The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, January 27, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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Corvallis Jan. 27, 1882.
. (Salt '-ake Tribune.)
Governor Murray tells a laughable
Ftory of liis experience in the Geor
gia march to tlie sea, which is worth
repealing :
"Speaking of the famous march
through Georgia," saiil the Governor,
"I shall never forget the amount of
money it cost u to keep an old wo
man from crying herself to death.
Of course we were obliged to subsist
if the country as we went along and
we naturally took the best in sight.
One day we took possession of a
chicken ranch kept by an old lady,
who stood at the front sate with a
broom and threatened to lick all of
Sherman's forces if they did not
move on. Now, chickens were cor
hidered as officers' meat, and, as we informllv hnncrrv. wp went for
those old hens pretty lively. When
iui nu that dor tftvrhrfte maris wtTv
' i . . .l -i i.:mj 1 i
nr caumu anu Kinevi, biic m-ocu
t avav itixi horran in ere I res
she bee Ml to scream, and fin-
yon could hear that woman's
ii '1 . a. - 1 . T a aL
ens clear lo ni liuitu. i sem me
surgeons in to quiet Her, ut iney
failed, and then all trie officers took
. . 1 1. 1 ) . 1 T . 1
iretly nervous over the infernal
lpfniise the. whole arm v would
7 J I
n. l,'iilf. t 1 1 1 II- I1IH H II I I II
n ii lui Kii iii ii;i nviiittn, a. ui
it was all about, and when we
Vil.l laam La l-hi,! "f.ia-o ItAia Q minnl
1 1. a l a r a . .- i i - . , aa i a v a a. t..
-. a a . . i 1. i- a l
Ot joniecieraie uonus icr net iiens,
snd see if that won't stop her." Act
ing on this hint, I proceeded to busi
ness. We had captured a confeder
ate train the day before, with 4,000,
000 of confederate money, and I
hunted up the train at once. The
money was worth about two c?nts on
the dollar. Well, I stuffed aboil'
half a million dollars in an old carpet
sack and marched into the house.
" 'Madam,' said I, opening the
sack, 'I'll give you 50,000 to quit
this noise.' It was still as death in a
minute, and then her face expanded
a oroau smite, i taui me pacKage
money on the table, and I never
effect pleased m, and I continued :
'General Sherman presents his com
pliments and $100,000.' I never in
my life saw such a pleased old wo
man, and I wound up bv dairpttis
. 1- - a 1 .11! 1 a 1 a I
it came to contributions to distressed
females I could not be outdone by
no man living.
"She invited the officers to supper
and she cooked every chicken on the
ranch, and set out ciderjas free as
water. We .were having a pretty
The unprecedentedly heavy stream
of immigration that has been pouting
into the country this year over 430,
000 arrivals in eleven months seems
to alarm timid citizens with serious
apprehensions as to whether this
mass pf humanity, consisting of peo
ple wholly unacquainted with Amer
ican life, can be safely absorbed by
our body politic. It is true, the
number of new-comers seems very
large, almost sufficient to form three
new States out of territory so far un
inhabited, were the immigrants all
to setrle down together. But the
effect produced by the sudden acces
sion of a foreign element to our
people depends in a great measure
upon the proportion it bears to the
general population and its distribu
tion among the different part3 of the
country. From this point of vie
it appears that the heavy immigra
lion of this year will not put our in
stitutions under as severe a strain as
they have been put before. We
have now.a population of over fifty
millions and the number of immi
e ranis for the w hole year will be
about 440,000. In 1854 the popu
lation of i he United States was about
25.000.000. and the number of imtni
grants in that year was 319,223,
number more than two-thirds
large as that of the present year
while the aggregate population o
the country was only one-half
what it now is. V e mnjrht reason
ably conclude that the strain upo
our institutions from so enormous a
influx of foreign elements should
have been much arreater then than
the one now to be apprehended, and
yet we cannot remember that th
years following 1854 were remark
able for any peculiar development
that might have been traced to th
difficulty of absorbing so large a new
ingredient in our body politic. I
Jbod time when a long, lank old
coon came in, and she said it was her
husband. Pretty soon his eye fell on
the money. 'Sarah,' said he, 'where
in blazes did yon get all this darned
":A present from General Sher
man,' said she.
