The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, February 24, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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    mm mmm gazette.
- Corvallii?, Feb. 24, 1882.
Well Attested Prwlitiion that Garfield would
' be Assassinated!
(CoiUinUed from lost week,)
In conclusion, hi- strange har
ancjne, which partook not of the
chaiacte? of a lunatic' ravings,, in
pointed to the wor.U, "Waaiiington"
and "Lincoln,'' iiwiibecl upon thf
streamers, ami said: "Washington's
spirit died in Lincoln, and yours will
die also. 'Your name will be put
upon my flag, too, before many
This rearls like the moutlringsef a
"crank,'' but Gaa field did not regard
his vif iior in that light. He told him
that he was impressed uith his
woidV; that he would take every
precaut ion against assassination, and
that he would write a letter to any
person his visitor would name itt
Washington, so that when he went
there as the seer intended, he could
make arrangements to th-vart any
conspiracy, if there was one agaititt
Garfield's life.
The si or sugreste. the name of
Hon. Cail Scliurz, th 'it secretary of
the interior. President Hayes, at
that nine, was on a visit to Ck!
The letter to Schnrz was written
The sub.-t.nc2 of it was that tin
bearer ha-. I made to him some as
tcnnding statements which bore
evidenceoflruih, am that he and
his statements should he given car. -ful
Before he mnle amngemein,
however, to visit Washington,
Schruz came on to Cleveland, where
he had a personal interview'' at the
Kennard House with this strange
man. He made the sam-; impression
Upon Schruz as he did npoa all with
whom he talked on the subject, and
was treated with great distinction
by the German statesman.
Captain Henry, mus'ial of the
District of Co rtmbia, before he went
to Washington to take She position
given him by Garfie'l attir the
election, was put. in possession of the
outlines of the seer's story and pre
diction, and durla' an interview
held at th.- office of tl e gentleman
: alluded to as a s vernment officer,
Henry was p esent and becarnj -quainted
with him.
"Who would hurt QirEeU?'"'
eked Henry of (lie seer upon one
occasion soon after the eWelioo.
"Wait and see," wjre the proplut.
ic words of tine seer. W. n exi
they met, Henry and the seer, Gar
field was suffering at Elberon from
the wounds made by the assass'm'
1ml let, and he had nthi.i to say to
the wonla of the seer, "What did I
tell you?"
After the election, and Garfield
had been inaugurated, the singular
man called apo Ex President Hayes.
He told him his fears as to the awful
fate of tbe prreident, spoke i.i burn
ing language ol live foul conspiracy,
as he termed k, of kil'ing the presi
dent to moke way for a man who
was in league with the powers who
had determined to sound death
kneli of ilie 1 1 public, and place on
its ruins a power!! monarchy. Ii
is in eviden 'e in the handwriting ot
Ex-President Hayes, which he wrote
t a relative in this city, a day or
two after the seer's visit to him at
Fremont, that he had never met a
man wdio so interested him, or one
who Beeraed to be better informed
upon subjects of which the average
citizen never thought. He had his
misgivings of the man, however, and
wrote to the government officers
meutioned above that he mu .1 In
road not that his -words or action
denoted insanity, bat that the stu
pendous and wicked conspiracy lu
spoke of, of which the death of Gar
field was the forerunner, an 1 ol
which he talked with so much
earnestness and reason, was too
monstrous for belief. Said ihe fede
ral office-holder to the seer up n one
occasion after Garfield's death:
"You must be crazy."
"I know you think I am," he re
plied, "and so do other men, but I
am just as certain ol what I tell you
as I am that Garfield is dead cut
ofi by the hand of a:i assas-in."
His remarkable prediction did not
rest with the mere declaration that
Garfield would be killed; he describ
ed the looks of the as-assin and the
make of the pistol whose sound
shocked the world and in every de
tail his prophecy was fulfilled to the
letter. This is the liceral truth, and
will be sworn to, if necessary, by at
least two of the raoM. reputable men
in Cleveland.
When the nation was cheered up
with the messages from the presi
dent's bedside, and hope spread her
wings with joy over the intelligence
flashed by wire that Garfield would
live, this man doggedly said,- "No;
he will die. If the bullet wound
does not kill him his end will be
encompassed some other way. He
lias been doomed to die."
