The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, March 31, 1882, Image 1

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    ffl&yhljl (Eoruallis (Satty
Published Every Friday Morning
(Payable in Alvance.)
Par Year, $2 SO
Six Months, 1 50
Three Mentha 1 00
fcinlo Copic3 ..... 10c
All notice ani advertisements intended for pfi
cation should he handed in bv noon on Wednesday.
-Attornev - at - Law,
-A-ttoimey - at - Law,
Cokvaliis, - - Cr.Ecoy.
Offlcaovrr HnBtflL Jab iCo.'j l ank. Will Bffafi- '
tine iu a';l the Courts of the SUte.
a. E. BRYSON, Attoniey-at-Law.
J Of
wllUi tw i i III mi AHBIVWtli
A-ttorneys - at - Lav.
And Esoasa. Jks'esteir,,
J. R. BRY32H,
A.ttorney " at - Lav,
AH bit Tin ""H will rjcjlvo prompt attention.
Collections a Specialty
corvallis, - - ohegok.
Attorney - a.t - 3Law,
SPECIAL attention eroti to i-o'Iectiori'-., and moner
colijiod .irun-Jtly paal over. Carc.ul and
i ro:nii- attdat'uu gi.'en to i'ro'iatc matters. Con
veyaiwing and searching ui reoorJU, &c
Will gbra attention to baying, ftJUng and leasing rca!
ot-itu, and conduct a jiu.ui coiluc'-inj and bus;-
O.licooa dceo:idSti-j.t, one doorrorth of Irvla'j
Ehoe shop. les:Joy;
f. a. joh:;s3:i,
Ani E'ectrician
C'lro'itc IJ':jai2.i n a.le a specialty. Catarrh sac
ce-jaiiy'J. Also Ojulht aivJ A:irLt.
O Bsc in i-'.siior iilock, oiij dyor Wat of Dr. F
A. Vi-iJL'nt'i femtil u &C3. Oiiice hoard liom to li
a:.d fro a I lo 3 oVlojk. li:-7.vl.
G. R, FARRA, ft. 0,
dPliysician & Surgeon,
" Dru Siore. Corvalli, Oregon.
IR. F. A V&OaT,
We have money to loan on good farms in Benton Comity in unrtis to ;uit borrowers.
Interest and Principal can be paid in installments.
On Approved security. Apply to W A. WELLS, at
the Hammoth Warehouse, Corvallls, Oregon.
DPrexriiiiixi List
; j l He's
We have a l.irgo list of Good Farms anil Ranches situated in various portions of
Benton Oi.uaty, for sale on easy terms. Parties wishing to buy or sell a Farm, It uich or
own Property, will save money by calling on ua.
Corvaliis, Orcgt.n.
stairs in Jacobs &. Neogass' New Brick, opposite Occidental Hotel,
" - - A.
atH z v i ss
ta i b K
-.4 -o;
TLc krccM and Best Stock ever offered in Corvaliis. Bedrock Prices.
T T fA 1
Uri3B iv f s:i
lit. rrienlleyN
r;nrc:; -ov x:
SitU Al! 0? tfcc -il
n.ivva-..l eo.:. 4ct-. .
v-3 me a oil;. " l.
V.. 2. AVERY, D, D. S ,
TIavtn located p'jr:nane:::
!' in vorvai.'i1 1 ties re to ii:
form the public that 1 ai.
rady lo do all kind oi den'a.
work. My instnuntnts ar
ail US and oi the iate im
proved style All work in
.ured and satisfaction iruar
liitecd or tfcc nio;:-y retuntle.
ce oer Or. h in tiiolt'i
sonN Dru Bto.e, vtTVii. ii
-i Tn -Tv-T- rn T CTJ r-rn
, I r1 I -1 1 fc-) i
B j r i c yap
J d i i d Bfrtcf
rr-"3' Tar, GSrauHs Ware
Pipe, I'liijjps,
Elcpc, fchTt Eiuc, Klc.
Also Plor. t;, prLIla, Disk ilarrovrs, Seeders, Wagons, and all kinds of
M-p the BrsT in market, and tbe best is always the cheapest.
;.;jei; ai: ! ;j: ice our goods before bnyiag.
MRS. N. C. POLLY, Proprietress,
The oldest established Dentist and
the best outfit in Corvaliis.
