It Corvallis, Feb. 17, 1882. Entered at the Postoffice at Corvallis, Oregon, as secoud-class matter. Mr. J. H. Bates, Newspaper Advertising Agent. 41 Park How (limes Building, JNew York, is authorized to contract for advertise ments in t lie Gazette at not less tliau our advertised rates. L. P. Fishrr, advertising agent, 21 Mer chants1 Exchange, San Francisco, is author ized to receive advertisements for the col umns of this paper at not less than our ad vertised rates. Land Sale. On last Saturday,the day appointed to ell thereal estate belonging to the estate of Samuel Reader, deceased, lying in the town of onroe, and near there, "including the Monroe'mills, was sold by the administrator to the highest bidder. Adam Willhelm, of Monroe, bought the Jos. Kelsay tract of land lying about 3 miles Northwest of Mon roe, containing 392 acres, at $4,500. Wrs. ley Heuton bought the Monroe mills and 40 acres of land lying adjoining thereto and partly across Long Tom, for 6,500. Adam Willhelm also l)Oiight three town lots on which was situated a stable and a one-story store budding, for 5250. Geo. W. Houck purchased one acre lying in the town and adjoining the Long Tom, just South of the mill property, for S155. AHxjrt Ray of this place also purchased SO acres of land lying uezt to the Willamette .river, for 120. All of the property ajniearetl to sell at ruin ous low rates. The ' mill property probably cost Mr. Reader in his life time twelve or fifteen thousand dollars, at a low estimate. The mill contained three run of burr5, and other machinery in proportion. The water wheel which furnished the power, cost $1700 alone. i ifotlfkatlons. At the time of mailing the Gazette of the 10th, we adopted a plan of attachiug a small printed slip to papers for the purpose of no tifying subscriliers of the time when their subscriptions expire. It takes time even to pursue this method and we only got through with a portion of our list of subscribers. This is done because man- of our subscrib ers expressed to us a desire for such infor mation. We will pursue this course for a while, and if found not to require so much time as to make it impracticable, we shall thereafter notify each suliscriber a little be fore or about the time his or their subscrip tions expires. Bitten By a Dog. We learn that Ben Hayden, who was se verely bitten by i dog on Thursday Inst, was in an unconscious state during Thurs day night. The dog bit Mr. llaydon on the wrist, biting through a vein, which bled freely, and perhaps would have einlan.gred his life had'Hio.tB-s! v' Clark' ami ! daughters, at whose residence he was visiting, bound up the wound tight with cloths, stopping the fl')W of blttotL Medical was called and the wuqnd drensed. . Mr. ll.iydeii is feeling much better .to-day. Talk. Incorporated. The Fanners Ftrrry djoat company was incorporated last We Tuesday making their principal office at CorvaUis, with a capital stock of one tlionsand dollars divided into shares of teh dollars easa . The incorpo rators are William B gne, W. J. WilUmnks, Adam Rader, Calvin Yates an I Joseph Emery. Their object being toestablidi and maintain a ferry across the Willamette river at this place. Those Antic Jlovtawnts. Mr. John R. Bryson was seen, the ether day, wildly gesticulating and his . face wreathed in a bland smile, which seemed to commence in the center of his cl tssio "phiz" and radiate all over it like a moii-. strous pancake. ''What's the matter John" querried his interlocutor. "It's a yirl,' said h -, abstractedly. John is unanimously voted the happiest man in the city. Farm Said. Messrs. Bryson & Young, Teal estate agents of this city, on last Wednesday sold the John Rowland farm of 610 acres, three and one-half miles South of town, to Mr. Barnes Hughes, of Walla Walla, for the snug price of $14,600. Mr. Hughes is an experienced farmer, wide-awake and pro gressive, and he will donbtls3 prove a val uable acquisition to Benton County. Subscribers, It ssmetinies happens .that an o-casinnal subscriber calls upon us and state that he has not received his paper of that week. We can hardly account for this '.lecaiise we try to be very careful in making up mails. If at any time in the future subscrib ers should fail to receive their papers they will please call at the office and get theih or notify us immediately by letter. Sullivan Arretted. Chief of Police Lappens of Portland , ha received neawfhat Peter Sullivan, one of the parties accused of having been implica ted in the murder of Brown last Novembei in an infamous dive in that city, has been arrested and confined in the jail of Yolo eounty CaL The sheriff telegraphs that he has confessed to tbe crime. Chard) notice. of. T. F. Campbell, of Monmouth, will in the