Harry Fredricksen. who signed articles and
shipped on the Storm King last Friday
jumped overboard and was drowned last
evening. The ship was lying in stream off
Smith's Point. A fishing boat was passing
when Fredricksen jumped overboard. The
mate ordered the secou J mate and .men to
lower ship's boat, and pick the man up,
then seized a rifle aud declared he would
shoot the men in the fi hing boat if they
picked up the man, who was swiming to
them. When the ship's boat was about 50
feet from him he sank and was seen no
more. His drowning has created some ex
citement in town, nad it is thought tiie
men in the "fishing boat might have saved
him. It was reported the man was shang
haied aboard, but this is denied by Capt.
Reed, who says he signed articles in the
custom limise when sober, and he paid
t'SO advance and SO blood money for him.
Big Harry, as he was called, was well
known here, having fished several seasons
for the Humes. The Storm King has been
ready for sea two weeks, but was delayed
for waut of a crew. .
in .nEnoniin.
KMIMCK At the residence of his brother William
l-.mriek, in CoTTmBu, Friday, April 7. 1SS2. at 9:30
o'clock P. M., of heart disease. Jimks Milton
K Ulrica, yotmgest son of Henrj and the late Jam
l-.iurick. Aged IS years, 11 months, 20 days.
Deceased was bom in Benton county,
April 18, 18G3, about two and a half miles
south of Philomath and one-half mile north
of where his remains now rest. Milton, as
he was best known, was an industrious boy,
and had but few, if any, ImI habits, and
was loved by all who knew him. Ha has
resi ed in Corv.tllis silica the 13th of April
1871, except about three months, most of
which time he was iu Jacks in county.
It was thought that he was failing for raorj
than a year, and wheu he was advise I to
get medical aid he would say it was no use.
He felif well until about two days before
he died, when medical aid was called, but
to no avail. His last words were to his
brother William; he said he wished he had
taken his brother's and friends advice be
fore it was too late, and then he "quietly
passed away. He leaves a father, four
brothers, five sisters aud a large circle of
friends to mourn his sudden loss. His
funeral sermon was preached by the He v.
W. T. Chapman, after which 1 is remains
were deposited in the family burying
ground near Philomath.
Life's duty done, as sinks the day,
Light fro ii its load the spirit Hies
While Heaven and Karth combine to say;
How blest the righteous when he dies.
To the W M. Wardens and Brethern
of Kooky Lodge, No. 75, A. F. & A. M.
Another support of our Mystic temple
has fallen, and lies broken at our feet re
minding us again of the frailty of human
life, and that future which must sooner or
later, call us to another world.
Resolved, That in the death of our esteem
ed brother Jas. A. Yantis, we have lost a
faithful member of our craft a true friend
and worthy champion of all that is good and
beautiful iu our order.
That while we mourn his loss as brethren
indeed and a heavy burden of sorrow is laid
upon us, we feel that He who doeth all
things for the greatest good knows best
and we hereby bow to his will with the
consolation offered by his own holy word,
that our brother shall surely live again in
that better and brighter lodge where sorrow
shall never enter.
And that we deeply and sincerely sympa
thize with the bereaved relations of our
deceased brother, and lend our fraternal
rapport and comfort to them in their dark
hour of affliction.
That our lodge be draped in mourning
and the brethren wear the usual badge of
sorrow for thirty days iu remembrance of
our deceased brother.
And that a copy of these resolutions
under the seal of the lodge be furnished the
relations of the deceased, and a copy to
each of our local papers for publication;
also that the same be spread on the minutes
of the lodge.
Fraternally submitted.
Wallace Baldwin. )
J. B. Lee. V Com.
M. S. Woodcock. )
Corvallis, Or., April 12, 1882.
Ustof Letters
Remaining in tbe Postoffice at Corvallis,
Benton County, Oregon, April 21, 1882.
Persons calling for the same will please say
ladies' list.
Volstard, Mrs. Ellen.,
cents' list.