" 'Taint worth a continental cent ;
they're kindling fires with it down at
New Orleans.'
"The old woman rose up, her face
as white as your hirt front, and her
eyes wasn't pleasant to meet.
" 'So you are the bilk that gave me
Ibis, are yon?' she called out, reach-;
ing tor the o!) broom.
"The entire mess rose aud started
from that house. We never heard
any more of her, and there isn't a
man of the crowd who wo-.ild meet
that old woman for all that confedei
ate money, it it would bring 100
cents on the dollar at the Treasjrv
Department at Washington."
a lax -a. a- .
paummeb on me iUlSSlSSippi
river and its tributaries, give? the
following statement of the miieage
of the navigation portion of each of
the following rivers above its mouth:
"Missouri, 3,129; Mississippi, 2,16);
Ohio, 1,021; Red, 98G; Aikansas,
884; White, 779; Tennessee, 789;
land, 900; Yellowstone, 474;
1Q4. VVohno. IdT A 1I
anrn Jill.- intinaA.fn
O1:, Tl hnmo 07n-
in Arkansas, 112;
ncis, 180: Talla-
cia i nr. t
Jill, JJ. XiHC
12; Mononga-
iUo; liatho o
I'll, VV UtUII I ,
iiton, 50; Little
, ami iiSK', 44;
1 hrs
fact, there have been several year
n which the proportion of imm
rranls to our whole population has
been heavier than in this
It is also reported that the immi
grants who arrived this year genei
ally were, of an uncommon'y good
class, people of working habits and
generally of some means. Moretha
one-third of them were Germans
mostly belonging to the agrieultu
ral classes, who proverbially mak
good citizens and are easily assimi
lated. Immigrants from Great
Britain, mostly Irishmen, come next
forming something less than one
third of the aggregate, a valuable
addition lo our working forces.
Norway. Sweden and Denmark
furnish the next largest contingent
about one-eighth of the whole, and
the rest is divided among other na
On the whole, we need indulge in
no dark apprehensions as to the in
fluence of immigration upon our po
litical ami social lite unless laige
masses of the less desirable elements
of it should congregate in cert ail
laige cities. In this respect, the
statement that 143,132 of the new
comers have remained in New York
would seem to indicate that such r
concentration has taken place. But
Mr. Jackson, the Superintendent
of Castle Garden, assures us that this
statement is apt to create a wrong
impression, "owing to the fact that
many immigrants who had not fixed
upon any destination were credited
to New York, but remained only
ong enougri to decide upon a per
manent home; that some immigrants
refused to give their destination and
were put down to New York's ac
count, as that was their address when
last heard from," and that "not
more than 35,000 or 40,000 will find
permanent homes in this State besides
the 15,000 or 20,000 who will settle
down in this city." New York
would therefore only have her pro
portionate share and no more. The
bulk of the immigration is going to
the West, where it will soon become
identified with new and growing
communities, whose interests the new
comers will soon understand and
whose progress anil prosperity they
will share. It is a fact worthy of
note that the north-western States,
which receive among their people
the laigest proportionate number of
foreign immigrants, take rank among
the orderliesl of American communi
ties. Judging from the experiences
of the pasf, it may therefore be con
fidently said that, leaving aside two
or three large cities, the difficult' of
absorbing and assimilating our
foreign immigration is not one of the
future dangers that should d-eturb
our equanimity. N. Y. Post.
Land Sold.
In Whitman county
originally 1 . jtmSOO
lanrls. of whii
The following circular has been
recently issued by the above named
rm t a -
-ims jjeagne lias made some
additions to its declarations, an
amended copy of which, as they
appear on the heading of our mem
bership rolls, we send herewith. The
clause referring to "a free press" i
so strikingly illustrated by a cartoon
which appeared almost simultaneous
ly in the new illustrated paper 7i
Judge, that we induced the publish
ers to furnish some of them separate
I, without colors, and we send you
f .1 I a
one oi inese, willed we trust you
will post up in a conspicuous place.
