Wt$ty Corrallifi &mfit Published Kvery Friday Morning M. S. WOODCOCK. SUBSCRIPTION RATfcS : (Payable in Advance.) Per Year S2 50 iv Mn.if.htf 1 50 Three Months 1 Single Copies All notices and advertisements intended for pub cation should he handed in by noon on Wednesday VOL. XIX. CORVALLIS, OREGON, PRIL 7, 1882. ATTORNEYS. M. S. WOODCOCK, A.ttornev - at - Law, Corvallis, - - Oregon. JAMES A. YANTIS, A.ttoi-ii.ey - at - Law, COKVALLIS, - OliEGON. Office over Hamilton, Job k Co.'s Bank, tice in all the Courts 01 the btate. Will prsc r. a. CHEKOWETH. V. M. JOttNSttX. CHENOWETH & JOHNSON, A-ttorneys - at - Law, :28yl. COBVALLU, Oregon. J, H BRYSOU, A-ttorney - at - Law, All bmincss nill receive prompt attention. Collections a Specialty Corvallis, - - Oregon'. 18-25tf E. H0L9ATS, attorney - at - Law, Cokvam.is, - - Oregon. SPECIAL attention given to collections, an.! money collected promptly paid over. Careful and prompt attention given tu Probate matter. Con veyaueing anil searching 01 records, &c LO ANS N EGrOTIAT E D. Will give attention to buying, selling and leasing real estate, and conducts a goner collecting and husi ucss agellcv. . , Ortice on Second Street, one door north of Irvin s shoe shop. 18;t3yl FHKSICIAMS. F. A. JQHK Physician, Surgeon, An:l E'ectrician. Chronic Diseases n a le a specially. Catarrh suc ¬ cessfully treated. Also Oculist u;id Anrist. Office in Fisiier's Block, one door West of Dr. F. A. Vineem's dentil o lice. O.iice hoars from 8 to 12 and fro 11 I to il o'doA. li:2.ryl. G. R. FARRA, M. D, l3liysician & Surgeon. OFKICS-OV2R GRAHAM, BXXWfJS & CO'; Drug S;;ire. OorralUs, Oregon. li:2r.t:. DENTISTS. LR. F. A, YINCEKT, Corvallis, - - Orejos. R. BR Y SON, Attorney-at-Law. ;1H T A. J. YOUNG. JLael Loan ikg Money to Kj Wo 'a: COUNTY ency. ? e rood farm? in Benton County in sums to suit borrowers. AND LONG Interest and Principal can be paid in installments. ive money to IorB on LOW INTEREST ft LE' Bala We have a larire list of Good Farms and Randies situated in various portions of Benton County, for sale on easy term,. Parties wishing to buy or sell a Farm, Bunch or I'own Property, will save money by calling on us. Brick, opposite Occidental Hotel, 18n27tf. Office: TJp-s Corvallia, Oregon. B in Jacobs & Neiigass' New WOODCOCK & BALDWIN, is, 10 J 931 r-3 . PARLOR & EOX STOVES. The large&t and Bes-.t Stock ever offered in Oorvaliis. BEDROCK Pricks. -ALSO A FULL LINE OP- KEMY AND SHELF HftRDs Tiss sitsd Copper Ware, GJraiisJe in;. ARE! Pipe, Paijxips, V Ma turn work warranted. i IN FISHER'S BRICK- OVER MAX Frieii lley's New Store. All of the latot raorovemeni. cvervtn n :' new ana complete., an l lease give m call. l&25tt N, B. AVERY, D. 0, S, fA DENTIST. TIav:n located permanent ly in (jorvailis 1 dcs.re to in form the puWic that I am reail.v to do all kind oi dental work. My in 'trumcnt.i arc all new anil o: tiie latent ap proved style a:i wow in jure! and satisfaction cruar aiitucd or the money refunded jfice o-cr Grsbara & Go,l on'd Drug stoie, (rva is Oregon . lis :25tr'. troii Steel, Hope, YoK, !Met Mrou, Kiiac, FAv. Also Plows, Drills, Disk Harrows, Seeders, W.igons, and all kinds of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, We aim to keep the hot in market, and the best is always the cheapest Come and see our stuck ami price our goods liefore buying. WOODCOCK & BALDWIN THIS LIFE. B. X. MODI8ETTR. He conies without his own consent Most of his acta he will repent And finer feelings oftinies smother. . 'Mid summer's suns and winter's snows, It matters not wliicftroad he goes. Mayhap he'll wish he'd taken 'tothcr. He starts aloft to heights of fame To publish to the world his name, Resting his hojcs in calm repose. His ladder stands on slippery ground, And ere he's reached the topmost round. Slides from beneath and down he goes. Mayhap he'll reach the acme safe, Craspmg life's busy .after-half, With enemies a numerous clan, Ah ! ene:nie3 as said the sage Reset htm sore from youth to age. Filching the moral part of man. His enemies, legion by name, BeekoniHg to vice, dragging to sham?, And bitter, blighting, blasting sorrow. - Decoying to the dismal brink. Where loved ones weep to see him sink, Reform comes not before the morrow. The wrinkled brow, the locks of gray. But tell of physical decay. The grinders cease, for they are few. The prayers, the tears, the tearful strife Shape destiny's peculiar knife To cut the thread of life in two. A shadow of the checkerd past Of foal hopes scattered to t. e blast, And scenes of sorrow, toil and pain. A path tha t leads through thick and thin, liesct