Allen, Jesse., Bridges, Arche.,
Cuahman, W. A., Engles, Frank.,
Murray, Thos.-,
N. R. Barber, P. M.
Miss Amanda Westenhahl died in Lew
iston, I. T. , very suddenly of a spasm of
choking. Shi ws only 17-years old:
Beauty's Bower.
This famous cigar is
Only sold at T. J. Buford's.
Easter cards at Bnford's.
Stationery and books of all descriptions at
Postoffice Store.
All kinds of Blanks in stock and for sale
at the Gazette office.
AU kinds of book and job printing done
on short notice at this office.
The Corvallis Gazette for sale on the
counter of Buford's news depot.
A choice assortment of teas just received
at A. J. Lang worthy's Cash Store.
Letter heads, bill heads, envelopes and
posters printed on short notice at this office.
A magnificent selection of candies from
San Francisco just arrive ed at Postoffice
Horse posters of all kinds printed on
short notice and iu the best workmanlike
Mrs. Wallace Baldwin went to Portland
the fore part of this week, and will be
absent several days.
Al Pygall will be a candidate for city
Marshall of the city of Corvallis at the
coming city election:.
Don't forget that the Monitor Grain Drill
is far ahead of anything of its kind. At
Woodcock & Baldwin's.
Sec sample Steel Skein Bain wagon.
Best wagon ever offered in this market, at
Woodcock & Baldwin's.
Mr. M. S. Woodcock has been having a
rather severe tussel with the measels for
the past week, but is now convalescing.
B. F. Irviu, Corvallis' accomodating
telegraph operator, has returned from his
visit to relatives and friends at Brownsville.
200 cords best oak wood at $4 per cord
delivered in May and June. Leave orders
at once with Herbert Nash, Postoffice
W. T. Webber, late engineer on the O. R.
Sc N. Co. 's line near The Dalles, arrived in
town Tuesday on hi way to Yaquina to
visit his family.
Still greater reduction in dry goods,
boots ami shoes, lurnishing goods etc.,
until April 19th, at the underwriters' sale,
Gerhard's building oposite Max Friendly 's
If you want a cheap wool or fine cassiinere
or beaver hat yon will find it at the boot
and shoe store. See also, Mr. S. H. Look's
adv under the head of "New this Week."
Two families, by the name of Boothby
and Sioper, from Independence, Or., passed
through this city last Monday on their way
to Yaquina Bay to engage in work on the
Oregon Pacific.
The building occupied by H. E. Harris
as a dry goods and grocery store is being
removed south of its present location, and
a tine brick building will be erected on its
former site by Judge Burnett.
A wedding occurred in the southwestern
portion of this city last Wednesday morn
ing. Owing to the non-appearance of any
of the wedding cake, we are unable to give
the names of the contracting parties.
We ni tice some heavy dump cars at the
shops of Belknap Bru's & Kennedy and learn
they are for Mr. J. H. Bugbee, tunnel con
tractor on the O. P. R. It. These cars look
as though they would stand hard service.
First load of tools under charge of Mr.
John Spencer, foreman, went forward t
tunnel No. 3. near Trapps on the the 0. &
P. R. R. Tuesday morning. Men and
jther suplics are soon to follow and the
work will be rappidly pushed forward by
the contractor, J. H. Bugbee. "
The Alpha Sigma Chapter of the A. T. S.
was organized at the College on last Tues
day evening, with the following officers:
W. Y. Masters, W. M.; W. W. Johnson,
W. C; W. H. Holman, W. S.; W. T.
Locke, W. U.; .'J. H. Alexander, W. S.
The scciety will hold its meetings semi
monthly at the Coliege Society hall.
The following item, from the Oregon City
Enterprise., speaks for itself: "We are glad
to see that our old friends Bush Wilson and
Sol King, of Benton county, have been re
nominated for Clerk and Sheriff on the Re
publican ticket. Tbe former has just com
pleted his eighth term and the latter his
fourth term. The people of that county
evidently believe iu retaining competent and
accommodating officers. "
Rev Lodge 8 of P.
