The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, August 12, 1881, Page 4, Image 4

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"dine hither, you madcap darling!"
I said to my four-year eld;
"Pray, what shall be done with the bad, bad
Who will not do as she' told?
Too well you love your own wee way,
While little you lore to mind;
But mamma knows what is best for yeu
And isn't she always kind"
So I told her of Casabianca,
And the fearful burning ship;
"Do yon think," said I, "such a child as that
His mother would have to whip?"
And my heart went out with the story sad
Of this boy, so noble and brave,
Who would not dare to disobey,-
Even his life to save.
Then her eyes grew bright as the morning,
And they seemed to look me through.
"Ah! ah!" thought L "you understand
The lesson I have in view,
now, what do you think of this lad, my 1 ove!
Tell all that i in your heart."
"I fink, ,r site-said, "he's drefful good,
Bat he wasn't the least bit smart!"
A description ol the outlines of a
mud-turtle must be something like
the guide's description of the bottom
of the Moosehcad Lake.
A party ot New Yorkers were
crossing the lake, and propounding
various questions to the guide which
he answered with great promptness.
Finally one asked:
"What kind of bottom has the
To a less versatile mind the ques
tion niilit, have been a poser; but
the guide was equal to the occasion.
He immediately answered:
"O, a sort of hard, rocky, gravelly,
clamshelly, sandy bottom 5"
In like manner it may be said of
the mud-turtle, he is a sort of a round,
square, oblong, oval, flat, irregular
shaped reptile, covered with a French
His legs are as crooked as a grape
vine; bis head resembles a sore
thnmb. and he has the most ridicu
lous little tail you ever thought ot.
Mud-turtles are generally found when
vou are not looking for them. I
would as soon think of looking for
mv came in a rich man's will as
ihink of finding a mud-turtle by hunt
ing fur one.
Stories of these reptiles running
races with foxes and rabbits, and
"beating them, are lies! A squash vine
that wouldn't grow as fast as one
would run ought to be destroyed,
root and branch. But what he lacks
ib speed he makes up in longevity
I believe that's the word; anyway
mud-turtles are supposed to live for
ever, unless thry die by accident.
I once saw a turtle I mean a mud
turtle, marked, "Adam G. E," which
probably meant that the reptile whs
marked by grandfather Adam in the
garden of Eden. Of course I can't
prove it, but that is the supposition.
Mud-turtles are raised in hills like
potatoes. It is no uncommon sight
to those who have seen it frequently,
to see a bill of juvenile mud-turtles
brush away the soil and march out in
single file like a string of Chinamen.
Whenever I see a mud-turtle trying
to crawl through a hole In the fence
or elsewhere, I extend to him my
most earnest sympathies. He can
not understand why he, as well as a
small boy or weasel, can't go through
any place where his head will go. I
do not know how many virtues this
emblem of old-fashioned theology
may possess, but he has that of perse
verance, that I am sure ot. When
ever he makes up his mind to crawl
through the fence, be expects to do
it if it takes all rummer. When the
French roof becomes an obstacle to
bis progress he begins to try, and
strain, and gyrate his tortuous little
legs, and protrude his evil looking
eyes, and he may even gnash his
toothless jaws in anguish of soul at
his inability to go through an open
ing half the size of his shell.
Som. times, like a half-whipped
rooster, he will go away a piece, and
then come back and try it again and
again, and perhaps again. When, at
last he becomes convinced that he
naa undertaken an impossibility, he
turns about and waddles off, as
tbonjh it were a matter of no con
sequence whether he crawled through
the hole or not. Ascending a little
knoll, he will raise his bead and
look about him with an air which
seems to say: "What do I care for
a-denied old bole in the fence? It's
a- derned mean little hole, anyway!