All wor'i k3pt in mUr fraa o c'n.rj! an3 sati.;fac
oi r irn3l. Teet'i extracted witnout pain
M ue of Mtrous i'xide oas.
ff loo'n iip stair 4 ovr .Tacos & Ne'iasn' nov
Brbk Store, Corvaliis, Oregon. lS:27yi
uccc-ssur to T. J Buford.)
SkyinT, ghapflflinj, Hair Cutting,
Kctand Cc!d Eaths.
Buford's Old Stand. lS:36:ly
W. C. Crawford,
J E WE L E R .
assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc.
All kinds of repairing: clone on short noticd, and all
w ark warranted. IS:3J-yI
Will be pleased t receive Pupils for
At her residence corner of 4th and Jefferson
Streets, Cwallis, or will visit them at their homes
for the purpose of instructing tac:n. Terms reason
able. The study of Harmony a Specialty.
Kept is stock ant for sale
at th azcite fiV.e
T'1T-:".j-i.-.-.-!.. - Jn-3&;
"Tlio Occ'nJi ntal is a new bniljincr, newly fnrn&i-.wl, ami first elass in
every arlicnlar. Stages leavt- lliis Hotel daily lor Alliany, anil Yaquina
Bay on Mondays, Tuesday, Wednesdays and Fridays.
o Chinese employed in tliis lioxise.
A full line of B' oks, Slaiione y and Wall Paper. O r drills are fresh an'
well selected. Paesci iptions eonipcnnded at all hours. 18-26lv
Wheat and other Grain Stored on the best of Terms by
Corvaliis and Booneville.
Farmers Trill do well to call on me before making arrangements elsewhere
To nny person who will get np a cluu of
eighty (SO) iiew sulMvriherst thaGAKwrTK,
iict ompanieu l'j acasb p:tvuieut in udvance
to us ot 200, we will yivo, as a ptciniura,
one No. S, 'Charter ouk' Coufa Stove, late?t
imprwrt'd, ecu.pltte with furniture, worth $45.
F -r n etab oi sixty ti'O) new Fubscribcrs,
wi h $150 emah, paid to uffin advame, w
rill give, its a premium, one So. 7 Cam
bridge Cook Stove with furniture, worth $ 35.
For a Club of twenty (20 J new subscribers
wiili $50 cash paid in advunce to us, wo
will give as u premium one 'LinwooJ, Par
lor fctue, No. 19, worth $ 12.
For a Club of ten (10) new subscribers,
with $25 oath paid in advance to us we will
as a piemi'iin. oae st Ivory-liaudled
Table Knive?, worth $ 6.
For a Club vf six (6) new subscribers,
with $15 each paid in adanr:u tons we will
give as u premium one set Silver 1'la.teil
irorks, nrurtfa $ 4.
For a Club of eleven (1) new subscribers
with 7 ,50 eash, paid in advance t u?, wo
will give as a premium one Peerless Cothcs
W ringer, woi th $6,C0.
For a Ciub of thirty two (32) new subscri
bcis7 wiih $0 cash paid in advance, to us,
'0 will give as a premium, one Double
aire!, rvluzz:c loading Shot-gun, wire
twfet barrels, worth S 20.
For a Club of thirty five (35) new subset i
bers, with $S7,5i cab pa:d in athanco we
vvdl gvc as a premium, eiiher a 0 bum pi
on ricotch C ipper l-inch Plow, or an Oli
ver Chilled Piow, U-iocb, worth $ 20.
For a Club of twenty-four (24) new stib with S'iO ) yath paid to us in ad
viince. we mill give ns a premiuto, Carpen
cor Tools to tho value of $ 15.
For a Club of four (4) new subscribers,
with $10 each paid to us in advance, we
will give as a premium, one handsome two
pot Flower bracket, worth $ 2.
Or one Wostcnholin 3 blade Pocket knife,
worth $ 2.
Or one pair steel laid, nickel plated Scis
sors, to inch, worth $2,20.
For a Club of three (?.) new subscribers,
with $7,.;-l eai paid to us in advance, wo
will give as a premium one Wostcbholin
2-blade Pocket knife, worth 1,50.
Or one Wivde fc liutcher, worth $1,50.
For a Club of five (5) new sul.s?ribera,
with $12,50 cash in advance, we will give
.is a pieuiium no Wustenholui 4 blade
Pocket Uniie, worth g'3.50.
Or one tine Electric Razor, woith $2,50.
For a Club of seven (7) new subscrib rs,
ritft $l,50 cash in advance we wiiliveas
a rmnium one G rani te-iron und jSickel
(jhitcd Tea Pot, worth $ 4.
