The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, February 03, 1882, Page 3, Image 1

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Corvallis, Feb. 3, 1882.
Entered at the Postofficc a CorvalHs,
Oregon, as second-class matter.
Mr. J. H. Bates, Newspaper Advertising
Agnt. 41 Park Row (Times Building), New
York, is authorized to contract for advertise
ments ! the Gazette at not less than our
advertised rates.
I. P. Fisher, advertising asent, 21 Mer
chants' Exchange, San Francisco, is author
ized to receive advertisements for the col
umns of this paper t not less than our ad
vertised rates.
Office of CorvaJlis Gazette, )
Corvallis, Oregon, Jan. 19, "82.
All persons concerned are hereby noticed
that the co-partnership heretofore exist :m
between Jas. A. Yantis and M. S. Wood
cock, under the firm name and style of
Yantis A Woodcock, has this day been dis
solved by mutual consent, the said M. S.
Woodcock having purchased the interest ot
Jas. A. Yantis in and to the Corvallis
Gazette and Job Printing office, will con
tinue the publication of the Gazette. All
accounts heretofore due the said firm will be
collected by the said M. S. Woodcock.
Jas. A. Yastis,
M. S. Woodcock.
Am Amputated.
Mr. Stanley, the gentleman who acci
dentally shot his hand on last Christmas
while hunting, and in the act of loading his
gun, having had a part of his hand amputa
ted at the time, has not recovered by any
means. Ou last Friday the wounded hand
and arm became so much worse that Drs.
Lee and Farra deemed it necessary to
further amputate the arm, so accordingly
they took off the lower part of the arm just
below the elbow. The wounded man is in a
very critical condition and it is thought his
recovery is doubtful.
A Prospective Duel.
Rumors are current upon the street that
one of the oldest physicians of our town is
likely to have to meet his antagonist in mor
tal combat, each armed with a e'erringer.
The young man declares that the Dr. roust
offer a retraction for certain unwelceme
language said of and concerning him, or else
the fur will fly cat-fashion if suitable weap
. ons can not be obtained. The tiddler of pills
has taken the matter under serious consider
ation, as he don't care to lose his eyes or to
leave his estate to be administered on so
Weftd a Scarce Article,
Heretofore wood has been plenty in this
market, but choppers had to wait until their
wood was soid before they could get remun
erated for their labor, consequently they
have become tired of that and will work at
something else where they can get their pay
more prortptly. However, they have missed
it this season for maple wood is worth $6
per cord, ash $6.25, and oak cannot be had
at any price. This article will command a
good price in this place hereafter as hands
to cut it will be scarce.
Bone Killed.
During the lore part of the present week
Mr. M. Winkle living on one of the islands
a little east of south of this place, had dug
a tree so nearly out by the roots that he
had left it expecting the first gust of wind
would finish the job for him. His horses
were in the enclosure where the tree was
and when the wind came a horse was so
near that the tree in falling caught the
horse and killed it.
Band Contest.
The enterprising people of Dallas have
determined to have another band contest.
They have raised $300 for its purpose, and
propose to make it the grandest affair of
the kind ever held in that state. Other
towns might profit by encouraging such
things. It is cheaper and better than a 4th
of July jubilee, and never fails to bring a
a large crowd from all quarters.
teal Oil In Orrpon.
Mr. M- Probst, a native of Pennsylvania,
says the Telegram, has discovered on his
own farm and in his vicinity better signs
of coal oil than he has ever seen in Pennsyl
vania. Mr. Probst resides in Clackamas
county on the Willamette, about ten miles
above Oregon City. This may result in the
devektperaent of a new industry in Oregon.
Mr. Milton Hamilton, formerly of this
place, arrived home on last Friday. He has
been employed most of the time for the last
two years np North in the surveying de
partment of the Northern Pacific R. It. He
says it is too cold up there to suit his ideas
of a comfortable climate, and he intends
remaining in WebVot.
Awarding oi frizes.
On Wednesday evening the second term
cf Prof Garrison's writing school closed
and the successful competitors were as
follows. Best lady writer, Miss Nettie
Pitman; best gentleman writer, Sol M.
Stick. Chas. Roggers received the prize
for making the greatest improvement.
Vessel Chartered.
Mr. W. A. Wells, of this city, has char
tered the British iron bark, Abbey Cowper,
carrying capacity 40,000 bushels. He loads
it with wheat for Liverpool. This makes
the third vessel Mr. Wells haa chartered
and loaded with wheat. Such enterprise
deserves success.
Oat again.
Mr. Jas. Yantis waa ont on the streets
Tuesday, the first time since his relapse.
The recent attack of fever has reduced bis
fighting weight down to well, at least 180
Hither and Thither.
Beauty1 a Bo was.
This famous cigar is
Only sold at T. J. Buford's.