It is evident that the monopolists
have determined not only lo contro
the Government, but the thought of
the people as well. Senator Windom
in a letter to the League says:
'The channels of thought and the
channels of commerce thus owned
and controlled by one man, or by a
few men, what is to restrain corpo
rate power, or to hx a limit to its
exactions upon the people ? What
is then- to hinder these men from de
pressing or infialing the value of all
kinds of property to suit their caprice
avarice, and thereby gathering into
i heir own coffers the wealth of the
nation? Where U llje limit to such
a power as this? What shall be
said of the fpirit of a free people
who will submit without a protest
to be thus bound hand and foot ?"
Tue following extract from a
letter written by Hon. David Davis,
once a judge of the Supreme Court,
now a Senator of the United States,
indicates the serious nature of the
problem before us:
"The rapid growth of corporate
power and the malign influence which
it exerts by combination of the Na
tional and State Legislatures, is a
well grounded cause of alarm. A
struggle is pending in the near future
between this overgrown power, with
its vast, ramifications all over the
LTnion, and a hard grip on much of
the political machinery, on-the one
hand, and the people in an unorgan
ized condition on the other, for con
trol of the Government. It will be
watched by every patriot with in
tense anxiety."
There are two things which can not
be done too quickly:
1st. Let the people supporl the
papers which advocate their interest,
and leave those se erely alone wlii. h
are run in the interest of the monopo
2nd. Establish a postal telegrapl
which will serve the press and al
other enstomers fairly and cheaply
besides extending electric oommutii
cation to every post office in tin
land. In England both the telegrapl
and telephone are operated by tin
I ostal Department, and as a conse
quence the people have the benefits
and not the co.po rat ions.
4 lit Ki EI DIRECTOR!'.
every second and fourth Sabbath in eacT month
at the College Chapel, bv the Rev. F. P. IavidsoB.
ServicesbeginatllA. si., and 11:30 p. M. Ali are in
vited. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. -Regular services
every Sabbath morning and evening. Sunday
Shool at the close of the morning; service. Prayer
meetimr Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Pufllic cor
dially invited. H. P. DUNNaNG.
EVANGELICAL CHURCH- Services roffu'arly ev
ery Sabbath morning and evening, unions o-herwise
announced. Sunday school at 3 m. each Sabbat!.
Prayer meeting every Thursday at 7 P. M The
pubUccordiallv invittul
Rev. J. Bo'vkrbox, Paftor.
sham will hold regular services in this church
the 1st aud 2nd Sundavs in each month at 11 ar4 7.
M. E. CHURCH Regular services every Sunday
7 p. M. Sundav-school at 1 o'clock with Bible ciasset
for old and young. Prayer meeting on Wednesday
evening at 7 o'clock. A ifeneral invitation and cordial
welcome. r . 1, I'astor.
M. E. CHURCH SOUTH -Services every Sabbath
at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. , at the college chapci. .Sunday
school at 0:30 a. M. Prayer meeting Friday evening
at o clock, rutme cordialiv mvttcd.
J." R. N. BELL, Pastor.
tion issued nut of the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Benton County, in favor of B. H. Bow
man, plaintiff and against Albert Humphrey, Ellen
Humphrey, CoquiHe Dick, Wayman SrClair, H. C.
Levis, R. 8. Strahan, John Burnett, Jan. A. Yantia,
l'aul Wiley, Max Frieiidly and Adam Wilhelm, de
fendants, dated Dec. 12, 1881, and to me directed,
commanding me to sell the premises described in
said execution, to-wit:
The North half of the Southwest quarter, the
Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter and lot
No. 2 of Section (24) twenty-four, T. 13 S., R. 5 West
of the Willamette meridian, containing (15S) one
hundred and fifty-eight acres.