North Methodist Church, this l Saturday evening next, and Sunday II o'clock a. m. , 18th and 10th mst. Sick. in Smith, little daughter of John Smith has been quite sick for several i an attack of lung fever. Tanners Attention. hand arain drill, in good order ! hot little used, for sale at a bargain at Woodcock & BAtjwjy's. Hit nr and TUtacr. Beauty's Bower. This famous cigar js Only sold at T. J. Buford's. Richard Graham's the druggist. New goods at A. J. Langworthy's Cash Store. The finest brands of cigars at the Post office store. New goods lately received at Thomas Grahams. Mr. Atwood is building a residence on Fourth Street. All kinds of Blanks in stock and for sale at the Gazette office. Stationery and books of all descriptions at Postoffice Store. Dr. J. B. Lee purposes building a fine dwelling-house soon. The Circuit Court for Marion county con venes on Monday next. The schools at Monmouth are reported to be in a prosperous condition. The CorvaUis Gazette for sale on the counter of Buford's news depot. Mr. Wayman StClair has sold his saddle and harness shop to Mr. J. R. Bryson. Mr. Red Wells sold a house and lot on Second street one day this week. Mr. Jackson intends to build a residence on Ninth street in the early future. Money to loan on real estate, or good personal security, by M. S. Woodcock. Novelties of all kinds at Postoffice Store. The Circuit Court for this County com mences the 4th Monday, the 27th day of March. A meeting was recently held iu Portland celebrating the birth day of Abraham Lincoln. His Excellency, Gov W. W. Thayer, has appointed J. H. B'ood, of San Francisco, commissioner for Oregon. The next setsinn of the Supreme Court in this State will commence on the 1st Mon day, the 6th day of March. Roy. E. N. Condit, of Albany, will preach J at the Presbyterian church in this city next Sunday, morning and evening. Am informed that Mr. Swik will soon build a fine brick residence, but am not informed as to the proposed locality. Mr. Wren sold, oue day this week, a house and lot, bejajjigilig to Mr. XLlmlson, on First Street, to Mrs. fyirah Graham. Mr. Messinger, of Monmouth, is negotiat ing terms wit a tne people oi iuoninouui, with a view to building a warehouse at that point. Mr! Jesse Huffman bought recently of Mr. Korthauer, a dwelling h u3e and five acres of land, lying near the mill, South of town. Mr. Red Wells sold on the 14th inst. to Arthur Joh.ison, a part of his farm at Wells' Station, consisting of about 325 acres, at ?25 per acre. At a:i examination before Justice Wrenn last Monday, the young man refered to in last week's local, charged with disgraceful conduct towards a little girl, was released. The Marshall of our town made a rade on a Chinese opium den and found a number of boys there smoking opium. The China man was taUen before tha recorder and fined. Mcsm-3. S.mther'.and and Christie, have lately retired from the editorial department of the Daily Standard. Its management will go into the hands of Mr. Noltner again. Mr. D. W. Nichohon owns an abundant quantity and an excellent quality of potter.S clay. Why doesn't some one start a pot tery hcrt? Such an enterprise would un doubtedly be a gratifying success. Mr. E. Bennett's school in District No, 13, commonly known as the Newton District is said to be a decided success. He propos ts to have a school exhibition at the Grange Hail, about the first of the coming month. "So mote it be." The South Beach mines in Lower Alsea are paying unusually well this winter. Mr. Jas. H. Doty called on us on Wednesday and Informed us that said mines are being worked quite extensively and with gratify ing results. Personal. James Wrightsman was in town yester day. T. J. Buford is going to Portland next week. Judge D. Risdon, of Eugene City, was iu town last Saturday. J. B. Ferguson, of Lane county, was in town last Saturday. M. S. Neuzas3 will make a trip to San Francisco soon, iu tbe interests of his firm Miss Lee, sister of Senator Lee of Polk Co., is in town, visiting friends and acquaintances.. A surprise party was lately given by the citizens of Lebanon to Dr. D. M. Ballard, of that place in honor of his 57th birth-day. Rev. Mr. Moss, of Monmouth, left last week, with his family, for Goldendale. He has been engaged to preach for them at that plac ?. Miss Montgomery whose attendance as a student at the College, was interrupted recently, by ill health, has returned and resumed her place in her classes. Mr. Orville Jennings and Mr. Edwin Jackson have returned and resumed their studies in the College, after an absence of a few days On account of impaired health. James Martin of Monroe pre-inct, started home Wednesday morning with an appara tus in his wagon for moving buildings. He intends to change