Under cover of a letter addressed
to Dr. Boynton, one of Garfield's
physicians and n relative of Mrs. Gar
field, this man wrote a note to Mrs.
Garfield, the president's wife, telling
her not to be buoyed up with false
hopes; that her husband would
never arise fron his bed; that if
the wound made by Guiteau's bullet
did not prove sufficient, the conspi
rators would end his life by poison
or some other sure anil certain means.
Dr. Boynton can tell whether or not
he ever received such a missive, and
will no doubt corroborate this part
of the story.
The seer made a trip to Washing
ton just previops to the assassination,
but met with no encouragement from
Captain Henry, upon whom le
called, but was told by that official
that he had batter go back to Cleve
land. He did go bark, and when
the news came to Clovela nl that
Garfield was shot at the Potomac
depot while about to take the train
for Lonar Branch, the man was en
gaged at his work at a private house
on Kennard r-treet.
T.- hidy of the hon-e ran to h'rn
with a pi;i"r in her hand and ssi.l,
in " excited manner: "llv God.
President Garfield has been shot."
"I am not at all surpi ised to hear
thai," said he. ''I have been looking
for it for some time."
He did not atop to make any ex
planations, and the horrified lady
pronounced him a fo !. He started
toward It s Lome, and meeting an
acquaintance, he asked if he had not
heard That, xhe president had been
shot. The reply was in the affirma
tive, and th seer went on, while the
citizen stoo 1 and uttered curses upon
the miscreant that fired the shot.
Tie kept i until he reached the
city hall. 13e ascended the steps
an 1 enter 1 the mayor's officr.
Mayor Her rick had read the start
ing announcement fr-wi Washing
ton, and when the seer ftood before
him, h in speechle-s with amaze
ment and horror. Herrick knew of
the red'.ctio i.
The t no citizens and office holders
.. 1 . r t - ...
wu nave reteriva to in tins ar
ticle hnve k - t thvir knowledge of
this remarkable story a profound
secret. Th y canno' e p .ine it
away and are powerless to suggest a
solu;io:i. TI.ey cannot believe ihat
iltvrG is r.ny superhuman agency
ab.Mil it. They kno.v that this
mm told them what wonld oceni
long before it was done, and they
aw ins prediction vermeil in all its
essential features. Upon the subject
i:. . i ' . .
ioiiueai conspirac es inev pro
nounce him a monomaniac, but they
accord to him a wonderful knowledge
of European and American secret
history; they acknowledge that he is
a ki en, self-contained man, with
none of the wild--yi, suspicious
cranky actions nor manners of a
lunatic; they agree that he is a quiet,
u'ood citizen, anil affectionate hus
band and kind hither; lime never
has been the breath of suspicion
against his good name, but still they
are unsettled as to i is statu;. Say
they, he has perhaps made hund
reds of predictions that never were
fulfilled. Perhaps he blundere 1 on
ihis. But yet they couid not forget
that his prediction in this instance
was so circumstantial, and was so
fully borne out by subsequent events,
mat, again tney are troubled as to
what category he belongs.
The man is modest in the extreme
lie does not wish to get into print,
and made me promise solemnly that
his name should not be given to the
public. He fears the vengemce f
these conspirators, whoever they
may be, and do not care to run the
risk ol being made away with. Thi
again sounds like the raving of a d
menled brn:i, but to h. ar him talk
you would almost be convinced that
his fears are not groundless. He
does not trade upon his alleged
power as a seer. He makes no
money at it. He has made no pre
dictions like the one in question. He
is a poor man butj keeps his family
comfortable on the proceeds of his
labor in an entirely legitimate field
of industry.
I asked him to-day if Guiteau
would be hanged.
"No, sir. He will not. But he
will be ki led, and there will be oth
ers killed at the same time."
The truth or falsity of this pre
diction may be tested in a few weeks
and if he is right the seer , will go
down to history as the greatest
guesser of the age a man vrho blun
dered on to the truth, but whosi
words must be taken with all the
allowance due an unfortunate whose
mind is unbalanced.' Let us wai
and see.
