The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, September 16, 1881, Image 1

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    Corvallis Gazette.
(Payable in Advance.)
Per Tear 2 SO
flx Months 1 50
Three Months 1 00
Single Copies. 1
All notices and advertisement intended for pub
lication ahould be handed in by noon on Wednesday.
Livery, Feed,
ItliUn St., Corrallis, Oregon.
offer superior accommodations in the Livery line.
Always ready for a drive,
At Low Rates.
Vy stables are first-class in every' respect, and com
petent and obliging hostlers always
ready to serve the public,
P rticnlar Attention Faid to Boarding
Coryallls, June U, 1831. lS::5tf.
Two doors North of the Vincent House,
All Orders promptly Executed.
BepMrs and cleaning at moderate prices. 18:2G!y
H . E . H AREIS.
One Door South of Gfaltan & Uan:ilto;:'s
CO'.iVALLIS, . . 0!.EUi.
Corvallis Gazette.
Pace. 1 W 1 M 3 M 6 M 1 Yr
1 Inch . . . . S 100 800 5 00 $ 8 Ml IS 0
2 Inch .... 200 600 800 12 00 18 00
3 Inch.... 300 600 10 CO 16 00 24 00
4 Inch .... 400 700 12 00 18 00 8000
J Column 600 800 14 0O 10 00 35 00
I Column 6 25 10 00 17 SO ! SO 42 OO
I Column 9 00 14 00 24 00 35 00 6600
1 Column 15 00 25 00 40 00 60 00 100 00
NO. 38.
Notices in Local Column, not less than 25 cent for
each notice. Exceeding this amount 10 cents per
line for each insertion
Transient and Leeal Advertisements SS.00 per
square for first and 81. 00 for each subsequent inser
tion. so cnarge ioramuavn oi puuucwion.
Transient advertisements to be paid in AUVANOa.
Professional business cards (I square) (12 per
annum, .
No deviation m tne above rates win De toads m
favor of any advertiser.
J. R. BRYSON, Attorney-at-Law.
And Loan Agency.
to Limn !
We have money to loan on gooil farms in Benton County in sums to suit borrowers.
Interest and Principal can be paid in installments.
We have a large list of Good Farms anil Ranches situated in various portions of
Benton County,, for sale on easy terms. Parties wishing to buy or sell a Farm, Ranch or
l'own Property, will save money by calling on us.
Office: Up-stairs in Jacobs & Nengass' New Brick, opposite Occidental Hotel,
Corvallis, Oregon. ln;i7tl.
uffalo Pitts
FOOEi. 1881.
The Best is the Cheapest !
G roceries,
Corvallis, June 24, 1SS1. 18.-2GU.
Boarding and Lodging.
Xv public that he Is now prepared and in readiness
to keep such boarders as may .choose to give him a
call, either by the
Is also prepared to furnish horss feed
snare oi puDilc patronage solicited.
Philomath, June 24. 1831.
Give me a call.
Havln located permanent
ly in corvallis i aes:re to in
form tne public that I am
ready to do all kind of dental
work. Hy instruments are
all new ana oi tne latest im
proved style All work In
sured and satisfaction guar
anteed or the money refunded
OS t) over Graham li Gold
son's Drug; store, Corvallis
ureg-on. . 'is;zau.
Beal Estate, Life an d Insur
ance Agent.
Will attend to collecting of money on account or
oy note, rrompt attention given to an business en
trusted to my care.
Poors, Windows, Blinds and Mouldings
Kept constantly on hand.
Office opposite King's Stables. 22tf.
Many valuable improvements, making it KING OF THE HELD.
i&Mmt Dn.ft, Most Durable, Fastest, Best Cleaner and Grain Saver,
Best Painted Machines in the World
taken out of the field for any other l
Examine the Challenger before
For sale by WOO D OCX & BALDWIN.