St. Valentine's day next.
Valentines at E. RosentbaU's:
New goods at At J. Langworthy's Cash
The finest brands of cigars at the Post
office store.
All kinds of Blanks in stock and for sale
at the Gazette office.
Stationery and books of all descriptions at
Postoffice Store.
The Corvallis Gazette for sale on the
counter of Buford's news depot.
Mr. Stanly whose arm was amputated
last Eriday died last Tuesday.
Cheapest and best boots and shoes can
always be found at S. H. Looks.
The steamer Occident took 2,000 sacks of
wh-utt from here last Tuesday.
An Iowa editor tells a rival he is billions
and "needs a new lid for his liver."
A sign in the window of a store up street
reads, ' fish butter for sail hear."
The weather has been a little "off its
bangs" during the paat few days.
Money to loai o.-j real estate, or good
personal security, by ST. S-. Woodcock.
sUUraad Paragraphs.
The railroads built last year cost at least
9160,000,000, and probably $200,000,000,
Railroads are carrying wheat from St.
Louis to New York for Si cents per bushel.
Four directors in the San Francisco road
have given place to Huntington, Stanford,
Gould, and Sage.
The Southern Pacific offers to carry wheat
from San Francisco to New Orleans for 912
a ton or four cents a bushel.
The O. R. ft N. Co. will soon receive
seven new locomotives, weighing twenty
seven tons each.
The O. R. & N. Co. propose to build a
depot in Portland on a grand scale. Its di
mensions are 500 by GOO teet, and will cost
The N. P. R R. tunnel at Millan pass
will be 3,800 feet long, and will cost, says
Railroad Gazette, about $350,000,000.
Work commenced Jan, 5th.
There is a locomotive in the Tacoma iron
works, undergoing repairs, tha is said to
have hauled an amount of i.ueat greater
in value than its own weight in gold.
Four hundred thousand persons, accord
ing to the Railway World, are employed
on the railroads in this country, and five
times that number depend upon the roaus
for support.
About 2,000,000 feet of lumber will be
Novelties of all kinds at Postoffice Store, i used in constructing the bridges and trestle
work on the first 30 miles of the 0. & C. B
The steamer Columbia on he. last trip
in, brought 258 passengers and 1950 ton
Twenty dollar pieces will be taken jn ex
change for job work, subscription ets , at
this office.
Go to the Palace meat market antf get ! e
best, freshest and cheapest meat ' all
knds. Nick Baescn proprietor.
Webster was an aesthetic, because he
enthusiastically says in his dictionary that
the rest "speak" is to utter.
lhe Mc.MinnviUe crass Band nave con- ,
I R.. South of Roseburg. A. S. Miller & Son
j have the contract.
The Caaadian Pacific lines have been con-
solidatcd in such a way that all west of
; Lkke Superior to the Pacific coast will be
l known as the western division, and east to
the intended Atlantic terminus as the east,
ern division.
The Oregon Railway and Navigation
company have soncluded negotiations with
J. B. David, C. D. Bates, S. M. Steel and
others, composing the newly organized
vji , it i Oretron Construction company, and awarded
eluded to have a band tournament, at that I . " . .,
them a contract tor constructing me ran-
Price Bedawed.
Tickets for Young America Engine
Company's dance have been reduced to
$1,00. Remember this event which occurs
en the 22nd inst. Everyboby invited.
place, to come off some time in May.
A man can get into good society in Salem
if he hasn't had the jim-jams, but he'll have
to stand being regarded as rtther fresh.
The. latest stockings we re id of are of
three or four colors. This ousrht to make
our crossings glisten like raiu-bows.
The Columbia was blockaded Monday and
Tuesday with ice. The "oldest inhabit
ants" didu't think such a thing possible this
The swift execution of the Seattlo
murderers has been the object of con
siderable comment by the press and
Be careful how you tear off your postage
stamps. Our Nasby says postage stamps
with a portion of them missing will not be
received on mailing matter.
Under the head of new this week will be
found a notice to rent the well watered
and (nicely situated camping ground near
the town of Newport on Yaquina bay.
The wife of T. J. Nelson, of Amity,
Yamhill county, on Wednesday night of
last week gave birth to three children, two
boys and a girl weighing seven pounds
George Washington never told a lie and
he got tofbe president of the Rspublic.
Boston Post. Geo. could not get elected to
t ic Lg'slature frtu this county if he lived I
in these times.
His name is Johny Baxter; he was remov
ing a load from a shot gun, but the load
removed itself consequece, lacerated
arm. He will recover, although he may
lose his arm.
Bum has learned a new song. He was
heard repeating the following on a str jet
corner the other day: "Hurrah! hurrah!
the country's rising for Henry Clay and
We have just received a large and com
plete printing stock, consisting of note and
letter heads, bill heads, envelopes, wedding
cards, etc, and can print them in ail celors
cheap as the cheapest.