A new lodge of Knight's of Pythias was
'nstituted in this city last Tuesday evening,
by Special Deputy Grand Chancellor James
E. Aiken, C. C. of Mystic No. 2. He was
accompanied by a delegation from Portland,
consisting of J. R. Newcomb, J. H. Misner,
Geo. H. Brodie, Paul 11 ic hart, Geo. C. Sears,
W. R. Struble, Jas. S. Gridd, Jnj. Ahlsted
Geo. S. Haio'.d, J. H. Struble, J. 8. Kings
ley, t has. Albce. There was also in attend,
ence the following named gentlemen from
Albany : E. R. Skipworth, H. J. Clark.
Joseph Clark, D. 8. Smith, G. W. Guisen
dorffer, L. Edwards, Geo. Hochstedler, D.
D. Hackleman, W. B. Scctt, Geo. Cline,
V. Parker, Geo. Harris, James Foster Jr.,
Wm. Webber, Dr. J. L. Hill, R. A. Foster.
W. R. Bilyeu, O. BE. Irvine, 8. Deckard,
Geo. W. Sill. The visiting Knights
partook of the hospitality of the
charter members of the new lodge,
and were right royally entertained at
the Occidental and Vincent hotels. The
following officers were elected and installed:
P. C. B. L. Garretsou.
C. C James Booth.
V. C W. H. Mansfield.
P.Kev. G. W. Black.
M. at A. N. L. Raber.
K. of R. and S. V. It Hyde.
M. of E. T. J. Jeffries.
M. of F. T. J. Buford.
L G. W. H. Ish.
O. G. Al. Pygalk
The new lodge starts out with the bright
est of prospects.
Mrs. J. T. Vincent prepared an excel
lent lunch for the visitors at midnight,
which was partaken of with a relish by
about fifty p-sons.
the Klamath and reports favorable pros
pects. Some of the miners have already begun
cleaning up, as water has commenced to fail
in many localities.
Ingram & Dean still have a good head of
water, but expect to commence cleaning up
toon, after a fair run.
Tbe Squaw Lake Ditch Co.'s diggings are
being operated on full time. Lannes Klip
pel is acting as foreman.
George R. Justus, who was in town this
week, informs us that the miners of Foote
creek have pleuty of water and expect to
make a good run this season.
Parties from below have located copper
mines near Waldo and Iiliuoia river, Jo
sephine county, and we are assured that
they will be thoroughly prospected soon.
Thomas Carr, of Foots creek, was iu town
Saturday, and exhibited two nuggets of
gold worth about $35 each, as also several
smaller ones. They wero taken' out of a
claim he is interested in.
Charley Gilmore, a little son of D. M
Gilmore, picked up a nugget worth $86 in
William Clarke's mine, situated near the
head of No. 7, a tributary of Althouse
creek, Josephine county. Several other
pieces, worth from $6 to $19 each, were
picked up the same day. Thia is one of the
best pieces of property in that section.
Our Leland correspondent says that E F.
Walker is prospecting about four miles
above the Grave Creek house, and is run
uing a tunnel in a high bench several hun
dred feet above the creek. Over 70 feet of
this tunnel has already been dug. Most of
miners are still piping or ground-sluicing.
The melting snow keeps up the water.
Jacksonville Democratic Tunes.
More rain wanted. w
Miners of Jackass creek are favored with
plenty of water yet and make good ues of it.
Jaoier Mansr has taken up 'riw claim eh-
Dear Gazette. On our way down the
Willamette on the "A. A. McCulIy" (Capt.
J. B. Sanborn), an interest. n' incident
occurred. As we neared Wynooski a cow
was seen, beneath a high bluff, sunk deep
in the inire and utterly unable to extricate
herself she had somehow or other got down
from the high ground above into the miry
place in which she had stuck fast half bur
ied in the mud. Capt. Sanburn, prompted
by that humanity which is a part of his
very nature, immediately he discovered the
poor animal headed bis boat for the shore
and very soon, by his order3, a set of as
fine a lot of men as ever formed the crew
of a steamboat got ashore and with willing
hands soon got the poor eow out of the
mire took her aboard the lioat and landed
her a little further down the river whence
she was soon on her way to the road. Some
of the men followed her up the bank to the
highway where they met her owner who
on being informed of the above facts simply
remarked rtwlien stock gets there we have
to pull them out; which way did she go?"