the situation of a building on bis place. James W. Brasfleld and Jimes Ball of Newport, arrived in town the fore part of the week. They report the roads in such an unfavorable condition that they are al most impassible. Wesley Hinton, E. H. Hawkins, Adam Willhelm, Samuel Reader and Geo. W. Houck of Monroe, wore in town last Sat urday, looking after the sale of some land belonging to the Reader estate. The ladies brass band at Albany recently gave a grand surprise party to Mi is Mattie Foster, at the residence of her father, in honor of her 2lst birth-day. The occasion was attended by the elite of the city and was a very enjoyable one. ririniro sews. Poisoned by Dead Hie. A fsw days aso Mr. D. W. Ellis, who re. sides a few miles from East Portland, put poison in his granary to rid it of mice. The mice after eating the poison by some, means got out of the granary, and a number of them fell into the well, from which the lam ily had used water until they became very sick. A physician was sent for, and after discovering their ailment ordered the well cleaned, when they found a number of dead mice. Although nothing serious has come of it, the people are very sick, Mrs. Ellis being bedridden. Oregonian. From Ozkrille. Oakville, Linn Co., Feb. 12. 1882. Ed. G.17ETTE: Your loud appeal to your readers to write a few items for the Gazette every week, in ur last issue, reached this part of the country. I am not a citizen of your county, but probably a few items from Linu County wo.ild interest your readers. Oakviile is situated about four and a half miles southeast of CorvaUis. We have one of the finest churches in Linn county, con ducted by the U. P. Church; also a Sabbath School with over 100 in attendance. There has been two deaths in the past week. Rev. Atchenson lost a little daugh ter, aged two years and a half. Mrs. Dalin da Goodell, a resident of Marion County, died at the residence of Wm. StTohu on the 10th. She was born in Ohio iu the year 1S36 ; emigrated to Illinois and Main, and came to Oregon in 1847; settled on French prairie and lived there up to tho lime of bar death. Having lived a devoted christian for forty years, she lias now gone to meet her companion who died seven years ago. There was a meeting on last Monday night to take steps for a new ferry. We have twenty-four shares taken. There is to be another meeting the 13th to make ar rangements to jxo to work. We have been robbed by the Moore's ferry long enough. They have been very narticuls in charging men who haul wood and crossing every day to your city, a full price. I think the citi zens of Benton should take an interest in this enterprise for there is many who live nearer CorvaUis than Albany would go there to do their trading, but we have to pay 50 cents every time we cross, and it counts up in the course of the year. We appeal to the citizens of Benton to come to our rescue, for a "friend in need is a friend indeed. " On tho 13th we met again to reconsider the ferry question, and the company was organized and wy.l be incorporated soon. We wish to say this to those business men of CorvaUis who are so independent about not helping U3, who say they will not give a cent, that they will be remembered, especially by those who have farms on this side of the river. I heard one man say that he had traded thousands of dollars at a cer tain store, but that they could have no more of his money. Men who live by the farmer must liear in mind that there is a way to get even, and we propose to recollect all those who say they will not give a cent to help us free ourselves from this burden. H. S. List of Letters Remaining in the Postoffice at Corvall is Benton County, Oregon, Feb. 17, 1882. Persons caljing for the same will please say advertised : Fraukie Curtis, Annie Kesey, Mary Steph ens, Jas. G. Grainger. C. C. Hines, Geo. W. Herbert, L. H. Little, Wm. Walters. N. R. Barber, P. M. A Handsome Present. The citizens of Union tnadettp a purse of $75, says the Union County Record, and presented it to Mr. J. B. Horner at the ex piration of his term of school. He has un doubtedly built up and is carrying on the best school we have had here for some time, and the citizens appreciate his efforts. . A. J. Langworthy's Cash slot r. Corner of Main aud Jackson sts. , opposite the ferry, CorvaUis, is the place to get bar gains in dry goods and groceries. Kings Valley. '( Editor Gazette. Things are jogging along here at the usual rate. Of course farmers are a little disgusted with this eter nal snow. One week ago some ten or a dozen plows started out at egular spring work and for about one day the air at morn was musical with the yell and howl of the gentle plow boy, but now alas ! hushed and still are those sweet voices. The health of the people in the valley has not been very good for a month bask. Mr. George Fowler and Mrs. Gninn have been vety sick but I hear they are now better. The water is not yet high enough for the loggers to float their logs down the Luck uiamute they are waiting anxiously for rain more rain. v"f'.