The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, September 16, 1881, Page 3, Image 3

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Corvallis, Sept. 16, 1881.
Entered at the Postoffice At Corvallis,
Oregon, aa second-class matter.
Mr. J. H. Bates, Newspaper Ad vertising
Agent. 41 Park Row (Times Bqjjtding), New
York, is authorized to contract for advertise
ment in the Gazetts at our best rates.
L. P. Fisher, advertising agent, 21 Mer
chants' Exchange, San Francisco, is author
ised to receive advertisements for the col
umns of this paper.
very second and fourth Sabbath in each hvonth
at lh College Chapel, by the Rev. F. P. Davidson.
Services bejin at 11 a. IL, and 6:30 T. M. All are in
vited. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Regular services
every Sabbath morning and evening. Sunday
Shoo I at the close of the moraine service. Prayer
Meting Thnrsday evening at 7 o'clock. Public cor
Oially invited. H. P. DUNNING.
EVANGELICAL CHURCH Services regularly ev
ery Sabbath morning and evening, unless otherwise
announced. Sunday school at 3 f. u. each Sabbath.
Prayer meeting every Thursday at 7 r. M. The
public cordially invited
Rev. J. Bowbksox, Pastor.
ah am win hold! regular services in this church
the 1st and 2nd Sundays in each mouth a" 11 and 7.
r a.
X. E. CHURCH Regular services every Sunday,
at 11 a. a. and 7 t. u. Sunday-school at the close of
morning service, with Bible classes for old and young.
Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. A
general Invitation and cordial welcome.
8. A. STARR, Pastor.
at. E. CHURCH SOUTH Services every Sabbath
at 11 a. K. aad 7 r. u., at the college chapci. Sunday
school at 9:t0 a. . Prayer moetlng Friday evening
at 7 o'cloct. Public cordially invited.
- Joseph Emert, Pastor.
T. J. Buford
Keeps all of the leading
Newspapers, Magazines, 'Novels, etc.
Full cream cheese at Ray's.
. Mumps are prevalant in Baker City.
Cedar posts for sale at Cheuoweth and
Jos. Nixon, of Albany, was in tbe city
Lafe Wilson has gone to Monroe to remain
for some time.
Alex. Lamb, called yesterday and reports
Monroe unchanged.
J as. Foster Jr. is now in the employ of
the O. P. R. R. Co.
All kinds of Blanks in stock and for sale
at the Gazette office.
For the latest patterns in wall-paper, go
to the new furniture store.
Washington Teritory is out of debt and
has $15,000 in her treasury.
We have seen several parties from Alba
tiy en route for Yaquina this week.
Mr. Norris Humphrey of Eugene, was in
the city Tuesday last on business.
George L. Pittock of the Oregon i an, has.
been reappointed a notary public by Gov.
Fresh Yaquina Oysters at Carlile's. Per
sons wishing supplies for families shculd
order in the forenoon.
Joe Wilson is Jrorne on a short vacation
he left his p.-.rty at Summit. Joe looks as if
railroad working agreed with him.
Corvallis is a good place for a book
bindery. Any information concerning the
same will be freely given at this office.
Hon. Geo. A. Wagoner of Monroe, was
in our office Wednesday. He reports har
vest over and people happy in his part of the
Miss Nellie Levins of Dallas, who has
been visiting at Yaquina Bay for several
weeks, passed through Corvallis the first of
this week en route for home.
George Mercer left yesterday to survey
si plot of government land on the soutb side
of the bay on the coast. He was accom
panied by T. J. Buford.
Norman S-, son of Capt. J. M. A vies, of
this county, Aged 14 years, arrived itt Cor
vallis Monday direct from England His
father met him in Portland.
The 24th, one week from tomorrow, is
Roach Hoshanah or Jewish New Year. This
day is observed by all Jews, and their va
rious places of business will be closed.
An apple tree on the property of Mrs.
McCnne in this city has fully matured ap
plet and blossoms on the same limb. The
second crop will be for sale in January.
The Corvallis plow company cast a num
ber of car wheels for the O. P. R. R. Co.,
last week. These wheels are to be used on
construction cars at the tunnel at Fords
I Geo. E Bently, formerly of this city,
passed through Corvallis Wednesday on
his way to the bay. George has been in
Eastern Oregon for several months past, but
has recently returned to Albany.
The following letters remain uncalled for
at the post office in Corvallis, Sept. 15th: O.
F. Bight, Tom Case, Nida Ferguson, M.
Hice, Mrs. Nettie Sherwood, Mary Vollum,
Andrew Wanger. N. R. Barber, P. M.