Also commencing at the N. W. cor. of the S. W.
quarter of section 24, T. 13 S R, 5 W., thence West
on the half section line of sec. 23, 45 rods to a stake
set for the S. W. cor. of a tract of land sold by Adam
Holder to John WTiita'ser on the 21st day of May,
1879, and recorded on page 024, book L Records
of Deeds, Benton C unty, Oregon, thence in a
Southerly direction bearing a little East about 80
rods to a stake, thence E. to the N. W. cor. oi Thomas
Kinney's donation land claim, thence North along
the West line of Patrick Kinney's donation land claim
to the place of beginning, containing 18 acres, more or
less, all the above described land lying and being
situated in Benton County, State of Oregon, accord
ing to law to satisfy the sums of money as mentioned
in said execution, to-wit, $1647 in gold coin, with in
terest thereon at the rate of one per cent, per month
since the 23d day of Nov., 1881, and :?lf0 attorneys
fees and $48 00 costs and accruing costs and expenses
of sale, f will, on the
2Stk day of January, 1S82,
in front of the Court House door in the town of Cor
vaUis, Benton County, Oregon, between the hours of
nine o'clock in the forenoon and four o'clock in the
afternoon, to-wit, at the hour of one o'clock in the
afternoon of that day, proceed to sell the above de
scribed premises at public auction to the highest bid
der for cash in hand to satisfy said siims of monev
and accruing costs and expenses of sale.
run :juth uav ot Dec. , issi.
19:lw5 Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon.
The great difference among men of
nil callings is energy of character or th
want of it. Given the same amount of
learning and integrity, and the same
opportunities, and energy will make
one man a conqueror. The want of it
will see the other a failure. Dead
beats are all'aien without force. They
had as good a chance as any of their
companions. Others went ahead and
carried off the prizes, while they were
lying by the wayside dispirited and
despondent. It takes nerve, vim, per
severance and patient continuance in
well doing, to win a great prize. And
the young man who goes into a profes
sion without this pluck and force will
not earn salt to his porridge. He will
drag along through life with the help of
friends' getting some credit with them
for being a well meaning man, in deli
cate health and unlucky. The real
trouble is, he lacks energy. All the
ning in the world will not
qualify a man for usefullness. It re
quires pusn, stamina, vigor, will,
courage resolution, determination in
one word energy. N. Y. Observer.
Oregon Claims.
A careful examination of the
books, accounts and records of the
office of the adjutant general during
the war of the rebellion, of which the
ecretary of state is now the cus
todian, reveals the fact that accounts
to the amount of $44,219 19 are for
expenses incurred which are properly
chargeable to the general govern
ment. Secretary Earhart has had
uplicate vouchers made and proper
transcripts prepared, which he will
at once forward to Capt. John
MuUan, the agent for this state in
Washington city, with a view of
aving them properly presented, and
the amount of them which has al
ready been payed by the state re
funded. Statesman.
i'vned out of and under the sual of the Circuit
Court of the State of Orejron for the County of lienton
on the 9th day of December, 1881, upon a decree ren
dered in said Court on the 2od day of November,
1831, for tae sum of :323 50 in U. S. irold coin with
interest thereon at the rate of one per cent, per
month from and after said 23d day of November. 1881,
and the further sum of S100 30 costs and disburse
ments and accruing costs and expenses of sale, in
favor of Damon Smith, plaintiff, and wherein Henry
Fawver, Arthur Fawver, Sarah McClure, Laman Fav
ver, Sophronia Ingram aud Creen Injrrani. her hus
band. John Fawver. James Fawver. .Mary Fawvcr.
Jane Fawver, Green Fawver, William Fawver, Isa.
belie r awver, barah E. McClure :md McClure, her
husband, JJfiijf Clark and J. V. Uaybuni, as adminis
trator of the estate of Wm. Fawver. deceased, are de
fendants, tome directed and delivered, -commanding
me to sell the real property hereinafter described, to
satisfy the sums hereinbefore mentioned, I have
levied upon and will sell for cash in hand to the
highest bidder at the front door of the Court House
in the City of Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, on
Saturday, January 28,'h, 1882,
between the hours of 9 o'clock in the morning and 4
o'clock in the afternoon, namely at one o'clock p. M.
of said day, all the right, title and interest t said de
fendants in and to the following described real prop
erty, to-wit: The lots numbered 7 and 8 in section
32 in township 14 S., It. 4 West, and lots numbered
10 and 11 of section 5 in Township 15 S. , U. 4 W. , and
river lot numbered 9 in section 5 in Township 15 S-,
II. 4 West. Also thefoltowing described tract, to-wit:
Begiiminy on the Township line between townships
14 and 15, one hundred and fifty-four rods due East
of the N". E. corner of Section & in township 15 S., R.