- A young genius of this neighborhood has been at work for some time on the ploblem of perpetual motion. He thinks he has succeded. I have an idea thouch that it will be a long time before his machine goes. There is a very light political breeze stirring, and a very faint rumor that we have anions? us one or two political aspirants! I will get the big man to write for yonr childreus column next week. Brutus. February, 12, 1882. N, Border Will Oat. On lart Saturday morning it was discov ered bv h,e Portland police that tie man Tne mail carrier between Nahalem -Sad J wiose bofijras foirad last November in the Taiansook reports the recent storra to haws ! Willamette rjver. Tvrth a large stone tied beononeV unprecedented fury W'tSiS section. Thatv.everything is stirring in j Carry Bradley, and had been taken from Tillamook and bi Nthalem foil of salmon. thence and cast into the river, (Jacksonville Sentinel.) Pfeil Bros, of Gall's creek have struck very good prospects and they believe that the rich channel of olden days has been found again. Few miners have done comparatively any thing, and unless they have a favorable Spring, the yield of gold-dust will be much lighter than usual. lien Haymond, of Kock t'oint, who was in town yesterday, informs us that the damage resulting front the break in Hays & Magruder's reservoir, last week, includ iug loss of time, amounted to about $1,000. Snow, intermingled with rain, commenced falling Wednesday morning, and continued until yesterday noon, when it started in raining earnestly. This has furnished the miners a tine supply of water and they are making the most of it. The prospects for a fair season are good, unless cold weather should again intervene. The cold snap caused a total suspension of mining operations on Dividend Bar. Railroad Paragraphs. Parties are in the field surveying the route for the railroad to Yaquina bay. Blasting on the rocky cuts still continues. The company are pushing forward the work on their wharves near the bay. A first class saw mill, capable of cutting 20,000 feet of lumber per day, will be put np this spring on the north fork of Myrtle creek . As soon as tbe wather is favorable in the spring a large force of workman of all kinds will be placed on the route so as to force the road through as soon as practicable. Arrangements says the San Francisco Bulletin, for the immediate construction of the Atlantic & Pacific railroad from Mohave station, on the Southern Pacific railroad, situated at the head of Mohave c' esert, east ward to the Colorado river, have been completed. Fatal Accident. On last Monday the employes on the line of the O. R. & N. Co.'s railroad while tear ing down au old bridge in Holladay's Avenue, across Sullivan's Gulch, East Port land, after planking had been loosened as far as the center, and about a dozen men were engaged in carrying off the planks, when the bant near the center fell, striking ainst the next, and the whole east half of the bridge was thrown down. John G. Smith was instantly killed, his thigh and shoulder being smashed, and neck disloca ted. Miles Creegan sustained a fracture of one of the bones of the left leg, and other bruises. William Kane had a leg broken and his nose broken, and mouth badly cut. James Tieruey had a rib broken, ankle sprained, and is injured internally. Several others were slightly injured. CARRIE BRADLEY CAPTURED. Hamllion only one of the Gang at Large About noon on the 15th inst. Chief Lap- pens received a dispatch from Chief Crowley of San Francisco stating that Carrie Bradley had been arrested there on the arrival of the steamer Idaho from Victoria. Owing to rumors about bodies being buried or con cealed on the premises, where the murder was committed, Chief Lappeus had the premises searched, but the search ended in the discovery of nothiijg Carrie Bradley, Pete Sullivan anil Jack Mahonoy are all in prison in CaliBliia, but Chas. Hamilton is still at large. --. Colttt a Crays Harbor. A gentleman from this city, says the Standard, has received a letter from Mr. Glenn Patterson, of Gray's Harbor, W. T., from which we are allowed to make the following extract: "There u quite an ex citement on the North side about gold. They are taking out $20 per 'on, washing black sand. They have struck a lead 18 inches thick, running back into the beach, about 20 claims have been taken, and all expect to make fortunes." ' Saboaey Arrested. Cljief Lappeus, says the