Thertte places 'hough to- go T I donTt
go through there!" Then he thinks
the matter all over carefully, and
goes away to engage in business ia
seme other locality. Portland Trans-
A new stem wheel steamboat belonging
to Capt Joseph Kellogg, was launched from
above Smith's' anil at Portland one day last
week. It is expected to be ready to make
it's trial trip abwut the 1st of nejrt Septem-
It may interest many of your read
ers to learn that we are likely soon
to have a considerable immigration of
a well to do- elass of Germans and
others into this county from Michi
gan. On the 17th ult., being at the
Bay, I was kindly introduced by my
friend Mr. Bensell to two German
gentlemen who were seeking land
whereon to settle numerous families
from that State. So far had they
traveled without seeing any land to
suit their purpose, and I had no dim
cully in inducing them to retrace
their steps and pay a visit of inspec
tion to that favored spot, "King's
Valley." Accordingly we met in
Corvalli on the 19th, and next day
started via Philomath to visit the
several farms for sale ia the valley,
and I am glad to say both gentlemen
expressed themselves highly pleased
with that nart of the county. I
think after communicating with their
friends they will likely buy up a large
portion of the land brought under
their notice, and more too if it can be
had at reasonable prices for cash. As
far as I could learn their plan will be
to divide what land they require into
small farms and thoroughly cultivate
every available acre of it, and they
mean to thoroughly cultivate, to
plough deep, sow clover both to pad
with sheep and to plough in, and
when needed they will irrigate. They
will also pay particular attention to
their orchards, to fruit drying and
preserving, and no doubt as many
of those who think of coming are city
men, various other industries will
spring up. We had not time to visit
more then four farms, all adjoining
each other, but should they decide on
coming. I have reason to think the
number of families will be large and
much more land will be required.
This will give those wishing to dis
pose of their lands a good chance to
do so for cash. When we can get a
lew iamiues irom u.ngiana ana the
East settled in this county, I am sure
nothing but good reports of it can
be sent back to their friends, there
fore I think we may soon expect a
large immigration, and much land
will be sought for around Corvallis,
Philomath and generally on the line
of the Yaquina K. R. My agent in
Loudon telis me it is a bad time for
farmers in England and that there
are hundreds out of business, but
with sufficient capital left to buy
good farms right out in this county.
It is to be hoped many will come,
and we are doing our best to induce
them to do so, feeling sure it will be
to their benefit
No doubt many will say this letter
is written in self interest. So it is
partly, but I think that if my efforts
to bring men with capital into this
county succeed the benefit will be
felt by the whole community. If I
sell a farm I feel the benefit but once,
but the good will be permanent to
the banks, stores, and all business and
professions, and surely the farmers
will be benefitted. We all know
that trom various causes many are
having a hard time yet and leading
lives of much trouble and anxiety.
Will not these men be much better
off if they are able to sell out, pay
off their debts and begin again on
a smaller scale. With means to carry
them through the first year, a man
taking a hundred acres and paying
for it, leaving cash to see him throng!
the firct year, will most certainly be
better off at harvest than the man
who takes two hundred acres on time
payments and goes into debt for
everything. Farming on an imagi
nary capital never did and never
will answer, that returning so many
bushels to the acre, before even the
seed is sown, will bring nothing but
trouble. I know from conversation
with many farmers that I am not
alono in my ideas, and that even now
many are trying to effect the desired
change. I trust they may coon suc
ceed and that others will follow their
example, so that each bringing pros
perity and happiness to his own
home will at the same time be ad
ding to the general welfare of the
whole county. J. M.
Do not" Forget the Lessor.
A touching incident occurred not
long since in a Missouri village. A
wife and mother, tired of waiting for
the return of her husband with his
scanty earnings, set out to search
for him and found him seated at a
cart table. Anticipating as much,
she had provided herself witb a cov
ered dish, which she placed upon the
table before the players, saying;
''Presuming, husband, that you are
too busy to come to dinner, I have
brought you yours." After she had
departed be invited his friends to
join him, and uncovered the dish with
a forced laugh. He found' only a
slip of paper, on which was written:
"I hope you will enjoy year meal
it is the same vour family have at
tome. ' How many good and faith
ful wives and mothers are there in
the land who have undergone similar
experiences? How many aching
hearts at this moment await the com
ing of husbands and fathers who are
squandering at the card-table, or for
alcohol, the earnings required to feed
and clothe their wives aud children?
"The course of true love never did
run smooth," is an old adage and fa
miliar quotation, and the following
incident goes to prove the truth c f
A young carpenter of this city
was engaged to be married to a fa ir
damsel, who is at present employed
as a waiter at the Wilhoit Springs,
Clackamas county, and on Saturday
last he started out for that place
where they were to have been mar
ried on Suuday.
On arrriAing at the Springs and
the object of his visit becoming
known, he was waited on by another
young man who informed him that
he also had the honor to be an affi
anced lover of the young lady !u
question. The two then proceeded
to compare notes and to make in
quiries in regard to the doings of the
large hearted maiden, when to their
astonishment they found she had en
gaged herself to four other parties,
making six in all, over whom she had
thrown her blandishments and each
ot whom was anxiously awaiting the
time that wa to make him sole pos
sessor of this piece of feminine loveli
ness. On making this discovery the
carpenter and his friend came to the
conclusion that they did not want
any of it in theirs, and collecting all
the letters and love tokens they had
received from the perfidious young
woman they made a bonfire of them
The young carpenter returned to
this city yesterday and has for the
preseut renounced all intentions of
committing matnmonv. Standard.