4 West, running thence North 40 rods, thence West
80 rods, thence South 93J rods, thence East 138 rods,
thence to the place of beginning, together with all
tenements and appurtenances thereunto belonging.
The several above described lots and tracts contain
ing in all 191. 77 acres, all lying and being situated in
Benton county, State of Oregon
Dated Dee. '24th, 1381.
19-lv.-5 Sheriff of Benton Co. , Oregon.
Iii the matter of the estate 1
of V.'
Thomas Reader, deeeased. f
tue ol an order of sale difly made by the County
Court of tientjn Countv. -:tato of Oreton. on Mondav
the ' 'th day nf January, at the regular January
term of said Court, ana dirty entered in the journal of
nald court, authorizing" and. direetin? me, Samuel
Reader, administrator of said eutate to Bel) at public
sale all the ritfht, title, interest and estate that the
mia l nomas KcaJcr, deceased, bad at the time ot his
death in and to the following described real propertv
Ltt No. one of Sec. Np: lf, in T 14 S.. R. 6 W., in
Benton County, Oregon, containing- two acrs.
AIho three hundred and ninety acres of land in claim
No. 52, Notification No. 25;t(i in sees. 17,18, 19 and 20
in T. 14 S R. 5 W., and bounded as follows: Begin
ning at the Northwest corner of said claim, the same
being the donation claim of Jos. Kelsay and wife, and
running thence South 220 rods, thepce East 255 rods
to the middle of, the main channel of Muddy Creek,
,hcnce down said creek to where the North line of said
J,is. Kelsay's donation claim crosses said creek, thence
Wrat to the place of beginning in Benton County,
St:.te of Cregnn.
Aisothe following described tract : Beginning at a
point 20 chains' Vest and 30 chains North of the S. E.
corner of Sec. l, inT. 15 S., R. 5 W., running thence
North W chains, thence East 40 chains, thence South
30 chairs, thence West 40 chains to the place of begin
ning, coftofariPg one hundred and twenty acres of
land in Beaton county, State of Oregon.
Also the Rowing described tract , beginning at the
Northwest corner of Lot No. 1 in fract block No. 9 in
the town of Monroe, in Benton County, State of
Oregon, thence East 3.63 chains, thence " North
6.48 chains, theic West 4.14 chains, thence South
4.V, E. 6:50chainsto the place of beginning, containing
two and one-half atrxs with the flouring mill thereon
situated, also
Also the following described tract; Beginning at the
N. W. corner of lot No. in fract. block No. 9 in the
town of Monroe, in BemgNi County, Oregon, and
running thence South 4JW E. with the East boun
dary line of the county road, 19 rods to the North
side of the house formerly ccapied by Joseph White,
thence East to the West ehanf.el of Long Tom river,
thence down said channel tothcK-E. corner of saidlot
No. 2 in fract. block No. 9, thence Jrest to the place of
.Also the following: Lot No. one infract, block
No. 9 in the town of Monroe in Benton CouiAy, Ore
gon; also lot No. one in fract. block No, 3, anu lots
No. 5 and U in eaid frac. block No. 8, in said town
Also the following tract:
Forty acres of land described asfollows,to-wit: Be
ginning at a point 7.75 chains South of the corner of
Sees. 27, 28, 33 and 34 in T. 14 S., R. 5 V., in Ben
County, Oregon, running thence in a Southwesterly
direi-tion to a pine stump inches in diameter,
on the East bank of Long Tom, thence down said
stream to the intersection of the mill lot on the East
line.of said lot and along said line to the N. E. corner
of the same, thence West to Long Tom River, thence
down said stream to a point due West of the place
of beginning, thence East 16.75 chains to the place
of beginning.
Now, therefore, in accordance with and in pursu-
iinrc ui slmi. uiuurui saie, i, aainnei iveaoer, aan.ims
trator of said estate of Thomas Reader, dee'd, will on
Saturday, the 11th day of February, 1882,
at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day, in front
of the Court House door in the City of Corvallis, in
Be:;ton Countv. State of Oregon, sell at public sale
to the highest bidder, on the terms hereinafter men
tioned, all tiie right, title, interest and estate which
the said Thomas Reader, deceased, had at the time
of his in or to the above described real proper
ty, together with the improvements and appurte
nances thereunto belonging or in anvwise appertain
ing. Terms of Sale:-The first, second and third des
cribed tracts of land herein will be sold for one-half
cash down at the time of sale, the other half navahlc
in one year, with interest at 10 per cent, per annum,
secured bv mort-age on the property sold. The
other remaining tracts of land herein describe
re sold tor cash m hand at the time of sale.
