rtf WEEKLY NW.UUS GAZETTE Corvallis, Feb. 17, 1882. A STARTMX'S STORY. Well Attested PrcdJtMoii that Carfleld Would be Assassinated. The foTowiog, under date of Jan 6th, is Inrtrished the Cincinnati En qniiei, from Cleveland, Ohio: I have jus! unearthed a chapter in the Garfield tragedy, which read like a romance. It is no romance, but eoid, unadulterated facts. In a quit street along the lakeside, in this city, resides a remarkable man, one about whom there is an air of mystery which has so far baffled nerntinv. lie impresses one with his learning, his intimate acquaintance ship with affairs of state in foreign countries, and his knowledge of poli tics, men and measures of this nation. He is about fifty years of age, with a good, kindly face. His plentiful crop of hair is silvered with the frosts of time, but his large, full, brilliant black eyes have lost none of the spar k'e of youth. His mustache is a shade darker than hi hair, and he wears no beard. He is fluent in conversr. tion, bright, vivacious and entertain ing. He can talk on any subject, but prefers for his theme national Jjand European politics. Ho is in moderate circumstances as regards money, b;'t his home wherein hi wife and three hrt'itiful children re-idc with him erives evidence of comfort, even elegance. The bare assertion, unsupported by .the incidents I am about to relates -that this .'uleresting man foretold the " self-imposed mission, that lie be assass'n ition of President Garfield fueek, aye, months before the act W3s done, ivould in.Hke no impression f.H-ttie reader, for "cranks" with pre "ji'i. yni as thick as blackberries. SfniJ this .prediction is well known to at least two influential men in this and his earnestness, so impiessed them that they became convinced that there should bo some heed taken to his utterances. This, remember, was during the presidential campaign. The race was being made for the highest office in the gift of the American people, and the issue was uncertain Gar Held or ITancoek which? "What can we do?" was asked by the attentive listeners to this vision ary. "What is necessary to be done? You arc certain Garfield wdl b elected president, and you are just as certain that he will be murdered,''' said they; "now what do yon advise us to do?" "Give me," said he, "a letter or note to Mr. Garfield. Yon, gentle men, are both acquainted with him. Von are his intimate friends. Write me a letter which I may take with me, and I will do the rest." This was the substance of his reply. The note to Garfield was written almost uniler protest, and ran some thing like this: "The bearer has a matter of remarkable tenor to com municate to you. Give htm a hearing." The seer departed from the office atisfied, and at once made prepara tions tor his journey to Mentor, to hold an interview with Garfield. After he had left the office, one of these gentlemen, a man, by the way. well known in Cleveland, the holder of an important government position, iml one whose name, if given here, would bo recognized all over t! e state, was so impressed with the sing ular interview, was so convinced that the man would go to Mentor on Mentor he heard Garfield request Colonel Rockwell and Major Swaim, who then formed part of his honse hold, to keep watch of the expected visitor, and see what he meant to do. The seer took the train the next day for Mentor, arriving there about one o'clock. He carried with him an American flag made of silk, and of a small pattern. On the top of the flag-pole, on small streamers about a foot long, were worked the names of "Wash ington" and "Lincoln." Garfield gave him an audience immediately, and for two hours this man held the future president spell bound with the eloquence of his words, the deep knowledge of state affairs and political measuies which he evinced, and the terrible earnest ness of his manner. He rehearsed to him in detail the subjects touched upon in the Cleveland office at the interview above