with many a wayside inn. And he who goes, cornea not again. A stage on which mankind muj,t play. Acting his part in his own way. And he who fails niu-t stand aside--A voyage fai across the main t And he who goes comes not again. But e'en must stein the raging tide. A toil to earn the pittance scant, Feeling the pangs of woe and want, Eyes dim and grinders few. A lovely desert far and wide .Stretchingto death's dark ocean tide, Where all must join the old ship's crew. Enter that dark and lonesome night To wait in vain for morning Mght. Nay, who can say he waits in vain'.' Mayhap, yet. by a living faitU, Soaring above this flood of death, He gains the Cty of the Plain. Here, then, is human life and cares. With all its combined prayers and tears, Few days, and mixed with bitter woes. There is a way to man seems right. Yet leads him in death's stormy night To whc:e -who knows? Alas ! who knows ! There !.s a road "rail man must go To death's damp shades of night below. Oh, mystery, who can rightly tell V Coaics there u resurrection day To raise him from his mouldering clay And send him hence- to heaven or hell 1 Or must the ages roll along Millions of years o'er the pale throng, Slumbering the while in calm repose. Never-never to rise aga n Beyond death's dark and stormy main. And yet, who knows 7 Alas, who knows ' gfTJLXi HOTEL, MRS. N. C. FOLLY, Proprietress, E. H. TAYLOR, DENTIST The oldest established Dentist and the best outfit in Corvallis. All work kept in re iair fra3 of c'narg and satiifae o 1 guaranteed. Teeth extracted without pain by he use of Nitrous Oxide Gas. gSTRooms up-stairs over .lacobs Si Neugass' new Brick Store, Corvallis, Oregon. t8:27yi MISCELLANEOUS. M33RE & SPENCER: uccesior to T. J Buford.) Staring, Sbpin?, Hair Cutting, Hot and Cold Baths. Buford's 01.f Stand. 18:3S:ly V. C. Crawford, 4 E WE L E R . T7-EEP3 CONSTANTLY ON HAND A LARGE tV. assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All kinds of repairing1 done on short noticd, itnd all ork warranted. is.jj-j i MRS. 0. R. ADDITON Will be pleased t receive Pupils for PIANO or ORGAN At. hor residence corner of 4th and Jefferson Streets, Corvallis, or will visit them at their homes rortne purpose oi li&sbrucfcing mm .ii.no .v., able. The study of Harmony a Specialty. 1823yl. c 2! H . r3 o "3 t-1 S3 C c o to DO O O S3 3T!ie Oeci.li ntal is a new luiii.liii r, newly funiis!:ed, and first dags in (-very panicnlar. Stnges leave this Hotel daily for Albany, and Yaqaina llay'on Mondays, Tnesday, Wednesdays and Fridays. 18:S0ly 1SI o Obinese employed in tliis liOTi.se. THOMAS Druggist and Apothcary, -AND DEALER IN- mm, oils, Tim mibes, cuss, pern, mm. SlIOl'LDEK BEAOES, TOILET ARTICLES C. A full line ol Broka. Stalione v and Wall Paper. Orr drags are fresh ani' well selected. Paescriniions compennded at all hours.. 18-26ly LKGAL LANE Kept in stock ant for sale it th aze'.te Tffite. Wheat and other Grain Stored on the best of Terms hy F. BLaAIR, -AT- Corvallis and Booneville. SACKS FURNISHED TO PATRONS before making arvauf'ementj elsewhere I Farmers vrill do' well to call on me rlSn27yl. I KNOW IT. At seventeen years of age 1 was more of a man than I have ever been since. I wore a long-tailed coat and hoots (to which the appnrtenaiice of spurs was quite generally aided), a mustache was quite visible on my upper lip an l a consciousness of ripe maturity never left my mill I. I was studying for the legal profession, but at the time o which I write was spending my summer vacation at my father's house in the country. Though so manly (almost soldier like as I fancied), in my appearance, my inner was by no means so stem is my outer man. I loved my moth er with childish tenderness, and soon er I han pain her pious heart I un murmuring ly accompanied her every Sunday to the village church to lis ten to long sermons of which I could not hear a wo 'd, for the tremulous accents of the very aged minister who conducted the services were so taint as to be man lible where we sat. J hou;h incited bv love ami luty to subject myself to this weekly penance (well deserved by my weekly sins), my conscience did not prevent me from whi'ing away the time by such amusements as lay at hand I hat, namely, of observing and spec ulating on the countenance of my. neighbors, an occupation of which I was fond. The physiognomy which interested me mora than all others was that of a young girl ndio sat not far from us, and who was accompanied by an aged lady, probably her grandmother the object of her ever-watchful m. ... . n . I . care. The girl a lace irom uie nrsi