Adm'r of the estate of Thomas Reader, dee'd.
Dated January 13th, 1882. 19:3wp
Real Estate Agency.
And Desirable City Property.
200 Acres east end of Blodgetfs Valley, well 7m pro r
Price! mw H proposeI line of Yl
135 Acres west side of Blodgetfs Valley, all fenced:.
60 acres under plough. A snug f arm with good house
barn and other ont-buildings, i mile from schoel and
close to proposed Yaquina K. R. Price,.f2,600.
240 Acres on Elk road 5 milp v 1
Yaquina road. Goo iZ , Jt ff f!?m J"ct.on wirh
on on the Yaauina. witintio. f,,n V ' ' " a treed far
steamboat landing, 20 acres in timothy, good house .s&ea ranges. 2,200,
arge house, barn, close to school and church, post Vi 7 blottom land- Small house etc
,k.. : r: ' r Chard. A hnro-iir. T-; i-. '
Two Lots adjoining Court House with .od house,
barn and garden.
1(10 Acrea,20 miles from Newport on the Yaquina,
orchaRd, &e. Price S10C0.
158 Acres in King's Valley. First rate land with
office, irrist and saw mill. Trice SC000.
540 Acres in Linn county, fi miles east of Lebanon,
on branch of east side railroad, and Oregon & Pacific,
well watered, good timber, near school. Terms easv'
84455. ' .
A good farm with
A barenm Pri na -
240 acres two mii s from Summit (
with j
is and
alued at J1500.
on Mary'i
RiTer. Land very productive with trood S. 7. "7"
cellent house, twoW barns ami
vements valued at 150o pJSvZ
570 Acres iu King's Valley. 200 under cultivation,
well watered, good outrange, 15 acres orchard, pro
ducing all kinds of fruit; house and garden, very
large oarn ana goou outounuings. 1 mile tromschool, cood fences- imnrnv
ncar postotfice, saw aud grist nulls, aud close to pro- 3500. "'prov
uvacu uwiun kukc uvu ill BlUKfl vailBV. I T1CO.
11."00. 1, 357 Acres, Smiles wrst of rorv.m.
Kivpr 1 nrii-i e
422 Xcrcsauioins above, 100 acres under cultivation
good house, orchard, etc. Excellent stock range with . 2 L s'tuated on Eouth shore 3
good outlet, 2 miles from school, postoffice, ete. tronU. ' LraSSH Ex"-'"t laud with
Price 4:00. iiuiitac. i rice, M00.
340 Acres R0 under cultivation, good house, barn acres of lr.nd situated half wav M.-.. v-
and orcliard.four miles north of postotfice Price, S4,- Prt and CaPe Foulweather faennr tlie.,i? J?e7."
...OA K.iSBBt aba- raaaa hoiISC llH ASa : UrMK 6. .IC l,-eai.. trOOd
garden and timothy field" ",KS2 J?"f l
4-l iprnaai rtiwfl vM-ou-iH, ,1 f VU" UIHier lence . n Mt. '
i,a',out 10-0 acres under cultivation, an excellent ndles from "l-h.l , 1 tUre' we" PmSC 11
, capable of earning a gooil Hock of sheep, under k" .?"' P? . The land is well timbered rJ3
, well watered, good house, barn and orchard. warns, eta I nce, S16.500
iai acres ol Jam! situated on
GOO. Exeeilrtit stock farm.
200 Acres ot first class land, west side and upper
enuot Kings iney, no acres under cultivation in-
(Old " NATIONAL," Established 1800.)
12S Front St.,
Between Washington and Alder,
rOiiTLAM), ... OREGON.
. Penman and Secretary.