alluded to; told him that he would be elected president, and warned him that there was n conspiracy on toot to murder him, and that the weapon of death would be a pistol. (Conin ued next iced;.) BENEFITS OF ADVERTISING. piWtoA ft t4 gSEEMMmt Severe Headaches; in i i aineti came alarmed. He thought to him self (and he lias since given expres sion to the thought) that it would be wrong for him to ge."d this man to Mentor, to the home of Glarfield, with the uncertainty aso what were his intentions himself toward Garfield. He didn't know but that his visit- citv. one of "them holding a position of honor and trust in the municipal J or was a murderous crank, who made vernment, the oth -r an officer of I t,,(? prediction and then intended to go the federal government. That the prediction was made with a steady belief and persistent reitera tion, there is no manner of doubt, and the circumstances surrounding it, the littie details, and all connec ted therewith, render it a story of absorbing, interest. The "man with a vision" has been a resident of Cleveland for several years, emigrating to this place from a Jesuit College in George-town, D. C. Being genia', hearty and bright, impressing all with whom he comes in contact with the conviction that he is no ordinary man, he has male many friendslhere, and there is no one with hardihood sufficient to say that he is "cranky," unless it bo on one certain subject. Last July a year ago he first came to the notice of certain officials here. These gentlemen up to the present time when the awful calamity is a thing of the past, and the minutest details of the assassination of Presi dent Garfield corroborate just what has been foretold are astounded and know not what to think. The sober second thought, the early training and the education of these gentlemen were all J against the Shcory that this singular man knew tlreS the assassination would take, place, but they are confronted with the cold facts they saw 'lne terri ble tragedy unravel i'SL.lf as predict ed by him, and ijney stand aghast at what they cannot fully comprehend. One afternoon about four o'clock the time stated above, this man d at the private office of one of llemeh mentioned. The oth- sent for, and the iu- this name he article, in promise be re re- t kill his victim to make sine that such prediction would be verified. The more he thought about it, the nrmer he Decame convinced that it was his du'y to go to Mentor himself and warn Garfield of the proposed visit. That evening he took his team and his hired man and started for Men tor, twenty-four miles away. He arrived th?re safely and found the house full of visitors. Garfield was apprised of his arrival and, knowing an old friend had called, he naturally thought that friend would remain all night. For this reason the vis itor did not get an audience with him until near midnight. At this interview the whole cn cnirfstance was related to Garfield. He w as tald'of the strange predic tion, the trustworthiness of the man who made it, his earnestness, his elo quence and his determination to coine to Mentor on this business. Garfield ".listened attentively, but showed no signs of (ear or trepida tion. The narrative, however, made a marked impression upon his mind, and he told his Cleveland tiiend that he had warnings a few days previous that his life was. in danger. One of 'tnese warnings came from a nip;,i who traveled all the way from i'ew York city for the express pur pose ol putting him on his guard. Another one came from Boston. A man from that city visited Mentor and asked Garfield during the course of bis conversation which ensued what room in his house be sler' in at night. "Right there," said Garfie'd, "on the ground floor, next to the portico." "For God's sake, General Garfield," replied the man, "do not sleep there any more. Your life is in danger. Occupy the most obscure room in this house, for I tell you an attempt will be made upon your