The following from a contempor
arv, irives a brief review of the coffee
trade of the United Slates:
"The consumption of coffee in the
United States in 1881 was the largest
of any yea.- in the history of the tradi
amounting to 191,352 tons, against
175,530 tons in 1880, an increase of
15.822 tons, or 9.01 per cent. Of
this amount ,6,055 tons of 2,24
pounds each, was consumed on tlu
Peeific Coast. The most oc the coftVc
consumed hero is produced in Central
America. Of the 185,297 tons con
sumed in the Eastern part of th
country, nearly two-thirds comes from
Brazil, where the large profits realiz
ed a few years ago by planters have
vastly stimulated production. It takes
three years for a coffee tree to comi
to maturity, and four years for it t
come to the lull bearing period, and
wes -e now the result, both this conn
try and Europe are being floode
with coffee. The pr'ce of Brazil col
fee in New York for January, 1831
averaged 13.71c per pound, but in
December the average was only lie
and ii h is since still s .ftercd a furthei
decline. The average price for th
year 1881 of fair to prime cargoes w. s
12 23c, against 15.12c in 1880, 14 8
in 1879, 16.51c in 1878, and 19.72c ii
rut f n I r
1877. l lie receipts oi lorazn cone
in the United States were 2,410,716
bags in 188 1, igiinst 2,203,733 in
1880, 2,243,002 in 1879,'and 1,908,157
in 1673."
Capture of Train Bobbers.
Kansas City, Feb. 14. About two
months ago Captain Malloy, of thi
police force, received information that
i sci.e ne was on foot to rob the Mis
souri jfiicific tr in ve mi es outside
of this city, :.nd since it was found
that last night was th appointed
time. He was on ham? with lout
officers and gobbled four men armed
with revolvers, masks and lanterns.
One s.- ys they inten led lu obstruct
t ira.-k and signal th engineer
Seveu men w -re in tin- scheme and
th fficc-rs in p'irsi t of the other
thre . l'iie men cau an- Jim
Noon, T-.ii O h;.w, Pat Hanley and
Peter Spear.
si. lie prokc . ,s.
" The mining product of the Pacifi
Coast for 1S81 u as, gold, 31,660,000;
silver, $48,100,000. Total, 79,760,
000. This t i-M.-d to the product of
lead, coal, quicksilver, copper and
miscellaneous, gives a total value ol
our mining interests for 1881, at
Since 1848, the mining interest ot
the Pacific Coast h as amounted to
$1,712,924,508 g- Id, and $584,321,
678, silver; total, 2,297,246,186.
Court In Bane.
As a good m n of oik readers
have made inquiry in regard to what
kind of a tribunal tlu "court in banc'-
is, to wlMi the tj iteau case has
been appealed, we give the following
definition: The "cou -t in banc," is
the regular term of a urt of law, or
a full court sitting to hear arguments
upon questions of 1 ;ws as distingiv'sh-
eo trom a sitting at JNi i i nns, or at
court h. Id for jury trials." States
Mfflfflm. ah KI e EBggszaiga
Scientist now all admit that most diseases are
auaed bv disordered Kidneys or liver, and that if
"heso ijrcat organs are kept in a perfect condition,
.ealth will be the result. WARNER'S SAFE KID
Is made from a Simple Tropical Leaf
And is a POSITIVE Remedy for the following
Troubles :
Pain In the Back; Severe Headaches;
Dizziness; Bloating; Inflamed
Eyes; A Tired Feeling;
Night Sweats;
Pains in the Lower Part of the Body;
Palpitation of the Heart; Jaundice;
Gravel; Painful Urination; Ma
larial Fever; FeTer
and Ague;
And all diseases caused by the Kidneys, Liver or
Urinary Organs being out of order.
It is a SAKE and CERTAIN cure for all Female dif
ficulties, such as -
Lcucorrhcea: Iafl;'.matlon of the Womb;
Falling of the Womb; Ulceration
Of hi Wn'
ft win control and regulate Menstruation, and is an
excellent and safe remedy for females during preg
nancy. As a Blond Purifier it is uncqualcd, for it cures the
organs that MAKE the blood. For
Boils; Carl, ne'es; Scrafidaj WMto Swel
ling; Salt Rheum; Poiccnteg by Mer
cury o. any other Drug
It is certain in every case. ,
For Incontinence; I:n;ateac?; Pains In
the Loins, and all Simi
lar Diseases,
It is a safe, sure and quick Cure.