J. W. Brasfield and J. H. Berry, of June
tion city, were in the city yesterday. They
report Junction in good condition, and sat
that Lane county is greatly rejoiced over
the construction of the 0. P. R. R.
A deed of trust conveying the Oregon and
California railroad and all its branches and
property to Henry Villard, Robert Davie
Peebles aad Charles Brotherton, was filed
in the county clerk's office at Portland laet
Mr. W. P. Ready has become a successful
fisherman. While at Elk City the first of
this week he Ought eight mud cats aad C
craw fish rrf less thaa six hours. He was
sadly disappointed however when told that
none of his fish were of say use whatever
except to belt for trout.
Chas. Alexander lost a valuable team
last week, oae of the' horses had been aOing
for some time and died in the pasture. The
other had worked regularly ap to a few
hours before it (tied, from some cause not
known. This is quite a heavy lost particu
larly now that teams are in so much demand;
T. J. Buford
Keeps the best brands of
Cigars and Tobaccos in the city.
Fresh roasted coffee at Ray's.
Croquet is ripe in some poitpns of Cor
vallis. i
A. C. Layton of Albany, was itt Corvallis
M. Stock returned from San Francisco on
last Tuesday.
Mrs. John Monteith of Albany is visiting
friends in this city.
J. E. Dixon of Elk City was in town the
fore part of the week.
Dave Osbttrn of Monroe has been in the
city for several days.
Miss Annie Mansfield of Albany is visit
ing friends in this city.
Mrs. Zeph Job is visiting friends and rela
tives near Scio, in Linn county.
Wanted. A few more cords of wood on
ubscription at this office.
T. J. Buford, agent for the American
Book Exchange of New York.
The Corvallis Gazette for sale on the
counter of Buford's news depot.
' C. D. Simpson of Albany was in the city
the first of the week and favored us with a
The Dallas Brass band has added three
new instruments to their band at a cost of
C. C. Cherrjr and Wm. Miller, of Albany,
passed through Corvaiiis bound for the bay
on Monday.
Louis Belfils formerly of this place but now
a resident of Boseburg is spending a few
days in town.
H. Tilly Browne was in the city the last
of the week, his engineer party are now at
work at the summit.
R.C. Kiger returned from the Bunch
grass country laet Tuesday looking much
improved by his trip.
A full line of new and handsome patterns
of crockery and glassware just received at
Ray's. Call and examine.
Hon. J. K. Weatherford, wife and family
arrived at their home in Albany, last week
from a trip to California and Missouri.
D. T. Stanley of Monmouth formerly Edi
tor of the Messenger at that place, is now
one of the Engineers on the O. P. R. R.
At John Lewis's market can be found the
finest kind of fresh meats; and steaks, so
tender that they will melt in the mouth.
J. L. Collins of Dallas tore down a notice
of an ordinance posted by order of the town
council and was arrested and fined $50
and cost.
Dont forget the mass meeting at the city
Hall tomorrow. The improvement of the
Yaquina bay is a matter, in which all are
alike interested.
The body of a child, about five years old,'
was washed ashore at Yaquina bay last
Sabbath. Its mother did not wish to go
out on the bay to wash it.
The following from the Itemissr: the Pres
byterian choir of Corvallis expects to give a
concert in Bntler's Hall soon, for the benefit
of the new church at Independence.
Hon. M L. Piper, and Oiner Waller Of
Independence was in Corvallis last Saturday
for the purpose of adjusting some unsettled
business for Mr. Waller, they favored the
Gazette with a call.
Since the announcement that the presi
dent ate a whole Woodcock for breakfast
our junior announces his firm determination
to remain this side of the Rocky mountains
until Mr. Garfield recovers.
A porcupine, killed by the Severe boys
west of Monmouth, was on exhibition at
the postoffice one day last week. Another
is reported as having escaped. Such ani
mals are a rarity in- this valley.
E. J. Frasier, from San Francisco, arrived
in Corvallis Tuesday on the 3 p. M. train
and Wednesday morning started for the
Yaquina. where he expects to reside in the
future. We acknowledge a pleasant call.
An estemed fellow townsman W. C.
Crawford, while splitting wood last Wednes
day morning, had the misfortune to strike his
foot instead of the stick with the ox inflict
ing a very severe and painful wound. Yet
men will presist in cutting wood.
All persons desiring dry goods notions
and things in the general merchandise line,
can find the very best prices at H. E' Harris's
in this place. Mr. Harris, is an old estab
lished pioneer metcjumt and always favors
his customers with the best possible terms.
We have heard of several men in the last
week who have just arrived from California
by way of Portland, who say that having
heard of the work on the Yaquina railroad
in California made inquiry about it in Fort
land, but could not find any one who knew
that work had commenced or was likely to
at any time.