For a Club twenty-six (2fi) new subscrib
ers, with $05 cah in advance, wo will give
us a premium one et Ivory handled 'labia
Caivcis, worth $ l.
For Club ot sixteen (lfi) new subscrib
eFr!, with $40 cash m a ivance, we will give
a a prtmium one IHumuiid tooth 6-ioot
Cros cut saw, woith $ 9.
For a Club of fifty (50) new subscribers,
with $125 paid iu advance, we will give us
a premium, one Little ttiant Hiding t . wing
3Ju.'.hine with a G toot saw. worth $ 30.
"Watch Premium List.
For a Club of twenty (2fi) new subrcrib-
er, wttli 1&J0 cash paid in advance, we will
ive as a premium, one Silver case Swiss
A'atcb, Lever Movement, worth $ 10.
For a Ciub of thirty (30) new subscribers
with S5 cash in advance, we will give as a
prcni'iiin one 2 ounce, trilver case VVultham
VVatch, Broadway movement, Plain Jewel
ed, worth $ 15.
p..r a Club of ibirry fire (35) new sub
serilicre1, with $ 7,50 cash in advance, we
wiil give as a premium one 2 ounce Stiver
c;i.-e WiiUham Wntuh, BraaUwaj movtmunt
Plain Jeweled Expansion Balance, worth $17,50
For a Club of thirty seven (37) new sub
scribers, with $U2,50 eb in udvance, we
will give as a premium one 2-ounee Silver
ease vValtham Watch, Win. Kliery inovo
mentJeweleJ, Expansion Balance, worth $IS,50
For a Club of forty-four (-14) new subscri
bers, with $1 10 paid iu advance, we will
give as a p remittal one 2-oum-e Silver cae
iV':tlihurn Witt h, P. S. F.iirtlrtt movement,
Jeweled, Expansion balance, worth $22.
Watches of tbe same grades of Elgin or
Springfield, will le furnished instead of
Aulttiam, to parties desiring them. Heav
ier cases wiii also be furnished at an addi
tional cost of $2,50 er ounce.
REDUCED RATES for cluds to
For a Ciub of five (5) new yearly subscrib
errf, with 12 paid in advance, 1 coy of Ua
zkttk wiil be given to getter up of club.
For a Club of ten (10) new yearly subscrib
ers, with $22 paid in advance, I copy of Ua
ZfcTTtc will be given to getter up of club.
For a Club of twenty (20) new yearly sub
scribers, with $ll cash paid in advance, I copy
of Gazette will be given to getter up of club.
CasHi 3?remiLim Ijist.
For n Ciub of six (6) new yearly subscribers,
wilhSlo en-h pnid in drane3 in cash und
1 ol Gazette will be given to getter up ol
F r n Club of 12 new subscribers, wilh Sin
p.iid in advance, cnh and 1 copy of Oa
zettk will be given to Better up ot club.
Fer a Club of 16 new -su'.-scribers, with S10
paid in a-Uance, S7 cish and one copy of Ga
zette VTiil be given V tetter up of club.
For a Club of 20 new subscribers, with $50
paid in advance, $v) cash and one copy of Ga
zettb will 1 e given to getter up of club.
For a club of 30 new subscribers, with $75
paid in advance, 14 dollars in cash and 1 copy
of Gazettb will be given to getter up jf club.
For a Club of 40 new subscribers, with 100
dollars paid in advance, 20 dollars cash and 1
copy of Gazlsttk to getter up of club.
For a club of 60 new subscribers, with 150
dollars paid in advance. 33 dollars cash and 1
copy of Gazette will be given to getter up ct
For a club of 100 new subscribers, with 250
dollars paid inadvance 60 dollars cash and 1
copy of Gazette will be given to getter up ol
For a Club of 200 new subscribers, with 500
dollars paid in advance, 140 dollars cash and 1
copy of Gazette will be given to getter up of
The term hew subscribers in the foregoing
lists la intended to include all persona who have
paid np all arrearages, and unite with tbe ciub
for a future subscription.
Said Master Jones, "Now must we go
Without delay to the dee-po."
Laughed sweet Miss Jones, "I should say so
Lefs start at once to the day-po."
Snvled Mrs. Jones, "Ir quick-ftep, oh,
We'll all run down to the depot."
Groaned Mr. Jones. "It's mijjhty hot
To drive you all to the dee-pot."
These conflicts of pronunciation
Would not be if they'd ca!i it "station."
Washington, T. C, March 10, 1SS2.
