The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, August 12, 1881, Page 3, Image 3

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m i i.wjiwiim m 111 l linn m HWiiiBIii HI lWWH(Mif'W. iiliiiiii i
Corvallis, Aug. 12, 1881.
Entered at the Postofficc at Corvallis,
Oregon, as secoud-class matter.
Mb. J. H. Bates, Newspaper Advertising
Agent. 41 Park Row (Times Building), New
York, is authorized to contract for advertise
ments in the Gazette at our best rates.
L. P. Fisher, advertising agent, 21 Mer
chants' Exchange, San Francisco, is author
ized to receive advertisements for the col
umns of this paper.
CHI'RCII B3B58-:4"a'OaSY.
very second and fourth Sabbath in each month
at the College Chape!, by the Rev F. P. Davidson.
Services bejfin at 11 . M., and 0:30 p. m. All are in
vited. PRKSBYTERIAN' CHURCH Rejrnlar services
every 8ablth morning and evening. Sunday
Shoo! at the close of the morning service. Prayer
meetinir Thursday evening at" o'clock. Public cor
dially invited. U. P. DUNNING.
EVANGELICAL CHT.'RCn -Services regularly ev
erv Sabbath morning and evening, unless otherwise
announced. Sunday school at 3 r. M. each Sabbath.
Prayer meeting every Thursday at 7 r. M. The
public cordially invited
Rkv. .7. BownuM, Pastor.
sham will hol-.l regular services in this church
the 1st and 2nd Sundays in each munthat 11 and 7.
r. m.
If. E. CHURCH Regular services every Sunday,
at 11 a. n. and 7 P. M. Sunday-school at the close of
morning service, with Bible classes for old and young.
Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. A
general invitation and cordial welcome.
S. A. STARR, Pastor.
II. E. CHURCH SOUTH Services every Sabbath
at 11 A. M. and 7 p. II., at the college cliapoi. Sunday
school at fl:3C A. M. Prayer meeting Friday evening
at 7 o'clock. Public cordially invitud.
Joseph Emery, Pastor.
T. J. Buford
Keeps all of the leading
Newspapers, Magazines, Novels, etc.
After the toy p:stol cime, the green apple.
All kinds of Blanks in stock and for sale
at the Gazette office.
"Go put your tongue in splints," is the
latest siting observation.
The Corvallis Gazette for sale on the
counter of Buford's news depot.
Rev M. Atchison, ofOakville, Linn county,
was in the city the (irst of the week.
Lafe Wilson and Roy Ruber can now
return from the Bay. Bartlet ia gone.
F. M. Johnson and wife, Lafe. Willson
and Roy Raher started for the Bay Saturday
A. J. Langworthy's cash store is the place
to get bargains in drv goods, groceries and
A number of our citizon went to Albany
last Friday to attend tha funeral an
Mart. V. Brown.
Uncle Will Henkle says it is too late to
harvest, lie has cut, thrashed ami stored
his whole crop of several hundre I bushels.
: Wk? New Billion I)j nocra!; u o;i oar
table published in this city weakly by John,
son Odcneal, it is in reality a resuscitation of
the Ban ton Blade.
The boy looked forward to the Fourth,
Toy pistol, bolil in hand;
He tired it busted lock-jaw came,
Tm i i il. i i , .
lie nas jonieu me augci unnu.
Jas. A. Cauthorn claims the honor of
storing the first wheat of this season. He
took in sixty sacks on Saturday from the
Lock Bros.
Win. Wood, of Alsea Valley, callcdou us
the first of the week. He reports that some
hay was lost in that valley by the recent
rain but no grain.
"Baker's aa castor oil, No. 1 castor oil and
extra winter strained lard oil, all of the
best quality and at the lowest prices at
Graham, Hamilton & Co's. ,
If you aht a neat and comfortable
fitting boot or shoe made of the beat material
and in the las test and most approved style,
call at S. H. Look's boot and shoe store,
you will find it.
Henry Villard, has donated 7000 to li
quidate the indebtedness on the State Uni
versity at Eugene; this is a generous act
on the part of Mr. Villard, and one that
will ot be soon forgotten by the citizens of
Ernest Caro, brother of Isidor and Simon
Caro of Roseburg, died in that city on Wed
nesday of last week, of hemorrhage of the
lungs, aged 36 years. He was conveyed to ;
Portland on the next day and there burried
in the Jewish cemetery.
Tfce ld pioneer journalist, J. M. Shep
herd, will start a new paper at Baker city,
on or about the 15th day of October, to be
called the "Daily Sage Brush." Shep.
drives a trenchant pen, and will doubtless
wake np the sage hens of Baker.