Standard, re ceived a dispatch from Chief Crowley, of San Francisco, on Sunday night, stating that Jack Mahoney, the hackman implica ted in the disposing of the body of James N. Brown, murdered at Carrie Bradley's on October 25th, had been arrested and was in TELEGRAMS, j you may take, must bs decided upon your own responsibility, aud will be on your in- Thomas M. Nechall, in a card in the Trib- denenHont authority. After full consider une, in reply to au attack by the New York a' on of yonr suggesti n that it m vy ba ue -Commercial Advertiser in regard to the essary to conduct the same negotiation at Cleveland Garfield Monument, uses the . more than one point, the president has di foUowing language: "All of you who glory reeted that the third assistant secretary of in the name of stalwarts, and who took part state accompany you. Should the o.cusimi in the vilification and abuse of President . which you anticipate arise, you are antho Garheld last summer, who -sought to con- rized to give Mr. Blaine necessary instroc trol his offcial action, or degrade or destroy tions, his official rank in the department his character and reputation, are respou- and his detail for official services' on this mission being sufficient to authorize him. 2STew this Week. jail awaiting a requisition from the gover.Jn says concennng the oil fires in that ttktiij. fi ui o- ' regioi that the fourth tank cmght this at Salem yesterday and procured requisi tions for him, and also for Hamilton, who is supposed to be in Arizona. sible for his murder. His blood is on the garments of the whole gang of you, and you cannot wipe it off. You have been dealt with very tenderly touching your grave re sponsibility for this crime, but everybody knows you are guilty, and you feel it your selves in your iurermost souls. It was your abuse and denunciation that 'inspired" Gniteau to remove the president as a polit ical necessity, and you will not be permitted much longer toj hide the stains on your hands or distract attention from them by raising the dust around the heels of Blaine, by throwing mud at Sherman, or heaping ridicule on me. Your crime wa? not mere ly the murder of a man, it was the transfer of government by a murder to the hands of a faction of the f arty, which, if the question could have been submitted to the people at the time it was done, would not have re ceived one vote in a thousand. One would think that with such a fact haugin? .over your heads in the clear daylight of public knowledge yon would have sense enough, thongh destitute of all decency, . to enjoy the lease of power tho assassin gave you, while the law allows, without persisteutly villifying the chosen friends ami associates of your victim, who was the nation's choice. Why, you are the most stupid fools iu the world to keep on provoking discussion of these old matters. You stand as acknowl edged criminals, as morally responsible for and guilty of Garfield's murder; but against you, on account of your friends and the good name of the community, prosecuting witnesses are loth to proceed. Hut when yon treat mercy as cowardice, and to guilt add insolence and defiance, you are Uno long er entitled to forbearance. So now if you want reconsideration and full discussion of the whole subject proceed with your abuse. The greenback state committee will meet at New York Feb. 22d to consider a call for a national convention and other business. A spark from a locomotive on the Buffalo. New York and Philadelphia road fired some little oil pools near Olean, N. Y., and the tire soon spread to three iron tanks con taining 105,000 barrels of oil, which are in flames. The piano case factory of C. F. Dielmnn & Co., West Twenty-first street, New York was burned with contents. Loss on stock estimated at $100,000. ' This afternoon Wm. Smothers, of Nevada, an ex-convict, created a sensation by wan tonly killing one Chinaman and shooting at another. A Vienna dispatch says: In order not to offend Russia, Austria has entirely aban doned the plan of partial or temporary occu pation of Montenegre. Minor engagements have taken ulace Herzegovina since the 9th inst. Iusuraents have been worsted in every case. The fight on the 10th inst. near Tirnova lasted from day-break until afternoon. The insurgents fled, leaving 20 dead and carrying away about 40 wounded. The Austrians lost five killed and wounded. An explosion occurred in a colliery in Rhondda valley, Wales. Houses were shaken two miles off. Postmaster General Howe has written the following letter to postmasters of the United States: Tho society of the Army of the Cumberland appeal to you for aid to pro cure contributions to funds for the erection of a monument at the national capital to the memory oi Jas A. Uarneld. 