life." As a matter of fact, well attested by the members of the Garfield household at that time. General field heeded that warning and lis bed to an upper floor m mediately following, was m ade soon after, ccupied until after idency and ton the tol Mux aat SEflkt. L. . l frie n K ii tor Raking er Rockwell's Bittiry r of Velaud man Talking of the superiority of news papers over every other form of ad vertising, the Seattle Post Intelligen. cer, in a late issue, says: "It is safe to say each paper is read by four persons. It is taken up eagerly and read carefully, and what it says is given credence and respect. Com pare its reception with that of the circular, which has to be forced in a surreptitious manner upon the leader, and who, when he finds he has been imposed upon, throws it down in dis- hgust. Again, the cost of adve.tisii g in a daily paper is much less. No circular can be placed in the hands of three, five or ten thousand persoi s at anything like the price that an advertisement can in a daily paper that will do more good. What we sav pf circulars is no less true t f other irregular methods of advertis ing. There arc' merchants who act upon an apparent belief that people before buying carefully inspect the hotel registers, that they eagerly scan card boards, run through catalogues of county fairs, and the like. Such delusions are costly, to say the least. Merchants are as often saved money by legitimate advertising as they an enabled to make it, and not unfrt quently it is done in this way : A San Francisco or a Portland dealer has more stock than he can conveii- ently sell in his own town, and he looks over the field to dee wherein he can dispose of it to the best advant age. He knows that the largest towns of Oregon and Washington are Salem, Astoria, The Dalles, Walla Walla and Seattle, and he gets the leading newspapers from these places If uo advertisements can be found in them from merchants in his line say, dry goods he concludes that that is the place for his venture. The local merchants, he naturally infers, are a Blow and unenterprising set, and that he can beat them. He sends some one, or comes himself, and he, makes a grand flourish, cleans, tip handsomely and departs. We hsrVe seen this done several U:ues in the last yea.-, and every time successfully. file money that s lost to the local merchant in this way is more than ufficient to pay all his advertising bills, and. not only that but in retain ing his home trade against outsiders Scientists now all admit that most diseases are caused bv disordered Kidneys or liver, and that if these reat organs arc kept in a perfect condition, health will be the result. WARNKB'S SAFE KID NEY AND LIVES CURE Is made from a Simple Tropical Leaf OF RARE VALUE, And is a POSITIVE Remedy for the following Troubles : Pain in the Back Dizziness: Eyes; A Tired Feeliiiar: . i . . . aigni awcais; Pains in the Lower Part of the Body; Palpitation of the Heart: Jaundice; Gravel; Painful Urination; Ma larial Fever; Fever and Ag-iio; And all diseases caused by the Kidneys, Liver cr Urinary Organs being out of order. It is a SAFE and CERTAIN cure for all Female dif ficulties, such as Lrucorrheea; Inflamation of the Womb; Falling of the Womb; Ulceration of the Womb. It will control and regulate Menstruation, and is an excellent and safe remedy for females during preg nancy. As a Blood Purifier it is unequaled, for it cures the organs that MAKE the blood. For Boils; Oart-ansles; Scrofula; White Swel ling; Salt Elieum; Poisoning by Mer cury or any other "Drug, It is certain in every case. For Incontinence; Impotence; Pains in the Loins, and all Simi lar Diseases, It is a safe, sure and quick Cure. It is the only known remedy that has cured Brioiits Diskase. As n proof of the purity and w orth of this Croat Natural Remedy, read the following CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: S. A LATTIMORE, Ph. D., L. L. D., Professor of Chemistry in the