-asa-asssssssaawawswaswawsajsawasaasw v '" 1 1 , -. Corvallis Gazette. PUBLISHED EVERT FRIDAY MORNING, BY TANTIS WOODCOCK. SUBSCRIPTION RATE8: (Payable in Ailrance.) hfTw f g S U on tha , Tans Months. 1.2? Single Copies. 10c All notice? and advertisements intended (or pub lication should be handed in by noon on Wednesday. mm Corvallis Gazette, RATES OF ADVEBTISIHO, sracs. VOL. XVIII. CORVALLIS, OREGON, OCTOBER 7, 1881 NO. 41. ATTORNEYS, T. A. CHENOWETH F. M. JOHNSON. CHENOWETH JOHNSON, ATTORNEYS at LAW CORVALLIS, OREGON, U:2yl. JAM. A. YANTIS. M. 8- WOODCOCK. Yantis & Woodcock. L1MSR uiCOSKSELU&S&tUW R. BRYSON, Attoroey-at-Law. BENTON COUNTY REAL ESTATE And Loan Agency. CORVALLIS. i erer Hamilton. Job ACo.'s Bank. tie) is) all the Courts of tbe tte. OREGON. Will prae J. R. BRYSON. Attorney at Law, 7.jjj.bttsinM will receive prompt-attention. Collections a Specialty- OorraUis. June 2V is-25tf . PHYSICIANS. F. A. JOHNSON, M. D. Physician, Surgeon and Electrician Chronic Diseases n ade a specialty. Catarrh suc cessfully treated. Also Oculist and Aurist. OfBca in Fisher's Block, one door Wert of Dr. T. A. Vincent's dental office. Office hours from 8 to 12 aad from 1 to 6 o'clock. 13:2, yl G. R. FARRA, M. D Physician & Surgeon. rtMCK-OVER GRAHAM. HAMILTON & CO'S V Drug- Store. Corvallis, Oregon. 18:2f.tf. DENTISTS. DR. F. A. VINCENT, DElsTTIST CORTALLIS, OSEGOt. A. J. YOUNG. THE WHEAT SURPLUS. A BREACH Cf PROMISE CASE. Money to Loan The San Francisco Jourual or Lawyers are sometimes put to uinr Commerce savs: It has come to our wit's end to discover a ptausiuie ae- j knowledge that they who have been I f'ense in a breach of promise case. In pulling down ihe surplus of wheat such a plight an Indiana lawyer once for the State this year to half a mil- found himself. His client was a little lion tons have attacked the accuracy hump backed fellow, as unattractive of the statement at the close ot the in manners as in person. "Who half vear made bv the Produce Ex- would marry such a man? thought chance maintaininz. that if was too the lawyer, "and how corild she- sue - ... . 1 1 : t- ..f..,.:,V It.o llmiirrlit We have money to loan on good farms in Benton County in sums to suit borrower. LOW INTEREST AND LONG TIME. Interest and Principal can be paid in installments. FARMS FOR SALE ! We have a large list of Good Farms an.l R inches situated m various portion, of Benton County, for sale on easy terms. Parties wishing to Duy or sen .ru,, .-v.. lowii Property, will save money uy caning ou us. BRYSON & YOUNG. OmCE:-Up-stairs in Jacobs & Nengass' New Brick, opposite Occidental Hotel, jCorvallis, Oregon. WOODCOCK & BALDWIN, BRICK-OVI-R MAX Max Fricndtey's New Store. All of the latest mprorsmeat. Kverythin-j new an I complete. All werk warranted. Please girt me a call. lS:2Stf. Ames IN FISHER'S N. B. AVERY, D. D. S., DENTIST. Harln located permanent ly in Corvallis I desire to in form the public that I aia ready to do all kind of dental work. My instruments are all new and of the latent im urnvsd style All work hi- Hured and sati .faction ruar onteed or the money refunded OH oe O 'er Grahain Oo'd son's Drug store, Corval.ls Oregon. l:2Stf. 02 O Eh m w O in STOVES, RANGE PAKLOIt & BOX STOVES. The largest and Best Stock ever offered in Corvallis. Bedrock Prices. S -ALSO A FULL LINK OF- HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE! Tin . H- TAYLOR, and Copper Ware, U.:iiii:a vr;r, ar-a?, Irou Steel, Bope, Tool", bisect Iiou, ZIkc, Etc. Also Plows, Drills, Disk Harrows, Seeders, Wagons, and all kinds of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, We aim to kccii the best in market, unci the best is always the cheapest. Come and see our stock and price our goods before buying.- WOODCOCK & BALDWIN. 1 Inch.... S lnph.... S Inch.... 4 Inch.... I Column I Column Column 1 Column Notices In l W 1 00 1 00 S 00 sool t 00 5 00 6 2& a oo 15 00i TIT Tit t oo 40 00 H IW HVW 10 001 MOM It 001 II 00 wool so ost sser S6 00 St 00 SO 00 1 T is WW Mrf SOOa aser KS 100 otf hieh. Now without feeling called upon to stand sponsor for the Pro duce Exchange, we mayay that the utmost possible care was taken" in obt Billing the statement, and where there were any doubts as to which of two ot three sets of figures sl onld him for refusing?' That thought suggested h defense, as the woman, a rosy cheeked, raver.