The Albany Democrat of the 9;h says:
Track laying on the Narrow Gauge from
Brownsville to Corvallis began yesterday
and will be rushed along rapidly until the
road is completed to that point This is
something new to us Corvallisites we did
not know that such a road to Corvallis was
under contemplation.
Rev. F. Elliott of the M. E. church, is
now in charge of the Corvallis circuit and
the usual services will be continued at that
church in this city as formerly; we have
had the pleasure of listening to Mr. Elliott
preach and were very favorably impressed
with his sermon and general demeauer.
Private Bird, of company D 6 th cavalry,
who was killed in the recent Indian out
break in Arizona is supposed to be Henry
Bird for a number of years a resident of this
city, and well known to all whose residence
dates back five years. It is known that he
was a member of the 6th Cavalry and hie
term of enlistment wottld have expired in
about a month.
Last Saturday and all Aty Sabbath the
streets of Corvallis were actually crowded
with strangers all of Whom seemed to have
business of their own to attend to, and alt
were quiet and civil, many of them were
connected with the railroad, but still there
is quite a number of strangers or at least
new commars in the city who are here for
permenant residence.
Hon. D. G. Clark and wife, of Albany,
were in the city yesterday. ,
S. A. Hemphill has made a short visit
to the Bay returning Tuesday evening.
Wheat is now coming into town by the
thousands of bushels every day.
Capt. M. S. Mohteith, of Albany,, was in
the city Tuesday and favored us with a call.
Tyra Smith, and John Baker together
raised over ten thousand bushels of wheat.
The harvest is past the summer ended
and the Gazette office needs a large amount
of wood on subscription.
Carlile has just received a targe invoice of
the Phceuix cigars, the best bit cigar ever
o tiered in this market.
Fifty tons of railroad iron has arrived at
Yaquina Bay from Portland to be used for
construction purposes on the O. P. R. R.
Rev. S. A. Star has gone to Siletz to
take charge of the Indian school, to which
post he has been assigned by the M E
Harvest is over and the farmers are now
buisy hauling their wheat to market The
yield has been an abundant one and the
prospect for good prices still favorable.
Wm. Gird of Long Tom was in the city the
latter part of last week and following the
example of nearly all the people iu Benton
county called and' left his order for the
Our streets are crowded with strangers
anil the Hotels all filled to their utmost .
capicity, many of these persons are men
who have come here with a view of finding
a home in this seition.
H. C. Lewis says he appreciates a good
newspaper, and although be is a democrat
of the old style, wants the best paper he
can get, so he subscribed for the Gazette.
A five cent contribution fund has been
started in Salem for the benefit of Sergeant
Mason who shot at Guitteau recently. The
fund is to be employed in his defense for the
crime, A. T. Yeaton of Salem receives the
money and the Statesman wiw" publish the
names of all coutributers.
John Benson takes the right view of mat
ters. His brother, Dr. Benson in Illinois,
wanted him to write and keep him advised
in relation to the various interests and im
provements of this section of the country,
so John came iu and ordered the Gazette
sent to his address for one vear.
From James Hayes, who has just return
ed from the Bay, we learn- that one day last
week the government scow loaded with
rock and anchored near the breakwater,
dragged her anchor 2nd started to sea, but
the anchor getting caught while on the bar,
the tug went out and towed her back to her
moorings without so much as the loss of her
Geo. Wagner returned this week from a
hunting trip near the Alsea. One of his
companions killed three elk and George put
an end to a large buck elk. After the poor
beast was dead George utilized all of its
different parts in a manner which exhibited
much ingenuity. Our limited space forbids
giving full particulars of his wondrous tact
George, however, can give lull particulars.
Mr, D. H. Woodvvorth, from Ottawa
county Kansas, and Mr. Smith, from Iowa
together with their fa-nilies arrivjj here
last Monday, seeking permanent homes in
Oregon. We had a talk with Mr. Veod
worth who seemed well pleased with the
country and reports others soon to follow,
if his raport to them is favorable. Thus
new 'faces greet us daily and gladly we
welcome them.
N. P. Briggs and family and Wayman
StCIair and family returned from Upper
Soda last Wednesday where they had been
rusticating for several weeks. They report
game and fish abundant. They further
report that several persons in that neighbor
hood aie killing deer in great numbers
simply for the skins, leaving the carcasses
for the wolves and other wild animals. This
wanton destruction of game should be pun
ishable in a severe manner by law.
From Rev. Anthony Simpson we learn
that about $700 have been subscribed for
the Presbyterian church to be erected in
this city, (Independence) aside from the lot
on which it will be built. Of this sum W.