University of Rochester, N. Y., knowing the popularity and merit of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, after a thorough Chemical Analysis, has furnished the (b lowing statement: UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER, Chemical Laboratory, ROCHESTER, N. Y., Jan. "s, 1SS0. Mr. H H. Warner has placed in my possession the formula of the medicine manufactured and sold by iuui luMter t!ic general designation of WARNER'S SAFE KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE. I have invci tigated his processes of manufacture, which arc con ducted with extreme care and according to the best methods. I have also taken from his laboratory sam ples of all the materials used in the preparation of this medicine, and ujion critical examination I find them, as well as the medicine into which they enter, to be entirely free from poisonous or deleterious sub stances. S. A. LATriMORE. f This Remedy which has done such wonders, is put dp i.i tn LAiUfAsi Miwau wraa ot any medi cine upon the Market, and is sold by Drngifcis and all dealers at SI. 23 per bottlii. For Diabetes enquire for WARNER'S SAFE DIABlTJ'-S COSE. It is a POSITIVE Remedy. H. H. WARNER & CO. 19 1. PERCHERON HORSES LARGEST Importing and Breeding ESTABLISHMENT n? THE WORLD. FREQUENT IMPORTATIONS From Francs, Amounting to Hundreds Annually ARRIVE AT THS FARM OP THE Great Perckeron Horse Breeder mm, Wayne, Dr. Page County, Illinois TJ. S. A. (33 luiloa wvst of Chicago. Take cars VVolls Street Depot.i Ttnrinti tlsr prist 17 Motrin .ICO ST.4L I.I(XS AM) TSAREShHwhtn, iutorterl 1-UO lf m.lIfVE, brUiu Sf OIiK than the rotnhijtt'tl illtimrttttitHi.H tif' nil at.'trr im jinftfftt if Ijytift IltnutN frilm all parts aj' Karojtr for any one year. Mr. lsnriw,m's Importations arc Zargoli Increti.-ieil in 3fuwbtfTM Each iVrrr, anil bavo included the Prize. Winners of ibe Uni versal Exposition, J'fW.-;, itfjS.und nearly r.H tho Prl:o Eorsoa Of tbo Great thow3 of Franca sinaa bia importatiens began. T?! .Ltt.o!':ii,j VfiuanrJ fcr this treed of horses, whioh hi-jy ue vtlop.:d largt-iy dtiting tho past nine years, has extended to ail portions cf the States and terri tc.rits nml tho Dominion of Canada, Wbieb t.cctio'is have drawn theis bUfipiiea fur brooding tiurjposca largely from ticae stables. 100 Var;e CatttTofte Tit on arrl lent ion. Contains crer f. IL'ustrsiions nml the hibt oryof Uw Parahprcn breed, t(.$..(ur with tho csperfeu-'fof tfeao.whn bo.ve iiurehoeed from Mr. Dur-hTiUJ by or 1: r ixr,m &wat ports ol 'bo c;..uurv. XiMna'-ea c.bc- u:.d ir.ei.lion .:am: cf titis pstper. & EVERY NEIGHBORHOOD KEEDS A FEaCBESnS STAUJOK iSEfiSIICS thirty roars' trial has tenor sS:UUiUiS, etnitod faat when Lswl-ta th- common loki os of tho country the r-rodnco i more uniform, are eu-jier keepers, better 'worli ere, and eell for mere money on tho i'n:ke& than any other clasu of Horses, Real Estate Agencr CHOICE FARM LAND And Desirable City Property. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE : CITY OF CORVALLIS. FARMS. 200 Acres east end of Blfdtt'Vll. n L near school and on ag?J?t.!, Vtitx, $4000. J ? " Vaquiaa k. k bam and other'nntiLuHdh.g' hSRSJifSl close to proposed Yquina K. it 11 240 Acres on Elk road, 5 mile, fro ' . Yaquina road. Ooo,l ,r"m JmcUoil wirh steamboat landing jSfi7SSJBlJSeS With ou0et to w Ked iSSL orchaml, &c. Price S10O0. 200 Acres. ,0 7 3 Acres In Ki: iSv vn.. ..... ... , r.: rate tanu witn large house, barn, close to school and church, post office, rist and saw mill. Price $c000. 540 Acres in Linn county, Smiles east of Lebanon, on branch of east side railroad, and Oregon & Pacific well watered, good timber, near school. Terms easy' a mite along the road ,d river"" MElSrf- th. near postolfice. sawand irrist n.iii. ... . S""" ""'ces; improvements MliuJ .. . wsed narrow rau.-edenot in CS?." "SST 'w' rnc fll.OOe. 1. 857 Aim ft . - 354 Acres adjoins above with ... River. 