MRS. N. C. POLLY, Proprietress,
Pass the pork and beaus, dear mother,
For I'm hungry as a hog,
True, I had a picnic dinner,
Sitting o an ancient log.
But Adojph was there, dear mother,
Anri t-tam would nave mm tninic
m o: ethereal make-up.
tor. mamma, lie's got the chink;
So I only ate a morsel
Of a dainty frosted cake,
And a peanut ami a raisin
Gave all solid grub the shake.
Pile the provender around me,
For I'mfamishing. by gum!
Ain't this ham and beausidelicious.
Oh! yum! yum! yum! yum! yum! yum!
SSfTI e Occidental is a new buildin r. nevly tarnished, and first class in
every articular. Stngis leav- th m Huiel daily for Albany, and xaqu.n
Bay on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wedm slays and Fridays.
N o Chinese employed in this house.
Max. Frlendley's New Store. All of the latest
improvements. Everything new and complete. All
work warranted. Alease give me a call. 18:26tf.
Physician & Surgeon.
Drug Store. Corvallis, Oregon. 18:16 tf.
Druggists and Apothecaries,
Attorney at Law,
prompt attention.
Collections a Specialty-
Corvallis, .une I. lt-t.
A full line ot B oks. StaiioneJv and Wall Paper. Oct drugs are fresh an
well selected. Pnescrintions coin poinded at all hours. 18-26ly
Wheat and other Grain Stored on the best of Terms by
Corvallis and Booneville.
Farmers will do well to call on me before making arrangement elsewhere
One of the editors of a certain news
paper published not a thousand miles
away found a handkerchief on the street
the other day, and being a natural wit
he conceived the idea of having some fun
He at once hied him away to the "san
ctum sanctorum, seated himsill at tne
table ,tnade a note of the fact that he
had found the article mentioned and
that the owner could have the same by
proving property and kissing the editors
His mind, as he wrote, went for-
vard to the day when some bright eyed
bonnie lass, with a pair of lips that
wer luscious would enter the room cov
ered with water lillies and perfume and
turn her prety face to his and alow him
to sip the nectar as oft as he would; and
he drew much consolation in thinking
how jealous the other printers would be
when thev heard of it. With these
thoughts in hit miud, he handed the
notice to the foreman and awaitea de
velopments; and developements showed
he did not have to wait long.
It appears- that the handkerchief be
longed to an old negro lady who came
up on the cars from Portland, over
whose head the sun of some sixty-five
summers, more or less, had passed, and
whose top-not reminded one of a snow-
slide in the Adriohdack s! She had
dropped handkerchief in the street and
could form no idea where it had gone,
until some one told her about the notice.
Of course she arranged her bandanna
and immediate started for the editorial
den. Arriving there she entered solil
"Lor' breffmy soul! My recklumness
would k ise de tears to flow fdrebber,
on'y fo' de magnifying' kindness ob dis
hoah chile!" and she grined until hev
head resembled a prize water-melon,
with a six pound slice cut out.
"Come heah, chile!" she went on, as
she reeched after the young man who
had slid under the table and upset
bottle of beer in his haste. "I'll kiss
you chile, 'clare fo' god if ef it's de las'
ackt ob dis yeah poo' frame whats soon
gwine to de lan whar kerchiefs aint no
mo' use!" But her appeals were in vain
Massa Tommy kept his position under
the table, spiting like a cat at a dog,
and his hair stood straight.
It took the "devil" ten minutes to ex
plain matters, after which the old lady
went away, probably never to read an
other notice in that paper.