It is the only known remedy that has cured Briguts
As a pvoof of the purity and worth of this Great
Natural Remedy, read the following
S. A LATTIMOUE, Ph. D.. L. L. D. , Professor of
Chemistry in the University of Rochester, N. Y.,
knowing the popularity and merit of Warner's Safe
Kidney anil Liver Cure, nftur a thorough Chemical
Analysis, has furnished the W lowing statement:
Chemical Laboratory,
ROCHESTER, N. Y. , Jan. 8, 1830.
Mr. II H. Warner has placed in my possession the
formula of the medicine manufactured and sold by
him under the general designation of WARNER'S
tigated his processes of manufacture, which are con
ducted with extreme care and according to the best
methods. I have also taken from his laboratory sam
ples of all the materials used in the preparation of
this medicine, and uon critical examination I find
them, as well as the medicine into which they enter,
to be entirely free from poisonous or deleterious sub.
stances. S. A. LATriMOR.
J This Remedy which has done such wonders, is put
up in the LARGEST SIZED IKVTTLE of any medi
cine upon the Market, and is sold by Druggists and
all dealers at 81.25 per bottle. For Diabetes enquire
19:6yl. Rochester, N. Y.
every second and fourt i Sabbath in each month
at the College Chapel, by tlie Kev K. P. Davidson.
Services begin at 11 a. X. , and i:30 r. M- All are invited.
every Sabbath morning and evening. Sunday
Shool at the close of the morning service. Prayer
meetinsr Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Public cor
dially invited. II. P. DUNNING.
EVANGELICAL CHURCH Services rcgularlv ev
ery Sabbath morning and evening, unless otherwise
innounoed. Sunday school at .1 p. If. each SabbatV.
Prayer meeting every Thursday at 7 p. u. The
public cordially invited
KEv. J. iiowBRSOX, Pastor.
M. E, CHURCH Regular services every Suuday
7 r. M. Sunday-school at 1 o'clock with Bible classes
for old anil voting. Prayi r meeting on Wednesday
evening at 7 o'clock. A genera invitation and cordial
welcome. r. i-.i.i.iui l , i-astor.
M. E. CHURCH SOUTH Services every Sabbath
at 11 a. M. and 7 P. ., at the college chapei. Sunday
scnooi aL km a. m. iiajci meeting rriaay evening
it 7 o'clock . Public cordiaiiy invited.
J. R. N. BELL, Pastor.
(Old ' NATIONAL," Established I860.)
128 Front St.,
Between Washington and Alder,
A. P. ARMSTRONG Principal.
J. A. WESCO Penman and Secretary.
Designed for the business education of both sexes.
Students admitted on any week day of the year. No
examination on entering.
SCHOLARSHIP, Business Course, $60 00
TELEGRAPHY, Complete Course 25 00
WRITING, per mouth 5 00
Of all kind? done in the most artistic manner, at rea
sonable rates. Send for estimate. The "College
Journal," containing information of Course, and cuts
of ornamental penmanship, free.
Lock Box 104, Portland, Oregon
S3T I cheerfully recommend the present manage
ment of the Portland Business College. Mr. Arm
strong, whom I have known for mam years, is an
experienced teacher and a practical business man.
Pres. old "National" College.
Next door North of old Gazette Office,
Pantaloons made to order of Oregon
Gjods for $7.50.
English Goods, 11. French, $14.
t& 'Suits from $30 to $60. "Si
Cleaning and Repairing done at Reasonabl Rates.
In I i 'II ilTn hi
"For beauty of tone, touch and action, I
have never seen their equal."
"The Rnabe" Is absol. tc y tbe best piaco
721 Market Street, S. F.
Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast. 19:8m3.
Land Office at Oregon Citv, Oregon,
January 18, 1882.
H lowing named settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make final woof in support of his claim.
and that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Benton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on
Monday, February 20, 1882,
Viz: Albert J. Ray. Pre-emption D. S. No. 3922. for
tne w. j oi n. k. j ana s. of Ei. W. of ec. 14,
ii a.t iv ii w.
He names the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land,
viz: George Stephens, Thomas Pavey, William Ste
vens and Anna L. Stevens, all of Newport, Benton
County, Oregon.
19:4w5. L. T. BARIN, Register.