-haired and handsome girl walked into court. The marriage contract was proved, and also that the wedding day had been set. One white muslin and two red calico dresses had been bought U intv.ii I Imv nluavs took tile low- ' . j - I , , s 3 l: s- rru , sr. . u u..- ..f KfM I ijv Lne inieuiiett onuc. ahu mswum and There was also a big cus IBi wwii r - , . . - -A r,r f ir-in out. ThKtV- "-utiiieu iu me s J ' y " I . , . ... 1 A four millions of bags will hold forty- turKey, six cnicKens, one - B.;ti;.,r. ....ntAU or suventv-five m-ss of beans, potatoes, turnips million bushel of wheat: whereas, cabbage. I.ooi-nn nnrilinrr to the SlirnUlS tai" pie. '" v"Ti " & .. ... w .1 . K,.;.rl t. the Produce Exchange. "1 " my toil, swore me ou, J " I i s t . 1 T I T... Annntr ..I . . :ina i adv. "ina inoiisn 1 sav 11. invsrii. ne urouns aliouiaoeai ivasi, lonywa j ,-- - " . - - ' ; - . . n , (,,. ... I .I.....Mn' it ilw.ru urnan't. sinv 1 iuriiiei-ij J - busncis. i ne siatenii'iit 11 maic, i i j - I . 1 . :.. i l.n Mi1i knrlinnn ua doubt, because they who stanl out - T'T" T " Caotain Dennv'. now rteamer to ply for only half a million tons surplns eouia mane one uc ... v r- Portland Tillamook Yaqnina and CEHfRAL NEWS. A Lynx was killed last wek in- Curry county. - Several bnisness failures in Portland were reported last week. Tbe Territorial Legislature, ooavaned at Olympia on Monday last. Salem wants a Garfield monument erected at the Capitol, by subscription. Lake view is to have an academic aobool tbe first term will begin November 1st. Thos. Clarke of Walla Walla has been adjudged insane and sent to. the asylum at Steialacoom. The Saranac is- the deepest vessel that ever sailed in over the Columbia bar. She was brawing 21 9 12 feet. San Francisco has spent $3,500,000 on its city hall, and it will take $2,000,000 to complete it. From 75,000 to 125,000 hoop poles are shipped from Clackamas county to San Francisco annually. Patrick McManus who has been missing from Salem since the 25th was found at the- bottom of a flume witb bis neck broken last week. A $20,000 breach of promise suit is In Miss Bradley this vpar. feel it ridiculious to be j , placed in the position of maintaining that we had onlv half a crop this year, which such a statement very early implies. The figures of ths Journal of Com mcrce for this vemr, are a million inns a.imlna in round numlier. This i it gives from reports obtained from all parts of the State and from the collruioiis ot all possible data obtain able on the subject. It has the more confidence in its sources of inforina facts the lawyers tor the young wo- ,iU commenco making regular man asked $5,000 damages. j triDg in ibout six weeks. The man's lawyer made only two There was but two inches of water in the BT . . a SB . 1 . . 1 . .a points in defense, first, mat me Ohio river at Pittsburg, during tne severe Vial KiiRtninpil no damace. as she ,Uav, thi season. A condition never . ..... , .. -ould man v a much better looking before known. . B 1 . o ,1 UA man man nis cueiu. cttuuu, mm the dresses would be needed in other courtships which would undoubtedly soon take place, and that the supper was eaten by herself and friends, and not by his client. The jury, however, gave htr a ver EUROPE'S WHEAT HARVEST, . In. . A . 1. - J u.Ji .. A 4o Rii - a a . . I .1. I...... I fllf'T 11 JS (1 ' 1 ML tJ 1 itdblb anu VJ.VU tion, trom lite fact ui mey uave.i - - nrnv.d correct ureviously. In 1S80, to "c supper. on July I9ih, we gave the snrplus from these figures, obtained and collected in (he same way, at 1,282,- Europe's wheat harvested is given 500 ton, and this, proved to be strict-1 aH j0jOWB by the New York Herald: is not Of 90 DENTIST The oldest established Dentist and the best outfit in Corvallis. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, MRS. N..C. POLLY, Proprietress, OOB.vAL.LIS, work kept In repair free at charre and satisfae tea fuaranteea. xeein extracted witnouv pam ike use at Nitrous Oxide Gas. Mr Rooms un-stalr over Jacobs & Nenca;s new Brick Store, Corranis, Oregon. 18:27yi MISCELLANEO US MOORE & SPENCER, (Successors to T. J. Buford.) Staving, Stanpooisg, Hair Cuttiar, Hot and Cold Baths. Bnford'a OU Stand. 18:36:ly W. C. Crawford) JEWELER. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A XABGE assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All kinds of repairing done on abort noticd, and all work warrantee.. j MRS. 0. R. ADD1T0N Will be pleased t receive Pupils for. PIANO or ORGAN at her residence corner of 4th and Jefferson Streets, Corvallis, or will visit -them at tbeir homes for tbe Burnose ol instructing mem. itnm icun able. 18:28yl. CORVALLIS Photograph Sallery. i.BnTnr.RiPIIK FROM Ml NATURE TO LIFE SIZE. lyr correct, and it wa the same way the year before. We feel, therefore, sHsksj esftik ihnt wc are risht this car, and that there are fully a mil- lion inn for PXnort. Ill V1CW OI this, it would be as well for the far. the markets of the wonrld. A NEWaCHICAGO. O f tt H 3 n o Is I .55 H PS 55 Hj a M S w 9 o c K o 55 a S f c o 55 J358T'T1! Oi-i-id.-iital i a new biiildm?. newlv furnished, and first class in every mrttcutar. Stages leave this Hotel daily lr Ali.any, ana xaquina Bay on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays ami rnaays. lS:261y N o Chinese employed in this huse. GRAHAM, HAMILTON & CO., Druggists and Apothecaries, -AND DEALERS If First Class Work Only! Copying In an branches. Produce of all kinds and airWood taken at cash prices. E. HE8LOP. GEO. P. WRENN, Real Estate, Life and Insur ance Agent - Wtn attend tocoilecting of money on account or Bote. Prompt attention given to all business n- PAINTS, OILS, Umm BRUSHES, GLASS, BUB, TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, TOILET ARTICLES AC. A fnll line ot B- oks. Staiinne'v and Wall PaDer. O'. r drars are fresh am well selected. Paesciipiions compennded at all hours. 18-26ly poors, wadows, SSnds and Xonldiogs Ke0 ewostantly oe hsd. iTOfHee erposHe King's Stsbles. tSH. Wheat and other Grain Stored on the best of Terms by -AT- Corvallis and Booneville. SACKS PDRNISHED TO PATRONS, Lieutenant Govomor Tabor, of Colorado, proposes to give Denver a public library, with a building costing $200,000. and 100,- 000 volumes. The Oregon and Nevada Railroad Com pany in trouble. It is reported that tne nn,n.nv is li&nkrnrjt. and its property is v ..... .... . - liable to pass into the hands of the Virginia & Truckee Railroad company. Tne White river cheese factory, is running on full time, and turning out a large quan tity of cheese. This factory consumes about 6000 pounds of milk daily. The second annual fair of the Mohawk Farmers Club will be held at the Stafford school house, Satnrday, Oct. 16th. I. en trance fee, and free admissions. Premiums, blue and rod ribbons. Fx-Collector Ball, of Sitka, will knock at th rloora of Confiress next winter.for ad- The crop this year in France so good as It was last year. Departments returned it is reported very good in three, good in thirty, fairlv eood in twenty-three, medium miagion as a delegate from Alaska having ........... it,..- ol UA ;n ion Tn I taas nhoaen at a recent election in that r m in t.il-u tliiii inin account, iiud to I s .... tt ,t, -' - ; nA A I Territory. .v - - AUSiroriu...y iuc ..F . B ' to lr.tfira. i. to be orcan . -i .: I . . r -. , i. i aud wj . - recollect at tne same t.iue n. above tne av. rage. in naiy w . . . . . r; f Yakima, in eastern igher or lower surplus in California medium and Inferior to that of last Washington. It will be a large county, and as very little to do with prices in year, and the same is true of the though at present thinly settled, contains Turkish provinces on the Danube, many natural resources to be developed. In Germany, taking one hundred as representative of the average TL. .;r .tsm nf East (jhi. wsr. m, wre biwji i a- I .... r o I J ca.ro consiMs of the purchase by to about eighty. Ill Dw.taerianu vtHm mn of 8.000 aeres of