1 am sure no word is needed from me to enlist your best efforts in behalf i f such a cause. The president says to-day that the sub ject of important foreign appointments is under consideration between himself and the secretary of state, and they expect to have them ready for the senate early next week. The missions to Berlin, Vienna, St. Petersburg, Chili and Mexico are to be filled. The president has signed the commissions of Frederick A. Fritley as Governor of Arizona; Geo. B, Dunham as collector of in ternal revenue tor the sixth district of . and William H. Armstrong of Pennsylvania as commissioner of railroad accounts. New York, Feb. 13. Citizens of Green wood, Steuben county, having resisted the sale of town property levied on unber judg ment for interests on town bonds issued iu aid of a railroad never built, the governor has issued a proclamation declaring Green wood in a state of insurrection, and warn ing people to desist from opposition to ex ecution of the law. Chicago, Feb. 13. The subject of com pulsory retirement, which has been brought before congress by Butterworth's bill, is be ing agitated among military men in the west. From recent letters received here from army officers and from conversation with several of these stationed here, it is learned that there is an almost unanimous desire in the army to have a bill passed re tiring all officers from active service who have attained the age of 62. Pew York, Feb. 13. A special from . Burned Steamer. A dispatch was received by the Merchants Exchange on Sunday, says the Standard, r.rni Westport, Mendocino county, Cal., ftating that the hull of a burned steamer had been seen 20 miles off the coast. The report caused mnch anxiety here for fear it might be the Oregon. She arrived safe at San Francisco yesterday and the Walla Walla is at Puget Sound, and nearly all the steamers on the coast are accounted for and nothing certain is known as to what tbe wreck may be. Infold Agony o Bore. San Francisco, Cal., July 9, 1881, H. H. Warner & Co.: Sirs I have suffered untold agony from an affection of the kidneys and -bladder. I received no re lief until I used your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, which did me more good than all the springs and doctors combined. I consider it the greatest medicine of the age for kidney and bladder troubles. C. A. Page, 1305 Leavenworth St We have engaged the services of M. L. Nottsger to assist us on the Gazettf. Mr. Noftsger is an educated gentleman. He has been admitted to practice law and par sued the practi.-o of that profession for a time in Iowa and also in this State. His favorable acquaintance in this (county for some years past is sufficient guarantee with out further comment that his assistance will he appreciated by our patrons. Centerville, Umatilla county, expects to build a $4000 school house this year. morning, lnus tar I.IU.UUU barrels valued at $100,(D0 are destroyed, and it is feared the Are wUl spread. Cleveland, Feb. 13. A rumor seeks veri fication in Cleveland that Mrs, Garfield has written to the president asking him to eommute the sentence of Gniteau. The Herald says, "We have the best of author ity for stating liat there is not one word of truth in the story." New York, Feb. 13. A private dispatch from Paris Saturday, said failures were occuring in all parts of the country, and markets would ue necessarily distressed for at least 60 days. San Francisco, Feb. 12. The Irish socie ties of Oakland held a meeting to-day and resolved to celebrate the centennial anni versary of the birth of the great Irish pat riot and orator, Grattan, Feb. 22. The British steamer Suez, which arrived here last night from Hongkong and Yoko hama, brought 777 Chinese passengers. Washington, Feb. 13. The following from the forthcoming volume of diplomatic correspondence shows the nature and ex tent of the powers conferred on Trescott : 2 ;; Department or State, -C Washington, D. C, Nov. 3. 1881. Sir: You will receive herewith your cdm mfssion as special envoy with tbe title of minister plenipotentiary to the republics of Chili, Peru and Bolivia. This commission will not suspend the oidinary duties of minister plenipotentiary and .resident now accredited to those governments, bnt they will be duly informed concerning all com- mnnications and negotiations connected with the pending difficulties between Chili, Pern and Bolivia, so far as this government may deem it judicious. Its adtion will be transferred to your charge except nnder instructions which will be furnished yon. You will place yourself in direct communi cation with those governments, bnt it is expected that j on should gain from U. S. ministers there the exact condition of ex isting political