S. Ladd, Esq., of Portland, contributes
9100. The Board of Church Erection will
appropriate no doubt enough more to make
the sum about $1,200. The work, it is ex
pected, will be commenced this month and,
if possible, the buildiug will be completed
by the first of January. We are glad to
note tins improvement on the moral side of
our progressive city. ltemizer.
All of our subscribers will bear in mind
that subscriptions to the Gazette are pay
able in advance. And We hope no one will
ask us to deviate from this rule. Since Mr.
Carter's death the subscription books have
been sadly neglected thus permitting some
subscribers to become delinquent. We hope
therefore that onr patrons will call and pay
up and save US the unpleasant trouble of
notifying them to do so. All persons who
have engaged to pay in wood, will please
to bring us a full coid and if desired we
-will pay them in cash the difference in the
value of the wood and the pries of the paper
for the year.
hI FoTtrBK Pfrosintcrs of Bknton
County. At no time in the past nas the
future of Benton county presented brighter
prospects than the present, for years many
of our people have known that on our coast
was a harbor which with a little aid from
the Government would become the outlet to
the sea for the whole of the Willamette
Valley and Eastern Oregon. Congress
has at last recognized the importance of
this Bay and an appropriation has been made
which we trust and believe is only a fore
runner of other appropriations far more
generous, the present appropriation will
soon be expended and fnlicn good will be
accomplished thereby, and if the present
efforts of the people of this county to raise
sufficient money to keep the work going on
until the next congressional aid can be uti
lized, only a few months will elapse before
the Yaquina Bay will be one of the best har
bors on the Pacific coast. The Oregon
Pacific is finishing the work on its railroad
from the Bay to Eastern Oregon, as fast as
men and money can construct Railroads
through that class of .country and in but a
few months more the mountains and valleys
of Benton county will echo back the sound of
the locomotive from Corvallis to the Ya
quina bay, and fSuch of the graiu of the
present harvest will find an outlet to deep
water without paying tribute to Portland
and Astoria. Surely Benton county and
the whole Willamette valley has. cause for
feeling thaukful for the important improve
ments now going on, and whose early com
pletion will be felt not only by added con
venience to business and an increase of popu
lation but its weiget will be felt in the
pocket of every farmer in Oregon in the
shape of solid coin the result of an increased
price of produce.
Sabbath is Cohvallis. One thing that
always strikes a stranger in our town is the
quiet and perfect absence of drunkeness
and rowdyism on onr Streets on the Sab
bath day also that all stores and other pla
ces of business are closed and the whole air
of the town has at least an outward apper
ance of respect for the religeous feeling of
the community and for the laws of the coun
try on that subject: in this respect Corvallis
differs widely from most of the other 'cities
of Oregon aud we feel assured that the ma
jority of our citizens will join -us in self
congratulation on this subject. This whol
some state of iiiorals is owing partly to the
fact that our business men recognize that
Sabbath is a day of rest by common consent
spend their time at home with their families,
and partly to tbe fact that the city, council,
fully appreciating that such a. law would be
in the interest of the peace and quiet
of the city, several years since passed a
strict Sunday Ordinance which notwith.
standing the various changes in that body,
is still unrepealed, and which we trust will
remain unaltered for all lime to come.
Mrs. Kerr, the widow of ex-Speaker M.
C. Kerr, now lives iu Louisville, Ky. She
was a close friend of Mrs. Garfield, and re
members that Gen. Garfield was supersti
tious in regard to the length of his life.
Mrs. P. R. Baldwin, of this place was a
member of bis congregation in the little
town of Solon, Cuyahoga county Ohio, and
heard him preach his farewell sermon at
the breaking out of the war, he then stated
that although prompted to enlist as a chris
tian c'uty to his country, be had a strong
presentiment that he should never live to re
turn. May the fears So generallyjfelt in the
present crisis prove as groundless as his own
have thus far proved.
Public Examination. Teachers, and all
interested, are hereby notified that a public
examination will be held at the College, in
this city, on Saturday, Sept. 24, commencing
at 9 o'clock a. m. E. B. MeElkot,
Sup't of Schools.
Corvallis, Sept. 14, tt&L 2w38
Mr. Eugene Williams, of Newport, was
united in marriage to Miss O'Donold, of
Portland, last Tuesday at Newport The
happy couple passed through this city yes
terday, ea route fcr Portlvid, where tbey
spend their honeymoon.
Gone to his Rkst. Yesterday we receiv
ed the sad intelligence that Richard C. Clark,
formerly a resident o'f this county, had died
at his residence iu McMinnville. We have
heard no further particulars except that he
had been sick a short time with fever. Mr.