Froissort's Chronicles, price, 1 87
Young's Bible Concordance with index 2 63
Joseph us' Works, 1 88
Ivanhoe, 50
And a large quantity of new books for simi
lar prices at Buford's News Depot.
We hear of a colored man who shot and
killed a toll-bridge keeper because the
keeper would not let him pass free, yet the
toll was only 5 cents while the cost of the
powder and ball was 6 cents. It is no. won
der that some people never accumulate any
thing. ,AJter all, our recent rain has not materi
ally hurt the crops. No grain will be lost
and but very little if any hay. It was at
first supposed that the hay crop or so much
as was yt in the field would be considerable
damage jbut later reports say that it has
all dii&Tout nicely.
Will Kirk and Albert Ray have returned
from Newport. They do not report any
large sales of real estate in that part of the
county, but if possession implies ownership
we would judge from their appearance on
arrival that they were both freeholders at
the expense of some one else's land.
We find oh our table this week, in neat
form the annual proceedings of the Grand
Lobge of L O. of G. T. for 1881, which ap
pears to give a complete summary of the
official acts done by that grand body during
h' year. We extend thanks to J. E.
Houston the Grand .Secretary for the same,
T. J, Buford
Keeps the best brands of
Cigars and Tobaccos in the city.
Warm weather.
Harvest hands are in demand.
Twine -binder war about over.
Cheap cigars at A. J. Langworthy's cash
Some of the Jubilee singer made big hits
with their feet.
T. J. Buford made a flying trip to Albany
last Tuesday.
Wanted. A few more cords of wood on
subscription at this office.
For the latest paterns in wall-paper, go
to the new furniture store.
T. J. Buford, -agent for the American
Book Exchange of New York.
Ala Harris, Simon Seitenbach and Ike
Fox, of Albany, were in the city last Sunday.
Mr. Geo. H. Ryecraft, and Mr. Wood, of
Alsea valley gave us a pleasant call Wed
nesday morning.
Hon. P. M. Eder left last Monday for
Walla W'iHa on a pleasure trip, and wili be
absent several days.
Mr. James Lotan, Inspector of Boilers,
went to the bay Wednesday, for the purpose
of inspecting the.Mollie.
The Kentucky Jubilee singere give an
entertainment at the opara house Tuesday
evening, to quite a large audience.
Mrs. Palmar and family and Miss Ella
Bntterfield left for Walla Walla last Tues
day, where they intend to make their home.
Thomas Murray, aged about 10 yeara, son
of James Murray, of Albany, was drowned
on Tuesday l;st in tlie river at that place.
Go to John Lewis' market and get your
fresh meat, where orders from the country
will be carefully and promptly attended to.
Will Bros, have just received a new stock
of guns, cutlery and ammunition, which
they are selling on the most reasonable
The examination of the unpleasantness
to lie had before justice Bnv.vnson, of Philo
math, was postponed until two weeks front
Hon. Allen Parser, of Oneatta, started
homa Wednesday morning. Ha will stirt
his saw mill at once, en a contract for 400,
000 feet of lumber for the O. P. R. ft.
wharves and docks at the bay.
A fire at Goldeudale, W. T., this week
destroyed two dwellings and another build
ing owned by a Mr. Pike. Loss about
$2,000. ie town was only saved by the
extr.iordBfcefforts of the citizens.
A liaaPBr is a very useful article to a
woman. It serves the parpeseof toothpick,
outtoti-hook, and hair fastener; but -all
this is no excuse for having one in youivest
pocket when your wife doesen't know where
it comes from.
L. G. Kline A Co., of tliis place, during
the present week have been tearing out the
ultl floor at their place of business an I nut
ting in a now one. It looks clean and nice,
and tobacco chewars will have o be careful
where they east their saliva whan visiting
The parformance on List Tuesday night by
the jubilee singers was fair. The imita
tion of a Chinese character by a negro was
good, and "Down on the Swanee river,"
sung by Miss Maggie Webb, was excellent.
The remainder of their exhibition will aver
age fairly with traveling shows, yet we
hge seen better.
A contract has been let for sawing a large
amount of lumber by the Oneatta mill to be
used by the Oregon Pacific Railroad in
building wharves, sheds and warehouses at
the western terminus of the road. The
mill will commence work on the contract
next Monday morning.
It is expected that the two surveying
parties now engaged upon the route of the
Oregon Pacific Railroad from here to the
Yaquina Bay will meet in about ten days,
after which about a week's time will be con
sumed in sufficiently locating the track,
when the grading will commence.
Will. C. Crawford, who has been long
and favorably known amongst ua, believes
it beneficial to indulge in printer's ink.
We invite attention of the public to his
jeweler's advertisement, under the head of
"New this week." Also to his place of
business, where every-thing in his line can
be had on the most reasjnable terms.