relations, and that yon will give due regard to such suggestions as their experience enables them to submit to your consideration. Whatever action, however, PRODUCE PRICE CURRENT, The number of ship-, in Port and on the way ftccm to indicate that the price of charters will soon decline if present prices reninn Ann in foreign markets. Wheat in Portland firm at 160 per cental. It may now be fairly quoted here clear: Wheat 76c Oats , 33c Wool per lb , 23 to 25 Flour per barrel 4 50 to 5 00 Bacon, sides 14 to Id Hams 15 to 16 Shoulders 10 to 12 Lard, 10 lb tins 14 to 15 " Kegrs 13 to 14 Butter, frosh rolls to 30 THE REV. GEO. H. THAYER, of Bour bon, Ind., says: "Both mvscif ami wife owe our lives to SriILOH'S CONSUMP TION CURE." ARE YOU MADE miserable by Indi gestion, Consumption, Dizziness, Loss of Appe.tite, Yellow Skin? Sbiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. WHY WILL YDU cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts. 50 cts. aud $1. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY a pos itive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and Canker Mouth. "HACKMETACK," a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price 25 aud 50 cents. SHIOH'S CURE WILL immediately relieve Croup, Whooping cough and Bronchitis. FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on eei bottle of Shiloh s Vitalizer. it to cure. A NASAL INJECTOR free. bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh 50 cents. All of the above mei 4 Woodward's, Cor CON! An oldj kpractic atvEl Catar affectia for genS plaints. wonderful cases, feels 1 his suffering 1 particulars, use, and all turns tor sue home, will be mail, tree ot cn stamp or stamped t 161 N. Calve 18 without formal commission, to execute your instructions. Your expenses and those of the third assistant secretory who accom panies you going and returning, and such as are incidental to your residence in South America and the mission which you aro on will be allowed by the department in confi dence that with line regard to the propri eties in jour pnsitioa and dutis3 with which you are charged, tlio expenses will be rea sonable and carefully r.gulated. You will receive herewith an allowance of 2000, which will bo charged to your expense account. In final se tlement of your ac count for expenses you will be required to furnish this department with a certificate that the amounts charged have been actually ejipi.uueu ior iiiai purpose, ion ara au thorized to expenrt for clerical services whi'e engaged on the special mission a sum not to exceed 1500, for which you will retnra propur vouchers. Your compensation for the special mission is hereby fixed at 10, 000, of which allowance not to exceed 1000 will be made to you forthwith, to be charged to your componsation account. You are also authorize 1 to draw upon the secretary of state from time to time against your compensation allowance in sums not to" ex ceed 1000 monthly, commencing from January, 18S2, provided the total amount of such drafts shall not exceed 5000 leav ing the remainder to be adjustad at cloas of your mission. 1 am, etc., JAMES G. BLAINE. New York, Feb. 13. The Lincoln Club celebrated to-night the 73d anniversary of the birthday of President Lincoln. Lincoln, Feb. 14. The star route case opened to-day with Fred E. Cleary, post master of Sidney, ou the stand. He refused to testify lest he might criminate himself, j Mineola, Texas, Feb. 14. two bridges j were washed away in a recent great storm ; on the eastern division of the Texas Paciiic. i Richmond, Feb. li. The bolting read- j juater3 aaree to abide the decision of tbe j caucus. Of thirty Bdian mechanics who went to AspinwaU to work on the Panama Canal, j eight have died of isthuinus fever. Minister Logan says ho hopes to secure the unanimous cooperation of the countries to which he is accredited at the proposed congress of republics of North and South America, in Nov. -next at Washington. The congress would he attended with the happiest results, should a full agreement be reached. It is to be hoped that efforts for the suppression of war between countries of the American continent will not be frus trated. A bill has been introduced in congress to disqualify polygamists from holding office, or from heiug delegates in Congress. Senator Slater delivered a speech in the seaats recently, in which he specially ad vocated the improvement of the Yaquina Bay, with a view of mailing the Oregon Pacific railroad, now in process of construc tion from that harbor, an effective coiupo ting line. It is said that the sub-committee of ways and means will recommend, that the tax on all articles, except spirituous, vinous and inalt liquors, tobacco, cigara and cigarettes be repealed. The