A. S. Powers, rub-contractor on the mail
route from Eugene City to Eastern Oregon
has been summoned to appear m Washing
ton by the 12th of February as a witness in
the star route oases.
There is a good deal of desirable laud in
the Cold Spring county awaiting settlement.
The proximity to the Columbia river more
than compensates for the slight difference
in the soil of that region and of that which
surrounds Weston.
Isaac Barman, a merchant of Portland,
was requested, recently, by Geo. Perkins
of California, to go to San Francisco and in
terview his (Perkins) creditors. He went
they prefered two charges against him, and
he is now under $4,000 bonds.
Smallpox, scarlatina, scarlet fever, star
vation, suicide, scandal, diptheris, catarrh,
colds, coughs, consumption, pneumonia,
railroad accidents, vivisection and political
speculations in general, are among the in
delicacies of the season.
A letter from Capt. Guyer, superinten
dent of the Custer mill, Idaho, under date
of January 1st, says: "We have just
moulded our last bar for 1881, which foots
up $1,002,183 18 taken out since February
1, 1881, one even month's run. Ex.
A young boy of sixteen or seventeen years
old was arrested and brought before
Justice Wrenn, last Wednesday, for at
tempting to invade the virtue of a young
seventeen year oid girl. Both of this place.
If the charge is proven against him the re
sult will no doubt be an entertainment for
him for a term down about Salem.
road grade from Pendleton to- a point near
La, Grande, a distance of fifty -seven milef .
This includes the heavy work over the
Blue Mountains. As originally surveyed
there were four tunnels, but tbe company
now think they will be able to get through
with one, which will be less than four hun
dred feot long. The contract requires that
the work be completed by the first of Oc
tober 1SS2. Operations will begiu immediately.
Htm Corporation at Albany.
Articles were tiled in the office of the
secretary of the state last week incorporating
the Albany Manufacturing Company with
a capital stock of $30,000, aud S. H. Alt
house, S. Flinn, Dan,l Best, A, B, Mcll
waine and W. H. Goltra as incorporators.
The enterprise the corporation proposes to
engage in is to purchase the right to manu
facture and sell the "Daniel Best Improved
Grain Separator," and the "Daniel Best
Thresher and Separator combined," as well
as other agricultural implement.
Dr. Smith was telegraphed to Albany the
first of the week.
W. Dittenhoefer, of Independence, was
in the city the first of the week.
Wm. Bagley of Oneatta, is in town this
week looking after business.
Geo. Chamberlain, one of Albany's rising
young attorneys, was in town last Tuesday.
T. P. McKnight, the Cascade Ranger,
was in the city the first of tbe week.
Miss Lottie Monteith, of Albany, has
been visiting friends in this city this week.
Messrs. Ala Harris and Simon Scitenbach,
of Albany, were in the city last Sunday.
Hon. A, Parkui passed through this city
the first of the week, en route for his home
at Oneatta.
Dr. F. M. Carter, was in town this week
and reports that he has lately purchased
the Win. Dixon farm on the Vaquina Bay.
F. M. Wadsworth, was observed on the
street this week evidently making prepara
tions for house keeping in our towu.
Charley Cohen, the well-known "com
mercial tourist," of San Francisco, spent
last Sunday in this city. Chas. has a weak-
for Corvallis.
Mrs. J. M. Garrison, of Forest Grove,
wife of our talented penman, has been visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. Shedd of this place during
the week. Mr. G. closed his schoolJWednes
day night, and they leave for Salem to-day.
Mr. Ed. McKenstry, the efficient agent
for the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine
Co., made Corvallis a Hying visit last week
on business. Wonder if he came up to have
the judgment in his case reversed.
L. P. Mulkey, formerly of this place, and
rate of Pomery, W. T., lately arrived in this
place to pay a short visit with relations and
friends. He reports everything lively in
Pomeroy since the county seat was located
there. He has a nice piece of laud adjoin
ing Pomeroy. When he returns he intends
to lay off forty acres of it in town lots.
David Scwsome.
Few men have done more to place the re
sources of Oregon before the public and
assist in obtaining deserved recognition than
the late David Newsoma. He was for many
years employed by the Agricultural Depart
ment at Washington and contributed largely
to that institution. He was a constant
writer, interesting and truthful, and never
advocated a wrong principle, and the exam
ple he set was on the side of good laws and
good morals. He was here in '67-8. a pio
neer in the settlement of the Bay. His
writings at that time, viewed by the light of
to-day, reads like the prophecies of the
olden time. He was a man of energy but
the force of it was spent in a direction that
seldom brings personal profit. The men
who use the pen to tell the world of ad
vantages in a new country, invites emmi
grants, but received nothing for his outlay
of patient toil, save the satisfaction of hav
ing performed a duty. The last time I saw
David Newsome he was feeble and poor, yet
he traced with palsied hand his advocacy of
an enterprise that to him had been a "rev
erie by day, and dream at night" for 15
years, the building of the Oregon Pacific
To him who was a fast friend and faithful
counsellor, I pay the last sad tribute. The
grave has claimed an honest man and a pure
christian. Peace to his ashes. Rialto.