Clark was a native of Missouri, and about
50 years old. His wife, who survives him,
is a daughter of Wm. G. Porter of this
county. He had been with the exception
of a few years a resident of Benton county
for nearly or quite 20 years, and was well
and favorably known in this city and the
south part of the county, where he had re
sided. About ten months since he moyed
to McMiiinville where he has since resided.
A good man, an honored citizen, a true
friend, an affectionate husband and kind
father has been called hence, and we can not
believe but to a more perfect life. May his
rest be peaceful and his awakening glorious.
Arrested. An old wretch by the name
of Lowery was arrested in this city this
week by deputy Marshal Miller for giving
whisky to Indians. This is the fifth time
he has been arrested for the same offense
and taken before Judge Dtady, and every
time before he has been convicted, and the
evidence this time is conclusive. Such deg
radation is seldom reached by man, and the
only cheering feature that we can see in the
matter is that the old reprobate has about
outlived God's statute of limitation and will
soon sink into a disgraced and nameless
grave. He was taken to Portland yesterday
by Harry McCormack, Dep'tU. S. Marshal
who came up after him the day before.
Nearly every train on the -West side
brings a car load of chinamen to work on
the Oregon Pacific.
Another large supply of dump carts ar
rived at the depot the first of the week
for the railroad.
A party of men are at work at rocky
point west of Felgers mill blasting.
Engineer Browne's party are now at the
the Summit, the decent on tdie west side at
this place will be the most dificult pass on
the route.
White men with teams and Chinamen
with picks and shovels are at work on the
Railroad in an almost unbroken line from
this city to Philomath.
LoOK opt for Tramps. We have heard
of several houses being visited by these un
welcome visitors in the last week, under
Oover of darkness, but no thefts of any :on
sequence have been committed.
kemoval. ne telephone o trice is re
moved to the vacant room next door to the
post office, same building. Harry Holgate
is still employed, and his lively "Hello" in
response to signals is heard as usual.
To Rent. A comfortable business house
on main street, terms reasonable. Also
a aew bnilding, three rooms plastered.
Inquire Of D. lrvin sen, or this office. 1 m
It is reported that Hi. Smith's large ware
house near the depot at Harrisburg was en
tirely consumed by fire on the 9th inst.
Fannie Powell and Chas. Hill have re
ceived State University scholarships fiom
Multnomah County.
School opened at the" State University on
I Monday last.
School began at Lafayette on the 5th inst:
Diphtheria has again appeared in Sheri
dan. Eola wants a sawmill, grist mill and brick
The Walla Walla county fair opens on
the 15th.
Numerous blackbirds are harvesting the
grain in Lake county.
An A. O . U. W. lodge is to be organized
at Ashland on the 16th.
The store and hotel of J. E. Richards
were burned at Mitchell Or., on the 2nd inst.
Some 35 Indians from the Warm Springs
reservation are picking hops near Brownsville.
A Kanaka company working in the
Klamath river, 25 hands, took out 280 oun
ces of gold dust in six days.
A mill in Beaver Valley, Columbia county,
was destroyed by fire last Friday night
Loss $2000; no insurance.
The board of health of Astoria have de
cided that children who have not been vac
cinated.shall not be fijuBHjH to the public
The county jail at Portland is to be lined
with J-inch iron plate on the parts exposed
to the' attack of prisoners attempting to
Judge and Mrs. Matthew P. Deady .will
-leave Portland on the 20th inst, en route to
New York, to be absent about three
Alexander Stephens'has two stenograph
ers hard at work assisting him to write a
book in reply to Jeff. Davis's history of the
Hon J. Q. Thouton's residence in Salem
took fire from sparks from the flue last Sat
urday, but was saved by the timely arrival
of the fire department.
Joseph Osborn, deputy warden at the
State Penitentiary has been discharged by
Superintendent Bush for conduct unbecom
ing an officer of that institution.
Judge StOtt of the fourth Judicial Dis
trict, has decided the contest for mayoralty
of Portland between Hoc. Joseph Simwn
and D. P. Thompson, in favor of Thompson.
The prospect is that all of the warehouses
at Harrisburg will be full though the rust
has shriveled a great deal of wheat in that
portion of the country.
A petition is being circulated in the vicin
ity of Lewisville asking Postal Agent Simp
son to change the schedule of the Dalias
and Alsea mail from Mondays and Thurs
days to Wednesdays and Saturdays'.
The decrease in the number of sheep in
Wasco county since the last yearly assess
ment numbers 181,158 head; in cattle, 40,
255 bead; horses, 1705 head.