W. W. Terry, one of Knaup, Burrell &
Co's experts, came up from Portland this
week for the purpose of doctoring any agri
cultural machinery that he may find out of
sorts. Mr. Terry is agon I workman, and
when he leavea a machine it runs as nicely
as clock work, and the new iurchasHkoes
ou bis way rejoicing, happy as a clam.
We learn that on Wednesday last, a
well known party was arrested at Philomath,
upon a warrant isned by Justice Brownson
of that place charged with hbal. The char
ges are btsel upon certain defamatory
matter written by the arrastel ptrty, and
published in certain newspapers of the state
attacking the charaater of one of the pro
fessors of Philomath College.
Some one feloniously stole a bucket of
plums intended for this office, from father
Perkins. Three of them weighed a pound,
says the " Eugene City Guard." We know
that things grow large in Lane county, es
pecially in the imagination, yet we suppose
that it is meant that three bucket's full of
that delicious fruit weighed a pound.
Dr. Fred Vincent, returned home Monday
from Ann Arbor, Michigan. Fred has many
friends in this city who will le glad to
welcome him home. He graduated this
summer with honor from the Medical De
partment of the Ann Arbor University ami
is now a full-fledged M. V.. with, we trust,
a life of usefullness and prosperity before
Last Saturday seemed to be about the
last day with the farmers before commenc
ing harvest in good earnest, and the town
was literally alive with farmers busy in get
ting their horses shod and machinery re
paired. We. happened into one blacksmith
shop just at noon and was informed that
thev had already pat on 30 shoes, and there
were in waiting nearly or quite twenty
horses for the afternoon work.
Death of Gen. Brown. Gen. Mart.
V. Brown died at 15 minutes past 1 o'clock
on Wednesday, Aug. 3d, 1881, at Lower
Soda Springs in Linn county,' where he had
gone several weeks previous in search of
health. Though still quite a young man,
being only 38 yeirs old, Gen. Brown nad
been for a long time one of the most promi
nent public men of onr . State. He was
State Printer for four years, and for over
fifteen years was editor of the ' 'State Rights
Democrat," in which position he acquired
considerable journalistic reputation. He
was a soldier in the late war of the rebellion,
having answered President Lincoln's first
call for volunteers. Under Gov. Grover's
administration he was appointed Brig. Gen.
of the 2d Rrig., Oregon State Militia, which
office he held at the time of his death. In
disposition he was frank, generous am1 at
tractive, and had made many friends in
different parts of the State. He died sur
rounded by his family and near friends, in
the full possession of his mental faculties,
and expressing a firm belief in and reliance
on the truths of the gospel. He was bur
ried at Albany on Friday, the 5th, at 3 P. M.
The fuueral ceremonies being conducted by
the Masouie fraternity, of which he was a
member, R. P. Earhart, P. G. M., officiat
ing. The funeral address was delivered by
Rev. S. O. Irvine, D. D. , at the U. P.
church; a very large congregation assembled
at the church and followed the remains to
their last resting pbce. The orderof A. O.
U. W. , and the Albany Fire Department, of
which he was a member, were in the pro
cession in full regalia, as well as a deputa
tion from the Capital Guards at Salem.
State of Matrimoxv. The smartest
man in Benton county is the chap who gave
us this vivid description of the state of
matrimony: "It is bounded by hnging
and kissing on one si lo, and cradles and
babies ou the other. Its chief products are
population, broom-sticks, and staying out
of nights. The climate is rather sultry till
you pass the tropics of house keeping, when
squally weather generally sets in, with
sufficient power to keep all hands as cool
as cucumbers. For the principal roads
leading to this interesting state, consult the
first beautiful blonde you come across. " No
doubt the young man lias been racking his
brain over "ancient (?) literature," and has.
no doubt, obtained the correct description
of the state.
Regular correspondent to the Gazette.
There has been no excitement in town
lately except one or two dog fights.
Mr. Miller, Woodcock & Baldwin's tin
ner, is here putting on the tin roof of Houck
& Son's new store; he is doing an excellent
We had a very hard shower of rain here
yesterday about noon; no damage done,
however. It dried off so quickly that the
machines did not stop only for dinner.
Nearly all the machines in this end of "the
county are running now, or will commence
this week. Mr. Wm. Garlinghonse starts
his new steamer to-morrow. Wheat is
turning out very good in this neighborhood
so far, and oats are excellent.
A. Wilhelm's family are all ont of danger
now. We made a mistake last week in re
gard to their sickness; it was not billious
ness but scarlet fever. He had seven down
at one time, but they are all doing well
now.. We heard that Mr. W. was very
much offended last week because we said
hi3 family was billious. We meant no of
fense, it was our iguorance and we beg his
There have been several reports of petty
larceny going rourd lately. 'Last week
when Mr. N. A. Thompson returned from
the Yaquina he found his garden all torn
up, his onions and clothes line one, and
almost everything that could be easily car
ried off. He left his wagon standing back
of the house, and next morning the taps of
the wheals were gone. Whoever it is had
better take warning.