T. F. Campbell, of Monmouth, will preach
in Corvallis on next Saturday night, Sun
day and Sunday night, so says a brother.
New York. Jan. 28. The Mineral Creek
mine of Arizona was sold in the exchange
sales rooms to-day to Samuel Turk of New
York tor 314,000.
Washington, Jan. 29. The secretary of
the interior haa transmitted to congress the
report of the government directors of the
Union facinc K. K, uo. tor 1831. lhe
directors claim enormous benefits have re
suited in the west from the completion of
the road in developing its latent resources.
The local earnings of the company are said
to be ninety per cent, of its surplus earn
ings, while at the bgginning of its operations
through freights represented seventy per
cent, of the earnings.
Washington, Jan. 29. The Sunday Ga
zette. independent and anti-mouopoly
journal, contained a well considered editor
ial to-day on the Chinese question, in which
the evils of unrestricted mongolian immi
gration are clearly stated, and various
eastern sentimental objections to any legal
ized exclusion of Chinese are forcibly ans
wered. Referring to the proposition now
pending in congress to suspend immigration
of Chinese laborers for a term of twenty
years, the Gazette says: "We earnestly
hope in the true interest of our civilization
that the measure may speedly become a law
and then it will be enforced to the full ex
tent of its intent.
Washington, Jan. 28. Vice President
Davis entertained at dinner this evening
President Arthur, Secretary Frelinghuysen,
Postmaster General Howe, ex-Secretary
Blaine, Speaker Keifer, Chief Justice Waite,
Associate Justice Gray, and Senators Alli
son, Bayard, Dawes, Ferry, Beck, Cockrell,
Aldrich, Camden, Blair, Farley, McDonald
and Butler.
As an indication of how little weight is
attached by prosecution to the motion of
Scoville for a new trial. District Attorney
Corkhill remarked to-day before a number
of gentlemen thatGuiteau will undoubtedly
be sentenced and as surely executed not
later than June 10th.
Montreal, Jan. 21. The National Club,
composed of young French Canadians affili
ated with the liberal party, unanimously
passed resolutions in favor of the full in
dependence of Can ida, and asking the liber
al party to make that the principal plank
in their platform.
New York. Jan. 28 The World's Ixin
don cable: The persecution of the Jews in
Kussia continues to awaken the deepest
sympathy among all classes here and to pro
voke strong feeling against Russia. Glad
stone's refusal to remonstrate with the
Kussian government is strongly condemned.
When "lhe bastard and mongrel population
of Bulgaria was badly treated the premier
made all Europe ring with denunciations of
the unspeakable Turk, but he was not in
power then. The Rothschilds and other
powerful Jewish families are raising a fund
for the emigration of Russian Jews to the
United States, but they cannot do much
without active aid from the government,
and this Gladstone declines to give them.
The Russian authorities appear to be en
couraging the war upon Jews, probably
because Jew baiting is heading off nihilism.
Dispatches relating to the brutalities per
petrated upon the unhappy people are sup
pressed by the military censorship, but the
tales told by fugitives show that they are
being subjected to the vilest treatment and
tortures. The czar, who is said to be per
sonally well disposed toward the Jews, is
powerless. All his time is devoted to pro
viding for his own sifety, and his chief
officers prefer that the peasants should
murder the Jews rather than dig dynamite
mines. It is stated orTeood authority that
German residents in Russia are also being
maltreated, and that when the Jews are
disposed of the peasants will make short
work ot Bismarck's copatriots.
New York, Jan. 26. London special:
The great prevalence of scarlet fever iu the
fashionable parts of London begins to excite
alarm. The mansions of tha rich to
be more given to attack than the dwellings
of the poor. Diphtheria of a fatal character
is unusually rife.
Madrid. Jan. 29. Bishop Manoqne last
night presided at a very large meeting at
riper s opera house, at wlncn riealv, Its
Irish patriot, spoke in favor of tho cause of
the national Irish league.
London, Jan. 28. Six Mmnon elders
held an open air meeting at King, s Cross
yesterday. The meeting was broken up by
a large crowd who attacked the Mormons.
Dublin, Jan. 28. Twenty arrests have
been made and a number of treasonable
papers found by the military and police, in
Couuty Galaway.
Washington, Jan. 28. This afternoon
Scoville filed in the supreme court of the
District of Columbia papers upon which he
bases his motion or motions for a new trial.