The stock range of one firm in the
south end of Grant county is fifty miles
wide and one hundred and twenty five
miles long. This firm by taking advan
tage of the nefarious swamp land laws
of Oregon now hold possession of the
watering places in this vast region, and
as effectualy keep settlers out, as if they
had a patent for the whole region, ther
is much valuable lands in this reigon
upon which settlers would gladly locate,
but for the spurious claim of these cattle
kings. Sisrthousand two hundred and fif
ty square miles held by one rich comp
any is startling yet it is true. The poor
man who wants 160 acres of this 4,000,
000 acres upon which to make a home
for a family, soon finds that he is pow
erless to contend for his rights and sadly
moves on. There is a condition of affairs
in South Eastern Oregon of which our
law makers and courts are as ignorant
of as of the domestic affairs of the inhab
itance of the moon. An immigrant who
settles in that region is soon made to
feel that he must quit the country or
out of his little property. Th result is
that nobody does settle upon one of
these ranges. How long this condition of
affairs is going to exist no man can tell
Thackeray's idea of a dandy is giv
en in the following note lately printed
in a newspaper of Hull, England:
"My dear Edward A 'dandy' is an
individual who would be a lady if he
could, but as lie can't, does all he can
to show the world he's not ft man.
That's my ides, at any rate."
W. B. Todhuntcr, of Grant county pays
7,300 taxes.
The Umatilla Indians have raised 20000
bushels of wheat this year.
Ed Geary, sou of Dr. Geary of Eugene,
has gone to Philadelphia to finish his Med
ical education.
A. L. Gray, the absconding forger from
Albany has been heard of in San Francisco,
but there all traces of him fail..
James Condra of Linn county near Halsey
has been adjudged insane, and sent to East
Secretary Windom has decided that there
is no law to receive mutilated silver coin,
and public officials will not receive it.
Some cavalry stationed at Walla Walla
have been ordered south to take part in the
Apache war.
Insendiary fires are becoming alarmingly
frequent in Portland, and a paid fire de
partment is being agitated.
A Chinaman was terribly mangled about
the face by a gunpowder explosion at the
Cascades a few days ago. His eyesight
was entirely destroyed.
Mr. S. Wilhoit, of South Brownsville,
fell out of a large plum tree last week, and
broke two of his ribs, by falling on a bucket.
Upwards of one million feet of lumber are
cut daily oh Puget Sound, yet the demand
is beyond the supply.
Villard has secured control of the coal
trade on the Sound, and owns nearly all
the steamships on these waters.
Lafe Williams, one of Salem, s crack shots,
who is now at Upper Soda, has killed four
teen big fat deer and one bear.
A capitalist from San Francisco is at
present sojourning in Salem, and is looking
around to see what the prospects are for
starting a woolen mill at that point.
XTKEMES. A heavy snowstorm prevail
ed in the Black Hills on the 7th, and on the
same date the thermometer stood at 102
decrees in the shade in Wilfield Pa.
The Catholics.of Bandon, Coos county,
Oregmand neighborhood, are erecting a
nice little church at that place under the
directiqn of Rav. John Heinrich who at
tends the extensive Missions of Southwest
ern Oregon.
M. S. Monteith, has sold his job office at
Albany to Messrs Watts and Godfrey, of
Salem, the latter gentlemen will continue
the business at Albany. -;
Albany now has a reading room open to
all from 6:30 to 9 p.m.. where the latest
papers and magazines can always be found,
as well as a fine assortment of books, this
is a movement we hone to see Corvallis
imitate soom.
Persons receiving annoying and abusive
postal cards through the mails, may now
direct the postmaster at the points named
to destroy all cards addressed to him or
cards from any person named.
Last week the Reed brought down some
cavalry and seldiers from Walla Walla, and
the Dixie Thompson, brought them horses.
They left, on the next morning train for
Roseburg,.and thence overland to take part
in the war against the Apaches.
A gentleman by the name of Beggan,
lately arrived from Ohio, entered a com
plaint at the police court lately that he had
been robbed during the previous night of
140 while sleeping in a room at the;Norton
House at Portland.
A young man by the name of Caples, who
lives at St. Johns, a few days ago was gored
in the face by an ox, and severely hurt.