Monroe, August 9, 1881.
-At the Star Bakery, P. N. Zeirolf, pro
prietor, will be found the best cigars, to
baccos, notions, groceries, provisions, cakes,
pies, fruits, vegetables and canned goods at
low prices.
Harvesting is in full blast here.
Williams and Miller have built an ad
dition to their ware house here.
The Evangelical church have the brick
foundation for their church building laid.
The building wili be 28 by-40 feet when
Prizes Awarded. Tno following named
persons were awarded the various prizes by
Prof.'L B. Lam son at the close of his class
in penmanship in the North District School.
For tha best writing: 1st, Miss Mellie Dohse;
2d, Miss Iva Robinson; 3d, Alvinee Kor
thauer. Honorary mention, 1st. Miss Becca
Vincent; 2d. Miss Mollis Rodgers; 3d,
Miss Alice Simmons. Improvement, 1st,
Miss Allie Scrafford; 2d, Miss Nellie Sim
mons; 3d, Miss .Carrie Baldwin; 4th, Miss
Lizzie Hemphill; 5th, Miss Laura Knrthaner
The judges wore Miss Hurley. Prof. M. L.
Nofsker, B. F. Irvine and W. II. Mansfield.
Bad Boys. On la3t Wednaslay two
boys of our town, each of them aged about
fourteen or fifteen years, were arrested upon
information having baea filed with Justice
Wrenn to the effect that they had stolen
sundries articles of small vilue. They were
trie 1 and fined by his honor, and failing
upon their part to pay the necessary amount,
they Were both sent to the county jail. As
these boys are young, an 1 both having hon
orable and highly respected parents living
in the city, we pass the matter by without
giving their names, with the hope that this
will be a lesson for the boys which they
will not soon forget, and that it may be
their last offense.
Opposition Ferry. One day last week
one of the Williamsons, living in this county
came to the Ferry at Albany on horse back,
just as the boat had left for the Albany side
and being on a good horse and not wishing
to be delayed until the bo it should cross
and recros3 the river, called to the ferryman
that he could beat the boat across the river
and started in to do so. He succeeded
pretty well until about half way across when
the horse, becoming either weary or from
some other- sudden inspiration, turned
around and started for the home side. In
turning, the saddle came off and Mr. W,
found himself and saddle adri t in the Will
amette. However he soon succeeded in
getting hold of the horse and was towed
ashore in safety.
A Panoramic Entertainment For the
benefit of the Sunday schcol, will be given
at the Evangelical church, this city, on
Monday evening next, the 15th inst. About
150 choice, selected paintings wili bo exhib
ited npou canvrs by a powerful sciopticon.
These consist of bible ?nd American history,
and the most celebrated works of art and
nature, home and foreign, comics and stat
uary. Music on the latest and best musical
wonder in the U. S. Exercises begin at 8
o'clock. Admission 50 ceuts. Children 25
Btjena Vista. From our traveliuc corres
pondent: The pottery at this place, under
the muitgernent of Mr. E. G. Heitb, is
working to its utmost etpaaity to fill con
tract for pipes for the sewenge of Portland.
This is the only p ittery of any importance
iu the state, employs 21 hands, consumes
for its kilns about 1003 cords of wood, and
there is shipped from it som j 23D tons of
freight per annum. Mr. A. M. Smith, of
Portland, is the proprietor.
Bookbinders, Attention, -- Corvallis
would be a good place for some enterprising
man to establish a bookbindery. There is
at present almost enough work in the ruling
and blank book manufacturing line to pay
well, besides a vast amonnt of business in
the shape of old magazines and papers. We
will be pleased to answer any inquires that
may be addressed to us on this subject.
List of Letters Remaining in the post
office at Corvallis, Benton county, Oregon,
August 12, 1881. Persons calling for the
same will please say "Advertised": Ladies
list, Winnie Besb, Miss Minnie Leigh, An
nie Welch. Gents list, A Bridges, C. E
Bryan, Mr. Botell, J. E. Cartzendafner,
Frank Craven, William Rose, Henry Hoff
man, E. Wadsworth, Robert McFerrin. Jo.
C Smith. N. R. Babbeb, P. M.
Go to A. J. Langworthy's for all kinds of
fruit3 and vegetables.