In general terms the papers filed iu support
of his motions are the prisoners affidavit,
of Frederick H. Snyder as to finding
of a newspaper in the room occupied by
the jury under circumstances indicating
that it had been read by the jury, the affi
davit of J. W. Guiteau that he is acquainted
with the signatures of five jurors whose
names are written on the margin of a news
paper said to have been seen by the jury,
and that he has seen them write their
names and believes the writing on said
newspaper to have been made by the jurors
named. The last affidavit is by Mr. Sco
ville, setting forth newly discovered evi
dence upon which he bases a motion for a
new trial upon the following ground:
First By reason of uncertainty in said
verdict in that the jury thereby found the
defendant guilty, whereas the indictment
consists of different count variant from anil
inconsistent with each other in matters of
Second That such verdict of the jury
does not specify which count or counts of
indictment it was founded upon, and several
of the counts being materially different
from others, the defendant is not advised
by tbe form or substance of said verdict as
to the finding of the jury upon the material
facts of death or place of death of deceased.
Third For that the trial of this causa
was commence I at the June term of this
court aud was not concluded in the same
term of court but was extended into the
December term without authority of la v.
Fourth For that this court had uo juris
diction of this cause by reason of decease
having taken place outside the District of
Fifth That the court erred in overruling
each and all prayers upon questions of law
asked by counsel for defense, and in refus
ing to instruct the jury as requested in each
of the fourteen prayers proposed by them.
Sixth That court erred on trial of this
cause in excluding proper evidence offered
by defendant as set forth in bill of except
ions. Seventh That court erred on trial of
this cause in admitting to go to the jury
improper evidence on the part of prosecu
tion as shown in bill of exceptions.
Eighth That court erred in commenting,
improperly during the trial upon tbe con
duct of the defendant in entering into an
arrangement with the district attorney
(without knowledge of counsel for defend
ant), whereby the jury and expert witness
es for prosecution during a portion of tbe
trial might observe certain conduct of de
fendant, to subserve the purpose of the
prosecution, the defense being insanity,
without the restraining power of the court
being exercised until those purposes were
accomplished, to the great prejudice of
Ninth Misbehavior of the jury in read
ing, or having read to them, newspapers
calculated to prejudice their minds against
defendant, as shown in affidavits of Freder
ick H. Snyder, Ueorge iscovoile and John
W. Guiteau, filed herewith.
Tenth By reason of new and material
facts' unknown at time of trial, and not
ascertainable by reasonable diligence on the
part of defendant ot uia attorney, having
come to light since the trial, and shown in
affidavit hied herewith.
Eleventh That tbe verdict is contrary
to the evidence.
Twelfth That the verdict is contrary to
the law of tbe case.
GEO. SCOVILLE, Defendant's Att'y.
San Francisco, Jan. 29. Two opposition
anti-monopoly meetings were held this after
noon, one presided over by Denis Kearney
at the said lot, and the other by Dr. C. 0.
O'Donnell at the new city hall steps. The
meetings were addressed by Kearney and
O'Donnell. Both were slimly attended and
very little enthusiasm Was manifested.
Corinth, Kv., Jan. 28. A family named
Romano, living in the outskirts of town,
were poisoned night before last at supper.
Arsenic was in the corn bread some of v. Inch
they ate. Five of the family are lying at
the point of death. !io investigation.
Minneapolis. Minn., Jan. 28. In addi
tion to three persons who died from trichinae
recently in Minnesota, five more of seven
teen who were stricken are despaired of.
Pittsburg, Jan. 28 The lower parts of
Pittsburg and Alleghany are under water.
There is no great damage yet and the river
is stationary.
New York. Jan. 30. Elder Cannon of
Utah, believes that in the contest in which
he is now engaged for his scat with Camp
bell he will be successful.
Chicago, Jan. 30. An Inter Ocean cor
respondent has interviewed all the Guiteau
jurors and obtained undisputed proof that
they nevei hart a paper while on the jury,
that none of them wrote their names: that
only once was a piece of newspaper found
in their rooms, and then it was delivered to
the bailiff; that they were more crrefully
gnarded and observed than the prisoner;
that one whose name was found in that pa
per spoken ot in the liuiteau affidavit was
misspelled; that the name of another was
written in 'ierman, a thing he never did
unless by special request; (that another
man's name appeared who had been unable
to handle a pen on account of nervous afflic
tion ; that there was no ink in the room,
whereas the writing on the papers was in
ink, that J. W. Guiteau called on the jurors
and got their names in an autograph album
and asked leading questions whereon to
found his affidavit.