1000 under fume ?" Mary . sitinn.aLout 100 acres under enH K n,v,n r t....ni.. "ow in grain. Best hill .' f' P,ou.n. ' farm, capable of carrying a rood Hock of sheep. undcJ f" Thc '' oSJSSST fence, well watered, irotd houso l, rn .,;i-o,.i """so. two bams, etc. l'ri. r. jm Price,, 5,5,H AT NEWPORT ' pood liotwe, orcliard, etc Kxecllent atot-k ranrre with t120 "crcs of lcnd tnated Price, 500. miles from school, postotSce, etc. frontayc : IVife, 100. BUSINESS COLLEGE. (Old " NATIONAL," Established 1866.) 12S Front St., Between Washington and Alder, P0KTL.VN1), . . . OHEUOX. A. P. ARMSTRONG . J. A. WESCO Principal. . TAiimau and Secretarv. Designed for the business education of both sexes. Students admitted on any week day of the year. ?'o examination on entering I'oehester, 3ST. RATES OF TUITION;: SCHOLARSHIP, Business Course TELEGRAPH Y, Complete Course WRITING, per month . .60 00 . . 25 00 .. 6 00 .140 Acres, no under cultivation hnm. I, 160 acres oflnn.l :..... ., . .. and orchard 1, four miles north of postolfice Price, $4,- id Cajw Foulwca'tlar fa-Tn- ',L betwccB 000. Lxceiient stock farm. ' lioue and out bnildii,, ,., run8, ocean. Good 200 Acres of first M. ., Wl;n and timothy flSid. weFIZS end of King's Valley, 60 W ,,.,ier euHiv'ation' ' n- ShtoXh; 7bfcb chid tag 22 acres of timothy, good new house 16x24, very desiA ble rJZlr rock- This would make . and barn. School house within 2190 yards, and con' residence or cut up into lots. .eii.e ,i uBiora irom nulH, story &c. ; well watered " acres 1 mile can of .v and timbered. P2.700. with comfortable hmse gardeK r & "d 160 acres situate.1 on Little Elk road two mile, col"nianu8 "ptendid views of the ocean thZ't1?' west of Blodgett's Valie3. '"co acsTaUe tenT'lOo" S2 waiere.". r"ld JiS wfi acres new bottom well watered; 18 acres under application nuu,roi "J Pric. cultivation ; abundant out nine for stock Price a')p"'at'on- nc 13o- Au -'xccl!ent bargain ; terms reasonable. ' A saloon, larjre warehm. Elk City We house with furniture suitable for a 7 , -Chy-, acre: of good ,ad, , aeres under -SBSCSSS fence, rootage to river and eonnty road. a,,xl bouse bmy. the road bettee,; & ",di" Y,uln ih" ln;,Pi'lc,, a1 ;',lind sprinsr branch bottom land 3ttSS?SJ!LS5?! onc h" through the land, good outfit for stock ; 'prive S1.400. property will Vl al bargn Prile "' ttiioTrrWr c? T other aesinhle proprtir isfoH- rnd Piencyo, excellent timher on the land : price,,,- rt!X7tn lCOacrcssituatelonLiUIeEIknextBab Excel- StiSLJlS1" ient water and good outlet to fine i ange. effect sptcdy sales " trU"t to U b' 5 Some large tracts of land for sale, some half improved, on the line f tk. n 4'iia ncii uE.erx-'roscY. K6 secures the better piuion ot lis oustomers, retains Ins own Land office at Oregon City, Oregon, '.Lin. 17th. 188-2. se,'reiHroTicE !S hereby given that the fox- pect, feels better, is happier aai lono- " lowing named settler has filed notice of his in . ' r 7 I tentioll to make final iroof in snnoort of his "laim. .... K 1 rriL t -A' .. 1 1 .. 1 ... 1 i .1. . . ... :.i ; ...:n i , .. i .' . r. . .. ei uvou. me uust ui hi un 'ernsm lc mediums are the newspaper, and the best newspapers the newspapers that are read in the family cirele, that are quoted from the pulpit arid rostrum, that have sUnding and in flusnce, and that can be iburid evsrv where are in this man 3'- as superior to the other newspapers as'tlit latter are iu turn to the eiroilar." Sworn Off. He didn't want to take an iror. clad oatli to stop all driilking of spir ituous liquors. In New York city on Thursday week,' a well-dressed Ger man walked into Justice Power's court and abruptly said: "Chudge, I vant to 6chwear." "What do yon want to 'wear for? it's immoral," quotb the Court. "Veil, I van, to sch wear dot I don't drink some more liquor. I vant to brace up." 