The horn entered his cheek near the mouth,
going throngh it, knocking two of his teeth
One day last week a terrible slide occur
ed on the line of the O. R. & N. Co. 's road,
hundreds of tons of rock being precipitated
from a bluff near Tunnel No. 6, ten miles
below The Dalles, in drift No. 1, killing one
man named Gardner, aged twenty-three, a
native of Illinois, and injuring several others
nmonff them a Chinaman, who had his arm
A drunken man eot into Frank Woods
marble shop in Albany a few nights since,
and by accident knocked over some marble
work which in its fall displaced others until
the shop presented much the appearance of
a China shop after the uninvited visit of a
bull: of course considerable damage was
done, and Wood now talks of going after the
city for the damage.
The Grand Encampment of Arabian
Knight's met it annual session in Oregon
City Sept. 1st and 2nd there being but little
business to transact, an election of Grand
officers was ordered with the following
Grand Commander Sir J. B. Fithian;
Dept. Grand Com. Sir Thoa. Fields;
Grand Capt. Gen. Sir John Schram;
Grand Warden Sir John McDonald
Grand Conductor Sir .R H. Bambettj
Grand Secretary, Sir John M. Bacon;
Grand Treasurer, Sir Wm. Singer;
Grand Standard Bearer, Sir J. B. Howell
Grand Lecturer, Sir. L. Comer;
Grand Sentinel, Sir B. H. Barclay.
The encampment then went into secret
session for the transaction of important
business, which will be communicated to
subordinate encampments by means of the
nsual cypher.
The Grand Encampment adjourned to
meet at the call of the Grand Commander.
Several cases of small pox are reported at
the Dalles,
About twenty-five steam threshers have
been employed in Yamhill county, this sea
son. Brownsville hotels are reported running
over full, and many private families are
keeping boarders.
A post of the G. A. R., to be called Mc
Pherson Post No. 30, will be mustered in
by comrade Pierce, in Albany this week.
Another rumor is afloat that the lease
between Villard and the Scotch Co. is about
to be broken off.
The steamer Great Eastern is to b3 sold, if
a purchaser can be found. She has proved
a perfect failure, and though the extension
of comerce has been enormous, since she was
built, the need for so large a vessel has not
been felt. s,
The improvement going on in Vancouver
this season is remarkable. Main street is
assuming a respectable appearance, and the
number of buildings going up are too num
erous to mention.
The bridge at Lafayette has been com
pleted and thrown open to the public. It
is in length 1, 137 feet, reaching from hill to
Out of eighty-five distilleries in the Nash
ville, Tenn., revenue district, all but twenty-six
have ceased operations. It is believed
all the distilleries in the upper county, save
two in Moore county, will have to cease for
want of corn.
Gov? Thayer has appointed Geo. R.
Jaques, 252 Beoadway, New York, and
Louis M. Fulton, 20 Nassau street, New
York, commissioners of deeds for Oregon,
and W. P. Keady of Corvallis, notary
Monday morning of last week Capt. J. T
Chatterton guided the barge J. L. Hallet
over the Cascades successfully from the
Upper to the Lower landing. Capt. Chat
terton started with the Hallet about 7
o clock, and bv o o clock was sately over
tjje rapids.
Sunday evening of last week at the Dalles
a tire broke out in one of the large houses at
the garrison formerly occupied as officers'
quarters. Before the steamer could get
there the flames had progressed so far as to
be beyond control.The building was soon
in ruins.
The N. P. R. R. is now 34 miles from
Spokan Falls, and within 30 miles of Pen
d'Oreille. Track-laying and grading are
progressing at the rate of 2 miles a day
under the supervision of Mr. Chas. Pond.
A few davs since a loud noise was heard
in the mountains on the west side of the
Bitter Root, the report resembling that of a
cannon and reverbrationa. The noise was
caused by the falling of a peak, and was so
loud that it was distinctly heard Eight Miles
below Stevensville. Prob daly thousands of
tons of rock, the foundation of; "which had
been crumblins for ages, came down with
a crash.