The four jurymen whose signatures, it is
alleged, appear in the Critic appended to
affidavits filed by defense in the Guiteau
case Saturday' with the motion for a new
trial, deny most positively that a copy of
that or any other paper was ever in their
apartments or hotel. They say they never
had a pen in their hands during the whole
course of the trial except to write auto
graphs for outside parties, and that this
was always done in a room occupied by the
baliff, and in the immediate presence of the
officers. The general impression of those
who have examined the matter is that it is
a clever piece of forgery.
The bill prepared by the judiciary com
mittee of the Senate, for the suppression of
polygamy, which will be vigorously pushed
to a vote, provides that no polygamist shall
sit on juaies or exercise the right of suffrage,
or hold office. Cohabitation with more
than one woman will be accepted as a proof
of a polygamous marriage. Another section
provides for the appointment of five regis
trars of election by the president.
Washington, Jan. 30. It is stated with
much positiveness that President Davis of
the senate favors the admission of Dakota
into the union. He thinks, it is said, the
southern portion of Dakota is entitled by
reason of population and other considera
tions to admission, ami that it is not a
question for partisan consideration. Judge
Davis' vote, combined with that of the re
publicans, would give the bill a majority,
and as republicans control tbe house, it
would appear that the measure has a good
prospect of becoming a law the present
Washington. Jan. 30. The Post has an
interview with ex-Secretary Blaine upon
the subject of diplomatic correspondence
relating to Chili and Peru. The secretary
says the statement published that his in
structions to Mr. Trescott signed by him
had been drafted and committed to Trescott
without the knowledge of the president,
has absolutely no foundation in truth.
The instructions were not only talked over
fully with theresident, but when written
were twice read to him for criticism and
change. I have the original draft iu my
possession with modifications desired by the
president clearly noted. It is inconceivable
that au extraordinary mission, important
enough to be mentioned in the annual mes
sage to congress, could be allowed to leave
the country without the president knowing
the instructions by which its action should
be governed. No friend of the president
could possibly make that suggestion, and on
his behalf I reply that the president specific
ally referred in his message to the instruc
tions given to Mr. Trescott.
San Francisco, Jan. 20. The British
ship Cochin which arrived here yesterday
from Dundee, brought seven men who were
picked up in an open boat. The men be
longed to the British ship Milton, bound
from Newcastle, England, to San Francisco
with a cargo of coal. About 1 o'clock on
the 22nd of December, smoke was discover
ed coming through the after hatch and it
was soon known the vessel was on fire. The
men stood bravely by the pumps until 2
o'clock the following day, but the fire
spread and officers and crew were forced to
abandon the vessel. They staid by her for
nearly a day after taking to the boats. The
vessel was commanded by Capt. McArthur,
who was accompanied by his wife and two
children, and manned by 20 men. The first
boat contained tbe captain, his wife, chil
dren and five sailors; second boat, first offi
cer and seven men, and the third boat, the
second officer and five men. After abandon
ing the vessel, the 3 boats separated. On
the 15th of January the third boat contain
ing the second officer and five of the crew
was picked up by the Cochin, bound for
San Francisco. Nothing since has been
seen or heard of the other two boats, and
strong fears are entertained that all have
been Tost. Those picked up reported hav
ing suffered great hardships from thirst and
hunger and were too weak to stand alone
when resuced. They had lived for days ou
only a few dry biscuits, and for three days
before being picked up had drank nothing
but salt water and kerosene oil. On the
day following tbe desertion of the Milton
they had separated from the other boats.
Washington, Jan. 30. Bills were intro
duced in Congress by Berry proposing a
constitutional amendment prohibiting state
legislatures from voting on ratification
of constitutional amendments, except at
the regular sessions held following the elect
ions of the more numerous branch of the
state legislature; also to regulate the rail
road fares. The latrer bill makes it unlaw
ful for any railroad company to charge fare
for transportation of passengers in excess of
the following rates per mile: Under 100
miles, 4Jc; over 100 and under 300 miles,
4c; over 300 miles, 3Jc
By Cobb, repealing all laws granting
lands to certain railroad companies, and de
claring said lands forfeited. The bill re
lates to a large number of railroads, includ
ing the Atlantic and Pacific Texas Pacific
and Northern Pacific, and was, after a con
test as to a proper reference, referred to the
committee on judiciary, by a vote of 161 to
A Sad Calamity Detractive Fire.
New York, Jan. 31. About 10 o'clock
ihis morning a fire broke out in a building
formerly occupied by the N. Y. World in
which was situated many newspaper offi
ces including the New York Times. Several
persons weae burned to death. The loss
of property is supposed to bo about $1,000,
000. The buildings were also occupied by
a great many of other kinds of business.
There was probably 400 or 500 people in
the building when the fire broke out
Manyjof them had to jump from 3 to 4 story
windows. Some were fatally injured while
Others Mninut rith toDO harm Tim T;ma
, , , . f " V ,oo ..U.I... .UC .1111,3
building was saved with considerable dam-
.w hwici ini.