A Model Wife. Says the editor ot the
Cartersville ((ia. ) Express: "There is a little
brown-eyed, inthusiastic, high-spirited lady
who, after she has cooked breakfast and
cleared away the things, set .the house to
rights, attended the call of the bread wagon
and milked the cow, dons her hat and cloak,
conies into thi3 office, yanks U3 out of the
editorial easy chair, pounces on the exchan
ges, amputates every item of interest, stacks
them on the copy-hook, grabs up a Faber,
travels it over a quire of editor's manuscript
piper, "removes her snowy-white apron,
shoves up her sleaves, grabs a stick and rule
and set3 it all into type, reads the proofs
and corrects every error. That's our wife,
and she will .get her reward in heaven."
She Went. The old gentleman solemnly.
said: "Yes, daughter, you should go to
Newport. You cannot stay at home during
the warm weather and live. To be sure,
your mother, who hasn't been out of town
since she was married, can stand it; but
then she is old-fashioned and doesn't know
any better, and, beside, she has fun enough
doing the washing and ironing. By all
means, g .. Get a linen duster and a
blanket, and go at once."
Heap Sabbe. A California editor says
that twenty-four heathen Chinese walked
into his sanctum, and, through an interpre
ter, paid for twenty-four subscriptions to
his paper. The editor wondered what they
wanted with au English paper, and they
took it for the pictures in it, the paper hav
ing a rat cut, a catarrh cut, a guano trade
mark, and an umbrella "picture."
State University. We call special at
tention to the advertisement of the State
University at Eugene City, which will be
found under the head of new this week.
This educational institution has lately been
the. favored recipient of a -handsome dona
tion of sufficient amount to pay off the en
tire debt against the University. This is a
State institution of which Oregon has long
felt a great need for, and it should receive a
liberal patronage from all those wishing the
advantages of an education.
Burglary. Some one entered the fruit
house of Mr. E Rosenthal of this city last
week and carried away about forty dollars
worth of wines and fruit. It is be'ieved
that the theft was committed by parties liv
ing in town and the officers are on their
The Chicaoo Pictuhe Tent, next to
Langworthy's store, Main street, Corvallis,
will remain about "two weeks. Pictures of
all sizes taken and finished in ten minutes.
All the latest styles of fancy visitin? cards
printed on short notice.
Hanson & Erich , on,
Of the Pacific Snrgical Institute, 305 Kear
ney Street, San Francisco, will be at the
St. Charles Hotel, Portland, August 24, 25,
26, 27 and 28th; at the Chemeketa Hotel,
Salem, August 29, 30 and 31st; at the St.
Charles Hotel, Albany, Sept. 2d and 3d; at
the St. Charles Hotel, Eugene City, Sept.
5th and 6th, fully prepared to treat all
cases of Spinal Disease, Knee and Hip Dis
ease, Club Foot, Crooked Limbs, Paralysis,
and all Chronic and Surgical 'Diseases. As
this Institution is unequa'ed in facilities for
the treatment of these afflictions, all who
are interested should nt fail to see these
surgeons. 33w3.
It is said that the new Oregon and China
Mercantile Company, which was incorpor
ated a short time ago, had let a contract to
Muekle Bros., of St. Helens, for a new A
No. 1 ship which would cost somewhere in
the neighborhood of 9100,000. If this is
true, it will be the erection of a ship yard
at St. Helens, a matter which has been long
devoutly wished for.
A Vacant Chair. There is a vacant
chair in our sanctum ; a highly burnished
pair of No. 11 cow hide boots are missed
from the corner of the office desk; a pair of
stalwart scissors are paralyzed, and the
paste-pot is in mourning; there is a kind of
"goneness" about the whole concern. Our
Senior has departed for Yaquina Bay
started Wednesday morning. Tuesday even
ing he seemed too full of sacred pleasure
and lavender-colored tranquility for any
thing. He skipped gaily about the office
softly warbling to himself the fragments of
a tender love-song, in the meanwhile pack
ing the corkscrews, matches and other vege
tables for the trip. The corkscrews will be
used in opening oysters. He went with
Mac Crow, and we are satisfied that he
made no suggestions as to the road or how
to drive. He " is full of taffy, gentle trust
and childlike confidence. By the time Pio
neer was reached, he was probably covered
with boulders of dust, and felt like acting
as chief mourner at a clam-bake. He would
not stop long at Pioneer. Toledo has more
attractions. As he approaches this place,
he will wear his blandest smile, and care
fully adjust his cold-pressed vermilion mous
tache. At Newport he will take in every
thing of value; he will visit the light-house,
assd probably climb upon its dome. He is
high-minded. There, as he sits amidst the
rumbling, rushing music of the "Waves, he
will be filled with great surging thoughts of
the sweet by-and-by, death, the grave, mat
rimony, his unpaid wash bill, and other
mirth -provoking topics. It will be a glor
ious spectacle. A suggestive chill creeps up
to our choakeras we think of it. He will eat
three "squares" a day, each as large as a
burglar-proof safe. "Early yorks " and
pickled spiders will furnish nourishment
between meals. He did not carry much
bullion of his own along, with ihich to
supply a want long fe't at Newport. He is
rich in A fiats." When beyond the restrain
ing influences of the office, he is liable to
act a little queer. We will depend on
Rialto to go his bail if necessary. He is
authorized to receive and receipt for sub
scriptions to the Gazette, 2 50 per annum,
in advance. All kinds of job printing in
good style, at starvation prices. Legal
blanks in stock. We leave him at New
port, and will not in thi3 article attempt to
follow him on his return trip. He will
then be followed by other people, with
other articles. Our ''address will be Cor
vallis, Benton County, Oregon."