land in the yield wis greatly reduced by a . hndv in the northwest corner of extreme heat and fironsini; 7 00 8 08 10 00 14 00 C& 00 1 lua'lh.R M.t. I..' HVHta .11 uuMl vuiuwu, uww . n each notice. Exceeding; this amount 18 n-p gm line for each insertion ri ' Transient and Legal AdTertisements St. 00 Mr square for first and 81.00 for each subssjerSeat M- Uon, No charge foraffldarit of publication. Transient advertisements to be paid in DYaCB. PVofeUfoirsl or business cards (i square) SIS pee anninn, $ No deviation, ttt the above rates will beaaaaa tea' favor of any advertiser. , Telegrams, New York. Sept 28. Second SMeeaWf district of St.- L.iwf-noe oounty and Allegh-- ny county elect anti-stalwarts. N. Y. Sun: It is reported from excellent sources of information that Robertson will soon resign the collectorahip. He has him self furnished oouolusi ve proof of bis inten tion to withdttrw by consenting to be elected delegate to the ttpublioan state SonveaUon. With his views of civil' service refoHBr her -would not become a delegate unlees ' in tended to retire from tne coUectswstup at saar Chicago, Sept. 28. Result of the republic can county conyentrons neia tnrougoons Iowa, all but eight of vrftwh have been hsJd- leaves no doubt that James 1. w liaos wm be first choice for tbe United States Senate of a very large majority .of the Belt few -legislature. The only notable resolution were one against a tmru term, one anasv repudiation, and denouncing the republic.au for refusing to reduce the rate of interest en the national debt, one demanding nrossvaV tion of the star route swindlers, and one fax voring the' government handling the tale-' graph and press service, aad ragrturtieg tail' road charges, President Arthur to-day directed the Hk mo val of Sol Star, postmaster at Deadwood, Dakota, for confessed complicity ith star route contractor in defending, the yostoffie department. MacVeagh is the first awmberof the cat inet to announce his determination to hvs his foimal resisnation of last week regarx'ad as final. MacVeagb accepted a position in Oaffields cabinet with only otter raotire, ef devoting himself to-a reform in oivfl servwe. He has been so occupied with work since he became attorney general that his health haw suffered. He is anxious to get back to the practice of law. In reply to a question if the star route prosecntfons would be delayed by his retirement ire said he had never at tended to the details of the case. They had been in good hands and would continue m the same till the trials were concluded la favor of justice. New York. Sept. SoA Post's Uties special My, jlones, of Nevada, Who has bee closetei with Conkling since Wednesday night, left for New York acoompaWto the station by Conkling who boarded the : a iseth car tdl it was! tram - . li.. v-ll j raady to steirt. It is noir gssaj -TTT that the result of the Conference wiU have early and iniportant tearing eu affaars a Washington. Sa Franciscfl. 8s. 29. Last fall the appearance of a finely executed coa $10 piece was noticed m this city aad Sacra ZJLZ The coirrs were made of Babbit .ntnl and lead and were eJeotrotyped. Othesf than being a little light they weew uwlutuv guishable from gsuuiue oag.w -therefore a dangerous production. . . i o . tm Tomorrow's Astoriast wiilSiaro valedictory ofD. ObU who has disposed of the whoU piaaand business to J, T. HalloraH k C. tste at California, to but the I nnaliLv of the errain is eood. The nuiHim lor B.,wv,wv,.niiiu re. ...... i ? 4 ...... ui:..i. - n.nnCsntiinncr I He lp-ian ctod is tar Deiow uie CBISUUBII J lC Tm .i.oti.u.wvv. ...j I f-i ft and trading center, with 10 miles ot age, wtMie tne op...m. water front and abundance of acces- Holland tne yieta is up to tne i . i J attdat tod room. The country many age ana ine qua.uy gou. E. . - - - . - , , . miles southeast cf Chicago near Lake tirttisn crop is returnee, oy as o...s Uwdaieran i low and marshy, three about ten per cent, below the arerage n 1 . . . a a . 