'All right, -put your hand on the Bible." Five huge fingers grasped the sacrd book and the Justice began: "Do you sobmnly swear " "Hold on, Cbuug. Mii.d, I don't schwear against beer. I km ec'itand beer pooty good. It voodn't do to go back on beer, but I vant to sob wear off strong on every ding else." "Well, do you solemnly swtar that you will never again touch a drop of intoxicating liquor except bet p-, so belp you God?" "You bet Ida." . .. BAPTIST CIILRCH SERVICES.-Preaching every seuon 1 and fourth Sabbath in each month at the College Chapel, by the Rev. F. P. Davidson. Services begin at 11 A. M. , and 6:30 r. m. All are in vited. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. -Regular services every Sabbath morning and evening. Sundav Shool at the close of the morning service. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Public cor dially invited. . H. p. DUxivINO. Pasf,r. EVANGELICAL CHURCH Services regularly jv ery Sabbath morning and evening, unless otherwise announced. Sunday school at X r. SL each Sa'ibatV. Prayer meeting' every Thursday at 7 p. 31. 'Hie publie-eordiajy invited . ,&y. J. Bowij&aox. Pastor. M. E, CHUROHtettlar serviced everv Suudav 7 P. . SlOTflTv-schou'. H I O'clock -iu, Kih'lo iilnnimi for old and young. Prayir niaetimi tin Wednesday evening at , o clock. A general iJBfcation and cordial -I welcome. . WI jioTT, Pastor. M. E. CHURCH SOUTH--Sr verv Sahh.t.h at 11 a. m, and 7 p.m., at the r jliege etiapei. Sunday school at 9:30 A. m. Prayjjr . ieeting Friday evening at 7 o'clock. Public cordV invited '. K. N. BELL, Pastor. N0TCE FOR PUBLICATION. Laa:l Office at Oregon City, Oregon, January IS, 1882. , 0TIC2, is HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL y lo.ir.j named settler has filed notico of his In- ter'fctou to noke ihial proof in support of his claim, -nd that sail proof will be made beiore the County Clerk of Benton County, at Curvalils, Oregon, on Monday', February 1882, Viz: Ahert J. Ray, Pre-emption 1 S. No. 3922, for the W. i ot JT. E. i and S. E. or ST. W. 1 of Sec. 14, T. US., R. 11 W. lie names thc following :wkttnes.? to prove his con tii jons Ksidence upon and cultivation of said land, vB: George Stephens, Thomas Pavey, WiliiaA Ste ens and Anna L. Stevens, all of Newport. Benton c'ounty, Oregon, 19:4w5. L. T. BAUIN, Register. JPeii-Wprk Of all kinds d:ie ii the i0s; artistic m'nnr. t rea sonable rates. Send for estinn- ,e "College Journal," coi.toining information of iwnta, and cuts of ornameolal penmanship, free; Address A P.: ARMSTRONG, Lxk Box lf, Portland. OregoJ gzTI ch jeriuHy recommend the present manage ment of tile Portland Bizskless Coilepe. Mr. Arm strong, whom I -iiavc ki.own for uiani years, is an experienced teacher and a oraeti'.-.al business man. H. M. DeFRANCB, Pre",, old "National" College. is.--vf; JOIIIsr M. AYLES c , . : . ti , 9 "iiuim, ccnion county, Oregon Or at the Law office of Jas. A. Yantis, Corvallis, Oregon: or R A Benifi. Newport, Oregon. W.m. Collyns & Co., 5 East India Avenue, agerTts, Lon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. and that said proof will be made before the County ciertt ot tsenton ixranty at (jorvaius, uregon, on Monday, February 27th, 1882, Viz. : Charles Albrecht, Pre-emption D. S. No 3684. for Lots 4 and 5 and fract E. J of W. I of N. W. i Sec. 4fT. 12 S.f lUff. ' Ho iiamei the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Eugene Wledeman, George Mayer, Mathias Mayei and James Ervin, all of Philomath, Benton County, Oregon. 19:5v5 L. T. BARIN, Register. MONEY TO LOAN. S 5 O , O Ol6 ! On Approved security. Apply to W. A. WELLS, at the Mammoth Warehouse, Corvallis, Oregon. 19:3yl. Good. Bargain. The grounds including the lot fenced, together with stable barn etc. of the camping ground on Fred Olssons place for rent : everybody knew the locality as one of the best on the Yaquina Bay. Address owner, J. A. OLSSON. 