eliciting mvcareless admiration, grad ually absorbed my whole attention It was very beautiful, but apart from that it possessed the greatest possi' bla interest for me. Never had I seen a countenance which denoted so much sensibility; each emotion of her mind was plainly written 'upon it, by its quick, deli cate changes; nothing was wanted but the key of a correspond i ng de gree of sensibility in tho beholder to read her tender, innocent soul like an open book. For hours I gazed and speculated on that fair young face I thought how sad would be the lot of so sensitive a being should fate unite her to one who would not know to read aright what was so delicately -written to whom the varying express ion of that sweet countenance would be but a blank who would be able to see ir it only its coarser .part beauty of feature. Tliere was no end to IB3 reveries into which those j swift coming blushes led rae. Sometime, by chance, tUo fair object of my busy fancies would catch my eye, or without looking at me, seemed to know or feel that I was gazing at her, and I wickedly de lighted in noting the blush which deepened on her cheek till I with drew my eyes. One Sunday I happened, in com ing out of church, to be close to my lovely neighbor immediately be hind her my hand actuallyt ouched her unconscious garments. I felt an irresistable desire to force her in some way to notice me to speak to her to occasion one of those charm iug blushes anything I koew not what. In short, like an impertinent coxcomb as I was, I stepped forward, and with insufferable insolence, which I now blush to remember, I whispered in her ear: "Yon are very pretty!" Never was I more suprised than when she calmly replied: "I know it." I was absolutely startled. I had expected a silent, conscious blush an indignant glance anything lather than this cool "I know it." As much as I had heretofore dis liked attending the village church, the next week seemed to drag along slowly enough, and when Sunday anain came mv mother and I were early seated in our pew, and I impa tiently awaited for the arrival of my lovely enigma. I tried to prepay myself for disappointment. "I have been thinking and dreaming about an ideal." I said to myself "doubt less when the young lady heragtf ap pears, all my tine imaginajV will vanish there can be '-"A Bp 111 ' fancy has been playing ts with me, in vesting a mere country maiden with transcend ant graces and charms." While thus reasoning with myself, the young lady appear ed, leading her old relative with len der care. Wor.-hiping an "ideal," indeed ! My most charming remt-rube ranee did not begin to do justice to the beautiful reality. A soul full of ten derness and sensibility seemed to have found a fitting home in a per fect loveliness and grace. She blushed, when, looking round, she chanced to see me, and again tlr-i play of expression on her features which had so interested me formerly, charmed me. The more I studied her face the more I seemed to see into the pure depth of her soul. I could have staked my life on her noble purity o! thought and deed. As we return od home I described my fair neighbor and asked mother who she was. Her name," my mother said, "is Grace Denny, and she is the love liest, the most inperior young wom.in that I have ever in my life met with. It is too soon to think of such things vet," she continued, smiling, "but some years hence it would make me happy to see my son married to just such a woman." "Not quite so fast, mother," said I, laughing a good deal to hide a little boyish embarassment which I was most anxious to conceal. I found that Grace had become a constant visitoi at my mother's, and I did not fail to improve the oppor tunity of becoming better acquainted with her. Grace sweet, noble Grace, with her childlike simplicty and sensitive woman's heart who could resist her? I could not; my whole soul was hers. In vain had I struggled in vain had I called upon my vanity (of which I had plenty to invoke) to save mo from the mortification of loving without return. I could not stem nor control the passion which, strong as a mighty whirlwind, had seized me. One evening I sat by the piano while Grace sang to me. The cous in was not there, and dear Grace's varying cold and glistening eves sug gested sjveet hopes to my vanity. I fancied I saw love in those bright dewy eyes and on those soft music- breathing lips. It was the last evening of my va cation, and surely I read a gentle farewell thought in Grace's eye. was beside myself with joy at the idea I was as if iu a blissful dream- a Bvveet delirium a rapture of love NO. 15. As Grace rose lo leave the piano I caught her hand, and unable longer to repress the one thought that filled my heart I exclaimed fervently: "Grace dear Grace with all my soul I love you." She lifted her soft eyes and said slowlv . while a mischievous smile Hates of -A-dvertisintr. SPACE. 