The fellow hadn't the slightest idea that he
ought at least to have said "thank you."
Such ungrateful fellows don't deserve any
favors; but, as Capt. Sanborn said, he
didn't do it for the man but for the cow.
We are credibly informed that this was only
one of many such acts of compassion that
this humane Captain and his kind-hearted
crew are constantly performing along the
We had a most enjoyable ride from Cor
vallis to Portland and were delighted with
the boat, her cabin officers and kind-
hearted crew and shall not soon forget the
pleasure we eujoyed on board the "Mc
CulIy." Our better half was especially
delighted with the noble-hearted Captain's
most estimable wife whose acquaintance
she made on the trip, and we shall always
think that the McCully should be called
the Humane Society Home. If all masters
of steamboats were as tender-hearted as
Capt. Sanborn, Captain for a .steamboat
would only be another name for a humane
man. Viator.
Portland, April IK 1882.
Sew Cigare Bade to Order.
Thos. J. Buford, our popular cigar and
tobaoco dealer, has recently received a new
brand of cigars called "Pet" which he has
had manufactured to supply the 5 cent
trade. Each box bears the imprint of
"T. J. Buford." They are equal in quality
to many 'of other brands which are sold for
double this price. Call upon him and try
hetm at the extreme low price of 5 cents
It Testament Revisor's Opinion.
The eminent author, Prof. A. C. Kend
rick, D. D., L L. D., who is professor of
Greek in the University of Rochester, and
was one of the revisers of the New Testa
ment, in general conversation with a num
ber of gentlemen, a short time since, said
"I have received from the use of Warner's
Safe Kidney and' Liver Cure very marked
benefit and I can most cordially recommend
it to others."
C draper Than Ever.
Dry goods and groceries are selling at
A. J. Langwoi thy's Cash Store at astonish
ingly low prices, and fresh supplies con
stantly arriving. A fine assortment of
ladies' and children's slippers, and button
shoes, just received.
Dr. Wells, of San Francisco, will remain
at the Vincent House, Corvallis, until the
29th inst. Rheumatism, cat-irrah, and
diseases of tbe nervous system a speciality.'
An old physician, retired from active
practice, having had placed in his hands by
an East India Missionary the formula of a
simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and
permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis,
Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung
affections, also a positive and radical cure
for general Debility and all nervous com
plaints, after having thoroughly tested its
wonderful curative powers in thousands of
cases, feels it his duty to make it known to
his suffering fellows. The recipe with full
particulars, directions for preparation and
use, and all necessary advice and instruc
tions tor successful treatment at your own
home, will be received by yon by return
mail, free of charee bv addressing with
stamp or stamped self-addressed envelope to
Dr. M. E. BELL,
181 ST. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md.
Tier" ir a new city surveyed off near the
irouth of Alpowai, in Idaho.
Oscar Wilde is in San Francisco. .
A wagon road from Roseburg to Fort
Klamath is proposed.
Eleven car lo ds of fteef rails arrived at
Roseburg last .Saturday.
Mr. Mortimer Sloper's dwelling house in
Independence burned down last week.
Water works are talked of in Harrisburg,
Or. It is thought if they are built, it will
be the making of the town.
Frank Wilson, of Albany, Or., swallowed
an ounce of laudanum while drunk, and
ended his earthly career on April 6th.
A man named Allen Boise, an old and
well known citizen of Lewiston, was thrown
from a wagon last Thursday, and killed.
Little Potlatch, up in Idaho, is called the
blue jouutry. Everybody has the blues, so
writes a correspondent of the Lewiston
Frank Day, a typo of Pomeroy, was
arrested in Walla Walla, on the night of
March 20th, for the rubbery of a safe in
Gussie Graves, a step-son of W. J. Ma
goon, who resides at Mt. Vernon, near
Kalama, W. T., was recently killed by a
Coos Bay News: A cow belonging to P.