Spalding has been appointed collector
of coustoros at Chicago much to the disap
pointment of Senator Logan, used his
efforts for Dan Sbepard.
Chicago, 'Jan. 31. Spalding's policy is
now said to be to drive Logan from northern
Illinois, which would mean his eventual re
tirement from politics.
St. Louis, Jan. 31. The anti-polygamy
meeting called some days ago was held at
Pilgrim Congregational church to-night.
The house was filled to overflowing with
the best citizens of the city. Rev. S. H.
-Nichols, presided and spoke. Speeches
were made by several persons mostly minis
ters, all of whom took strong ground against
the iniquitous practice and called upon con
gress to root it out. The committee on
resolutions reported a long address to sen
ators and representatives in congress from
Missouri, asking their earnest influence in
the preparation and passage of such meas
ures as will enable the government to nut
an end to polygamy in the territories, the
address treats polygamy simply as a felony,
but as one of the most baneful influences,
and asserts that congress has authority and
power to abolish it, and demands that
measures shall be taken te crush it.
Salt. T.ilro il SI flnv f. V,,.
returned from Washington fully sustained
by the administration. He is very hopeful
of the work which congress proposes to do
for Utah, and while in Wa-whincrtnn nrrrwl
congressmen to pass the bill appointing a
legislative commission in place of the pres
ent polygamous legislature, which will
govern Utah the same as the District of
of the land office at a (Jr.qnde n Monrlau
and Louis T. Barrin register at Oregon
Kimus Valley, Jan. 27, 1882.
Dear Me. Editor : As I have seen
some letters in the Gazette written by
young folks I thought I would try to write
short letter. I am a girl like the rest of
them, but am afraid that 1 have not such a
philosophical head as the four little girls
from Calaway's Station, anyway I don't un
derstand all the long words they used, per
haps they are esthetic. I can't see that
because a person is indifferent to the move
ment of the months and years that it indi
cates moral stagnation or limited intellectual
Comprehension. I very much agree with
them, however, in their wish for self im
provement, as that is something we all need.
Another thing I believe in is female suffrage
and shall be glad when the women can vote,
but I had better not discuss that I presume.
I remember hearing a certain phrase once,
and would like to know if any of the girls
can tell what it means. It is this: "The
imponderable pomponderosity of immacu
late phycbology." Good bye for the pres
ent. Georgia Herbert.
Strayed or Stolen,
From tbe farm of Andrew Gellatly about
two and one-half miles west from Philo
math, a gray filly, three years old next
Spring. No marks except a dished nose.
Parties knowing of her whereabouts will
confer a favor by sending word by letter
to Andrew Gellatly,
T"-:'math Or:
Utr Oangbtcr's &juct'.
San Francisco, July 9th, 1881.
H. H. Warner & Co. : Sirtl do not
think my daughter could have lived six
months had she not used your Safe Kidney
and Liver Cure .
Mrs. N. H. D. Mason, 36 Liberty St.
A. J. Langwortby ' Cash Store,
Corner of Main aud Jackson sts., opposite
the ferry, Corvallis, is the place to got bat
gains in dry goods and groceries.
Last Wednesday, by County Judge W.
S. McFadden, at his office in this place,
James Rader, to Miss Lizzie Felger, both
of this county.
THE REV. GEO. H. THAYER, of Botir.
bon, Ind., says: "Both myself and wife
owe our lives toSnILOH'8 CONSUMP
ARE YOU MADE miserable by Indi
gestion, Consumption, Dizziness, Loss of
Appetite, Yellow Skin! Shiloh's Vitalizcr
is a positive cure.
WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiloh's
Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10
cts. 60 cts. and SI.
itive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and Canker
"HACKMETACK," a lasting and fragrant
perfume. Price 23 and 50 cents.
SHIOH'S CURE WILL immediately relieve
Croup, Whooping cough and Bronchitis.
FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint,
you have a printed guarantee on every
bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails
to cure.
A NASAL INJECTOR free with each
bottle of Shiloh's' Catarrh Remedy- Price
60 cents.
AU of the above medicines for cater at Allan
& Woodward's, Corvallis.
An old physician, retired from active
practice, having had placed in his hands by
an East India Missionary the formula of a
simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and
permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis,
Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Long
affections, also a positive and radical cure
for general Debility and all nervous com
plaints, after having thoroughly tested its
wonderful curative powers in thousands of
cases, feels it his duty to make it known to
his suffering fellows. The recipe with full
particulars, directions for preparation and
use, and all necessary advice and instruc
tion.; for successful treatment at your own
hops, will be received by you by return
mail, free of charge by addressing with
stamp or stamped self-addressed envelope to
Dr. M. E. BELL,
161 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md.
JNTe w this Week.