The dwelling house just north of the en
trance gate to the Fair grounds at Salem,
was burned. The building was recently
owned by tbe State Agricultural Society,
The Pacific Bridge company's men finish
ed the railroad bridge across the Calapooia
on the 5th inst. The depot is nearly finish
ed and most of the track laid to the bridge,
so they will soon be able to run trains south
of Brownsville.
Mrs. Mager, committed suicide by taking
Strychnine in Washington county a few days
since, deceased was lorrerly the wite of
Frederick Mager, a farmer, living near
Cedar Mill, from whom she was divorced last
The Walla Walla Journal learns that
Tonssaint, who was tried at Spokan Falls
for attempted incendiarism and sentenced
to five years in the penitentiary, mysterious
ly disappeared on Saturday last, from the
jail in which he was confined.
On Thursday, Sept. 8th, Mr. Isac Head-
rick died at Howell Prairie. Mr. Headrick
was born in Kentucky in the year 1801, and
in 1820, he removed to Missouri, where he
remained until 1847 he crossed tne plains
to Oregon, he settled on Howel Paririe,
where he has lived most of the time since.
Gov. Neweli, of Washington Territory,
speaks in the most enthusiastic terms of his
trip to the north, and prophesies a grand
future for Alaska. One of the' leading fea
tnres of that country for tourists is the gla
zier called the Ouk, about three miles from
the coast. It is the second in size on this
Mr. Olds, of Middleton, Washington,
county, has discovered a bed of paint, on
his farm at that place. It is of a dark
brown color, and several parties who have
tested it say that it is of excellent quality,
containing mst enouen iron to make it Bur-
David Newsome in a letter to the Albarjr
Herald says: It seems to be a fixed fact that
a standard gauge railroad from Wallula via
Snoqualime pass to Seattle, W, T., will be
built very shortly, and another one like it
from Portland to some point on the' sound
perhaps at or near Tacoma.
Savs the Chattanooga commercial: The
majority in North Carolina against prohi
bition is reported to be over 120,000 and
the returns from the "back townships" con
tinue to increase it. Guess the inhabitants
of that state are not in' favor of shutting off
their toddy, just yet
Willapa, over in Pacific county. W. T.
says the astorian, is seriously afflicted with
the small pox, Daniel Wilson, Miss Clara
Bullard, Miss Minerva WithcOmb, Branch
Bullird and several others, names unknown
are afflicted. Wilson's is the only case that
is considered so far dangerous. Nobody
from up the Willapa ii allowed to land at
South Bend.
A man in Columbia county W. T., reports
having cleared up an average of 96 bushels
of oats to the acre from 80 acres of land.
The local paper says it is the largest yield
yet heard of in that country.' He should'
come over to Puget Sound and go down into
the Swinomish country if he would learn
what really productive soil is. The average
take all that farming district, will go 100
bushels to the acre, aad often 120 bushels
sire produced per acre. Seattle Post
Mr. John Church, recently from Nevada
has bought the Coast Mail and assumed ed
itorial charge.
Two fairs are to be held in Lane county
this year.
Mrs A. S, Duniway is making a tour of
Southern Oragoh.
From one quart of Mole's white wheat,
Sowed last winter, M. T. Dyer of Myrtle
creek raised 600 lbs.
Gov. Thayer ha3 appointed P. C. Parker,
of Oakland, Oregon, and E. De Peattle, of
Ashland, Oregon, Notaries Public:
Mr. Richards, of Mitchell, Wasco count; .
had $7,500 worth of property destroyed re
cently by fire, besides 3.800 iu mites.
A movement is on foot among the citizens
of Albany and Dallas toward the organiza
tion of a military company at each of these
The Springfield R. Ii. bridge is as high as
the tall trees surrounding it. When it re
ceives its roof it will be visible from a great
An apple tree at Portland from which tl e
fruit was gathered a few days since has
bloomed Anew and started in to raise a sec
ond t.rop.
The Eugene Guard says: Wo understand
that there will be p.n interesting breach of
promise suit at the next term of the Circuit
Court in this county.
A band of 2,000 head of sheep'were near
ly all poisoned by eating milkweed iu the
neighborhood of Stein mountain on their
road to Corrinna Utah.
The following is the amount of tax levied
for this vear iii Lane county, Strfte tax 5A
mills on the dollar, school tax 3 mills
county tax 1 1 J mills.
A year ago last spring J. C. Whiteman,
who lives on the head of Gerkin flat, in
Umatilla county planted 1,000 peach seeds.
They came up nicely, and this year are do
ing well. The trees on an average are four
feet high. Nearly every one in that section
has a young orchard and they all seem to be
in a nourishing condition.
In this city on the 12th inst. to the wife
of S. G. McFadden, a sou.
The price of charters remain firm anil fully up to
prices of last year, an i are on the advance.