Monarch got mired in the swamp at Ten
Mile last week and was devoured by bears
in a short time.
Articles of incorporation of the Coos Bay
and Coquille Wagon Road and Navigation
company were filed in the Clerk's office at
Empire City on Saturday.
Last week seven families, numbering
about thirty -five souls, arrived at Roseburg,
direct from Ida county, Iowa. Most of them
are farmers and intend to buy farms.
The murdered bodies of three Chinamen
found near Lewiston are spoken of as en
couraging evidence that this class of men
will soon be used up. So says the Moun
Oregon Sentinel: "President Arthur was
burned in effigy in this place and at Phoenix
last Saturday evening on account of the
President's veto of the Chinese bill passed
by Congress."
Alvin Hackett, a student from Clacka
mas county, at the State university, while
out hunting last week, had his face terribly
mangled by a cartridge blowing out back
ward from a breach-loading shot gun.
Railroad building on the California and
Oregon line is being vigorously pressed
from Redding north, and on the Villard
road from Roseville south. A junction
of the two roads will be effected at the
State line.
A man named L M. Stroux, from Mil
ton, was arrested on Monday by an Iowa
officer, who left with the prisoner on the
evening train for the east. The officers
were very reticent about the matter, but a
woman is said to be at the bottom of the
Reports from every section, says the
Priueville News, regarding the condition
of stock, agree on the one particular point,
that there will be a heavy loss. The extra
ordinary deep snow and late spring has left
cattle extremely poor and weak, and already
many carcasses may be seen, even in the
immediate vicinity of town,
Al. Tureraan purchased a cinnamon bear
of Johnnie Morris for two dollars. On the
way home with bruin he became affection
ate; bruin did not like it and proposed
fight. In the tussel he threw Tureman
dowu, mangled his hand, bit his leg badly
and hugged him rather tightly. So says
the East Ortgonian.
A China wash house that opened at Ash
land about a week ago is already a thing of
the past. Six-shooters were the main argu
ment used in inviting them to leave but
they seemed to be convincing, as the China
men have not returned. Popular feeling
seems to be divided and considerable ex
citement is reported.
The officers of the State Agricultural
Association and the Washington County
Agricultural Society have made arrange
ments with the O. R. t N. Co., whereby
stock intended for racing or exhibition at
these fairs will be carried over' the various
railroad and steamboat lines throughout
the state at half rates, and passengers will
be sold round tickets at 40 per cent discount.
Baltimore, April 16. Six dead bodies of
negro infants were found to-day m a shed
near Granby street occupied by Charles A.
White, a negro undertaker. The remains
were in a terrible state of decomposition!
White says he does not know how the
bodies came there. An inquest will be
Washington, April 14. Secretary Lin
coln denies that he is to relieve Minister
Lowell. It is also reliably ascertained
that the withdrawal of Lowell was' not
discussed by the cabinet.
It is understood that when the Mason
case comes before the supreme court on pe
tition for habeas corpus, the attorney-general
will challenge the right of court to take
original jurisdiction on the ground that tbe
question could only be brought U that
court on appeal.
London, April 16. Conservatives are
making political capital of the statement
that all naval ports are accepting of con
trasts for American beef for the navy. It
ik expected the subject will be raised in
parliament. There is a rumor, probably
true, t-nat tne government intends to abolish
the curing establishment at Deptford and
favor a system of obtaining supplies by
contract rrom private firms.
Viena, April 16. ThePresse says trust
worthy merchants from Moscow report
that eighty workmen on the Usapurisfci
cathedral were arrested on Saturday in con
sequence of the discovery of a mine our'er
that edifice, in which the intended cere
mony of coronation of the czar takes place.
Chicago, April 17. A remarkably bricht
aurora borealis was visible here to-night,
perfectly defined, extending nearly to the
zenith. The air was so charged with elec
tricity that the telegraph would not work
with batteries connected. The wire is now
in operation between Chicago and New
York and intermediate points, and Chicane
and Omaha. The wire between Chicago
and St. Paul was closed on account ef no
warning to St. Paul to disconnect their bat
tery. The display at St. - Paul is reported
very brilliant.