1. - 1 . .. t ui i-..j , tfl ,.an 5lv h and this report was maae ueiore tne KX.0n and says it compares very 7 " "?""'"' J I . . ., ......... . .... -A t... I fc recent damaffine rains, f rom niree with that raiseuoy mm aiu aver- In aver- The Tffe new logging cars are being built for the Tacoma mill Company, to be used on their louring road to Big Skookum Bay. These oars will each have sixteen wheels under them and will be different front any thing heretofore gotten out on the Sound. The barn af H. F, Joy, situated about 7 miles south of Salem was burned last week He also lost thresher, header, a large amount of bay, and also a small quantity of wheat which was stored therein. Last week Mr. P. C. James brought in a specimen of tobaco raised near Knox's Butte in this county, says the Albany uemocrat. Mr James raised two hundred plants this It) made deep enough to float a mer chant marine, and entrance between '.hem and Lake Michigan is only a matter of a little money. The dock age of old Chicago is about used up, and the grea lumber interests, the iron and f -ne interests, must have more r .n somewhere near; the pro posed area of East Chicago is only about 16 miles away, and is an area of about four miles square except that the northeast corner, say about one fifth of the area, sinks into Lake Michigan. How the project will turn out no one oan say; as an old Chica- goan remarked to-day, "You can't most always sometimes tell about these things," and the irside men are very reticent of their plans. Joseph P. Ord ot Philadelphia represents capitalists of that city and of New York, and ex-Senator Barnum of Connecticut is known to be iu it: S. J. Tilden, Genera- McCook and Gov. Cornell are said to be in it. The three great lines of road pass through it, the Michigan Southern, the Pitts burg and Fort Wayne and the Balti more and Ohio, and it may become the eastern terminus of the Chicago Belt Road. Chicago Corn Troy Times. There has been discovered near Floras creek in Curry county, what appears to be the ruraa of an ancient city bull I of cut atone. The sites of the numerous buildings are indicated by mounds in and under which bv making excavations, are found masses of etoiie. bjsuDs Farmers will do well to call on me before making arrangements; elsewhere J 4oWB Erasjons are projpesslrfg. Inl7jt hundred and fifty-fonr advices re ceived by the Mark Lane Express as ! to the .harvest in Great Britain twenty-three show an over-average, one hundred and fifty-nine an aver- ' age, and one hundred and seventy- one an under average. On the whole the year has been a poor one throughout most of Europe, and the o-eneral wheat CTOD 18 belOW the average. in Southern Illinois. Gov. Thayer has issued the follpwimg commissions; Jos. F. Kelly, Captam; Kob t. Roden. 1st Lieutenant, and Richard West- acott, 2d Lieutenant, of Capital Guards, Co. D. 1st Regiment, Second Brigade, O. S. M. Oregon has sent away 14 vessels with wheat, has six in port ana seventy-one on the way, due between this and next March. These will carry 136,600 tons, leaving 263,500 tons, or 166 vessels to be cbtained if we ship all our surplus owore next August. A Chicago journal contains an interview with President Dillon, of the Union ra T?ilwav Company. Mr IMUon saia Donald McKay, chief of the Warm Spring Indians, is visiting in Columbus, Ohio. An exchange says he weighs 200 pounds and is . , . , cine itaiiway vumij. 45 year, of age. He bears upon hi. body of the Oregon Short Line, projected from Granger. BO west of Omaha, to Portland, Oregon k;ti7 nnahed with energy. One hundred o r . A rsmort comes from New YorkJftha Arthur has tendered a place m his cabinet to Jndge Lspbamv the Sw senator tt New York. This would leave to Gov, Cot- nell an opportunity to call a specia. to electaaenatot, tons opening for Conkl.Bg "O The eX-ooafederatesJ at their re-union at Moberly, Missouri, last night adopted resolutions expressing " selves in fnll sympathy With afief for the untimely aeain oi '"- tbeir heartfelt con' dolence and prayers for the stnckea family deprecating the growta ui r .-7. k. !..,,!