Congresses come and Congresses
go, but the wrecks of the Potomac
fta-amps g-c:, 0 forever. Since
Washington has become a beautiful
city with paved streets more solid
and smoother than the sidewaiks of
other cities; with marble palaces as
massive and graceful as the TuiMer
ies; with dozens of parks that require
only a little more growth to make
them Elyian groves; with stalaes
and fountains that discourse history
or "babble o' green fieii.V anil mur
mur the loves of nymphs JjjrffO,
quae quum ita sint, it is a ureal puj'
that these Pototnae swamps that
mingle a curse with every blessing,
ami "spice this fair banquet wilh the
dust of death," cannot be mopped
up. Congress could do it with its
little appropriation. But Congress
is a guest who abides here but two
years, subsisting chiefly on a diet of
whisky and quinine, voting Chinese
anti-immigration bills, anli-mortnon
bills, Munis, sislns, and cousins bills,
inhaling all the time the reek of these
swamps, until their blood bl.-.ckens
and their sinews crack. Cut this out
and send it lo your member of Con
gress, and maybe he will send you a
package of garden seed.
The malaria flats would have been
long since improved if it were not
for the lobby. There is always this
monster ready to strangle any good
measure that it cannot convert to its
gain. The trouble wilh the plan
now recommended for the removal
of these swamps, placing the work
under the control of the Secretary ot
War, is that there is no plunder in it.
There is not a penny in it for the
lobby, and it shuts out a host of
greedy Speculators and land-grabbers,
who have long had a scheme to
turn these swamps into solid land
and sell it iu lots at an immense
profit. The lobby especially opposed
to ihe speedy and only honest oblit
eration of tbee swamps, is a com
pany of Maryland land-grabbers, the
Star route plunderers, and a hetero
genious crowd of lobby highwaymen,
held together by the hope of plunder.
There is a measure before Congress
now which, if it shall become a law,
will do mo.'c practical, good than
any measure that has been before
this body for yei r. I mran the bill
lo constitute a court of private
claims. It has been the case foi
years, that legislation of a broad and
national character has actually been
crowded out of CongressMiy a host
of private claims some just, some
jobs, but all of a character too petty
to be considered by the National
Legislature. It is proposed to rfer
all these private matters to a court
especially created for their adjudi
cation. In this way Jongress will
be relieved of work that has hereto
fore occupied nearly one-third of its
time in committee and in the two
houses. Moreover, the lobby will
receive a powerful bl w. Nearly
nine-tenths of the private claims
that come before Congress are of a
character (thai will shrink from the
light of judicial investigation, and
a court will easily be able to hear
the tenth claimant and decide lis
claim on principles of law and equity.
The result will be that a large crow I
of lobbyists will steal away from
Washington, and there will be much
less moral and political malaria
about the corridors of tho House
and Senate.
NO. 14.
is 5,20i,.65i acre?, valued at $2S,2S0,
847; value of town lots, &9, 7 2 7, 9 38;
value of improvements, 9,993,900;
merchandise and implements, $11.
114,159; moneys, notes and accounts,
$15,432,444; household furniture,
carriages, etc., $2,824,277; number ol
horses and mules, 114,024, valued at
84,S31,352; number of cattle, 269 412
valued at $1,771,040; number ol
sheep, 854,750, valued at 1,401,867;
number of swine, 85,218, valued at
$193, S1G; gross valuation of all prop
erty, $80,531,716; amount of indebt
edness, $22,300,912; amount of ex
emption, $4,973'058; total taxable
properly, $59,257,740; number of
polls, 1 9,G5G; number of inhabitants,
174,707; amount of State tax, $325,
917 38; wealth per capita, $490 00;
numbr of school children, 01, 0i!.
In the amount of taxable lauds, Linn
County Tanks firs!, with 4S3,C5S
acres; Lane, second, wilh 449,099;
Washington, third, with 443,475;
Yamhill, fourth, with 369,821; Clack
amas fifth, wilh 350,532; Lake, sixth,
wilh 33S.39G; Alarion, seventh, wilh
302,155 acres.
Iates of Advertising
SPACE. 1 W 1 M 3M 8)1 1 Y."