Ihe " lelegrara says: Laguile
coal has been found near Oakville,
Chehalis county, W. T., fine pci-
mens of which are shown in Olympia
These are outcroppings of the vein
and no doubt but tl'e toal farther
down will be bet cr. It has been
used successfully at blacksmithing.
The side of the v in las not been de
termined, but undoubtedly t'icre is
plenty of coal along the Chehalis at
the foot of the Black Hills. On the
Satsup river, further west, specimens
of good coal have also been found,
but no vein sought for. On the Wy
nooche river near the head of Gray's
harbor, another deposit of the same
kind of lignite was discovered a year
or two ago. It is close to deep water,
and could be easily shipped if the
quality warrants it. These coals
will be of great benefit in that coun
try, when manufactures and other
industries are started, as they will be
in a lew years, but at present they
are too distant to be operated to ad
van age.
Chas. S. Howard will start next week
with a party of assistants to do some survey
ing upon government land near Goose lake
valley and around the Oregon border of
Tule lake. Coos Bay News.
Coal-scuttles are now manufactured
f rubber.
An elephant drinks about forty-five
gallons of water a day.
The people of Geylon worship the
ooth of an elephant ; those of Malabar
ihe tooth of a monkey.
It is calculated that sixty tons of steel
-re annually consumed in the manufact
ure of steel pens.
Bees have very little power of com
municating with each other. F. Miller
.jives curious instances of the inability
of the bees to invent for themselves a
uatural language.
A quantity of flour was exposed by a
French experimenter to a pressure of
300 tons, reducing it to one-fourth its
original bulk. A portion of it was then
placed in cans and sealed, the same be
ing done with some impressed flour. A
year afterward the cans were opened,
vhen the .impressed flour was found to
oe spoiled, while the pressed was in ex
cellent preservation.
A spideh's web affords an excellent
barometer. An old sportsman ef Cold
water, Mich., claims that one preserved
in his house has proved 'almost ia varia
bly correct. When rain and wind are
'xpected, the spider shortens the threads
.vhich suspend the web. When reefs
re let out, fine weather may be certaiu,
ut if the spider remains inert, rain wih
probably follow within a short time.
Twelve years after the landing of the
Pilgrims Plymouth there was not a
plow in the vicinity of Boston, and the
farmers broke up the land with hoes or
ither hand implements. In 1637 then
were but thirty-seven plows in the
whole State, and at a later period it wus
the custom for one owning a plow to !.
nearly if not all the plowing for a town,
fhe town often paid a bounty to one who
would buy and keep a plow in repair
and do the work in this way.
The swiftest bird, probab-y, is thr
eagle of the sea, or frigate-bird, of tei
measuring sixteen feet from tip to tip.
ft hovers at an elevation of 10,000 feet
when a storm sweeps over the ocean. I
it wishes to travel, says a French nat
uralist, it can inmost annihilate space.
It can breakfast in Africa and dine in
America, This bird reposes on its great
motionless wings, literally " sleeping on
the bosom of the air."
There are in our land 25,520,582
males and 24,632,281 females. The na
tives number 43,475,506, and the foreign
born, 6,677,360. TUere are 43,404,877
white and 6,577,151 colored persons.
Beside those on reservations under Go . -eminent
care there are 63,122 Indian
and half-breeds. The "myriads of Chi
nese" number 105,463, and there are
2,550 other Asiatics. For every 100,0 JO
maljs there are 96,519 famales against
97,801 ia 1870.
Cbjton Aqueduct, by which New
York city is supplied with water, w: s at
the time of its completion, and in fact
still is, regarded as one of the wonderc
of the world. Its length is 38t m'les.
and it is built most of this distaneo ol
brick, stone and cement, inc'osed over
and under, 6 feat 3 inches wide at t'i
bottom, 7 feet 8 inches at the top, and 8
feet 5 inches.- high. It is carried over
Harlem river on a magnificent bri Ige,
1,460 feet long, and 114 feet above high
water mark.
Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lin
oln always had a soft side for the toil
ers, and a liking for working clothes
in which, many times, no doubt
both the great Presidents would Lav
elt happier than in stiff " reception "
broadcloth. Jackson's sympathy fui
a boring men is shown in this little stor
i'rom the Nashville Banner :
John Cryer, a mason, was on sevr ra
xscasions engaged to build chimneys a
;he Hermitage, and while at work of e
bserved the most refined and wealth;
jeople of Nashville coming to visit tin
General and his wife. The good mason,
laving more or less of mortar orna
aenting his clothes, would say to Jack
on that he "would not go to the fir.-?