( J.mins that SBf assassination .u mo jjtsj . w ex-confederate Soldier desires a penswns from the federal government or any state f re-affirming their acceptance or tne aw.w- ment of the issues of the late war. asm denouncing train robbers and calling lor tne. extermination f that class of enmiaala. Chicage, Sept. 30Thers s strong prob ability that the White House mw"? " wedding during tne preseut . - between the president and the widow ol m a well known and very wealthy eW Yorker. Washington, Sept. 29. -If bonds come is. the same as yesterday tne present can exhaust 4329,000,000 of extended sixes. . Papers filed with Garfield by ofneeessksset are being withdrawn in order to vwas.ee them to Arthur, roaaiom. r..v.i; o.t OO The. Catholic Bishops of Ireland, in session at Msynooth College, adopted a resolution that tne lano wc ae - a-1 -c. uuu far which araii- tude is generally due to the government aad all who helped to carry the measure. The sy a. -Si ehstset bishiop summon tno ciergy w jr"" rM AMb- .Min.r all eacraE sesbm v and intimidation. eighteen wounds received in various Indian battles while in the employ of the govern ment. He speaks English, German, French and Spanish, and eight Indian tongues. He was a scout for Grant in 1855, arid be was a second lieutenant for George B. McClellan when the later was a captain, exploring Orecon and Washington Territories. He has acted as interpreter in every Indian treaty mads west of tbe Rocky Mountains. The Tacoma Ledger says: Dr. Tolme, one of the oldest residents of the - Northwest coast, has been on a visit to the Sound country. He sailed into the month of the Columbia river in 1833, and for sixteen con- setutive years resided at Nisqually as Chief I the roof Ad the walls of the main ot cen Factor of the Hudson Bay Company. This D the building, which will be four position brought the doctor in contact witn I .toriew hieh. one story higher tnan tne all the Indians in the Territory ot Oregon, rmander of th building will be finished and he is well known by the old people of q few daysas also the kitchen and chapel. the various reservations. I fllanton and Charley Riley, had a Cootodge Oo. lot 400 bushels of oat. at Sublimity about terent, years . ... .. TtiU then left the country. A few on the Mattoon place in tne vvaiao nuis 7 ' . . . u , 71 rj.- no Tk- J- . I days since these parties met again in Baker .D JZZJZ tv. aad both drew pistols and fired at k w- nnttnow mon. 1 each other. Blanton feU dead, and Kiley itLwwa.wt-M ilWosdyatWsatoutoa miles of track will be laid this season. A report was current at the Dalles last week that a Mr. Smith had been sent from the Treasury Department at Washington, to inquire into the propriety of stopmg further appropriations for the construction of the Canal. Hon. M. C. George addressed a large mass meeting on the subject, pro testing against it. The north ward of the Insane Asylum is up and all ready for tha tin root The walls of the adjoining ward are all up ready for t amnr OA Th deatructioB by an earthquake Kn Abruxa far sseeeda anything indicated by first report. Tho archbishop of Chicti appeals piteMsly fo help. He says the disaster is only compa rable to that of Cssasaac.ola. Over HX houses are uninhabitable and the rest mora or less fissured. Four-fifths of the popula tion are shelterless. Paris, Sept. 29. -The BulUtfn D-hlles estimates the wheat crop of Franca at Mi,' 123,000 bushels, if it does not exceed thss amount. Urger importe thtt lart year wUl be required to supply the wants of the country, An attempt was made to blew sa ihm residence of Capt. Thos Moyd, at rau- Green, county Limerick, to-day. dence was occupied at tha time by lsps. Moyd and 117 emergency men sad police. One side of the building was shattered by dynamite. London Sept. 30. ThefBhes beea aoe.. eiderable business to-day nfwderae dollar bonds at 31 4 per cent. London, Sept. 30. -The Time, pnblishee. a draft of the Scottish land liill prepared by the Scottish chamber of agriculture and says it is one of the most feasible sassasures e ..- nn.tiin aver submitted to par. liament. It makes the strictest proviaiee relative to compensation for t-j Rant. M Sixtv-three nd others sailed from Liverpeel Tneslttay, for Teants, -