1 Inch .... $ 1009 3 on $ 5 00 8 00 ? 1 .
2 Inch .... 2 00 5 00 8 00 12 00 18 v .
. Inch .... I S 00 6 00 10 00 16 00 24 0V
4 Inch .... I 4 00 7 00 12 00 18 00 80 00'
1 Column. I 6 00 8 00 14 00 20 00 86 00'
i Column I 6 25 10 00 3 7 50 1:5 00 42 00'
! Column ' 9 00 14 00 24 00 35 00 56 00
1 Column ! 15 00 25 00 40 00 60 00 100 00
Notices in Local Column, not less than 26 cents for
each, notice. Exceeding this amount 10' centa per
Hue for each insertion
Transient and Legal Advertisements $2.00 per'
3quare for firot and fl.00 for each subsequent inser
tion. No char-re for affidavit of publication.
Transient advertisements to be paid in ADVANCE.
Professional or business cards (I square) 812 per'
No deviation in the above rates will be made laV
favor of any advertiser. '
From the State Journal: We are
under obligations to Hon. R. P. Ear
hart, Secretary of State, for a copy
of statistics of Oregon for 1881-2,
compiled from records on file in the
office of the Secretary of State. The
total number of acres of land in the
Slate, as returned by the assessor?,
Pendleton i?' growing very rapidly.
Alexander Boyd, of Weston, late
ly committed suicide by taking too
much beer and lauunum.
On last Saturday the people of
Union levied a nine hundred dollar
school lax.
The Sentinel says an animal simi
lar to tlie California lion was caught
in the direction o; lOaker city.
Prof. IJutan, formally of Corvaliis,
is teaching music at Center v "lie.
The citizens of Union, organized
a Union christian association List
The LaGrande protracted meeting
closed with fifteen accessiojis to the
M. E. Church.
Not long since I mentioned the
new town of Lincoln. The name of
the town is North Powder.
There will bo a Temperance rally
at LaGrande on the 2.1 inst. for
ih-purpose of organizing for the
coming campaign.
AlLinkville a mob while attempt
ing to lynch the prisoners, kilted
deputy Sheriff J. T. Lewis.
J. T. Emerson, jf Pendleton, was
bound over iu the sum of $500 for
cattle stealing but made his escape
with securing the amount.
The Record truthfully says we are
having all kinds of weather.
The newspapers of this county
exhibit great enterprise in guarding
the interests of this country.
The Improved Order of Red men,
of Union, have put up a fine sign on
their hall on .Main street. The larger
portion of the sign represents a tent
in a beautiful valley; far above the
valley is th;: American Eagle wilh
the inscription on his brcasi : 1. O.
T. E., which being translated signi
fies "Too Old To E n."
More grain will bo sown this
spring than ever before in Eastern
Oregon. J. 15. IIoiinkis.
Union, Oregon, March 18, 1SS2.
self, and defend their official 'crook
edness,' you may be considered -very
clever fellow, but you must take'
always a back seat, or you will meet'
a Senatorial sneer, or a spike from'
the railroad boomerang. When nv
high office is traded off for money'
don't ask any questions accept and'
defend it for jou will find your self-abnegation-
of no value, no matter
how long you have waited on the'
party. It is a road that never gets
out oc ike "veil In at n track, and
tin re is no abuse half hard enough'
for the man who prefers to serve'
principle rather than the party trick
sters. Don't a'lovv yourselves.
Messrs. Editors, to get discouraged
by this fight on the young men of
the Slate. It is the young blood and
pure patriotism of our young mm
that is to redeem Gi orgia and push
the banner of Independentism t'
victory, i, myself. ,: t ravelin j
down the shady side of i.te, but I
shall hold -nut an open hand to tho
gallant spirit who refuses to bend thuv
knee that 'thrift may follow fawning.
There is a worthy ambition iu enter
ing public life, 1 ut the sweetest re
ward ever given to a public servant
is the thought that his patriotism--and
hones' y were as pure when lit
gave np the trust as when he accep
ted it. To the m n who charge cor
ruption on me, I point theiu to my
record, and it is legitimate lor me to
retaliate and show np their own offi
cial and political conduct."
As a re3tilt of thr; publication of an artiula
ia the Laramia Boomerang some time ago.
miller tho above heal, a j-c-fect do'iio of
litters has been turned I0030 upon the office,
frora women all over the country. Bill
H ye remarks : We wis'.t to say that the orig
inal statement was oorreet, and was writteu-
ia deadly earae
Wyoming wants
E :-R -presi ntat ive William II.