Scientists now all admit that most diseases are
caused by disordered Kidneys or liver, and that If
these great organs an kept in a perfect condition,
health will be the result. WARNKR'd SAFE Kill'
la made from a Simple Tropical Leaf
And fa s POSITIVE Remedy-for tha following
Troublea :
Pain in tbe Back; Severe Headachfln
Dizziness; Bloating; Inflamed
Eyes; A Tired Feeling
Night Sweats;
Pains in the Lower Part of the Bodyi
Palpitation of the Heart; Jaundice
Gravel; Painful Urination; Ma
larial Fever; FeTcr
and Ague;
And all diseases caused by the Kidneys, Llrar or
Urinary Organs being out of order.
It is a SAFE and CL'RT.UX cure for all Female- dif
ficulties, sucb as
Lcncorrhtra; Inflomatlon of the Womki
Falling of the Womb; lleeraUen
f the .Womb.
It will control and regulate Menstruation, and la Mr
excellent and safe remedy for females during preg
nancy. As a Blood Purifier it is unequaled, for It cures tbe
organs that MAKE the blood. For
Boils; Carbuncles; Scrofula; White Swal
. ling; Salt Eheam; Poisoning by Mer
cury or any other Drug.
It is certain in every cats.
For Incontinence; Impotence; Fates Is
the Loins, and all Simi
lar Diseases,
It la a safe, sure and quick Cure.
ft is tbe only known remedy that has cured Bcitsra
As a proof of the purity and worth of this Cress
Natural Remedy, read the following
8. A LATTIMORE, Pb. 0., L L. D., Professor of
Chemistry in the University of Rochester, N. Y..
knowing the popularity and merit of Warner's Saf
Kidney and Liver Cure, after a thorough Chemical
Analysis, haa furnished the Allowing statement:
Chemical Laboratory,
ROCHESTER, N. Y., Jan. g, 1830
Mr. H H Warner has placed in my possession th
formula of the medicine manufactured and sold by
him under the general designation of WARNER':?
tigated his processes of manufacture, which are con
ducted with extreme care and according to the ht
methods. 1 have also taken from his laboratory sam
ples of all the materials used in the preparation tit
this medicine, and upon critical examination I fin 1
them, as well as the medicine into which they enter,
to be entirely free from poisonous or deleterious sub.
stances. S. A. LATTIMORE:
I This Remedy which baa done such wonders. Is pi I
up-in the LARGEST SIZED BOTTLE of any modi
cine upon the Market, and in sold by Druggist i an i
all dealers at 81. 25 per bottle. For Diabetes onqulr
19:6yJ. Rochester, N. T.
mm and CniQR at UW,
Office over Hamilton, Job iCo.'i Bank. Will
tice in all the Courts of the State.
Lftud Office st Oregon City, Orof on.
Janua y 27th. H8t.
Notice is herebygfven that the following name
settler has filed notice ot his intention to make fine?
proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before the County Clerk ef Benton Couuty.
at Corvallis, Oregon, on
Viz.: Christia Scgelehe, Pre-emption D. S. No. JTW
for the E. J of N. W. and N. E. I of S. W. 1 of Se
21, T. 11 S. , R. 11 W.
He names the following witnesses to prov hlecon
t nuous residence upon and cultivation of said land,
viz: John Ford, George Landreth, George King and
John Alfred Ohlson, all of Newport, Benton County
19:S-wS It T. BARrN, Register.
Administrators Notice
dersigncd, administrator of the estate of Hlw
beth Mason, deceased, bas filed his final account -or
settlement in the office of the Clerk of the Ceur'r
Court of the State of Oregon tor Benton Count) , a-nl
the Court has fixed
MONDAY, MARCH Oth, 1882.
at tha hour of 10 o'clock a. H. , as the time for be 1.;
any objections that may Bo made to tne same.
Adm'r of the estate of Elisabeth Mason. ) - '
Oood Bargain.
The grounds including the kit fenced.
with stable barn etc. of the camping ground .
Fred Olssons place for rent: everyDoay Knew t,.
i .n.u mm ,, rtf the h jst on the Yaouma 1
J. A. OLSSov
Newport, Or.- -
locality as one of
Address owner,
Wednesday Evening, Fee. 2.
Comrnittee of JLrrangemerttt.
Committee on Itit&V&.
V. H. Mastol, ST. s iUtn.
Chas. Montmtb, Wiluk Webbs.
G. W. Belt, & Hirs5hbei.
Monroe. Buttevtlln.
J. Hotjck. Jas. Ieww.
Sam WtATT, Chas. Hbhkle.
Soap Creek,
Chas. Moon.
Floor Manogtrt.
M. S. Neooass, f. Viwcemt, J. Swircnn,
David OsbcVn, E. EL Tatlok.
All Fhenuu stilly isnssts smv ta Oat-