19Gw4 Newport, Oregon. Heal Estate for Sals. Will-sell a farm of 478 acres for less tliau 313 per acre, being one of the cheapest and best farms in Buntoi. county, situated 4 miles west of Monroe, of a mile from a good school, in onc of the best neigh -bortleods intlie state with, church piivilcges handy. About 130 acres iii cultivation, and over 4U0 can be cultivated. Alfunder fence, with good two story frame house, large barn and orchard; has running water the vear around, and is well suited tor stock and dairy purposes. This is one of the cheapest farms in the Willamette Valley Also, two improved lots on the main business street with small stable, woodshed and a good, comfortable dwelling bouse containing seven good rooms. These lots are nicely situated for any kind of business pur poses. For further information enquire at the Gazette Office. NEW BUSINESS! !M!o-untain View MIZjBL 33 I Ft S 35 Cents per Grallon, WUEN REQUIRED FOR INFANTS. THE MIL of one cow will be furnished. Milk warranted PURE. LISTEN FOR THE BELL! A. G. MULKEY, Proprietor. Corvallis, January 7, 1880. lC:21ml, Neatness ! Cheapness-! Punctuality ! New Type ! Hew Material!. SAN FRANCISCO PRICES! Having added a large and well assorted lot of new Job Type, Berderi Machinery, etc., to our Job Office, we are now prepared to do all kinds of BOOK -AND- Notice of Final Settlement. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 17N dersigned, administrator of the estate of Wilson Henderson, dec3ased, having fully administered said estate has filed his accounts in the County Court of Benton County, Oregon for final settlement and that the said Court has appointed Saturday, tie Wth day of March, 1882, at 10 o'clock of said day, the same being a day of the regular March term of said Court, for the hearing of objections, if any, and the final settlement of said accounts. Dated this 7th day of February, 1882. G-.G. NEWTON, AdnVr of the estate of Wilson Henderson, dee'd. 10:7w5 NTING! Plain and Ornamental ! A. CTiD. To all who are suffering frohi the errors and India cretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay loss of manhood, etc., I will send a receipe that wil core you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. l. m an, Station D. , New York City. 19A-m6. B LEGAL L A N K Kept in stock and for sale at the Gazette Office. A LL KINDS OF JOB WORK DONE A. at thu office. Letter heads, etc. TAT"7 1? rrpfT) O address EDSON BROS. Vt V rWrViO Attornevs-at-I,aw and Patent Solioitors. 81? Sevenths reet. Washinarton, D C. , for instructions. Reasonable terms. Refereneei and advice sent free. We attend exchunvelv U Patent business. Reissues, Interferences, and cases rejectea in otner nanus a specialty. Laveats soncitec Upon receipt of model or sketch and description give our opinion as to patentability, frkk of choakoi iv e reier to tne commissioner or fatents.aisi to E Commissioners. Established 1866. S44tf. SOLDIERS! D. O. CRANE, Corner Ninth and F Streets, Wash ington. D. C. attends to Pension and Back Pay. Bountv Claims collected. Contested Land Claims, Mineral and Agricultural, attended to before the De- oartment of tne Interior ana supreme court, mna warrants. Land Scrip, and Additional Homesteads purchased and sold. 18:4tf. 3STQTICE. . The undersigned hereby notifies all persona con cerned that he will not be responsible for any debts contracted on his account, unless the parties apply ing for the same have my written order. 18-38m6 H. C. LEWIS. PATENTS. F. A. I 'tmMn. Solicitor -of Amerwan, reign Patents, tvaonuurcMw U- c t-p9UB TOarecve& with Patents, whether betuce tb Patapt Office or toe Courts, promptly attended to. So harge made un less a patent is secured. Seed lor areolar- 18;Mtf You need'not send away for job work as we will do it in the best styl and as cheap as any Printer on the Coast.. CARDS, STATEMENTS, CIRCULARS, POSTERS,. BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS, DUNS, NOTES, PAMPHLETS. BOOKS, RECEIPTS, PROGRAMMES, FUNERAL NOTICES, ETC Legal Blanks in Stock. ALL JOB PRINTING C. 0. D Call and Examine Samples. Send for Estima All orders from a distanfce attended to promptly. Gazette Job Officd Corvallis, Ore