Ond dav hefore yesterday wheat advanced 0 d. and
od yesterday 1 s in LiAerpool. It is reported strong
er with 'an upward tendency to day. It may now
be fairlv quotes here: ..
Wheat WW.
Oats 3Sc
Woolfperlb 23 to 25
Flour per barrel 4 50 to 5 00
Uacon, Slues -. . . .
Shoulders .-
Lard, 10 lb tins
Butter, fresh rolls i
Fgffs, per doz
Dried apples, riumiuer,
bun aneu-. .-,
Plnms, pitless ; .
Chickens, per doz
iiiilo, dry mnt
' jrreeti
Geese, tame
Ducks, '
Onions, per lb .
13 to 15
7 to 8
4flFtO 50
ft 00
3 50 to 4 00
2 to Sv
13 to
5 to
14 to
12 to
20 to
8 to
6 to
12 to
ISTew this "Wek.
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, j
Sept. 8, 1881.
IN lowins named settler has filed notice of his Un-
tention to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before B. W. Wil
son, County Clerk at Corvaiiis, Benton Countv, Ore
gon, on
Tuesday, October 18, 1881,
Viz: Peter M. Abbey, Pre-emption D. S. No. 3511 f6r
the N. W. 1-4 of the S. W. 1-4, See. 14, T. 11, S. E. 11
He names the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon, and cultivation ftt said land,
viz: W. R. Jeffrie of Newport Benton County, Ore
gon; G. A. Landreth, or Newport, Benton count', ur.
Benjamin Tracy, of Oneatta, Benton county, Oregon;
T. E. Parker, of Oneatta, Benton county, Oregon.
38w5 h. T. BAKIN, Register.
Administrator's Notice.
of the County Court of Benton County, Oregon, the
undersigned Strauder Fromaii has been duly appoint
ed Administrator of the estate of Thomas B. Logsden,
dee'd, late of said county. All persona having claims
airainst said eski are nereDy requirea to present,
them with the proper vouchers, to Mary Logsden, at
the farm f said Thos. B. Logsdeh, dee'd about 5 miles
north of Corvallis in siid cOnnty, or to the under
signed 3 miles cast from Albany, in Linn county,
Willamette Valley arid Coast
Railroad Company.
Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of
the stock holders of this company for the election of
directors for the ensuine- year will be held at the office
of the company, in Hamilton, Job & Co.'s bank build
ing, in the city of Corvallis; Benton county, Oregon,
on (third)
at one o'clock, r. si of said day.
W, B. HAMILTON, PrS dent.
B. W. WILSON, Secretary. 38w5
Importing and Breeding
The undersigned hereby notifies all persons con
cerned that he will not be responsible for any debts
contracted on his occount. unless the parties apply
ing for the same have my written order.
18?38m6 H. C. LEWIS.
TJ. S. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, )
September 5th, 1881.
Complaint having been entered at this office by
George H. Judy of Benton-Countv, Oregon, against
.la-ines McMurrav for abandoninar his homestead
entry No. 386S, dated March 18, 1879, upon the N A of
N K i sec. 10, a. w. j oi . w. t sec. 10, aim a. i-t
nl a W 1-4 sec. 10. T. 13 8.. R. 11 west, in Benton
County, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of
said entry; tne said parties are neraov summoned to
annear at the office of Edward Phelps. Notary Public,
at Newport, BentonCounty, Oregon, on the 12th day
of October, 1881, at 10 o'clock a. M., to respond and
furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandon-
, f m Tt A I? 1 V
ujeiiL. u- ..... , ......
J. W, Watts, Receiver.
From France .
Amounting to Hundreds Annual!?
Great Persheron Horse Breedef
"Wayne Du Page Comity, Illinois. TJ. S. W:
(85 miles west of Chicago. Take ears
, Wells Street Depot:) -
Durinn the past 17 month 360 STAlA
LIONS AND MARKS have been imported
FROM FRANCE, being MORE titan the
combined importations of all other im
porters of Draft Horses from all parti
of Europe for any one year.
'Sir. Dunham's Importations are Zargelg
Increased in Numbers Each Year, ana;
nave included tbe Prize Winners of the Uni
versal Exposition, Fari. 1878, and nearly
ell the Prize Horses of the Great Bhows of
France since his importations began. , es .
The Astonishing Detnand for this breed of
horses, which has de veldped largely during thd
past nine years, has extended to all portion j
of the States and territories and the Dominio.-i
of Canada, which sections have drawn their
supplies for breeding purposes largely from
these stables.
inn Fane Catala aue sent on aviiiicaiionl
Contains over forty illustrations and the his
Mountain View
ory of the Perchercn breed, together with tna
experience of those who have purchased front
Mr. Dunham by order from distant parts of
the country. Address as above and mention
name of this paper.