Real Estate for Sale.
Will sell a farm of 478 acres for less than ?18 per
acre, being one of tbe chcapu:-t ana bcot farms in
Benton county, situated 4 miles west of Monroe, ol
a mile from a good school, in one of the best neigh
borhoods in the state with church piivileges handy.
About 130 acres in cultivation, and over 400 can be
cultivated. All under fence, with jjrood two storv
frame house, large barn aad orchard; haf running
waer the vear around, and is well suited tor stock
and dairy purposes. This is one of the cheapest farms
in the v niamctte v alley
Also, two improved lots on the main business street
with small stable, woodshed and a good, comfortable
dwelling houe containing seven good rooms. Those
lots ire nicely situated for any kind of business purposes.
For further information enquire at the
Gazette Office.
Neatness ! Cheapness ! Punctuality !
New Type !
New Material!
Having added a large and well assorted lot of new Job Type, Borders
Machinery, etc., to our Job Office, we are now prepared to do all kinds of
Plain and Ornamental !
You need not send away for job work as we will do it in the best styl
and as cheap as any Printer on the Coast.
Legral Blanks in Stock.
jVXonntain "View
MIZjK. dair-s
25 Cents per Gallon,
of one cow will be furnished.
Milk warranted PURE.
A. G. MUI.KEY, Proprietor.
Corvallis, January 7, 1880. 16:21ml,
Falling m a fountain.
Ashvill, N. C, Feb. 14. Informa
lion received from Bald Mountain
slates ihal yesterday i sudd n - d
fearful crash was eard in the neigh
boiboo 1 ot Bakersvil!t'. Investiga
tion of the disturbance developed the
fact tljat a large portion of the peak
had suddenly disaopeared in the fer
tile an I l.ei'.tiful valLy h-low,
slice of half a mile square having
melted away.
Cremation Soclstr Organized.
Articles of incorporat m ere filed
this afternoon of the 'first Cremation
Society of San Francisco. The ob
ject of the association is the erection
and maintenance of a 41 to cremate
the dead, and by actual trial to seek
to popularize cremation an.) hasten
its universal aoopt on. 1 here is no
capital stock. The promoters are
mainly Germans.
Kicked to Death.
Wm. Harrigan, the man wh"
was kicked in the groin -at Green
wich dock, Tuesday afternoon, and
afterwards taken to St. Vincent's hos
pital died from his injuries. His
assailant was Jas. Wilson, formerly
night watchman at the Nijolai
House, but latterly a loDg-horeman.
Land office at Oregon City, Oregon,
Jan. 17th, 1882.
lowing named settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be mads before the County
Clerk of Benton County at Corvallis, Oregon, on
Monday, February 27th, 1882,
Viz. : Charle Albrecht, Pre-emption D. S. No. 36S4.
for Lota 4 and 5 and fract E. J of W. of N. W.
Sec. 34, T. 12 S., R. 6 W.
He nainea the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land,
viz: Eugene Wiedeman, George Mayer, Mathias
Mayei and Jamea Ervin, all of Philomath, Benton
County, Oregon.
19:5w5 L. T. BARIN, Register.
$50,0 OIO !
On Approved security. Apply to W. A. WELLS, at
the Mammoth Warehouse, Corvallis, Oregon.
19:3yl. m
Good Bargain.
The grounds including the lot fenced, together
with stable barn etc. of the camping- ground on
Fred .Olssons place for rent : everybody knew the
locality as one oi the host on the Yaquina Bai
Address owner, J. A. OLSSON.
188w4 Newport, Oregon.
Notice of Final Settlement.
dersigned, administrator of the estate of Wilson
Henderson, decBased, having fully administered paid
estate has filed his accounts in the County Court of
Benton County, Oregon for final settlement and that
the said Court has appointed
Saturday, tie lltk day of March, 1SS2,
at 10 oclock of said day, the same being a day of the
regular March term of said Court, for the hearing of
objections, if any, and the final settlement of said
Dated this 7th day of February, 1882.
Adm'r of the estate of Wilson Henderson, dee'd.
A Ii C H T T E C T
And Superintendent.
Ofllces: Room 50, Union Block, First St.,
Call and Examine Samples.