Standard says that "Rsv L. A. Banks of Vancouver, was summoned by telegraph to the bed side of hi3 sick children who have been placed in charge of their grand parents near CorvaUis. Ho fears that they have diphtheria as that disease is prevalent in CorvaUis." We are pleased to inform the public that Mr. Banks mistaken as tpthat dreadful disease being in CorvaUis. There has been none of it here for a long time. Death of John 1. Thompson. A dispatch to Hun. John Burnett, r; ceived here yesterday from Albany, announ ces the death of Judge Thompson of Ei -gene. No particulars given. His body wi 1 be on the train of to-day as it ;passes Al bany for Eugene, NG7ICE FiR PUBLICATION, Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, Feb. 9th, 1882. J N-OTICH IS BKUF.BY GIVK3 THAT THE FSr lowinjf touted settler Iai filed notice of hla in tention in make final proof in xupport of ais ctsip, and that said proof wBl bs made before B. W. WUt son, County clerk, at Ctirvajlis. lieuton County. Oregon; on 'Icfsuay, March 21, 1882, Viz: Linia Toby, widow o Thomas Toby, deceased. Homestead Application No. S140, for the S. E. J of K, E. 1 and lots 2, 5. 4 and a See. 21, t. 13 S. , R. 11 W. He names the IqBowteg w ituesses to prove his coa tinuous resilience upon and culti ration of said landr viz: James M. Collins, oi Waldport, Benton Co. , Oiv egon, Peter Eckman, of Waldport, Benton Co., Or. ; August Lutjins, of Valtl2ort, Benton Co., Or.; Henrr Lntjins, oi waldport, Bentqii Co., Oregon, Also, Henry Lutjius, Homestead ApnllcatlQB No S13!) fur lots 8, 9, JO aud 11, Sec. 22. lot 1, Sec. 27, anoj lot 1. Sec. 23, T. 13 S., R. 11 W, He names the following witnesses to prove his coa-r tinuous residence upon and cultivation oi said land. viz: Geo. W. Collins, of Waldjiort, Benton Co., Or. f Austin Howell, uf Waldport, Benton Co., Or.; James M. Collins, of Waldport, Benton Co., Or.; August Lutjino, of Waldport, Benton Co., Oregon. Also, August Lutjius, Horaestead Application No 3130 ior lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, Hoc. 22, T. 13 K. 11 W. He names the tollowing witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Martin Lyringcr, of Waldport, Benton Co., Or. f James M. Collins, of Waldport, Benton Co., Or. j: Peter Edemas, of Waldport, Benton Co., Or. ; Henre Lutjius, of Waldport, Benton Co., Oregon. 1&1SV5 L. T. BARIN, Register. KM ABE PIANOS "For beauty of tone, touch and action, I have never seen their equal." CLARA LOUISE KELLOCtJ, "The Rsabc" Ik absolutely tbe best pUue made. A. L. BANCROFT & CO. 721 Market Street. S. FT Solo Agents for the Facifjc Coast. .9; 3 PATENTS Obta'nod, and all business in theU. S. Patent OflV or In the Courts attended to for MODERATE Fr,fc.S: We are opposite the lT- S. Patent Office, engagr- d it PATENT BUSINESS EXCLUSIVELY, and can ( tain patents in time than those remote frci WASHINGTON. WhifU model or drawing Is sent we advise as t patentability free of charge; and we make KC CH AUGli UNLESS WE OBTAIN PATENT. We refer, here, to the Post Master, the Supt. of tfe Monav Order h, and to officials of the U.S. Patii'. Office. For circular, advice, terms, and reference U actual clients in your own state and county, adffireud, o. A. snow & 19.$ Opposite Patent Office, Washington, ). . Administrator's Notice : of FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the matter of the Estate of Aaron Wells, deceased. Notice is hereby given that I, Bradley JTrnxe', .administrator of said estate, have filed my final -count as administrator of said estate with the Clir! l the County Court of the County of Beuton, sta- t Oregon, and the County Court of said Co cut; i fixed Saturday, the Ulh day of March, l&f , at 10 o'clock a. m. , as the time for beirlnj any tn t all objections to Lhe same. BRADLEY TROXIX, Adni'r of the estate of Aaron Wells, oV ' Feb. 10th, 1882. 19:7w5. STEAYED. From the undersigned, living at Monfoe, the V ing described horses : One sorrel mare abou hands high, star in forehead, heavy in foal, li eye; old looking and hard to catch. Had v uhaii she left a dark iron 2rav horse colt. An . son giving information of their whereaboi ts wis. suttaosy rewaruea. Aaaress ne unuersigneu m h roe, Benton County, Oregon. 19:7tf. LABAN CAS '. G R A N D HREMEFS BALL, GIVEN BY AT HAMILTON'S HALL, Wednesday Evening, Feb. 5". Committee of A rrangement. DAVE OSBUBN, C. D. RAYBURN. FRANK IRVINE. w. Committee on Invitation. Corvallis, H. Mansfield, H. L. R.-.BEit- Albany. ClIAS. MONTEITH, WILLIE WBB.".:t, Independence. G. V. Belt, H. Hirsciibk. tr Monroe. Butteville. J. Houck. Jas. Ik .. . .. Philomath. Sam Wyatt, Cuas. ' Hesk: Soap Creek, Chas. Moor. Floor Managers. M. S. Neugasbs, F. Vincemt, David Osbcrn, E. TICKETS All Firemen especisvU torm.