1 w Inch Inch Inch Inch Column Column Column Column 1 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 5 00 (L25 9 00 15 00 1 It c J ('(I 5 00 6 UO 7 00 8 00 10 00 14 00 25 00 3 I 0 M 5 00! 8 oo: 10 00 12 00 14 00 11 50 24 00 40 00 8 00 12-00 1 00 18 (X) to 00 SB 00 s: 00 1 Yr 12 P 18 l 24 0l 0 (01 25 Ur 42 ur DO co no! ioo 0 r Notices hi Local Column, not less than 5 cents for each notice. Exceeding this amount 10 i-y-kt- p-jr liuc for each insertion Transient and Lejfal Advertisement'' 82.00 pee square for first and SI. 00 for each subsequent inser tion. No charge foratHdavit of publication. Transient advertisements to be paidiu ALiVAKOll Professional or business cards (I squarj) jae annum, No deviation in the above rates will .be made hr favor of any advertiser. stole over her fact 'I know it." She was gone before I had time to prevent, it, or vecovtr from nay sur prise. The next day I returned to col lege, expecting to complete my Stud ies will in a year. A year! How long to he absent from the beloved who was to me, I felt, henceforth and forever, whether she re'.urned my love r not, the nucleus around which all my thoughts would re volve. I need not say how often her strange and unsatisfactory ans wer tormented me. 1 perceived in her repetition of the same words her remembrance of the lime she had used tin in before; and this, then, was the punishment for my insolence. I tort u rid myself by bringing 'the whole scene again and again to mecicry passionate "Jeclaralion ol love, and her provoking reply, '"1 know it." "The deuce you do," thought T, sometimes. "I would that I had possessed the wit to have left you a little more uncertain." I often wonder that I was able lo sluny at all at tins time, tor urace, beautiful, graceful Grace, was never absent from my thoughts; she had become the dream of my life, the ob . .. i, . i ... i t i i j jeo; oi ail the sonnets wnicn nun un til now been scattered on various rival beauties. I did study, however, and studied hard, and at the end of the term parsed the examination with honor much to my mother's pride and joy. I determined to be wiser when I saw Grace again to discover be yond a doubt if I were indeed be loved before I comfniUed myself as I had done by foolish speeches. In order to satisfy myself on that point and also perhaps to gratify a littie pique, when I returned- home I did not go at once to see (J race, as my feelings dictated, but waited un til at my mother's summons she spent an evening with us. Even then though my heart was full of tenderness for her, I affected cool ness. I had made up my mind to piay a part, surfer as I might, I would act it out. There was a young lady slaving with my mother at the lime who dearly loved to flirt, and I was quite ready to contribute to her amusement. I devoted myself exclu sively to her tiie whole eventng, and felt l he sweetest pain I ever ex perienced when I saw by Grace's dear, changing, sensitive face that she was deeply pained and wounded. When this foolery had been car- I lied to its height, I perceived Grace suddenly rise and step through the open wind wgon ihc piazza. In 5 -Vi . ii i i... a lew m..-'ai iouowcu n.-i, :-. it had retired io itlle distance from the window was weeping, with head leaning against the railing. Stealing softly behind her, I passed my arm aiound her and whispered : 'Ah, dearest Grace, do not deny it ! You love me 1" "There was a little pause; then laughing, yet still half crying, Grace turned aside her head and said i "Alas ! I know il !" by a young man of this great essen tial rule of success shows him to br possessed of superior abilities. Why - i t: si ns Pays. A. E. Bnrkhard, one of the mt successful business men of Cincii nati, in an address delivered he.'oiw the Commercial club of tha city, said: "I have cast my mind's ey.j hurriedly back over my experience in Cincinnati, and I am fully convinc ed that in fifteen years, with the ad -vertising I have done, I have pushed my business to a standing that t would have taken taken thirty year-t to reach without advertising. li truth, it is doubtful if I could ! avir at all attained tho results I have without the aid of newspapers. Cer tainly newspapers are the cheapee medium for making your lradr known to the greatest number of people. Printed