Jtate university
Lane County, Oregon.
Through the munificence of Mr. Henry
Villard, all debts against the State
University have been paid in full.
First Term begins Sep. 12, '81.
JOHN W. JOHNSON, A M-, President, Professor of
Creek ami Latin.
MARK BAILEY, Ph. D Professor of Mathematics
and Astronomy.
THOMAS CONDON, Ph. D. , Professor of Natural
History and Gixlcgy.
OEOPvCE H. COLLIER, A. M.. Professor of Chem
istry and Pliysies.
JOHN STRAUB, A. M., Professor of Modern Lan
guages. MRS. MAUY P. SPILLER, Professor of Elocution
and MatM of the English Preparatory Dep't.
T E R M S :
Tuition, per annum 40 00
Iucideut&Is, per annum, 10 00
Tuition, per annum, 30 00
The onl . charge against students holding free
scholarships, is an incidental fee ot glO per annum.
Including lodging, fuel, etc. , can be had in first-class
families at '4 par week. The entire weekly expen
ses of students hoarding themselves, need not exceed
two dollars.
Prof. Condon's Cabinet of Natural History, etc., is
not excelled on this coast. The eoUeetfOD of appara
tus is large, and offtrs fcpleudid facilities for class
For catalogues or further information, address
Students from abroad, when desiring it, will be
directed to good boarding places by upplying to
e;t!:rof the above nan:ed. 33ml.
The entertainmeut announced for next
Monday evening at the Evangelical Church
should be well attended. Aside from its
worthy object, the views alone aie worth
Surplus Wheat. The various ware
houses of this city contain about 30.000
bushels of wheat of the harvest of 18S0. It
rarely happens that wheat is carried over
here, and the large surplus this Yfar was
undoubtedly caused by lack of vesseh to
transport it to Europe. It may indicate
low prices this season. Present advices
lead us to believe that there will be no
scarcity of tonnage this fall, but whether
the foreign demand will be large is yet
doubtful. The telegrams inform us that
the wheat crop of Russia is better this sea
eon than for twenty years, and that the
export promises to be much greater. Crops
throughout Europe will be average, and
prices here will probably not rule higher
than last year.
New Company Articles were filed with
the Secretary of State last Saturday by Wm.
Reid, Wm. Dunbar, Jno. I). Hurst, W. J.
Burns, (of Balfour, Guthrie & Co.,) Alex.
P. Ankney and Ellis G. Hughes, incorpor
ating the Salem Mills Company, with a cap
ital stock of 160,000, divided into 1600
shares of $100 each, to engage in the con
struction, purchasing and operating mills
of any and all kinds at any points in the
State determined upon by the company.
The principal office to be at Portland, Or.
The company intends at once to erect an
addition to the Capital Flouring Mills ia
the northern part of the city of Salem, and
increase the capacity of the same to 600
barrels daily. The corporation has also
purchased the Cook place on the river bank
and the property once owned by the Wil
lamette Woolen Mills, and the exclusive
water power connected therewith.
On the morning of the 6th inst. about 1 :
30 o'clock fire broke out in the tewin of
Dayton W. T., which resulted in totally
destroying Lawrnce's pork house, a building
in which was stored a large stock of Frank
Bros, agricultural machinery, Prof. Jones'
academy, in which the professor slept and
was awakened with great difficulty and
taken therefrom by main force. On the
opposite side of the street the blacksmjth
shop of Andy Niisson, Yay's printing office,
and Carroll's blacksmith shop were also
In this city Aug. 4th, to the wife of Wm.
Morris (late of England) a sou.
In this city Aug. 5th, to Mrs. Geo R.
Tucker, a daughter.
In this city, August 6th, to the wife of
Philip Weber, a son-
IS3"ew this Week.
W. C. Crawford,
assortment ot
Watches, Clocks, Silverware,
Spectacles and. Jeweliy,
Of mil kinds, at low prices.
All kinds of repairing done on short noticd, and all
work warranted. I8:33-yl
F. A. JOKttSGN, m. D.
Physician, Surgetm and Electrician.