G. G. Smith, for'some time night watch
man for the O. R. & N. Co. at The Dalles,
died in the Dest house in that city on the
6th inst. of smallpox. The disease was con
tracted while at Astoria a few weeks ago on
a summer vacation. He was a member of
Columbia Lodge I. O. O. F.
The marriage of Lieutenant Ulio, of the
Second Infantry, and Miss Came P. Kohn-
hauff, was celebrated at Walla Walla on the
evening of the; 16th inst. at the home of the
bride, 'lhe bride was the first white child
ovop l,nrrt in Walla Walla, or indeed in
Eastern Washington, the event of her birth
occurring December 1st 1865.
An exchange says: The wheat
crop of the world is short this year of
the usual supply. The United btates
produces 75,000,000 bushels less than
last year. England's crop is shorter
than usual, and for the first time in
wwrsl rears the wheat crop of
- j
France falls below the average. Rus
sia produces this year a surplus of
thirty million bushels. It is not at
all likely that the price of wheat can
be ns low as last year in the United
States. As to what it will be n this
coast depends altogether upon tne
number of vessels which can be had
to carry our grain to Europe
scarcity of vessels
will keep prices
E b;rnon, Sept. 812:30 r. m. Dr. BlfsH
who has just made an examination of the
president says the pulse, 94, temperature
normal, inspiration 17. This, said the doc-
r, is the best sbowing we nave naa at n ou
for some days.
Elbernon Sept. 8 About 11 last night it
was ascertained authoritatively that Vn.
Reyburn, Barnes and Woodward had signed
the last official buletin in the president's
case, and immediately after withdrew from
the corps of attending surgeons.
Kansas City, Sept. 8 At 9 last night,
train on the Chicago & Alton road was
stopped within two miles of Glendaue by
means of lanters and signals, nine armed and
masked men having previously obstructed
the track by stones and timber, The ex
press messenger was fatally beaten and the
sate robbed ot trom $ouuu to $au,uw. mo
passengers were kept cowed by incessant
ring ot pistols, ana roDDea or money ana
valuables. The train ran into Kansas City
and nearly the whole police f jrce went back
in pursuit. The notable Jesse James men
did the job.
St. Louis, Sept. 8. Regarding the train
robbery the following particulars are re
ceived: The train was the west bound ex
press, and had 100 passengers, all of whom
lost something and some of them quite
heavily. Frank Lombard, news agent, says:
1 was sitting in the smoKing car taming
with couductor Jack Hazlebacker. We
were up grade four miles from Independence
when all of a sudden the train came to a
stop and we heard loud voices and pistol
shots, and saw lanterns flashing. We knew
train robbers were on us. Hazelbacker ran
back into the train and warned the passen-
., , , a. r .1
gers. They wer an looKing ou oi wo
windows until the roDDers oruerea tnem to
pull in their heads and keep quiet. The
robbers had obstructions on the rail. I am
sure there were a dozen of them, although
some passengers place the number at sixteen
Everybody was panic-stricken and helpless.
I ran out of the car and found the men
beating the engineer and fireman. They
were poorly masked ana an armea wiin
Henry Rifles. They -were swearing loudly
and shooting at random. Express messen
ger Fox had in the meantime barricaded the
express car. They climbed up on the car
ran around and began to snoot, iney men
broke into the car and knocked Fox down
by violent blows on the head. They robbed
the safe of everything. I ran back to the
smoking car and hid most of my money.
The robbers came into the car and bid me
lie down. I did so. They pointed a revol
ver at me and ordered me to fork over. I
said the money was under the cushion.
They told me to get it and I got it in a hur
ry, you bet. They went back to the other
cars and made a wholesale robbery of money
watches and jewelry. Ladies were com
pelled to ait on the floor, and efme bad their
ear rings taken from their ears. In the
meantime a freight tram was coming up
behind us and a brakeman ran down the
track with a storm of bullets behind him,
stopped the train and probabably saved
many lives. After the cars were gone
through the robbers jumped off and struck
for the weeds.