Lra.l O.Hco at Oregon City, Oregon,
January. 12, 1882,
lowing named settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Benton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on
Thu.srday, February 23, 1882,
Viz: William P. Keady, Pre-emption 1). S. No. 3505,
for the Lot 4 of Sec 24, T. 13 S., R. 12 W., and Lots
4, 5 and 0, and S. E. 1 of S. W. i of Sec. 19 T. 13 S.,
R. 11 W.
He names the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land
viz. : David Ruble oi WaMport, M. A. Ueem of Tide
water, and .1. S. Moore and W. H. Mansfield of Cor
vallis, all of Benton County, Oregon.
10:4w5 L. T. BAR IN, Register,
Designed for the business education of both sexes.
BCottonts admitted on any week day of theyear. No
exa iiination on entering.
SCHOLARSHIP, Ilusiness Course ?no no
TELEGRAPHY, Complete Course 25 00
WiilTING, per month 5 00
Of all kinds dime in the most artistic manner, at reason-'
file ratv..s. Send for estimate. The "College
Jou:ial," coi taininsr infomiatioirof Course, and cut3
of ornamental penmanship, free.
Lock Box 104, Portland, Oregon
sprimrs and lare creek n nri lv . D" several
cuiuing zi-acre.-i nuioaii; , goou new nouse toxzt, very elesimb e residence or cut , "
aud barn. SchooPjouse within 200 yards, and con- "mence or cut up into lots,
venient distant froin mills, story ic. ; well watered acres 1 mile east of Newport on th. a
and timbered. $2,700.- comfortable house, garden etc This rt
100 acres situated on little Elk road, two miles and cntnrancePlanditnT,lTj ?ih? occan' th ur
west of Blodgetfs Vallcv ; i0 acres table land, 100 it3- Well wJZTi S . mde lnto ""oral building
acres new bottom, well warred; 18 acres under application uunurous springs. Price on
cultivation ; abundant out-rant for stock. Price,
1350. Au excellent bargain ; term''asonable. A saloon, large warehouse with capital hall above
Elk City -Large house with furniture single for a He and'icinitv8' 0ther PPerty in
hotel, together with about 00 aerc.-i of good land"cftse commenced and there f"or,niProvement bavimj
to steamboat landing. HveW suiinner rcndJrs SsTfJZZFZ. ProPe for a
-..oa(iuwi cnance.
acres , twenty-two miles this side of Y
Elk City- 123 acres of good land. 15 acres muW 160
fence, rentage to river and countv road. G ,nrt hons bav.on the road betwuor. T. . rfj. laquina.
and bam, garden and yound orchard, spring branch bottom land with excellent out ranire for stt-rh-through
the land, good outfit for stock; price 81,400. property-will sell at a bargan. Price, S650
CoosEay -16j acres on Beaver slough ne Coosl Also othir desirable property at Newport.
Bay, one mile f rom navigable water. The! is coa ni .
rnd plenty of excellent timber on the laud ; price V -wtoTtXff1 "? S25 to the und
500. ' S!?nca; wno negs to intimate to intending vendors of
rual estate, that b;,- establishing agencies in KnM.nrf
ISO acres situate 1 on LiU le Elk next Bab 's. Excel - and also in the Fasten States he trusts to ha. .hf.
ient water andgood ontlel to fine lange. effect speedy sales. m
Some large tracts of laud for sale, some half improved, on the line' of the Oreson
Pacific railroad, well watered, good roads, having unlimited range for stock. Suitable for
farming settlement.
Summit, Benton County, Oregon
Or at the Law office of Jas. A. Yantis, Corvallis, Oregon; or R. A. Beniell
Newport, Oregon. Wm. Collyns fc Co., 5 East India Avenue, agents, London.
Cheapness ! Punctuality !
afSFT cheerully recommend the present manage
ment of the Portland Business Collere. Mr. Arm
strong, whom I have knov.-n for maiiy years, is an
experienced teacher and a practical business man.
Tres. old "National" College.
Land Office at Oregon City, Oreg-on,
January 18, 18S2.
lowing1 named settler has filed notice of his in
tention to moke final proof in support of his claim.
and that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Benton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on
Monday, February 20, 1882,
Viz: Albert J. Rav. Pre-emption D. S. No. 3022. for
the W. I of N. E. i and S. E. 1 of BL V. 1 of ec. 14.