All orders from a distance attended to promptly. Send for Estimates,
Gazette J ob Office,
Corvallis, Oregon
T AT XT I? M IV t O address EDSON BROS
I IN V ElW I VrlO Attornevs-at-Law anc
Patent Solicitors, 617 Seventh S reet. Washington. V
C. , for instructions. Reasonable terms. Reference
and advice sent frbe. We attend exclusively t
Patent business. Reissues, Interferences, and case
rejected in other hands a specialty. Caveats solicited
Upon recei?t of model or sketch and description
give our opinion as to patentability, frbk of choarg
We refer to the Co imisioner of Patents.alsl to
Commissioners. Established 1866 844tf.
In the Circait Con.t rf the State of Ore
gnn for Benton County.
H. C. Lewis Plaintiff,
vs. -
Albert Humphrey, Defendant )
out of and under the seai of the above named
Court, and in the action above named, on the 16th
day of January, 1332, in favor of said plaintiff and
against said Defendant for the suin of sixty-three
($63) dollars and $10 attorneys fees, besides costs,
being unable to find personal property out of which
to satisfy the same, I have levied upon and will sell
at public auction for cash at the front door of the
Court House, in the city of Corvallis, Benton Courty,
Oregon, on
Saturday, March lltk, 1882,
between the hours of nine in the morning and four
in the afternoon, namely at one o'clock r. h., to the
highest bidder, all the right, title and interest of the
said defendant in and to the following described real
property, to-wit: That certain donation land claim
which is known m the government surveys as the
donation land claim of Orin Belknap and his wife
Nancy Belknap and which said donation land claim is
bounded as follows: Beginning at a point seventeen
chains West from the South-east corner of Section
two Township fourteen South, Range six West of
Willamette Meridian, and running thence South
sixty-two chains and seventy-eight links, thence East
eighty chains, thence North eighty chains and twenty
links, thence West seventy-nine chains and seventy
eight links, and thence South seventeen chains and
twenty-two links to the place of beginning, contain
ing nix hundred and thiriy-nine and 1)2-100 acres,
savin? and excepting ten acres conveyed by George
Hunnihrev and his wife Cynthia Humphrey, to the
Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church on the
6th day of November, A. D. 1871, by deed, which is
duly recorded in the records of said Benton county in
Book r of Deeds on page 573. All of said land ly
ing and being situated in Benton County, Oregon,
with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenan
ces thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining,
to satisfy said execution, costs and expenses of sale.
Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon.
Dated Feb. 9th, 1882. 19:7w5
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon,
Feb. 9th, 1882. (
lowing named settler has filed notice of his In
tention to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will he made before B. W. Wil
son, County Clerk, at Corvallis, Benton County,.
Oregon, on &.
Tokojay, March 21, 1882,
Viz: Lavinia Tobv, widow of Thomas Toby, deceased.
Homestead Application No. 8140, for the S. E. i of N.
E. J and lots 2, S, 4 and 5 Sec. 21, T. 13 S , R. 11 W.
lie names the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land,
viz: James M. Collins, of Waldport, Benton Co., Or
egon, Peter Eckman. of Waldport, Benton Co., Or.;
August Lutjins, of Waldport, Benton Co., Or.; Henry
Lutjins, of Waldport, Benton Co., Oregon.
Al.o, Henry -Lutjins, Homestead Application No.
3139 for lots 8, 9, 10 and 11, Sec. 22, lot t. Sec. 27, and
lot 1, Sec. 23, T. 13 S.. R. 11 W.
He names the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land,,
viz: Geo. W. Collins, of Waldport, Benton Co., Or.;
Austin Howell, of Waldport, Benton Co., Or.; Janes
M. Collins, of Waldport, Benton Co , Or.; August
Lutjins, of Waldport, Benton Co., Oregon.
Also, Augu t Lutjins, Homestead Application No.
3136 for lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 10 and 17. Sec. 22, T. 13 S.,
R. 11 W.
He names the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land,
viz: Martin Lvringer, of Waldport, Benton Co., Or.;
James M. Collins, of Waldport, Benton Co., Or.;
Peter Eckman, of Waldport, Benton Co. , Or. ; Henry
Lutjins, of Waldport, Benton Co. , Oregon.
19:8w5 L. T. BARIN, Register.