Ran T?raiieiseo Sent. 9. Complete returns
of the San Francisco election show that the
democrats have elected their candidates for
surveyor and supervisors in the third ana
sixth wards. With these exception the
republicans have made a clean sweep.
Timhibne Sent. 9. The Bisbee stage
was robbed this morning between 12 and
1 o'clock between Bisbee and unaneston oy
three men. The robbers got ?ZoW trom tne
Wells Fargo treasury box.
Detroit, Sept. 9. Details continue to
come in respectiag the fires in Huron and
Sanilac counties, showing that the approach
of the fire was hearlded by a dense atmos
phere entirely obscuring the light, in tne
middle of the afternoon. On Monday peo
ple carried lanterns in the street. On Wed
nesday morning in the woods many were
found dead of all ages, presenting a revolt
ing sight. Bodies were scorched and
charred. The high winds had spread fire
and every avenue hail been closed to the
fleeing homeless ones. iarge ourmiig
masses of inflammables were lifted bodily
and carried through the air. The skill and
courage of man seemed impotent, and men
and cattle were roasted together. One far
mer plowing with oxen a few miles from
Sand Beach, started home on the approach
of darkness and found his wife fone to a
neighbor's. He took two children and
escaped, but throe other children and his
oldest daughter, who took another path,
weie found the next day charred beyond
recognition, heaped together. Up to
Wednesday night 45 bodies were found
within a mile in parts of the township.
Many more missing. Nearly all were Polish
people. The whole settlement, crops and
houses were swept away.
Bay City, Mich., Sept. 9. The fires are
subsiding in Tuscola county, where im
mense damage has been. In all, 150 fami
lies have been burned out, and f 100,000
worth of property destroyed. Twenty
bodies are said to have been brought into
Cass City from that county to-day.
Detroit, Sept. 9. George Furgnson of
White Rock, says since Monday he has
seen 1 1 6 burned bodies on the road. Wagon
loads of coffins were a common sight. Lat
est reports says back townships are burned
over with large loss of life. Fires were ex
tinguished by rains in the section between
Sand Beach and Dickensyille.
Independence, Mo., Sept. 9. Great ex
citement prevails on account of the arrest
of Creek Chap-nan and John Binglarn. two
of the gang who robbed the express tram,
last night. They ware arrested near ths
scene of the robbery, four miles from here,
by Sheriff Carson and a posse of Sains
county. A brother of Chapman gave them
away to the officers, as well as several oth
ers, whose arrests will soon follow.
New York, Sept. 9. The Jews herea
bouts propose to raise $50, 000 for the relief
of the Russian coreligionists soon expected
Boston, Sept 9. The Massachusetts su
preme Judicial court has dismissed the pe
tition of Oeha J. Robinson to be admitted
to practice as an attoroy in the courts on
the ground that under the laws of the com
monwealth a woman is not entitled to be ad
mitted as an attorney.
The buildines comprising the late
military post at Camp Howard, on
Camas prairie; Idaho, were lately
sold at auction and the post as a gv
arnmpnt station is closed out. The
Statesman reports the entire sum
realized in the sale as 365. It ap
npmls the followins prices: The
hosDital was knocked down and sold
for 50 cents. The company quarter
erected at a cost to TJncle Sam of
over ilO.000, brought $8. The stable
erected and built in a substantia
manner, realized $3 76; the laudress
house 50 cents; commissary store
hmwa o. 7.1? nnnrii'i-m aster's store
house', $2 50; bake shop, $1 25; of-
fleer's qnarter, $6; doctor's quarters, j vn duller for the past week than any
$2 26. I or MTWaI montlu'
,Vv-- riMKkrffcsssfiSs