Felton, of Georgia, has wiilten an
other letter upon the political situa
tion in that Slate, arraigning the
Democratic policy and administra
tion, and biltcily inveighing against
the convict-farming system especi
ally. Closing, he says:
"The old cry of 'Radical,' 'traitor,'
'disorganize!',' won't do this
time. It is worn out in this part of
the country. Some of the loudest
Democratic leaders were the most
blatant in 18GS on the other side;
and t.heir present willingness to open
up a smooth way to official spoils
has condoned all forrLer crimes.
Unless there is some new salt inject
ed into tho body politic, the parly
has lost its savor, and the cry ol
'coalition' against the independents
is only a new name for 'stop thief
that betrays the thief itself. The
party policy has got beyond the help
of the honest men in the parly. The
'coalitions' are too strong for inno
cence and honesty, and tho men
who clamor for reform in the Demo
crat party within its organization
are the very men who cheated in the
last deal, and are only wailing for
anot her chance lo cheat - again.
When the thimble-riggers get
through wilh one crafty job they are
fixing up for another. It you work
faithfully and ask nothing lor your-
womL'ii, and wants, them bad; but there U
no clam iron 3 demand for sentimental fossil 4
who want a bonanza husband and a pas
from the eufite East. A youn and rapidly
fjrowing territory is, of course, largely pop
ulated by men, but they aro not as a rul
millionaires with a bid couijh. Most c-f
them aro healthy and still retain their
mental faculties. One soft-eyed hyena,
who has no doubt been ignored for thirty
yars, write3 us a poetic epistle which ought
to melt a more obdnrate heart than ours.
It 13 writen on six a 83 of foolscap, ia
violet ink, al in blank verse. Hjr gout
goes out to us iu a way that has created a
coolness in our family which it will take
years to efface. The ide i of cooling large
red doughnuts ia hot lard, or wringing out .
heavy Hndor-clothing in soap suds ant
hanging them out in the back yard on a
cool day, does not s?e:n to occur to her.
There aro very few households here 33 yet
who are able to keep their own private
poet. We try to keep up with the ouwar.l
maroU of improvement, so far as possible;
but we are most otitis still t o green to giv
up our meals and gorge on a stanzi of cold
poem 011 the half-shell The crisp, dry air
here is such fiat hunger is tho chief yearn
in Wyomia,', art a good cook can get oner
htiadr j 1 au I twoa'y-.'ivj dollars per month,
where a billi-r.u poot would b3 bot'ierect
iiie sin to get a jb aS five dollars per
week. That is tho reason we aro writing
thi33 torse a i I perhaps nngallaat words.
We want to discourage the immigration of
a largo m .jo.-ity of thaso who have written
ua oa this subject. Thoy are too fresh an I
an I too yearaful in their nature. We want
to do tho Territory so:no good, and to en
courage a class of womea to co:m to this
region who would know enough to construct
a buttonhole on. an overcoat so that it
wouldn't look like the optic of a cros3-eyed
hog. Still, we do not consider worn in a
drudge or a slave, across the nape of whoso
neck the overshoe of the tyrant man ia
plante 1. We look upoa woman, howevov
as useful in the great struggle of life. Gau
eraliy she is on the side of tho struggle 3:1 1
the tyrant man on the other. O to thing,
however, is settled. There is not such a ma I
rash at present for blank-verse mtkers as
there is fur women who con make a pi ; that
wili not t::ste like a stove lid veneered with,
cod livor oil. In using these crujl words,
we do so in order to giloaco this ubniuitoua.
howl on the part of these modest violets,
who expect to get otf the train here an I
meet a conlirme 1 invalid at the depot with
a carriage and a marri-ige license. The old
man with the hectic flush and a life insur
ance policy for one hundred and titty thous
and dollars is not at present ransacking
the four corners ot the globe for a littl-s
rosebud thirty-nine years old who don't
know enough to boil a teakettle. -crang.
Aceuaia!atIon ol Prcpsrty In !heT. S.
While tho total property vtdua'ion of the
United States is below that of F ane or
Great Britain, the annual accumulation of
wca'th in this country is greater than that
of any other modern nation. In Germaov
it i3 5230,000,000; in Great Britain it ia
632o,000,000; in France it is 3375,000,000;
n the United States it is 875,000,000. In
other words, this country is growing rich
at the rate of 2,300,000 a day.
Europe has one soldier to every 140 cf its
populatioe; the United States ona to every
2000. With nearly double the area of the
mother continent, tho United States has
seventeen inhabitants to the square mile,
against 145 in Europe. - this may help to
explain the fact that in 1831 700,000 nv,i
and women oi Europeau birth found thi-U
way across the Atlantic.