circulars may pos sibly reach a thousand persons whoso names you know, your old ci'.oii: ers-. Your announcement in a lead ing journal wii'f reach a hand re tl thousand whom you never heard of. Your standing advertisment is notification to buyers that you am alive and there. It is m perpetual eller of introduction." Why Tlit-y OUca Fail. Young men often fa-'d lo get on in the world because they neglect small opportunites. Not being faithful hi little things, they are not promoted to the charge of greater things. A young man who gets a subordinate situation sometimes thinks it not necessary for him to give it much attention, lie will wait till lis gets a place of responsibility, and then he will show people what he can do. This is a very great mistake. What ever his situation may be he should master it in all its details, and per form all duties faithfully. The habit of doing his work thoroughly and conscientiously is what is most likely to enable a young man to make bis way. With this habit, a person of only ordinary abilities would out strip one of greater talent who is in the habit of slighting subordinate matter?- But, after all, the adoption rSESB F.IK IGS H1.XTS. Finances are wider. Moires will remain in favor. Spanish laco grenadines are new. Sun-satin is a new glossy woolen stuff. Gros-graincrl silks are again in their glory. Brass bull buttons are used for flamn suits. Metal buttons have Wattc-au scenes upo them. Haw ei'k in artisti; colors is offered for spring- dresses.- Transparent sleeves of lace or of bead ren a n in favor. Marie Antoinette styles will prevail ii spring costumes, Cheviot cloaks for children are imported for the spring. Itep effects are very noticeable amoiijf new spring silks. Embroidery and moire trim tho bfacti cashmere dresses. Dotted and plain mulls are both brought out ag iiu this season. Bayadere stripes arc imworted for trini minn self-colored dresses. New cotton satines are imported in box es, with a fan and parasol to match. Embroidered kid bodices, tabliers an I panels trim Paris cashmere dresses. Foulailes are shown iu exquisite patterns, and will be very popular this season. Jvilt plaitings and tucks in clusters, shirring-, and puffs all appear on spring cos tumes. A war between large and small hats rate in Ports. The largest hats are worn ii London. Buttoned glove s nre sold at half price be cause those with closed w lists are nor r fashionable. Colored satin ribbon bows an? worn at the throat with Byron collar.?, made of lace and insertion. Ladies who have flounces of tine old lac r form them into paniers on dresses of satiit inoireor any of the gauzy tissues now worn. Bridal veils are of tulle and mutt be threo and a half yards long, covering the face in front and hanging almost to the bottom of the train. Boika dots as large ssa half a dollar aro seen iu the late style of goods, but material with smaller dots are, however, the moi: sought acter. Necklets of fresh orange blossoms won with a heart or square-shaped neck opeu ing have a tasteful effect on bridal robes, atid are much admired. Pretty little slips of pftle blue and pink batiste and ginghams are tho first suits for children's wear. They are trimmed with, white Hamburg embroideries. The early spring costume?, polonaises or basques with overskirls worn above under skirts of inch-wiuc black and whito stripe in satin ami velvet. Satora is the name for a new American mourning silk of tiue quality, worn in bas ket patterns in imitation of the Kreiiflj- rhaidmes; but the American wda softer and finer than the Fieuci., and have a better body at the same price, 'f'2 50 a yard. New lace collars for dressy wear are mad up in the Dauphin, Robespierre, Hoi de Home, Stuart, Gipondin, or Charles II style, according to fancy, and are all equally fash ionable, tho essential point being that they shall be very large. These shapes are par ticularly becoming to slender ladies. A handsome design recently brought out in fine tablecloths i3 quite a novelty ii housekeeping requisites. The material i China satin, beautifully adorned with appliqned linen flowers. Napkins folded like a cravat and fastened together with a. fancy pin, have been introduced at BurisiatF grand diuneis. Spring bonuet3 are to bo found in light weight velvets, silks, surahs, satins, crapea and laces, but very few such are yet shown, the earlier specimens being of Tus can, Milan, English aml satin straws, and Far at-nas garnished in every conceivable! manner, widi ribbons, laces, plumes, aigret tes, feather and flowers, in combination with craoes alud vit"ets.