T. 11 S., U. 11 V.
He names the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land,
viz: George Stephens, Thomas Pavey, William Ste
vens and Anna L. Stevens, all of Newport. Benton
County, Oregon.
19:4w5. L. T. BARIN, Register.
Esal Estate for Sale.
Will sell a farm of 478 acres for less than 818 per
acre, being one of the cheajjest and best farms in
Bentoi. county, situated 4 iniles west of Monroe, of
a mile from a good school, in one of the best neigh
borhoods in the state with church privileges handy.
About 130 acres in cultivation, and over 400 can be
cultivated. All under fence, with good two story
frame house, large barn and orchard; has running
water the vear around, and is well suited lor stock
and dairy purposes. This is one of the cheapest farms
in the Willamette Valley
Also, two improved lots on the main business street
with small stable, woodshed and a good, comfortable
dwelling house containing seven good rooms. These
lots are nicely situated for any kind of business pur
poses. For fnrtlier information enquire at the
Gazette Office.
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon.
December 2Cth, 1881. j
Notice is hereby given that the following named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make final
Eroof in support of his claim, and that said proof will
e made before the Countv Clerk of Benton Countv.
at Corvallis, Oregon, on
Viz: John M. Ayles, Premption D. S. No. 3495, for
the S. W. J of See. 14 T. 10 S. , R. 8 WS
He names the following witnesses to prove his con-
t nuous residence upon and cultivation ol said land.
viz: Charles Herbert Nash, Wallis Na-m, George
Cooke and Richard Brooks, all of Corvallis, Benton
County, Oregon.
:2-w5 L T. BAMN, Register.
jVonntain View
New Type !
New Material!
Having added a large and well assorted lot of new Job Type, Borders
Machinery, etc., to our Job Office, we are now prepared to do all kinds of
25 Cents per Grallon,
of one cow will be furnished.
Milk warranted PURE.
A. G. MULKEY, Proprietor.
Corvallis, January 7, 1880. lC:21ml,
Plain and Ornamental !
TATV T71Vr,Ti"X C! address EDSON BROS
111 V MSt El J WLiO Attornevs-at-Law ant
Patent Solicitors, 017 Seventh S'reet, Washine-ton. D
C. , for instructions. Reasonable terms. References
and advice sent free. We attend exclusively tc
Patent business. Reissues, Interferences, and cases
rejected in other hands a specialty. Caveats solicitec
Upon receipt of model or sketch and description
give our opinion as to patentability, free of choarof
We refer to the Commissioner of Patents.alsl to E
Commissioners. Established I860 844tf.
n 1882
rtny u It contains fi colored plate, 000 amriin.
sbont 300 pun, sod fol 1 dttcrftrttoiu. moTud dirJtinnTKJ
TIM time 1900 Tarieties of Teetablo and Flown- Seed, Plants.
rrn Tree, tc ioraioabl to all.
Will be found more reliable for planting In the TVrrUorte thru
M&ikat OarADen. Addreu.
v . D. M. FEKBY CO., Detroit, Mioh,
XjL at this office.
D. O. CRANE, Corner Ninth and F Streets, Wash
ington, D. C. attends to Pension and Back Pay.
Bounty Claims collected. Contested Land Claims,
Mineral ami Agricultural, attended to before the De
partment of the Interior and Supreme Court. Land
warrants. Land Scrip, and Additional Homesteads
purchased and sold. 18:44tf.
The undersigned hereby notifies all persons con
cerned that he will not be responsible for any debts
contracted on his account, unless the parties apply
ing for the same have my written order.
18-38m6 H. O. LEWIS.
A. Lehmann, Solicitor of American and Fcreigt
mta, Washington. D. C. All business connectei
i Patents, whether before the Patent Office or thi
-,.,.. uajurw. prompfcij' laLieiiueu to. cnarge made un
Letter Hearts, etc. less a patent is secured. Send for circular- 81:44t
You need not send away for job work as we will do it in the best style
and as cheap as any Printer on the Coast.
Legal Blanks in Stock.
Call and Examine Samples. 4&
AU orders from a distance attended to promptly. Send for Estimates
Gazette Job Office,
Corvallis, Oregon