Dread wood, April! 7. Judge Moody has '
granted a writ of error in the case of Crow
G nay man, April 4. San Calhoun, lately
employed as carpenter, killed a Mexican
at this place a few days ago and is now in
St. Joseph, April 18. Sheriff Timbcrlake
and posse ot Kansas City, heavily armed,'
arrived on the midnight train and attended
the trial of the Ford boys. It is expected
that on receipt of a pardon the boys will lie
quietly taken to Kansas City before day
break. It is feared they will be in danger
at St. Joseph. The jail has been closely
guarded during their confinement, and no
suspicious app'icants admitted. Mrs.
James to-day i eceived her husband's arms,
by order of the probate court, and returned
with, them to Kansas City to-night.
Jefferson City, April 18. Gov. Critten
den has granted an unconditional pardon to
the Ford brothers, who plead guilty of hav
ing killed Jesse James at St. Joseph, and
were seutenced to be hanged May 19.
Whent In Portland firm at 180 per cental. It may
now be fairly qnoteil here clear:
Wheat 80c.
Oats 33c
Wool per lb 23 to 27
Flour per barrel 4 60 to u 00
Bacon, sides JS to 14
Haips 15 to 16
Shoulders 10 to 12
Lard, 10 lb tins '.'. 12 to 15
" Keys 12 to 15
Butter, fresh rolls 32 to 32
Etfirs. per Joz 18 to 26
Dried apples, Plumuier 8 to, 10
" Bun dried- 6 to 8
Plums, piUcss 10 to 12
Chickens, per doz 3 00
Hides, dry flint 10 to 13
" green 6 to 7
Potatoes 6g to 60
Geese, tame 6 00
Ducks, ' S 50 to 4 00
Unions, per lb tto 3
quickly cured by Shiloh,s Cure. We guar
antee it,
WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guar
anteed to cure you.
SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by
that terrible cough, Shiloh's Cure is the
remedy for you.
CATARRH CURED, health and sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy.
Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free.
For Lame Back, Side or Chest use Shiloh's
Porus Plaster. Price 25 cents.
SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption cure
is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures con
sumption. SHILOH'S VITALIZER is what you need
for Consumption, Loss of Appetite, Dizzi
ness and all qymptons of Dyspepsia. Price
IV and ts cents per bottle.
chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure.
J nual city election of tbe city of Corvalli will be
held at the Recorder's office, on tbe corner of Monroe
and First streets, on
MONDAY, MAY 1, 1S82,
for the purpose of electing a Mayor, Recorder, Treas
urer and Marshal. Also, one Aldennan fron the First
or upper ward, one Aldennan from the Second or
middle ward, and two Aldermen from the Third or
lower ward.
aprl4wS City Recorder.
To all who are suffering from the errors and indis
cretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decoy
loss of manhood, etc., 1 will send a receipe that will
cure you. FKEK OF CHARGE. This great remedy
was discovered by a missionary in South America.
Send a self-addressed envelope to the Kkv. Joseph
T. Inman, Station D., New York City. l:2-mPB
Gcood Bargain.
The Grounds includin&r the lot fenced, together
with stable bam etc. of the camping- ground on
Fred Olssons place for rent : everybody knew the
locality as one of the best on the Yaquina Bay.
Address owner, J. A. OLSSON. i
19-12in2 Newport, Oregon
Attorney at Law
practice in nil of the Courts of the Stats.
The underslirhe'd hereby notifies all persons con-t
ecrned that he will not be re$ixmsible for. any debuT
contracted on his account, unless the parties apply
ing for the same have my written order.
18-33m H. O. LEWIS.
Candidates' Cards.
announces to the eitifeffs of Corvallis that he will
be a candidate for Recorder at the cominir citv elec
tion. T. J. JEFFRIES.
nity of announcing to the citizens of Corvallis
that he will lie a candidate for Marshal of said citv at
the coming election, E. F. WBKKN.