-able to eat ;" that he " was not fit tt
ippear in such elegant company."
The General always replied, "Tor
must go to the first table, sir ; a labor
ing man ought to be as highly honorei
is any man in the community, for tin
mpport of the world depends on theii
abor. I will see that yon are treated
with proper respect at my table."
This story is certainly ro the credit oi
Jackson's democracy, however it may b
to bis social graces. Cryer frequently,
aughing, said that he had been more
honored than any man in the world, foi
President Jackson had frequently wait
ed on him and brought him brick an.
mortar when his regular attendant was
out of the way. . ; TliL
Bee culture is becoming a profitable
industry in Texas, especially in the
Brazos and Colorado valleys, where
quite a number of enterprising men have
found that it pays vastly mora than cot
ton raising.
A man who had just learned poker,
but had not sufficiently mastered the in
tricacies of the game, bet wildly upon a
flush, and, upon showing bis hand, was
told that " the spirit was willing but the
flush waa weak," PucA
Tfooden Boilers.
The almost incredible feat of making
steam boilers of wood was accomplished
seventy-six years ago in Philadelphia,
where they were used to furnish steam to
the pumps for pumping up the river
water for the use of the city water-work.
They, however, lasted only two rears.
when it became so difficult to keep then
steam-tight that they were abandoned for
iron bailers. How was it possible to heat
water in wooden boilers ? It was accom
plished by having an iron fire-box twelve
feet long, six feet wide, and two feet
deep, placed inside a rectangular wooden
chest, fourteen feet long and nine feet
square, made of plank nearly half a foot
thick, securely bolted together by iron
rods passing through the planks. The
iron hre-'box had eight vertical flues of
one foot in diameter, through which the
water circulated, and around which the
fire acted, and passed upward through an
oval flue, first above the fire-box, carried
from the back of the boiler to near the
front and back again, when it passed out
into the chimney. It was expected that
these boilers would be very economical,
on account 'of the non-conducting prop
erty of wood : and so they were to a cer
tain extent, as the boilers did not need
any protecting covering.
P. T. Baenum is a most rigidly tem
perance man, the tee total est kind ol a
i ' . . . . 1 , 1 ' 1 A
teetotaler, dux ne Keeps m own pnnw
b'ar tender, all the same.
" Yes, I knew him," the Texas Sheriff
remarked, when somebody asked him
about Bed-handed Bill; "I never met
him but once; he came down here last
February, riding another man's mule,
and he came in and left the measure of
his neck with me for a lariat" "Did
yon fit him? " asked the traveler. " Not
very well," said the Sheriff, "blamed
thing was too tight, but he never said
anything about it after he tried it on, so
I didn't change it" And then the com
mittee rose and reported the bilfto the
house, which shortly afterward took a
recess until the evening session. Bur
deltc. An ingenious mother who has long
been bothered by the fastidiousness of
her children at table hast last discov
ered a method of circumventing them.
She places what she wants each child to
eat before its neighbor at table, and of
course each cries for what the other has,
and the ends of justice are promoted.
"So YOU married old Heavipenny's
eldest, I hear," said the friend. "Yes,"
said young Inf orit, "I have." "Good
match?" asked the friend. "I gaesa
so," sighed the bridegroom, wearily,
"heaps of brimstone in it" And the
yean go by. Hawh-Eye.
The White House china is described
as having designs representing the kinds
of food which should go on each dish,
so that you may eat an oyster and see a
pictured shell, and w on.
It was reported on the streets last Friday
evening that the American ship H. S. Sand
ford from New York for this port, with
railroad iron for the C. B. & N. Co., Bad
ran aground at St. Helens while coming up
the river. She was lightering when the
Kahuna boat came up, but whether she
was aground or not it could not be definite
ly ascertained. Standard.
Real Estate Agency,
This-side of Portland.
Two Lot adjoining Court House with good house,
barn and garden.
160 Acres 20 mile from Newport on the Yaquina,
steamboat landing, 20 acre in timothy, good house
orchasd, &c Price 81000.
158 Acres in King' Valley. Firt rate land with
large house, barn, close to school and church, post
office, grist and saw mill. Price 6000.
540 Acres in Linn county, 6 miles east of Lebanon,
on branch of east side railroad, and Oregon & Pacific,
well watered, good timber, near school. Terms easy.