Chronic Diseases n adc a specialty. Catarrh suc
cessfully treat-id. Also Oculist and Anrist.
Office in Fisher's lilock, one door West of Dr. F.
A. Vincent's dental office. OiKee hours from 8 to 12
and from 1 to 6 o'clock. lS:27yl.
The Coi-Tallls Agricnltnral College
Commences bept. 1st, 1881. Young men
may receive appointments by applying to
the Senators from their respective counties.
Land Office at Oregon Citv, Oregon, i
Auaust'S, 1881.
lowinjr named settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will made before 11. W. Vl
son, Lounty Clei k at Corvallis, Benton County, Ore
gon, on
Wednesday, Octobkr 12, !SS1,
Viz., Thomas C. Espy, homestead application No.
2SS2, for the S. i ice. 33, T. 10 S., R. 10 VV. Will.
He names the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous icsidence upon, and cultivation of said land,
viz: Win. Jlackey, of Toledo, Benton County, Ore
gon; F. Jl Stanton, of Toledo. Benton County,
Oregon; William Bagley, of Toledo, Benton County,
Or3,?on; Wm. C. CopslanJ, of Toledo, Benton Co.,
Also William C. Copeland, Preemption D. S. No.
3510 for the N. W. i Sec. 33 T-10 ii., it. 10 W. Will.
He names the following witnev-ses lo prove his con
tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land,
viz. : Wm. Ma-key, of Toledo, Benton County, Ore
gon; F. M. Stanton, of Toledo Benton Co., Oregon;
Wm. Bagley, of Toledo, Benton County, Oregon;
Thomas C. Espy, of Toledo, Benton Co. , Oregon.
33w5 - L. T. BAltIN, Register.
Land office at Oregon City, Oregon,
August 4th, 1881.
lowing named settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before B. W. Wilson,
County Clerk, at Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon,
Satl-rdav, September 10rn, 1881,
Viz., James M. Collins, homestead application No.
4077, for the lots 2, 3, 4, S. W. J of S. E. i and N. E.
1 of S. W. J Sec. 20, T. 13 S. , It. 11 W.
He names the following Witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said
land, viz.: Richard Lutjins, of Collins, Benton Co.,
Oregon; Peter Eckman, of Collins, Benton County,
Oregon; H. A. Lutjins, of Collins, Benton County,
Oregon; Win. Duiuworth, of Collins, Benton County
33w5 L. T. Barin, Register.
U. S. Land Office, Oregon City, Or., i
July 28th, 1881.
Notice is hereby given that David Hamar
whose postoffice address is Corvallis, Benton
county, Oregon, has under the provisions of
the act of Congress, approved" June 3d, 1878
entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands
in California. Oregon, Nevada and Wash
ington Territory, made application to pur
chase the west half of the southwest quar
ter of section 28, township 9 south, range 7
west of the Willamette meridian. All ad
verse claims must be tiled iu the Land Of
fice at Oregon City, Oregon, before the ex
pjration of sixty days, or at any time during
Ijhe period of the publication of the Register's
It is hereby ordered that the above notice
be published for CO days in the Corvallis
Gazetie. a newspaper published in Corval
lis, Benton comity, Oregon.
Given under my hand this the 28th day
of July, 1881. L. T. BARIX,
32wl0 Register.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon,
for the county of Benton:
In tie matter of the Estate of
O. W. Bethers, Deceased.
To Melissa Ly tie, Simeon Bethers, (amf
F. A. Chen owe tii, and Keziah Bethers, bis1
successors in interest.) Elvira Ingles, Will'
iam Bethers, Emelino Dixon, Raehael Coop
er, George Bothers, Elmer Bethers, Elswortli
Bethers, Keziah Bethers, and Jas. A. Yan
tis, guardian ad litem of George Bethersv
Elmer Bethers and Elsworth Bethers, and tt
all other heirs of said deceased if any such
there be, greeting i
In the name of the state of Oregon.' You,
and each of you are hereby cited and w
quired to appear in the County Court tf tber
State of Oregon, fur the County of Benton,
at the the court room thereof in the courts
house at Corvallis, in the county of Benton,
A. D. 1S81, at the hour of 10 o'clock in tlief
forenoon of that day, then and there to show
cause, if any exist, why an order of sale;
should not be made as prayed for in the pe
tition of Keziah Bethers, administratrix of
said estate, for the sale of a portion of tlw
following described lands to-wits
One half of donation claim No. 49, noti
ficatiou No. 2398, containing 301 acres of
land, it being the donation claim of the said
G. W. Bethers, deceased.
Also all of section 35 in township lOsonth,
range 8 west in Benton county, Oregon, con
tainiug 040 acres of land.
Also the south half of the north west
quarter, rnd the northwest quarter of th
south west' quarter of section 36, township?