Administrator's Notice
To all who are suffering from the errors and India
cretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay
less of manhood, etc., I will send a receipe that wil
cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy
was discovered by a missionary in South America.
Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rrv. JosRrn
T. I.v max, Station D. , New York City. 19:2-m0.
Kept In stock and for sal
at (ha OuatuOfSo.
D. O. CRANE, Corner Ninth and F Streets, Wash
ington. D. C, attends to Pension and Back Pay.
Bounty Claims collected. Contested Land Claims,
Mineral and Agricultural, attended to before the De
partment of the Interior and Supreme Court. Land
warrants. Land Scrip, and Additional Homesteads
purchased ana sola. i:44ti.
The undersigned hereby notifies all persons con
cerned that he will not be responsible for any debts
contracted on his account, unless the parties apply
ing for the same have my written order.
18-3Sm6 H. C. LEWIS.
F. A. Lehmann, Solicitor of American and Foreign
Patents, Washington, D. C. AH business connected
with Patents, whether before the Patent Office or the
Courts, promptly attended to. No charge made un
less a patent is secured. Send for circular. 18:44tf
From the undersigned, living at Monroe, the follow
ing described horses : One sorrel mare about fifteen
hands high, star in forehead, heavy in foal, full pop-
eye; old looking and hard to catch. Had with her
when she left a dark iron gray horse colt. Any per
son giving information of their whereabouts will be
suitably rewarded. Address he undersigned at Mon
roe Benton County, Oregon.
10.7tl LABAK CASK.
Lav.d Office at Oregon City, Oregon,
January. 12, 1882,
lowing named settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of his claim.
and that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Benton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on
Thusrday, February 23, 1882,
Viz: William P. Keady, Pre-emption D. S. No. 3595,
for the Lot 4 of Sec 24, T. 13 S., R. 12 W., and Lots
4, 5 and 6, and S. E. J of S. W. J of Sec. 19, T. 13 8.,
R. 11 W.
He names the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land
viz.: David Ruble of Waldport, M. A. Beem of Tide
water, and J. S. Moore and W. H . Mansfield of Cor
vallis, all of Benton County, Oregon.
19:4w5 L, T. BARIN, Register,
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon. 1
January 27th, 1882. )
Notice is hereby given that the following named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make final
Eroof in support of his claim, and that said proof will
e made before the County Clerk of Benton County,
at Corvallis, Oregon, on
Viz.: Christia Segelche, Pre-emption D. S. No. 3746
for the E. j of N. W. and N. E. iof S. W. i of Sec.
21, T. 11 8., R. 11 W.
He names the following witnesses to Drove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land,
viz: John Ford, George Landreth, George King and
John Alfred Ohlson, all of Newport, Benton County
Oragbn." ; .
19:6-w 1, l. AAfun, negisusr.
In the matter of the Estate I
Aaron Wells, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that I, Bradley (Trox el,,
administrator of said estate, have filed my final ac
count as administrator of said estate with the Clerk of
the County Court of the County of Benton, State of
Oregon, and the County Court of said County has
fixed ' -
Saturday, the Mth day of March, 1882,
at 10 o'clock A.M., as the time for hearing any and
all objections to the same.
Adm'r of the estate of Aaron Wells, dee'd.
Feb. 10th, 1882. 19:7w5.
Obtained, and all business in the V. 8. Patent Office,
or in the Courts attended to for MODERATE FEES.
We are opposite the U. S. Patent Office, engaged in
tain patents in less time than those-remote from
Whsn model or drawing is sent we advise as to
patentability free of charge; and we make NO
We refer, here, to the Post Master, the Supt. of the
Money Order Div. , and to officials of tbe U. S. Patent
Office. ForVircular, advice,, terms, and reference to i
actual clients in your own state and county, address, .
O. A. SNOW & C
Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C. .
at this office. Letter heads, etc.
Adminisirators Notice
,irimifTi. administrator of the estate of Elisa
beth Mason, deceased, has filed his final accounts for
settlement in the office of the Clerk ol the County
Court of the State of Oregon for Benton County, and:
the Court has fixed .
MONDAY, MARCH; 6th, M82,
at the hour Of 10 o'clock a. as the time for hearing -any
objections that may be made to the same.
w Adm'r of the estate of Elizabeth Mason, dee'd.