570 Acres in King's Valley. 200 under cultivation,
well watered, good outrange, 15 acres orchard, pro
ducing all kinds of fruit ; bouse and garden, very
large barn and good outbuildings. 1 mile from school,
near postofflce, saw and grist mills, aud close to pro
posed narrow gauge depot in King's Valley. Price,
S54 Acres adjoins above with equal advantage of po
sition, about 100 acres under cultivation, an excellent
farm, capable of carrying a good. flock of sheep, under
fence, well watered, good house, barn and orchard.
Price, 84,500.
422 Acresadjoins above, 100 acres under cultivation,
good house, orchard, etc. Excellent stock range with
good outlet, 2 mile from school, postolSce, ete.
Price, $4,500.
340 Acres, 60 under cultivation, good house, barn
and orchard, four milea north ot postoffiee Price, 84,
600. Excellent stock farm.
1, 357 Acres, 8 miles west of Corvallis, on Mary's
River. 1000 under fence, 225 acres under plough, 155
now in grain. Best hill pasture, well grassed. 1J
miles from school. The land is well timbered, good
house, two bam, etc. Price, 816,500
200 Acres of first class land, west side and upper
end of King's Valley, 60 acres under cultivation in
cluding 22 acres'of timothy, good new bouse 16x24,
and barn. Schoo.l house within 200 yards, and con
venient distant from mills, story &u. ; well watered
and timbered. 827,000.
160 acres situated on Little Elk next Saber's, Excel
lent water and good ontlel to fine iange.
200 Acres east end of Blodgett's Valley, well improv
ed, near school and on proposed line ot Yaquina R. H .
Price, 84000
136 Acres west side of Blodgett's Valley, all fenced;
So acres under plough. A snug farm with good house,
barn and other ont-btiilding, i mile from school and
close to proposed Yaquina K. R. Price J82,500.
240 Acre on Elk road, 5 mile from Junction wirh
Yaquina road. Good house, barn, etc. A good farm
with outlet to well grassed ranges. 2,200,
200 Acres, 10 miles west of Summit, extending J of
a mile along the road and river. A good fan with
plenty of bottom land. Small house, ate., aad or
chard. A bargain. Priee, 81000.
S20 acres of land at the junction of the Yaquina
and Elk road and river, 25 mile east of Newport.
Good bottom land with outlet to welt grassed range.
Price 82500.
. 240 acres two mil s from Summit on fork ot Maria
River. Land very productive, with good range : ex
cellent house, two large barn and other buildings;
good fences; improvement valued at 81500. Prise
160 acres situated on Little Elk road, two miles
west ot Blodgett's Valley; 60 -acres table land. 10
acres new bottom, well watered ; 18 acre under
cultivation ; abundant out-ranre for stock. Pries,
81350. Au excellent bargain ; terms reasonable.
ICO acres 1 mile east of Newport on the road, aad
with comfortable house, garden, etc. This property
command splendid views of the ocean, the hsrilar
and entrance, and would divide into several building
lots; Well watered by numerous springs. Pries
A saloon, large warehouse with capital hall above
and also wharf opposite. Abo other property ia
Newport and vicinity. Harbor improvements having
commenced and there being every prospect lor a
lively summer renders this a good chance.
ICO acres , twenty-two miles this side of Yaquina
bay, on the road between Trapps' and Eddy, on half
bottom land with excellent out range for stock. This
property will sell at a bargan. Price, 8650.
For price and other particular apply to the under
signed, who begs to intimate to intending vendor of
real estate, that by establishing agencies in England
and also in the Eastern States he trust to he able to
effect speedy sales.
John M. Atus,
Snmmit, Benton Co , Or.
Or at the law office of J as. A. Yahtis, Corvalli Or,
R. A. Bensell, Newport, Or. '
Wm. Collyns, A Co
Ayenue, agent, London.
5 East India
Can furnish anything in
Iron, Steel,
Hardware, Stoves,
Tin & Copper Ware.
As cheap and as good quality as any one
in Oregon.
And all kinds of
Agricultural Implements.
First-class workmen in Tin Shop always
employed and satief actio-guaranteed
Neatness ! Cheapness ! Punctuality !
New Type !
New Material !
Having added a large and well assorted lot of new Job Type, Borders,
Machinery, etc., to our Job Office, we are now prepared to de all kinds of
Plain and Ornimentali
m -
You need not send away for job work as we will do it in the best style
and as ch eap as any Printer on the Coast.
Legal Blanks in Stock
Call and Examine Samples.
All orders from a distance attended to promptly. Sen tat
Gazette Job Offioe
CorvaHfe, Oregos.