10 south, range 8 west containing 120 acres;
Also, the south half of the southwest
quarter of section 36, township 10 south,
range 8 west, containing 80 acres.
Also the following :
Beginning at a point 12.50 chains south
of the N. W. corner of claim Nj. 48 in town'
ship 12 south, range 5 west, thence east 7.5 f
chains, south 7.00 chains, to the center of
the channel of Mary's river, thence witit
the meanders of said river np stream in tlnr
center of the channel to a point where the
west boundary line of claim 48 intersect
the said river, thence north 2950 chains to
the place of beginning, containing 24 acres'
Also the following:
Beginning at the southeast corner of claim
4!), township 12 south, range 5 west",
thence north 40 chains, east 7.74 chains,
south 42.50 chsins to the middle of
the channel of Mary's river to a point whera
the cast lino of said claim intersects th
same, thence north 4.23 chains, east 3. '27
chains to place of beginning, cout.iiuiiig 33.49
acres of land.'
Also the north half of the northeast quar
tor and the east half of the northwest quar
ter of section 2, in township 11 south, tango
8 west, containing 154 acres, all the above--lauds
lying and being situated in Bentou
county. Oregon.
Witness the Hon. W. 8. McFadden, Judge
of the County Court of the State of Oregon,
for the county of Benton, with the soal of
said court affixed this 12th day of. July,- A,
D. 1881.
A AA, -.4 . If tV "IX.
i -m. " x Al.Wli; A 1 . HAWK
' 32w5
Administratrix Notice
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed Administra
trix, with the will annexed, of the estate of
Heman C. Buckingham, deceased, by thei
County Court of Benton County, Oregon.
All persons having claims against said as
tate are notified to present the same, with
the proper proofs, to the undersigned-, at her
resilience near the Belfountain school bouse,
in Benton Co., Oregon, within six month
from the date hereof.
Administratrix, with will annexed, of the
Estate of Heman C. Buckingham, dee'd
Dated August 1st, 1881. 18s32-w5
The Star Bakery f
Always on hand.
jjjj Kidney
Laud Office at Oregon City, Oregon,
July 27, 1881.
Notice is hereby given that the following
name'k settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before B.
W. Wilson, County Clerk Benton county,
at Corvallis, Oregon, on Saturday, Sept.
10th 1881. viz: Howard Ebert, pre-emptiou
D. S. No. 2974 for the ne qr of se qr of
sec. 18, township 10 south, range 7 west.
, He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, said land, viz:
C. B. Mays, of Summit ; I. S. Skaggs, of
Summit ; "John L Fulles, of Philomath ; J.
W. Williams, of Corvallis ; all of Benton
county, Oregon.
32w5 L. T. Bakin, Register.
Is tho only safe and reliable remedy for
Intruding Chills, Fever, Dul! Aching Pain
Remittent and intermittent- fever, dtunh ague,
distressing headnches. So pad in the worlj
like Dr. Holman's, It annihilates liver com
plaint, dyspepsia and billiousness.
This is the only known remedy that positlT
lv expels every vestice of malarial taint from
! the 8vtem without endnngeriu health.
Prof. Dj. A. Loomis says: It is nearer a uni
versal panacea than anything in medicine''
This is done on the principle of absorption, of
nbicb Dr. Holmnn's Pad is the only genuine
and true experiment.
ffolinan's Renal or Kidney pad, the reme
dy in the world and recommended by the nied
ical faculty.
Each genuine Iloluisn Pad bears the privates
revenue stamp of the Holman Pud Co.? with)
the above trade mark printed in green,
Land office at Oregon City Oregon J
July 11th, 1881. S
Nottce is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support "6f his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore B. W. Wilson, County Clerk, at Cor
vallis, Benton County, Oregon, ou Saturday,
August 20, 1881, viz..- Moses Greyson,
Homestead Application No. 3047, for the S.
W. 1 of N. W. I and N. W. i of S W. i of
Sec. 6, Tp" 12 S. ft. 6 W.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultiva
tion of said land, viz : Je3se Wood, Philo
math ; Amos Kizer, Philomath ; George W.
Ross, Philomath; Alfred Bailey, Philomath;
all of Benton County, Oregpn.
3w5 L, T. BAKIN, Register.
Dr. Holmnn's advice i free,
sent on application. Address
Full treatise
13 311y
744 Broadway New York,
A at this office. Letter Beads, etc.
THOS. EGLIN Proprietor,
On the Corner West of the Enjne House,.
new and commodious BARS,
we are better than ever prepared to
keep the
At ReMODnble Bates
tST Particular attention glwi to Boarding Horses
Horses Boupht and frM or Kxchacgru.
April 2, I SO. . . Jf :i6r
A'"- 7