City Recorder at the coming citv election to tako
place on May 1, 1&S2. F. H. SAWTtLL.
almounees ti t.hp rattvons nf rinmrmlHd M,at..-1 lll
be a candidate for City Treasurer at the coni!nir citv
date for citv Recorder at the city election to be
held on Mav 1, 1HS2.
Bids will be received at this office up till noon on
Mondav, May l, liiS2, and will then be opened, for.
the supply uiid erection of telegraph poles, along the
line of the Oregon Paciflc Railroad between Coraj:u
ard Yaquina. Hids will be received S respect of
the whole distance, or for one or nrnre secttons of
ten miles each. Fornm.of proposal, and sjtecifica
tions of the work, may be obtained at this afloat
on or after, Monday April 24th. The Company re-'
serve to itself the right to rejeet anv or all bids.
General Manager O. P. R.
Corvallis, April 20, 1S82.
tion issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the county of Kenton, in favor of Ahuira
Miller, Plaintiff, and against Ail Lit tilery. George
Ullery, and W. T. Osbuvn, Defendants, dated April
12th, 18Jj2, and to me directed, com in an ding me to sell
the premises oesnribed in said exceutior, tu-wit : .
The undivided (4-7) four-sevenths of the S 3-4 of
Sec. 6'; the N X-4of the N E 1-4 of Sec. 7, and Lota
7 and S, in T 15 S U 4 West of WilinniKtte Meridiati,
containing 307 acres more or less, situuttd in lieiiton
county. State of Oregon, according to law to satisfy
the sums as mentioned in the execution, to-wit :.
S583 35-100 0. S. gold coin, v.ith interest at therate
of at one oercent. per month from Man h '2bth, l&s2,
660 attorney's fees and $81 65-100 costs, and accruing
cojt and expenses of sale, 1 will, ou the
20th DAY OF MAY, 1SS2,
In front of the Court House door in the town of
Corvaliis, Benton county, Oregon, between the hours
Of nine o'clock A. M. and four o'clock P. M., to-wit .
atone o'clock of said day, proceed to sell the aboe
descrthei property at public auction to the highest
bidder cash in hand, to satisfy said sums of money
and accruing costs and expenses of sale.
SOL. KING, Sheriff.
Dated this 10th day of April, 1S82.
tion Issued of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Benton county, in favor of George Robin
sou, Plaintiff , and again&t J. L. Birdsall and U. E. Bird
sail, Defendants, dated April 12th, 1Sv2, and to ine
directed, commanding me to sell the premises de
scribed in said execution, to-it :
Beginning at a stake on the left bank of the Wil
lamette river, thence South fifty -live rods to the N. feL
corner of Claim No. 45. T lo, S II S West ; thence
West 13.05 chains ; thence North 10.91 chains; thence
East 70 deg. 10 min. 19.00 chains to the left bank of
the Willamette river ; thence with the meanderings
of said river to the place of beginning, containing
16 50-100 acres, mure or less, lying, aud being situated
in Benton county. State of Oregon, according to
law, to sat h iy the sums of money as mentioned in
said execution, to-wit: $298 5-100 with interest at ten
per cent, per annum from March 29th, lt&2, and
28 40-100 costs, aud accruing costs and expenses of
tale, I will, on the
20th DAY OF MAY, 1S82.
At the Ccurt House door, in the 'own of Corvallis,
Benton county, Oregon, between the hours of nine
A. M. and lour P. M , viz. at one o'clock of aid duy,
I will proceed to sell the above described property at
public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand,
to satisfy said sums of monev and accruing costs
and expenses of sale. SOI. KING, Sheriff.
Dated this 19th dav of April, 1382.
A' large and well selected stock of 3Vf an and Boys' hats on hands, which
will be sold at reasonable prices.
j large assortment of Sailer Lewin fc Co:'s (Philadelphia)
As we import these direct from tbe factory, we can sell them nearly as'
cheap as China made. As a rule, one pair will outwear three pair China made '
to be" juBt as represented, or money will be returned.
Made and repaired to order.