BCAAII6E thirty years' trial has demon
DCwRUdk strated that when bred to the'
more uniform, are easier keepers, better work-i
era, and sell for more money ocuttio msxkmr
than any other class of Horses.,
(Old ' NATIONAL," Established 1SCT.)
128 Front St.,'
Bctwacn Washhigton and Alder,
P. ARMSTRONO .' Principal
A. WtSCU . .Penman and Secretary
Dftatmrd for the busincs3 education of.Jl.-oth sexe
Students admitted on any week day of the year. So
exaselnation on entering.
SCHOLARSHIP, Business Course
TELEGRAPHY, Complete Course
WRITING, per mouth ;
.560 (
. 25 I
. 6 l
Of all kinds done in the most artistic manner, at
sonable rates. Send for estimate. The "College
Journal," containing information of Course, and cuts
of ornamental penmanship, free.
Adiiress A v. Atuuinvnv,
Lock Box 104, Portland. Oregon.'
3TI cheerfully recommend tbe present lnanage-
mjnt of the Portland Business College. Mr. Arm
strong, whom I have known for manj years. U an
experienced teacher and a practicalus;ness man.
, II .11. 1U'LV.L1.U,
Pres. old "National" Collega.
18:31-yl . ,
Oregon, for the county of Benton,
E. Golliiisky, Plaintiff,
VS. vL. ;
Henry lohse, Defenditit.
Rv of aTi execution Issued in the above en-'
titled action on tbe 14th day of August, 1881, out of
the above entitled court in favor of said plaintiff. K.
Gollinskv and against the faid defendant, Henry
Dohsc, to ine directed and delivered for the sum of
Two Hundred and Three Dollars and Ninety-seven".
cent and interest thereon at the rate of one per
cent, per month from the 15th day of November, 1880
and the further sum of Seventy -two dollars and fifty-
five cents costs and accruing costs anu expenses o..
sale, for want of personal property out of which to
make said demand, I have leviod upon and will sell at
imblic auction to tbe highest bidder for cash in hand,-
at tike front door of the Court House in the city of
Corvallis,' Benton county, Oregon, on
between the hours of 9 o'clock in the morning and 4
o'clock in the afternoon of said day, all the right,,
title and interest and claim of said defendant in or to
the following described real cstato, tft wit: The equal
undivid one-fourth interest in the following described
land, lots 7, 8, ! and 10 in block No. 17, and lots No.
11 and 12 in block No. 18, in ne city of Corvallis,'
Benton county, Oregon: Alsuf jt No. 4, in block No.
11, and one foot or thereabouts of the north side of
lot numbered three, in said block Mo. 11, in the city
of Corvallis, Benton county, Oregon, together, with'
all the tenements; hereditaments and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in ahy way appertaining. The
said judgment was duly rendered and entered on the
fth day Of May 1873, and leave to issue execution
thereon duly granted on the 15th day of November,
1880. .. .. .
Dated at Corvallis, Oregon, this 3d day of June,
1881 SOL. KING,
SSwS. sheriff of Benton Co., Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the undersign-'
ei has been appointed by the County Court
of the State of Oregon, for Benton county,
administrator of the estate of William Faw
ver, deceased. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified and
required to present the same, with prbrr
voucher, within six months from date of tjjiis
notice, to me at my office, in Corvalis, BfeiiA
ton county, Oregon.
Dated this 16th day of Aug., 1881.
18-34:5w J. W. Rayburn, Adm.
35 Cents pel Gallon,
of one cow will be furnished.
Milk warranted PURE.
Jt. ff. MULREY, Proprietor.
Corvallig, January 7, 1880 16:glml,
(Successors to T. 3. Buford.)
Skiing, Sta&pi&gr Hair gutting,
Hot and Cold Baths.
BufOKl's Old ssd. 186:ly
C Herbert Nash receives and holds for
sale farm lands, town property and busi
nesses of all description; also, is. open to re
.tivA armlications' for Ions. A uaper entit
led "The Oregon Colonist" is pnblished for
special transmition to San Francisco, New
York, London and other centres, where
special agents are appointed and through it
all property will be freely advertised. Ap
ply at once to C. H. Nash at Corvallis and
he will gladly favor you t'ith every informa
tion. Send particulars of property for sale.
Gives Instant Relief, and i an Infallible
Sold by Druggists everywhere. Price, $l.fX
per box, rrrcpnul, by rofcit Samples stiii.
free to Physicians and all sufferers, by
Neustaedter & Co., Box 3940, New York"
Oity. Sole maaufacttirere of ANAKESIS'